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郑本兴 《冰川冻土》2012,34(3):748-754
正缅怀恩师任美锷先生1*任师地理学泰斗,学识渊博冠神州;精通经济、自然地理学,通晓地貌、古地理领域;提出"准热带"科学概念,首著"中国自然地理纲要";指导三角洲、海涂利用,引导海洋学研究;运用"沉积圈闭"理论,论述陆相盆地储油.教学科研很严谨,贡献颇多人称颂;培养数代地理学院士,桃李满园遍五洲.而今仙逝精神在,激励后生永探索.  相似文献   

刘国纬 《水科学进展》2010,21(6):867-868
刘光文教授1910年7月30日出生于浙江省杭州市,1998年3月6日在南京逝世,是我国现代著名水文学家、教育家.刘光文教授早年就读于天津北洋大学和清华大学,1933年于清华大学土木工程系毕业,留校任清华大学土木系助教,1936年考取清华赴美公费留学.1936年至1937年在美国依阿华大学(University of Iowa)学习水利工程,获水利工程硕士学位.1937至1938年在德国柏林工业大学学习水利工程与应用数学,于1938年回国.回国后,先后在广西大学、重庆大学、复旦大学、交通大学任教.  相似文献   

Recent work on the Lower Carboniferous Albert Formation of New Brunswick, Canada, has confirmed it to be mainly limnitic (lacustrine) in origin. Within its smallsized basin (ca. 4,000 sq. km.) over 1,300 m of sediment were deposited. These greyish beds are stratigraphically bounded below, above, and toward the south by terrestrial, mainly redbed, formations. Abundant organic varves in a dolomitic marlstone are present, and in places contain articulated fish skeletons. Elsewhere, symmetrical ripple-marks predominate, testifying to gentle water-current movements. The crossopterygianLatvius sp. dates basal beds, in part at least, as Upper Devonian. Ostracodes from an upper member —Euestheria sp., cf.E. lirella; Hilboldtina sp.,Carbonita sp., cf.C. subula — are from the Carboniferous. It is concluded that the Albert Formation was deposited in a tropical or sub-tropical environment, probably in an east-trending rift valley or fault-block basin, over a period of several hundred thousand years, and terminating with evaporitic deposits, at least a part of which were non-marine in origin.  相似文献   

Professor Shu received his undergraduate training in Paleontology at Peking (Beijing) University in 1964-1969, obtaining his Master's degree at Northwest University (Xi'an) and Ph.D. in China University of Geosciences (Beijing); he was Visiting Scholar at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA in 1988, Humboldt Research Fellow at University of Bonn in 1988-1989, at University of Wuerzburg, Germany in 1994-1995, and Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University, UK in 1998. He has been Professor of Geology at Northwest University, Xi'an since 1992.  相似文献   

<正>Professor Shu received his undergraduate training in Paleontology at Peking(Beijing)University in1964-1969,obtaining his Master's degree at Northwest University(Xi'an)and Ph.D.in China University of Geosciences(Beijing);he was Visiting Scholar at the Smithsonian Institution,Washington,D.C.,USA in 1988,Humboldt Research Fellow at University of Bonn in 1988-1989,at University of Wuerzburg,Germany in 1994-1995,and Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University,UK in 1998.He has been Professor of Geology at Northwest University,Xi'an since 1992.  相似文献   

正Professor Shu received his undergraduate training in Paleontology at Peking(Beijing)University in1964–1969,obtaining his Master's degree at Northwest University(Xi’an)and Ph.D.in China University of Geosciences(Beijing);he was Visiting Scholar at the Smithsonian Institution,Washington,D.C.,USA in 1988,Humboldt Research Fellow at University of Bonn in 1988–1989,at University of Wuerzburg,Germany in 1994–1995,and Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University,UK  相似文献   

Professor Shu received his undergraduate training in Paleontology at Peking (Beijing) University in 1964-1969, obtaining his Master's degree at Northwest University (Xi'an) and Ph.D. in China University of Geosciences (Beijing); he was Visiting Scholar at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA in 1988, Humboldt Research Fellow at University of Bonn in 1988-1989, at University of Wuerzburg, Germany in 1994-1995, and Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University, UK in 1998. He has been Professor of Geology at Northwest University, Xi'an since 1992.  相似文献   

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