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1 Sandstorm and Damage Over the last twenty years resources exploitation and utilization have been quickened on the one hand and on the other hand the impact has also been exterted on natural eco-environment along with the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production. Resultant sandstorms from aggrevated desertification due to excessive reclamation and overgrazing induced desertification have become a frequent disasterous weather occurred in spring in northern China which tends …  相似文献   

近40年坝上后山地区沙漠化因子主分量的耦合波动   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
孙武  李保生 《地理研究》2002,21(3):391-398
利用EOF (经验正交函数 )方法对河北坝上和内蒙古后山地区近 4 0年降水、年风速、大风日数、气候因子、牲畜头数和气候产量等 6个沙漠化波动因子主分量进行了计算 ,表明沙漠化诸因子尽管受降水的影响有同步波动的一面 ,但又可分解为风、畜、水三个相对独立变化的系列。由此将年大风日数、气候因子、牲畜头数和气候产量确定为影响沙漠化的主要波动因子 ,并以生物学年度将其按牧区和农牧交错区两类进行等权重耦合。结果表明 ,近 4 0年全区沙漠化因子主分量的耦合度经 3年滑动平均后 ,在 2 5 %~ 10 0 %间变化 ,196 5年至今一直维持在 75 %上下波动 ,196 7~ 1977年为耦合度最高的阶段。 80年代中期多雨段沙漠化的持续蔓延 ,充分证明了人类不合理活动在坝上后山地区沙漠化发展中的主导作用。  相似文献   

Inthepast20oddyears,therehascomeupaworldwide,broadscalemovementtocombatdesertification.TheproblemofdesertificationhasbeenlistedbytheUNasoneoftheglobalproblemsofgreatsignificancethat“almostallthecountriesintheworldareinvolvedin.“Allthesearerelevanttoanor…  相似文献   

DivisionofdesertificationclimatetypesanddeterminationofpotentialrangeofdesertificationinChinaCILongjunWUBoChineseAcademyofFor...  相似文献   

荒漠化分类分级理论的初步探讨   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
孙武  李保生 《地理研究》1999,18(3):225-230
简要回顾了二十多年来联合国荒漠化代表性分类分级理论的发展,评价了1977年、1984年、1992年和1997年提出的最有代表性分类分级理论,归纳出目前三种分类分级理论的评价思想:以指标体系为基础的绝对退化评价,生产力与经营水平相结合的相对退化评价和以生态系统中植被土壤地形差异退化为依据的多样性评价。在对比分析的基础上,针对各体系存在的问题,指出通过荒漠化退化生态基准的恢复和确定可提高分类分级理论的科学性与权威性,并提出确定时间尺度和空间类型的初步建议。  相似文献   

The karst region of southern China is a fragile ecological zone with widespread rocky desertification. This paper describes the rocky desertification occurring in this region in terms of both natural and anthropogenic factors. During geological time periods, the region’s changing environment governed the natural rocky desertification processes, whereas during historical and modern times, anthropogenic processes have been superimposed on these natural processes. Human activities have accelerated and exacerbated rocky desertification. The period from the beginning to the middle of the Qing dynasty was an important transitional period in which human activities began to exert a particularly strong influence on rocky desertification. Since then, the effect of anthropogenic factors has increasingly exceeded the effect of natural factors. The rocky desertification process in southern China’s karst region combines surface ecological processes (including vegetation degradation and loss, soil erosion, surface water loss, and bedrock solution) with a reduction of the land’s biological productivity, leading to degradation that produces rocky desert. Controlling rocky desertification requires comprehensive development of sustainable agriculture and economic development that provides employment alternatives to agriculture and thereby promotes the rehabilitation of rocky desertified land.  相似文献   

根据1975—2018年民勤绿洲土地沙漠化分类体系及遥感影像数据,探究了民勤绿洲沙漠化时空变化过程;选取影响绿洲沙漠化的自然与人为驱动因子,运用主成分分析方法定量评价了民勤绿洲沙漠化过程的主要驱动力。结果表明:1975—2018年沙漠化程度以重度沙漠化为主,轻度、中度、重度和严重沙漠化面积均呈减少趋势,以2000年为界表现为先发展后逆转趋势;1975—2000年,轻度、中度、重度沙漠化重心总体向东北方向迁移,严重沙漠化的重心向西迁移,沙漠化有向绿洲东北部和巴丹吉林沙漠发展的趋势;2000—2018年轻度沙漠化的重心向西北方向迁移,中度、重度和严重沙漠化重心相对稳定,绿洲沙漠化发展得到明显控制。在绿洲沙漠化过程中,人为因素贡献率为39.53%,自然与人为综合贡献率为26.58%,自然因素贡献率为10.77%,人为因素是民勤绿洲沙漠化的主要驱动力。水资源极度匮乏是绿洲沙漠化的决定因素,在以后的防沙治沙工作中,合理调控人类的生产经营活动,优化干旱区水资源配置,可从源头上治理民勤绿洲的沙漠化。  相似文献   

With gradual emergence of desertification reversal after inception of combative attempts in China, its evaluation which is based on solid identification is imperative. However, either identification or evaluation lacks consensus and are limited in earlier studies. This paper endeavors to fill this gap by relying on a systematic review of recent studies. After a clarification of causal relation of identification and evaluation, an argument of indicators and models selection is presented taking sustainability, cost and benefits, public interest and individual behavior into account. At first, we emphasize the logical and sequential importance of identification as prerequisite of evaluation, and demonstrate that fundamental identification could be operated by both direct and indirect implementations, though direct implementation usually seems to be a favorite al- tel'native. Here, we emphasize a consideration of sustainable development, cost and benefits, public interest and individual behaviors together, due to the hiatus of incorporating economic and ecological segments together, and the innate theoretical deficiencies on environmental products of traditional economic and ecological methods of evaluation. Thus, we conceptually merge the economic and ecological segments into one theoretical framework. However, no matter how elaborate the models is, there is an apparent gap of both identification and evaluation due to failure of dynamic interpretations, thereby, it may be future trend and urgency on models' elaboration.  相似文献   

Development of land desertification in Bashang area in the past 20 years   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1 Physiographic characteristics of Bashang area In broad sense, Bashang area refers to the entire Zhangbei, Kangbao and Guyuan counties, northern part of Shangyi, northern parts of Fengning and Weichang counties of Chengde Prefecture, most part of Duolun county, entire Taipusi Banner (Taipusi County), southern part of Zhenglan and Zhengxiangbai banners (counties) and northeast of Huade in Inner Mongolia, altogether 12 counties or banners covering an area of more than 42,000 km2 with a …  相似文献   

Natural conditions in Bashang area are characterized by zonal transitions which are liable to be impacted by natural disasters and intensified human activities. The extremely fragile eco-environment is also liable to have desertification formed and developed. In the 18 years from 1978 to 1996, the desertified land area of Bashang within the scope of the map nearly doubled, a total increase of 2199.11 km2, averaging an increase of 122.17 km2 per year. Moreover, the seriously desertified area increases rapidly. Land desertification in Bashang is the combined result of natural factors and irrational human economic activities. Cultivated land expansion, population growth, and overgrazing aggrevate desertification development.  相似文献   

IntroductionSongnenSandyLand,locatedinnorthWestofNortheastChinaplain,belongstosub-htaldmeedow-chemozemzoneanditSthedamntallandformisthefluvialplaincoveredbydunes.ThelinefromtheSecondSonghuamvernmningtbrOughtothelowerreachesoftheHuolinmver(i.e.Taolaizhao-Qian'an-Taonan)isthenasthesouthboundaryofthesandylandwhichisnearthenoItheaStofHorqinSandyLandWhilethelinealongNehe1indha-AndaThaomp-TaolaitheoistakenastheeaStboundary.Withalengthof38okinfromnorthtosouthtalwidthof26okInfromwesttoeasLth…  相似文献   

Sandy desertification in the Shule River Basin has expanded dramatically during the past 30 years. We evaluated the status, evolution, and main causes of sandy desertification by interpreting Landsat images which were acquired in 1978, 1990, 2000, 2005, and 2010, and analyzing the relevant meteorological data. The results show there was 3,477.95 km2, 3,733.32 km2, 3,620.29 km2, 3,565.65 km2, and 3,557.88 km2 of sandy desertified land in 1978, 1990, 2000, 2005, and 2010, respectively. From 1978 to 1990, not only the area of sandy desertified land (SDL) but also the degree of SDL levels increased. From 1990 to 2010 there was widespread restoration of SDL but the recovery trend of SDL gradually slowed. Although climate change contributes to expanding sandy desertification, human activities can either accelerate or reverse trends of natural sandy desertification. Some detrimental human activities can accelerate sandy desertification, but, conversely, desertification control measures such as the Three-North Shelter Forest Project and watershed rehabilitation programs in areas including the Shule River Basin resulted in many SDL being turned into grasslands or forest lands when shrubs and trees were planted to fix mobile sands at the edges of oases and cities. With population growth, much SDL has been reclaimed as farm land using water-saving agricultural methods or has been turned into built-up land as a result of urbanization.  相似文献   

黄河流域地势西高东低,自西向东有青藏高原、内蒙古高原、黄土高原和黄淮海平原4个地貌单元,总面积为79.6万km2。黄河流域是中国重要的生态屏障和重要经济带,黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展已上升为国家战略。沙漠化是中国北方干旱、半干旱以及部分半湿润地区主要的土地退化形式,沙漠化对黄河流域,尤其是流域中、上游地区的影响较大。为了全面掌握黄河流域的沙漠化土地空间分布特征,本研究以Landsat遥感影像为数据源,通过地理信息系统(GIS)技术,获得了黄河流域2010年的沙漠化土地分布数据。结果表明:黄河流域内沙漠化土地面积为128 667 km2,占流域总面积的16.2%;黄河上游的沙漠化土地面积最大,然后依次是黄河中游、黄河源区、黄河下游,沙漠化土地面积分别为89 341、21 426、17 894、7 km2,分别占全流域沙漠化土地总面积的69.4%、16.7%、13.9%、0.01%。黄河流域的沙漠化土地绝大部分分布于内蒙古,其沙漠化土地面积为91 398 km2,占全流域沙漠化土地面积的71.0%;其次是青海,沙漠化土地面积为17 432 km2,占全流域沙漠化土地面积的13.5%;陕西和宁夏的沙漠化土地面积分别占全流域沙漠化土地面积的8.3%和6.5%。黄河流域的沙漠化空间格局主要是降水量与沙源空间耦合的结果,流域92.6%(119 114 km2)的沙漠化土地分布于干旱、半干旱地区。从20世纪70年代以来,黄河流域的沙漠化总体上经历了快速发展—发展放缓—明显逆转的过程,沙漠化大幅度的变化主要受人类活动影响所致,在过去几十年间风速持续减小对沙漠化逆转的积极作用也应引起重视。  相似文献   

土地沙化是中国面临的严重生态问题。沙化土地治理是中国生态文明建设的重点和难点,也是建设美丽中国必须要面对和解决的问题。在干旱区使用人工植被和草方格机械沙障等措施治理沙化土地效果显著,但同时也存在一定的局限性。针对这些问题,近年来中国学者研发和探索了人工生物土壤结皮等诸多新型、快速的沙化土地绿色环保治理技术。本文评述了2000年以来中国学者在这一领域开展的系列创新性研究,分析了其研究前沿和未来发展趋势,以期为全面、准确认识和评估绿色环保沙化土地治理技术提供重要依据。  相似文献   

荒漠化是生态退化的极端表现形式,包括气候变异和人类活动在内的种种因素造成的干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱区的土地退化。快速和准确地识别中国荒漠化地区,是防范和治理荒漠化的关键。针对2000-2015年我国陆地生态系统NPP的变化趋势、稳定性和荒漠化敏感性进行了综合分析,构建了识别荒漠化土地的技术方法。结果表明:(1)近16 a以来,我国内蒙古阴山以南、新疆天山以北、西藏阿里地区、长江以南大部地区,植被净初级生产力均出现了不同程度的下降趋势,且一半以上的区域处于植被生态系统不稳定状况;在全国56.2%的国土属于荒漠化敏感区内,上述区域容易受气候、自然条件、人为干扰等影响而发生荒漠化。(2)2000年以来,我国土地荒漠化退化区域面积约20.74×104 km2,占国土总面积的2.16%。主要为五大分布区域,即内蒙古高原中部的典型草原和荒漠化草原区、新疆天山-阿尔泰山山地草原区、新疆塔里木河下游的温带荒漠和绿洲区、青藏高原的阿里-昆仑山高寒荒漠区、青海省的青南山高寒草原区。(3)荒漠化进程伴随有生产力下降、植被盖度降低和地表温度不断攀升的地表关键参数演变特征,荒漠化的形成受气候影响显著,降雨的减少是造成土地荒漠化进程突出的主要因素;人类活动、不合理的种植业、畜牧业等在一定程度上对土地荒漠化起到推动作用。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对鄂尔多斯高原周边地区沙尘暴的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
许炯心 《地理研究》2004,23(4):463-468
以鄂尔多斯高原周边地区为例 ,研究土地利用变化对沙尘暴的影响 ,建立了多年平均沙尘暴日数与沙漠化土地面积百分比之间的关系。该关系表明 ,当沙漠化土地面积百分比Rd大于 30 %以后 ,沙尘暴日数随Rd的增大而急剧增加。年均沙尘暴日数与耕地面积和大风日数之间的回归方程 ,结果表明 ,耕地面积减少和大风日数减少对沙尘暴减少的贡献率分别为5 9 7%和 4 0 3%。通过在干旱、半干旱脆弱生态条件下的地区进行土地利用结构调整和退耕还草 ,恢复草原生态系统 ,可以在一定程度上减低沙尘暴发生的频率。  相似文献   

草地荒漠化是河西走廊面临的主要生态问题。探究河西走廊草地荒漠化的现状与变化,是维持地区生态安全、确保经济社会健康稳定发展的关键。本研究以2009、2014、2019年全国荒漠化监测数据为基础,结合同时期的气象和年鉴数据,利用趋势分析、灰色关联及结构方程模型等方法,分析了河西走廊草地荒漠化的动态变化规律,在此基础上,量化了驱动草地荒漠化的因素。结果表明:(1)河西走廊草地荒漠化威胁持续存在,2019年,荒漠化草地面积为371.93万hm2,占河西走廊草地总面积的43.7%,荒漠化程度以中度为主,占比为65.58%。(2)2009—2019年,荒漠化草地面积减少134.68万hm2,草地荒漠化得到有效遏制。根据草地荒漠化程度综合性评价指数,除金昌市外,酒泉市、嘉峪关市、张掖市和武威市草地荒漠化呈逆转趋势。(3)驱动草地荒漠化动态变化的各类因素中,年降水量增加有助于荒漠化逆转,年均气温、农作物播种面积、大牲畜存栏数、常住人口数与草地荒漠化呈正相关,其中常住人口数通过影响农作物播种面积间接导致草地荒漠化加剧。  相似文献   

The land desertification in Xinjiang was monitored and analyzed based on RS and GIS techniques. Satellite data interpretation was adopted to obtain the general situation of Xinjiang‘s land desertification in assistance with the sampling method and on-the-spot investigations. Related monitoring and investigations showed that Xinjiang was facing with severe wide range land desertification, and its desertified area made up 77.08% of the total monitoring area. As for land types,the desertified farmland accounted for 1.92% of the total monitoring area, desertified woodland 4%,desertified grassland 45%, and unused land 49%. Accordingly, as for desertification degrees,non-desertified land occupied 22.92%, weak desertified land 5.69%, medium-degree desertified land 16.58%, severe desertified land 33.19% and super severe desertified land 21.61%. Finally, as for inducing factors, wind-eroded desertification made up 58.23%, water-eroded desertification 8.69%,salinization desertification 6.52% and frozen-melt eroded desertification 3.64%. Xinjiang‘s land desertification tended to get worse and the harnessing mission remained hard.  相似文献   

The lower reaches of the Tarim River are one of the areas suffering from most severe sandy desertification in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Irrational utilization of water and land resources results in eco-environmental deterioration in the Tarim River. In May 2000, the local government carried out the water conveyances project in the Tarim River. The influence of water conveyance on desertification reversion is analyzed and discussed according to the monitoring data in the past three years. Based on monitored data of the nine observed sections, along the channel of conveyance, the intensity and scope of desertification reversion in the upper reaches are larger than those in the lower reaches. Dynamic changes of desertification reversion are more obvious from the channel of conveyance to its two sides. However, the range of influence and intensity of desertification reversion is limited at present. It is suggested that the way and range of water conveyances should be adjusted in the future.  相似文献   

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