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对2017年国产地面太阳辐射观测系统在南极中山站运行状况进行评估,结果表明:FS-6A日射表夜间热偏移平均绝对值低于3 W·m-2,通风加热器的加热效应在一定程度上影响了该日射表夜间热偏移,表现在夜间热偏移与近地面风速相关关系降低。与二等标准日射表CM22测值相比,全云天FS-6A日射表测值较CM22日射表偏低,辐照度在约500 W·m-2时低6 W·m-2或-1%,太阳天顶角θ≤86°时绝对(相对)差值平均值小于2.6 W·m-2(小于4.0%)。晴天FS-6A总辐射测值与(投射到水平面)直射辐射和散射辐射之和一致性较好,根据本底地面辐射观测站网(BSRN)设定的总辐射与直射和散射之和的差值阈值,θ<80°时满足阈值(小于2%或小于15 W·m-2)比率为80%以上,而θ≥80°时四象限跟踪太阳模式下满足阈值(小于3.5%或小于20 W·m-2)的比率仅为44%。晴天总辐射、直射辐射、散射辐射测值与参数化模式模拟的辐射值可比性和一致性高、相关系数均大于0.95,但随着太阳辐照度增加,总辐射、直射辐射、散射辐射测值均高于模拟值。  相似文献   

利用南极长城站1985—2015年和中山站1989—2015年的天气现象记录和日平均气温资料,分析两站降水、降雨和降雪日数的长期变化特征及其变化趋势,并讨论了长城站降水形态变化与当地气温和阿蒙森低压变化的联系。结果表明:长城站降水日数较多,年总降水日数为236~343 d,有增加的趋势,变化速率为4.51 d/10a;其中降雨日数为74~185 d,降雪日数为157~282 d,增加的速率分别为2.68 d/10a和1.25 d/10a。而中山站年降水日数较少,年总降水日数为104~173 d,有减小的趋势,变化速率为-1.30 d/10a,中山站全年气温几乎都在0℃以下,降雨稀少,降雪为主要的降水形态。长城站年平均气温和降雨日数与总降水日数的比值(雨日比)显著正相关,在增温速率较大的秋季(3—5月),雨日比也显著增加(4.36%/10a)。降水形态受气温的影响很大,随着气温升高,长城站年降水日数中降雨日数的比重增加。秋季阿蒙森低压经向中心的东移有利于暖湿气流吹向南极半岛,也促进了降雨的发生。  相似文献   

钟文亮  徐昕  息涛 《气象科学》2023,43(6):711-722
利用近20 a的ERA5再分析资料研究了南极中山站附近的大风和极端大风事件的统计与环流特征。结果表明,春季大风事件的发生频次最高,夏季最少;冬季大风事件的平均持续时间最长,夏季最短;但大风事件的平均强度无明显季节变化。极端大风事件的发生频次具有显著的季节差异,冬季发生频次约为夏季的6倍、春秋的2倍,但平均持续时间和强度无明显季节变化。大风发生期间,南极对流层上层为单一极涡控制。在对流层中层,中低纬暖湿气流的向极入侵使得极涡破碎分裂,在中山站东侧产生高压脊,脊前冷空气下沉在地表堆积形成冷高压反气旋,其偏东气流在地形下坡风的作用下产生大风事件。上述环流特征在冬季最强、夏季最弱,从而导致大风事件的季节变化。  相似文献   

In early 1982 a station capable of sampling atmospheric trace gas constituents on a continuous basis was established at Palmer Station, Anvers Island, adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula (64° 46S 64° 04W). Sampling operations began about 1 February 1982. This is an initial report on this station, its location, equipment and general research objectives along with some initial sampling results. The constituents being measured and recorded were: ozone, methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, CCl3F (fluorocarbon-11), CCl2F2 (fluorocarbon-12), carbontetrachloride, methylchloroform, nitrous oxide, and Aitken nuclei (CN). Data storage, data processing, and sampling system control is handled by a Hewlett-Packard 85 system. Preliminary analyses of about the first 20–22 months of data are presented and show not only the expected long-term trends but also shorter period concentration cycles that seem to be related to synoptic meteorology.  相似文献   

紫外辐射传输模式计算与实际测量的比较   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用改进的离散坐标法紫外辐射传输模式,应用各种可测得的实际大气物理参数,模拟了1993年7月24日德国加尔米希-帕特科琛(Garmisch-Partenkirchen,47.47oN, 11.07oE)地面紫外辐射的全天分布,并与1993年秋天第三次欧洲紫外辐射光谱仪比对活动期间通过了严格绝对标定的奥地利英斯布鲁克(Innsbruck)大学的紫外光谱仪的实际观测资料进行了比较,进行了余弦响应订正后,计算与测量的绝对值差别很小,最大误差对地面UVB通量(280~320 nm)是0.07 W/m2(正午的通量为3.2 W/m2)。对UVA(320~400 nm)最大误差是2.6 W/m2(正午通量为54 W/m2)。计算与测量的平均偏差为5%~13%,这表明,地面紫外辐射水平也可以利用其他大气观测资料通过模式计算间接得到。  相似文献   

For several years NO2 and OClO, two species important to understanding ozone destruction in the Antarctic stratosphere, have been measured at Arrival Heights, Antarctica by two groups: New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) and the NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. Using data independently collected by these two groups during the Austral spring of 1996, it is shown that the two data sets are in extremely close agreement. Besides offering validation of the instrumentation and analysis techniques of both groups, this result provides confidence in the more complete history of these species gained by combining the two data sets.  相似文献   

Long-term,ground-based daily global solar radiation (DGSR) at Zhongshan Station in Antarctica can quantitatively reveal the basic characteristics of Earth’s surface radiation balance and validate satellite data for the Antarctic region.The fixed station was established in 1989,and conventional radiation observations started much later in 2008.In this study,a random forest (RF) model for estimating DGSR is developed using ground meteorological observation data,and a highprecision,long-term DGSR dataset is constructed.Then,the trend of DGSR from 1990 to 2019 at Zhongshan Station,Antarctica is analyzed.The RF model,which performs better than other models,shows a desirable performance of DGSR hindcast estimation with an R~2 of 0.984,root-mean-square error of 1.377 MJ m~(-2),and mean absolute error of 0.828 MJ m~(-2).The trend of DGSR annual anomalies increases during 1990–2004 and then begins to decrease after 2004.Note that the maximum value of annual anomalies occurs during approximately 2004/05 and is mainly related to the days with precipitation (especially those related to good weather during the polar day period) at this station.In addition to clouds and water vapor,bad weather conditions (such as snowfall,which can result in low visibility and then decreased sunshine duration and solar radiation) are the other major factors affecting solar radiation at this station.The high-precision,longterm estimated DGSR dataset enables further study and understanding of the role of Antarctica in global climate change and the interactions between snow,ice,and atmosphere.  相似文献   

Fourteen samples of fresh falling snow were collected at Antarctic coastal base Dumont d'Urville in 1984. The samples have been analysed for major ions (including MSA) by ion chromatography and acid titration. The results are relevant to the chemical composition of background precipitation in polar marine conditions. The seasalt aerosol contribution is dominant. All samples are found to be acidic in the range 3–16 eq/l. The calculated non-seasalt sulfate (nssSO4 2-) concentration is significantly negative for 3 of the 14 samples. NssSO4 2- is found to be relatively high in summer and fall. MSA also exhibits the same pattern probably linked to local marine biogenic activity and/or atmospheric photochemical processes. The MSA to nssSO4 2- ratio is in good agreement with values reported for coastal Antarctic ice cores and subantarctic acrosol. The background mean value for nitrate concentration is 1.1 eq/l but two very strong spikes (up to 16 eq/l) are observed. The first seems to be linked with long range transport of continental air masses while the second (in winter) is clearly due to a sudden input of nitric acid, possibly from the stratosphere.This paper represents a preliminary approach to a larger air and snow monitoring to be developped at this site.  相似文献   

西藏林芝DZZ5新型自动气象站的太阳直接辐射表配备全自动精密双轴跟踪仪,具备自动观测日照的功能。通过比较新型日照观测仪器和暗筒式日照计所获取资料的差值,给出人工观测资料的换算系数概念,并进一步分析不同差值的形成原因和规律,为衔接使用人工观测日照资料的各种科研工作提供理论依据和参考。按照气象辐射观测业务工作的相关要求,对DZZ5新型自动气象站的设备配置和测报软件方面存在的问题提出具体改进建议,使其达到日照自动观测能稳妥、可靠地取代人工观测的目的。  相似文献   

The variation in the precipitation phase in polar regions represents an important indicator of climate change and variability. We studied the precipitation phase at the Great Wall Station and Antarctic Peninsula(AP) region, based on daily precipitation, synoptic records and ERA-Interim data during the austral summers of 1985-2014. Overall, there was no trend in the total precipitation amount or days, but the phase of summer precipitation(rainfall days versus snowfall days)showed opposite trends ...  相似文献   

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