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New spectrophotometric observations of the Wolf-Rayet system HD 50896 are presented and interpreted in terms of its binary nature. The lines of N V, N IV and C IV show moderate variations, which can be explained using a binary model with a compact companion. He n λ4686 appears to arise from a larger region compared to other lines. The distortion caused by the wind can partly explain its flux variations. The emission fluxes of He I lines are generally constant indicating their non-participation in the orbit. The results are compared with other Wolf-Rayet binaries (V444 Cyg and CQ Cep) and the evolutionary status is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on 24 high-resolution echelle spectrograms of the Wolf-Rayet star HD 192163 taken in 2005–2007 at the Cassegrain focus of the 2-m Zeiss-2000 telescope at the Shemakha Astrophysical Observatory (National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan), we have investigated the profiles of five emission lines: He II 4859, He II 5411, CIV 5808, He I 5875, (He II + Hα) 6560. We have analyzed the echelle spectrograms using the DECH20 code. Various emission line parameters have been determined: the equivalent widths, radial velocities, central intensities, and FWHMs. The violet wing of the He II + Hα emission band has been found to be variable (from 6496 Å to 6532 Å). Significant differences in the equivalent widths and radial velocities of the He II + Hα emission band in 2005 and 2007 were revealed. This can be a manifestation of long-term variations in the star HD 192163. We have confirmed that HD 192163 belongs to the WN6 spectral subtype.  相似文献   

Photoelectric radial-velocity measurements show that the eighth-magnitude star HD 115968 is a spectroscopic binary with a period of 16.195 days. The star has a large proper motion, and is unlikely to have the luminosity corresponding to the spectral type of G8 III favoured by Zaitseva. It is most probably a late-G dwarf.  相似文献   

By taking some evolutionary models of an initially 60M -star, their radial vibrational stabilities have been investigated. These models, evolving with mass loss, are in the advanced stages of their evolution, and burn He in their cores. Calculations have been performed for the first and second harmonics as well as for the fundamental mode; and some of these models were found to be vibrationally unstable in the fundamental mode.  相似文献   

Archer declared HD 105020 to be an Algol-type binary with a K-type main star and a period as short as two days. This, if confirmed, would be very significant. We made 21 observations of this star on three nights in 1984 using the 2.0-m telescope and Reticon system of McDonald Observatory, and 3 observations on two nights in 1991 using the 2.1-m telescope with TI2 CCD system of Kitt peak Observatory and found (1) that the radial velocity varied little over successive nights and the spin velocity to be small, hence it cannot be an Algol star with a two-day period and (2) that the radial velocity varied considerably at different times, and that the star could well be a spectroscopic binary with a period of about 20 days.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the metallic-line and magnetic star HD 153286 has been studied. The line intensity is constant within the limit of the errors, while the radial velocity is slightly variable. A differential analysis by means of the curve-of-growth method has been made, using 5 And, F5 V as standard star. Moreover, an atmospheric model has been computed; the results of the fine analysis indicate a defect of Sc by a factor of 30 and a defect of Ca by a factor included between 4 and 25; Si, Ti, V, Cr and Fe are normal, Mn, Co, Ni in slight excess by factors included between 2 and 5. Sr, Y, Zr, Ba and La are in excess by factors lower than 10; Ce, Nd and Sm are almost normal; Eu and Gd are in excess by factors of 250 and 4, respectively. These results are compared with the predictions of the diffusion theory.  相似文献   

Examination of the stellar spectrum of this star reveals that it has a composite spectrum. It could be classified as (A7V+G5V). It contains three forbidden [Feii] lines which are of the essential features of η Carinae stars. The spectrum also contains H, Hei, Feii, Mni, Tiii, and other different lines. The K-line seems to be sharp double line while other lines appear single ones which suggest early component may be double. This also seems to be true according to radial velocity measurements.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the peculiar O9 star HD 93521 is studied and compared with those of the standard stars 10 Lac and AE Aur. Several possibilities are examined which might explain the high galactic latitude of this star, corresponding toz>750 pc and its slight helium excess. It is suggested that HD 93521 is a runaway binary system composed of the O9 star plus a neutron star left over from a supernova explosion.  相似文献   

The star HD 6628, heretofore classified as a G5 subgiant, is shown to be a chromospherically active single-lined spectroscopic binary with a period of 27.332±0.008 d. From high-resolution spectra, the system is found to consist of a late F-type dwarf and an active G8–K1 bright subgiant, the latter having a rotation period of not more than 14.8±3.8 d derived from the width of metal lines. Further stellar and orbital parameters are derived and presented.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the peculiar Bp star HD 36916 has been studied on plates with dispersion 9.7 A/mm and compared with those of Aur, B3V andi And, B8V. A comparison of the observed contours of H, H and of the Balmer discontinuity D with those computed by Mihalas gives the following results: HD 36916: e=0.347, logg=3.8;i And: e=0.383, logg=3.2; Aur: e=0.302, logg=3.6. HD 36916 presents the characteristics of the Si-4200 stars: strong deficiency in helium and probably also in oxygen and nitrogen, strong excess of silicon and strontium; 3984 Hgii is present. Moreover this star also has characteristics which are not common to Si-4200 stars but rather to Mn stars: excess by a factor of ten of the elements of the iron group and an excess larger, probably of the order of 100, for manganese. The star is a member of the Sword subgroup of the Orion association.  相似文献   

Two-colour photoelectric observations of the new eclipsing binary HD 199497 are presented. Our observations confirm that the system is a W UMa type eclipsing binary. The light curves were analysed with the Wilson-Devinney approach. The system is found to be in contact configuration. The inclination is amazingly small. Although there are no spectroscopic data, the photometric mass ratio of the system is well determined.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - We studied the spectroscopic binary HD 116656 (ζ1 UMa) that has previously been suspected to be a Si-type chemically peculiar star. The magnetic field of each individual...  相似文献   

This is a preliminary study of the star HD 35502. Its magnetic field has been measured in different phases of its period. Preliminary values of the magnetic field parameters have been obtained based on a central quadrupole model. The effective magnetic field Be varies over 0-5000 G, the average surface magnetic field ranges over 6300-6700 G, the field at the poles is Bp=7000 G, and the angle between the quadrupole axis and the axis of rotation is β = 80o. As a first approximation, the surface helium is concentrated around the (negative) pole and for τ > 1 its abundance is reduced by approximately 2-4 dex, which confirms the hypothesis of helium diffusion under the action of gravitation and wind in a stable atmosphere. The chemical elements Si and Cr are concentrated in four spots on the magnetic equator between the magnetic poles, or in a ring coincident with the magnetic equator; precisely which is not clear at present.  相似文献   

Based on the spectropolarimetric data obtained at the 6-m telescope, a study of the magnetic field and physical parameters of the magnetic He-weak star HD 35298 was performed. A comparison of the results of magnetic field measurements by various methods has been carried out. The star’s magnetic field varies in the range from ?3 to +3 kG. The field geometry is explained in terms of the oblique rotator model. The obtained magnetic field variation curve can be described by a central dipole with the dipole axis inclined to the axis of rotation by β = 60°, and the magnetic field strength at the pole of B p = 11.5 kG. The data on the variability of spectral lines of some metals are presented, allowing to make an assumption that the stellar surface is heavily spotted.  相似文献   

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