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Based on the stable isotopic analysis of more than 1000 samples of planktonic and benthic foraminifers from ODP Site 1148 in the northern South China Sea (SCS), the oxygen isotope stratigraphy has been applied to the last 3 million years for the first time in the SCS. Furthermore, the paleoceanographic changes in the northern SCS during the last 6 million years have been unraveled. The benthic foraminiferal δ18O record shows that before δ3.1 Ma the SCS was much more influenced by the warm intermediate water of the Pacific. The remarkable decrease in the deepwater temperature of the SCS during the period of 3.1-2.5 Ma demonstrates the formation of the Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet. However, the several sea surface temperature (SST) reductions during the early and middle Pliocene, reflected by the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O, might be related to the ice-sheet growth in the Antarctic region. Only those stepwise and irreversible SST reductions during the period of δ2.2-0.9 Ma could be related to the formation and growth of the Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet.  相似文献   

Hiroki Hayashi 《Island Arc》2004,13(1):318-331
Abstract The present paper describes the general outline of Neogene paleoceanographic changes in the northwestern Pacific by means of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. Planktonic foraminiferal fossils occur commonly in the upper Miocene to lower Pleistocene sediments of Hole 1151A, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186 in the forearc basin off northeast Japan, with the exception of 11 barren intervals. These barren intervals are explained as a result of dissolution under organic decomposing processes. Three assemblages of planktonic foraminifers were identified by Q‐mode cluster analysis. The succession of the assemblages can be divided into four paleoceanographic stages: (i) warm‐temperate Tortonian; (ii) cold‐temperate Messinian to lower Pliocene; (iii) warm climatic optimum in the middle part of the Pliocene; and (iv) strong glacial–interglacial oscillation of the upper Pliocene to the lower Pleistocene. Three short warming events—namely, the late Miocene climatic optimum 3, the Miocene–Pliocene boundary and the middle Pliocene events—and a short cooling event of the late Miocene could be determined in the studied section of Site 1151.  相似文献   

High-resolution δ13C records are presented for the Miocene benthic foraminifersCibicidoides wuellerstorfi andC. kullenbergi (24-5 Ma) and the planktonic foraminiferGlobigerinoides sacculifer (18-5 Ma) from ODP Site 1148A (18° 50.17’N, 116° 33.93’E, water depth 3308.3 m), northern South China Sea. The general pattern of parallel benthic and planktonic δ13C shows a decrease trend of δ13C values from the early-middle Miocene to the middle-late Miocene. Two distinct δ13C positive excursions at 23.1-22.2 and 17.3-13.6 Ma, and two negative excursions at 10.2-9.4 and 6.9-6.2 Ma have been recognized. All these events are cosmopolitan, providing the good data for the stratigraphic correlation of the South China Sea with the global oceans as well as for studying the changes of the global carbon reservoir and its corresponding climate.  相似文献   

A mooring array with three automated sediment traps capable of collecting time series samples was deployed in the Panama Basin for one year beginning in December 1979. A series of six consecutive two-month long samples was collected at each of three depths (890, 2590 and 3560 m) in order to examine seasonal variation in the flux of planktonic foraminifera, and evaluate the contribution of foraminifera to the total carbonate flux.The flux of the larger planktonic foraminifera (250–500 μm and 500–1000 μm) is greatest during February–March when upwelling is most intense in the Panama Basin. In contrast, the maximum flux of the smaller foraminifera (125–250 μm) is associated with a phytoplankton bloom during the summer months (June through September). This size-dependent flux pattern appears to be a species specific effect. The flux of the larger foraminifera is dominated by non-spinose forms (i.e. Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globorotalia theyeri), while the flux of the smaller foraminifera consists predominantly of spinose species (i.e. Globigerinoides ruber, G. sacculifer and G. conglobatus). Although the magnitude of the flux varied throughout the year, the average weight of individual foraminiferal tests in different size fractions showed no seasonal variability.With the exception of the June–July period when there was a major coccolith bloom, planktonic foraminifera greater than 125 μm account for between 28 and 34% of the total carbonate flux at this location. During the coccolith bloom, planktonic foraminifera accounted for less than 2% of the total carbonate flux. Planktonic foraminifera in the 250–500 μm size range are the most significant contributors to the overall particulate flux, accounting for roughly 70–80% of the total foraminiferal fluxes measured at the three trap depths.  相似文献   

Daisuke  Sugawara  Koji  Minoura  Naoki  Nemoto  Shinji  Tsukawaki  Kazuhisa  Goto  Fumihiko  Imamura 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):513-525
Micropaleontological analysis of nearshore to offshore sediments recovered from the southwestern coast of Thailand was performed to clarify the submarine processes of sediment transport and deposition during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The distribution pattern of benthic foraminifers showed seaward migration after the tsunami event. Agglutinated foraminifers, which are characteristic of an intertidal brackish environment, were identified in the post-tsunami samples from foreshore to offshore zones. These suggest that sediments originally distributed in foreshore to nearshore zones were transported offshore due to the tsunami backwash. On the other hand, the distribution pattern of planktonic and benthic species living in offshore zones showed slight evidence of landward migration by the tsunami. This suggests that landward redistribution of sediments by the tsunami run-up did not occur in the offshore seafloor of the study area. Our results and a review of previous studies provide an interpretation of submarine sedimentation by tsunamis. It is possible that tsunami backwashes induce sediment flows that transport a large amount of coastal materials seaward. Thus, traces of paleotsunami backwashes can be identified in offshore sedimentary environments as the accumulation of allochthonous materials. This can be recognized as changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages.  相似文献   

Here we provide a detailed qualitative and quantitative insight on recent sediment composition and facies distribution of a cold-water coral (CWC) mound using the example of the Propeller Mound on the Irish continental margin (Hovland Mound Province, Porcupine Seabight). Five facies types on Propeller Mound are defined: (1) living coral framework, (2) coral rubble, (3) dropstone, (4) hardground, representing the on-mound facies, and (5) hemipelagic sediment facies, which describes the off-mound area. This facies definition is based on already published video-data recorded by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), photo-data of gravity cores, box cores, and dredges from sediment surfaces as well as on the composition of the sediment fraction coarser than 125 μm, which has been analyzed on five selected box cores. Sediment compositions of the living coral framework and coral rubble facies are rather similar. Both sediment types are mainly produced by corals (34 and 35 wt%, respectively), planktonic foraminifers (22 and 29 wt%, respectively), benthic foraminifers (both 7 wt%), and molluscs (21 and 10 wt%, respectively), whereas the living coral framework characteristically features additional brachiopods (6 wt%). Hardgrounds are well-lithified coral rudstones rich in coral fragments (>30 surf%), foraminifers, echinoderms, and bivalves. The dropstone facies and the hemipelagic sediment typically carry high amounts of lithoclasts (36 and 53 wt%, respectively) and planktonic foraminifers (35 and 32 wt%, respectively); however, their faunal diversity is low compared with the coral-dominated facies (12 and <2 wt% coral fragments, 7 and 6 wt% benthic foraminifers, and 4 and 0 wt% balanids). Using the maximum likelihood algorithm within ArcGIS 9.2, spatial prediction maps of the previously described mound facies are calculated over Propeller Mound and are based on mound morphology parameters, ground-truthed with the sedimentary and faunal information from box cores, photographs, and video-data. This method is tested for the first time for CWC ecosystems and provides areal estimates of the predicted facies, as well as suggests further occurrences of living coral frameworks, coral rubble, and dropstones, which are not discovered in the area yet. Thus, sediment composition analysis combined with facies prediction mapping might provide a potential new tool to estimate living CWC occurrences and sediment/facies distributions on CWC mounds, which is an important prerequisite for budget calculations and definition of marine protected areas, and which will improve our understanding of CWC mound formation.  相似文献   

Well‐sorted detrital limestone is one of the typical lithofacies of the latest interval of the Pleistocene Ryukyu Group, which is exposed in the Ryukyu Archipelago in southwestern Japan. The depositional environments of the limestone are interpreted to be extremely shallow and to include back‐reef lagoons or moats and subaerial sand dunes. However, detailed micropaleontological analyses have not been performed on this limestone. In this study, the interpretation of the depositional environments and paleo‐water depths was improved by quantitative examination of foraminiferal assemblages for the well‐sorted detrital limestone of the Minatogawa Formation in the southern part of Okinawa Island. Thin sections of limestone collected from the Minatogawa (Horikawa) quarry were subjected to sedimentological and foraminiferal analyses. Comparison with modern foraminiferal distribution within the Ryukyu Archipelago indicates that back‐reef and fore‐reef dwelling foraminifers characterize the fossil assemblages from the well‐sorted detrital limestone (bioclastic grainstone). Three ratios of indicator foraminiferal taxa (ratios of back‐reef to fore‐reef taxa, planktonic foraminifers to Amphistegina lobifera and Amphistegina lessonii, and Calcarina gaudichaudii to other Calcarina species), as well as multivariate analyses suggest that the well‐sorted detrital limestone was deposited in fore‐reef setting shallower than 40 m in water depth. A comparable depth range was reconstructed from the coral assemblage in the associated coral limestone, suggesting that the Minatogawa Formation was deposited in a gently inclined ramp setting with patch reefs and/or fringing reefs. Stratigraphic changes in paleo‐water depth, together with evidence of several unconformities associated with paleosol layers suggest that there were repeated transgressions and regressions, with an amplitude up to several tens of meters, when the Minatogawa Formation was deposited.  相似文献   

Abstract   The lithology of shallow-water carbonates collected from 19 sites on 16 seamounts in six areas of the northwestern Pacific Ocean using the Deep-sea Boring Machine System are described. The areas include the Amami Plateau, Daito Ridge, Oki-Daito Ridge, Urdaneta Plateau, Kyushu-Palau Ridge and Ogasawara Plateau. Chronological constraint is provided by calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy and strontium (Sr) isotope stratigraphy. Large amounts of shallow-water carbonates accumulated on the seamounts during the Oligocene, a relatively cool period, whereas limited carbonate deposits formed during the Early Miocene, a relatively warm period. This might indicate that deposition of shallow-water carbonates on seamounts in the northwestern Pacific Ocean was not necessarily controlled by climatic conditions, but was related to volcanism and tectonics that served as foundations for reef/carbonate-platform formation. Remarkable differences in biotic composition exist between Cretaceous and Cenozoic shallow-water carbonates. Late Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates are distinguished by the occurrence of rudists, solenoporacean algae and microencrusters. Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene shallow-water carbonates are dominated by Halimeda or nummulitid and discocyclinid larger foraminifers. Scleractinian corals became common from the Oligocene onward. Nongeniculate coralline algae and larger foraminifers were common to abundant throughout the Eocene to the Pleistocene. The replacement of major carbonate producers in the shallow-water carbonate factory during post-Cretaceous time is in accordance with previous studies and is considered to reflect a shift in seawater chemistry.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses have been made on five species of planktonic foraminifera collected in two deployments of PARFLUX Mark II time-series sediment traps in the Panama Basin. The automated sampling system on the traps provided 4 one-month samples from 29 July to 16 November 1979 and 6 two-month samples from December 1979 to November 1980.The δ18O values of Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinoides sacculifer in this region are primarily affected by a low-salinity surface layer that forms during the early winter. These species each show a 1‰ total range in δ18O. The δ18O values of the colder-water species Globorotalia menardii, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, and Globorotalia theyeri show smaller seasonal changes in δ18O. The δ13C values of G. ruber and G. sacculifer exhibit small seasonal changes (0.35 and 0.4‰ respectively) despite large seasonal changes in surface water productivity. The colder-water species exhibit only slightly larger changes in δ13C (up to 0.55‰) throughout the year. All colder-water species exhibit minimum or near minimum δ13C values during February and March, which is the period of maximum upwelling and primary productivity. Seasonal variations in the flux of foraminifera in the water column at this location will have only a small effect on the isotopic composition of the sediment assemblage; extreme values of δ18O and δ13C do not occur during the periods which are associated with the high flux of foraminiferal tests.  相似文献   

In 2013, the China Geological Survey and Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey conducted the second Chinese gas hydrate expedition in the northern South China Sea(SCS) and successfully obtained visible gas hydrate samples. Five of the thirteen drilling sites were cored for further research. In this work, Site GMGS2-08 is selected for the stable isotopic analysis of foraminifera present in the boreholes in order to reveal the carbon isotopic characteristics of the foraminifera and their response to methane release in the gas hydrate geological system. Our results show that the methane content at Site GMGS2-08 is extremely high, with headspace methane concentrations up to 39300 μmol L~(-1). The hydrocarbon δ~(13)C values, ranging from-69.4‰ to-72.3‰ PDB, distinctly indicate biogenic generation. Based on the δD analytical results(~(-1)83‰ to~(-1)85‰ SMOW), headspace methane is further discriminated to be microbial gas, derived from CO_2 reduction. By isotopic measurement, five light δ~(13)C events are found in the boreholes from Site GMGS2-08, with foraminiferal δ~(13)C values being apparently lower than the normal variation range found in the glacial-interglacial cycles of the SCS. The δ~(13)C values of benthic Uvigerina peregrina are extremely depleted(as low as~(-1)5.85‰ PDB), while those of planktonic Globigerinoides ruber reach-5.68‰ PDB. Scanning electron micrograph(SEM) studies show that foraminiferal tests have experienced post-depositional alteration, infilled with authigenic carbonate, and the diagenetic mineralization is unlikely to be related to the burial depths. The correlation calculation suggests that the anaerobic oxidation of organic matter has only weak influences on the δ~(13)C composition of benthic foraminifera. This means that the anomalous δ~(13)C depletions are predominantly attributed to the overprinting of secondary carbonates derived from the anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM). Furthermore, the negative δ~(13)C anomalies, coupled with the positive δ18O anomalies observed at Site GMGS2-08, are most likely the critical pieces of evidence for gas hydrate dissociation in the geological history of the study area.  相似文献   

The variations of the Earth’s geometry (ETP) pre-dominate climate changes such as monsoon on the Earth[1], serving as its external forcing. The loess/ paleosol sequence in Central China provides a good record of terrestrial deposition to study the evolution of the east Asian monsoon[2―4]. However, the deep sea deposition, due to its high resolution dating and abun-dant climate proxies, should be able to provide more climatic information in the geological time, such as the forcing mechanis…  相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 Site 1220 provides a continuous sedimentary section across the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) transition in the carbonate‐bearing sediments on 56–57 Ma oceanic crust. The large negative δ13C shift in seawater is likely due to the disintegration of methane hydrate, which is expected to be rapidly changed to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and well‐oxygenated seawater, leading to a reduction in deep‐sea pH. A pH decrease was very likely responsible for the emergence of agglutinated foraminiferal fauna as calcareous fauna was eliminated by acidification at the P/E transition at Site 1220. The absence of the more resistant calcareous benthic foraminifera and the presence of the planktonic foraminifera at Site 1220 is interesting and unique, which indicates that calcareous benthic foraminifera suffered greatly from living on the seafloor. Box model calculation demonstrates that, assuming the same mean alkalinity as today, pCO2 must increase from 280 ppm to about 410 ppm for the calcite undersaturation in the deep ocean and for the oversaturation in the surface ocean during the P/E transition. The calculated increased pCO2 coincides with paleo‐botanical evidence. The current global emission rate (~7.3 peta (1015) gC/y) of anthropogenic carbon input is approximately 30 times of the estimate at the P/E transition. The results at the P/E transition give an implication that the deep sea benthic fauna will be threatened in future in combination with ocean acidification, increased sea surface temperature and more stratified surface water.  相似文献   

The Oligocene-Miocene transition period was characterized by a decrease in global CO2 levels, expansion of polar ice sheet, fall in global sea-level, etc. However, the reasons for, and mechanisms of, this global, extreme-cold climate change event (Mi-1) still remain controversial. Our samples from the core of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 154, Site 926, located in the equatorial Atlantic, mainly consist of light-gray, nannofossil chalk with foraminifers interbedded with green-ish-gray, clayey, nannofossil chalk sediments. Color variation from light-gray layers (up to 80% carbonate content) to dark layers (~60% carbonate content) was observed to occur cyclically at the meter scale. Therefore, we chose color reflectance lightness (L*) data as the paleoclimate proxy on which to perform cyclostratigraphic analysis because it could reflect carbonate content changes. Based on the recognition of the 405 kyr long eccentricity and ~40 kyr obliquity cycles of the L* series, we tuned the series to establish an absolute astronomical time scale using the published age of the Oligocene-Miocene boundary (OMB) as the anchor for an absolute age control point. The power spectra of the tuned L* series showed that the long eccentricity signals became significantly weak, while the obliquity signals became strong, from the Late Oligocene to the Early Miocene. The 405 kyr long eccentricity minimum coincided with the 1.2 Myr obliquity node at the OMB, and similar convergences might be closely related to other extreme-cold events in Earth’s history. In addition, the sedimentation accumulation rate, oxygen isotopes of benthonic foraminifers, and rodents’ per-taxon turnover rate from Central Spain showed the same ~2 Myr cyclicity, which indicates the significant influence of Earth-orbital forcing on the Earth system and ecological evolution on the million-year time scale.  相似文献   

Seven Miocene Pacific Ocean Deep Sea Drilling Project sites from four different water masses (planktonic foraminiferal biogeographic regions) have been correlated using 18 prominent carbon isotopic events defined in the benthic foraminiferal δ13C records in DSDP Site 289. The correlations are based on the assumption that there are global or at least Pacific-wide controls on the δ13C of deep-water HCO3?. Each of the individual δ13C records is correlated to Site 289 based on the shape of the curves in a manner analogous to that used to correlate sea-floor magnetic anomaly patterns.The results of this correlation experiment confirm that planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and carbon isotopic stratigraphy are consistent within the tropical surface water mass and precise to ±100,000 years. Correlations between surface water masses suggest that the precision of foraminiferal biostratigraphy is on the average less than ±200,000 years due to the lack of cosmopolitan marker species and diachronism of species occurrences. Carbon isotope stratigraphy used in conjunction with biostratigraphy has the potential to provide an easily utilized, globally applicable, correlation tool (with an interregional precision of ±100,000 years or better) as more continuous and undisturbed deep-sea sections become available as a result of the Hydraulic Piston Coring Program.  相似文献   

The upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic distribution of calcareous, biogenic particles which are produced by planktonic foraminifers and nannoplankton and which are the most important components of pelagic sediments since mid-Mesozoic times, has been reconstructed using data from North Atlantic deep-sea drill sites. Two phases of sedimentation of carbonate-rich sediments are separated by an interval from 100 to 80 m.y. B.P. when CaCO3 particles were diluted by chiefly terrigenous material. Prior to 100 m.y. B.P. the highest concentrations of calcareous matter were confined to the deepest part of the then 4–4.5 km deep North Atlantic. After 80 m.y. B.P. sediments with high concentrations of calcareous matter have been deposited above 3 km paleodepth, but during the last 25 m.y. also between 4 and 5.5 km paleo-water depth. The latter occurrence is associated with indications of downslope displacement of calcareous material into the abyssal plains of the deepest parts of the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Down-core variation in planktonic foraminifera (PF) at Site 1143 (ODP 184) has disclosed the evolution of upper water-column structure over the last 12 Ma in the southern South China Sea. In the early Late Miocene (∽10.6–7.8 Ma), there existed a lower percentage of total deep-dwelling species, reflecting a water thermocline deeper than that in the Middle Miocene, which resulted from the closure of Indonesian seaway and relevant intensification of the equatorial warm current. After the increase in deep-dwelling PF and the rising of thermocline during the late Late Miocene (7.6–6.4 Ma), the total deep-dwelling species decreased gradually from late Late Miocene (6.4 Ma) to the Pliocene, implying the deepening of water thermocline. The evolution of thermocline depth in the southern South China Sea reflected by the PF at Site 1143 might be a good indicator of the change of west Pacific “warm pool”.  相似文献   

The transition from the early Pliocene “Warmhouse” towards the present “Icehouse” climate and the role of Gateway dynamics are intensively debated. Both, the constrictions of the Central American Seaway and the Indonesian Gateway affected ocean circulation and climate during the Pliocene epoch. Here, we use combined δ18O and Mg/Ca ratios of planktonic foraminifera (marine protozoa) from surface and subsurface levels to reconstruct the thermal structure and changes in salinities from the Southwest Pacific Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 590B from 6.5 to 2.5 Ma. Our data suggest a gradual cooling of ~ 2 °C and freshening of the sea surface during ~ 4.6–4 Ma with an increased meridional temperature gradient between the West Pacific Warm Pool and the Southwest Pacific when the closing of the Central American Seaway reached a critical threshold. After ~ 3.5 Ma, the restricted Indonesian Gateway might have amplified the East Australian Current, allowing enhanced heat transport towards the Southwest Pacific with reduced meridional temperature gradients when the global climate gradually cooled. At the same time our data suggest a cooling and freshening of Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) or/and an increased northward flow of SAMW towards Site 590B, possibly a first step towards the present Antarctic Frontal System.  相似文献   

Human impacts on sand-producing, large benthic foraminifers were investigated on ocean reef flats at the northeast Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands, along a human population gradient. The densities of dominant foraminifers Calcarina and Amphistegina declined with distance from densely populated islands. Macrophyte composition on ocean reef flats differed between locations near sparsely or densely populated islands. Nutrient concentrations in reef-flat seawater and groundwater were high near or on densely populated islands. δ15N values in macroalgal tissues indicated that macroalgae in nearshore lagoons assimilate wastewater-derived nitrogen, whereas those on nearshore ocean reef flats assimilate nitrogen from other sources. These results suggest that increases in the human population result in high nutrient loading in groundwater and possibly into nearshore waters. High nutrient inputs into ambient seawater may have both direct and indirect negative effects on sand-producing foraminifers through habitat changes and/or the collapse of algal symbiosis.  相似文献   

Ritsuo Nomura 《Island Arc》2021,30(1):e12421
The lower part of the Josoji Formation, Shimane Peninsula, contains clues for figuring out changes in deep-water characteristics during the opening of the Japan Sea. The foraminiferal assemblage includes early to middle Miocene biostratigraphic index taxa such as planktonic foraminiferal Globorotalia zealandica and Globorotaloides suteri. The occurrence of these two species, together with the absence of praeorbulinids, suggests that the lower part of the Josoji Formation is assigned to the top of planktonic foraminiferal Zone N7/M4 (16.39 Ma). The benthic foraminiferal assemblage, which is characterized by Cyclammina cancellata and Martinottiella communis, clearly suggests that the lower Josoji Formation was deposited at bathyal depths, and that it developed in association with the abrupt appearance of deep-sea calcareous forms. Such bathyal taxa are the main constituents of the Spirosigmoilinella compressa–Globobulimina auriculata Zone of the Josoji Formation and also of the Gyrodina–Gyroidinoides Zone at Ocean Drilling Program Site 797 in the Japan Sea. The base of these benthic foraminiferal zones can be correlated with the base of the nannofossil Sphenolithus heteromorphus Base Zone (= CNM6/CN3); thus, its estimated age is 17.65 Ma. This biostratigraphic information suggests that the lower Josoji Formation was deposited from shortly before 17.65–16.39 Ma in upper limit age. Evidence that fresh to brackish and shallow-water basins formed in the rifting interval of 20–18 Ma in the Japan Sea borderland suggests that the abrupt appearance of deep-sea calcareous foraminifera occurred about 1 my earlier in this area than in other sedimentary basins and suggests that a significant paleoceanographic change occurred in the proto-Japan Sea at 17.65 Ma.  相似文献   

Wang  Jia  Chang  Fengming  Li  Tiegang  Sun  Hanjie  Cui  Yikun  Liu  Tianhao 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(11):1714-1729

Meridional heat transport of the western Pacific boundary current (the Kuroshio Current) is one of the key factors in global climate change. This current is important because it controls the temperature gradient between low latitudes and the North Pacific and so significantly influences mid-latitude atmosphere-ocean interactions. Here we reconstruct changes in hydrological conditions within the mid-latitude mainstream of the Kuroshio Current based on faunal analysis of planktonic foraminifera in core DSDP 296 from the Northwest Pacific Ocean. This approach enabled us to deduce evolutionary processes within the Kuroshio Current since the Pliocene. A total of 57 species in the coarser section (>150 µim) were identified; results indicate that planktonic foraminiferal faunal evolution has mainly been characterized by three major stages, the first of which comprised mixed-layer warm-water species of Globigerinoides ruber which first appeared between 3.5 and 2.7 Ma and then gradually increased in content. Percentages of another warm-water species of G. conglobatus also gradually increased in number over this interval. Variations in warm-water species indicate a gradual rise in sea surface temperature (SST) and imply initiation of Kuroshio Current impact on the Northwest Pacific Ocean since at least 3.5 Ma. Secondly, over the period between 2.7 and 2.0 Ma, thermocline species of Globigerina calida, Neogloboquadrina humersa, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata started to appear in the section. This fauna was dominated by G. ruber as well as increasing G. conglobatus contents. These features imply a further rise in SST and its gradually enhanced influence on thermocline water, suggesting strengthening of the Kuroshio Current since 2.7 Ma. Thirdly, between 2.0 Ma and present, increasing contents of thermocline species (i.e., G. calida, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata) indicate a gradual rise in seawater temperature at this depth and also imply more intensive Kuroshio Current during this period. On the basis of comparative records from cores ODP 806 and DSDP 292 from the low latitude Western Pacific, we propose that initiation of the impact of the Kuroshio Current in the Northwest Pacific and it subsequent stepwise intensifications since 3.5 Ma can be closely related to the closure and restriction of the Indonesian and Central American seaways as well as variations in the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and equatorial Pacific region.


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