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The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Pindos Zone in western Greece document the evolution of a Tethyan deep-water basin. New sedimentological and micropalaeontological studies reveal a complex basin history. Siliceous sediments with abundant radiolaria and organic-rich facies prevailed up to the early Late Cretaceous. Within the sediment-starved pre-Middle Cenomanian, marked black shale levels appear that are probably linked to oceanic anoxic events. At the change from the late Early to the early Middle Cenomanian, the sedimentary regime altered abruptly. The early Late Cretaceous is characterized by major calcareous redepositional events (orbitoline horizons) and often associated siliciclastic turbidite deposition (submarine-fan environments). In the late Late Cretaceous, carbonate supply increased rapidly, resulting in the evolution of a carbonate slope and basin-plain setting. Pelagic and allodapic limestones recorded basinwide blooms in planktonic foraminifera (elevata event) and a polyphase redepositional history that is interpreted to reflect the sensitivity of the basin to the tectonic evolution of Apulia.  相似文献   

The Pindos ophiolite complex, located in the north-western part of continental Greece, hosts various podiform chromite deposits generally characterized by low platinum-group element (PGE) grades. However, a few locally enriched in PPGE + Au (up to 29.3 ppm) chromitites of refractory type are also present, mainly in the area of Korydallos (south-eastern Pindos). The present data reveal that this enrichment is strongly dependant on chromian spinel chemistry and base metal sulfide and/or base metal alloy (BMS and BMA, respectively) content in chromitites. Consequently, we used super-panning to recover PGM from the Al-rich chromitites of the Korydallos area. The concentrate of the composite chromitite sample contained 159 PGM grains, including, in decreasing order of abundance, the following major PGM phases: Pd-Cu alloys (commonly non-stoichiometric, although a few Pd-Cu alloys respond to the chemical formula PdCu4), Pd-bearing tetra-auricupride [(Au,Pd)Cu], nielsenite (PdCu3), sperrylite (PtAs2), skaergaardite (PdCu), Pd-bearing auricupride [(Au,Pd)Cu3], Pt and Pd oxides, Pt-Fe-Ni alloys, hollingworthite (RhAsS) and Pt-Cu alloys. Isomertieite (Pd11Sb2As2), zvyagintsevite (Pd3Pb), native Au, keithconnite (Pd20Te7), naldrettite (Pd2Sb) and Rh-bearing bismuthotelluride (RhBiTe, probably the Rh analogue of michenerite) constitute minor phases. The bulk of PGE-mineralization is dominated by PGM grains that range in size from 5 to 10 µm. The vast majority of the recovered PPGM are associated with secondary BMS and BMA, thus confirming that a sulphur-bearing melt played a very important role in scavenging the PGE + Au content of the silicate magma from which chromian spinel had already started to crystallize. The implemented technique has led to the recovery of more, as well as noble, PGM grains than the in situ mineralogical examination of single chromitite samples. Although, the majority of the PGM occur as free particles and in situ textural information is lost, single grain textural evidence is observed. In summary, this research provides information on the particles, grain size and associations of PGM, which are critical with respect to the petrogenesis and mineral processing.  相似文献   

The Zone of Samedan is part of a fossil, early Mesozoic rift system originally situated in the distal, Lower Austro-Alpine domain of the Adriatic passive continental margin. An early Mesozoic configuration of asymmetrical rift basins bounded by relative structural highs compartmentalized Late Cretaceous active margin tectonics; Jurassic half-grabens were folded into arcuate synclines, whereas relative structural highs engendered thin, imbricated thrust sheets. West-directed thrusting and folding initiated at the surface and continued to depths favoring mylonitization under lower greenschist-facies conditions. At this time Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites were accreted to Lower Austro-Alpine units directly underlying the Zone of Samedan. Late Cretaceous orogenic collapse of the Adriatic active margin involved the reactivation of west-directed thrusts as low-angle, top-to-the-east, normal faults. These faults accommodated extensional uplift of Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites and Lower Austro-Alpine units beneath and within the Zone of Samedan. During Paleogene collision, some Late Cretaceous faults in the Zone of Samedan were reactivated under lower anchizonal conditions as north-directed thrusts. The latter stages of this early Tertiary thickening were transitional to brittle, high-angle normal faulting associated with top-to-the-east extension and spreading above the warm, uplifting Lepontine dome.  相似文献   

New sandstone petrology and petrostratigraphy provide insights on Palaeogene (Middle Eocene to Oligocene) clastics of the Thrace Basin in Greece, which developed synchronously with post‐Cretaceous collision and subsequent Tertiary extension. Sandstone petrofacies are used as a tool to unravel complex geodynamic changes that occurred at the southern continental margin of the European plate, identifying detrital signals of the accretionary processes of the Rhodope orogen, as well as subsequent partitioning related to extension of the Rhodope area, followed by Oligocene to present Aegean extension and wide magmatic activity starting during the Early Oligocene. Sandstone detrital modes include three distinctive petrofacies: quartzolithic, quartzofeldspathic and feldspatholithic. Major contributions are from metamorphic basement units, represented mostly by low to medium‐grade lithic fragments for the quartzolithic petrofacies and high‐grade metamorphic rock fragments for the quartzofeldspathic petrofacies. Volcaniclastic sandstones were derived from different volcanic areas, with a composition varying from dominantly silicic to subordinate intermediate products (mainly rhyolitic glass, spherulites and felsitic lithics). Evolution of detrital modes documents contributions from three key source areas corresponding to the two main crystalline tectonic units: (i) the Variegated Complex (ultramafic complex), in the initial stage of accretion (quartzolithic petrofacies); (ii) the Gneiss–Migmatite Complex (quartzofeldspathic petrofacies); and (iii) the Circum‐Rhodope Belt. The volcaniclastic petrofacies is interbedded with quartzofeldspathic petrofacies, reflecting superposition of active volcanic activity on regional erosion. The three key petrofacies reflect complex provenance from different tectonic settings, from collisional orogenic terranes to local basement uplift and volcanic activity. The composition and stratigraphic relations of sandstones derived from erosion of the Rhodope orogenic belt and superposed magmatism after the extensional phase in northern Greece provide constraints for palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic models of the Eocene to Oligocene western portions of the Thrace Basin. Clastic detritus in the following sedimentary assemblages was derived mainly from provenance terranes of the Palaeozoic section within the strongly deformed Rhodope Massif of northern Greece and south‐east Bulgaria, from the epimetamorphic units of the Circum‐Rhodope Belt and from superposed Late Eocene to Early Oligocene magmatism related to orogenic collapse of the Rhodope orogen. The sedimentary provenance of the Rhodope Palaeogene sandstones documents the changing nature of this orogenic belt through time, and may contribute to a general understanding of similar geodynamic settings.  相似文献   

The Ligurian Alps segment of the Alpine–Apennine orogen in NW Italy is unconformably covered by Upper Eocene to Holocene sediments in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) and Po Plain. These sediments dip towards the north demonstrating the erosional nature of the southern border of the succession and implying that the adjacent orogenic belt formed the substratum rather than the margin of the sedimentary basin. Apatite (U–Th)/He and fission track thermochronology shows that the orogen first subsided and was buried at >4 km from 30 to 26 Ma and began its exhumation thereafter. From 26 Ma to present, this upward movement was contemporaneous with subsidence in the northern TPB. The couple exhumation in the S and subsidence in the N migrated northwards through time. Vertical movements in the area are similar to those reconstructed in Corsica. In both cases, the onset of exhumation becomes younger away from the Ligurian‐Provençal basin and has little correlation with the opening of the surrounding oceanic basins.  相似文献   

The Eocene–Oligocene transition (EOT, ~34 Ma) is the largest global cooling of the Cenozoic Era and led the Earth's climatic system to change from a greenhouse to an icehouse mode. Although it is well documented in marine settings, the few studies focusing on continental environments have demonstrated regional heterogeneities. The study core CDB1, located in the Rennes Basin (Western France), is a unique terrestrial (lacustrine–palustrine) record comprising well‐preserved and terrestrial‐derived organic‐rich sediments encompassing the EOT. Clay minerals and the first organic nitrogen isotope record (δ15Norg) of terrestrial origin for this period are used to reconstruct palaeoclimate changes across this key interval. As suggested in worldwide marine and a few continental records, a stepwise transition from warm/humid conditions in the Late Eocene to cooler/drier conditions in the Early Oligocene is confirmed in the area. In addition, an episode of drier conditions in the Late Eocene and humid/dry cycles in the Early Oligocene are suggested.  相似文献   

We studied veins in the Triassic Buntsandstein of the Lower Saxony Basin (NW Germany) with the aim of quantifying the evolution of in-situ stress, fluids and material transport. Different generations of veins are observed. The first generation formed in weakly consolidated rocks without a significant increase in fracture permeability and was filled syntectonically with fibrous calcite and blocky to elongate-blocky quartz. The stable isotopic signature (δ18O and δ13C) indicates that the calcite veins precipitated from connate water at temperatures of 55–122°C. The second vein generation was syntectonically filled with blocky anhydrite, which grew in open fractures. Fluid inclusions indicate that the anhydrite veins precipitated at a minimum temperature of 150°C from hypersaline brines. Based on δ34S measurements, the source of the sulphate was found in the underlying Zechstein evaporites. The macro- and microstructures indicate that all veins were formed during subsidence and that the anhydrite veins were formed under conditions of overpressure, generated by inflation rather than non-equilibrium compaction. The large amount of fluids which are formed by the dehydrating gypsum in the underlying Zechstein and are released into the Buntsandstein during progressive burial form a likely source of overpressures and the anhydrite forming fluids.  相似文献   

This study presents a reconstruction of the tectonic history of an Upper Rotliegend tight gas field in Northern Germany. Tectonism of the greater study area was influenced by multiple phases of salt movement, which produced a variety of salt-related structural features such as salt walls, salt diapirs as well as salt glaciers (namakiers). A sequential 2D retro-deformation and stratal backstripping methodology was used to differentiate mechanisms inducing salt movement and to discuss their relation to regional tectonics. The quantitative geometric restoration included sedimentary balancing, decompaction, fault-related deformation, salt movement, thermal subsidence, and isostasy to unravel the post-depositional tectonic overprint of the Rotliegend reservoir rock. The results of this study indicate that reactive salt diapirism started during an Early Triassic interval of thin-skinned extensional tectonics, followed by an active diapirism stage with an overburden salt piercement in the Late Triassic, and finally a period of intensive salt surface extrusion and the formation of salt glaciers (namakiers) in Late Triassic and Jurassic times. Since the Early Cretaceous, salt in the study area has been rising by passive diapirism.  相似文献   

The 22 meter thick marine carbonate Upper Oligocene series of Astrup (NW Germany) is correlated with the Chattian type section of Doberg. It indicates a more constrained palaeogeographical and biostratigraphical position ranging from the biozones of Chlamys (C.) decussata (upper Chattian A) to Chlamys (C.) semistriatus (lower Chattian C). The macrofauna can be subdivided into three main benthic communities: A. the ?coarse gravel spondylid beach fauna?? of the shore zone with ?pebble beach facies?? dominated by sessile brachiopods, large balanids, spondylids, oysters or small regular echinoids. Borings are common in pebbles; B. the ?glauconite fine gravel brachiopod-bryozoan littoral fauna?? of the shallow subtidal zone where a terebratulid/lithothamnid dominated fauna/flora is present. The rhodophyceans were most possibly anker stones and substrates for cirripeds and serpulids; C. the ?glauconite carbonate sand phytal fauna?? of the shallow subtidal zone with a rich benthic mollusc dominated fauna. Indirect evidence for seagrass and macroalgae occurs on the attachment negatives of balanids and oysters, and also on Cibicides foraminifera or bryozoans like Cellepora. The facies types along the Wiehengebirge Island and Teutoburger Wald Peninsula coasts of the southern Pre-North Sea Basin differ with respect to their benthic communities to that of the siliciclastic Leipziger and the Rhenish Bay facies.  相似文献   

The Dramala massif, located in the Dinarides–Hellenides orogenic belt, forms the mantle section of the Neotethyan Pindos ophiolite complex in NW continental Greece. Its southern domain is comprised mainly of voluminous harzburgite masses with variable clinopyroxene and olivine modal abundances, ranging from clinopyroxene‐bearing to typical and olivine‐rich harzburgites. The harzburgite varieties are characterized by elevated Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al)] in Cr‐spinel (0.43–0.79), high forsterite (Fo) content in olivine (0.90–0.93), low Al2O3 content in clinopyroxene (≤1.77 wt.%) and poor whole‐rock abundances of Al2O3 (≤0.68 wt.%), CaO (≤0.68 wt.%), Sc (≤11 ppm) and REE, which are indicative of their refractory nature. In terms of fO2 values, the southern Pindos harzburgites plot between the FMQ‐2 (Fayalite–Magnetite–Quartz) and FMQ + 2 buffers. Simple batch and fractional melting models are not sufficient to explain their depleted composition. Their Ni/Yb ratios vs. Yb bulk‐rock abundances can be reproduced by up to 22–31% closed‐system non‐modal dynamic melting of an assumed spinel‐bearing lherzolite source. Cr‐spinel chemistry data suggest that the southern Dramala harzburgites were formed in an oceanic centre and then were reworked in the mantle wedge above a subducted slab. Combined petrographic and compositional data indicate that the studied harzburgites interacted with arc‐derived tholeiitic melts. This interaction resulted in substantial olivine and minor Cr‐spinel addition to the studied harzburgites, thus enhancing their refractoriness. Cryptic metasomatism was plausibly responsible for the demolition of any strong geochemical signatures suggestive of a previous melting event in a spreading centre. Comparable observations from the neighbouring Vourinos suite imply that the southern Dramala harzburgites probably represent an arc/fore‐arc mantle region within the mutual Pindos–Vourinos, Mesohellenic lithospheric mantle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Pindos ophiolite complex, located in the northwestern part of continental Greece, hosts various chromite deposits of both metallurgical (high-Cr) and refractory (high-Al) type. The Pefki chromitites are banded and sub-concordant to the surrounding serpentinized dunites. The Cr# [Cr/(Cr?+?Al)] of magnesiochromite varies between 0.75 and 0.79. The total PGE grade ranges from 105.9 up to 300.0?ppb. IPGE are higher than PPGE, typical of mantle hosted ophiolitic chromitites. The PGM assemblage in chromitites comprises anduoite, ruarsite, laurite, irarsite, sperrylite, hollingworthite, Os-Ru-Ir alloys including osmium and rutheniridosmine, Ru-bearing oxides, braggite, paolovite, platarsite, cooperite, vysotskite, and palladodymite. Iridarsenite and omeiite were also observed as exsolutions in other PGM. Rare electrum and native Ag are recovered in concentrates. This PGM assemblage is of great petrogenetic importance because it is significantly different from that commonly observed in podiform mantle-hosted and banded crustal-hosted ophiolitic chromitites. PGE chalcogenides of As and S are primary, and possibly crystallized directly from a progressively enriched in As boninitic melt before or during magnesiochromite precipitation. The presence of Ru-bearing oxides implies simultaneous desulfurization and dearsenication processes. Chemically zoned laurite and composite paolovite-electrum intergrowths are indicative of the relatively high mobility of certain PGE at low temperatures under locally oxidizing conditions. The PGM assemblage and chemistry, in conjunction with geological and petrologic data of the studied chromitites, indicate that it is characteristic of chromitites found within or close to the petrologic Moho. Furthermore, the strikingly different PGM assemblages between the high-Cr chromitites within the Pindos massif is suggestive of non-homogeneous group of ores.  相似文献   

Turbidite facies distribution and palaeocurrent analysis of submarine fan evolution in the Pindos foreland basin of west Peloponnesus peninsula (SW Greece) indicate that this part of the foreland was developed during Late Eocene to Early Oligocene in three linear sub‐basins (Tritea, Hrisovitsi and Finikounda). The basin fill conditions, with a multiple feeder system, which is characterized by axial transport of sediments and asymmetric stratigraphic thickness of the studied sediments, indicate that the Pindos Foreland Basin in this area was an underfilled foreland basin. Sediments are dominated by conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones. The flow types that controlled the depositional processes of the submarine fans were grain flows, debris flows and low‐ and high‐density turbidity currents. The sedimentary model that we propose for the depositional mechanisms and geometrical distribution of the turbidite units in the Tritea sub‐basin is a mixed sand‐mud submarine fan with a sequential interaction of progradation and retrogradation for the submarine fan development and shows a WNW main palaeocurrent direction. The Hrisovitsi sub‐basin turbidite system characterized by small‐scale channels was sediment starved, and the erosion during deposition was greater than the two other studied areas, indicating a more restricted basin topography with a NW main palaeocurrent direction. The Finikounda sub‐basin exhibits sand‐rich submarine fans, is characterized by the presence of distinct, small‐scale, thickening‐upward cycles and by the covering of a distal fan by a proximal fan. It was constructed under the simultaneous interaction of progradation and aggradation, where the main palaeocurrent direction was from NNW to SSE. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Oligocene depositional history of the Thrace Basin documents a unique paleogeographic position at a junction between the Western Tethys and the Eastern Paratethys. As part of the Tethys, shallow marine carbonate platforms prevailed during the Eocene. Subsequently, a three-staged process of isolation started with the Oligocene. During the Early Rupelian, the Thrace Basin was still part of the Western Tethys, indicated by typical Western Tethyan marine assemblages. The isolation from the Tethys during the Early Oligocene is reflected by oolite formation and endemic Eastern Paratethyan faunas of the Solenovian stage. The third phase reflects an increasing continentalisation of the Thrace Basin with widespread coastal swamps during the Late Solenovian. The mollusc assemblages are predominated by mangrove dwelling taxa and the mangrove plant Avicennia is recorded in the pollen spectra. The final continentalisation is indicated by the replacement of the coastal swamps by pure freshwater swamps and fluvial plains during the Late Oligocene (mammal zone MP 26). This paleogeographic affiliation of the Thrace Basin with the Eastern Paratethys after ~32 Ma contrasts all currently used reconstructions which treat the basin as embayment of the Eastern Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

A. Sáez  L. Cabrera 《Sedimentology》2002,49(5):1073-1094
ABSTRACT A small, closed, lacustrine system developed during the restraining overstep stages of the Oligocene As Pontes strike‐slip basin (Spain). The increase in basin accommodation and the headward spread of the drainage, which increased the water input, triggered a change from shallow, holomictic to deeper, meromictic conditions. The lower, shallow, lacustrine assemblage consists of mudstone–carbonate cycles recording lacustrine–palustrine ramp deposition in a saline lake. High Sr content in some early diagenetic calcites suggests that aragonite and calcite made up the primary carbonate muds. Early dolomitization took place together with widespread pedogenic activity. The upper, deep, freshwater, lacustrine assemblage includes bundles of carbonate–clay rhythmites and fine‐grained turbidite beds. Primary calcite and diagenetic siderite make up the carbonate laminae. The Mg content of the primary carbonates records variations in Mg/Ca ratios in lacustrine waters. δ18O and δ13C covariance trends in calcite reinforce closed drainage conditions. δ18O data indicate that the lake system changed rapidly from short‐lived isotopically light periods (i.e. from seasonal to pluriannual) to longer steady‐state periods of heavier δ18O (i.e. from pluriannual to millennial). The small δ13C changes in the covariant trends were caused by dilute inflow, changing the contributions of dissolved organic carbon in the system and/or internal variations in lacustrine organic productivity and recycling. In both shallow and deep carbonate facies, sulphate reduction and methanogenesis may account, respectively, for the larger negative and positive δ13C shifts recorded in the early diagenetic carbonates (calcite, dolomite and siderite). The lacustrine system was very susceptible to high‐frequency, climatically forced water balance variations. These climatic oscillations interfered with the low‐frequency tectonic and morphological changes in the basin catchment. This resulted in the superposition of high‐order depositional, mineralogical and geochemical cycles and rhythms on the lower order lacustrine infill sequence.  相似文献   

Low grade hydrothermally metamorphosed ophiolitic basic rocks from E. Liguria (Italy), Pindos (Greece) and Troodos (Cyprus) are enriched in O18 relative to the oxygen isotope ratio of fresh basalt (6.0±0.5‰). The maximum observed δO18 value of +13.22‰ corresponds to a positive isotope shift of 7‰ Enrichments in Sr87 relative to Sr86 correlate with hydrothermal alteration. The δC13 values of secondary calcite from E. Liguria are positive, and fall in the range from +0.2% to +3.6‰ Since ophiolitic rocks are considered to be fragments of the oceanic crust and upper mantle, and since the secondary metamorphic assemblages were produced before mechanical emplacement, it is considered that the hydrothermal metamorphism which affected these rocks occurred in the sub-sea-floor environment. The isotope data are directly consistent with the hypothesis that the alteration was produced by interaction of the basaltic material with introduced sea water. Water: rock ratios were sufficiently large to produce the observed isotope shifts. In the Troodos ophiolite sequence δO18 values decrease steadily downwards and change to progressively larger depletions in the Sheeted Intrusive Complex. The trend of δO18 decrease correlates with the original direction of increasing temperature. The O18 depletions, which have also been observed for oceanic “greenstones” (Muehlenbachs and Clayton, 1972b), resulted from water/rock interaction at temperatures greater than the particular temperature range above which whole rock-water fractionations became less than the isotopic difference between fresh basalt and sea water. Since this isotope geochemistry indicates that the water responsible for hydrothermal metamorphism was of sea water origin, the data support the more general hypothesis that convection of sea water within the upper 4–5 kms of the oceanic crust is a massive and active process at oceanic ridges. This process may be completely or partially responsible for (a.i.), the local scatter and low mean value of the conductive heat flux measured near ridges, (a.ii), the transfer of considerable quantities of heat from spreading oceanic ridges, (b) hydrothermal metamorphism, metasomatism and mineralization of oceanic crust, (c), the production of metal enriched, relatively reduced brines during sea water/basalt interaction, d), the high degree of scatter and low mean value of the compressional wave velocities of oceanic basement layer 2 and (e), the low natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensity of the lower part of layer 2 and upper part of layer 3 of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

SummaryThe Geological Structure and the Tectonic Evolution as Factors of Instability in the Pindos Zone Area (Greece) The zone of flysch in western Greece is known as a terrane bearing the most frequent landslide manifestations. Nevertheless, extensive landslide phenomena have been observed in the trunk of central-western continental Greece, where the Olonos-Pindos isopic zone dominates. These take place on formations which, in contrast with the flysch, would be assumed as solidstable rocks on first consideration.In the present study the geologic-lithological structure, as well as the tectonic evolution of the above mentioned formations (mainly thin plated Upper Cretaceous limestones) are examined in correlation with the acting mechanism and causes of the observed mobilization. In addition, it is argued that the principal factors of instability, which prepare certain locations in long-term process for landslide manifestations, are connected with the geological structure and tectonic evolution of the Pindos zone and some particular characteristics of it. These features constitute inherent alpine factors of instability which, acting at places in conjunction with certain secondary exogene ones, progressively generate conditions of critical looseness of the rock.Finally, the observed general instability of the Corinthian gulf coastal slopes is mentioned, which is also closely connected with the prevailing vertical neotectonic movements and the accumulation of stresses in this active trough.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

The Pindos ophiolitic massif is considered an important key area within the Albanide–Hellenide ophiolitic belt and is represented by two tectonically distinct ophiolitic units: (1) a lower unit, including an intrusive and a volcanic section; and (2) an Upper Ophiolitic Unit, mainly including mantle harzburgites. Both units share similar metamorphic soles and tectono-sedimentary mélanges at their bases.

The intrusive section of the lower unit is composed by an alternation of troctolites with various ultramafic rock-types, including dunites, lherzolites, olivine-websterites, olivine-gabbros, anorthositic gabbros, gabbros and rare gabbronorites.

The volcanic and subvolcanic sequence of the lower unit can geochemically be subdivided into three groups of rocks: (1) basalts and basaltic andesites of the lower pillow section showing a clear high-Ti affinity; (2) basaltic andesites of the upper pillow section with high-Ti affinity, but showing many geochemical differences with respect to the first group; (3) very low-Ti (boninitic) basaltic and basaltic andesitic lava flows separating the lower and upper pillow sections, and dykes widespread throughout the Pindos ophiolites.

These different magmatic groups originated from fractional crystallization from different primary magmas, which were generated, in turn, from partial melting of mantle sources progressively depleted by previous melt extractions. Group 1 volcanics may have derived from partial melting (ca. 20%) of an undepleted lherzolitic source, while group 2 basaltic rocks may have derived from partial melting (ca. 10%) of a mantle that had previously experienced mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) extraction. Finally, the Group 3 boninites may have derived from partial melting (ca. 12–17%) of a mantle peridotite previously depleted by primary melt extraction of Groups 1 and 2 primary melts.

In order to explain the coexistence of these geochemically different magma groups, two petrogenetic models formerly proposed for the Albanian ophiolites are discussed.  相似文献   

In the Epirus region of North-west Greece, spring flows in villages have reduced dramatically over the last few decades, in some cases with serious economic consequences. We argue here that this has resulted from the major reduction of grazing by mountain goats over the same period together with other associated land-use changes. Normally such a contention would be impossible to demonstrate because many different causes could be invoked. However, prior to 1946 culturally homogenous Greek-speaking communities with identical pastoral practices were separated by the closure of the Greek-Albanian border. Changes of spring flow have not occurred on the Albanian side of the border where heavy grazing has continued. In a region such as Greece where pastoralism has continued for thousands of years, the environment had reached an equilibrium with goat grazing. Apart from the reduction of spring flows, other undesirable ecological consequences are occurring.
It is also interesting to note that long-term water table changes such as those occurring in Epirus have been attributed to tectonic effects and thought to potentially predict earthquakes. The effect however, may be the result of goats and other livestock 'leaving' and not the result of earthquakes 'coming'.  相似文献   

R- andQ-mode factor analysis is applied to 51 groundwater samples collected from wells drilled in the Plio-Pleistocene aquifers of NW Achaia, Greece. The purpose ofR- andQ-mode factor analysis application is to identify (i) the regional groundwater flow pattern, and (ii) the deterioration of groundwater quality. Sixteen hydrogeological parameters are used in order to examine their importance and to provide significant insight into their correlations. In theR-mode factor analysis, a six-factor model is suggested which can explain more than 77.5% of the total variance. The contribution of each factor at every site (factor scores) also is computed. Maps are constructed showing the geographical distribution of the factor scores. From these maps, the high salinity areas are delineated (seawater intrusion, possible appearance of halite layers) and the areas with elevated contribution of karastic-water are defined. Using theQ-mode correspondence analysis the meaning of the electrical conductivity as the most important variable in groundwater quality characterization is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Yenice–Gönen Fault (YGF) is one of the most important active tectonic structures in the Biga peninsula. On March 18, 1953, a destructive earthquake (Mw = 7.2) occurred on the YGF, which is considered to be a part of the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). A 70 km-long dextral surface rupture formed during the Yenice–Gönen Earthquake (YGE).In this study, structural and palaeoseismological features of the YGF have been investigated. The YGF surface ruptures have been mapped and three trenches were excavated at Muratlar, Karaköy and Seyvan sites.According to the palaeoseismic interpretation and the results of 14C AMS dating, Seyvan trench shows that an earthquake of palaeoseismic age ca. 620 AD ruptured a different strand of the 1953 fault, producing rather significant surface rupture displacement, while there are indications that at least two older events occurred during the past millennia. Another set of trenches excavated near Gönen town (Muratlar village) revealed extensive liquefaction not only during the 1953 event, but also during a previous earthquake, dated at 1440 AD. The Karaköy trench shows no indications of recent reactivations.Based on the trenching results, we estimate a recurrence interval of 660 ± 160 years for large morphogenic earthquakes, creating linear surface ruptures. The maximum reported displacement during the 1953 earthquake was 4.2 m. Taking into account the palaeoseismologically determined earthquake recurrence interval and maximum displacement, slip-rate of the YGF has been calculated to be 6.3 mm/a, which is consistent with present-day velocities determined by GPS measurements. According to the geological investigations, cumulative displacement of the YGF is 2.3 km. This palaeoseismological study contributes to model the behaviour of large seismogenic faults in the Biga Peninsula.  相似文献   

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