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Based on the approaches of FAO24 and FMP1, a new empirical approach simulating evapotranspiration from groundwater (ETgw) under different soil water conditions was proposed in present study. Then, through the data from volumetric lysimeter, the new approach was compared with the two approaches of FMP1, C1 and C2. The new approach gave acceptable simulation results for the treatments under different water conditions, and especially gave better results for the treatments influenced markedly by precipitation or irrigation than the other approaches. The large errors in the late stage in 2009 might be due to the effect of the early maturity of winter wheat. It also indicated that the critical soil water storages in the equation in FAO24 were not suitable to describe the relationship between ETgw and soil water storage in root zone when water table was at or above 150?cm depth, and could be replaced with the storage corresponding to the field capacity and the steady storage. The new approach was more suitable for estimating the ETgw under different soil water conditions comparing with C1 and C2.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Land-use changes often have significant impact on the water cycle, including changing groundwater/surface-water interactions, modifying groundwater recharge zones, and...  相似文献   

鉴于鸡西市城区地下水资源类型、赋存条件、补排关系,量与质的现状,结合前人有关资料进行分析评价,提高人们对地下水资源的认识,提倡合理开采,取储兼顾、开源节流,管好用好地下水资源,更好地为城区经济建设服务。  相似文献   

石期河流域岩溶水系统及其水资源构成分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在深入研究石期河流域岩溶水系统含水介质结构特征、水资源形成的基础上,通过对流域岩溶水总排泄口流量动态长观资料系列的分析,选择2005年丰水期内最后一次洪峰(年内最大洪峰)后的流量衰减过程,根据该过程的数据资料建立本流域岩溶水总排泄口的流量衰减方程,并利用该流量衰减方程对流域岩溶水资源的构成进行定量分析研究.结果表明,石期河流域岩溶水系统在2005年最大洪峰状态下,可自然排泄的岩溶水资源总量为69 469.95×104 m3, 其中:流域坡面产流占3.64%,赋存于大型溶洞或管道中的溶洞-管道水占4.53%,赋存于小型管道或强岩溶化裂隙中的管道-裂隙水占74.10%,赋存于细小溶蚀裂隙中的溶隙水占17.73%.从衰减期的初始时刻起,它们各自可供消耗(可作为有效利用岩溶水资源)的时效分别为2日、8日、35日和126日以上.  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater resources in India is guided by National Water Policy (1987, 2002) which states that groundwater resources can be exploited only up to its recharge limit. The methodology for groundwater resources assessment in India is broadly based on Ground Water Resources Estimation Methodology, 1997 and it involves assessment of annual replenishable groundwater resources (recharge), annual groundwater draft (utilization) and the percentage of utilization with respect to recharge (stage of development). The assessment units (blocks/watersheds) are categorized based on stage of groundwater development (utilization) and the long term water level trend. The present methodology though useful in identification and prioritization of areas for groundwater management, falls short of addressing several critical issues like spatial and temporal variation of groundwater availability within the aquifer, accessibility of groundwater resources and quality of groundwater. This paper introduces a new categorisation scheme considering the above issues. The proposed scheme takes into account four criteria, viz. (i) stage of exploitation, (ii) extractability factor, (iii) temporal availability factor and (iv) quality factor. In comparison to the existing method used for categorisation, the proposed approach is more inclusive. The methodology is also equally suitable for both alluvial and hard rock terrain since it takes into consideration the variable characteristics of different types of aquifers and convergence of quantitative and qualitative assessment. The categorisation proposed here involves GIS based integration of different parameters/ themes. This allows better representation of spatial variability. The proposed methodology is demonstrated in this paper taking a case study from a hard rock terrain in central India.  相似文献   

In Cisjordan, surface- and groundwater flow are either towards the Jordan Valley-Dead Sea-Arava Valley (the Rift) or the Mediterranean Sea. Due to upstream exploitation by riparians to the Jordan River, the historical annual flow, which fluctuated between 250 and 1100 Mm3, has declined to a mere 100-200 Mm3. The remaining flow south of Lake Kinneret is highly polluted and heavily loaded with salts. Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) is one of the major water resources in the area. Annually, between 200 and 700 Mm3 reach the Lake as surface and groundwater flow. The relatively high salinity of the Lake is caused by thermomineral water discharging from springs and seepages located onshore and on the bottom of the Lake. The main factors causing deterioration of the groundwater quality in the Rift are of geogenic character. These are different types of brines, whose outflow and penetration into freshwater aquifers was triggered by overpumpage. Contemporary encroachment of seawater caused by intensive water exploitation in the Coastal Plain is manageable and reversible. However, due to lack of hydrogeological evidence, no such statement can be made about the circulation of seawater beneath the Coastal Plain and into the deep-seated Yarkon-Taninim aquifer or the upflow of brines in the Rift.The flow regimes of the different brine bodies could not be elucidated. Whether each such brine-body flows by its particular hydrological regime or whether the movement of the different bodies is intradependent or interdependent with the regional movement of fresh groundwater, remain open questions. Therefore, sustainable development of groundwater resources is clearly dependent on the elucidation of the relationship between changes in the pressure of the brine with depth and its relationship to the overlying freshwater.The average total annual recharge of all water sources in Cisjordan is 1820 Mm3, which means that the total production of water must be managed within the limits of this annual volume. During drought years, total groundwater extraction exceeds the safe yield, causing drastic lowering of water levels and upflow of saline waters from greater depths.Because of the structural complexity of aquifers and hydrochemical variability of the numerous groundwater bodies, new hydrochemical methods have been developed for the identification of groundwater bodies and for the elucidation of their origins. These methods combine macrochemical, microchemical, and isotopic evidences. By combining distribution patterns of rare earths, yttrium and stable isotopes, a complete picture of catchment lithology and the altitude and latitude of precipitation could be obtained.The area west of the Jordan River is characterized by the occurrence of transboundary surface- and groundwater basins in which fresh and saline water and brines flow across political borders between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. It is very difficult to assess separately the annual safe yield of water resources for each of the two national entities. Neither country may dispose independently of its waters and is usually at the mercy of the other riparian. There is as yet no general multilateral international treaty in force allocating the water resources of international watercourses. At present there are two rules for the management of the waters of an international drainage basin—the rule of Equitable Distribution, and the obligation Not to Cause Significant Harm. The rules of equitable distribution have tended to focus on the issue of quantities of water rather than on quality of water, which is really relevant to the issue of equitable distribution. Future negotiations on the uses of the basin will need to deal with issues of characteristic salinities and geochemical features and on their impact on equitable sharing of water resources.  相似文献   

南水北调水源进京后,部分水源计划将进入密怀顺水源地回补严重亏损的地下水。水源地地下水水质的未来变化引起了人们的关注。本次研究通过开展动态含水层模拟试验,分析了南水北调水源进入含水层过程中地下水水质变化,并利用溶质运移模型,在不考虑吸附、降解等水岩相互作用等条件下,模拟了试验土柱中各常规组分的水质变化。研究表明:南水北调水源进入含水层过程中,对地下水水质的稀释作用占主导地位,其它水岩相互作用对地下水水质的影响程度较小,南水北调水源在密怀顺水源地回补地下水是可行的。为此,南水北调水源回补地下水后,不仅能够涵养并增加水源地的地下水资源,而且能够改善地下水水质,保证水源地的供水安全。  相似文献   

文章以漯河市为例说明了城市地下水最大可采资源的确定和开发管理中遵循不断变化着的实际情况,走科研与生产相结合道路的必要性。全文分3个方面介绍了开采条件下的人工串层补给,随机边界条件及地下水管理模拟中常见的几个核心问题的处理。文章最后强调,地下水数值模拟中辅以同位素年龄研究的重要性。  相似文献   

A group of 36 coral islands is being scattered in the Arabian Sea off the western coast of India. On such islands, groundwater is the only source of fresh water for the islanders. The demand for groundwater is increasing every year due to growing population and urbanization. On the other side the peculiar hydrologic, geologic and geomorphic features restrict the availability of groundwater. Thus a proper understanding of the groundwater condition is important in order to meet this increasing demand and also to formulate future development and management strategies. Detailed hydrogeological, geophysical and hydrochemical studies had been carried out to identify potential fresh groundwater resources and quantify vulnerable parts of Andrott Island, Union Territory of Lakshadweep. Systematic collection and analysis of hydrological, geophysical and hydrochemical data gives an early signal of deterioration in groundwater quality in the peripheral parts of eastern and western coasts of this island and it suggests immediate measures for arresting the deterioration in groundwater quality as well as augmentation for restoration of aquifer in some parts of the island.  相似文献   

利用地下水动力学解析法计算回采工作面涌水量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在综合分析山东兖州兴隆庄煤矿4326综放工作面井下瞬变电磁探测资料、矿井和相邻工作面水文地质资料的基础上,确定了工作面顶板砂岩含水层的水文地质参数,采用地下水动力学解析法计算工作面涌水量.经验证其计算结果与实际基本相符.  相似文献   

在综合研究阜阳市水资源系统特征、地面沉降等环境地质问题的基础上,对研究区地表水系统与地下水系统进行概化,建立该市城市地表水和地下水联合数值模拟模型和优化管理模型.通过优化管理模型的运行和应用,确定了研究区水资源合理开发利用的规划方案.模型预测结果表明,应用该文所选的规划方案,不仅可使研究区地表水和地下水资源得到合理调度和优化开采,还可控制地面沉降的进一步发展.  相似文献   

城市水资源的合理利用与可持续发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈梦熊 《地质通报》2003,22(8):551-557
自20世纪80年代以来,由于工业的高速发展,中国城市已由180座猛增至666座,城市人口和城市需水量都迅猛增长,造成城市水资源紧缺。城市发展也使污染问题日益严重,直接对水资源造成破坏,影响人体健康。地下水超量开采,引起地面沉降、岩溶塌陷、海水入侵等地质灾害,造成严重经济损失。针对以上问题,本文探讨了城市水资源紧缺的原因及其对生态的影响,提出城市水资源的合理规划、合理利用以及开源节流、保护生态环境与防止地质灾害的相关措施。  相似文献   

基于GIS的水资源管理信息系统   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
地理信息系统(GIS)因为其强大的空间数据处理能力,为水资源管理提供了一个新颖、高效的工具。本文深入GIS的功能和水资源管理的实际,通过山西汾阳县的应用实例,阐述了应用ArchInfo/ArcView构建水资源管理信息系统过程中的信息收集、储存、分析以及二次开发的方法和过程,分析了两者结合应用的可行性和优越性,并讨论了这种方法在水资源系统模拟、辅助决策支持等方面的广泛应用前景。  相似文献   

GMS在双城市城区地下水资源评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据双城市水文地质条件建立了概念模型,应用GMS软件建立了研究区地质结构模型及地下水数值模拟模型。考虑自然条件以及开采量的影响,设计6种方案对研究区地下水流进行预报,结果显示以设计开采量对水源地进行开采,水源地投产10年后最大中心水位降深不会超过最大允许降深。  相似文献   

可持续水资源系统机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于系统与可持续理论,探讨了可持续水资源系统的内涵和特性。剖析了可持续水资源系统,主要由动力机制、阻力机制和协调机制构成,三者相互关联、相互作用,共同维系和制约着可持续水资源系统的演化。运用二次非线性微分方程来描述和分析可持续水资源系统的演化动态过程,指出一个系统演化要经历初始、发展、成熟和稳定4个阶段,之后进入下一个演化周期。以上海市为例,评判了可持续水资源系统状态,拟合了2001-2010年可持续水资源系统的演化曲线,并分析给出了该系统这一时段的演变过程。  相似文献   

江西各主要城市都是临水系而建,地表水资源是城市集中供水的主要水源.但是,为了应对突发事件很有必要在城市及其周边规划和遴选应急地下水源地.该文在分析阐述了各主要城市水文地质条件和地下水资源特征后,根据应急水源地的遴选原则,在全省11个主要城市中,确定了29个应急地下水源地,其可采资源总量为74 781.372×104m3/a.  相似文献   

地下水资源系统多目标管理模型与模糊带权二次规划方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以济南地下水资源系统保泉供水管理课题为例,分析研究地下水资源系统多目标管理问题。首先建立起地下水资源系统多目标管理模型;然后利用模糊数学理论和权重概念,提出一种求解多目标决策问题的模糊带权二次规划方法,此方法可以同时解决互为竞争、互为矛盾的各目标之间的不可公度性和主次性问题。实际计算表明,所建立的模型和提出的方法具有较强的实用性和通用性。  相似文献   

 This article provides a critical synopsis of the effects of groundwater flow on mineral diagenesis. Emphasis is placed on those aspects and processes that change porosity and permeability in carbonate aquifers, because they are of particular importance to human societies as sources of supplies of water for human consumption (drinking, irrigation) and of crude oil and natural gas. Diagenetic settings in carbonates as well as clastics are generally ill defined. This paper proposes a new comprehensive classification of diagenetic settings into near-surface, shallow-, intermediate-, and deep-burial diagenetic settings; hydrocarbon-contaminated plumes; and fractures. These settings are defined on the basis of mineralogy, petroleum, hydrogeochemistry, and hydrogeology. This classification is applicable to all sedimentary basins. Diagenesis is governed by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors that include thermodynamic and kinetic constraints, as well as microstructural factors that may override the others. These factors govern diagenetic processes, such as dissolution, compaction, recrystallization, replacement, and sulfate–hydrocarbon redox-reactions. Processes such as cementation, dissolution, and dolomitization require significant flow of groundwater driven by an externally imposed hydraulic gradient. Other processes, such as stylolitization and thermochemical sulfate reduction, commonly take place without significant groundwater flow in hydrologically nearly or completely stagnant systems that are geochemically "closed." Two major effects of groundwater flow on mineral diagenesis are enhancement and reduction of porosity and permeability, although groundwater flow can also leave these rock properties essentially unchanged. In extreme cases, an aquifer or hydrocarbon reservoir rock can have highly enhanced porosity and permeability due to extensive mineral dissolution, or it can be plugged up due to extensive mineral precipitation. Received, April 1998 · Revised, July 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   

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