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高分辨率机载SAR影像空中三角测量模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庞蕾  张继贤 《测绘科学》2004,29(6):38-40
目前,我国西部地区近2000000km2的国土面积还缺乏相应比例尺的地形图,由于西部多云多雾天气条件的限制,采用高分辨率机载SAR遥感影像成为遥感技术测图实施中的重要数据源之一。同时,为了减少地面控制点的外业测量工作,研究如何获取足够数量及精度的控制点也成为当务之急。本文分析了高分辨率机载SAR影像空三应用的条件,并在测区稀少控制点的条件下,讨论DGPS/INS辅助机载SAR影像空三向量模型以及相应的数据处理方法,为机载SAR影像获取地面控制点的实际应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

机载高分辨率遥感是高分对地观测的重要部分,其中高分辨率高光谱热红外数据的光谱发射率可以用于矿物识别,是对可见光遥感地物识别的有效补充。机载高光谱热红外传感器TASI(Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager)在8—11.5 μm范围内设置了32个波段,在国内外常被用于地表热辐射信息、矿产资源探测等领域。本文利用2018-10在新疆富蕴县研究区的TASI航空飞行数据,首先基于再分析大气廓线NCEP数据与MODTRAN实现了TASI高光谱热红外数据的大气校正,并在基础上发展了温度与发射率分离方法TES(Temperature and Emissivity Separation method)反演研究区地表温度与发射率,采用多波段热辐射计CE312测量的地面发射率对反演结果进行了有效验证,结果表明波长大于9.6 μm的波段的发射率误差约为0.01。最后,结合反演的TASI发射率光谱曲线,采用光谱角度匹配方法提取了研究区高岭石的空间分布。研究工作涉及的相关算法与应用成果可为星载高分辨率热红外载荷数据的应用提供了相关参考。  相似文献   

利用RD模型和DEM数据的高分辨率机载SAR图像模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出一种利用DEM数据基于RD模型的SAR图像模拟方法.该方法选择了Muhleman后向散射系数模型模拟SAR图像的辐射特性,引入SAR成像中的RD模型直接进行几何变换和灰度重采样模拟出SAR图像的几何特征.实验结果分析表明:模拟的SAR图像和真实SAR图像在图像纹理和几何关系上是一致的,而且几何关系可以精确配准到均方根误差为1.3个像素.  相似文献   

航空热红外遥感影像的航带宽度一般较为有限,通常需要进行连续飞行获得多个航带才能覆盖一个较大的研究区;由于地表温度随时间变化迅速,不同航带间地表温度存在差异。因此,进行不同航带影像拼接之前,需要对不同航带的地表温度进行时间归一化。本文基于温度日变化模型,构建了航空遥感地表温度时间归一化方法;结合Hi WATER试验区高密度的气象观测数据,分析了天气晴朗条件下,风速的大小和波动剧烈程度对地表温度日变化模型的影响,在此基础上发展了一种考虑风速影响的改进温度日变化模型。验证结果表明:两种模型均能够减小观测时间不同导致的地表温度瞬时波动差异;考虑风速影响的改进模型比未改进模型的精度提高0.3—0.6 K,且其提供的地表温度在时间尺度变化上更加符合实际情况。本研究建立的相关模型对于卫星遥感地表温度的时间归一化也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文在介绍航空高光谱热红外的两种发射率反演算法——ARTEMISS算法和ASTER TES算法基础上,以甘肃柳园地区的热红外高光谱TASI数据为基础,对实验区进行了发射率反演,结合野外实测结果,对两种算法的图像质量和精度进行了对比分析。结果显示,两种算法均能满足反演精度要求,ASTER TES算法图像质量好,精度较高;ARTEMISS步骤简单,反演结果能很好地体现出岩性差异。在实际应用中应结合不同的应用要求来选择不同的反演算法。  相似文献   

The dual-frequency Airborne Precipitation Radar-2 (APR-2) was deployed during the Wakasa Bay Experiment in 2003, for validation of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS. Besides providing extensive observations of diverse precipitating systems, this Ku-(13.4 GHz) and Ka-band (35.6 GHz) cross-track scanning radar measured sea surface backscatter simultaneously. While the characteristics of the normalized sea surface cross section /spl sigma//sup 0/ at Ku-band are well understood and widely published, the existing experimental data concerning /spl sigma//sup 0/ at Ka-band are scarce and results are inconsistent. In this letter, the Ku/Ka-band /spl sigma//sup 0/ measurements collected by APR-2, together with the estimated uncertainties, are discussed. In general, the measured /spl sigma//sup 0/ at Ka-band at around 10/spl deg/ incidence angle appears to be close to that at Ku-band /spl sigma//sup 0/, and Ka-band exhibits a nonnegligible difference in wind dependence with respect to Ku-band for moderate to high winds.  相似文献   

星载红外高光谱传感器温度廓线反演综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变暖是当前国际社会的热点话题,温度廓线是大气热力状态的重要参数,准确高效地获取其时空分布信息是天气预报和气候变化研究的前提.与传统的地面观测方式相比,卫星探测数据具有高空间、时间分辨率的优势,为气象观测提供了数据支持.本文分别针对星载红外高光谱传感器3种常见观测模式(天底、掩星及临边观测模式)下的国外7个传感器代表...  相似文献   

穆博  宋清涛 《遥感学报》2014,18(5):1072-1086
HY-2A卫星微波散射计主要用于测量海表面的风速和风向,为了满足其风速和风向的测量精度要求,必须对其进行在轨辐射定标。本文基于散射计在开阔大洋的观测数据,利用经过定标的seawinds散射计后向散射系数数据,分析了海洋目标定标法的定标精度,结果表明定标精度可以达到0.15 dB,且模式函数对定标结果的影响为系统偏差,说明海洋目标定标法需要选用高精度的模式函数。然后,采用相同的海洋目标定标算法,实现了HY-2A卫星微波散射计的在轨辐射定标,获得HY-2A卫星微波散射计VV极化的定标系数为-1.79 dB,HH极化的定标系数为-1.73 dB。最后,利用NDBC浮标观测数据,检验HY-2A卫星微波散射计反演的风矢量精度,证明获得的定标系数可以明显提高HY-2A卫星微波散射计反演风矢量的精度。  相似文献   

Thermal infrared remote sensing (8–12 μm) (TIR) has great potential for geologic remote sensing studies. TIR has been successfully used for terrestrial and planetary geologic studies to map surface materials. However, the complexity of the physics and the lack of hyperspectral data make the studies under-investigated. A new generation of commercial hyperspectral infrared sensors, known as Thermal Airborne Spectrographic Imager (TASI), was used for image analysis and mineral mapping in this study. In this paper, a combined method integrating normalized emissivity method (NEM), ratio algorithm (RATIO) and maximum–minimum apparent emissivity difference (MMD), being applied in multispectral data, has been modified and used to determine whether this method is suitable for retrieving emissivity from TASI hyperspectral data. MODTRAN 4 has been used for the atmospheric correction. The retrieved emissivity spectra matched well with the field measured spectra except for bands 1, 2, and 32. Quartz, calcite, diopside/hedenbergite, hornblende and microcline have been mapped by the emissivity image. Mineral mapping results agree with the dominant minerals identified by laboratory X-ray powder diffraction and spectroscopic analyses of field samples. Both of the results indicated that the atmospheric correction method and the combined temperature–emissivitiy method are suitable for TASI image. Carbonate skarnization was first found in the study area by the spatial extent of diopside. Chemical analyses of the skarn samples determined that the Au content was 0.32–1.74 g/t, with an average Au content of 0.73 g/t. This information provides an important resource for prospecting for skarn type gold deposits. It is also suggested that TASI is suitable for prospect and deposit scale exploration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the impact of ambient temperature changes on the gravity reading of spring-based relative gravimeters. Controlled heating experiments using two Scintrex CG5 gravimeters allowed us to determine a linear correlation (R \(^{2}>\) 0.9) between ambient temperature and gravity variations. The relation is stable and constant for the two CG5 we used: ?5 nm/s\(^{2}/^\circ \)C. A linear relation is also seen between gravity and residual sensor temperature variations (R \(^{2}>\) 0.75), but contrary to ambient temperature, this relation is neither constant over time nor similar between the two instruments. The linear correction of ambient temperature on the controlled heating time series reduced the standard deviation at least by a factor of 2, to less than 10 nm/s\(^{2}\). The laboratory results allowed for reprocessing the data gathered on a field survey that originally aimed to characterize local hydrological heterogeneities on a karstic area. The correction of two years of monthly CG5 measurements from ambient temperature variations halved the standard deviation (from 62 to 32 nm/s\(^{2}\)) and led us to a better hydrological interpretation. Although the origin of this effect is uncertain, we suggest that an imperfect control of the sensor temperature may be involved, as well as a change of the properties of an electronic component.  相似文献   

殷晓斌  王振占 《遥感学报》2013,17(5):1049-1059
利用欧洲空间局发布的土壤湿度和盐度卫星最新版本V5.04及V5.05的2010年5月至2012年4月的L1C级亮温数据,分析了其2维视场中存在的亮温偏差和年际变化。亮温偏差在视场中的分布不均匀并随季节变化。其年际变化超过1 K。太阳及其尾迹在视场中的位置随季节变化并对该卫星测量的亮温产生影响,是亮温偏差年际变化的主要来源。另外,太阳高度角的季节性变化会使该卫星天线的物理温度产生季节性变化,并通过天线模型使其测量亮温产生季节性偏差。  相似文献   

The common method to detect deep convective clouds is from satellite infrared (IR) measurements, which is based on thresholds of cloud-top temperatures. However, thick cirrus clouds with high cloud tops are difficult to screen out using IR methods, resulting in an overestimation of deep convective cloud fractions. Two aircraft cases with simultaneous Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer, Multispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor, and ER-2 Doppler radar measurements during the Convection and Moisture Experiment 3 in August 1998 are analyzed to investigate the influence of high thick cirrus clouds on two previously developed IR methods. In contrast, a microwave method based on the brightness temperature differences between the three water vapor channels around 183.3 GHz of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B) (183.3/spl plusmn/1,183.3/spl plusmn/3, and 183.3/spl plusmn/7 GHz) can screen out high thick cirrus clouds efficiently. The tropical deep convective cloud fractions (30/spl deg/S-30/spl deg/N) estimated by the IR methods and the AMSU-B method are compared. Although their geographical distributions are in well agreement with each other, the total fractions detected by the IR methods are about 2-3.5 times greater than that detected by the AMSU-B method. Moreover, the overestimation of deep convective cloud fractions by the IR method (11-/spl mu/m brightness temperature less than 215 K) can result in a displacement in the detected location of the deep convective clouds. The average thick cirrus clouds cover 2.5 times the area of the deep convective clouds that generates them.  相似文献   

In this work we have developed a theoretical model that helps the interpretation of the remotely sensed thermal infrared measurements carried out over citrus orchards. A detailed analysis of the different factors which take part in the definition of the effective emissivity and temperature (observation height, viewing angle, type of soil, dimensions and separation between orange trees) is made. The model was validated under vertical observation in a citrus orchard during seven nights. In this situation we have determined that the model performs to an accuracy of about 1%.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn ground_basedGPSMeteorology ,the precip itablewatervaporisconvertedfromthewetzenithdelayoftheGPSsignal.Qualitatively ,thePrecip itableWaterVapor (PWV)canberelatedtotheWetZenithDelay (WZD)byPWV =F·WZDF =1 0 6ρv·Rv· k3Tm +k2( 1 )wherethemappingscalefact…  相似文献   

The weighted mean tropospheric temperature is a critical parameter in the conversion of wet zenith delay to precipitable water vapor in GPS Meteorology. This parameter can not be calculated from the radiosonde data in real time through the conventional methods. In this study, we first discuss the admissible error of weighted mean temperature to enable the accuracy of the conversion better than 1 mm, then summarize the performance of some of the existing methods. An empirical formula is established that satisfies the real-time requirement in GPS meteorology using Sequential Regression Analysis method. It is shown that this real-time formula as compared with other empirical methods is more accurate for local applications.  相似文献   

范文龙  黄小仙  傅雨田 《遥感学报》2022,26(8):1589-1601
对海温分布与变化的探测是海洋一号卫星主载荷水色水温扫描仪(简称水色仪,COCTS)的主要任务之一。考虑到对海冰和海洋上空台风等气象要素的同时探测,实际水温探测通道的动态范围要求涵盖200—320 K的温度区间。由于某些洋面区域微弱温度的变化将会导致严重天气灾害的发生,因此海温探测通道还需满足探测灵敏度与定量化的精度要求。本文旨在依据技术指标要求,设计水色仪红外通道的信息获取电路,包括对探测器微弱信号进行放大的前置放大电路,消除基础电平以提高动态范围的交流放大器,以及实现信号的直流恢复与动态范围调整的通道放大电路。基于对所使用的光导型红外探测器工作机理的研究,结合水色仪的系统组成与特性,为确保同时满足高动态范围与高灵敏度这一对相互矛盾的指标要求,通过理论分析计算、电路仿真等方法,确定各级放大电路的形式及参数。在真空环境模拟实验室对水色仪的系统性能进行测定,以验证信息获取电路设计的合理性。在实验室进行的红外辐射定标结果表明和在轨测试结果均表明,水色仪两个红外通道的动态范围和噪声等效温差(NETD)均能较好的满足技术指标要求。红外通道能够实时跟踪星上黑体信号随时间与周围环境的变化,可据此来对红外通道的定标系数进行即时修正,从而达到预期的在轨实时辐射定标的目的,为定量化反演海温奠定了基础,并能获取且制作出高质量的全球海温产品。  相似文献   

作为驱动地表与大气之间能量交换的关键物理量,地表温度在众多领域中都发挥着重要作用,包括气候变化、环境监测、蒸散发估算以及地热异常勘探等.Landsat热红外数据因其时间连续性和高空间分辨率等特点被广泛应用于地表温度反演中.本文详细地介绍了Landsat热红外传感器及其可用的数据与产品的现状,梳理了2001年-2020年...  相似文献   

2018-05高分五号(GF-5)卫星发射升空,其上搭载的全谱段成像仪在热红外8—13 μm谱段范围内具有4个温度反演通道(B09,B10,B11,B12),空间分辨率设计优于40 m,在国内民用传感器领域实现了由单通道向多通道、中空间分辨率向高空间分辨率的跨越式突破,使得GF-5卫星热红外数据在地表热环境遥感领域具有极其重要应用价值。本研究基于GF-5的4个热红外通道的通道响应函数,利用全球742条TIGR(Thermodynamic Initial Guess Retrieval)探空廓线数据,进行不同观测角度、水汽含量和海表发射率条件下的MODTRAN4.0(Moderate resolution atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance code4.0)辐射传输过程模拟,基于模拟结果分别对两通道、三通道和四通道劈窗算法海表温度SST( Sea Surface Temperature)反演系数进行修订,并分析观测角度、水汽含量和海表发射率对不同通道组合的精度影响,并通过GF-5卫星实际反演的SST结果进行验证。GF-5全谱段成像仪SST反演两通道劈窗算法组合共有6种,即B09-B10、B09-B11、B09-B12、B10-B11、B10-B12、B11-B12;三通道劈窗算法组合共有4种,即B09-B10-B11、B09-B10-B12、B09-B11-B12、B10-B11-B12;四通道劈窗算法组合1种,即B09-B10-B11-B12。通过对不同通道组合形式研究发现,水汽含量对SST反演精度有较大的影响,且温度反演的精度随着水汽含量的增加而降低;其次是观测角度,SST反演精度随着观测天顶角的增大而降低;最后是发射率的影响,两通道、三通道和四通道劈窗算法SST反演精度随着发射率的变化总体在0.1 K以内变化。最后以大亚湾核电站周围海域为验证区,用GF-5热红外遥感影像进行SST的反演并做误差分析,结果表明B09-B10通道SST反演实际误差为0.57 K,反演精度较高,实际误差与理论模拟误差相差0.24 K,差异的来源主要包括辐射定标和传感器噪声等要素影响,其他通道形式反演精度有待于传感器响应稳定后进一步验证。  相似文献   

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