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Turbulent fluctuations in active mixed layers can excite internal waves in stably stratified fluid regions adjoining them. Expressions are derived for the energy and momentum fluxes radiated away by internal waves from an oceanic mixed layer, in terms of the spectrum of the static pressure fluctuations imposed at the base of the mixed layer by the turbulent eddies. The role of these internal wave fluxes in questions such as the determination of the rate of deepening of the layer due to an applied surface stress and the origin of internal waves in the deep ocean is discussed.  相似文献   

The nonlinear interaction of vorticity driven coastal currents and eddies with topography is studied. The topography is either a semi-infinite escarpment perpendicular to the coast (such that topographic waves propagate toward the coast) or a semi-circular canyon or seamount attached to the coast. Assuming a piecewise constant potential vorticity distribution, the quasigeostrophic equations are solved using contour dynamics. Offshore propagating dipole eddies occur, whenever a coastal current or eddy interacts with escarpment and canyon topographies. The size and frequency at which dipoles form are found to depend on the vorticity of the current and amplitude of the topography. However, for a seamount, little eddy shedding is observed and the coastal current or eddy skirts around topography.  相似文献   

An analytical model is developed for the initial stage of surface wave generation at an air–water interface by a turbulent shear flow in either the air or in the water. The model treats the problem of wave growth departing from a flat interface and is relevant for small waves whose forcing is dominated by turbulent pressure fluctuations. The wave growth is predicted using the linearised and inviscid equations of motion, essentially following Phillips [Phillips, O.M., 1957. On the generation of waves by turbulent wind. J. Fluid Mech. 2, 417–445], but the pressure fluctuations that generate the waves are treated as unsteady and related to the turbulent velocity field using the rapid-distortion treatment of Durbin [Durbin, P.A., 1978. Rapid distortion theory of turbulent flows. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge]. This model, which assumes a constant mean shear rate Γ, can be viewed as the simplest representation of an oceanic or atmospheric boundary layer.For turbulent flows in the air and in the water producing pressure fluctuations of similar magnitude, the waves generated by turbulence in the water are found to be considerably steeper than those generated by turbulence in the air. For resonant waves, this is shown to be due to the shorter decorrelation time of turbulent pressure in the air (estimated as  1/Γ), because of the higher shear rate existing in the air flow, and due to the smaller length scale of the turbulence in the water. Non-resonant waves generated by turbulence in the water, although being somewhat gentler, are still steeper than resonant waves generated by turbulence in the air. Hence, it is suggested that turbulence in the water may have a more important role than previously thought in the initiation of the surface waves that are subsequently amplified by feedback instability mechanisms.  相似文献   

陈英仪  佟建平 《大气科学》1992,16(6):698-706
本文采用实际的大气资料分析了一个正压平均环流距平模式各项的相对重要性.结果表明,单纯考虑初始场的惯性预报的准确率随所取平均时间的增加而迅速下降,并以长波和超长波段最为显著. 加上气候平均风场及地球球面效应等动力因子后的修正的惯性预报,其结果不如纯惯性预报好.而且,所取的平均时间越长,效果越差.加进散度订正因子后,对长波和超长波的预报起明显改进作用, 对平均环流的预报起重要作用的因子是未知的强迫作用项.根据分析,本文提出了提高平均环流预报准确率的可能途径.  相似文献   

Based on the 1979 FGGE Level III b data, calculation is made of the transfer of sensible and latent heat and momentum due to a quasi-40-day periodic oscillation (QDPO) on a cross-equatorial meridional ver-tical cross-section, and analysis is done of the characteristics of the transfer at all phases of QDPO, with the following results obtained:1) During the monsoon’s QDPO activation and break phases, a strong transfer of sensible heat to the SH is felt in the upper troposphere over the Asian monsoon region; the conversion of perturbation effective potential into its kinetic energy attains its maximum at 500-300 hPa (15oN), serving as the source of kinetic energy for the quasi-40-day periodic perturbation; an intense transfer of potential energy is found above 200 hPa from the monsoon area to the SH to maintain the QDPO at the tropical latitudes;2) During the QDPO activation-break (and reverse) transitional phase the conversion of perturbation effective potential into kinetic energy reaches its maximum in the middle and lower troposphere over the SH middle latitudes and an appreciable lower transfer of potential energy occurs towards the SH tropical latitudes and the NH.3) The upper-tropospheric powerful transfer of westerly momentum caused by QDPO is discovered from the SH tropical latitudes to the NH, and the resulting momentum divergence and convergence are unfavorable for the maintenance of the seasonal mean fields of the NH tropical easterly and SH subtropical westerly winds.Finally possible synoptical processes responsible for QDPO are discussed together with its relation to the interaction between the circulations of both the hemispheres. It is found that QDPO is both the result of and medium for the interaction.  相似文献   

大气环流模式(SAMIL)海气耦合前后性能的比较   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
王在志  宇如聪  包庆 《大气科学》2007,31(2):202-213
基于耦合器框架,中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室大气环流谱模式 (SAMIL)最近成功地实现了与海洋、海冰等气候分量模式的耦合,形成了“非通量调整”的海-陆-气-冰直接耦合的气候模式系统(FGOALS-s)。在耦合系统中,由于海温、海冰等的分布由预报模式驱动,大气与海洋、海冰之间引入了相互作用过程,这样大气环流的模拟特征与耦合前会有不同。为分析耦合系统的性能,作者对耦合前后的模拟结果进行了分析比较,重点是大气模拟特征的差异。结果表明,耦合前、后大气环流的基本特征相似,都能成功地模拟出主要的环流系统分布及季节变化,但是由于海温和海冰的模拟存在系统性的偏差,使得耦合后的大气环流受到明显影响。例如耦合后热带海温偏冷,南大洋、北太平洋和北大西洋等中纬度地区的海温偏高,导致海温等值线向高纬海域的伸展较弱,海温经向梯度减小。耦合后海冰在北极区域范围偏大,在南极周边地区则偏小。海温、海冰分布模拟的偏差影响到中、高纬低层大气的温度。热带海温偏低,使得赤道地区降水偏弱,凝结潜热减少,热带对流层中高层温度比耦合前要低,大气温度的经向梯度减小。经向温度梯度的改变,直接影响到对平均经圈环流及西风急流强度的模拟。尽管耦合系统中海温、海冰的模拟存在偏差,但在亚洲季风区,耦合后季风环流及降水等的分布都比耦合前单独大气模式的结果合理,表明通过海[CD*2]气相互作用可减少耦合前季风区的模拟误差,改善季风模拟效果。比较发现,海温、海冰模拟的偏差,除与海洋模式中经向热输送偏弱、海冰模式中海冰处理等有关外,也与大气模式中总云量模拟偏低有关。大气模式本身的误差,特别是云、辐射过程带来的误差,对耦合结果具有极为重要的影响。完全耦合后,这些误差通过与海洋、海冰的反馈作用而放大。因此,对于FGOALS-s而言,要提高耦合系统的整体性能,除改进各气候分量模式的模拟性能外,需要重点改进大气模式中的云、辐射过程。  相似文献   

Unstable tropical air-sea interaction waves and their physical mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the tropical air-sea interaction is discussed by using a simple air-sea coupled model, in which the inertia-gravity waves are filtered off and only the equatorial Rossby waves are reserved in both the atmosphere and the ocean. There exist two kinds of air-sea interaction waves in the coupled model, that is, the high-frequency fast waves and the low-frequency slow waves. The phase speed of the fast waves is westward and the frequencies are close to those of the equatorial Rossby waves in the atmosphere. The slow waves propagate westward in the part of short wavelengths and eastward in that of long wavelengths. There exist instabilities for both the westward and eastward propagating slow waves. If the fast waves are filtered off, there is little effect on the slow waves which have great in-fluence on the long range process in the tropical air-sea coupled system. According to the tropical air-sea interaction waves we obtain here, a possible explanation to the propagating process of ENSO events is given.  相似文献   

Atmospheric cyclones with strong winds significantly impact ocean circulation, regional sea surface temperature, and deep water formation across the global oceans. Thus they are expected to play a key role in a variety of energy transport mechanisms. Even though wind-generated internal gravity waves are thought to contribute significantly to the energy balance of the deep ocean, their excitation mechanisms are only partly understood.The present study investigates the generation of internal gravity waves during a geostrophic adjustment process in a Boussinesq model with axisymmetric geometry. The atmospheric disturbance is set by an idealized pulse of cyclonic wind stress with a Rankine vortex structure. Strength, radius and duration of the forcing are varied. The effect upon wave generation of stratification with variable mixed-layer depth is also examined.Results indicate that internal gravity waves are generated after approximately one inertial period. The outward radial energy flux is dominated by waves having structure close to vertical mode-1 and with frequency close to the inertial frequency. Less energetic higher mode waves are observed to be generated close to the sea floor underneath the storm. The total radiated energy corresponds to approximately 0.02% of the wind input. Deeper mixed-layer conditions as well as weaker stratification reduce this fraction.The low energy transfer rates suggest that other processes that drive vertical motion like surface heat fluxes, turbulent motion, mixed region collapse and storm translation are essential for significant energy extraction by internal gravity waves to occur.  相似文献   

吕克利 《大气科学》1986,10(3):327-331
利用WKB近似讨论大地形对切变基流上Rossby波稳定性的影响.北半球东西走向地形有利导式长波槽辐合能量于地形北坡附近,对曳式长波槽有使能量从地形南坡区域辐散的趋势.南半球地形的影响正好相反.散度顶有利于导式长波槽在东西风带过渡区域的能量辐射,有利于曳式长波槽能量在这里辐合.  相似文献   

The large-eddy simulation mode of the Weather Research and Forecasting model is employed to simulate the planetary boundary-layer characteristics and mesoscale circulations forced by an ideal urban heat island (UHI). In our simulations, the horizontal heterogeneity of the UHI intensity distribution in urban areas is considered and idealized as a cosine function. Results indicate that the UHI heating rate and the UHI intensity heterogeneity affect directly the spatial distribution of the wind field; a stronger UHI intensity produces a maximum horizontal wind speed closer to the urban centre. The strong advection of warm air from the urban area to the rural area in the upper part of the planetary boundary-layer causes a more stable atmospheric stratification over both the urban and rural areas. The mesoscale sensible heat flux caused by the UHI circulation increases with UHI intensity but vanishes when the background wind speed is sufficiently high $(>$ 3.0  $\mathrm{{m\,s}}^{-1})$ .  相似文献   

The sea roughness effect on insolation and sun rays reflection for different sun heights above the horizon and unclouded sky is considered. Numerical assessments for albedo, insolation, and absorbed radiation are received for Stokes waves. Normal ray falling at the wave crest is suggested. The ray trace approach is used that allowed to take into account such effects as the dependence of albedo on the wave tilt, double light reflection from neighboring wave crests and the trough shading by the crest. It is concluded that the main roughness effect on the radiative balance is the insolation increasing and albedo diminishing at large wave steepness when the sun height above the horizon is less than 40°.  相似文献   

The amplitude, wavelength, and frequency of short waves in the presence of waves of a longer scale vary in a manner that is related in phase to the long-wave profile. The purpose of this study is to observe and quantify the change in the variance of short-wave slope that occurs as a result of the change in short-wave position along a coincident long wave, during the active generation of the short-wave field by wind. To this end, measurements of wave-slope time series are made in a laboratory environment where the long-scale waves are generated mechanically and the short scale are generated primarily by air flow. The frequency variation of the short waves, as measured along the long-wave profile, is described by considering the waves to be linearly advected by the longer waves. The peak-to-peak variation along the long-wave profile of the short-wave slope variance for a given frequency band is commonly found to be 10% of its mean value. The magnitude of the excursions become smaller as short-wave frequency increases, and larger as wind speed increases. The maximum value of the short-wave slope variance generally leads the long-wave profile curve by 45 ° to 180 °.  相似文献   

上海城市集群化发展显著增强局地高温热浪事件   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
谢志清  杜银  曾燕  高苹  项瑛 《气象学报》2015,73(6):1104-1113
上海作为中国城市集群化发展的典型代表,经过30余年圈层式、集群化扩张,城市建设用地面积比例高达47.9%,接近50%的生态阈值。城市群快速扩张诱发了一个以徐家汇为中心覆盖周边40 km的区域性热岛,影响高温热浪的时空分布。基于DMSP/OLS遥感夜间灯光数据构建的城市发展指数,客观地反映出1992—2013年上海西郊嘉定、青浦和东郊的浦东集群化发展特征最凸出。利用Chow检验最优分段建模法,研究发现高温热浪期间城市群热岛突变转折与区县城市发展指数超过60%的年份相对应。城市发展指数超过60%后,近郊城市继续扩张将缩小城、郊气象站的温差,诱发更大范围热岛,增强高温热浪。1977—2000年近郊区县城市发展指数低于60%,高温热浪各要素项城郊差值显著上升,而2000年西郊城市发展指数超过60%后,和市中心差值减小,快速城市化明显增强西郊高温热浪强度和持续时间。1978年以来上海西郊与远郊高温日数差值增加了1.6倍,平均气温差值增加了34.4%,平均最高气温差值增加了41.7%。高温热浪期间遥感数据显示,向西郊伸展的城市群地表温度高值区规模扩大了32.8%,是西郊高温热浪增强的驱动因子。  相似文献   

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