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A novel implementation of parameters estimating the space-time wave extremes within the spectral wave model WAVEWATCH III (WW3) is presented. The new output parameters, available in WW3 version 5.16, rely on the theoretical model of Fedele (J Phys Oceanogr 42(9):1601-1615, 2012) extended by Benetazzo et al. (J Phys Oceanogr 45(9):2261–2275, 2015) to estimate the maximum second-order nonlinear crest height over a given space-time region. In order to assess the wave height associated to the maximum crest height and the maximum wave height (generally different in a broad-band stormy sea state), the linear quasi-determinism theory of Boccotti (2000) is considered. The new WW3 implementation is tested by simulating sea states and space-time extremes over the Mediterranean Sea (forced by the wind fields produced by the COSMO-ME atmospheric model). Model simulations are compared to space-time wave maxima observed on March 10th, 2014, in the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy), by a stereo camera system installed on-board the “Acqua Alta” oceanographic tower. Results show that modeled space-time extremes are in general agreement with observations. Differences are mostly ascribed to the accuracy of the wind forcing and, to a lesser extent, to the approximations introduced in the space-time extremes parameterizations. Model estimates are expected to be even more accurate over areas larger than the mean wavelength (for instance, the model grid size).  相似文献   

A numerical model based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) was developed and used to simulate immiscible and miscible fluid flows in porous media and to study effects of pore scale heterogeneity and anisotropy on such flows.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional (2D) numerical model has been developed to solve shallow water equations for simulation of dam-break flows. The spatial derivatives are discretized using a well-balanced explicit central upwind conservative scheme. The scheme is Riemann solver free and guarantees the positivity of the flow depth over complex topography if the Courant number is kept less than 0.25. The time integration is performed by Euler’s scheme. The model is verified against analytical results for water surface elevation and discharge for three benchmark test cases. A good agreement between analytical solutions and computed results is observed. The property of well-balancing in still water over an uneven bottom is also confirmed. The model is then validated by simulating a laboratory experiment in which a dam break flow propagates over a triangular obstacle. The model performance was found to be satisfactory. A dam break laboratory experimental test case on a frictionless horizontal bottom is also simulated for 2D validation of the model, and good agreement between simulation and the experimental data is observed. The suitability of the proposed model for real life applications is demonstrated by simulating the Malpasset dam-break event, which occurred in 1959 in France. The computed arrival time of the flood wave front and the maximum flow depths at various observation points matched well with the measurements on a 1/400 scale physical model. The overall performance indicates that this model can be applied for simulation of dam-break waves in real life cases.  相似文献   

COSMIC数据验证AMSU平流层低层观测的初步分析结果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
何文英  陈洪滨 《地球物理学报》2009,52(12):2951-2957
基于Global Positioning System (GPS)掩星数据在平流层具有较高准确性、稳定性的优势,本文尝试用新一代GPS掩星观测——the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC)资料验证不同卫星平台上先进的微波探测仪(AMSU)的平流层观测结果.通过COSMIC大气温度廓线与AMSU辐射传输模式结合,得到模拟亮温,然后与AMSU平流层观测进行匹配比较.分析表明GPS掩星数据能够作为一个相对独立的参量检验NOAA15、16、18卫星平台内部的偏差.通过一年数据的比较验证,初步显示不同卫星平台的AMSU观测亮温在平流层低层都偏低,并且NOAA18平台的亮温偏低程度明显大于NOAA15、16.AMSU亮温偏差在极地冬季较为显著,尤其南极地区NOAA18的偏差幅度达到1.8 K.结合24小时内AMSU观测亮温偏差变化及其样本分布特征,可以看到明显的太阳辐射差异可能是导致AMSU观测亮温在极地偏差显著的主要原因.  相似文献   

Combining GIS with neuro-fuzzy modeling has the advantage that expert scientific knowledge in coastal aquaculture activities can be incorporated into a geospatial model to classify areas particularly vulnerable to pollutants. Data on the physical environment and its suitability for aquaculture in an Irish fjard, which is host to a number of different aquaculture activities, were derived from a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and GIS models. Subsequent incorporation into environmental vulnerability models, based on neuro-fuzzy techniques, highlighted localities particularly vulnerable to aquaculture development.The models produced an overall classification accuracy of 85.71%, with a Kappa coefficient of agreement of 81%, and were sensitive to different input parameters. A statistical comparison between vulnerability scores and nitrogen concentrations in sediment associated with salmon cages showed good correlation.Neuro-fuzzy techniques within GIS modeling classify vulnerability of coastal regions appropriately and have a role in policy decisions for aquaculture site selection.  相似文献   

Consideration of environmental flows in river basin management poses great challenges. Environmental flows are interpreted as the natural or regulated releases of water needed in a river to maintain specified valued features of the river ecosystems. This has never been considered explicitly in water resources management of a river basin. An attempt is, therefore, made here to reflect the perception and implications of environmental flows in water resources management. Assessment approaches are reviewed in the context of flow characteristics of a river system and recommendations are put forward on what is to be done to adopt this new concept in practice.  相似文献   

Various parameters such as bed and bank materials, shape and irregularity of the section, vegetation, river meanders, plan of the river path etc. affect the flow hydraulic resistance. In open channel hydraulics the effects of all these parameters are generally considered as the roughness coefficient. The Manning’s equation is one of the most practical equations to flow resistance analysis, in which the surface roughness is defined by Manning coefficient. Since many parameters are effective on the value of this coefficient, in this research study it was tried to define the roughness coefficient somehow that it be able to dynamically change with different river and hydraulic conditions. The collected data in Karun River (Iran) for two periods were used as the case study. It is shown that the accuracy of model predictions for water surface elevations were improved more than 13% in error estimation in comparison with the corresponding results obtained for a constant roughness coefficient. The roughness coefficient (n) for Karun River was also estimated using the empirical method proposed by Cowan for two different dry and wet periods. These values were then successfully compared with the average corresponding roughness coefficients calculated by the numerical model for those periods.  相似文献   

The algorithm for numerically solving the direct 3-D problem of calculating the electromagnetic field varying harmonically in an arbitrary inhomogeneous 3-D media is developed on the base of the Trefftz method, which has not been used previously in geoelectrics. The corresponding system of algebraic equations has been solved with the use of a modification of the well-known Kaczmarz iterative method. A cyclic method of equalization is used as a procedure of preconditioning the matrix of the system.  相似文献   

In this paper, the responses of multi‐degree‐of‐freedom (MDOF) structures on sliding supports subjected to harmonic or random base motions are investigated. Modeling of the friction force under the foundation raft is accomplished by using a fictitious rigid link which has a rigid–perfectly plastic material. This will result in identical equations of motion for the sliding structure, both in the sliding and non‐sliding (stick) phases which greatly simplifies the implementation of the method into a numerical algorithm. In this model the phase transition times are determined with high accuracy. This has two advantages: first, it prevents the so‐called high‐frequency oscillation of the relative velocity at the end of the sliding phase, and second, the time steps can be selected so that each falls exactly within one phase of motion. In this case, the stiffness matrix of the structure remains constant throughout each phase and thus any method for solving the non‐linear differential equations of motion (e.g. Newmark method) can be used without iteration. The proposed method, besides its simplicity, is numerically very efficient and considerably reduces the required analysis time compared with most of the other methods. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Reynolds stress model for the numerical simulation of compound open-channel flows with vegetation on the floodplain is described. The Reynolds stress model consists of various sub-models such as Speziale et al.’s model, Mellor and Herring’s model, and Rotta’s model for the pressure–strain correlation term, the turbulent diffusion term, and the dissipation term, respectively. For validation of the model, plain compound open-channel flows are simulated. The computed results were compared with measured data by [Tominaga A, Nezu I. Turbulent structure in compound open-channel flows. J Hydraul Eng, ASCE 1991;117(1):21–41] and the results show that the Reynolds stress model successfully simulates the mean flow and turbulence structure of plain compound channel flows. The model was then applied to compound open-channel flows with vegetated floodplains. Good agreement between the simulated results and data from an algebraic stress model by [Naot D, Nezu I, Nakagawa H. Hydrodynamic behavior of partly vegetated open channels. J Hydraul Eng, ASCE 1996;122(11):625–33] was found. However, it was shown that the RSM is capable of predicting the velocity dip and lateral shift in the maximum streamwise velocity, which were not observed in the data from algebraic stress modeling. Finally, a depth-averaged analysis of the streamwise momentum equation was performed to investigate the lateral momentum transfer in compound channel flows with vegetated floodplains. Compared with components by the secondary currents and Reynolds stress, the drag force due to the presence of vegetation appears to be a factor in reducing the bottom shear stress in both main channel and floodplain.  相似文献   

岩石润湿性的核磁共振表征方法与初步实验结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



《Journal of Hydrology》2006,316(1-4):28-42
This paper presents a synthesis of a probability-based approach and the underpinning, mathematical and philosophical foundations that have evolved to date, as well as applications in modeling of vertical and two-dimensional velocity distributions that have direct implications to measurements and estimation of transport of mass, momentum and energy in fluid flows. The approach draws inferences from a probability law identified by maximizing the information entropy under the constraints imposed by the available information. It gives predictions considered to be the most probable or objective on the basis of the available information. The probabilistic approach complements the deterministic approach of hydrodynamics. The difference in the point of view between the two approaches creates a different view about the available information. Some information, such as the location and magnitude of maximum velocity, the ratio of mean and maximum velocities, that may not appear to have direct use to the deterministic approach in flow predictions become important and useful to the probabilistic approach.  相似文献   


The term “environmental flows” is now widely used to reflect the hydrological regime required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems, and the human livelihoods and well-being that depend on them. The definition suggests a central role for ecohydrological science to help determine a required flow regime for a target ecosystem condition. Indeed, many countries have established laws and policies to implement environmental flows with the expectation that science can deliver the answers. This article provides an overview of recent developments and applications of environmental flows on six continents to explore the changing role of ecohydrological sciences, recognizing its limitations and the emerging needs of society, water resource managers and policy makers. Science has responded with new methods to link hydrology to ecosystem status, but these have also raised fundamental questions that go beyond ecohydrology, such as who decides on the target condition of the ecosystem? Some environmental flow methods are based on the natural flow paradigm, which assumes the desired regime is the natural “unmodified” condition. However, this may be unrealistic where flow regimes have been altered for many centuries and are likely to change with future climate change. Ecosystems are dynamic, so the adoption of environmental flows needs to have a similar dynamic basis. Furthermore, methodological developments have been made in two directions: first, broad-scale hydrological analysis of flow regimes (assuming ecological relevance of hydrograph components) and, second, analysis of ecological impacts of more than one stressor (e.g. flow, morphology, water quality). All methods retain a degree of uncertainty, which translates into risks, and raises questions regarding trust between scientists and the public. Communication between scientists, social scientists, practitioners, policy makers and the public is thus becoming as important as the quality of the science.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Acreman, M.C., Overton, I.C., King, J., Wood, P., Cowx, I.G., Dunbar, M.J., Kendy, E., and Young, W., 2014. The changing role of ecohydrological science in guiding environmental flows. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 433–450  相似文献   

Summary In brief a newly developed freezing nuclei meter is described. Results of measurements made with this instrument in New Jersey, California and in the Thule area, Greenland, are shown. These data are compared with measurements of condensation nuclei, simultaneously made with the General Electric and the Aitkennuclei counters. Also the results obtained from some measurements of the lightscattering function of the aerosol in industrial areas near New York City are presented.  相似文献   

Conclusion As forF, further improvements can be hardly expected; that applies to both technique of measurement and reduction routine.The effort of reduction according to additional stations is considerable. On principle, the effort can be cut down, if future surveys will be conducted during years of the quiet sun, i. e., minimum particle radiation, again — as was the case in 1965.0 and 1935.0. Then, obviously, in most cases a correction derived from the deviations of hourly means against daily means (Voppel, Wienert [1974]) of the reference observatories (WNG and FUR) may be sufficient, provided that the measurements are carried out not between the early morning and the late afternoon. At noon, both longitude and latitude influences become maximum and most complicated, as was revealed by a statistic investigation (Voppel, Wienert [1974]) and also by an isolated case (Schulz, Beblo [1984]). Only measurements carried out during disturbed intervals and during strong Sq variations are to be reduced according to the nearest of a few additional high-quality variation stations.What is valid for the reduction ofF, that is valid for the other components, because theF variations were calculated fromH andZ variations. From this follows that the residuals ofD and particularly ofI to a great extent are due to uncertainties of measurement. Therefore, in the future, efforts must be focused upon a reliable reproduction of the standards of these components at secular points. However, as has been emphasized in the beginning, only the next survey can clarify as to what extent the probe theodolite contributes to the uncertainty of measurement.  相似文献   

采用有限元分析软件ANSYS对裂缝的双侧向测井视电阻率与裂缝孔隙度、泥浆电阻率、裂缝倾角和基岩电阻率的关系进行了计算. 在大量正演数据的基础上得出双侧向测井响应反演公式和裂缝孔隙度计算公式,提出更为精细的裂缝倾角的弹性划分模型,用双侧向视电阻率值近似估算裂缝倾角的方法,提高了利用双侧向测井求裂缝产状与裂缝孔隙度(裂缝宽度)的精度.  相似文献   

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