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中国城市建设用地转型阶段及其空间格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
瞿诗进  胡守庚  李全峰 《地理学报》2020,75(7):1539-1553
1978年改革开放以来,社会经济快速发展不断改变着中国城市建设用地形态,并在不同区域表现出非均衡的空间差异。基于中国1981—2015年城市建设用地面积和人口数据,综合运用滑动T检验、K密度估计(KDE)和基尼系数等方法,识别中国城市建设用地转型的关键节点,并揭示其时空特征。结果表明:① 中国城市建设用地形态经历了“面积低速扩张—人均用地收缩”(1981—1990年)、“面积中速扩张—人均用地低速上升”(1990—2000年)、“面积快速扩张—人均用地快速上升”(2000—2015年)3个转型阶段。② 1990—2000年和2000—2015年两个转型阶段,面积转型的空间格局演变缓慢,表现出以东部长三角、珠三角为核心的大聚集和中西部以省会城市为中心的小分散格局,而人均用地转型空间格局呈由东部聚集向全国蔓延的演变趋势。③ 1990—2015年,城市建设用地面积的空间非均衡性表现为先逐渐缩小后逐渐扩大的动态演变特征,人均用地的空间非均衡性表现为先逐渐缩小后趋于稳定的演变特征。④ 中国城市建设用地转型符合区域土地利用转型的理论模式,与社会经济发展阶段转变相对应,空间格局演变揭示了国家发展战略由东部优先向区域协调发展转变的现实情况。研究在内容上弥补了土地利用转型阶段定量识别的不足,可为新时代社会经济转型背景下城市建设用地管控工作提供理论和数据依据。  相似文献   

With a continuously increasing population and better food consumption levels, improving the efficiency of arable land use and increasing its productivity have become fundamental strategies to meet the growing food security needs in China. A spatial distribution map of medium- and low-yield cropland is necessary to implement plans for cropland improvement. In this study, we developed a new method to identify high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data at a spatial resolution of 500 m. The method could be used to reflect the regional heterogeneity of cropland productivity because the classification standard was based on the regionalization of cropping systems in China. The results showed that the proportion of high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland in China was 21%, 39%, and 40%, respectively. About 75% of the low-yield cropland was located in hilly and mountainous areas, and about 53% of the high-yield cropland was located in plain areas. The five provinces with the largest area of high-yield cropland were all located in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, and the area amounted to 42% of the national high-yield cropland area. Meanwhile, the proportion of high-yield cropland was lower than 15% in Heilongjiang, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia, which had the largest area allocated to cropland in China. If all the medium-yield cropland could be improved to the productive level of high-yield cropland and the low-yield cropland could be improved to the level of medium-yield cropland, the total productivity of the land would increase 19% and 24%, respectively.  相似文献   

According to the length of city perimeter and the administration systems recorded in the historical literatures of the Qing Dynasty, a set of methods is developed to convert the historical records into the area of urban land use, by which a set of preliminary estimated urban land use data of the 18 provinces during the Emperor Jiaqing (1820AD) in the Qing Dynasty, is achieved. Based on the above achievements, the regional differences of urban land use are analyzed, and the comparison in urban land use between the Qing Dynasty and present (1999) is made.  相似文献   

According to the length of city perimeter and the administration systems recorded in the historical literatures of the Qing Dynasty, a set of methods is developed to convert the historical records into the area of urban land use, by which a set of preliminary estimated urban land use data of the 18 provinces during the Emperor Jiaqing (1820AD) in the Qing Dynasty, is achieved. Based on the above achievements, the regional differences of urban land use are analyzed, and the comparison in urban land use between the Qing Dynasty and present (1999) is made.  相似文献   

1992-2017年基于荟萃分析的中国耕地撂荒时空特征   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
当前耕地撂荒已成为一种日益普遍的土地利用变化现象,对粮食安全和生态环境具有重要影响。为揭示1992-2017年中国耕地撂荒的时空特征及驱动机制,采用集成分析的思路,对县(市)域尺度撂荒的研究成果进行了汇总梳理,从中提取撂荒时间、位置、规模(程度)、成因等信息,并进行了荟萃分析。结果发现:1992-2017年全国范围内有撂荒记录的县(市)共165个,主要分布于南方,集中分布区呈逆时针旋转90°的“T”字型,纵轴自北至南贯穿甘肃东南部、四川东部、重庆境内,直至贵州西部和云南北部;横轴位于长江中下游地区,自西向东贯穿湖北、湖南、安徽、江西。其中,湖南、四川、安徽有撂荒记录的县(市)数量较多,分别为24个、23个、21个,其次是湖北、重庆、福建、甘肃、云南,均超过10个。“T”字型结构的形成经历两个阶段,大致以2010年为界,此前有撂荒记录的县(市)为102个,集中分布于沿长江中下游的东西向带状区域,形成横轴;此后新增63个县(市),集中分布于自甘肃东南部至贵州西部和云南北部地区的南北向带状区域,形成纵轴。撂荒格局的形成过程与区域经济发展和产业结构调整背景下的农业劳动力析出基本同步。农业收益低和劳动力不足分别是86%和78%的县(市)撂荒形成的共性因素。  相似文献   

中国城市化和工业化进程所带来的粮食安全问题一直是政府和学术界关注的焦点。中国近25年来快速的城市化与工业化导致耕地资源减少和环境污染加剧,对国家粮食安全和农业可持续发展产生一定影响。本文基于中国土地利用/覆盖变化最新解译结果和中国分县粮食产量数据,重建了中国1 km分辨率的粮食产量空间数据,分析了中国1990-2015年工矿用地扩张及其对粮食产能的影响。结果表明:中国工矿用地面积在1990-2015年间增长了326%,扩张速率从1990-2000年的288 km2/a增加到2000-2010年的1482 km2/a,近5年(2010-2015年)扩张速率最快,达2600 km2/a。过去25年间工矿用地扩张导致耕地面积减少1.7×104 km2,直接导致粮食产能损失约6.49 Mt(106 t),因工矿用地扩张可能会对周边耕地污染等间接影响的粮食产量达83.20 Mt。经评估,国家工矿用地扩张对粮食产能潜在影响总体上是当前粮食总产能的17%。在空间分布特征方面,工矿用地扩张对粮食产能的直接影响呈现由东部沿海地区向西北地区逐渐减小趋势;间接影响在中部和西部地区相对较大。  相似文献   

土地资源错配对中国城市工业绿色全要素生产率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邓楚雄  赵浩  谢炳庚  李忠武  李科 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1865-1881
基于价格扭曲效应拓展资源错配模型,使用中国285个城市2004-2017年的工业投入产出数据,测算土地资源错配导致的城市工业绿色全要素生产率(GTFP)损失,并分析其时空变化.结果 表明:①土地资源错配对中国城市工业GTFP损失的年均贡献率为10.05%,已与能源错配并列成为继资本错配之后城市工业GTFP损失的重要贡献...  相似文献   

城市内部土地覆盖结构对城市生态服务功能和人居环境质量产生重要影响。中国与美国不同发展阶段城市不透水地表和绿地时空分布格局存在显著差异。本文基于Landsat TM/MSS影像获取1978、1990、2000、2010 年城市内部土地覆盖和不透水地表分类信息,监测并比较中国和美国六个特大城市扩展时空动态、土地覆盖结构差异及城市不同功能区特征。研究表明,在过去30 多年以来,中国城市以相对紧凑形态发展,美国城市较为离散;美国三大城市植被所占的比例是中国的2.21 倍;中国城市内部结构土地利用功能类型更加复杂,不透水地表密度更高,而美国城市CBD和居住区功能相对独立,特别居住区以镶嵌式低不透水地表和高绿地比例结构为主。  相似文献   

在中国经济面临结构转型和空间重塑的关键时期,探究资源型城市产业结构升级对土地利用效率的影响机理,对于破解资源型城市产业发展路径依赖与土地低效利用困境具有重要意义。基于中国115座地级资源型城市面板数据,运用产业结构层次指数与基于DEA的超效率SBM-Undesirable模型刻画资源型城市产业结构升级与土地利用效率的时空演化特征,通过面板Tobit模型探究资源型城市产业结构升级对土地利用效率的异质性影响及作用渠道。结果表明:(1)中国资源型城市产业结构升级成效显著,再生型、煤炭型和钢铁型城市升级效果更为明显。土地利用效率呈波动上升趋势,高值城市数量显著增加,以经济基础较好的再生型和成长型城市为主。(2)资源型城市产业结构升级对土地利用效率提升尚未形成普遍的驱动效应,其影响机制在不同类型城市中具有显著的异质性,仅再生型城市呈现显著的正向影响。(3)资源型城市产业结构升级通过经济产出提升、要素配置优化与环境污染控制等渠道驱动土地利用效率的动态演化。现阶段,土地经济产出偏低、用地结构失调、环境污染负外部性过高是制约资源型城市土地利用效率提升的主要症结。资源型城市转型具有长期性、系统性特征,应...  相似文献   

徐智邦  焦利民  王玉 《地理学报》2022,77(10):2514-2528
城市边界是城市演化认知和城市规划决策的空间依据。中国不少研究实践将地级市等行政地域范围视为城市,与物理上主要由连续人造不透水面构成的城市实体地域相比,存在较大的空间边界差异。然而,鲜有研究定量分析“实体”视角下长时间序列的城市用地演化,特别是对实体和行政两种统计单元视角下的城市扩张差异缺乏系统认识。本文基于30 m空间分辨率的多源遥感产品识别了1988—2018年8期的城市实体地域边界,分析其用地扩张过程,进一步与行政地域相对比,系统识别了两种统计视角下城市用地扩张的认知差异和空间模式。主要结论为:① 1988—2018年间,中国面积5 km2以上的城市实体地域单元数量增长了378%,以华东和华中地区的增长最为显著;城市实体地域中,88%为独立增长型,分布广泛但面积大都小于50 km2;12%为空间聚合型,主要分布在发达地区,面积普遍较大。② 相比行政地域,城市实体地域的位序规模更符合幂律分布,其Zipf指数30年来逐渐上升趋向于1,城镇体系发展愈发均衡;相比城市实体地域,行政地域单元在平原地区的城市扩张面积普遍偏高,在沿海地区的城市扩张强度普遍偏低。③ 和城市实体地域单元在拓扑关系上无法一一匹配的1327个行政单元大多分布在人口密集或发达的平原地区;结合实体和行政边界识别了“跨政区同城化”和“政区内集群化”两种扩张模式,前者多发生在省会区域,后者主要分布在华北平原,两者反映了城市化的空间重构。本文研究结果有助于深化中国土地城镇化时空过程的认识,并可对土地资源的科学配置、统一协调及行政区划的优化整合提供空间依据。  相似文献   

中国建设用地的坡谱演化规律与爬坡影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周亮  党雪薇  周成虎  王波  魏伟 《地理学报》2021,76(7):1747-1762
城镇建设用地规模与结构变化是国土空间开发与规划研究的基础。以往相关研究更关注建设用地水平空间扩张格局特征与模式,极少关注建设用地三维梯度上的“爬坡”特征规律与影响。因此,本文基于Google Earth Engine(GEE),并结合高精度地形数据与土地利用数据,在建设用地坡谱概念基础上,首次构建了平均建设用地爬坡指数(ABCI),系统地分析了1990—2018年中国建设用地坡谱在国家、区域、省级和城市4个尺度上的变化特征与规律并深入剖析建设用地爬坡的空间影响。结果显示:① 1990—2018年中国坡度5°以上地区建设用地面积增长了1.43倍,比例由10.25%上升至14.81%。其中2010—2015年是建设用地爬坡发展最迅速与规模最大的时期,且中西部地区建设用地爬坡最为显著。② 依据平均建设用地爬坡指数与上限坡度变化,可将中国34个省(自治区、直辖市)划分为高爬坡型、低爬坡型和水平扩展型3类,其中高爬坡型省份占50%以上,水平扩展型省份仅有7个,在空间上呈现“东南—西北”的两极分布特征。③ 1990—2010年爬坡型城市以山地与丘陵地貌城市为主,2010年后少数民族聚居区及低丘缓坡开发试点城市成为建设用地爬坡的主力。④ 建设用地爬坡在一定程度上能够减少建设用地扩张对平原优质耕地与生态用地的胁迫和侵占,缓解建设用地供需矛盾,但是无规划约束的开发和房地产驱动的“削山造地”则会导致地质灾害和生态环境风险的增加。  相似文献   

Zhang  Yuan  Zang  Shuying  Sun  Li  Yan  Binghe  Yang  Tianpeng  Yan  Wenjia  Meadows  Michael E.  Wang  Cuizhen  Qi  Jiaguo 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(5):658-674
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Quantitative characterization of environmental characteristics of cropland (ECC) plays an important role in maintaining sustainable development of agricultural...  相似文献   

中国耕地和农村宅基地利用转型耦合特征与机制(英文)   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
Land use transition refers to the changes in land use morphology (both dominant morphology and recessive morphology) of a certain region over a certain period of time driven by socio-economic change and innovation, and it usually corresponds to the transition of socio-economic development phase. In China, farmland and rural housing land are the two major sources of land use transition. This paper analyzes the spatio-temporal coupling characteristics of farmland and rural housing land transition in China, using high-resolution Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) data in 2000 and 2008, and the data from the Ministry of Land and Resources of China. The outcomes indicated that: (1) during 2000-2008, the cor-relation coefficient of farmland vs. rural housing land change is -0.921, and it shows that the change pattern of farmland and rural housing land is uncoordinated; (2) the result of Spear-man rank correlation analysis shows that rural housing land change has played a major role in the mutual transformation of farmland and rural housing land; and (3) it shows a high-degree spatial coupling between farmland and rural housing land change in southeast China during 2000-2008. In general, farmland and rural housing land transition in China is driven by socio-economic, bio-physical and managerial three-dimensional driving factors through the interactions among rural population, farmland and rural housing land. However, the spatio-temporal coupling phenomenon and mechanism of farmland and rural housing land transition in China are largely due to the "dual-track" structure of rural-urban develop-ment.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The soilerosion in Loess Plateau is mostserious on the globe mainly due to the destroying of naturalvegetation and cultivation on slope land overextensive areas(Yang and Yu,1992;Jiang, 1997).To convertsloping cropland (cropped land on slope…  相似文献   

We investigated the responses of cropland phenophases to changes of agricultural thermal conditions in Northeast China using the SPOT-VGT Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) ten-day-composed time-series data, observed crop phenophases and the climate data collected from 1990 to 2010. First, the phenological parameters, such as the dates of onset-of-growth, peak-of-growth and end-of-growth as well as the length of the growing season, were extracted from the smoothed NVDI time-series dataset and showed an obvious correlation with the observed crop phenophases, including the stages of seedling, heading, maturity and the length of the growth period. Secondly, the spatio-temporal trends of the major thermal conditions (the first date of ≥10℃, the first frost date, the length of the temperature-allowing growth period and the accumulated temperature (AT) of ≥10℃) in Northeast China were illustrated and analyzed over the past 20 years. Thirdly, we focused on the responses of cropland phenophases to the thermal conditions changes. The results showed that the onset-of-growth date had an obvious positive correlation with the first date of ≥10℃ (P < 0.01), especially in the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle and eastern parts of Jilin Province. For the extracted length of growing season and the observed growth period, notable correlations were found in almost same regions (P < 0.05). However, there was no obvious correlation between the end-of-growth date and the first frost date in the study area. Opposite correlations were observed between the length of the growing season and the AT of ≥10℃. In the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle part of Jilin and Liaoning Provinces, the positive correlation coefficients were higher than the critical value of 0.05, whereas the negative correlation coefficients reached a level of 0.55 (P < 0.05) in the middle and southern parts of Heilongjiang Province and some parts of the Sanjiang Plain. This finding indicated that the crop growth periods were shortened because of the elevated temperature; in contrast, the extended growth period usually meant a crop transformation from early- or middle-maturing varieties into middle or late ones.  相似文献   

中国东北耕地物候期对气候变化的响应(英文)   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
We investigated the responses of cropland phenophases to changes of agricultural thermal conditions in Northeast China using the SPOT-VGT Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) ten-day-composed time-series data, observed crop phenophases and the climate data collected from 1990 to 2010. First, the phenological parameters, such as the dates of onset-of-growth, peak-of-growth and end-of-growth as well as the length of the growing season, were extracted from the smoothed NVDI time-series dataset and showed an obvious correlation with the observed crop phenophases, including the stages of seedling, heading, maturity and the length of the growth period. Secondly, the spatio-temporal trends of the major thermal conditions (the first date of ≥10℃, the first frost date, the length of the temperature-allowing growth period and the accumulated temperature (AT) of ≥10℃) in Northeast China were illustrated and analyzed over the past 20 years. Thirdly, we focused on the responses of cropland phenophases to the thermal conditions changes. The results showed that the onset-of-growth date had an obvious positive correlation with the first date of ≥10℃ (P < 0.01), especially in the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle and eastern parts of Jilin Province. For the extracted length of growing season and the observed growth period, notable correlations were found in almost same regions (P < 0.05). However, there was no obvious correlation between the end-of-growth date and the first frost date in the study area. Opposite correlations were observed between the length of the growing season and the AT of ≥10℃. In the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle part of Jilin and Liaoning Provinces, the positive correlation coefficients were higher than the critical value of 0.05, whereas the negative correlation coefficients reached a level of 0.55 (P < 0.05) in the middle and southern parts of Heilongjiang Province and some parts of the Sanjiang Plain. This finding indicated that the crop growth periods were shortened because of the elevated temperature; in contrast, the extended growth period usually meant a crop transformation from early- or middle-maturing varieties into middle or late ones.  相似文献   

By using digitized land use maps of Beijing in 1982, 1992 and 1997 and employing GIS spatial analysis techniques, this paper conducts an empirical study on the spatial differentiation and spatial patterns of urban land use growth in Beijing in the period of 1982-1997. It is observed that urban land use growth in Beijing went beyond the control of urban planning, in terms of the extraordinary high growth rate and undesired spatial pattern. The rate of urban expansion after 1982, which was predominated by growth of industrial land, was extraordinary high compared to its historical period. While its growth centers have been actively shifting toward the northern part, rather than toward the southern and eastern parts as designated by the latest General Plan (1991-2010) of Beijing, its spatial pattern of urban land use growth in general was in distinct concentric sprawl, which seriously violated the General Plan of Beijing.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of urban land use growth in Beijing   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
By using digitized land use maps of Beijing in 1982, 1992 and 1997 and employing GIS spatial analysis techniques, this paper conducts an empirical study on the spatial differentiation and spatial patterns of urban land use growth in Beijing in the period of 1982–1997. It is observed that urban land use growth in Beijing went beyond the control of urban planning, in terms of the extraordinary high growth rate and undesired spatial pattern. The rate of urban expansion after 1982, which was predominated by growth of industrial land, was extraordinary high compared to its historical period. While its growth centers have been actively shifting toward the northern part, rather than toward the southern and eastern parts as designated by the latest General Plan (1991–2010) of Beijing, its spatial pattern of urban land use growth in general was in distinct concentric sprawl, which seriously violated the General Plan of Beijing.  相似文献   

中国近15 a来快速的城市化和工业化对陆地净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)的影响是关系到碳循环和全球变化效应的重要问题。首先,本文基于VPM(Vegetation Photosynthesis Model)模型得到NPP数据,基于中国土地利用数据集(National Land Use Datasets of China(NLUD-China))获取2000-2015年城市和工矿用地数据,然后通过邻域替代法模拟2000-2015年间因中国城市和工矿用地扩张损失的陆地NPP。结果表明:2015年城市和工矿用地占中国国土总面积的1.2%,在2000-2015年间面积增加了70×103 km2。城市和工矿用地扩张导致陆地NPP损失1.24 TgC·a-1到3.14 TgC·a-1,在2005-2010年损失NPP最多(3.14 TgC·a-1)。耕地被建设用地占用是造成中国陆地NPP损失的重要原因,在2010-2015年共有13×103 km2的耕地被城市和工矿用地占用,因此损失的NPP达1.51 TgC·a-1,占中国城市和工矿用地扩张损失NPP总量的82%。从时空分布特征来看,21世纪初剧烈的城市扩张造成沿海和中部地区NPP损失严重(2000-2005年沿海地区主要因城市扩张损失NPP高达0.82 TgC·a-1),而2010-2015年主要因工矿用地扩张使西部地区NPP损失升高(在2010-2015年因工矿用地扩张损失NPP 0.46 TgC·a-1,占中国NPP损失总量的30.81%),NPP损失量呈现出从东高西低逐渐过渡到东西平衡的时空格局。从影响上分析,城市和工矿用地不透水地表比例(0.59±0.19)高于自然植被的不透水地表比例(0.29±0.14),并且城市内部透水地表的平均标准化NPP(0.9)低于自然植被的平均标准化NPP(1.1),是造成城市和工矿用地损失NPP的主要原因。  相似文献   

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