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We investigated the effects of soil water potential (SWP) and temperature on seed germination of six coexisting species of an inter-tropical desert. These species include three life-forms; the shrubs Cercidium praecox andProsopis laevigata ; the columnar succulents Neobuxbaumia tetetzo and Pachycereus hollianus; and the arborescent semi-succulents Beaucarnea gracilis and Yucca periculosa. In the six species germinability increased and germination time and speed of germination (t50) decreased as SWP decreased. The SWP treatments were 0 MPa, −0·12 MPa, −0·2 MPa, −0·41 MPa and −0·66 MPa. There was, however, a SWP threshold below which germination time and t50increased and germinability decreased. The shrubs had the highest germinability whereas the columnar succulents had the lowest. The shrubs also had shorter germination time andt50 than arborescent semi-succulents whereas seeds of the columnar succulents were indeterminate. In all species except P. laevigata germinability increased and the germination time and t50decreased as temperature increased. The temperature treatments were 12°C, 20°C and 26°C. The shrubs had the shortest t50and germination time and the highest germinability at all temperatures. Arborescent semi-succulents had the lowest germinability and longest germination time and t50at the three temperatures treatments. Our results support the hypothesis that in desert environments different plant life-forms utilise different germination strategies to persist.  相似文献   

Seeds ofProsopis juliflora, Calotropis proceraandSorghum × drummondiiseeds were subjected to trifactorial treatment combinations of: nutrients (Nr), temperature (T) and reduced water potential (ψm) in their incubation medium. The embryonic axis and storage tissue of germinating seeds were analysed for soluble sugars (SS) and hydrolysable carbohydrates (HC). Allocation of both carbon fractions in germinating seed organs was variously affected by single factors and their mutual interactions. Differences in such effects included both magnitude and relative role of each factor or interaction, the effect also being organ and/or species dependent. The interaction φm× T had the predominant role in changes of both SS and HC content and their allocation in seed organs, while the interaction Nr × φm× T had a subdominant role. Nutrients in the medium generally induced significantly higher SS and HC content in whole seeds at low water potentials, the level of which is temperature dependent (indicating interactive effects between single factors). Also, nutrients generally increased translocation of SS to the radicle (hence, allocation of HC), improving its capacity of water uptake through increased osmolarity.  相似文献   

土壤水分及土壤-大气界面对麦田水热传输的作用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
文章根据1996年在中国栾城农业生态试验站观测的田间试验资料,分析了土壤水分和土壤-大气界面对麦田水热传输的抑制和加速作用。对于显热和潜热输送,土壤水分起决定作用,土壤水分越小,显热通量越大,潜热通量越小,反之亦然。只在土壤水分较小时界面厚度对显热和潜热输送作用较大。对于土壤热输送,界面厚度起决定作用,界面厚度越大土壤热通量越小。分析还发现60cm深处土壤水势与叶水势和大气水势的相关系数较其它深度处的土壤水势大。0~60cm土层是确定土壤水分运动对界面水热传输影响的一个良好的指示层。  相似文献   

非饱和土壤的水力性质是进行土壤中水分与污染物运移模拟的物理参数,其中土壤水分扩散率是定量模拟土壤水分流动和溶质运移的最重要的参数之一。通过对甘肃省南小河沟流域不同地貌、不同土地利用方式的土壤分层取样,采用水平土柱吸渗法测定各地类的非饱和土壤水分扩散率;运用土壤水分扩散率的单对数模型和双对数模型对试验结果进行分析。结果表明:单对数模型参数具有明显的线性相关,可以建立表征描述南小河沟各地类的土壤水分扩散率的单一参数的单对数模型;进一步从全流域及划分地类后得到的模型参数B与A的关系分析表明它们具有较好的线性关系,可对模型进一步简化为单一参数模型。分析单一参数模型B的统计特征表明:参数B随着地貌类型的变化具有一定的变化特征,可作为土壤水分扩散率空间变异的变异系数。因此,可以用参数B作为反映地貌类型的指标,应用于区域土壤水分扩散率的估计中。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of winter and summer drought on plants of the Colorado Plateau in western North America. This winter-cold, summer-hot desert region receives both winter and summer precipitation. Droughts were imposed for two consecutive years using rainout shelters. Here, we examine drought effects on the hydrologic interactions between plants and soil. We chose three perennial species for this study, representing different rooting patterns and responsiveness to precipitation pulses: Oryzopsis hymenoides, a perennial bunch grass with shallow roots; Gutierrezia sarothrae, a subshrub with dimorphic roots; and Ceratoides lanata, a predominantly deep-rooted woody shrub. Drought effects on plant water status were qualitatively similar among species, despite morphological differences. Summer drought affected the water status of all species more negatively than winter drought. Isotopic analysis of stem water revealed that all three species took up deeper soil water under drought conditions and shallow soil water after a large rainfall event in summer. Thus all three species appeared to use the same water sources most of the time. However, after a particularly dry summer, only the deepest-rooted species continued to take up soil water, while the more shallow-rooted species were either dead or dormant. Our study suggests therefore that increased occurrence of summer drought could favor the most deep-rooted species in ecosystem.  相似文献   

Through the study of mutual process between groundwater systems and eco-environmental water demand, the eco-environmental water demand is brought into groundwater systems model as the important water consumption item and unification of groundwater’s economic, environmental and ecological functions were taken into account. Based on eco-environmental water demand at Da’an in Jilin province, a three-dimensional simulation and optimized management model of groundwater systems was established. All water balance components of groundwater systems in 1998 and 1999 were simulated with this model and the best optimal exploitation scheme of groundwater systems in 2000 was determined, so that groundwater resource was efficiently utilized and good economic, ecologic and social benefits were obtained.  相似文献   

Through the study of mutual process between groundwater systems and eco-environmental water demand, the eco-environmental water demand is brought into groundwater systems model as the important water consumption item and unification of groundwater’s economic, environmental and ecological functions were taken into account. Based on eco-environmental water demand at Da’an in Jilin province, a three-dimensional simulation and optimized management model of groundwater systems was established. All water balance components of groundwater systems in 1998 and 1999 were simulated with this model and the best optimal exploitation scheme of groundwater systems in 2000 was determined, so that groundwater resource was efficiently utilized and good economic, ecologic and social benefits were obtained.  相似文献   

Temperature and water flow through a culvert beneath the Alaska Highway near Beaver Creek,Yukon,were measured at hourly intervals between June and October 2013.These data were used to simulate the effect of the culvert on the thermal regime of the road embankment and subjacent permafrost.A 2-D thermal model of the embankment and permafrost was developed with TEMP/W and calibrated using field observations.Empirical relations were obtained between water temperatures at the entrance to the culvert,flow into the culvert,and water temperatures inside the structure.Water temperatures at the entrance and inside the culvert had a linear relation,while water temperatures inside the culvert and water flow were associated by a logarithmic relation.A multiple linear regression was used to summarize these relations.From this relationship,changes in the flow rate and water temperatures at the entrance of the culvert were simulated to obtain predicted water temperatures in the culvert.The temperatures in the culvert were used in the thermal model to determine their effects on the ground thermal regime near the culvert.Variation of ±10% in water flow rate had no impact on the thermal regime underneath the culvert.Variation of water temperature at the entrance of the culvert had a noticeable influence on the thermal regime.A final simulation was conducted without insulation beneath the culvert.The thaw depth was 30 cm with insulation,and 120 cm without insulation,illustrating the importance of insulation to the ground thermal regime.  相似文献   

为探究根系水分胁迫响应函数对农田水分动态及产量模拟的影响,基于Richards方程和PS123作物生长模型分别进行了土壤水分动态和小麦产量的模拟,对比分析了VG(S型曲线)、MP(凹凸型曲线)及LS(S型曲线)3种水分胁迫响应函数.采用山西省霍泉站(3 a)及潇河站(2 a)的试验资料对模型中的土壤水力特征参数、水分胁...  相似文献   

FDR在高寒草地土壤水分测量中的标定及其应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
FDR(Frequency Domain Reflectometry)———频域反射仪是一种用于测量土壤水分的仪器,这是一种利用电磁脉冲方法,根据电磁波在介质中传播速度来测试介质的介电常数从而测定土壤水分的仪器。通过介绍FDR系统在高山草甸土上的校正结果,研究表明,野外校正比较符合实际情况,可以作为青藏高原地区高山草甸土进行FDR校正的参考。由于具有快速、准确等优点,能自动、连续地监测土壤含水量,FDR是一种值得推广的土壤水分测定仪器。  相似文献   

Studying the winter survival of forage grasses under a changing climate requires models that can simulate the dynamics of soil conditions at low temperatures. We developed a simple model that simulates depth of snow cover, the lower frost boundary of the soil and the freezing of surface puddles. We calibrated the model against independent data from four locations in Norway, capturing climatic variation from south to north (Arctic) and from coastal to inland areas. We parameterized the model by means of Bayesian calibration, and identified the least important model parameters using the sensitivity analysis method of Morris. Verification of the model suggests that the results are reasonable. Because of the simple model structure, some overestimation occurs in snow and frost depth. Both the calibration and the sensitivity analysis suggested that the snow cover module could be simplified with respect to snowmelt and liquid water content. The soil frost module should be kept unchanged, whereas the surface ice module should be changed when more detailed topographical data become available, such as better estimates of the fraction of the land area where puddles may form.  相似文献   

定量评估水资源开发潜力对掌握区域水资源开发现状、提高水资源利用率具有重要意义。通过选取水资源利用率、灌溉率、地表水控制率、人均占有水量、重复利用率、生活用水定额、供水量模数、生态环境用水率等8个重要指标,借助模糊综合评价模型对中亚五国水资源开发潜力进行定量分析。结果表明:中亚地区整体水资源开发利用处于中级阶段,开发潜力综合评分值为0.502 7,表明开发潜力较大。其中,哈萨克斯坦水资源综合评分值最高,为0.712 4,有很大的开发潜力,但要注意摒弃不合理的水资源利用方式;吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦综合评分值分别为0.591 1、0.488 7,有较大的开发潜力,但应注意由广度开发逐渐向深度开发转变。下游国家土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦处于开发利用的高级阶段,综合评分值分别为0.352 6、0.315 0,水资源开发潜力较小。今后应注意发展节水型经济,注重水资源综合管理。  相似文献   

针对雨量丰富的南方地区出现水质型缺水问题,采用系统动力学方法,对其水系统做模拟分析。以上海杨浦区为分析实例,根据其特征设立模型,包括5个子系统、6个调控参数。通过调整调控参数,运行模型得到所需的3种不同方案。在此基础上,找出影响需水系统的主要因素为:水价 、污水治理系数、节水意识、工艺改革。基于三种方案的作用参数和模拟结果,为解决水资源这一"瓶颈"问题,实现杨浦区水系统的供需平衡和区域的协调发展,提出具体的调整政策。其中,该政策的调控参考值 (对应年:1990/1995/2000/2005/2010/2015/2020)为:水价TPW=1.3/2.7/2.9/3.5/4.7/5.2/6.8;污水治理率TRWW=0.73/0.79/0.84/0.85/0.93/0.96/0.97;节水意识为INDEX1=2.5 (2005年后),INDEX2=1.021 (2005年前);工艺改革系数为TRT=1/1.1/1.28/1.35/1.5/1.65/1.66。在实施相应措施的基础上,采用协调发展方案,预测到2020年上海杨浦区总需水量约14.0×109t,而预计工程供水能力可达到约13.9×109t,基本达到水系统的供需平衡,实现区域水资源的协调发展。  相似文献   

水质模型参数的非数值随机优化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
郑红星  李丽娟 《地理研究》2001,20(1):97-102
以模拟退火算法为核心着重讨论了水质模型参数的非数值随机优化方法。实例分析表明,利用非数值随机优化方法(包括模拟退火算法和遗传算法)对水质模型参数进行估计,可以获得较为理想的结果。不同参数估计方法的比较进一步阐述了非数值随机优化方法在参数估计中的优点  相似文献   

刘丽慧  孙皓  李传华 《地理研究》2021,40(5):1253-1264
Biome-BGC模型被广泛用于估算植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity, NPP),但是该模型未考虑冻土区土壤冻融水循环过程对植被生长的影响。本文基于Biome-BGC模型,改进冻土区活动层土壤冻融水循环,估算了2000—2018年青藏高原高寒草地NPP。通过比较原模型和改进后的模型,并对NPP模拟结果的时空特征进行了分析,结果表明:① 增加冻融循环提高了NPP估算精度,青藏高原草地NPP均值由114.68 gC/(m2·a)提高到128.02 gC/(m2·a)。② 原模型和改进后NPP的空间分布差异较大,时间变化趋势差异不明显。③ 青藏高原草地NPP总量为253.83 TgC/a,呈东南向西北递减的空间格局,年均增速为0.21gC/(m2·a)(P=0.023),显著增加的占17.85%,主要分布在羌塘高寒草原地带的大部分地区和藏南山地灌木草原地带的西部。④ 该冻融水循环改进方法简单可靠,具有在其他多年冻土区推广的价值。  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rate (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) from leaves of Berberis buxifolia and Berberis heterophylla saplings were measured under different conditions of radiation and water availability and for leaves of different ages. Comparative studies of basic physiological performance would give insight how these shrubs survive and grow under this austral extreme ecosystem. B. buxifolia had higher A values than B. heterophylla for all light intensities measured. Values of gs for both Berberis species also declined as light intensity decreased. There was a negative relationship between A and water stress expressed as pre-dawn leaf water potential (ψlp) where the reduction in gs was the main factor that reduced A in both species. Also, A and gs of Berberis plants increased rapidly during the first days after leaf unfolding, reached a maximum value when the leaf was completely expanded, and then declined. These results could be used to estimate the responses of saplings to environmental conditions under the dynamic of natural stands in this austral extreme ecosystem and for restoration plans.  相似文献   

以典型东北黑土区乌裕尔河中上游流域为研究区,引入SWIM水文模型,利用偏相关系数评价模型参数的敏感性,基于流域出水口依安水文站1961-1997年实测日径流数据和部分气象站小型蒸发皿数据,进行了多站点、多变量的模型率定和验证,并通过模拟结果与实测资料对比,探讨了SWIM模型在东北黑土区流域的适用性、存在的误差及其原因。结果表明:① 在率定期和验证期,月径流和日径流的纳希效率系数分别大于0.71和0.55,径流相对误差在6.0%以内,月径流的模拟效果好于对日径流的模拟效果;月潜在蒸散发的纳希效率系数达0.81以上;② 在月尺度上经过校准的SWIM模型可以应用于东北黑土区与径流相关的各种模拟分析;③ 但模型在模拟融雪和冻土产流方面存在一定的限制;对同时具有春汛和夏汛的年份模拟效果也较差;对年降水量出现骤增的年份年径流量的模拟结果会几倍于实测值,但基本能够重现汛期的流量变化过程。模型不仅可以为管理者对该流域水环境综合管理提供水文基础支持,对黑土区其他流域也具有一定的推广和应用价值。  相似文献   

应用水平土柱法测定了杨凌地区典型粘壤土的水分扩散率,利用土壤水分扩散率的单对数模型和双对数模型对其进行了拟合,建立了土壤水分扩散率单一参数模型,基于主成分分析建立了单一参数模型中参数B的BP神经网络模型。结果表明:利用主成分分析可将研究区域土壤容重、有机质含量、粘粒含量、粗粉粒含量和砂粒含量综合成3个主成分;基于主成分分析建立的BP神经网络模型拟合的单一参数模型参数[B]的均方根误差RMSE为0.308 2;将拟合得到的参数B代入单一参数模型中对土壤水分扩散率进行预测,除去其中较大值的预测结果偏低外,其余土壤水分扩散率预测结果都比较接近实测值,预测结果的均方根误差RMSE为0.257 8,可利用基于主成分分析建立的BP神经网络模型预测单一参数模型中的参数B。  相似文献   

SWAT模型参数敏感性分析及应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
地理信息系统(GIS)支持下的SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)分布式水文模型以流域离散化空间参数来描述流域水文变化特性,从物理意义上表达流域内的水文过程,但众多不确定的参数影响了模型的应用效果,因此有必要对参数进行敏感性分析。将SWAT模型应用到祁连山黑河上游山区流域,进行了11年(1990-2000年)逐日径流模拟,通过一个简便的敏感性分析方法,将模型影响水文过程的参数分成4类敏感级别,最后确定模型的参数。在11年的逐日模拟中,1990-1995年为参数敏感性分析期和模型率定期,1996-2000年为模型的检验期,模拟结果显示,在黑河山区流域,丰水年逐日出山径流的模型效率系数R2达到0.8以上,平水年和枯水年R2在0.51~0.79之间。  相似文献   

研究区域水资源不平衡背后的“俱乐部趋同”现象,对于水资源调节以及水资源均衡配置具有重要的理论和实践意义。基于2004-2015年我国31个省(市、区)的人均水资源数据,利用扩展的马尔科夫链模型检测了不同时长下我国省际水资源量分布的俱乐部趋同现象,并分析了其时间特征。结果表明:即使在5 a的时间积累下,我国人均水资源量仍存在着明显的俱乐部趋同现象,高水平和低水平地区水资源量分布高度固化,且俱乐部趋同程度在2008年开始向恶化的趋势发展,可见当前我国区域水资源调节力度有待进一步加强。最后论文根据各地区人均水资源在考察期各年所属俱乐部类型、类型转移频率等因素对各地区进行了分类,以对区域水资源调节提供支持和参考。  相似文献   

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