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T. Watanabe 《Solar physics》1982,113(1-2):107-120
Plasma motions at the initial phases of flares observed in the high resolution soft X-ray spectrometers are summarized. Blue-shifted components of highly ionized metal ions suggest a senario of chromospheric evaporation. A large line width before and during hard X-ray bursts results from a superposition of multiple directed plasma motions or a turbulent motion directly connected to the magnetic reconnection. A further study with an increased sensitivity of the detector should be necessary in the next solar activity maximum.  相似文献   

The extent to which the early phases of solar-flare development can be accounted for by a simple high-temperature chromospheric explosion model is investigated without involving a particular energy source. A model is developed in which it is shown that a point explosion in the lower chromosphere can be treated as a virtually instantaneous release of energy throughout a volume of radius R 100 km, which subsequently expands as a classical hydrodynamic blast wave in which R~ t ( < 2/3). This model is in substantial agreement with areal growth-rate observations of disk flares. An explanation for the fact that limb-flare observations can imply > 2/3 is suggested by considering the effects of the large atmospheric density gradient in the lower chromosphere on an upward travelling shock wave.  相似文献   

Data obtained from a proportional counter on OSO-5 are examined to study variations in emission from individual solar active regions within the waveband 0.3–0.9 nm. Flux levels are highly variable, even from the areas having a low mean emission, because increases characteristic of X-ray flares occur most of the time. It is usual to assume that the coronal levels above a plage region are heated by a fairly continuous incident energy flux (perhaps waves), while impulsive effects associated with flares add to this over localised areas. The data given here indicate that the impulsive mechanism is probably the more important in producing the total soft X-ray flux from an active region. There is also reason to believe that many of the small flares observed are not restricted to particularly localised areas. They are of the gradual rise and fall variety which probably have an extended spatial structure. It seems possible that flare heating might account for almost the entire X-ray emission throughout the active region.  相似文献   

In the present study, we consider six years data of spot groups that have well developed leading and following spots obtained from the Kodaikanal Observatory white light pictures and occurrence of Hα flares. From the daily observations, we compute the variations in rotation rates, meridional velocity, the areas and longitudinal separations. We find that among all these variations, the occurrence of abnormal rotation rates (the rotation rates that have greater than 1σ and longitudinal minimum separation during the course of their evolution eventually lead to triggering of flares. We also find that the events of abnormal rotation rates, longitudinal minimum separation and the flares occur mainly during the 50–80% of the sunspots’ life span indicating magnetic reconnection probably below (0.935R⊙) the solar surface. Relevance of these results with the conventional theory of magnetic reconnection is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We consider the relationship of electromagnetic radiation in the three most intense flares of solar cycle 23, more specifically, those of October 28, 2003, January 20, 2005, and September 7, 2005, to the acceleration and release of protons into interplanetary space. The impulsive phase of these flares lasted ~ 20 min and consisted of at least three energy release episodes, which differed by their manifestation in the soft (1–8 Å, GOES) and hard (>150 keV, INTEGRAL) X-ray ranges as well as at radio frequencies of 245 MHz and 8.8 GHz. The protons and electrons were accelerated in each episode, but with a different efficiency; the relativistic protons were accelerated only after 5–6min of impulsive-phase development after the onset of a coronal mass ejection. It is at this time that maximum hard X-ray fluxes were observed in the September 7, 2005 event, which exceeded severalfold those for the other two flares considered. We associate the record fluxes of protons with energies > 200MeV observed in the heliosphere in the September 7, 2005 event with the dynamics of the impulsive phase. The extreme intensities of the microwave emission in the October 28, 2003 and January 20, 2005 events were probably attributable to the high-energy electron trapping conditions and did not reflect the acceleration process.  相似文献   

The onset of most flares at the meter wavelengths consists of type III bursts and their variants. These bursts usually occur during the explosive phase of flare events and in close association with similar impulsive bursts at other wavelengths. Pre-burst brightenings, corresponding to the preexplosive-phase heating observed at microwave and shorter wavelengths, have so far not been reported from observations with the Culgoora meterwave heliograph. At the same time, if substantial pre-heating occurred in the coronal source regions of meterwave radiation, then, on theoretical grounds, significant, but not spectacular, pre-burst brightenings would be expected at short meter wavelengths. A search for such pre-burst brightenings will become possible when the Culgoora heliograph begins to operate in a new mode which will allow all incoming data (rather than selected segments, as at present) to be kept for further analysis.On leave from the CSIRO-Division of Radiophysics, Sydney, Australia.Visiting Scientist, High Altitude Observatory, national Center for Atmospheric Research. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We discuss the implications of the first systematic observations of solar flares at submillimeter wavelengths, defined here as observing wavelengths shorter than 3 mm (frequencies higher than 0.1 THz). The events observed thus far show that this wave band requires a new understanding of high-energy processes in solar flares. Several events, including observations from two different observatories, show during the impulsive phase of the flare a spectral component with a positive (increasing) slope at the highest observable frequencies (up to 405 GHz). To emphasize the increasing spectra and the possibility that these events could be even more prominent in the THz range, we term this spectral feature a “THz component”. Here we review the data and methods, and critically assess the observational evidence for such distinct component(s). This evidence is convincing. We also review the several proposed explanations for these feature(s), which have been reported in three distinct flare phases. These data contain important clues to flare development and particle acceleration as a whole, but many of the theoretical issues remain open. We generally have lacked systematic observations in the millimeter-wave to far-infrared range that are needed to complete our picture of these events, and encourage observations with new facilities.  相似文献   

The dynamics of intense Langmuir waves in current-carrying plasmas is studied both analytically and numerically. Starting with the widely used Zakharov equations, adapted to these systems, specific features of this problem are pointed out. Further, the role of resonant particles is analyzed. By using 1-D macroparticle numerical code, nonlinear regimes of the modified-decay and modulational instabilities are then modelled. Efficient cooperation of essentially ponderomotive and electron-ion drift effects its demonstrated.It appears that the heating of a current-carrying plasma can be activated through releasing of the inductively stored energy, due to the enhanced conversion of energy associated with the electron drift motion. The underlying physics is discussed and its relationship to solar flare theory is suggested.  相似文献   

T. Bai  R. Ramaty 《Solar physics》1976,49(2):343-358
Relativistic electrons in large solar flares produce gamma-ray continuum by bremsstrahlung and microwave emission by gyrosynchrotron radiation. Using observations of the 1972, August 4 flare, we evaluate in detail the electron spectrum and the physical properties (density, magnetic field, size, and temperature) of the common emitting region of these radiations. We also obtain information on energetic protons in this flare by using gamma-ray lines. From the electron spectrum, the proton-to-electron ratio, and the time dependences of the microwave emission, the 2.2 MeV line and the gamma-ray continuum, we conclude that in large solar flares relativistic electrons and energetic nuclei are accelerated by a mechanism which is different from the mechanism which accelerates 100 keV electrons in flares.Research supported by NASA Grant 21-002-316 at the University of Maryland, College Park.  相似文献   

The possibility is investigated that the plasma turbulence used in many recent models of the primary energy release and acceleration in solar flares should be detectable by radiation near the fundamental and second harmonic of the plasma frequency. Formulae are derived for fundamental emission due to the combination of ion-acoustic and Langmuir plasma turbulence and for second harmonic emission due to the combination of two Langmuir waves. These results are applied to recent primary energy release and acceleration models which shows that either such radiation should be detectable and possibly distinguishable with suitable microwave interferometers or that its absence places fairly stringent constraints on the possible level of Langmuir or Langmuir and ion-acoustic waves in these models.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In some solar energetic particle events relatively intense proton fluxes are accompanied by disproportionately weak intensity of-burst. A possible reason for such a situation is discussed in this paper. We use the idea that the dynamics of particles in flare loops strongly influences the efficiency of their escape into interplanetary space. It is proposed that in events with weak impulsive phase flare loops are large sized and stretched high into the corona, the magnetic field is weak, and the level of excited turbulence is rather low. All this leads to the weak diffusion of protons into the loss cone, a large lifetime of a particle in the loop ( 103 s) and, hence, to the relatively high efficiency of their escape into interplanetary space.  相似文献   

We report peculiar spectral activity of four large microwave bursts as obtained from the Solar Arrays at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory during observations of X-class flares on 1990 May 24 and 1991 March 7, 8, and 22. Main observational points that we newly uncovered are: (1) flat flux spectra over 1–18 GHz in large amounts of flux ranging from 102 to 104 s.f.u. at the maximum phase, (2) a common evolutionary pattern in which the spectral region of dominant flux shifts from high frequencies at the initial rise to low frequencies at the decaying phase, and (3) unusual time profiles that are impulsive at high frequencies but more extended at lower frequencies.In an attempt to elucidate these new properties, we carry out the model calculations of microwave spectra under assumptions of gyrosynchrotron mechanism and a dipole field configuration to reproduce the observational characteristics. Our results are summarized as follows. First, a flat microwave spectrum reaching up to 102–104 s.f.u. may occur in a case where a magnetic loop is extended to an angular size of (0.7–7.0) × 10–7 sterad and contains a huge number (N(E > 10 keV) 1036– 1038) of nonthermal electrons with power-law index 3–3.5 over the entire volume. Second, the observed spectral activity could adequately be accounted for by the shrinking of the region of nonthermal electrons to the loop top and by the softening of the power-law spectrum of electrons in a time scale ranging 3–45 min depending on the event. Third, the extended microwave activity at lower frequencies is probably due to electrons trapped in the loop top where magnetic fields are low. Finally, we clarify the physical distinction between these large, extended microwave bursts and the gradual/post-microwave bursts often seen in weak events, both of which are characterized by long-period activity and broadband spectra.  相似文献   

Major H flares (importance 2) in plages with only small or no spots constitute a rare but well observed aspect of solar activity. Information relating to 83 such flares has been assembled and studied. In the years 1956–1968 these flares represented 7% of all confirmed flares of importance 2. In general, the flares were of unusually long duration and rose to maximum intensity slowly. A flash phase was often absent or poorly defined. In a number of cases, the flare emission included two bright filaments more or less parallel. The flares usually occurred during the late, flare-poor phase of a center of activity, and their outbreak did not presage a resurgence of activity in subsequent rotations. The flares were frequently associated with the position of dark filaments.Like major flares in general, the flares in regions with small or no spots usually were associated with long-enduring radiation (gradual rise and fall and/or postburst increase) at 10 cm, and with X-ray enhancements (2–12 Å) at least as great as 4 times the quiet Sun. They were deficient, in the associated occurrence of strong, impulsive, centimetric bursts and of X-ray events > 20 times the quiet Sun. The absence of large spots apparently did not inhibit the occurrence of Type II bursts.Only 41% of the major flares here studied were accompanied by shortwave fades and of these ionospheric disturbances only a few were great events. In general the flares were not followed by the detection of high energy particles or the onset of geomagnetic storms. However, a few of the flares (including those of 1967 January 11 and February 13) apparently were associated with well observed particle emission and suggest that the presence of a large complex spot is not always necessary for the acceleration of energetic particles or the emission of solar plasma at the time of a large H flare.  相似文献   

It is suggested that, in Petschek's model of magnetic field annihilation, plasma which flows through the boundary layer where its magnetic energy is released is rendered highly turbulent by current driven electrostatic instability. This leads to a physical insight into the mechanism of dissipation, and, by analogy with laboratory experiments on turbulent plasma, can explain the observed X-ray and microwave emissions.When the microstructure is calculated using electrical conductivity appropriate to highly turbulent plasma, a field configuration exists in which protons can be accelerated to very high energies. The results of some numerical calculations of this process are presented.  相似文献   

G. M. Simnett 《Solar physics》1986,106(1):165-183
The energetics of the onset of the impulsive phase of solar flares are examined on the premise that a single acceleration mechanism is operating in the corona. From considerations of recent observations of plasma turbulence and upflows, and nuclear gamma-rays it is concluded that a model where the bulk of the energy resides in a non-thermal electron beam with a low energy cut-off at 20–25 keV is incompatible with many of the observations. Conversely, a model where the bulk of the energy resides in non-thermal protons is consistent with the majority, if not all, of the observations. It is suggested that the bulk of the energy in the impulsive phase is initially transferred to 102–103 keV protons. Acceleration by a series of small shocks is an energy transfer mechanism which gives particles increments in velocity rather than energy and would naturally favour protons over electrons. An important consequence of this result is that the hard X-ray burst must be thermal. At this time the precise mechanism for thermal X-ray production is unclear; however recent theoretical plasma physics results have indicated promising avenues of research in this context.  相似文献   

The physical processes responsible for microwave emission in solar flares are outlined, and examples of how microwave observations have been interpreted in terms of physical parameters are described. Selected results obtained during Solar Cycle 21 with the microwave observatories dedicated to synoptic observations of the Sun are summarized. The status and future plans for these facilities at Bern and in Japan are presented. Also discussed are the instrument capabilities required at microwave frequencies to achieve the objectives of a future facility for high-energy solar physics.  相似文献   

Jun-Ichi Sakai 《Solar physics》1989,120(1):117-124
We report on the results of plasma jet and shock formation during the current loop coalescence in solar flares. It is shown by a theoretical model based on the ideal MHD equation that the spiral, two-sided plasma jet can be explosively driven by the plasma rotational motion induced during the two current loop coalescence process. The maximum velocity of the jet can exceed the Alfvén velocity, depending on the plasma (= c s 2 v A 2 ) ratio. The acceleration time getting to the maximum jet velocity is quite short and le than 1 s. The rebound following the plasma collapse driven by magnetic pinch effect can strongly induce super-Alfvénic flow. We present the condition of the shock formation. We briefly discuss the high-energy particle acceleration during the plasma collapse as well as by the shocks.  相似文献   

Veronig  A.  Vršnak  B.  Temmer  M.  Hanslmeier  A. 《Solar physics》2002,208(2):297-315
The timing of 503 solar flares observed simultaneously in hard X-rays, soft X-rays and H is analyzed. We investigated the start and the peak time differences in different wavelengths, as well as the differences between the end of the hard X-ray emission and the maximum of the soft X-ray and H emission. In more than 90% of the analyzed events, a thermal pre-heating seen in soft X-rays is present prior to the impulsive flare phase. On average, the soft X-ray emission starts 3 min before the hard X-ray and the H emission. No correlation between the duration of the pre-heating phase and the importance of the subsequent flare is found. Furthermore, the duration of the pre-heating phase does not differ for impulsive and gradual flares. For at least half of the events, the end of the non-thermal emission coincides well with the maximum of the thermal emission, consistent with the beam-driven evaporation model. On the other hand, for 25% of the events there is strong evidence for prolonged evaporation beyond the end of the hard X-rays. For these events, the presence of an additional energy transport mechanism, most probably thermal conduction, seems to play an important role.  相似文献   

H. Lundstedt 《Solar physics》1982,81(2):293-301
Lundstedt et al. (1981) showed that the direction of the photospheric magnetic field at the site of a flare is a good predictor of the solar wind velocity observed at Earth four days later. We describe here how the field direction was obtained, and discuss possible errors involved in the determination of the angle. The discussion also includes a characterization of the solar active regions.Now at Institute for Astronomy, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.  相似文献   

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