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2015年10月4日,当年第22号台风“彩虹”外围螺旋雨带中发生两次龙卷天气,分别袭击了广东省佛山市顺德区和广州市番禺区。通过现场灾情调查、互联网视频和照片、新一代天气雷达观测等资料的综合分析,确定这两次龙卷最大强度达到EF3级。分析了典型台风龙卷的发生发展过程及其致灾和中小尺度特征。主要结论如下:两次龙卷过程发生的环境条件是,龙卷位于“彩虹”台风右前象限,地面存在触发对流的中尺度辐合线,水汽充沛,抬升凝结高度低,0—1 km垂直风切变强;天气雷达资料分析表明,顺德龙卷出现在勾状回波顶端、中气旋持续时间约1 h,番禺龙卷出现在弓型回波断裂处,中气旋持续时间约40 min;两次龙卷过程在迅速发展阶段都表现出中气旋尺度缩小、高度下降、径向切变增强等特征。上述结论可作为我国台风龙卷业务监测和预警的参考依据。


To improve the accuracy of short-term(0–12 h) forecasts of severe weather in southern China, a real-time storm-scale forecasting system, the Hourly Assimilation and Prediction System(HAPS), has been implemented in Shenzhen, China. The forecasting system is characterized by combining the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF-ARW)model and the Advanced Regional Prediction System(ARPS) three-dimensional variational data assimilation(3DVAR) package. It is capable of assimilating radar reflectivity and radial velocity data from multiple Doppler radars as well as surface automatic weather station(AWS) data. Experiments are designed to evaluate the impacts of data assimilation on quantitative precipitation forecasting(QPF) by studying a heavy rainfall event in southern China. The forecasts from these experiments are verified against radar, surface, and precipitation observations. Comparison of echo structure and accumulated precipitation suggests that radar data assimilation is useful in improving the short-term forecast by capturing the location and orientation of the band of accumulated rainfall. The assimilation of radar data improves the short-term precipitation forecast skill by up to9 hours by producing more convection. The slight but generally positive impact that surface AWS data has on the forecast of near-surface variables can last up to 6–9 hours. The assimilation of AWS observations alone has some benefit for improving the Fractions Skill Score(FSS) and bias scores; when radar data are assimilated, the additional AWS data may increase the degree of rainfall overprediction.  相似文献   

对流涡度矢量和湿涡度矢量在暴雨诊断分析中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵宇  崔晓鹏 《气象学报》2009,67(4):540-548
利用对流涡度矢量(CVV, (ζa×θe)/ρ)和湿涡度矢量(MVV, (ζa×θv)/ρ)对华北地区一次大范围的大到暴雨天气过程进行了诊断研究.结果表明,CVV和MVV垂直分量与云和降水密切相关,暴雨区区域平均和垂直积分的CVV和MVV垂直分量与云中水凝物混合比的相关系数分别为0.92和0.95,与降水率的相关系数分别为0.71和0.47.云中水凝物分为液态水凝物和固态水凝物,虽然同态水凝物的含量相对较少,但它在云的变化中起着更重要的作用.滞后相关分析表明,降水率的峰值到来之前4-5 h云中水凝物含晕最少,降水率的峰值到来之后1-2 h,云中水凝物含量最多.云中水凝物与降水率的滞后相关系数主要是由液态水凝物与降水率的滞后相关系数决定的,只有约1/4的滞后相关系数是由固态水凝物与降水率的滞后相关系数贡献的.CVV和MVV的垂直分量与云中水凝物具有非常好的相关性(同时及滞后),与降水率的相关也较好,可以代表云和对流系统的发展.CVV和MVV垂直分量的局地变化超前降水率3 h左右,可以作为降水发生的先兆,对降水的预报有潜在的意义.CVV垂直分量的局地变化与降水率的相关系数大于MVV垂直分量的局地变化与降水率的相关系数,因此在实际预报中可以利用CVV垂直分量的局地变化来估计未来降水的变化.  相似文献   

由台风低压倒槽引发的山东暴雨过程研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
赵宇  崔晓鹏  王建国 《气象学报》2008,66(3):423-436
2004年8月26—28日发生在山东省的大到暴雨过程主要是由“艾莉”台风减弱的低压和西风带冷空气远距离相互作用造成的,台风倒槽的发展与低空东南气流的加强及台风低压外围热量和动量的向北输送密切相关。采用双向三重嵌套网格非静力模式MM5对这一过程进行了数值模拟,研究了台风倒槽的中尺度结构特征,并通过涡度收支探讨了台风倒槽及中尺度低涡发生发展的物理过程。结果表明,强降水是在台风倒槽顶部强风中心与弱风中心之间的强辐合作用下触发的,台风倒槽的增强和中尺度低涡的形成是低空急流及其动力作用的结果,降水的非绝热加热也起着重要作用。涡度方程的收支诊断表明,对流层低层的散度项、对流层中层的水平平流项和铅直输送项是正涡度的主要贡献者,在同一等压面上散度项和水平平流项的作用是相反的。对流层中层铅直输送项的贡献为正,扭转项为负贡献,涡度变化的总趋势是它们相互作用的净结果。等压面上相对涡度的变化趋势并不是均匀的,中尺度低涡的东南象限相对涡度局地变化较强,这是强降水发生在此的重要原因。低层正涡度的增加是由水平辐合引起的,而高层正涡度的增加是涡度由低层向高层垂直输送的结果。因此台风倒槽的发展和中尺度低涡的形成主要是由于低层的涡度制造,另一方面来自中低层涡度的垂直输送。  相似文献   

乔琪  谭健 《贵州气象》2004,28(Z1):47-48
主要应用新一代(多普勒)天气雷达的径向速度产品对2004年4月6日晚上到7日凌晨的一次降温、降雨天气过程进行分析,对新一代天气雷达的径向速度产品作初步了解,以便对今后的预报工作有一定的帮助.  相似文献   

利用地面加密自动站和多普勒天气雷达资料,对2006年7月3日发生在盐城的龙卷和短时强降水等强对流天气过程进行了详细分析。结果表明:此次强对流天气发生的天气背景是江淮梅雨期暴雨形势,即高空东移的西风槽、中低空西南急流以及强烈的对流不稳定。地面中尺度涡旋的发展、维持为强对流天气的产生提供了持续强劲的上升运动;龙卷发生在非超级单体风暴中低层反射率因子梯度区上,在平均径向速度图上出现了明显的小尺度涡旋特征。另外,西太平洋副热带高压和赤道辐合带上活动的3个热带系统为短时强降水提供了超常的充沛水汽,短时特大暴雨发生在中低空急流增强到最强并开始减弱的时段内,与大于50dBZ的强回波面积的变化关系密切。  相似文献   

2008年河南黄淮地区暴雨过程个例分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用常规气象资料和NCEP资料对2008年7月22日河南黄淮地区的暴雨过程进行了分析.结果表明:这次过程是在500 hPa槽前西南气流引导下,高低空急流耦合区内西南涡沿切变线移出,弱冷空气侵入暖倒槽触发不稳定能量释放造成的.垂直螺旋度计算结果显示:中低层正垂直螺旋度中心与降水落区有很好的对应关系,大暴雨中心位于正垂直螺旋度中心附近.湿位涡演变分析发现,这次过程有"干侵入"发生,暴雨区中低层对流不稳定和对称不稳定共存,有利于降水增幅.水汽条件分析表明:这次过程的水汽源地在孟加拉湾和南海,主要是低层和近地层的水汽辐合.  相似文献   

梅雨锋暴雨中尺度对流系统触发和组织化的观测分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵宇  裴昌春  杨成芳 《气象学报》2017,75(5):700-716
利用观测和NCEP再分析资料,对2015年6月26-28日江淮流域梅雨锋暴雨天气对流的触发和中尺度对流系统(MCS)的组织方式进行了分析。结果表明:梅雨锋附近发展的2个线状中尺度对流系统是暴雨的直接制造者。MCS2的发展有2种组织方式,26日夜间到27日凌晨,东西向雨带的不断后部建立和随后对流单体的列车效应是其发展的主要方式。27日凌晨到白天,初期新单体不断在线状MCS2的南缘触发,形成多个近乎平行的东北-西南向短雨带,后期梅雨锋锋面雨带从西部不断东移,经过强降水区;对流元有2种尺度的组织方式:新生对流单体沿着单个雨带向东北方向的列车效应以及东北-西南向雨带沿线状中尺度对流系统向东平移的"列车带"效应;持续的后部建立型和沿着同一路径不断的"列车带"效应使MCS2发展和维持。梅雨锋前不稳定空气的地形抬升和边界层辐合上升是初始对流的主要触发机制;26日夜间对流产生的冷池对对流的触发和MCS2的组织化及维持起重要作用,中尺度对流系统的组织特征和发生、发展受近地面环境场制约。   相似文献   

利用GFS0.5°×0.5°再分析资料以及卫星、多普勒雷达等观测资料,对2012年7月12日红安特大暴雨过程进行分析,结果表明,大别山复杂山地地形对降水有显著增幅作用,地形影响气流理论很好地解释了此次特大暴雨降水分布,大别山地形迫使西南气流抬升, “指状云团”在大别山迎风坡不断生成,有效的促成后向传播系统,延长了强降水的时间,雷达径向速度场的变化表明,大别山与桐柏山中间的冷暖空气通道对中尺度系统的形成和发展起了重要的作用,雷达回波特征分析表明,0℃层以下大于45dBz回波垂直伸展厚度、垂直液态含水量大小与雨强有非常好的一致性。  相似文献   

Data for the cross-isobaric angle 0, the geostrophic drag coefficient Cg, and the functions A and B of Rossby number similarity theory, obtained from meteorological field experiments, are used to evaluate a range of models of the neutral, barotropic planetary boundary layer. The data give well-defined relationships for 0, Cg, and the integrated dissipation rate over the boundary layer, as a function of the surface Rossby number. Lettau's first-order closure mixing-length model gives an excellent fit to the data; other simple models give reasonable agreement. However more sophisticated models, e.g., higher-order closure, large-eddy simulation, direct numerical simulation and laboratory models, give poor fits to the data. The simplemodels have (at least) one free parameter in their turbulence closure that is matched toatmospheric observations; the more sophisticated models either base their closure onmore general flows or have no free closure parameters. It is suggested that all of theatmospheric experiments that we could locate violate the strict simplifying assumptionsof steady, homogeneous, neutral, barotropic flow required by the sophisticated models.The angle 0 is more sensitive to violations of the assumptions than is Cg.The behaviour of the data varies in three latitude regimes. In middle and high latitudes the observed values of A and B exhibit little latitudinal dependence; the best estimates are A = 1.3 and B = 4.4. In lower latitudes the neutral, barotropic Rossby number theory breaks down. The value of B increases towards the Equator; the determination of A is ambiguous – the trend can increase or decrease towards the Equator. Between approximately 5° and 30° latitude, the scatter in the data is thought to be primarily due to the inherent presence of baroclinicity. The presence of the trade-wind inversion, thermal instability and the horizontal component of the Earth's rotation H also contribute.Marked changes in the values of A and B occur in the region between the Equator andapproximately 5° latitude, as the Coriolis parameter |f| approaches zero. Although the variation of A and B with latitude suggests some similarity to the results obtained from the direct numerical simulations, the presence of additional complexities in the real atmosphere that are not included in the numerical model, precludes a meaningful direct comparison.  相似文献   

The determination of specific sea surface temperature (SST) patterns from large-scale gridded SST-fields has widely been done. Often principal component analysis (PCA) is used to condense the SST-data to major patterns of variability. In the present study SST-fields for the period 1950?C2003 from the area 20°S to 60°N are analysed with respect to SST-regimes being defined as large-scale oceanic patterns with a regular and at least seasonal occurrence. This has been done in context of investigations on seasonal predictability of Mediterranean regional climate with large-scale SST-regimes as intended predictors in statistical model relationships. The SST-regimes are derived by means of a particular technique including multiple applications of s-mode PCA. Altogether 17 stationary regimes can be identified, eight for the Pacific Ocean, five for the Atlantic Ocean, two for the Indian Ocean, and two regimes which show a distinct co-variability within different ocean basins. Some regimes exist, with varying strength and spatial extent, throughout the whole year, whereas other regimes are only characteristic for a particular season. Several regimes show dominant variability modes, like the regimes associated with El Ni?o, with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation or with the North Atlantic Tripole, whereas other regimes describe little-known patterns of large-scale SST variability. The determined SST-regimes are subsequently used as predictors for monthly precipitation and temperature in the Mediterranean area. This subject is addressed in Part II of this paper.  相似文献   

张旭斌  张熠 《气象科学》2011,31(2):145-152
2008年6月11-13日在华南地区出现了特大暴雨,这主要是由一系列中尺度对流系统(MCS)的相继生成,合并和强烈发展导致的.该研究利用新一代中尺度数值模式WRF对此次暴雨过程进行数值模拟,重点研究此次强降水过程中MCS发生、发展和演变过程及其相关物理机制.在MCS的生成过程中,由于西南涡的存在导致MCS始终处于正涡度环境中,正涡度导致的低层辐合与大气静力不稳定都是重要的MCS启动机制,这两者的共同作用有利于MCS的生成与加强.MCS形成后,在强垂直切变的环境中,倾斜抬升机制发生作用,更进一步加强了环境涡度,形成有利的正反馈过程,造成MCS迅速发展.这些加强的MCS和大尺度环境流场相互作用,造成了它们的合并.在MCS的分裂过程中,马氏力起着重要作用.  相似文献   

The synoptic and dynamic aspects of heavy rainfall occurred on 5th May 2017 and caused flash flooding in arid and semi-arid central-northern Iran is analyzed by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. This system synoptically is attributed to a surface low-pressure centered over southern Iran extended to the central parts, linking to a mid-tropospheric tilted-trough over western Iran, and advecting significant moisture from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea to the studied area. The dynamical analysis revealed that the penetration of the upper-tropospheric potential vorticity streamer up to 300 hPa level was not related to such heavy rainfall. Contrarily, the low-level factors such as extensive moisture advection, mid-tropospheric diabatic processes such as the latent heat release, daytime deep convection, and topographical impact of Zagros Mountains were found as the key factors leading to this system. This study also examines 11 different convection schemes simulated by the WRF model and verified against rainfall observation. The forecast skills of the output simulations suggest the Grell-Devenyi scheme as the superior configuration in simulating observed precipitation of the event over the area.  相似文献   

In this paper, the data collected during the Mesoscale Weather Experiments in East China are utilized to study the meso-α scale rain-bands of meiyu front heavy rain, its structural features as well as the mechanism of its development. It has been revealed that the precipitation band during the meiyu season is in the shape of ribbon, which is parallel to the surface quasi-stationary front. Sometimes two meso-α scale rain-bands are present. The meso-α scale rain-band is associated with meso-α scale convergence line. As shown by the two dimentional disturbance circulation, calculated through band-pass filtering, the single rain-band is quite different from the double rain-bands. The former is, to some extent, akin to the frontogenctical circulation in the vicinity of the high- and low-level frontal zones; the latter features roller-like circulations at middle and low-levels with their axes parallel to the rain-bands while at higher levels they run in the opposite direction. This kind of disturbance may be caused by the symmetric instability in the moist atmosphere.  相似文献   

Optimal fingerprinting has been the most widely used method for climate change detection and attribution over the last decade. The implementation of optimal fingerprinting often involves projecting onto k leading empirical orthogonal functions in order to decrease the dimension of the data and improve the estimate of internal climate variability. However, results may be sensitive to k, and the choice of k remains at least partly arbitrary. One alternative, known as regularised optimal fingerprinting (ROF), has been recently proposed for detection. This is an extension of the optimal fingerprinting detection method, which avoids the projection step. Here, we first extend ROF to the attribution problem. This is done using both ordinary and total least square approaches. Internal variability is estimated from long control simulations. The residual consistency test is also adapted to this new method. We then show, via Monte Carlo simulations, that ROF is more accurate than the standard method, in a mean squared error sense. This result holds for both ordinary and total least square statistical models, whatever the chosen truncation k. Finally, ROF is applied to global near-surface temperatures in a perfect model framework. Improvements provided by this new method are illustrated by a detailed comparison with the results from the standard method. Our results support the conclusion that ROF provides a much more objective and somewhat more accurate implementation of optimal fingerprinting in detection and attribution studies.  相似文献   

2009-08-17山东特大暴雨雷达回波及地形作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用常规、非常规资料对2009年8月17—18日山东省出现的特大暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:"8.17"特大暴雨主要出现在西风槽东移、副高南退时的副高西北侧边缘,对流有效位能(CAPE)等热力环境指数对鲁南强降水有较强的反应能力。降水分布具有典型的地形影响特征,复杂山地地形对降水有显著增幅作用和对对流系统传播的阻碍作用。存在低空急流和列车效应,强回波维持时间较长是费县出现强降水的重要原因,较强的偏南气流、湿度层深厚是费县出现特大暴雨的根本原因。地形影响气流理论很好地解释了山东"8.17"特大暴雨降水分布,费县特殊地形对特大暴雨有很大贡献。雷达资料可以弥补常规观测的不足;地形对强降雨及其分布有重要影响。  相似文献   

This article describes a historical archive of proxy and actual precipitation data that extends the African climate record back to the early nineteenth century. The `proxy' archive includes verbal, documentary references which contain information related to rainfall conditions, such as references to famine, drought, agriculture or the nature of the rainy season. The precipitation archive includes all observations made in Africa during the nineteenth century. It consists of records for 60 stations in Algeria, 87 stations in South Africa and 304 stations scattered over the rest of Africa. Information is particularly plentiful for the 1880s and 1890s. The two parts have been be combined into a semi-quantitative regional data set indicating annual rainfall conditions in terms of anomaly classes (e.g., normal, dry, wet). This data set extends from the early nineteenth century to 1900 and distinguishes seven anomaly classes, using numbers ranging from –3 to +3 to represent very wet, wet, good rains, normal, dry, drought, and severe drought. The regionalization is based on 90 geographical regions shown via studies of the modern precipitation record to be climatically homogeneous with respect to the interannual variability of rainfall. The regional aggregation allows the voluminous fragmentary information available in historical sources to be used systematically to produce multi-year time series that can be directly integrated into the modern record for each region. The resultant time series can also be subjected to statistical analysis, in order to investigate nineteenth century climate over Africa. Spatial detail is added to the data set by utilizing a unique methodology based on climatic teleconnections established from studies of rainfall variability over Africa. The historical information and station records have been combined into a file containing a regional anomaly value for up to 90 geographic regions and the years 1801–1900. Gaps necessarily remain in the matrix, but as early as the 1820s over 40 regions are represented. By the 1880s generally around 70 regions or more are represented.  相似文献   

2001年7月26日20时-27日20时,成都地区出现了入夏以来首场区域性暴雨、大暴雨天气过程,据成都市气象局观测报告显示,此次降水过程全区均超过50毫米,其中有四个县站超过了100毫米,出现了大暴雨.这次降水过程范围广,强度大,持续时间长,部分地方出现洪涝,受灾人数达22.94万,直接经济损失4千万元.本文将对此次过程的环流背景和MICAPS系统提供的物理量场网格资料的特征进行分析.  相似文献   

Interannual and longer-period variability of the Mediterranean sea surface temperature is studied in terms of standard deviations and linear trends based on the 1951–2000 data. It is shown that both standard deviations and linear SST trends in the Mediterranean Sea are clearly season-dependent. Seasonality of standard deviations is characterized by a zonally-oriented seesaw with opposite changes in standard deviations in the western and eastern parts of the basin from season to season. The SST trend seasonality is pronounced in winter in predominant negative SST trends, and in summer in positive trends. Such seasonal differences indicate that long-term Mediterranean SST variability has different mechanisms of formation.  相似文献   

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