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The coronal transient event of 20–21 November is unusual in that its appearance is distinctly non-loop-like; rather, the transient resembles a confined ray or fan-like volume. Studies of the distribution of the coronal material with time indicate that this is a mass ejection event, involving about 1 × 1015 g of material from the lower corona. Analysis of the polarization signal of the event suggests that the event is associated with chromospheric activity in a region near longitude E68. The observed properties (distributions in brightness and polarization) of the transient are compared with the properties of a well-studied event of typical loop-like appearance, but rotated to simulate an edge-on appearance; the differences suggest that the 20–21 November event is not such an edge-on, loop-like transient, but rather is most simply described as an axisymmetric-cylindrical or conical volume, the boundaries of which remain constant over the events' lifetime. On this basis, the variation of the transient spatial density with height and the variation of density with time can be specified rather more certainly than for previously-studied coronal mass ejection events. Densities are found to range from 3 × 10–16 g cm–3 at 2.1 R heliocentric height early in the event to 1 × 10–18 g cm–3 at 4.0 R late in the event. Typical temporal variations of the ejected material (at a given heliocentric height) are found to be on the order of 10–18 g cm–3 s–1. The mass and momentum balance in the event have been estimated from the observed parameters, employing a multiparameter approach. We find that a model with modest mass flux typified by material speed u 0 50 km s–1 and a near balance between the event's pressure gradient force and gravity — with possibly a small hydromagnetic wave contribution to the total pressure — is consistent with the observations. The kinetic energy of the event, determined from the motion of the center of mass of the ejected material, is only about 1026 ergs, and thus is the smallest for any solar mass ejection studied to date.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

By using the multi-wavelength observations from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) and the HINODE, we study a coronal mass ejection (CME) and associated coronal dimming occurred on 2009 December 13, as a consequence of the expansion and eruption of EUV loops. The activities were probably triggered by the new flux emergence and the convergence motions, which were evident in the magnetograms from Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on the SOHO. The emergence led to the destabilization and eruption of the preexistent flux rope, which was highly-sheared over the polarity inversion line. Driven by the ejection of the flux rope, the overlying loops initially slowly rose and then erupted. As a result, two coronal dimming regions formed at the footprints of the loops and a B1.9 flare, about half an hour later, occurred in the eruptive region near one foot of the eruptive loops. The CME had a very close temporal and spatial relationship to the expanding loops, and it is very likely that the CME directly developed from the eruptive loops. The CME mass calculated from the EUV dimming was of the same order of the typical CME mass, suggesting that the dimming region supplied major of the mass for the CME. The kinematic evolution of the CME was basically consistent with the three-phases scenario: the initiation phase, impulsive acceleration phase, and propagation phase. The onset of the CME could be well explained by the emerging flux trigger mechanism.  相似文献   

Halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have been to be significantly faster than normal CMEs, which is a long-standing puzzle. In order to solve the puzzle, we first investigate the observed properties of 31 limb CMEs that clearly display loopshaped frontal loops. The observational results show a strong tendency that slower CMEs are weaker in white-light intensity. Then, we perform a Monte Carlo simulation of 20000 artificial limb CMEs that have an average velocity of ~523km s -1. The Thomson scattering of thes...  相似文献   

Magnetic pumping in the solar corona is revisited. We derive conditions under which magnetic pumping can be the cause of heating of loops rather than of particle acceleration. Candidate sources for such a process are coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Large loops are susceptible to heating primarily of protons by magnetic compressions with periods between 50 and 5000 s, the observed spectrum of the photospheric driver. Efficient heating by pumping occurs since in these large loops the density is low enough that the proton-proton collision time is comparable to the periods of the external compressions. We suggest that CMEs may be pressure-driven explosions of large-beta loops caused by magnetic pumping, in contrast to current-driven flares in low-beta environments.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections and high-speed streams from the Sun, and related structures formed and evolved in interplanetary space, i.e. interplanetary manifestations of CMEs (ICMEs) and stream interaction regions (SIRs)/corotating interaction regions (CIRs), are mainly responsible for geomagnetic disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic environment. However, the presence or absence of associated/finer structures of ICMEs (e.g., shock/sheath, magnetic cloud) and SIRs/CIRs (forward and reverse shocks, stream interface) might influence their geoeffectiveness as these features within large-scale structures of ICMEs and SIRs display different and varying plasma and field characteristics. In this work, we analyze the solar-wind plasma and field parameters (plasma velocity, density and pressure, magnetic field, its north-south component and electric field) together with geomagnetic activity parameters (kp and Dst), applying the method of superposed epoch analysis. By systematically changing the time of passage of different features as epochs, e.g. discontinuities/shocks, CMEs/magnetic clouds in ICMEs and discontinuities/forward shocks in SIRs/CIRs, we study the relative geoeffectiveness of not only the large-scale structures (ICMEs/SIRs/CIRs), but of their finer features also. We critically analyze the differences in geoeffectiveness due to different structures and features, with distinct plasma/field characteristics, and we utilize these results to understand the mechanism during their interaction with geospace.  相似文献   

Photometry of Persei was obtained during ingress and egress of its 1989 eclipse and analyzed using a simple geometrical model. The estimated depths of eclipse are 0.62, 0.43, and 0.23 mag inU, B, andV, respectively, which imply that all but 17% of the A-type secondary is covered by the G-giant primary at minimum light. When combined with observations from the 1984 eclipse, the data yield a photometric period of 1515.869±0.059 days.  相似文献   

R. M. MacQueen 《Solar physics》1993,145(1):169-188
We have measured the brightness and latitudinal extent of the depleted (cavity) region behind the leading edge of three coronal mass ejection (CME) events from the Skylab epoch. The events chosen are among those believed to be typical of non-impulsive, loop-like CMEs (Sime, MacQueen, and Hundhausen, 1984). The pre-event coronal brightness has been matched by a model corona, assuming both a background contribution and a contribution from a range of hypothetical streamer models, distinguished by differing longitudinal extent. Then, assuming that the cavities are voided regions in which the local electron density is negligible, we estimate their minimum line-of-sight extent and find them to be comparable to, or greater than, their measured latitudinal extent. As a result, we suggest this unambiguously demonstrates the three-dimensional nature of these — and likely, this class of — events.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes data on thermal explosions of large meteoroids in the earth’s atmosphere. The cumulative function of flux of space bodies is corrected with regard to the explosion height, which is determined, according to our approach, by maximum braking. As a result, the integral function of flux in the work [Brown, P., Spalding, R.E., ReVelle, D.O., et al., The Flux of Small Near-Earth Objects Colliding with the Earth, Nature, 2002, vol. 420, pp. 314–316] is consistent with the one we derived earlier. It is found that at least one phenomenon of those discussed in the paper by Brown et al. is a result of explosion of a comet nucleus fragment. It is shown that the Tunguska phenomenon cannot be explained within a monolithic body model.  相似文献   

In this study, investigated 14,786 coronal mass ejection (CME) events and 5092 Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) solar flare events (called γ-ray burst solar flare) recorded during 2008–2017, by using temporal and spatial conditions criteria, we found 845 (about 16%) CME events associated with γ-ray burst solar flare events only (hereafter, CME–γ-preflare). All the 845 events are associated with solar flares that are detected in both GBM and RHESSI simultaneously. Investigating the characteristics of these events, we found that the best time interval is 0–2 h before the flare's start time. The mean time interval for these CME–γ-preflare associated events is 61 min, with the flare's duration mean value of 12 min, which is greater than non-associated γ-ray solar flare's duration. CME width of CME-γ-preflare associated events 64° is slightly wider and slightly faster (remain lower than solar wind's speed) than non-associated CME 53°.  相似文献   

The physical properties in the coronal disturbance (CD) (W90, N25°) associated with an active prominence are investigated on the basis of the intensities and profiles of 5694 Å Caxv and 6702 Å Nixv lines and continuum measured in the eclipse coronal spectra of 31 July, 1981. The spectrograms have been taken with a dispersion of between 7 to 10 Å mm-1 and a solar image of 15 mm in diameter. The following characteristics of the CD have been deduced. The CD occurred cospatially with an active prominence and consisted of two discrete regions with different temperatures penetrating each other. (1) Caxv region: T e= 3.8 × 106 K, the length along the slit of the spectrograph Z 65000 km, the effective line-of-sight length L 20000 km, the average electron density , nonthermal velocities V t= (20–32) km s-1. (2)Nixv-Caxiii region: T e= 2.3 × 106 K, Z 37000 km, L 35000 km, n e 1 × 109 cm-3, V t= (23–30) km s-1. A macroscopic mass motion has been discovered within the Nixv region of the CD from the Doppler shifts of the 6702 Å Nixv line: V r= + 27 km s-1 on the lower and V r= - 12 km s-1 on the upper border of the CD. The average height of the CD was H 0.08 R . The radial velocities in the prominence found from the emission line tilts are + 12 and - 8 km s-1 on its lower and upper borders. A similar picture of the mass motion in the CD and the prominence speaks in favour of an intimate relation between them.  相似文献   

In 2006, Earth encountered a trail of dust left by Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle two revolutions ago, in A.D. 1932. The resulting Leonid shower outburst was observed by low light level cameras from locations in Spain. The outburst peaked on 2006 Nov. 19d 04h39m ± 3m UT (predicted: 19d 04h50m ± 15m UT), with a FWHM of 43 ± 10 min (predicted: 38 min), at a peak rate of ZHR=80±10/h (predicted: 50-200 per hour). A low level background of older and brighter Filament Leonids (χ∼2.1) was also present, which dominated rates for Leonids brighter than magnitude +4. The 1932-dust outburst was detected among Leonids of +0 magnitude and brighter. These outburst Leonids were much brighter than expected, with a magnitude distribution index χ=2.60±0.15 (predicted: χ=3.47 and up). Trajectories and orbits of 24 meteors were calculated, most of which are part of the Filament component. Those that were identified as 1932-dust grains penetrated just as deep as Leonids in past encounters. We conclude that larger meteoroids than expected were present in the tail of the 1932-dust trail and meteoroids did not end up there because of low density. We also find that the radiant position of meteors in the Filament component scatter in a circle with radius 0.39°, which is wider than in 1998, when the diameter was 0.09°. This supports the hypothesis that the Filament component consists of meteoroids in mean-motion resonances.  相似文献   

A coronal bright point is resolved into a pattern of emission which, at any given time, consists of 2 or 3 miniature loops (each 2500 km in diameter and 12 000 km long). During the half-day lifetime of the bright point individual loops evolved on a time scale 6 min. A small ctive region seemed to evolve in this way, but the occasional blurring together of several loops made it difficult to follow individual changes.  相似文献   

By using a combination of X-ray (HXIS), H (Haleakala), white-light corona (Solwind), and zodiacal light (Helios) images on 21–22 May, 1980 we demonstrate, and try to explain, the co-existence of a coronal mass ejection with a stationary post-flare coronal arch. The mass ejection was seen, both by Solwind and Helios, in prolongation of the path of a powerful spray, whereas the active region filament did not erupt. A tentative comparison is made with other occurrences of stationary, or quasi-stationary post-flare coronal arches.  相似文献   

On 11 September 1973 a peculiar prominence was observed. The prominence displayed strong ( 50km s–1) systematic motions toward and away from the observer. The unusual spectrographic appearance of the prominence might have been due to downflowing material lifted into the corona during an earlier coronal transient.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The dynamical mass of a star cluster can be derived from the virial theorem, using the measured half-mass radius and line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the cluster. However, this dynamical mass may be a significant overestimation of the cluster mass if the contribution of the binary orbital motion is not taken into account. Here, we describe the mass overestimation as a function of cluster properties and binary population properties, and briefly touch on the issue of selection effects. We find that for clusters with a measured velocity dispersion of σ los?10 km?s?1 the presence of binaries does not affect the dynamical mass significantly. For clusters with σ los?1 km?s?1 (i.e., low-density clusters), the contribution of binaries to σ los is significant, and may result in a major dynamical mass overestimation. The presence of binaries may introduce a downward shift of Δlog?(L V /M dyn)=0.05–0.4 (in solar units) in the log?(L V /M dyn) versus age diagram.  相似文献   

A 5303 Å-photometer was constructed for the 20 cm coronagraph of the Wendelstein solar observatory. Details of the photometer, the method of measurement and an example for measured isophotes are given. The Wendelstein photometer is compared with the 5303 Å-Sac Peak photometer.Mitteilungen der Sternwarte München Bd. 2 Nr. 5.  相似文献   

We consider the secular effect of outgassing torques on the rotation of a comet nucleus. An averaging method is applied to obtain evolutionary equations which allow us to study the long-term variations in the nucleus spin state. Since the spin axis direction of 19P/Borrelly’s nucleus is close to the line of apsides direction, a simplified version of these equations can be written to analytically study the most important qualitative effects. In particular, a correlation between the drift of the rotation axis direction and the possible spin up/spin down of the nucleus is revealed.  相似文献   

During the total solar eclipse, 1965 May 30, a 25 cm aperturef/8.0 telescope and Fabry-Perot interferometer were operated aboard the USAF-AEC aircraft. High resolution spectra of the Fexiv emission line, 530.3 nm, were obtained. Deconvolved intensity vs wavelength profiles of the second order fringe overlay a helmet structure on the NM limb at out to 1.37R . The profiles yield coronal temperatures, absolute intensities and Doppler velocities in regions of apparently open magnetic field structure and within the closed field lines of the helmet. Together with white light intensities the observations are interpreted to provide temperatures and turbulent velocities in and around this coronal structure. Comparison is made with a model by Billings and Roberts. We suggest a model with radial flow (solar wind) velocities of 60 km s–1 satisfies the observations in the open field line region.Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and portions of the analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo.  相似文献   

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