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Rowland P. Moss 《Geoforum》1979,10(3):223-233
The paper attempts a preliminary exploration of some of the issues raised if we choose to account geography a “science”. The inherent equivocation of the notion of “science” is first examined, and the methodological implications are emphasised, leading into a brief consideration of inductivism and deductivism; it is concluded that deductivism, despite some valid questions which hang over it, represents the more secure methodological framework, and some of the implications of this conclusion for geographical study in general are explored. The importance of deductivism in physical geography is then considered, and the special problems of human geography are also examined, notably the significance of human volition and of value judgments in social, economic and cultural geography. The methodological implications of human perception are also reviewed. Regional geography is then briefly evaluated, and the possibilities of applying techniques of systems analysis to its problems are developed, viewing these techniques as a special phase of scientific method. Some issues relating to the notion of causality are then raised, with special reference to the crucial distinctions between the notion of causality in natural science and the related concept in historical study, and, by extension, in certain aspects of geography also. The paper concludes with a brief evaluation of the quantitative movement in geography, paying particular attention to the role of mathematics in science in general and in geography in particular.  相似文献   

陈金俊 《新疆地质》2001,19(2):101-101
地质图件专业性强,种类多,色层多。根据其特性一般可分为基础地质图(地质图、岩性古地理图、勘探部署图等)、经济地质图(勘探成果图、地质矿产图、水文地质图等)、以及勘探工程图、钻井综合柱状图、钻井地层对比图等。1 地质图件绘制 绘制地质图件程序为:绘制内图廓线→绘制测量控制点→绘制居民、地质工程符号→绘制水系、道路;绘制地质界线、断层→绘制等值(深)线等→绘制外图廓线图外整饰;审校。由于地质图件种类多、要素多,可采取分版绘制。分版绘制目的主要是为了减少印刷时复杂的分涂工作。但分版的版数应掌握适当,可把…  相似文献   

Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
In recent months there has been an explosion of interest in using the Web to create, assemble, and disseminate geographic information provided voluntarily by individuals. Sites such as Wikimapia and OpenStreetMap are empowering citizens to create a global patchwork of geographic information, while Google Earth and other virtual globes are encouraging volunteers to develop interesting applications using their own data. I review this phenomenon, and examine associated issues: what drives people to do this, how accurate are the results, will they threaten individual privacy, and how can they augment more conventional sources? I compare this new phenomenon to more traditional citizen science and the role of the amateur in geographic observation.  相似文献   

Instructions concerning factor analysis, complex analysis, system analysis, trend analysis and sensitive analysis are given. Their validity for geographical investigations and research work with integrated spatial approach is discussed. Objective are calculations and abstract results; the demarcation of areas based on homogeneous data remain subjective because of the continuum of spatial elements. Nevertheless, the fundamental finding maintains, the space-time continuum on Earth's surface can be investigated—as has been demonstrated—by several analysing methods.  相似文献   

The concept of space is one of the most fundamental of geographical concepts. There is no work in geography that does not certain it. Nevertheless, geography has not as yet formulated an explicit and unambiguous definition of geographical space. This fact has had negative consequences for geographical theory, methodology and application. In the effort of contributing to its elimination we will try to outline the basic connotations of the concept.The concept of geographical space is a relational one. It acquires meaning and sense only when related to other concepts. The concept of space may be conceived as a supplement to things, i.e. substantively conceived objects. Space conceived in this way is the synonym of emptiness. The concept of space may be also conceived in relation ti individual landscape elements as their environments. Space conceived in this way has the character of a field of force. And, finally, space may be conceived also with respect to the totality of landscape elements, i.e. the system expressed by the term synergic. It is only this third variant of space which should be understood as the geographical space in the full menaing of the term. It is only this conception of geographical space as the space filled with qualities in relations and proportions that is considered as one of the basic prerequisites for the formulation of the theory of geography as science capable of prediction and thus also of practical utilization.  相似文献   

Nichola Wood 《Geoforum》2008,39(4):1527-1529

薛卫冲 《江苏地质》2011,35(3):275-279
采用CAD软件绘制地质图件时,常遇到不断重复简单的绘制命令,从而使得制图工作沉闷、低效、多错。介绍了利用Excel的编制函数功能与CAD命令窗口相结合的原理、方法及常用手段,通过实例来说明如何实现地质制图过程的快速、准确与高效。  相似文献   

James Anderson 《Geoforum》1980,11(2):171-178
Geography has been traditionally concerned with “Nature”, “Place” and “Space”, and yet has failed to make profound contributions to their study and analysis because the discipline lacks a consistent theory of society and its relationships with “Nature”. This paper examines some of the reasons for this deficiency and proposes that Historical Materialism provides the best framework for resolving this problem.  相似文献   

Insurance is increasingly identified as the disaster management technique of choice; a benign tool that can be utilised to reduce the impacts of disaster and aid recovery. For householders in disaster-prone places, individual rational agency is assumed to inform decision-making surrounding house and contents insurance purchase. In this paper, we present findings from interviews with householders in places with high bushfire risk that significantly unsettle such accounts. Drawing upon four identified themes – trade-offs, networks, virtue and promise – we observe that for these householders, the uncertainty and anxiety created through a lack of transparency on behalf of insurers, the construction of insurance as an individual endeavour, and the rendering of household materiality as object, renders insurance catastrophic. Attempts at calculation for insurance coverage are momentary rather than monetary; as constituting an entanglement of insurantial moments constructed within conflicting emotions, morality and the familial, rather than fiscal accountancy. For our participants this provides a stronger logic for choosing not to have insurance than for having insurance. We conclude with signposts for further research, including advancing the theorisation of insurance in the context of the everyday.  相似文献   

Social epidemiology as medical geography: Back to the future   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Tom Koch 《GeoJournal》2009,74(2):99-106
There is something very traditional about Nancy Krieger’s decidedly modern work. She advances a social epidemiology that is multidisciplinary, advancing a “quantitative population science” that is also spatial in its approach and method of analysis. Many geographers see their work as affirming the potential of medical cartography and geography as disciplines critical to public health studies of disease incidence. This article argues that the history of epidemiology and public health are historically spatial and geographic, a link lost in the research of many twentieth century health researchers. A review of the history of medical geography, and of public health, insists upon the spatiality of disease studies as a critical groundwork not simply for contemporary disease studies but for the history of disease studies as they have slowly developed over for more than 200 years.  相似文献   

Kathleen McAfee 《Geoforum》2003,34(2):203-219
New agro-biotechnologies promise bounty from fine-tuned molecular manipulation of food crops. They already provide profits and export opportunities to a few transnational seed/ agrochemical/ biotechnology firms. Against growing resistance in international arenas, industry and US government spokespeople have aggressively promoted genetic engineering, arguing that it permits precise control of life processes. However, this claim is based on a deceptive form of molecular-genetic reductionism which uses outdated notions of “genes” and “genetic codes” and disregards the interactions among molecules, organisms, their environments, and their social settings. This discourse, in turn, supports economic-reductionist arguments that genetic information should be patentable and that market-based management of biotechnology will benefit everyone. This double reductionism furthers the extension of the commodity realm to the molecular level. It treats biotechnology inputs (genetic resources) and outputs (transgenic products) as ordinary, tradable factors of production under globally standardized intellectual property regimes and bolsters proposals to regulate biotechnology under the World Trade Organization. Critics of this approach find some support in the Biodiversity Convention and its Biosafety Protocol, which would allow consideration of scientific uncertainty, socioeconomic factors, and pluralism in intellectual property regimes. They stress that natural-resource values and knowledge about nature are inseparable from place-specific ecologies, cultural practices of farming and science, and power relations.  相似文献   

Yosseph Shilhav 《GeoJournal》1993,30(3):273-277
It is said that the Jewish people has had a surfeit of history but not enough geography. Deprived of its independence, expelled from its homeland, and dispersed among other nations, Jewish communities internalized different socio-cultural manners and customs. Throughout history, Jewish leaders — political and rabbinical — expresssed various attitudes toward territoriality and political aspirations for Jewish independence. As Zionism and the return of Jews to the Land of Israel became a real movement, those different attitudes had to confront a new reality, in which Jewish history meets Jewish geography. This paper discusses the encounter of a Jewish culture that developed under Diaspora conditions with the new reality of Jewish territoriality and sovereignty.  相似文献   

Edwina Palmer 《GeoJournal》1994,33(4):479-485
This paper is a review of the literature on the world-view of the ancient cosmography of Japan. It explores the structure of cosmographical space as it was conceived, through archaeological evidence, historical written records and comparative study of primitive religion. It then goes on to examine in some detail the landscape of that world-view, which reflected the actual physiography of Japan, only in mirror-image. It is argued that several aspects of the ancient world-view continue to influence not only some Japanese customs, but also play an underestimated role in determining some important aspects of land use in modern Japan, particularly that associated with mountains and Shint shrines.  相似文献   

N.J. Clifford 《Geoforum》2008,39(2):675-686
Agent based models (ABMs) have many applications, and illustrate a rapidly developing field of enquiry, spanning both the physical-mathematical and human-social sciences. ABMs are seen as most appropriate in situations where decisions or actions are distributed around particular locations, and in which structure is viewed as emergent from the interaction between individuals. ABMs may be used either as representational devices, to reproduce the patterns observed or desired in the system of interest, or as foundational tools contributing to the development of social or economic theory. The role and status of models and modelling is itself an instantiation of a wider debate concerning representation and explanation. Today, a case can be made that the nature of explanation and the use of scientific interpretation reflect much less definite and exclusive positions and permit more diverse approaches than hitherto. The underlying proposition of this commentary is, therefore, that the time is right for a positive application of ABMs within the discipline of geography, and for a rediscovery and reappraisal of the richness and depth of insight in the model-building enterprise more generally. First, the context for ABM development and application is set with reference to the agency-structure debate. Second, some aspects of the heritage of models in geography is presented, based upon reviews of two benchmark publications bearing that title. Next, some of the most significant characteristics, uses, potentials and limitations of ABMs, are reviewed. Finally, some constructive ways forward are suggested, as informed by theory and method from the interpretative social sciences.  相似文献   

Complex physical geography (landscape geography) is a science of the structure of the natural environment treated as a whole composed of interconnected and interacting components. The research object of complex physical geography is the Earth's surface understood as a three-dimensional layer including lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere as well as the biosphere which develops within the former three. Among different terms employed to define the external cover of the earth the best one seems to be epigeosphere (A.G. Isachenko 1965). Landscape as a scientific term is ambiguous and can be well replaced with the term geocomplex. Geocomplex is a relatively closed sector of nature which constitutes a whole due to the processes occuring within it and interdependences of geocomponents of which it is composed (H. Barsch 1968). There are homogeneous (topological) and heterogeneous (chorological) geocomplexes. Every geocomplex is characterized by its structure and manner of functioning. The objective existence of geocomplexes cannot be doubted.  相似文献   

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