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Global riverine carbon concentrations and fluxes have been impacted by climate and human-induced changes for many decades. This paper aims to reconstruct the longterm carbon concentrations and carbon fluxes of the Red River, a system under the coupled pressures of environmental change and human activity. Based on (1) the relationships between particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC) or dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and suspended sediments (TSS) or river water discharge and on (2) the available detailed historical records of river discharge and TSS concentration, the variations of the Red River carbon concentration and flux were estimated for the period 1960–2015. The results show that total carbon flux of the Red River averaged 2555?±?639 kton C year?1. DIC fluxes dominated total carbon fluxes, representing 64% of total, reflecting a strong weathering process from carbonate rocks in the upstream basin. Total carbon fluxes significantly decreased from 2816 kton C year?1 during the 1960s to 1372 kton C year?1 during the 2010s and showed clear seasonal and spatial variations. Organic carbon flux decreased in both quantity and proportion of the total carbon flux from 40.9% in 1960s to 14.9% in 2010s, reflecting the important impact of dam impoundment. DIC flux was also reduced over this period potentially as a consequence of carbonate precipitation in the irrigated, agricultural land and the reduction of the Red River water discharge toward the sea. These decreases in TSS and carbon fluxes are probably partially responsible for different negatives impacts observed in the coastal zone.  相似文献   

We investigate the helium, carbon and oxygen–hydrogen isotopic systematics and CO2/3He ratios of 8 water and 6 gas samples collected from 12 geothermal fields in western Anatolia (Turkey). 3He/4He ratios of the samples (R) normalized to the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio (RA = 1.39 × 10? 6) range from 0.27 to 1.67 and are significantly higher than the crustal production value of 0.05. Fluids with relatively high R / RA values are generally found in areas of significant heat potential (K?z?ldere and Tuzla fields). CO2/3He ratios of the samples, ranging from 1.6 × 109 to 2.3 × 1014, display significant variation and are mostly higher than values typical of an upper mantle source (2 × 109). The δ13C (CO2) and δ13C (CH4) values of all fluids vary from ? 8.04 to + 0.35‰ and ? 25.80 to ? 23.92‰ (vs. PDB), respectively. Stable isotope values (δ18O–δD) of the geothermal waters are conformable with the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line and indicate a meteoric origin. The temperatures calculated by gas geothermometry are significantly higher than estimates from chemical geothermometers, implying that either equilibrium has not been attained for the isotope exchange reaction or that isotopic equilibration was disturbed due to gas additions en route to the surface.Evaluation of He–CO2 abundances indicates that hydrothermal degassing and calcite precipitation (controlled probably by adiabatic cooling due to degassing) significantly fractionate the elemental ratio (CO2/3He) in geothermal waters. Such processes do not affect gas phase samples to anywhere near the same extent. For the gas samples, mixing between mantle and various crustal sources appears to be the main control on the observed He–C systematics: however, crustal inputs dominate the CO2 inventory. Considering that limestone is the main source of carbon (~ 70 to 97% of the total carbon inventory), the carbon flux from the crust is found to be at least 20 times that from the mantle. As to the He-inventory, the mantle-derived component is found to vary up to 21% of the total He content and is probably transferred to the crust by fluids degassed from deep mantle melts generated in association with the elevated geotherm and adiabatic melting accompanying current extension. The range of 3He/enthalpy ratios (0.000032 to 0.19 × 10? 12 cm3 STP/J) of fluids in western Anatolia is consistent with the release of both helium and heat from contemporary additions of mantle-derived magmas to the crust. The deep faults appear to have facilitated the deep circulation of the fluids and the transport of mantle volatiles and heat to the surface.  相似文献   

The Khambin volcanotectonic complex is a horst framing the Late Cretaceous Lake Gusinoe basin in the northwest. This complex is due to the intracontinental rift conditions which existed in western Transbaikalia in the Late Mesozoic. They gave rise to a system of subparallel grabens and horsts in present-day topography. The magmatic evolution of this complex spans from 159 to 117 Ma and is divided into three stages. The first stage (159–156 Ma) witnessed the formation of thick (up to 1500 m) volcanic masses of trachybasalts, basaltic trachyandesites, trachytes, trachydacites, trachyrhyolites, and pantellerites. The next two stages were the formation of isolated ancient volcanoes (127–124 Ma) composed of trachybasalts, basaltic trachyandesites, phonotephrites, tephriphonolites, and alkali trachytes and the formation of the Murtoi (Lake Gusinoe) essexite dike (122–117 Ma). The main trends for igneous associations from early to late stages are reduced magmatism and reduced rock diversity because of the decreasing portion of felsic volcanic rocks. Mafic rocks show an increase in total alkalinity, the content of incompatible elements (Th, U, K, Rb, Pb, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf), total REE content, and the LREE/HREE ratio. The Sr–Nd isotopic composition of these rocks remained nearly constant and corresponds to that of OIB-EMII mantle sources. Compositional variations are attributed to a time-dependent decrease in the degree of partial melting of a similar magma source.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, initial programs to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) have proliferated through international finance and new governance regimes for climate change mitigation. National capacity and legal frameworks have been adjusted to make the country eligible for REDD+ financing. In some local areas, activities have been implemented to ‘produce’ carbon credits intended for the international voluntary carbon market. Through a case study of a pilot REDD+ project in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, we examine how REDD+ has intersected with property rights institutions and agrarian change to influence changing property relations and commodity markets. Our findings show that REDD+ implemented through state and local institutions has articulated with the local political economy to coproduce conditions that embody local norms, needs, and desires. Specifically, local actors negotiate state-sanctioned tenurial instruments used for REDD+ governance, not for the purposes of carbon sequestration but instead in order to reassert their rights to land and forest for the cultivation of boom crops—the antithesis of REDD+ objectives. In the fine balancing act of adjusting local forestland holdings, REDD+ implementation has effectively facilitated increased opportunities for upland villagers to strategically claim land titles from local political authorities in the form of communal land certificates for forests called ‘Red Books’. In securing communal Red Books, villagers redefine or co-constitute the purpose of REDD+ to secure land for cash crop and commercial timber production. As with other forms of environmental governance, REDD+ is thus co-constituted locally in line with state and local institutions and histories and present day realities.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2004,23(5-6):529-560
The spatio-temporal pattern of peak Holocene warmth (Holocene thermal maximum, HTM) is traced over 140 sites across the Western Hemisphere of the Arctic (0–180°W; north of ∼60°N). Paleoclimate inferences based on a wide variety of proxy indicators provide clear evidence for warmer-than-present conditions at 120 of these sites. At the 16 terrestrial sites where quantitative estimates have been obtained, local HTM temperatures (primarily summer estimates) were on average 1.6±0.8°C higher than present (approximate average of the 20th century), but the warming was time-transgressive across the western Arctic. As the precession-driven summer insolation anomaly peaked 12–10 ka (thousands of calendar years ago), warming was concentrated in northwest North America, while cool conditions lingered in the northeast. Alaska and northwest Canada experienced the HTM between ca 11 and 9 ka, about 4000 yr prior to the HTM in northeast Canada. The delayed warming in Quebec and Labrador was linked to the residual Laurentide Ice Sheet, which chilled the region through its impact on surface energy balance and ocean circulation. The lingering ice also attests to the inherent asymmetry of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that predisposes the region to glaciation and modulates the pattern of climatic change. The spatial asymmetry of warming during the HTM resembles the pattern of warming observed in the Arctic over the last several decades. Although the two warmings are described at different temporal scales, and the HTM was additionally affected by the residual Laurentide ice, the similarities suggest there might be a preferred mode of variability in the atmospheric circulation that generates a recurrent pattern of warming under positive radiative forcing. Unlike the HTM, however, future warming will not be counterbalanced by the cooling effect of a residual North American ice sheet.  相似文献   

The Cambrian–Ordovician Knox Group, a thick sequence of dolostone and minor dolomitic sandstone, is a prospective CO2 sequestration target in the southern Illinois Basin, USA. Thorough evaluation of the Knox Group is critical because the main sequestration target elsewhere in the Illinois Basin, the Cambrian Mount Simon Sandstone, is thin or absent throughout most of Kentucky. A 2477-m-deep carbon storage test well in Hancock County, Kentucky, was drilled, and 626 metric tons of CO2 was injected into the Knox saline reservoirs. To understand the long-term fate of CO2 injected into the Knox reservoirs, geochemical reactions between CO2, brine and rock-forming minerals were modeled using TOUGHREACT. The modeling benefited from a robust data set collected from the test well, including core porosity and permeability, petrographic and X-ray powder diffraction mineralogy, brine chemistry, temperature and pressure measurements. Kinetic batch models and 2-D radial reactive transport models were used to evaluate the migration of the injected CO2, changes in brine chemistry, and mineral dissolution and precipitation. Results from the kinetic models suggest that sections of the Knox dominated by dolomite have very limited mineral-trapping capacity for CO2, whereas thin sections of dolomitic sandstone with aluminosilicate minerals such as K-feldspar facilitate mineral trapping. The 2-D model for the CO2 injection test suggests that, because of the presence of thick permeable intervals in the Knox and the small volume of injected CO2 in the test, the radius of influence is less than 11 m from the well. The hypothetical long-term injection model indicates, on the other hand, that commercial-scale injection would influence a much larger area and part of the injected CO2 remains in the supercritical/gas phase for a long time. Because of the buoyancy effect, most supercritical/gas-phase CO2 migrates upward and stays in the top of the reservoirs dominated by dolomite with small mineral-trapping capacity.  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Sirban Limestone Formation (SLFm) exposed in a number of inliers in Jammu (India), NW Himalaya is a potential target for hydrocarbon and ore mineral exploration. The structural complexity not only makes correlation of the SLFm with coeval hydrocarbon producing Proterozoic formations in the neighbouring Salt Range in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world extremely difficult, but also limits the understanding of the genesis of sedimentary hosted mineral deposits. The base of the SLFm inliers is not exposed anywhere in the region and the age of this sequence has been suggested to range from Palaeoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the management of coupled groundwater–river interaction (GRI) in the context of inter-basin transfers. The semi-coupled models, HEC-RAS and MODFLOW, were utilized in this study to replicate the River Tees experiment that had been conducted in 1976. Then the ‘surrogate’ models were applied to two “what if” scenarios in order to understand and manage GRI behavior and the nature of the reservoir control system. The results on the River Tees showed that the total temporary bankside storage volume was up to 17.5 % of the total reservoir release, given about 22 h of travel time. In addition, zones 4 and 5 of the river model with significant alluvium deposits were the best storage sites with values of 4.5 and 6.7 % of the total reservoir release, respectively, estimated as temporary losses. The final direct runoff received downstream at broken scar was about 95 % of the Cow Green total reservoir release. Furthermore, the closure rate proved to be vital to compute the effective return flow in respect of this study area. Finally, with careful reservoir and groundwater management, the River Tees proved to be an ideal natural aqueduct for inter-basin transfers when used as part of a major regional water resources scheme.  相似文献   

New data on the Pt potential of mafic–ultramafic massifs of the Khani–Maya, Uldegit, and Dzhalta complexes in the western part of the Dambuka ore district are discussed. The Khani–Maya Complex is represented by metamorphosed gabbro, gabbronorites, gabbro anorthosites, subordinate pyroxenites, hornblendites, and peridotites. The Uldegit Complex is composed of pyroxenites, hornblendites, gabbro, gabbronorites, norites, troctolites, peridotites, dunites, actinolite–tremolites, serpentinites, anthophyllites, and tremolite–plagioclase rocks. The Dzhalta Complex is formed of peridotites, gabbro, eclogitized gabbro, hornblendites, cortlandites, and pyroxenites. All these complexes differ from each other by the concentrations of Ni, Cu, Co, Au, and platinoids depending on the composition of the constituting rocks and the presence of sulfide minerals.  相似文献   

Diamond from metaultramafic rocks of the Mesoarchean (2.96–3.0 Ga) Olondo greenstone belt, located in the western Aldan–Stanovoy shield, has been studied. Diamonds occur in lenses of olivine–serpentine–talc rocks within metaultramafic rocks of intrusive habit, whose composition corresponds to peridotite komatiites. All diamonds from the metaultramafic rocks are crystal fragments 0.3 to 0.5 mm in size. Morphological examination has revealed laminar octahedra, their transitional forms to dodecahedroids, crystals with polycentric faces, and spinel twins. The crystals vary in photoluminescence color: dark blue, green, yellow, red, or albescent. Characteristic absorption bands in crystals point to nitrogen impurities in the form of A and B1 defects and tabular B2 defects. The crystals studied belong to the IaA/B type, common among natural diamonds. The overall nitrogen content varies from < 100 to 3800 ppm. The relative content of nitrogen in B1 centers varies from 0 to 94%, pointing to long stay in the mantle. The carbon isotope ratio in the diamonds, 13C = ? 26‰, is indicative of involvement of subducted crust matter in diamond formation in the Archean.  相似文献   

Highly depleted C isotope composition of organic matters from the Onega (Fennoscandian shield) and Francevillian (Gabon) basins are differently interpreted. Kump et al. (2011) suggested the occurrence of a massive and global oxidation event during the period of 1980–2090 Ma, which follows the Great Oxidation Event (2450–2320 Ma) (Bekker et al., 2004). Inversely, Gauthier-Lafaye and Weber (2003) invoke the possible action of methanotrophic microorganisms to explain the δ13C values as low as –46‰ measured in the Franceville basin. Here we present the isotope data available in the Franceville basin in order to discuss these two interpretations. The lack of any δ13C correlation between organic matter and carbonate in the Franceville basin does not allow the consideration of a massive and global oxidation event.  相似文献   

The western Anatolian volcanic province formed during Eocene to Recent times is one of the major volcanic belts in the Aegean–western Anatolian region. We present new chemical (whole-rock major and trace elements, and Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopes) and new Ar/Ar age data from the Miocene volcanic rocks in the NE–SW-trending Neogene basins that formed on the northern part of the Menderes Massif during its exhumation as a core complex. The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are classified as high-K calc-alkaline (HKVR), shoshonitic (SHVR) and ultrapotassic (UKVR), with the Late Miocene basalts being transitional between the early-middle Miocene volcanics and the Na-alkaline Quaternary Kula volcanics (QKV). The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), have high 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.70631–0.71001), low 143Nd/144Nd(i) (0.512145–0.512488) and high Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.838–19.148; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.672–15.725; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.904–39.172). The high field strength element (HFSE) ratios of the most primitive early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks indicate that they were derived from a mantle source with a primitive mantle (PM)-like composition. The HFSE ratios of the late Miocene basalts and QKV, on the other hand, indicate an OIB-like mantle origin—a hypothesis that is supported by their trace element patterns and isotopic compositions. The HFSE ratios of the early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks also indicate that their mantle source was distinct from those of the Eocene volcanic rocks located further north, and of the other volcanic provinces in the region. The mantle source of the SHVR and UKVR was influenced by (1) trace element and isotopic enrichment by subduction-related metasomatic events and (2) trace element enrichment by “multi-stage melting and melt percolation” processes in the lithospheric mantle. The contemporaneous SHVR and UKVR show little effect of upper crustal contamination. Trace element ratios of the HKVR indicate that they were derived mainly from lower continental crustal melts which then mixed with mantle-derived lavas (~20–40%). The HKVR then underwent differentiation from andesites to rhyolites via nearly pure fractional crystallization processes in the upper crust, such that have undergone a two-stage petrogenetic evolution.  相似文献   

The western Baikal region (Ol’khon region, Nutgei zone, Kharikta area) is characterized by the development of packets of thrust-type folds and synkinematic granites corresponding to the stage of thrust deformations (overthrust-type granites). Two stages in the formation of thrust-type folds separated by episodes of granite emplacement are definable. The data obtained make it possible to estimate both the time of transition from thrust to strike-slip deformations and the duration of accretionary?collisional events that resulted in regional strike-slip deformations, which terminated in the western Baikal region 460?455 Ma ago.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary history of climate and deposition environments in the western Todzha basin has been reconstructed from the respective lacustrine and fluvial deposits. Data from sedimentary sections have provided clues to the causes and timing of sudden deposition changes, including those associated with Holocene tectonic activity in the Taskyl fault. Especially informative are permafrost, diatom, spore-pollen, and tree-ring data from a section at the Merzly Yar locality where frozen ground has preserved the pristine rhythmic pattern of sediments. The Merzly Yar section stores a record of dramatic consequences of large earthquakes generated by the fault which produced a large damlake. The revealed pattern of discontinuous limnic deposition, with prominent tree markers and syngenetic ice wedges, places exact constraints on the stratigraphy of the section and allows its correlation with Holocene climate events within the intervals of fossil soils and vegetation.  相似文献   

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