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1590年7月7日甘肃永靖东南地震考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公元1590年7月,在甘肃临洮附近有破坏性历史地震记载"……坏城廓庐舍,压死人畜无算"。同月,青海东部的冰沟城(今乐都县东北)也因地震而城崩。在过去出版的地震目录中,均按两次地震列出,分别称为甘肃临洮51/2级地震,震中烈度Ⅶ度;青海乐都5级地震,震中烈度Ⅵ度。根据史料考证和现场调查结果,综合分析认为,上述两次地震很有可能为同一次地震,其震中位于甘肃永靖东南的马衔山区,震中烈度达Ⅷ—Ⅸ度,震级61/2级左右,其发震构造很可能为兰州马衔山北缘断裂带的中西段。  相似文献   

According to the detailed study of the historical earthquake records and causative structure of the Minxian M61/2 earthquake in 1573 A.D., we have found that the most grievous disaster area lies nearby the Minxian county seat (Minzhou county at that time). So, we have identified the extremely seismic area of the 1573 A.D. The Minxian M61/2 earthquake was located in Minxian city, the intensity of the meizoseismal region is Ⅷ~Ⅸ, the epicenter is 34.4°N, 104.0°E, the location precision is Ⅱ and the deviation of location is less than or equal to 25km. Tectonically, this area lies in the transition region of stress transfer and structural transform between the east Kunlun fault and the northern margin of the west Qinling fault.The differential activity of the Lintan-Dangchang fault zone is obvious, and only parts of the segment put up Holocene activity. There are landslides and rock bursts of different sizes in the meizoseismal region. By integrated analysis, we conclude that the Minxian-Dangchang segment of the Lintan-Dangchang fault is the seismogenic structure of the 1573 A.D. M61/2 Minxian earthquake, in Gansu Province.  相似文献   

对143年甘谷西7级地震史料的新见解   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
根据地震历史资料的考证分析,143年甘谷西地震可能由2次地震组成,其中陇西、汉阳(今甘谷)、武都三郡地震有感区为一次地震,称为南区;张掖、武威、北地(今吴忠)三郡地震有感区为另一次主震,称为北区。南区地震震中大致位于甘谷西,与原定震中位置大体相当,仍称为甘谷西地震,震级达714级左右,震中烈度约Ⅸ~Ⅹ度,发震构造为西秦岭北缘断裂带中段;北区的143年地震震中位于武威以东的腾格里沙漠边缘,震级达712级左右,震中烈度约Ⅹ度,推测其发震构造为祁连山-河西走廊活动断裂系东端的主干活动断裂之一。  相似文献   

根据历史地震资料考证、现场考察与综合分析,1765年5月1日发生在临洮南的一次中强破坏性地震其极震区位于卓尼、康乐交界的洮河连麓盆地附近的柳林、宗石一带,其名称应修改为卓尼-康乐地震,震级约5 1/2~6级,震中烈度可达Ⅷ度,极震区长轴方向大致与该区西秦岭北缘断裂带西段的锅麻滩断裂段东端相吻合。根据野外实地调查,锅麻滩断裂在极震区附近存在新活动的地质地貌现象,出露的断层剖面揭示出以左旋走滑为主兼具向北倾的正断特征,宏观地貌上沿断裂保留有断层陡坎、冲沟左旋位错等地貌标志。结合该区域构造应力场分析,本次卓尼-康乐地震发生在锅麻滩断裂段与漳县-黄香沟断裂段之间的左阶拉分区,是受区域应力影响引起断裂带在交汇部位与端点处应力集中所致。综合分析认为,锅麻滩断裂带东端是此次地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

1573年甘肃岷县地震史料考证与发震构造探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1573年甘肃岷县地震的历史资料考证和发震构造的综合研究表明:在1573年岷县地震中遭受破坏最为严重的地区位于如今的岷县县城一带(当时为岷州府所在地)。综合各种资料确定1573年甘肃岷县地震震级为621,极震区烈度为Ⅷ~Ⅸ度,震中位于北纬34.4°,东经104.0°,震中精度为2类,震中位置偏差小于或等于25km。该地区构造上位于东昆仑断裂带和西秦岭北缘断裂带的应变传递和构造转换的中间过渡区,其中的临潭-宕昌断裂带活动特性差异明显,只有部分地段表现出全新世活动特征,地震极震区一带分布有不同程度的滑坡和基岩崩塌等。综合分析认为,临潭-宕昌断裂带的岷县-宕昌段是甘肃岷县1573年621级地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

In 1585, a Ms53/4 earthquake occurred in the south of Chaoxian county, Anhui Province. The parameters of this earthquake were reported differently in various versions of earthquake catalogues. According to detailed textual research on the historic records of this earthquake, the epicenter location of the earthquake was further confirmed by means of seismo-geological field investigations in the Chaohu-Tongling region along the western Yangtze River valleys. Shallow seismic prospecting and drilling methods were applied in studying the buried fault. The possibility of the existence of seismogenic faults and fault activity in the western Yangtze River area were analyzed in depth, and the causative tectonic background of the 1585 Ms53/4 south Chaoxian earthquake was studied. The results of this study indicate that the Yanjiaqiao-Fengshahu fault, which was active in the early to mid-Pleistocene, is possibly the causative structure of this earthquake.To identifying the seismogenic structure of the 1585 south Chaoxian earthquake will help gain more knowledge about the tectonic background of moderate and small earthquake activity in Eastern China.  相似文献   

On the basis of the textual research on the historical earthquake data and the field investigation of Wudu earth- quake occurred in 186 B.C., we suggest that the earthquake parameters drawn from the present earthquake catalogs are not definite and amendments should be made. The heavily-damaged area of this earthquake should be located between Jugan township of Wudu County and Pingding township of Zhouqu County. Its epicenter should be in the vicinity of Lianghekou in Wudu County with a magnitude of about 7~7 41 and an intensity of about IX~X. The major axis direction of the heavily-damaged area should be in the WNW direction that is approximately consistent with the strike of the middle-east segment of Diebu-Bailongjiang active fault zone, and the origin time should match up to that of the latest paleoearthquake event [before (83±46) B.C.] obtained by the trench investigation. Certain seismic rupture evidences are still preserved on this fault segment. Therefore, we propose on the basis of comprehensive analysis that the causative structure of the M 7~7 4/1 Wudu earthquake in 186 B.C. should be in the middle-east segment of Diebu-Bailongjiang active fault zone.  相似文献   

756年张掖-酒泉地震考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据现有历史地震资料和新补充史料的综合考证,认为现行地震目录所给的公元756年张掖-酒泉地震参数不确切,应做如下修正:震级应由现在的6级修订为7级左右,震中烈度由Ⅶ~Ⅷ度修订为Ⅸ~X度,极震区介于张掖、酒泉之间的高台北罗城一带.  相似文献   

龙首山断裂带位于青藏高原向北东推挤的最前缘,是河西走廊与阿拉善地块之间的分界断裂之一.虽然观测精度有限,1954年发生在该断裂带上的71/4级地震是该断裂上少有的有现代地震观测和记录的大地震.本次地震仅在龙首山北缘断裂带两个次级断裂段之间的一条转换断层上形成了长7 km左右的连续地震地表破裂带,以北西向右旋兼正断为主要特征,这与区域上近东西向左旋逆断构造运动特征差异较大.经过多次野外调查和地质填图,发现在主断层上没有形成地震地表破裂带,而地震震害的分布又完全受龙首山南北两条断裂所围限,说明地震的孕震可能与龙首山断裂带主断裂有关,转换断层上的地表破裂仅为局部的应力释放.利用震源机制解资料,通过静态库仑应力变化模拟可以看到,如果主震发生在南缘断裂上,对地表破裂有显著的触发作用.综合考虑北缘断层可能存在的动态触发作用,说明目前所见地表破裂是龙首山断裂带主断裂地震的同震响应.小震精定位也显示,龙首山南北两侧的断裂在约10 km范围内形成一狭窄的倒三角形,并有向北扩展的趋势.  相似文献   

On the basis of textual research on the historical earthquake data and the field investigation of 1219 A.D.Guyuan earthquake,we suggest that there is only one strong earthquake occurred in Guyuan area in 1219 A.D.,instead of two or three strong earthquakes.We further suggest that the earthquake parameters recorded in the present earth-quake catalogs are not definite and should be modified.The occurrence time of this earthquake should be about 11 am,August 7,1219 A.D.and the heavily-damaged area of this earthquake,the VIII intensity area,should be lo-cated among the regions of Guyuan,Pingliang and Longde county cities.The epicenter area should be near Gu-yuan city.The magnitude of this earthquake is about 7 and it has intensity about larger than or equal to IX within the epicenter area.The major axis direction of the heavily-damaged area strikes in north-northwest that is ap-proximately consistent with the strike of the Liupan Shan thrust fault zone.The new tectonic activity of the Liupan Shan thrust fault zone resulted in the M7 Guyuan earthquake in 1219 A.D.  相似文献   

1785年玉门惠回堡地震的震灾特点与发震构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对1785年玉门惠回堡地震的历史资料考证和现场考察表明:本次地震的重破坏区位于玉门惠回堡至赤金堡之间,集中在火烧沟一带,其震级可达63/4级,震中烈度Ⅸ度左右。在构造上震区位于河西走廊西端的酒西盆地内,其内发育了新民堡、阴洼山和玉门等多条全新世活动断层,性质以逆断为主。其中新民堡断层和阴洼山的位置和走向与1785年地震的等震线长轴方向最为接近,至今仍保存有部分地震形变带遗迹。综合分析认为1785年惠回堡地震应与该区的新民堡断层和阴洼山断层的最新活动有关。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAstrong earthquake struck between Wudu and Wenxian in Gansu Province on July1,1879,another catastrophic earthquake hittingthe southeastern mountainous area of the province ever sincethe1654TianshuiM8.0earthquake.After an elapse of126years,this massive earthquake has fadedfrommemoryastime goes onandthe humanand natural environment changes.However,the historicaldocumentation about the earthquake is abundant,including official documents of the Qing Dynasty,local newspapers and…  相似文献   

1609年甘肃红崖堡7(1/4)级地震考证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对1609年红崖堡地震历史资料的考证和对红崖堡、清水堡和肃州等城堡、边墙等的实地调查,认为极震区大致位于今红崖子、金佛寺一带,震中烈度为X度,震级可达71/4级,等震线长轴方向为NWW向.同时修订了前人对本次地震记载三处不实之处.  相似文献   

根据历史地震资料重新考证和野外实地调查结果,圈定的1306年宁夏固原地震重破坏区(Ⅷ度区)位于固原、开城和朝那一带,极震区(Ⅸ~X度)位于固原开城附近,其震级达7级左右.地震重破坏区长轴方向为NNW向,大致与该区六盘山东麓断裂的固原—和尚铺段相吻合,该段断裂为全新世活动的左旋逆冲断裂,局部段残存有类似地震破裂带遗迹,推测与本次地震有关.  相似文献   

在汶川地震序列的动态跟踪与甘肃震情的动态判定过程中,本文作者成功地把握了甘肃震情、一定程度上把握了汶川地震序列的动态发展变化,并对5月18日四川江油发生的6.0级地震作出了成功预测。这一预测实践使本文作者更加深刻地感悟到,地震预报虽然是一个十分复杂的没有被攻克的世界性难题,但对于一个特定的地区,如果预报思路和方法得当,要实现一次乃至数次成功的预报是可能的。这对地球科学家们如何认识地震预报问题有一定的意义。  相似文献   

The Jiaochang arcuate structure is one of the numerous arcuate structural belts in Sichuan. The present paper gives a further argument about the characteristics of that arcuate structure and the new activity of the Songpinggou fault and affirms that the Songpinggou fault is an active fault in the Holocene epoch. The Diexi M7.5 earthquake took place in 1933 on the west wing of that arcuate structure, near the apex of the arc. Many authors have given quite different opinions about the genetic structure of that earthquake. The authors have made on-the-spot investigations time and again over recent years. Besides this, the authors have also further studied the shape of intensity contour lines, the distribution characteristics of ground surface seismic hazards, the left-lateral dislocation of buildings along the Songpinggou fault, the NWtrending ground fissures that developed on the ground surface after earthquake, and so on. On this basis, it is still considered that the seismogenic fault of the 1933 Diexi M7.5 earthquake was the Songpinggou fault on the west wing of the Jiaochang arcuate structure.  相似文献   

The Jiaocbang arcuate structure is one of the numerous arcuate structural belts in Sichuan. The present paper gives a further argument about the characteristics of that arcuate structure and the new activity of the Songpinggou fault and affirms that the Songpinggou fault is an active fault in the Holocene epoch. The Diexi M7.5 earthquake took place in 1933 on the west wing of that arcuate structure, near the apex of the arc. Many authors have given quite different opinions about the genetic structure of that earthquake. The authors have made on-the-spot investigations time and again over recent years. Besides this, the authors have also further studied the shape of intensity contour lines, the distribution characteristics of ground surface seismic hazards, the left-lateral dislocation of buildings along the Songpinggou fault, the NWtrending ground fissures that developed on the ground surface after earthquake, and so on. On this basis, it is still considered that the seismogenic fault of the 1933 Diexi M7.5 earthquake was the Songpinggou fault on the west wing of the Jiaochang arcuate structure.  相似文献   

根据对历史地震资料的考证和实地调查,论证了公元1219年宁夏固原地震应为一次地震,而不是二次或三次地震。现行地震目录所给的地震参数宜做如下修正:发震时间为8月7日11时左右;地震重破坏区(Ⅷ度区)位于固原、平凉和隆德一带,极震区介于三者之间的固原附近;震中烈度ge;Ⅸ度,震级可达7级左右。本次地震重破坏区长轴方向为北北西向,大致与该区的六盘山逆掩推覆构造带的走向相吻合,其新构造活动导致了1219年固原地震的发生。   相似文献   

2006年7月18和19日在青海玉树相继发生了5.0、5.6和5.4级地震。本文通过玉树地震台记录的地震波形及青海省地震台网监测结果分析该地震事件属于震群型地震;通过现场考察及宏观烈度区、余震分布和震源机制解、区域构造分析认为发震构造为乌兰乌拉湖-玉树构造带。  相似文献   

Complete records of more than 3,000 earthquake events in the Shanxi, Wenzhou reservoir earthquake sequence were recorded from August to November,2014 by the high-density,high-resolution monitoring stations of the Zhejiang Regional Digital Seismic Network and the reservoir earthquake monitoring network,with a maximum magnitude of M4. 2. Based on 3-D epicenter location, focal mechanism solutions, and in combination with the geological and tectonic characteristics of the reservoir area,the earthquake sequence is discussed in this paper. The linear fitting of the Hypo SAT location results show that the main shock occurred in the NW trending fault and the earthquake sequence is concentrated in bands along the active faults,with a strike of305 °,dipping SW with dip angle of 85 °. By using P-wave first motion symbols, we obtained the average focal mechanism of M ≥ 3. 5 earthquakes,with a strike 308 ° and dip 84 ° for nodal plane II. The field geological survey and research show that the strike,dip and rake of nodal plane II are roughly consistent with the occurrence of the Shuangxi-Jiaoxi fault. The comprehensive analysis reveals that the NW-trending Shuangxi-Jiaoxi fault is the seismogenic structure of the earthquakes.  相似文献   

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