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Radiocarbon age determination of a Greenland whale (Balaena mysticetus) vertebra from Melville Bugt in northwestern Greenland yields an age of 9259-8989 cal yr BP. The margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet in Melville Bugt was situated behind its AD 1950-2000 position in the early Holocene, at a similar position to that being reached following rapid retreat in recent years. Such an early deglaciation of areas close to the Greenland Ice Sheet is unusual. This probably reflects the unique glaciological setting resulting from the narrow fringe of ice-free islands and peninsulas and offshore waters with deep areas that characterize this part of Greenland. The timing of Greenland Ice Sheet retreat to its present margin varies significantly around Greenland.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):500-516
We use lake sediment records from an epishelf lake on Alexander Island to provide a detailed picture of the Holocene history of George VI Ice Shelf (GVI-IS). Core analyses included; micropaleontology (diatoms/foraminifera), stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C), geochemistry (total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), C/N ratios) and grain-size analyses. These data provide robust evidence for one period of past ice shelf absence during the early Holocene. The timing of this period has been constrained by 10 AMS 14C dates performed on mono-specific foraminifera samples. These dates suggest that GVI-IS was absent between c 9600 cal yr BP and c 7730 cal yr BP. This early Holocene collapse immediately followed a period of maximum Holocene warmth that is recorded in some Antarctic ice cores and coincides with an influx of warmer ocean water onto the western Antarctic Peninsula (AP) shelf at c 9000 cal yr BP. The absence of a currently extant ice shelf during this time interval suggests that early Holocene ocean-atmosphere variability in the AP was greater than that measured in recent decades.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2316-2321
Traditional ice sheet reconstructions have suggested two distinctly different ice sheet regimes along the East Greenland continental margin during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM): ice to the shelf break south of Scoresby Sund and ice extending no further than to the inner shelf at and north of Scoresby Sund. We report new 10Be ages from erratic boulders perched at 250 m a.s.l. on the Kap Brewster peninsula at the mouth of Scoresby Sund. The average 10Be ages, calculated with an assumed maximum erosion rate of 1 cm/ka and no erosion (respectively, 17.3±2.3 ka and 15.1±1.7 ka) overlap with a period of increased sediment input to the Scoresby Sund fan (19–15 ka). The results presented here suggest that ice reached at least 250 m a.s.l. at the mouth of Scoresby Sund during the LGM and add to a growing body of evidence indicating that LGM ice extended onto the outer shelf in northeast Greenland.  相似文献   

We report in this study the distribution of10Be in the top 40 m of the Renland ice core (East Greenland) and in a 30 m long core from DML (Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica) for the period 1931–1988. The two sites show differences in10Be content, the Antarctica site showing smaller variance and a lower average10Be annual flux. Similarly, the average accumulation rate (cm water equivalent year−1) is higher in the Renland relative to DML. The variability in accumulation (precipitation) rates seems to explain part of the difference in10Be flux between the two polar sites. Cyclic fluctuations of10Be flux correlate with the 11-year sunspot number and cosmic ray intensity than with the aa index (perturbation of the geomagnetic activity by the solar wind). Our data corroborate10Be cyclic fluctuation pattern from the Dye 3 ice core and confirm a promising potential for correlation of global and local events.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal assemblages and the sedimentology of two cores (POR20 and POR21) from eastern Disko Bugt, west Greenland, are used to identify environmental changes in the area over the past c. 2200 years. Changes in the sediment flux supplied to the core sites from Jakobshavn Isbrae are used to assess the relative position of the calving margin. An Atlantic water influence as strong as, or slightly stronger than, present prevailed at c. 2200 cal. yr BP. A trend of increasing Atlantic water influence then culminated in peak warm and saline hydrographic conditions c. 1664-474 cal. yr BP encompassing the 'Medieval Warm Period'. This period was marked by a retreat of the calving front of Jakobshavn Isbrae and was followed by a marked cooling in hydrographic conditions relating to an increase in the influence of the East Greenland Current in the West Greenland Current corresponding to the climatic episode the 'Little Ice Age'. A rise in sedimentation rate over this period relates to the well-documented advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae. The record from Disko Bugt shows good agreement with the temperature record from the Greenland ice cores and other climatic and oceanographic reconstructions in the region.  相似文献   

This study investigates the marginal subglacial bedrock bedforms of Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland, in order to examine the processes governing bedform evolution in ice stream and ice sheet areas, and to reconstruct the interplay between ice stream and ice sheet dynamics. Differences in bedform morphology (roche moutonnee or whaleback) are used to explore contrasts in basal conditions between fast and slow ice flow. Bedform density is higher in ice stream areas and whalebacks are common. We interpret that this is related to higher ice velocities and thicker ice which suppress bed separation. However, modification of whalebacks by plucking occurs during deglaciation due to ice thinning, flow deceleration, crevassing and fluctuations in basal water pressure. The bedform evidence points to widespread basal sliding during past advances of Jakobshavns Isbrae. This was encouraged by increased basal temperatures and melting at depth, as well as the steep marginal gradients of Jakobshavns Isfjord which allowed rapid downslope evacuation of meltwater leading to strong ice/bedrock coupling and scouring. In contrast to soft-bedded ice stream bedforms, the occurrence of fixed basal perturbations and higher bed roughness in rigid bed settings prevents the basal ice subsole from maintaining a stable form which, coupled with secondary plucking, counteracts the development of bedforms with high elongation ratios. Cross-cutting striae and double-plucked, rectilinear bedforms suggest that Jakobshavns Isbrae became partially unconfined during growth phases, causing localised diffluent flow and changes in ice sheet dynamics around Disko Bugt. It is likely that Disko Bugt harboured a convergent ice flow system during repeated glacial cycles, resulting in the formation of a large coalesced ice stream which reached the continental shelf edge.  相似文献   

Fluvial and deltaic sediments from Jameson Land in East Greenland contain the first record of the leaf beetle Phratora o f. polaris , not presently found in Greenland; the ground beetle Bembidion grapii , north of this species' present northern range limit; and the true bug Nysius gruenlandieus . In addition, there is a rather diverse flora. All of these records are in sediments of Early Holocene age. We suggest that most of these animals and plants immigrated to East Greenland in the Early Holocene by long-distance chance dispersal, mostly from northwest Europe. The environment was physiognomically similar to that of today, but Salix aretica and Cassiope tetragonu that are important dwarf shrubs today had not yet immigrated.  相似文献   

We use cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure age techniques at a locality close to Rannoch Moor, western Scottish Highlands, in order to establish the age and chronology of its most recent glaciation. Glacial erratics and an in situ bedrock quartz vein sampled from this site—the summit of Beinn Inverveigh—have yielded zero‐erosion exposure ages of 12.9 ± 1.5 ka to 11.6 ± 1.0 ka, implying complete ice cover of the mountain during the Younger Dryas, or Loch Lomond Stadial. These results fit closely with published 14C dates that bracket the maximum (lateral) extent of ice cap outlet glaciers, and are the first internally consistent ages to specifically address this period of glaciation in Scotland. Furthermore, the dates imply that previous palaeoglaciological reconstructions for this area may have underestimated both the thickness of the former ice cap and, by implication, its volume. © British Geological Survey/Natural Environment Research Council copyright 2007. Reproduced with the permission of BGS/NERC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(15-16):1999-2011
A multi proxy sediment core record on the continental margin off western Svalbard, European Arctic, reflects large climatic and oceanographic oscillations at the Lateglacial–early Holocene transition. Based on studies of planktonic foraminifera, their stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition and ice rafted debris, we have reconstructed the last 14 cal. ka BP. The period 14–13.5 cal. ka BP was characterized by highly unstable climatic conditions. Short-lived episodes of warming alternated with meltwater pulses and enhanced iceberg rafting. This period correlates to a regional warming of the northern North Atlantic. An overall decrease in meltwater took place during the deglaciation (14–10.8 cal. ka BP). The late Younger Dryas and subsequent transition into the early Holocene is characterized by a reduced flux of planktonic foraminifera and increased iceberg rafting. A major warming took place from 10.8 to 9.7 cal. ka BP, the influence of meltwater ceased and the flux of warm Atlantic Water increased. From 9.7 to 8.8 cal. ka BP, the western Svalbard margin surface waters were significantly warmer than today. This warm period, the thermal maximum, was followed by an abrupt cooling at 8.8. cal. ka BP, caused by an increased influence of Arctic Water from the Arctic Ocean. The results document that the European Arctic was very sensitive to climatic and oceanographic changes at the end of the last glacial and during the Holocene.  相似文献   

The previously established and often debated lake sediment based chronology and event stratigraphy from Hochstetter Forland, NE Greenland, has been re-examined. These new studies show that the last deglaciation of the coastal area is several thousand years younger than previously described. The main reason behind the difference is the fact that the older chronology was based on 14C datings of bulk sediment samples, which are now shown to contain enough coal fragments to produce erroneous ages. The re-examination was performed on sediments from two lakes located within the Nanok moraine system: one is situated at or slightly above the marine limit around 65 m. the other at 21–22 m a.s.l. The combined stratigraphy from the two lakes shows that the area was deglaciated before 9000 BP, after which followed deposition of glaciomarine sediments, fining upwards. The first vegetation seems to have been dominated by grasses, Lycopodium and Polypodiaceae. At c . 8000 BP the limnic production increased significantly and a pioneer vegetation characterized the area. At this time the 'Artemisia' grains appear. A short but distinct climatic cooling occurs at c . 7500 BP causing a significant drop in lake productivity and possibly also producing coarser sediments in the (glacio)marine environment. About 200 years later the lake productivity again increased, very rapidly, and the marine sediments became finer and more rich in molluscs, as a response to the beginning of the climatic optimum. Because of the time-lag between climate and vegetation response it took another 300 years before Betulci nana immigrated, at the same time as the 'Artemisia' grains disappeared, and another several hundred years before a real dwarf-shrub vegetation developed in these parts of Hochstetter Forland. Before the lower lake was isolated from the sea at c . 6000 BP, coarse wave-washed sediments, followed by a typical isolation sequence, were deposited in it.  相似文献   

Stratigraphical, mineralogical, geochemical and optical dating methods were used to reconstruct paleo-hydrological changes in two playas (Phulera, 500 mm/a and Pokharan, 200 mm/a) in near extremum climatic regions of the Thar Desert. Sediment successions in shallow profiles from Phulera and Pokharan contain three and four stratigraphic units, respectively, each with characteristic geochemical properties. These units reflect changes in chemical weathering, detrital input, salinity and provide a measure of the changes in precipitation (i.e. monsoon) through time.Sediments from Pokharan suggest short rainfall events during ca. 6.6–4 ka, relatively stable fresh water (higher and persistent rainfall) regime during 4–2.3 ka, and a hyper saline (low rainfall) condition during 2.3–1.1 ka. Sediments at Phulera, record hyper saline (low rainfall) lacustrine conditions during <2.3 ka to >1.4 ka. Higher abundance of gypsum in Pokharan (2.3–1.1 ka) and proto-dolomite in Phulera (2.3–1.4 ka) are nearly synchronous and reflect enhancement of salinity. Selenite crystals in Pokharan and large desiccation cracks in buried horizons at Phulera reflect desiccation of playas at ca. 2 ka. Both playas progressively became less saline after 1.4 ka. Given the regional nature of this record, these changes are attributed to fluctuation of the monsoon over the Indian sub continent.  相似文献   

Archaeological excavations at the Cooper's Ferry site (10IH73), located in the lower Salmon River canyon of western Idaho, revealed a stratified sequence of cultural occupations that included a pit feature containing stemmed points. However, radiocarbon ages determined on charcoal and bone in the pit feature range between ca. 12,000 yr B.P. and 7300 yr B.P. By considering the effects of postdepositional processes on dated samples, and by comparing the lithostratigraphy, pedostratigraphy, and stable isotope geochemistry of pedogenic carbonates from Cooper's Ferry with other well‐dated stratigraphic sections in the canyon, site geochronology is clarified. Based on the presence of key radiocarbon ages and distinctive stratigraphic criteria, we argue that the initial occupation and interment of lithic artifacts in a pit feature at Cooper's Ferry occurred during the late Pleistocene, between ca. 11,410 and 11,370 yr B.P., and not during the early Holocene. Records of geomorphic change and paleoenvironmental proxy data from the site reveal that early occupation in the lower Salmon River canyon corresponds with evolving riparian ecosystems, which must be considered as a contextual aspect of local prehistoric cultural ecology. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

 Before tunnel construction began, the groundwater chemical compositions and levels around the tunnel were studied to determine if water compositions could predict whether surface water will be influenced by tunnel construction. When the chemical composition of the well and springwater was similar to that of the tunnel seepage water, and the altitude of the well and spring was above the tunnel level, the groundwater level in the well and spring was influenced by draining tunnel seepage water. Therefore, comparing the chemical compositions of surface water and groundwater may be used for predictive purposes. However, the results of this study showed there was no noticeable chemical composition change in springwater prior to changes in groundwater level at a particular site. The changes in the hydrology of the plateau caused by tunnel construction were also studied, using measurements of the changes in groundwater chemistry as well as changes in groundwater levels. Prior to tunnel construction, river discharge was greater. Following tunnel construction, some river discharge decreased because springwater was drained as tunnel seepage water and the spring in the catchment dried up. Tritium concentration indicated that 3 years after tunnel construction, surface water did not reach tunnel levels in spite of groundwater level lowering and remaining unconfined groundwater being drained. Received: 17 January 1996 · Accepted: 10 July 1996  相似文献   

A 2.9 m long sedimentary record was studied from a small lake, here referred to as Duck Lake, located at 76°25'N, 18°45'W on Store Koldewey, an elongated island off the coast of Northeast Greenland. The sediments were investigated for their geophysical and biogeochemical characteristics, and for their fossil chironomid assemblages. Organic matter began to accumulate in the lake at 9.1 cal. kyr BP, which provides a minimum age for the deglaciation of the basin. Although the early to mid-Holocene is known as a thermal maximum in East Greenland, organic matter accumulation in the lake remained low during the early Holocene, likely due to late plant immigration and lack of nutrient availability. Organic matter accumulation increased during the middle and late Holocene, when temperatures in East Greenland gradually decreased. Enhanced soil formation probably led to higher nutrient availability and increased production in the lake. Chironomids are abundant throughout the record after 9.1 cal. kyr BP and seem to react sensitively to changes in temperature and nutrient availability. It is concluded that relative temperature reconstructions based on biogeochemical data have to be regarded critically, particularly in the period shortly after deglaciation when nutrient availability was low. Chironomids may be a suitable tool for climatic reconstructions even in those high arctic environments. However, a better understanding of the ecology of chironomids under these extreme conditions is needed.  相似文献   

A 3.5-m-long sediment sequence from a lake on Raffles Ø, off Liverpool Land, East Greenland, was investigated for chronology, lithology, palynology and biogeochemistry. Radiocarbon-dating of plant remains and the lithology of the sediment succession indicate continuous sedimentation since deglaciation of the area prior to 10000 cal. yr BP. The postglacial palynological record shows little variation and evidence of a wind-transported pollen supply, both resulting from the geographical characteristics of Raffles Ø. Significant variations in the biogeochemical data reflect changes in aquatic bioproduction. These changes depend to some extent on climatic changes; however, they are mainly due to variations in seabird breeding colonies in the catchment which influence nutrient and cadmium supply to the lake. Large seabird breeding colonies were present between 7500 and 1900, from 1000 to 500, and since c. 100 cal. yr BP. Their absence prior to 7500 cal. yr BP may be the result of unsuitable feeding conditions close to Raffles Ø caused by a too dense or too open sea-ice cover. In contrast, between 1900 and 1000 and from 500 to 100 cal. yr BP, the seabird settlement was probably restricted by an insufficiently long breeding season due to cold climate conditions in East Greenland.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Na, Mg, K and Ca have been determined in three ice cores drilled along a flow line on the Law Dome, Antarctica. Average cationic concentrations in the upper sections of the cores show a marked decrease in concentration with increasing distance from the coast. A depth profile of the core drilled 5 km from the coast near Cape Folger indicates that the ice below 260 m was precipitated in a colder climate regime, probably towards the end of the Wisconsin stage. The depth profile of the core located at the summit of the dome, 110 km from the coast, shows an unexpected steady increase in the concentration of cations with depth. This may indicate an increase in precipitation, or a gradual change in wind patterns on the dome over recent centuries.  相似文献   

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