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The trophodynamics of mesopelagic (macrozooplankton/micronekton) and benthic boundary layer (suprabenthos=hyperbenthos) faunas from the Algerian Basin were characterized on a seasonal scale through stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic analyses of a total of 34 species and two broad taxa (Copepoda and Cumacea). This is the first study simultaneously focused on trophodynamics of deep-sea zooplankton and suprabenthos. Samples were collected southeast of Mallorca (Algerian Basin, Western Mediterranean), on the continental slope close to Cabrera Archipelago, at 650–780 m depths, ca. bi-monthly between August 2003 and June 2004. Mean δ13C values of suprabenthos ranged from ?21.1‰ (Munnopsurus atlanticus) to ?16.7‰ (Cyclaspis longicaudata). Values of δ15N ranged from 2.8‰ (Lepechinella manco) to 9.9‰ (larvae of Gnathia sp.). The stable isotope ratios of suprabenthic fauna displayed a continuum of values, confirming a wide spectrum of feeding guilds (from filter feeders/surface deposit feeders to predators). According to the available information on diets for suprabenthic species, the highest annual mean δ15N values were found for the hematophagous isopod Gnathia sp. parasite on fish (represented by Praniza larvae) and carnivorous amphipods (e.g. Rhachotropis spp., Nicippe tumida) consuming copepods, and the lowest δ15N values were found for two cumaceans (Cyclaspis longicaudata and Platysympus typicus) feeding on detritus. Assuming a 15N-enrichment factor of 2.5‰ and deposit feeders as baseline, we found three trophic levels in suprabenthic food webs. δ13C ranges were particularly wide among deposit feeders (ranging from ?21.8% to ?17.3‰) and omnivores (from ?20.5% to ?18.8‰), suggesting exploitation of particulate organic matter (POM) of different characteristics. Our isotopic analyses revealed lower ranges of δ13C and δ15N for macrozooplankton/micronekton, compared with suprabenthos. δ13C values of zooplankton taxa ranged from ?21.1‰ (the hyperiid Phrosina semilunata) to ?19.9‰ (the decapod Pasiphaea multidentata), while δ15N values ranged from 3.9‰ (P. semilunata) to 7.5‰ (P. multidentata). Among zooplankton, more enriched δ15N values were found among carnivores (e.g. the fish Cyclothone spp. and Pasiphaea multidentata) preying on copepods, hyperiids, euphausiids and small fish. The lowest δ15N values were found for hyperiids that feed on the mucus nets of salps (e.g. Vibilia armata). After contrasting isotope analysis with dietary data, we conclude there were two trophic levels among zooplankton/micronekton. Strong correlation between the mean annual δ15N and δ13C values was found for zooplankton (R2=0.7), but not for suprabenthos, which suggests a single source of carbon for plankton. We found a general seasonal trend for δ13C enrichment from late autumn (November) to late winter–spring (February–April) for both suprabenthos and zooplankton. The δ13C enrichment in February–April was correlated in zooplankton with higher surface chlorophyll a concentration 1 month before sampling. As evidenced by δ13C–δ15N correlations, the response of zooplankton to the peak of surface primary production was almost immediate (an increase of δ13C–δ15N correlations in February), and stronger than for suprabenthos. The response among suprabenthos was weak, with slight increase in δ13C–δ15N relationships in April–June.  相似文献   

The overall effects of trawling on benthic habitats and their assemblages are dependent on the distribution and intensity of trawl effort. The benthic habitats of the Spencer Gulf prawn trawling grounds are subjected to known variable levels of trawling disturbance recorded from fisher's logbooks. These habitats have not been quantitatively investigated. The aim of the study was firstly to characterise the macro-faunal and -floral assemblages and secondly, to comparatively assess trawl impact by testing the null hypothesis of no differences between five sites exposed to different intensity of trawl effort. The distribution and abundance of benthic macro-fauna and -flora were studied at two sampling resolutions by using beam trawl sampling (10,000 m2) and underwater stereophotography (4.5 m2) at five sites with different levels of trawl disturbance (effort). The results showed that the Spencer Gulf prawn trawling grounds are characterised by sandy sediments with a low content of silt and clay, with the exception of one site with very fine gravel. Biomass, abundance and cover of macro-fauna and -flora were generally low throughout, but with large differences among sites. Biomass, abundance and cover were found to be negatively correlated to both trawl hours from 1994–1998 and during the period of study. ANOSIM and SIMPER analyses using biomass, abundance and percentage cover as variables showed significant differences between sites with eight species or taxonomic groups contributing more than 10% to the observed similarity within sites. The two northern sites were dominated by sponges and the bearded mussel, Trichomya hirsutus, and the southern hammer oyster, Malleus meridianus. Other species that contributed to the similarity within sites were the ascidian, Polycarpa viridis, mobile epifauna (the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, and the western king prawn, Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus) and demersal fish species (Degens leatherjacket, Thamnaconus degeni, and the Melbourne silver belly, Parequula melbournensis). Simpson's Index of Diversity (1 − λ) and species richness in the beam trawl samples were fairly even across all sites, but a significant effect of site was found in the stereophotographic transect samples. It was concluded that prawn trawling has a strong influence on the structure of the benthic habitats of the Spencer Gulf prawn fishing grounds highlighted by the magnitude of change and the strength of the gradient of effects. Confounding factors linked to the biophysical attributes of the sites are believed to be minor.  相似文献   

Small-scale fisheries and the communities they support are often given the protection of designated fishing zones from which non-artisanal vessels are excluded. This paper looks at one example of this approach, the trawl ban introduced in the Gulf of Castellammare (NW Sicily), focussing on the economic sustainability of the artisanal fishery currently operating within the protected area. The consequences of lifting the trawl ban and how far this would jeopardise the sustainability of the artisanal fishery are explored via an analysis of the financial viability of trammel net vessels under alternative assumptions concerning catch rates. The paper also investigates fishermen's attitudes towards the trawl ban and their predisposition either to remain in the fishery or to quit in the event of the ban being removed.  相似文献   

Mesoscale oceanographic features, such as upwellings, are known to play an important role in regulating the structure and productivity of nearshore marine communities. Stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) and fatty acid analyses were employed to assess the influence of an upwelling cell along the south-eastern coastline of southern Africa on the diet of the mussel, Perna perna. Eight sites were sampled: two upstream, three in the vicinity and three downstream of the upwelling cell. Stable isotope and fatty acid signatures indicated that the mussels consumed a diet of detritus derived mainly from macroalgae, diatoms and dinoflagellates. One-way ANOVA on the δ13C and δ15N signatures and the principal component analysis of the fatty acid profiles of the mussels identified distinct groups corresponding to the above mentioned regions. The proportion of diatom biomarkers in the fatty acid profiles decreased downstream of the upwelling region while the proportion of dinoflagellate biomarkers increased. Upwelling regions are typically associated with elevated levels of productivity; however, these systems usually become silicon depleted and result in the replacement of diatoms with dinoflagellates. The highest proportions of the dinoflagellate markers were recorded in the two furthest sites downstream of the upwelling cell. The spatial variation in the diet of the mussels, therefore, appears to reflect the presence of the upwelling cell in the nearshore biology of the region.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution and abundance of the hyperiid amphipods collected during April–May 1986 was analysed in order to study their relationship to mesoscale features in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Hyperiids were represented by 79 species, Lestrigonus bengalensis (65% of total hyperiids), Primno abyssalis (4.3%), Anchylomera blossevillei (2.3%) and Lestrigonus schizogeneios (2.3%) being the most abundant. Several mesoscale features (two cyclonic and three anticyclonic eddies, two upwelling areas) were active in the surveyed area. Cluster analysis of density and composition produced five groups of stations that were found to be related to some of these features. Overall, the mesoscale features that most influenced the local hyperiid community were the upwelling areas; they were related both with the highest and the lowest hyperiid densities and with high and low diversity figures. Overall day/night variations were normal, with highest night‐time densities; this pattern was not consistent in the different mesoscale features studied. Reverse migrations were possibly occurring, or migration patterns were lacking, at some of these systems. The hyperiid community structure related to the anticyclonic eddies differed somewhat among the eddies; however, the oceanographic exchange with the surrounding gulf waters probably obscured sharper faunistic differences between the communities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to establish the main characteristics of the suprabenthic communities of the English Channel including those found in a potential aggregate extraction zone located in the central part. Sampling was carried out with a Macer-GIROQ sledge during four periods in 2007. In this offshore site, the suprabenthic faunal composition and abundance were close to those observed in other similar sites in coarse sand to pebbles in the western and eastern parts of the English Channel. But, the species richness was low (65 species). Amphipods were the dominant group in terms of diversity and abundance. Only a few species, mostly amphipods and decapods, showed significant daily migration. Seasonal variations were moderate. Due to the similar suprabenthic fauna having good swimming ability, the aggregate extraction zone in the central part of the Channel could be rapidly colonized after exploitation and thus could rapidly insure a feeding resource for fish, which are attracted by abundant prey.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to oceanographic features of the semi-enclosed Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. The data were recorded in winter—spring 1999 on the R/V Meteor cruise leg 44/2. Temperature and salinity profiles were measured at six positions (I—VI). The shipboard NarrowBand Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (NB ADCP) 150 kHz continuously recorded current profiles down to 350 m en route. The research revealed that the current near the Strait of Tiran front (position VI) represents a semidiurnal signal of an internal tide wave (∼12 h period; 0.2 ms−1 amplitude) that might be generated by the barotropic tide at the sill of the Strait. A sequence of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy pairs is found along the axis of the Gulf of Aqaba during winter-spring seasons. These sub-mesoscale signals are dominant above the main thermocline and might be caused by wind forcing and the narrowness of the Gulf; it might remain in other seasons with different dimensions in relation to the depth of thermocline. The total diameter of each pair was twice the baroclinic Rossby radius (R ≈ 10 km). A single anti-cyclonic eddy was observed in the upper 300 m in the northern tip of the Gulf with a diameter of about 5–8 km.  相似文献   

Marine benthic trophic relationships and food web structures may be influenced by benthic–pelagic coupling processes, which could also be intensified by the physical dynamics of marine fronts. In this work, we employed stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analysis to investigate the influence of the Southwest (SW) Atlantic shelf-break front (SBF; 38–39°S, 55–56°W; Argentina) on an epibenthic trophic web. Epibenthic organisms were sampled, at depths of ~ 100 m, with a non-selective dredge from a sandy bottom community located in frontal (F) and marginal (M) areas. The SBF position and the chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations were inferred using satellite data of the sea surface temperature (SST) and satellite chl-a concentration, respectively. The most noticeable shifts in stable isotopes between the sampled areas were those of the Patagonian scallop, Zygochlamys patagonica13C), and those of the sea urchin, Sterechinus agassizi15N). Diet analyses inferred from stable isotopes and mixing models demonstrated that the dominant component of this community, Z. patagonica, had variable contributions to higher trophic levels between areas. More importantly, the epibenthic assemblage in F areas showed δ13C-enriched and δ15N-depleted isotopic signatures with respect to the M areas. Collectively, this evidence suggests that frontal dynamics promotes the accumulation of δ13C-enriched phytoplankton in the seabed in F areas, while in M areas the more degraded organic matter becomes more important in the trophic web, decreasing the δ15N isotopic signature of the assemblage. Therefore, the trophic web was sustained by fresher food in F areas than in M areas, demonstrating the role of frontal dynamics in the shaping of these communities.  相似文献   

Macro- and meiofaunal communities were examined at four geomorphologically distinct sites with different gas- and oil-bearing fluid characteristics in the northern, central and southern basins of Lake Baikal. All sites had elevated concentrations of bicarbonate, nitrate, sulphate and chloride ions in pore fluids, with highest values at the Frolikha vent. Elevated levels of iron ions were found in pore waters of the St. Petersburg methane seep and the Gorevoy Utes oil seep. The chemical composition of pore waters at the Malenky mud volcano was similar to that reported in earlier work. Consistent with published data, the Frolikha vent (northern basin) and the St. Petersburg methane seep (central basin) were characterised by methane of mixed genesis (thermogenic + biogenic), whereas the methane source was mainly thermogenic at the Gorevoy Utes oil seep (central basin) and biogenic at the Malenky mud volcano (southern basin). In contrast to marine seep ecosystems, the macrofauna was dominated only by amphipods, giant planarians and oligochaetes, whereas bivalves were absent; the meiofauna was similar to its marine counterpart, being dominated by nematodes, cyclops, harpacticoids and ostracods. A statistically significant positive relationship was revealed between faunal abundance and the availability of bacterial mats on seep sediments. Moreover, ANOVA tests showed significant increases in both meiozoobenthic and macrozoobenthic densities at “hot spot” vent/seep sites relative to discharge-free reference sites. The isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen at various trophic levels of these benthic vent/seep communities was found to differ markedly from that reported by earlier studies for the pelagic and other benthic food webs in Lake Baikal. As in marine seeps, the macrofauna had variable isotopic signatures. Light δ13C and δ15N values suggest the utilization of chemosynthetically fixed and/or methane-derived organic matter. By contrast, the heavy δ13C signatures of some mobile amphipods likely reflect consumption of photosynthetically derived carbon. These findings would at least partly explain why Lake Baikal is a notable outlier in global temperature–biodiversity patterns, exhibiting the highest biodiversity of any lake worldwide but at an extremely cold average temperature.  相似文献   

We present ecological and isotopic (δ18O and δ13C) data on benthic foraminifera sampled from 4 deep-sea stations in a pockmark field from the deep-water Niger delta (Gulf of Guinea, Equatorial Atlantic Ocean). In addition, a series of sedimentological and (bio)geochemical data are shown to back up foraminiferal observations. All stations are located within 1.2 km of each other, so prevailing oceanographic conditions can be assumed to be similar at each site. Two of the sites (GMMC-01 and GMMC-02) are located in a pockmark (named “pockmark A”) where current methane seepages were recorded by ROV observations. A third station (GMMC-03) is located in the topographic depression interpreted as a collapsed pockmark (named “pockmark B”). The fourth site (GMMC-04) is a reference station, without evidence of past or present seepages. Our observations show that degraded organic matter with low bio-availability is present at all stations with a preferential burial of organic compounds in topographic depressions (GMMC-03 station). Authigenic aragonite is abundant in surface sediments at stations GMMC-01 and -02. Its precipitation is likely related to high rates of methane oxidation during past seep events in episodically active pockmark A. In contrast, the absence of anaerobic methanotrophic Archaea (ANME) during the sampling period (November 2011) suggests that only moderate sulphide and methane oxidation take place close to the sediment–water interface. Compared to the reference site GMMC-04, living foraminifera at the collapsed and episodically active pockmarks show minor changes in terms of diversity, standing stocks and faunal composition. However, the δ13C signal of living and dead (but well-preserved) foraminiferal species (Ceratobulimina contraria, Melonis barleeanus, Uvigerina peregrina) is depleted in the episodically active pockmark A compared to the other stations. Overgrowth of authigenic carbonate on altered foraminifera generates an important shift to lower δ13C values. Dead faunas carry a complex time-averaged message, integrating taphonomic gains and losses related to the temporal variability of gas emission. They reveal major faunal differences that may be useful to detect gas hydrate seepages in different pockmark stages.  相似文献   

Two pockmark fields, located along the coastal zone of the Patras and Corinth gulfs, Greece were surveyed in detail. The pockmark fields, which are 30 km apart, are formed in shallow waters at depths of 20–40 m and are about 0.5–1 km from the shoreline. The oceanographic data suggest that two different mechanisms were responsible for their formation. The pockmark field in the Patras Gulf appears to have been formed as a result of methane seepage from the seabed, whereas the field in the Corinth Gulf appears to have resulted from groundwater seepage.  相似文献   

Dynamics of suprabenthos (hyperbenthos) composition and biomass have been simultaneously analyzed at two sites (S1, S2) off the Ebro River Delta (western Mediterranean). The stations, separated by ca. 5 km, differed in terms of depth (S1, 47 m; S2, 61 m), distance to the river mouth (S2 south of S1 and farther from the mouth) and fishing activity (S1 is a fishing ground; S2 is in an area closed to fishing). Peracarids (gammaridean amphipods, mysids, and cumaceans) were dominant among suprabenthic taxa. Seasonality was the main explanation for changes in taxonomic composition, with two seasonal groups indicated by MDS analyses (late summer–autumn, August–September, and November 2003; early summer, June and July samples). Peracarids at both S1 and S2 showed a peak of abundance in early July, with the highest densities reaching 5400 individuals (100 m)−2 at S2. There was a sharp decrease of density in late July (S1) and August (S2), then an increase in August (S1) and in September (S2), respectively. A secondary peak of abundance occurred in November (S1) and December (S2). There was, therefore, a similar picture in the dynamics of suprabenthic peracarids at both sites, though with a delay of 1 month at the deeper S2. This pattern coincided with changes in river discharge (specifically, a decrease of suprabenthos when influx was below 200 m3 s−1 in the period June–September 2003), and with the formation of a thermal gradient (also in June–September 2003) between S1 and S2 associated with the 15 °C isotherm. In addition, the decrease of suprabenthos in late July–August also coincided with the massive occurrence of mucilaginous aggregates close to the bottom (at between 0 and 4 m above the bottom), in the usual habitat of suprabenthos. C/N ratios in sediments (an indicator of the degree of degradation of organic matter (OM)) increased during this peak abundance of mucilaginous aggregates. The impoverishment of sediments in total organic carbon (TOC) was parallel to the decline of suprabenthos in late July–August, which is consistent with negative or non-significant correlations (evidenced both by Spearman's r and multi-regression models) between suprabenthos densities and TOC. Zooplankton taxa (e.g., copepods, chaetognaths, and fish/crustacean larvae living in the entire water column) showed significant correlations with a number of environmental factors (basically temperature), in contrast to suprabenthos. In conclusion, suprabenthos abundance was influenced by a number of natural factors, both intra-annual (e.g., OM quality, river discharges) and inter-annual (e.g., accumulation of mucilaginous remains). Probably due to their swimming capability, suprabenthos were not influenced by trawling activity. Considering the high P/B exhibited by suprabenthic crustaceans in comparison to infauna, this compartment likely has an important role in regulating food webs in those communities submitted to high fishing impact.  相似文献   

A stable carbon isotope approach was taken to identify potential organic matter sources incorporated into biomass by the heterotrophic bacterial community of Florida Bay, a subtropical estuary with a recent history of seagrass loss and phytoplankton blooms. To gain a more complete understanding of bacterial carbon cycling in seagrass estuaries, this study focused on the importance of seagrass-derived organic matter to pelagic, seagrass epiphytic, and sediment surface bacteria. Particulate organic matter (POM), seagrass epiphytic, seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) leaf, and sediment surface samples were collected from four Florida Bay locations with historically different organic matter inputs, macrophyte densities, and primary productivities. Bulk (observed and those reported previously) and compound-specific bacterial fatty acid δ13C values were used to determine important carbon sources to the estuary and benthic and pelagic heterotrophic bacteria. The δ13C values of T. testudinum green leaves with epiphytes removed ranged from −9.9 to −6.9‰. Thalassia testudinum δ13C values were significant more enriched in 13C than POM, epiphytic, and sediment samples, which ranged from −16.4 to −13.5, −16.2 to −9.6, and −16.7 to −11.0‰, respectively. Bacterial fatty acid δ13C values (measured for br14:0, 15:0, i15:0, a15:0, br17:0, and 17:0) ranged from −25.5 to −8.2‰. Assuming a −3‰ carbon source fractionation from fatty acid to whole bacteria, pelagic, epiphytic, and sediment bacterial δ13C values were generally more depleted in 13C than T. testudinum δ13C values, more enriched in 13C than reported δ13C values for mangroves, and similar to reported δ13C values for algae. IsoSource mixing model results indicated that organic matter derived from T. testudinum was incorporated by both benthic and pelagic bacterial communities, where 13–67% of bacterial δ13C values could arise from consumption of seagrass-derived organic matter. The IsoSource model, however, failed to discriminate clearly the fraction of algal (0–86%) and mangrove (0–42%) organic matter incorporated by bacterial communities. These results indicate that pelagic, epiphytic, and sediment surface bacteria consumed organic matter from a variety of sources. Bacterial communities incorporated consistently seagrass-derived organic matter, the dominant macrophyte in Florida Bay, but seagrass δ13C values alone could not account fully for bacterial δ13C values.  相似文献   

Within the same population, nesting green turtles (Chelonia mydas) might exploit different niches by exhibiting polymorphic foraging strategies and/or inhabiting geographically distinct foraging areas. This is crucial information for the conservation of this species. Here, we used stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) to test for differences in a population of green turtles nesting on Príncipe Island (1°37′N; 7°24?′E), Central Africa. A total of 60 nesting females were sampled on the two main nesting beaches of the island in December 2012. Minimum curved carapace length (CCL) was recorded, and δ13C and δ15N values were measured in the epidermis of each individual. Overall, CCL varied from 87.0 to 108.0 cm (mean ± SD =100.0 ± 5.1), δ13C values from ?19.4 to ?8.6‰ (?17.3 ± 1.8) and δ15N values from 7.9 to 17.3‰ (13.6 ± 1.5). Despite the large variation in both isotopic ratios, their distributions were unimodal, showing an absence of polymorphic foraging strategies and isotopically distinct foraging areas. However, smaller females (< median, 100.8 cm) occupied a much larger isotopic niche (i.e., four times greater) than larger females. These results suggest that nesting green turtles may forage opportunistically on the resources available in each of their foraging home ranges, with smaller females venturing to more isotopic‐diversified areas and/or exhibiting broader foraging strategies than larger females. In addition, and in accordance with other studies, findings suggest that the foraging grounds used by the Príncipe green turtle nesting females are distributed mainly throughout the Gulf of Guinea.  相似文献   

To address the relative importance of shrimp trawling on seabed resuspension and bottom characteristics in shallow estuaries, a series of disturbance and monitoring experiments were conducted at a bay bottom mud site (2.5 m depth) in Galveston Bay, Texas in July 1998 and May 1999. Based on pre- and post-trawl sediment profiles of 7Be; pore water dissolved oxygen and sulfide concentration; and bulk sediment properties, it was estimated that the trawl rig, including the net, trawl doors, and “tickler chain,” excavate the seabed to a maximum depth of approximately 1.5 cm, with most areas displaying considerably less disturbance. Water column profile data in the turbid plume left by the trawl in these underconsolidated muds (85–90% porosity; <0.25 kPa undrained shear strength) demonstrate that suspended sediment inventories of up to 85–90 mg/cm2 are produced immediately behind the trawl net; an order of magnitude higher than pre-trawl inventories and comparable to those observed during a 9–10 m/s wind event at the study site. Plume settling and dispersion caused suspended sediment inventories to return to pre-trawl values about 14 min after trawl passage in two separate experiments, indicating particles re-settle primarily as flocs before they can be widely dispersed by local currents. As a result of the passage of the trawl rig across the seabed, shear strength of the sediment surface showed no significant increase, suggesting that bed armoring is not taking place and the trawled areas will not show an increase in critical shear stress.  相似文献   

A seasonal analysis of deep-sea infauna (macrobenthos) based on quantitative sampling was conducted over the Catalan Sea slope, within the Besòs canyon (at ∼550-600 m) and on its adjacent slope (at 800 m). Both sites were sampled in February, April, June-July and October 2007. Environmental variables influencing faunal distribution were also recorded in the sediment and sediment/water interface. Dynamics of macrobenthos at the two stations showed differences in biomass/abundance patterns and trophic structures. Biomass was higher inside the Besòs canyon than on the adjacent slope. The community was mostly dominated by surface-deposit feeding polychaetes (Ampharetidae, Paraonidae, Flabelligeridae) and crustaceans (amphipods such as Carangoliopsis spinulosa and Harpinia spp.) inside the canyon, while subsurface deposit feeders (mainly the sipunculan Onchnesoma steenstrupii) were dominant over the adjacent slope. The taxonomic composition in the suprabenthic assemblages of polychaetes, collected on the adjacent slope by a suprabenthic sledge, was clearly different from that collected by the box-corer. The suprabenthic assemblage was dominated by carnivorous forms (mainly Harmothoe sp. and Nephthys spp.) and linked to higher near-bottom turbidity. Inside Besòs a clear temporal succession of species was related to both food availability and quality and the proliferation of opportunistic species was consistent with higher variability in food sources (TOC, C/N, ??13C) in comparison to adjacent slope. This was likely caused by a greater influence of terrigenous inputs from river discharges. Inside the canyon, Capitellidae, Spionidae and Flabelligeridae, in general considered as deposit feeders, were more abundant in June-July coinciding with a clear signal of terrigenous carbon (depleted ??13C, high C/N) in the sediments. By contrast, during October and under conditions of high water turbidity and increases of TOM, carnivorous polychaetes (Glyceridae, Onuphidae) increased. Total macrobenthos biomass found over Catalonian slopes were higher than that found in the neighboring Toulon canyon, probably because the two canyons are influenced by different river inputs, connected with distinct terrigenous sources.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine δ13C analyses of oceanic particulate matter (> 0·μ) from semi-tropical (Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and Atlantic) and polar (South Indian Ocean) waters showed that the carbon isotope composition of the particulate matter from the cold polar surface waters was lighter (?24·7 to ?26·0‰) than that from the surface in the semi-tropical regions (?19·8 to ?22·3 ‰), reflecting the temperature effect on the photosynthetic fixation of carbon. δ13C for deep samples (> 330 m) were generally more negative than the surface samples, except in some well-mixed polar areas.A difference both in organic carbon isotopic composition and percentage organic carbon in the POM and the tops of sediment cores was also apparent; a loss of approximately 95 % of incoming carbon and an increase in 13C of several per mille being observed during deposition of particulate matter. This indicates that after settling on the bottom there is extensive diagenesis of the POM by organisms, indicating the non-refractory nature of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Age verification of rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) was sought using the bomb radiocarbon chronometer procedure. Stable isotopes were investigated for life history characteristics. Radiocarbon (14C) and stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) levels were measured in micro-samples from five otoliths that had been aged using a zone count method. All the core 14C measurements were ‘pre-bomb’ indicating ages of at least 45 years, and the 14C measurements across the otolith sections suggested that the zone-count ageing method described herein is not biased. Maximum estimated age was 100 years. There was no significant between-sex difference in the von Bertalanffy growth curves. The δ18O values indicated that rubyfish are near-surface as juveniles, and move deeper with age. Adults appear to reside in 600–1000 m; this is deeper than most trawl-capture data suggest, but not implausible, and has stock assessment implications. The δ13C values reflect fish metabolic rates, trophic feeding levels and oceanographic conditions. The stable isotopes record the environmental life history of each fish, and have value in distinguishing stocks and/or indicating vertical and latitudinal migratory patterns.  相似文献   

Preservation of organic matter in estuarine and coastal areas is an important process in the global carbon cycle. This paper presents bulk δ13C and C/N of organic matter from source to sink in the Pearl River catchment, delta and estuary, and discusses the applicability of δ13C and C/N as indicators for sources of organic matter in deltaic and estuarine sediments. In addition to the 91 surface sediment samples, other materials collected in this study cover the main sources of organic material to estuarine sediment. These are: terrestrial organic matter (TOM), including plants and soil samples from the catchment; estuarine and marine suspended particulate organic carbon (POC) from both summer and winter. Results show that the average δ13C of estuarine surface sediment increases from −25.0 ± 1.3‰ in the freshwater environment to −21.0 ± 0.2‰ in the marine environment, with C/N decreasing from 15.2 ± 3.3 to 6.8 ± 0.2. In the source areas, C3 plants have lower δ13C than C4 plants (−29.0 ± 1.8‰ and −13.1 ± 0.5‰ respectively). δ13C increases from −28.3 ± 0.8‰ in the forest soil to around −24.1‰ in both riverbank soil and mangrove soil due to increasing proportion of C4 grasses. The δ13CPOC increases from −27.6 ± 0.8‰ in the freshwater areas to −22.4 ± 0.5‰ in the marine-brackish-water areas in winter, and ranges between −24.0‰ in freshwater areas and −25.4‰ in brackish-water areas in summer. Comparison of the δ13C and C/N between the sources and sink indicates a weakening TOM and freshwater POC input in the surface sedimentary organic matter seawards, and a strengthening contribution from the marine organic matter. Thus we suggest that bulk organic δ13C and C/N analysis can be used to indicate sources of sedimentary organic matter in estuarine environments. Organic carbon in surface sediments derived from anthropogenic sources such as human waste and organic pollutants from industrial and agricultural activities accounts for less than 10% of the total organic carbon (TOC). Although results also indicate elevated δ13C of sedimentary organic matter due to some agricultural products such as sugarcane, C3 plants are still the dominant vegetation type in this area, and the bulk organic δ13C and C/N is still an effective indicator for sources of organic matter in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

Midlittoral Soft Substratum Macrofaunal Assemblages in the North Aegean Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The soft substratum macrobenthic assemblages of the midlittoral zone, along the atidal shores of the upper Thermaikos (polluted) and Strymonikos (unpolluted) Gulfs in the North Aegean Sea, arc qualitatively and quantitatively described. The composition of each of the seven assemblages found (four in Thermaikos and three in Strymonikos Gulf) is statistically tested and discussed in relation to abiotic factors. One of the four Thermaikos Gulf assemblages is located on a silt to fine sand substrate in brackish waters and is characterized by the dominance of the polychactc Hedisie diversicolor and the amphipod Corophium orientate. The other three assemblages arc located on coarse substrates and characterized by the very high dominance of the bivalve Donacillu corneu and the polychactc Ophelia bicornis (both of which are exclusive inhabitants of the midlittoral zone); the First is additionally characterized by the very high dominance of the polychactc Nerine cirratulus , both the second and the third by the dominance of turbellarians due to the pollution of the Gulf (stations located near sewage discharge, high organic carbon, low oxygen). In Strymonikos Gulf, one of the three assemblages is dominated by H. diversicolor and C. orientate; it is similar to the corresponding assemblage found in Thermaikos Gulf, although located on a relatively coarSér sediment. The second is dominated by D. cornea and O. bicornis and is also similar to that of Thermaikos Gulf. The third assemblage does not have a corresponding one in Thermaikos Gulf, is located on a substrate consisting of granules to pebbles, arid is characterized by the high dominance of the amphipods Allorchestes aquilinus and Echinogammarus olivii and the isopod Sphaeroma Sérratum. The corresponding assemblages of the two gulfs are compared. The results of the data analysis are discussed and compared with the literature.  相似文献   

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