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张振  宋春晖  张平  夏维民  邢强 《江苏地质》2007,31(3):192-199
通过对青藏高原昆仑山垭口盆地磁化率、频率磁化率环境重要参考指标的分析,并与黄土—古土壤和深海δ18O记录的气候变化进行对比,结合剖面的岩性特征和年代序列以及前人所获得的粒度和孢粉资料,揭示了3.6Ma~0.5Ma期间昆仑山垭口盆地气候变化经历了6个不同的阶段:3.6Ma~2.48Ma气候相对冷干,2.48Ma~2.14Ma气候偏凉湿,2.14Ma~2.07Ma气候相对冷干,2.07Ma~1.16Ma气候总体相对较湿润(其间有数次冷干波动),1.16Ma~0.78Ma气候偏冷干以及0.78Ma~0.5Ma气候向冷湿发展。  相似文献   

The upper Tortonian Metochia marls on the island of Gavdos provide an ideal geological archive to trace variations in Aegean sediment supply as well as changes in the North African monsoon system. A fuzzy-cluster analysis on the multiproxy geochemical and rock magnetic dataset of the astronomically tuned sedimentary succession shows a dramatic shift in the dominance of 'Aegean tectonic' clusters to 'North African climate' clusters. The tectonic signature, traced by the starvation of the Cretan sediment, now enables to date the late Tortonian basin foundering on Crete, related to the tectonic break-up of the Aegean landmass, at c.  8.2 Ma. The synchronous decrease in the North African climate proxies is interpreted to indicate a change in the depositional conditions of the sink rather than a climatic change in the African source. This illustrates that interpretations of climate proxies require a multiproxy approach which also assesses possible contributions of regional tectonism.  相似文献   

Pb isotopes have been measured in the clay-size fraction of Late Glacial and Holocene deep-sea sediments recovered from two Labrador Sea piston cores that have been previously analyzed for Nd isotopes. The newly acquired Pb isotopic data allow us to better constrain the different source areas that supplied clay-size material during the last deglaciation, until 8.6 kyr (calendar ages). Nd-Pb data can be modeled mainly as a mixture between a Precambrian crust and Lower Paleozoic material originating from the denudation of the pan-African orogen. The old material originates mainly from the Archean, Lower Proterozoic, or both terranes of Greenland (and also probably corresponding terranes of Labrador), although minor input of other Precambrian material is recorded in some detrital carbonate-rich deglacial samples from Orphan Knoll. The Phanerozoic crustal end member consists of sediment material mainly originating from northwestern Europe. This source area is found to be the only significant source of young crustal material in early Holocene sediments from the Greenland Rise. No significant input from the mid-Atlantic volcanism is apparent. This study puts further constraints on the deep circulation pattern during the last deglaciation. It is concluded that at that time, European Phanerozoic material was carried from the Norwegian Sea through the Wyville Thompson Ridge into the Iceland Basin by the North East Atlantic Deep Water. No evidence for an overflow is found either south of the Iceland (Iceland-Scotland Ridge) or through the Denmark Strait.  相似文献   

The formation of iron sulphide minerals exerts significant control on the behaviour of trace elements in sediments. In this study, three short sediment cores, retrieved from the remote Antinioti lagoon (N. Kerkyra Island, NW Greece), are investigated concerning the solid phase composition, distribution, and partitioning of major (Al, Fe) and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn). According to 210Pb, the sediments sampled correspond to depositions of the last 120 years. The high amounts of organic carbon (4.1–27.5%) result in the formation of Fe sulphides, predominantly pyrite, already at the surface sediment layers. Pyrite morphologies include monocrystals, polyframboids, and complex FeS–FeS2 aggregates. According to synchrotron-generated micro X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra, authigenically formed, Mn-containing, Fe(III) oxyhydroxides (goethite type) co-exist with pyrite in the sediments studied. Microscopic techniques evidence the formation of galena, sphalerite and CuS, whereas sequential extractions show that carbonates are important hosts for Mn, Cd, and Zn. However, significant percentages of non-lattice held elements are bound to Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides that resist reductive dissolution (on average 60% of Pb, 46% of Cd, 43% of Zn and 9% of Cu). The partitioning pattern changes drastically in the deeper part of the core that is influenced by freshwater inputs. In these sediments, the post-depositional pyritization mechanism, illustrated by overgrowths of Fe monosulphides on pre-existing pyrite grains, results in relatively high degree of pyritization that reaches 49% for Cd, 66% for Cu, 32% for Zn and 7% for Pb.  相似文献   

Two Holocene sediment cores were retrieved respectively from the enclosed Lake Daihai in the monsoon/arid transition zone of North China and the Taihu Lake coast in the monsoonal area of the Yangtze delta, Eastern China. Distribution of major geochemical elements and their ratios were employed to reveal the characteristics of Holocene climate and associated environmental implications in the two regions. It is suggested that the temporal distribution of major elements serve as a useful indicator to denote the variations of monsoon effective precipitation for the enclosed lake area. High values of resistant elements such as Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), MnO in the lake sediments correspond to the depressed chemical weathering and weakened mon-soon effective precipitation, while the highs of mobile and easy soluble elements such as MgO, CaO, Na2O reflect the enhanced chemical weathering and increased monsoon effective precipitation in the lake basin. In comparison, the behaviors of the major elements in sediments of the Taihu Lake coast were largely controlled by the changes both in sea transgression in the different Holocene time periods and the monsoon precipitation. The relatively highs of Al2O3, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), in marine-influenced sediments suggest relatively strong coastal hydrodynamics and chemical weathering, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the lows of SiO2, Na2O and CaO in the non-marine-influenced sediments also denote relatively strong hydrodynamics and chemical weathering due to enhanced monsoon precipitation, and vice versa. Sedimentary environment should be taken into account when achieving a full understanding of their climate implications.  相似文献   

秦岭环斑结构花岗岩中的暗色包体主要为闪长质岩浆包体,SiO2(50%-62%)低,K2O Na2O(7.01%-9.4%) 高,里特曼指数(δ)为5-9,F、过渡性元素和稀土元素富集。包体和寄主岩石的主要氧化物之间具有良好的线性关系、稀土配分曲线和微量元素配分曲线相似,以及活动性组分、高场强元素、轻稀土和同位素特征等显示,寄主岩石和包体之间发生过明显的成分交换,这些成分在二者中大体上趋于平衡。这种特征表明,环斑结构花岗岩岩浆的形成至少与两种岩浆的混合有关。包体的(87Sr/86Sr)i较低(0.70514-0.70624)、εNd(t)值较高(-0.95--3.3)和富过渡性元素的特征揭示,形成包体的原始岩浆为起源于幔源的玄武质岩浆。包体和寄主岩石的关系显示岩浆的混合方式为基性岩浆注入到已经开始结晶的酸性岩浆。这些研究为环斑结构花岗岩是起源于地壳的酸性岩浆和起源于地幔的基性岩浆形成的混合岩浆结晶的产物提供了新证据;同时,也为环斑结构的混合成因研究提供了新思路和途径。  相似文献   

Jin, Z. D., Bickle, M. J., Chapman, H. J., Yu, J., An, Z., Wang, S. & Greaves, M. J. 2010: Ostracod Mg/Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr geochemistry from Tibetan lake sediments: Implications for early to mid‐Pleistocene Indian monsoon and catchment weathering. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00184.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Lacustrine sediment serves as a valuable archive for tracing catchment weathering processes associated with past climatic and/or tectonic changes. High‐resolution records of fossil ostracod Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr ratios from a lake sediment core from the central Tibetan Plateau reveal a temporal link between lake‐water chemistry and catchment weathering and distinct monsoonal oscillations over the early to mid‐Pleistocene. Between 2.01 and 0.95 Ma, lake‐water chemistry was dominated by a high proportion of carbonate weathering related to variations in the Indian monsoon, resulting in relatively low and constant ostracod 87Sr/86Sr but obvious fluctuations in Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and δ18O. Across the mid‐Pleistocene transition (MPT), a significant increase in 87Sr/86Sr and frequently fluctuating ratios of ostracod Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and δ18O are coincident with increases in both Chinese loess grain size and Arabian Sea lithogenic flux. This correlation indicates an increased glaciation and a strong monsoon seasonal contrast over the plateau. The increase in lake‐water 87Sr/86Sr across the MPT highlights a change in catchment weathering patterns, rather than one in climate‐enhanced weathering intensity, with an increased weathering of 87Sr‐rich minerals potentially induced by marked extensive glaciation and strong seasonality in the central plateau.  相似文献   

湖北梁子湖沉积物正构烷烃与多环芳烃对环境变迁的记录   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
对梁子湖沉积柱91~345 cm段中正构烷烃和17种多环芳烃含量进行了分析,发现在整个沉积柱中,长碳链正构烷烃的比例和17种多环芳烃含量的变化具有良好的一致性,二者都是从181~194 em(14C定年显示其对应的沉积年代为我国历史上的春秋战国时期)开始突然增高,指示了陆源有机质输入的剧增.认为这种变化正是春秋战同时期我国自然环境条件的改变以及由此引起的人类活动的增加在湖泊沉积记录中的反映.  相似文献   

本研究利用X射线荧光分析仪(XRF)对洞庭湖"四水"(湘江、资江、沅江、澧水)入湖河床沉积物进行主量元素地球化学分析,探讨"四水"入湖沉积物主量元素组成特征及其影响因素。结果表明,洞庭湖"四水"入湖沉积物中SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、P2O5、LOI等元素含量变化相对较小、分布特征相似;而MnO、MgO、CaO、Na2O等则含量变化较大,在各河流沉积物中分布差异明显。其中沅江和澧水入湖沉积物中MgO、CaO、Na2O等的含量明显高于湘江和资江沉积物,而MnO则反之;澧水沉积物TiO2含量明显偏高。且湘江、资江、澧水沉积物中TiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、MnO、MgO、CaO、P2O5、LOI等主量元素含量变化有明显的粒度效应,而沅江沉积物则不然。不同河流入湖沉积物主量元素组成差异明显,沉积物主量元素组成的明显差异与流域源岩岩性、化学风化作用、水动力条件等因素有关。其中湘江和资江沉积物主量元素组成主要与由上地壳+花岗岩组成的源岩有关;沅江沉积物元素组成受湖南板岩的影响明显;而澧水沉积物元素组成则是总体与上地壳元素组成相近似的区域源岩有关,并受长江沉积物影响。湘江和资江沉积物显示的风化程度明显高于沅江和澧水沉积物。但化学风化作用是通过不同抗风化能力岩石的空间分布而影响沉积物的元素组成。此外,湘江、资江、澧水沉积物元素组成受水动力条件影响,而沅江沉积物则不然。但水动力分选对沉积物元素组成的影响也受源岩岩性的控制。因此,流域源岩岩性是控制"四水"入湖沉积物主量元素组成的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

To evaluate the possible contribution of ocean floor sediments during the genesis of the volcanism of Vanuatu (New Hebrides) active margin, we have determined the balance of Sr isotopes and K, Rb and Sr contents for the stratigraphic column of site 286 (leg 30, DSDP). This site is located on the oceanic plate that will be subducted. Analyses have been performed on sedimentary and igneous rocks, before and after acid leaching. The Sr isotopic data do not support the occurrence of some continental component in arc magmas of this active margin which is really intraoceanic. It is demonstrated that the d'Entrecasteaux fracture zone results from the intense fracturing of typical oceanic crust. The analyses of the volcanogenic components of the sediments show a change in the source of volcanoclastic detritus from the Loyalty islands in the Eocene to the volcanic arc of Vanuatu (New Hebrides) during Pliocene and Quaternary times. The determined balance of Sr isotopes and of K, Rb, Sr contents, may be used for calculation of multicomponent melting mixing models for the origin of Vanuatu arc magmas, but we emphasize that in these models the Sr isotopes cannot be considered as an appropriated tracer of sediment contribution.  相似文献   

A 3.5-m-long sediment sequence from a lake on Raffles Ø, off Liverpool Land, East Greenland, was investigated for chronology, lithology, palynology and biogeochemistry. Radiocarbon-dating of plant remains and the lithology of the sediment succession indicate continuous sedimentation since deglaciation of the area prior to 10000 cal. yr BP. The postglacial palynological record shows little variation and evidence of a wind-transported pollen supply, both resulting from the geographical characteristics of Raffles Ø. Significant variations in the biogeochemical data reflect changes in aquatic bioproduction. These changes depend to some extent on climatic changes; however, they are mainly due to variations in seabird breeding colonies in the catchment which influence nutrient and cadmium supply to the lake. Large seabird breeding colonies were present between 7500 and 1900, from 1000 to 500, and since c. 100 cal. yr BP. Their absence prior to 7500 cal. yr BP may be the result of unsuitable feeding conditions close to Raffles Ø caused by a too dense or too open sea-ice cover. In contrast, between 1900 and 1000 and from 500 to 100 cal. yr BP, the seabird settlement was probably restricted by an insufficiently long breeding season due to cold climate conditions in East Greenland.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight sediment samples from 15 primary rivers on Taiwan were retrieved to characterize the rare earth element (REE) signature of fluvial fine sediment sources. Compared to the three large rivers on the Chinese mainland, distinct differences were observed in the REE contents, upper continental crust normalized patterns and fractionation factors of the sediment samples. The average REE concentrations of the Taiwanese river sediments are higher than those of the Changjiang and Huanghe, but lower than the Zhujiang. Light rare earth elements (LREEs) are enriched relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) with ratios from 7.48 to 13.03. We found that the variations in (La/Lu)UCC–(Gd/Lu)UCC and (La/Yb)UCC–(Gd/Yb)UCC are good proxies for tracing the source sediments of Taiwanese and Chinese rivers due to their distinguishable values. Our analyses indicate that the REE compositions of Taiwanese river sediments were primarily determined by the properties of the bedrock, and the intensity of chemical weathering in the drainage areas. The relatively high relief and heavy rainfall also have caused the REEs in the fluvial sediments from Taiwan to be transported to the estuaries down rivers from the mountains, and in turn delivered nearly coincidently to the adjacent seas by currents and waves. Our studies suggest that the REE patterns of the river sediments from Taiwan are distinguishable from those from the other sources of sediments transported into the adjacent seas, and therefore are useful proxies for tracing the provenances and dispersal patterns of sediments, as well as paleoenvironmental changes in the marginal seas.  相似文献   

River water composition (major ion and 87Sr/86Sr ratio) was monitored on a monthly basis over a period of three years from a mountainous river (Nethravati River) of southwestern India. The total dissolved solid (TDS) concentration is relatively low (46 mg L−1) with silica being the dominant contributor. The basin is characterised by lower dissolved Sr concentration (avg. 150 nmol L−1), with radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios (avg. 0.72041 at outlet). The composition of Sr and 87Sr/86Sr and their correlation with silicate derived cations in the river basin reveal that their dominant source is from the radiogenic silicate rock minerals. Their composition in the stream is controlled by a combination of physical and chemical weathering occurring in the basin. The molar ratio of SiO2/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio show strong seasonal variation in the river water, i.e., low SiO2/Ca ratio with radiogenic isotopes during non-monsoon and higher SiO2/Ca with less radiogenic isotopes during monsoon season. Whereas, the seasonal variation of Rb/Sr ratio in the stream water is not significant suggesting that change in the mineral phase being involved in the weathering reaction could be unlikely for the observed molar SiO2/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr isotope variation in river water. Therefore, the shift in the stream water chemical composition could be attributed to contribution of ground water which is in contact with the bedrock (weathering front) during non-monsoon and weathering of secondary soil minerals in the regolith layer during monsoon. The secondary soil mineral weathering leads to limited silicate cation and enhanced silica fluxes in the Nethravati river basin.  相似文献   

在新疆伊犁河谷塔克尔莫乎尔沙漠腹地,选择可克达拉剖面进行了光释光年代测定和主量元素含 量分析,根据主量元素组合及其比值变化重建了研究区3.71 Ka BP以来的气候环境变化序列。结果表明,近4Ka BP以来研究区气候环境演变大体经历5个阶段的变化:3.71~3.06Ka BP,冷湿;3.06~2.78Ka BP,暖干; 2.78~2.10Ka BP,凉湿;2.10~0.50Ka BP,冷湿;0.50Ka BP以来,凉干气候为主,最近100 a趋于暖干。研 究区晚全新世以来的气候变化阶段与中国东部季风区以及北半球气候变化阶段有很好的可比性,但各气候变化 阶段的水热组合又具有典型的西风带气候模式特征,并与中高纬度北大西洋区域的气候变化具有很好的遥相关。  相似文献   

We examined the contrasting, effects of floods and droughts produced by large changes in local climatology on vegetation patterns in Nueces marsh, a semi-arid subtropical salt marsh in south Texas from 1995 to 2005. Climate variations during the study included an initial 4-yr period of moderate conditions, followed by a 2-yr interval of drought, and a recent 4-yr wet period that included large-scale floods. Variation in freshwater inflow, rainfall, and potential evapotranspiration were used in conjunction with field measurements of salinity, inorganic nitrogen, and vegetation structure collected at sites located at varying distances from Nueces Bay. Tidal creek salinities varied with Nueces Bay salinity, with strength of effect inversely related to distance from the bay. Mean (±standard deviation) pore water salinities ranged from 59±54‰ at two high, marsh stations farthest from the bay (10.1 km distant) to 30±21‰ in soil at a low marsh site closest to the bay (0.5 km distant). Mean pore water ammonium was also higher at stations most distant from the bay; nitrate + nitrite did not exhibit a high marsh to low marsh gradient. Nueces Bay salinity decreased substantially when the 10-d cumulative mean daily Nueces River flows exceeded 10 m3 s−1. During periods of low and moderate flood frequency (flows mostly below 10 m3 s−1), vegetation assemblages were dominated by stress-tolerant clonal plants. A catastrophic flood, which immersed vegetation for several weeks between July and September 2002, resulted in extensive plant mortality, but within months, unvegetated areas were rapidly colonized by the obligate annualSalicornia bigelovii. With the end of major flooding by late 2004, plant community structure began a return to pre-drought assemblages at high and middle marsh stations by summer 2005. At the low marsh station, new conditions favored clonal dominants (Spartina alterniflora andBorrichia frutescens), with the latter replacingSalicornia virginica as the dominant species. Our results support the theory that the importance of competition and abiotic stress in determining community composition are inversely related.  相似文献   

This paper reports a geochemical study on the major and trace elements and Pb–Sr isotopes of a weathering profile developed in the Lower Cambrian black shales in central Hunan (China). Six weathering horizons were identified and sampled vertically throughout the profile. The chemical composition of the profile consists of variable concentrations of the major elements Fe2O3, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, and P2O5 and of less variable concentrations of SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, and K2O. The chemical change caused by weathering is estimated by mass-balance calculations, and the results show that the element mobility is characterised by substantial loss of SiO2, FeO, CaO, K2O, Na2O, LOI, Cr, V, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, U, and Th, and moderate loss of Al2O3, MgO, Fe2O3, Ni, Cu, Pb, Tl, Sn, Sc, Ge and REE (Y). The high field strength elements TiO2, Sn, Sc, U, Ga, Ge, Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta were immobile during weathering. The chemical changes and the Pb–Sr isotopic data suggest that four types of chemical reactions occurred: the oxidation of sulphide minerals (e.g., pyrite) and organic carbon (OS), the dissolution of less resistant clinochlore-Ia, calcite, and P-bearing minerals (DL), the dissolution of detrital albite and microcline (DA), and the transformation of clay (TC) minerals (e.g., muscovite and illite–smectite). These chemical reactions then led to two stages of geochemical processes, an early stage of chemical differentiation and a later stage of chemical homogenisation. The chemical differentiation dominated by the OS, DL, and DA reactions, led to the leaching of mobile elements (e.g., MgO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Sr, and REE) and the redistribution of some less mobile elements (e.g., SiO2 and Al2O3). In contrast, the chemical homogenisation, which was caused by TC reactions, led to the leaching of both mobile and less mobile elements from the system and ultimately transformed the weathered black shales into soil. Soils derived from black shales in South China might result from the above two geochemical processes.  相似文献   

Isotopic ratios of Sr and Nd from lithogenic components of three isochronous core sections recovered from an east-west transect in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) have been analyzed. The data are used for a quantitative estimate of the temporal and spatial variation of detrital flux to the EMS, assuming Saharan dust and Aegean/Nile particulate matter as dominant end members. It was established that the carbonate-free Saharan dust flux during deposition of the nonsapropel layers of marine oxygen isotope stage 5.4 (MIS 5.4) was similar to the present flux. During the deposition of sapropels S5 and S6, however, the Saharan dust input was drastically reduced and was not balanced by a change in the riverine influx at this time. Denser vegetation cover during more humid conditions may have reduced physical erosion and sediment removal in the source area. During marine oxygen isotope stage 6.2 (MIS 6.2) a pronounced increase of Saharan dust and detrital influx from the Aegean region is evident and implies more arid conditions in the southern and northern catchment areas. During this period, intersite variations are interpreted in terms of their geographic location relative to the seaways connecting the Aegean Sea and EMS. The width of the straits and hence the amount of sediment entering the eastern basins may have been affected by a low sea level that impeded interbasin sediment dispersal.  相似文献   

黄河和长江流域泛滥平原细粒沉积物的Sr同位素组成存在较大差异.前者的87Sr/86Sr变化范围较小,为0.712868~0.718860,平均值为0.715474;后者变化范围较大,为0.71305~0.736502,平均值为0.721438.黄河流域中、上游细粒沉积物的87Sr/86Sr低于下游;而长江流域细粒沉积物的87Sr/86Sr中游高于上、下游,且南侧高于北侧.由Nw向SE,SE,87Sr/86Sr逐渐增加.87Sr/86Sr这种空间变化规律明显受各汇水盆地内地壳岩石平均组成、年龄和化学风化作用强度的制约:岩石的Rb/Sr比值越大、年代越老、化学风化作用越强,87Sr/86Sr比值就越大.87Sr/86Sr比值是识别中国边缘海黄河、长江输运物质的有效参数,其端员值分别为0.719269和0.724312.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of the organic-rich sediments of Lake Illisarvik in the outer Mackenzie Delta indicates that formation of the lake occurred approximately 9500yr BP, with maximum expansion around 6000 yr BP. Sedimentation rates have remained relatively constant at an average of 0.3mm/yr. 13C results on biogenic and inorganic carbonates and organics indicate a change from dominantly terrestrial organics (?27 to ?28%0) to submerged aquatic vegetation or plankton (?18 to ?23%0) upon formation of the lake (9500yr BP), and a dramatic return to dominantly terrestrial organics at 5800yr BP (δ13C = ?27 to ?30%0). This latter shift is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the macroflora and fauna populations. 18O results suggest that a warmer climate than today existed prior to the shift at 5800yr BP.  相似文献   

Geothermal fields distributed in the southern Tibet Plateau rifts such as Yangbajing - Dangxiong basin, and the Yaluzangbu suture are characterized by intensive hydrothermal activity and high enrichment of trace elements (e.g., Li, Rb, Cs, B and Br) in geothermal springs. However, the origin of these elements and their enrichment mechanisms in those geothermal waters remain unclear. This study presents data for the enriched elements, incompatible elements, and B and Sr isotopes, in the geothermal water in the Tibetan Plateau and compares them with some typical geothermal fields worldwide, in an attempt to provide new insights into the origin and mechanism of the enrichment of these trace elements. The results indicate that all geothermal water samples from the Tibetan Plateau show more negative δ11B values than those from local precipitation and rivers. Considering the wide existence of a high-conductivity zone in the middle or even upper-crust interpreted to correspond to re-melt magmatic fluids in the Tibet, the main sources of the typical chemical composition of geothermal waters in the Tibetan Plateau can be classified into two main types: residual magmatic fluids derived from crustal partial remelting and deep circulated groundwater modified by water–rock interactions. In particular, the possible source of magmatic fluids may play a more significant role for special geochemical compositions of geothermal water in the Tibet. Such resources are beneficial for the development and utilization of the geothermal water itself and also serve as a stable source for feeding the salt lake resources.  相似文献   

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