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亚洲夏季风是全球季风系统的重要组成部分,亚洲夏季风的变化对其控制区域自然生态系统的多样性和生态平衡,以及社会经济发展有重要的影响。本文选择位于现代亚洲夏季风边缘区对季风变化响应敏感的湖泊达连海为研究对象,基于陆生植物残体和全有机质的AMS 14C定年建立了钻孔顶部24.6 m沉积物的年代框架,利用粒度指标重建了全新世研究区水文变化过程以及亚洲夏季风衰退事件序列。结果显示,沉积物中存在数层砂层,代表了湖泊低水位时期,进而指示了亚洲夏季风衰退事件。这些事件处在11.6~11.3 cal.ka B.P.、10.4~9.5 cal.ka B.P.、6.4~6.0 cal.ka B.P.、4.6~4.4 cal.ka B.P.、3.7~3.4 cal.ka B.P.、3.1~2.9 cal.ka B.P.以及2.0~0.9 cal.ka B.P.,可以发现中晚全新世以来亚洲夏季风衰退事件发生的频率显著增加。进一步与北半球高纬地区与低纬地区的气候突变事件记录对比显示,全新世百年-千年时间尺度上亚洲夏季风强度的变化与低纬ENSO活动存在密切的联系。


A Holocene lake sediment record is presented from Lake N14 situated on Angissoq Island 15 km off the main coast of southern Greenland. The palaeoclimatic development has been interpreted on the basis of flux and percentage content of biogenic silica, clastic material, organic material and sulphur as well as sedimentation rate, moss content and magnetic susceptibility. A total of 43 radiocarbon dates has ensured a reliable chronology. It is argued that varying sediment composition mainly reflects changing precipitation. By analogy with the present meteorological conditions in southern Greenland, Holocene climate development is inferred. Between 11 550 and 9300 cal. yr BP temperature and precipitation increase markedly, but this period is climatically unstable. From 9300 yr BP conditions become more stable and a Holocene climatic optimum, characterised by warm and humid conditions, is observed from 8000 to 5000 cal. yr BP. From 4700 cal. yr BP the first signs of a climatic deterioration are observed, and from 3700 cal. yr BP the climate has become more dry and cold. Superimposed on the climatic long‐term trend is climate variability on a centennial time‐scale that increases in amplitude after 3700 cal. yr BP. A climatic scenario related to the strength and position of the Greenland high‐pressure cell and the Iceland low‐pressure cell is proposed to explain the Holocene centennial climate variability. A comparison of the Lake N14 record with a terrestrial as well as a marine record from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean suggests that the centennial climate variability was uniform over large areas at certain times. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zhuyeze palaeolake is a terminal lake situated in the arid northern China in the East Asian monsoon margin. In order to examine the Holocene palaeoclimatic change in the East Asian monsoon margin, Qingtu Lake section (QTL) from Zhuyeze palaeolake is sampled in high resolution. Palaeoclimatic proxies such as grain size, carbonate, TOC, C/N and δ13C of organic matter, were analyzed; eleven 14C samples and six optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples were dated to provide chronological control. We also investigated the geomorphic features of lake shorelines in this area. The results show that the climate was warm and dry in early-Holocene (9.5-7.0 cal ka BP), cool and humid in mid-Holocene (7.0-4.8 cal ka BP), and increasingly drier in late-Holocene (since 4.8 cal ka BP). Comparisons of our records with other records in adjacent areas, as well as with the records in the Asian monsoon areas, suggested that changes in effective moisture was synchronous in East Asian monsoon marginal zone (i.e. the pattern of dry early-Holocene, humid mid-Holocene, and aridity-increasing late-Holocene), and that the moisture optimum during the Holocene was out-of-phase between Asian monsoon margin and Asian monsoonal dominated region, possibly due to the high temperature at that time.  相似文献   

The Qarun Lake in the Faiyum Oasis (Egypt) provides a unique record of Holocene environmental and climate change in an arid area largely devoid of fossil proxy records. Multiple lithological, palaeontological and geochemical proxies and 32 radiocarbon dates from the 26‐m‐long core FA‐1 provide a time series of the lake's transformation. Our results confirm that a permanent lake appeared in the Holocene at c. 10 cal. ka BP. The finely laminated lake sediments consist of diatomite, in which diatoms and ostracods together with lower concentrations of ions indicate a freshwater environment at the end of the early and middle Holocene. This freshwater supply was closely associated with regular inflows of the Nile water during flood seasons, when the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migrated northwards in Africa, although it has probably never reached the Faiyum Oasis. Local rainfall, possibly connected with a northern atmospheric circulation, may have been important during winter. Several phases in the lake's evolution are recognized, represented by oscillations between deep open freshwater conditions during more humid climate and shallow fresh to brackish water during drier episodes. After a long freshwater phase, the lake setting has become more brackish since c. 6.2 cal. ka BP as indicated by diatoms and increasing contents of evaporite ions in the sediment. This clearly shows that since that time the lake has occasionally become partly desiccated. This is a result of reduced discharge of the Nile. In the late Holocene the lake was mostly brackish and then gradually turned into a saline lake. This natural process was interrupted about 2.3 cal. ka BP when a man‐made canal facilitated water inflow from the Nile. The examined FA‐1 core can be used as a reference age model of climate change in the Holocene and its impact on the development and decline of ancient civilizations in northeastern Africa.  相似文献   

High resolution sampling of sediment cores covering approximately the last 4000 yr from Lochan Uaine, a small corrie loch in the Scottish Cairngorm Mountains, show quasi‐periodic cycles in organic matter (measured as percentage loss on ignition). Analysis of these cycles show correspondences between loss on ignition, δ13C values and chironomid head capsule abundance. We interpret the changes as reflecting changes in lake productivity and hypothesise that they are driven by climate variability. However, it is not yet clear whether the periods of relatively high organic matter production and preservation are associated with colder or with warmer conditions. Nevertheless the results indicate the value of using sediments from remote, undisturbed mountain lakes as recorders of Holocene climate variability. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a record of monsoon variations for the early and middle Holocene that is inferred from the geochemistry of sediment cores from Ahung Co, a lake in central Tibet. The resolution of this record is better than 50 yr and the age model is derived from radiocarbon ages of terrestrial charcoal, which eliminates errors associated with the lake hard-water effect. We made down-core geochemical measurements of % carbonate, % organic carbon, C/N and δ13C of bulk organic matter, δ13C and δ18O of carbonate, and % dolomite. Proxy calibration and modern water-balance reconstruction show that these are proxies for lake depth and the amount of monsoon precipitation. We find that lake level and monsoon precipitation have been decreasing at Ahung Co since the early Holocene (∼7500 cal yr B.P.). Superimposed on this trend are rapid declines in monsoon rainfall at 7000-7500 and 4700 cal yr B.P. and seven century-scale wet-dry oscillations. The cores do not contain sediment from the last ∼4000 yr. Surface sediments from the lake accumulated during the 20th century, however. From this, we argue that lake levels have risen again recently following a late Holocene dry period.  相似文献   

Holocene records from two lakes on the Faroe Islands were investigated to determine regional climatic variability: the fairly wind-exposed Lake Starvatn on Streymoy and the more sheltered Lake Lykkjuvötn on Sandoy. Sediment cores were analysed for content of biogenic silica, organic carbon and clastic material, and magnetic susceptibility. In addition, a new qualitative proxy for past lake ice cover and wind activity was developed using the flux of clastic grains that are larger than 255 μm. Both long-term and short-term climatic developments were similar between the two lakes, suggesting a response to a regional climate signal. The long-term climate development is characterized by early Holocene rapid warming followed by Holocene climatic optimum conditions ending around 8300 cal. yr BP. A more open landscape as evidenced from increased sand grain influx in the period 8300–7200 cal. yr BP could reflect the aftermath of the 8200 cal. yr BP event, although the event itself is not recognized in either of the two lake records. From around 7200 cal. yr BP the mid-Holocene climate deterioration is observed and from 4200 cal. yr BP the climate deteriorated further with increased amplitude of centennial cooling episodes.  相似文献   

A wide range of palaeoenvironmental evidence from the Holocene has suggested periodicities in the Earth's climate of 10s to 1000s of years. Identifying these millennial‐, century‐ and decadal periodicities, and their impacts, is critical in developing a fuller understanding of natural climate variability. Any solar‐induced climatic change needs to be distinguished from other causes of natural climate variability and from short‐term catastrophic events induced either by external or internal processes. Such events might themselves generate a periodicity, or in combination with other forcing factors they may contribute towards a periodicity (and so spuriously imply a universal and continuing periodicity in the climate record), or they may resonate with a solar‐induced periodicity. Here, evidence from peat records for periodicity in climate change over the mid to late Holocene is reviewed and this is followed by a test of the replicability of claimed periodicities using blanket peat data covering the past 2000 yr from four sites in the British Isles. Results suggest that the mires studied do go through phases of being responsive to periodic forcing factors, with ca. 200, ca. 80 and 60–50 yr wavelengths reflected in some data sets. However, the patterns shown are not consistent. This could be the result of local conditions at individual mires (human impact, sensitivity and vegetation succession) or of changes in the strength or nature of global forcing factors. Assessing a solar–mire link remains difficult because the century‐scale variations of the Sun show different intervals between solar minima, the durations of which are themselves unequal, and because the proxy‐climate data‐sets from peat profiles may themselves not be dated with sufficient precision and/or accuracy. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Holocene environmental history of South Georgia is important because of the island's location in the Southern Westerlies in an oceanic zone of the world devoid of high resolution terrestrial records. This is the first attempt to interpret a palaeoenvironmental record from lake sediments in South Georgia. It is based on a wide variety of analyses undertaken on cores from two lakes. Both are in the same, unglaciated, drainage basin, but one is at 80 m above sea-level and near the altitudinal limit for vegetation growth, whereas the other is at 25 m and within the zone of continuous vegetation cover. Results from both lakes indicate shifts of vegetation boundaries, which, together with evidence for changing biotic productivity within the lakes themselves, are interpreted as indicating climatic changes. Radiocarbon dates on the main changes identify a climatic optimum, beginning before 5620 ± 290 14C yr BP, and ending at around 4815 ± 330 14C yr BP, when conditions in the upper part of the catchment were more conducive to plant growth than they are today. The record obtained from the lower lake was shorter, but indicates two periods of harsher climate relative to the present since 4000 yr BP. This interpretation of the lake evidence agrees with other dated evidence of environmental change from peat sections, glacial stratigraphy and geomorphology in South Georgia. Together the work allows an overall reconstruction of environmental change in the Holocene.  相似文献   

The European Alps are very sensitive and vulnerable to climate change. Recent improvements in Alpine glacier length records and climate reconstructions from annually laminated sediments of Alpine Lake Silvaplana give the opportunity to investigate the relationship between these two data sets of Alpine climate. Two different time frames are considered: the last 500–1000 years as well as the last 7400 years. First, we found good agreement between the two different climate archives during the past millennium: mass accumulation rates and biogenic silica concentration are largely in phase with the glacier length changes of Mer de Glace and Unterer Grindelwaldgletscher, and with the records of glacier length of Grosser Aletschgletscher and Gornergletscher. Secondly, the records are compared with temporally highly resolved data of solar activity. The Sun has had a major impact on the Alpine climate variations in the long term, i.e. several centuries to millennia. Solar activity varies with the Hallstatt periodicity of about 2000 years. Hallstatt minima are identified around 500, 2500 and 5000 a. Around these times grand solar minima (such as the Maunder Minimum) occurred in clusters coinciding with colder Alpine climate expressed by glacier advances. During the Hallstatt maxima around 0, 2000 and 4500 a, the Alpine glaciers generally retreated, indicating a warmer climate. This is supported by archaeological findings at Schnidejoch, a transalpine pass in Switzerland that was only accessible when glaciers had retreated. On shorter timescales, however, the influence of the Sun cannot be as easily detected in Alpine climate change, indicating that in addition to solar forcing, volcanic influence and internal climate variations have played an important role. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of a 300-cm-thick exposed lacustrine sediment section in the Hedong village in Zhaoqing area which is located in sub-tropical west Guangdong Province in South China, demonstrates that the lacustrine sedimentary sequence possibly contains evidence for exploring variation of Asian monsoon climate. Multi-proxy records, including the humification intensity, total organic carbon, and grain size fractions, reveal a general trend towards dry and cold conditions in the late Holocene that this is because of a decrease in solar insolation on an orbital scale. Three intensified Asian summer monsoon (ASM) intervals (∼3300–3000 cal yr BP, ∼2600–1600 cal yr BP, and ∼900–600 cal yr BP), and three weakened ASM intervals (∼4000–3300 cal yr BP, ∼3000–2600 cal yr BP, and ∼1600–900 cal yr BP) are identified. Our humification record (HDcal) shows a good correlation on multi-centennial scale with the tree ring Δ14C record, a proxy of solar activity. A spectral analysis of HDcal reveals four significant cycles, i.e., ∼1250 yr, 300 yr, 110 yr, and 70 yr, and most of these cycles are related to the solar activity. Our findings indicate that solar output and oceanic–atmospheric circulation probably have influenced the late Holocene climate variability in the study region.  相似文献   

Carbonate macrofaunal remains and diagenetic tubes collected from a number of structures in the Central Barents Sea area during the 18th TTR (Training Through Research) cruise were subdivided into three groups according to the results of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes analysis. The first group includes carbonates that were formed from bicarbonate only from surrounding sea waters. The carbonates of the second group were formed during diagenesis with use of mixed sources of bicarbonate. The fourth group includes methane-derived carbonates that were formed as a result of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM).  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of the organic-rich sediments of Lake Illisarvik in the outer Mackenzie Delta indicates that formation of the lake occurred approximately 9500yr BP, with maximum expansion around 6000 yr BP. Sedimentation rates have remained relatively constant at an average of 0.3mm/yr. 13C results on biogenic and inorganic carbonates and organics indicate a change from dominantly terrestrial organics (?27 to ?28%0) to submerged aquatic vegetation or plankton (?18 to ?23%0) upon formation of the lake (9500yr BP), and a dramatic return to dominantly terrestrial organics at 5800yr BP (δ13C = ?27 to ?30%0). This latter shift is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the macroflora and fauna populations. 18O results suggest that a warmer climate than today existed prior to the shift at 5800yr BP.  相似文献   

Throughout northeast China, the widely distributed peatlands have formed a large carbon (C) pool. However, the relationship between peatland initiation and climate controls is still poorly documented and understood. Understanding the responses of these C‐rich ecosystems to past climate change will provide useful insights into projecting the fate of peatland C in the future. In this study, we present a detailed historical reconstruction of peatland development in northeast China based on 312 basal peat dates, and examine the relationship between Holocene peatland dynamics and climate sensitivity. Our results indicate that peatland initiation started in the early Holocene, and that the majority of peatlands were initiated by and developed during the late Holocene. After the most intensive initiation period of 4.2–0.8 ka, the rate of peatland development slowed, which was concomitant with decreasing insolation and monsoon intensity. The widespread peatland initiation in the late Holocene might have been caused by the cool and moist climate patterns. The optimum timing of the peatland development was not uniform across northeast China, and these spatio‐temporal differences indicate the influences of regional climate and terrain on peatland initiation. Peat‐core data show variations in the long‐term apparent rate of C accumulation (LORCA) during the Holocene, with an average rate of 37.2 g C m?2 a?1. The peak LORCA occurred during 10.5–9.0 ka, probably in response to higher temperatures and stronger East Asia summer monsoon intensities. Both temperature and humidity are important factors influencing the peatland initiation and C dynamics in this region.  相似文献   

气候变暖对湖泊热力及溶解氧分层影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
张运林 《水科学进展》2015,26(1):130-139
气候变暖对湖泊物理、化学、生物和生态系统有着复杂而深刻的直接和间接影响,而具体影响随研究区域和水体表现不尽相同。气候变暖通过改变湖泊热力和溶解氧分层进而影响湖泊生物过程和生态系统结构与功能。从全球湖泊变暖趋势、长期缓慢气温上升、极端高温事件以及气候情景模拟等方面详细综述了气候变暖对湖泊热力及溶解氧分层影响的研究进展。研究表明,全球不同区域湖泊均存在不同程度的变暖趋势;长期缓慢气温上升和短期极端高温均会造成湖泊热力分层提前,分层结束推迟,分层时间延长,混合层和温跃层深度下降,以及热稳定性增加;相伴随的是溶解氧扩散深度和氧跃层深度明显下降,加剧了湖泊底部好氧和厌氧环境。除了这种直接影响外,气候变暖引起的流域降水、入湖物质的变化以及风速的变化也会对湖泊热力和溶解氧分层产生许多间接的影响,因此未来仍然需要更多的实验证据、经验和数值模型来验证和预测气候变暖对湖泊热力及溶解氧分层的影响。  相似文献   

Tropical peatlands of SE-Asia represent a significant terrestrial carbon reservoir of an estimated 65 Gt C. In this paper we present a comprehensive data synthesis of radiocarbon dated peat profiles and 31 basal dates of ombrogenous peat domes from the lowlands of Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo and integrate our peatland data with records of past sea-level and climate change in the region. Based on their developmental features three peat dome regions were distinguished: inland Central Kalimantan (Borneo), Kutai basin (Borneo) and coastal areas across the entire region. With the onset of the Holocene the first peat domes developed in Central Kalimantan as a response to rapid post-glacial sea-level rise over the Sunda Shelf and intensification of the Asian monsoon. Peat accumulation rates in Central Kalimantan strongly declined after 8500 cal BP in close relation to the lowering rate of the sea-level rise and possibly influenced by the regional impact of the 8.2 ka event. Peat growth in Central Kalimantan apparently ceased during the Late Holocene in association with amplified El Niño activity as exemplified by several truncated peat profiles. Peat domes from the Kutai basin are all younger than ~8300 cal BP. Peat formation and rates of peat accumulation were driven by accretion rates of the Mahakam River and seemingly independent of climate. Most coastal peat domes, the largest expanse of SE-Asian peatlands, initiated between 7000 and 4000 cal BP as a consequence of a Holocene maximum in regional rainfall and the stabilisation and subsequent regression of the sea-level. These boundary conditions induced the highest rates of peat accumulation of coastal peat domes. The Late Holocene sea-level regression led to extensive new land availability that allowed for continued coastal peat dome formation until the present. The time weighted mean Holocene peat accumulation rate is 0.54 mm yr?1 for Central Kalimantan, 1.89 mm yr?1 for Kutai and 1.77 mm yr?1 for coastal domes of Sumatra and Borneo. The mean Holocene carbon sequestration rates amount to 31.3 g C m?2 yr?1 for Central Kalimantan and 77.0 g C m?2 yr?1 for coastal sites, which makes coastal peat domes of south-east Asia the spatially most efficient terrestrial ecosystem in terms of long term carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The humification degree of peat is a significant climatic proxy for paleoclimate change.Using the alkali-extraction method,a time series of absorbance values of the Hani peatland,Northeast China,was determined,which is used as an indicator for the humification degree of peat.Combined with14C dating data of peat cellulose,and compared withδ18O andδ13C time series of the cellulose in the Hani peatland,the evidence for the existence of14 ka paleoclimate was provided.Higher humification degrees hint a warmer-wetter climate,and vice versa.It also reconstructs the four stages of Holocene climate evolution in this region:11.5–9.8 cal ka B.P.,warm and wet period;9.8–9.0 cal ka B.P.,cold and dry period;9.0–4.8 cal ka B.P.,warm and wet period;and 4.8–0 cal ka B.P.,warm-wet and dry-cold alternation period.Meanwhile,it is revealed that the abrupt climate shifts signals such as the "8.2 ka" event and the "4.2 ka" event.Results showed that the Hani peat humification degree is of sensitive response to paleoclimate change.Therefore,it is a feasible method to analyze the relationship between paleoclimate change and peat humification degree.  相似文献   

Chrysophyte algae produce siliceous resting stages (stomatocysts) that are indicators of past environmental conditions. The objective of this study was to assess their strength for climate reconstructions. Stomatocysts were collected using sediment traps exposed in 45 mountain lakes (1502-2309 m a.s.l., Austrian Alps). Bi-hourly water-temperature measurements were used to determine dates of freezing and break-up, spring and autumn mixing. Canonical correspondence analyses revealed that the stomatocyst assemblages were related to the dates of ice break-up and spring mixing. The two dates are controlled by winter/spring air temperature. We developed a weighted averaging-partial least squares (WA-PLS) stomatocyst/date-of-spring-mixing regression and calibration model (R2 boot=0.85), and reconstructed 'dates of spring mixing' for Jezero v Ledvici (1824 m a.s.l., Slovenian Alps) from AD 1842 to 1996. Sample-specific standard errors of prediction corresponded to 0.6°C - 1.0°C. Despite dating uncertainties and poor fits of fossil assemblages with the training set, reconstructed 'dates of spring mixing' were significantly correlated with the mean March-April air temperature, which is known to drive break-up dates. Furthermore, the record was in agreement with glacier advances during the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

In this paper, the data on the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes during the Holocene are presented and a discussion is made on a 225-cm-long sediment core from Ulungur Lake, located in Northwest China. The chronology is constructed from six AMS radiocarbon dates on the bulk organic matter. On the basis of the analysis of ostracod assemblages and the shell stable isotopes, the core is divided into three paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental evolution stages: 9 985–5 250 cal.aB.P. stage is the wettest phase of the core section. The climate changed from moderate-dry to cool-wet, and then to warm-wet in turn, and the lake level rose accordingly, showing the characteristic of a high lake level. 5 250–1 255 cal.aB.P. stage was the driest phase of the core sediment. The climate turned from the early warm-dry to the late warm-wet and the lake level fell and rose again. Finally, the 1 255 cal.aB.P. stage was the medium stage of the section. The temperature was low and then increased after the 1920s and the climate was dry. The whole climatic and environmental evolution records of Lake Ulungur were not only in agreement with the sporopollen record of the same core but also in agreement with the record of environmental changes of adjacent areas. It responded to regional environmental changes and global abrupt climate events, following the westerly climate change mode on 100-year-scale, primarily with cold-wet and warmdry characteristics. __________ Translated from Quaternary Sciences, 2007, 27(3):382–391 [译自:第四纪研究]  相似文献   

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