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We present a study of two spectral lines, Fe I 6173 Å and Ni I 6768 Å, that were candidates to be used in the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) for observing Doppler velocity and the vector magnetic field. The line profiles were studied using the Mt. Wilson Observatory, the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and the Kitt Peak-McMath Pierce telescope and one-meter Fourier transform spectrometer atlas. Both Fe I and Ni I profiles have clean continua and no blends that threaten instrument performance. The Fe I line is 2% deeper, 15% narrower, and has a 6% smaller equivalent width than the Ni I line. The potential of each spectral line to recover pre-assigned solar conditions is tested using a least-squares minimization technique to fit Milne-Eddington models to tens of thousands of line profiles that have been sampled at five spectral positions across the line. Overall, the Fe I line has a better performance than the Ni I line for vector-magnetic-field retrieval. Specifically, the Fe I line is able to determine field strength, longitudinal and transverse flux four times more accurately than the Ni I line in active regions. Inclination and azimuthal angles can be recovered to ≈2° above 600 Mx cm?2 for Fe I and above 1000 Mx cm?2 for Ni I. Therefore, the Fe I line better determines the magnetic-field orientation in plage, whereas both lines provide good orientation determination in penumbrae and umbrae. We selected the Fe I spectral line for use in HMI due to its better performance for magnetic diagnostics while not sacrificing velocity information. The one exception to the better performance of the Fe I line arises when high field strengths combine with high velocities to move the spectral line beyond the effective sampling range. The higher g eff of Fe I means that its useful range of velocity values in regions of strong magnetic field is smaller than Ni I.  相似文献   

The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) provides photospheric vector magnetograms with a high spatial and temporal resolution. Our intention is to model the coronal magnetic field above active regions with the help of a nonlinear force-free extrapolation code. Our code is based on an optimization principle and has been tested extensively with semianalytic and numeric equilibria and applied to vector magnetograms from Hinode and ground-based observations. Recently we implemented a new version which takes into account measurement errors in photospheric vector magnetograms. Photospheric field measurements are often affected by measurement errors and finite nonmagnetic forces inconsistent for use as a boundary for a force-free field in the corona. To deal with these uncertainties, we developed two improvements: i) preprocessing of the surface measurements to make them compatible with a force-free field, and ii) new code which keeps a balance between the force-free constraint and deviation from the photospheric field measurements. Both methods contain free parameters, which must be optimized for use with data from SDO/HMI. In this work we describe the corresponding analysis method and evaluate the force-free equilibria by how well force-freeness and solenoidal conditions are fulfilled, by the angle between magnetic field and electric current, and by comparing projections of magnetic field lines with coronal images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). We also compute the available free magnetic energy and discuss the potential influence of control parameters.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONIn the previous paper (on et al. 1999, hereafter Paper I), we investigated the wavelength-dependence of four colltribution functions (CFs) derived from dmerent formal solutions andreferring to different emergellt quantities in the unpolarized case. Because one cannot generallyassign a single formation region to the whole line band in a real stellar atmosphere, e.g., the solaratmosphere, instead, the line formation region can be defined as the layers deviating farthestfrom t…  相似文献   

The time evolution of barred structures is examined under the influence of the external forces exerted by a spherical halo and by prolate halos. In particular, galaxy disks are placed in the plane including the major axis of prolate halos, whose configuration is often found in cosmological simulations. N-body disks in fixed external halo fields are simulated, so that bars are formed via dynamical instability. In the subsequent evolution, the bars in prolate halos dissolve gradually with time, while the bar pattern in a spherical halo remains almost unchanged to the end of the simulation. The decay times of the bars suggest that they can be destroyed in a time smaller than a Hubble time. Our results indicate that this dissolution process could occur in real barred galaxies, if they are surrounded by massive dark prolate halos, and the configuration adopted here is not unusual from the viewpoint of galaxy formation. For a prolate halo model, an additional simulation that is restricted to two-dimensional in-plane motions has also ended up with similar bar dissolution. This means that the vertical motions of disk stars do not play an essential role in the bar dissolution demonstrated here.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented to investigate the existence, formation, and possible realization of nonlinear envelope ion acoustic solitary waves which accompany collisionless electron-positron-ion plasmas with high-energy electrons and positrons (represented by kappa distribution). By employing the reductive perturbation method, the hydrodynamic model and the Poisson equation are reduced to nonlinear Schr?dinger equation. The effects of the superthermal parameters, as well as ion-to-electron temperature ratio on the propagation and stability of the envelope solitary waves are examined. The superthermal parameters (ion-to-electron temperature ratio) give rise to instability (stability) of the solitary excitations, since the instability window is strongly modified. Finally, the present results should elucidate the excitation of the nonlinear ion-acoustic solitary wave packets in superthermal electron-positron-ion plasmas, particularly in interstellar medium.  相似文献   

Based on the digital spectra taken with double monochromators of high spectral resolution, we have constructed the profile of the Fe I λ532.4185-nm line in the spectrum of the solar disk center. Basic spectrophotometric characteristics of the line profile have been determined with a high accuracy. The fine structure of the line profile is studied in detail. The profile asymmetry parameters have been determined.  相似文献   

Based on the undisturbed, finite thickness disk gravitational potential, we carried out 3-D Monte Carlo simulations of normal pulsars. We find that their scale height evolves in a similar way for different velocity dispersions (σv): it first increases linearly with time, reaches a peak, then gradually decreases, and finally approaches a stable asymptotic value. The initial velocity dispersion has a very large influence on the scale height. The time evolution of the scale height is studied. When the magnetic decay age is used as the time variable, the observed scale height has a similar trend as the simulated results in the linear stage, from which we derive velocity dispersions in the range 70- 178km s-1, which are near the statistical result of 90 - 270km s-1 for 92 pulsars with known transverse velocities. If the characteristic age is used as the time variable, then the observed and theoretical curves roughly agree for t > 108 yr only if σv < 25km s-1.  相似文献   

It is shown that variations in 6300 Å airglow intensities can, under certain assumptions, be simply related to ?0F2 and its time derivative. In deriving the relationship it is not necessary to assume that the concentration of the neutral atmosphere remains constant and so the relationship is useful on occasions when changes in the neutral atmosphere do occur making it difficult to obtain agreement between observed and calculated 6300 Å intensities; An example is given of a night in which a post-midnight enhancement occurred in the airglow and for which the observations could not be reproduced using a neutral atmosphere constant with time. It is shown that the airglow variations can be explained in terms of the variations of f0F2, implying that the airglow is due to recombination and that, during the night, changes occurred in the concentrations of the constituents of the neutral atmosphere.  相似文献   

Collinear libration points play an important role in deep space exploration because of their special positions and dynamical characteristics. Since motion around them is unstable, we need to control the spacecraft if we wish to keep them around such a libration point for a long time. Here we propose a continuous low-thrust control strategy, illustrated with numerical simulations combined with the orbit design and control of the World Space Observatory/UltraViolet (WSO/UV).  相似文献   

The immense volume of data generated by the suite of instruments on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) requires new tools for efficient identifying and accessing data that is most relevant for research. We have developed the Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK) to fill this need. The HEK system combines automated data mining using feature-detection methods and high-performance visualization systems for data markup. In addition, web services and clients are provided for searching the resulting metadata, reviewing results, and efficiently accessing the data. We review these components and present examples of their use with SDO data.  相似文献   

The remnants of two gamma-ray bursts, GRB 030329 and GRB 041227, have been resolved by Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations. The radio counterparts were observed to expand with time. These observations provide an important way to test the dynamics of the standard fireball model. We show that the observed size evolution of these two events cannot be explained by a simple jet model, rather, it can be satisfactorily explained by the two-component jet model. It strongly hints that gamma-ray burst ejecta may have complicated structures.  相似文献   

The [α/Fe] ratios in stars are good tracers to probe the formation history of stellar populations and the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. The spectroscopic survey of LAMOST provides a good opportunity to determine [α/Fe] of millions of stars in the Galaxy. We present a method of measuring the [α/Fe]ratios from LAMOST spectra using the template-matching technique of the LSP3 pipeline. We use three test samples of stars selected from the ELODIE and MILES libraries, as well as the LEGUE survey to validate our method. Based on the test results, we conclude that our method is valid for measuring [α/Fe]from low-resolution spectra acquired by the LAMOST survey. Within the range of the stellar parameters Teff= [5000, 7500] K, log g = [1.0, 5.0] dex and [Fe/H]= [onsistent with values derived from high-resolution spectra,-1.5, +0.5] dex, our [α/Fe] measurements are c and the accuracy of our [α/Fe] measurements from LAMOST spectra is better than 0.1 dex with spectral signal-to-noise higher than 20.  相似文献   

We present gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves in X-ray, optical and radio bands for various distributions of accelerated electrons behind the shock. The effects of lateral expansion of the jet and of winds in typical Wolf-Rayet star on the evolution are discussed. The light curves in the radiative case decline more rapidly than those in the adiabatic case. Under the combined effect of jet expansion and wind environment, the light curves have the greatest deviation from those of the standard model. All these results refer to the relativistic phase.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(5):401-414
Recently, Brittain and Rettig, using the cryogenic echelle spectrograph at the Infrared Telescope Facility to study the infrared emission from the inner preplanetary disk of the Herbig Ae/Be star HD141569, detected CO and H3+ ion emission. This emission has been tentatively interpreted as due to the existence of a forming gas giant planet. The suggested protoplanetary blob appears to be orbiting its host star at about 7 AU being perhaps 2 AU across and roughly five times the mass of Jupiter. Based on numerical modeling of the evolution of the dust disk we show that their observational results are compatible with the presence of an evolved giant vortex in the disk. Our calculations suggest that vortices formed in disks similar to the one found around HD141569 are more effective at capturing solid material than equivalent structures around solar-like stars. On the other hand, we investigate the possibility to find evidence for large-scale vortices in preplanetary disks by submillimeter interferometry. Disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars may be primary targets for giant vortex detection using this technique.  相似文献   

Nesis  A.  Hammer  R.  Roth  M.  Schleicher  H.  Soltau  D.  Staiger  J. 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):11-22
The emergence and evolution of large granules shows thegranular dynamics particularly well. We therefore investigate the time dependence of the convective flows within a regular and an exploding granule. The observational material for this study was taken at the center of the solar disk with the German VTT in Izaña (Tenerife, Spain) during an observing campaign in the year 1994. It consists of series of spectrograms of high spatial resolution, which were digitized and processed with wavelet techniques. Among other features, our data show the dynamical portrait of a regular and an exploding granule. We can follow their temporal evolution over more than 12 min. Using absorption lines of different strength we are able to see the dynamical change of both granules at several heights within the first 200 km above 5000=1. The observations reveal significant changes of the convective flow of both granules over time as well as over height, which are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In this letter we considered an interaction between Ricci dark energy and tachyonic field. We investigated the equation of state parameters in presence of the interaction and revealed a quintessence like behavior. Also, we investigated the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics in presence of this interaction and observed that it is broken down under this interaction.  相似文献   

The S Scuti star catalogue is used to derive the observational locations of such stars on the HR diagram. The theoretical and observational instability strips are compared to check the theoretical red edge obtained by considering nonlocal time-dependent convection theory. The observational instability strip almost overlaps with the theoretical one, but the observed blue and red envelopes are hotter than the theoretical edges. The distribution of S Scuti stars in the pulsation strip is not uniform.  相似文献   

The Lidov–Kozai theory developed by each of the authors independently in 1961–1962 is based on qualitative methods of studying the evolution of orbits for the satellite version of the restricted three-body problem (Hill’s problem). At present, this theory is in demand in various fields of science: in the field of planetary research within the Solar system, the field of exoplanetary systems, and the field of high-energy physics in interstellar and intergalactic space. This has prompted me to popularize the ideas that underlie the Lidov–Kozai theory based on the experience of using this theory as an efficient tool for solving various problems related to the study of the secular evolution of the orbits of artificial planetary satellites under the influence of external gravitational perturbations with allowance made for the perturbations due to the polar planetary oblateness.  相似文献   

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