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The separation of heavy metals by complexation with macromolecular water-soluble agents and subsequent ultrafiltration is described. The method can be expected to join common techniques of metal separation like liquid-liquid extraction, adsorption, redox reaction or liquid membrane permeation. Reactions between metal ions and polymer phases are characterized as pH-dependent distribution equilibria illustrated at a propene-maleic acid copolymer as an example. The complexation behaviour of the substance under study is governed by isotherms of the saturation type. Attempts proved to be successful to calculate break-through constants as well as saturation capacities from batch-type studies and dynamic measurements by transferring the laws of adsorption and ion exchange, respectively, to the ultrafiltration process. The quantities of fixed metals amounting to about 2.5 mmol/g were found to be in the range of moderate adsorbents. A solution consisting of 3 solutes has been tested to get more detailed information on mixture behaviour as compared to single component systems. In the long run, the proposed method should provide an additional variant for the extraction and concentration of metal ions from diluted aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

In search for a suitable and fast analytical method for assessing kinds of activated carbon for water purification there were carried out investigations with hydrogen peroxide. According to their catalytic activity, the various kinds of activated carbon are capable of decomposing hydrogen peroxide to different degrees and at different rates. The released oxygen can be determined volumetrically. The results of investigation obtained on always fresh carbon samples with acid and basic groups were discussed on the basis of the velocity constants of the oxygen development. An assessment of quality would be possible, in principle, but the surface characteristic of the kinds of carbon is considerably superimposed by influences of morphology, so that applying this method is advised against.  相似文献   

Summary A table for the North Sea is given containing the Consol position lines radiating from Bushmills and Stavanger. Taking the coordinates of two points of the bearing from the tables according to the number of dots or dashes observed, one can immediately plot a part of the position line near the DR position.

Hierzu Tafel 4–7 mit Tabelle 1–4  相似文献   

A water-quality-related assessment of the state of waters can be carried dout by the graphic or computer-aided fitting of probability functions of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of water quality. For this, five discrete and ten continuous distribution functions in potential fields of application of ecology and water quality management are represented. In evaluations of examples of measured data of two flowing waters there prove to be suitable as models above all the power normal distribution (chemical quantities), LN3-distribution (biochemically removable substances) and the Johnson distribution (physical measured quantities). Evaluations like that of stationary probability distributions of variables of water quality having been observed for many years at consecutive measuring stations of flowing waters lead to distribution patterns which can be used for optimizing measurement and investigation programs.  相似文献   

Inorganic carbon uptake, translocation and release were tested in partitioned chambers with six submersed running water macrophytes from hard-water habitats as well as with one soft-water macrophyte. All species were able to remove labelled inorganic carbon from the water by both systems. foliage and rhizome/root system, the uptake via foliage predominating clearly. Most of the carbon taken up by the rhizome/root system was translocated into the photosynthetically active tissues. The reversed translocation was rather small with most of the species. Release of labelled carbon was below 1% of total uptake, except forCallitriche obtusangula andRanunculus fluitans from the soft-water habitat.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Wasserhaushalt von Kulturpflanzen ist sehr kompliziert und wird durch zahlreiche Umweltfaktoren beeinflu\t. Von meteorologischer Seite her sind schon mehrere Methoden entwickelt worden, um die Verdunstung zu erfassen. In den Vegetationsperioden 1950, 1953, 1954 und 1955 benutzten wir in Leipzig ein neu entwickeltes Klein-Lysimeter aus Glas und ab 1954 eine aus sechs verschiedenen Klein-Lysimetern (Gazelysimetern) sowie einem Transpirographen bestehende Me\anordnung. Mit der Lysimeteranlage ist es möglich, alle Komponenten der Wasserhaushaltsgleichung zu bestimmen und auf den gesamten Wasserhaushalt der Pflanzen zu schlie\en. Zahlreiche Messungen mit jeweils 6 Wiederholungen brachten wertvolle Ergebnisse, die für die Landwirtschaft, die angewandte Botanik etc. gro\e Bedeutung haben.
Summary The water budget of cultural plants is very complicated and liable to the influence of numerous environmental factors. Many methods have already been developed by meteorologists for the study of the evaporation. During the growing periods of 1950, 1953, 1954 and 1955 we in Leipzig applied a newly developed small-lysimeter (of glas) and from 1954 on a measuring arrangement containing 6 small-lysimeters (gauze lysimeters) of different kind as well as a transpirograph. By means of the lysimeter installation it is possible to determine all components of the equation of the water balance and to draw conclusions upon the complete water budget of the plants. Numerous measurements with six repetitions for each of them showed valuable results which are of great importance for agriculture, applied botany etc.

Vortrag, gehalten auf der Vierten Allgem. Versammlung derSocietà Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova, 5.–8. April 1956).  相似文献   

Long‐term Assessment for the Leachate Release of Heavy Metals from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash Monofills Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash was investigated by chemical, mineralogical, and microbiological methods as well as leaching‐ and laboratory lysimeter tests. Compared to geological material bottom ash shows a high content of soluble salts, organic carbon, and heavy metals. The heavy metals are mainly bound in alloys and glas. Addition of oxic and acetic solutions quickly oxigenize the metal‐phases and alloys. Only fixation in newly formed phases like carbonates or hydroxides prevents heavy metal release till pH 7 in case of pH‐reduce. In the long‐term the acid buffer is reduced by the environmental acid input in combination with the release of buffering phases (mostly calcite). Internal acid producing processes like decay of organic matter or oxidation of sulfides are not important for the pH‐decrease. Cu, Ni, and Zn are first released between pH 7 and 6 (mainly Zn) and a second time at pH values below 5 (mainly Cu). Pb is significantly released at pH values below 5, Cr only at pH < 4. Mainly metals, alloys, and the rims of glas are destroyed by leaching. Phases like metal hydroxides (mainly Fe‐phases) or amorphous, water bearing Fe‐Al‐Si‐oxides are finally formed. Long‐term leaching by acetic fluids increases the total availability of heavy metals (except Cr) with increasing time. Kinetic effects including changing of metal binding forms seem to be responsible for this development. Within deposit conditions of limited gas exchange (closed system) the pH of the carbonate buffering zone can drop below pH 7 in case of very strong acid input and quickly cause an enhanced metal release. But in reality such a strong acid input is not to be expected. Calcite will buffer between pH 8 and 7 for a long time. Depending on the environmental conditions (water balance, acidity of rain) and landfill design (compaction, permeability, cover, thickness) it can take hundreds till thousands of years until metal release will start. The long‐term metal release of matter with an acid buffer like carbonates can be approximately determined only by short‐term tests with powder (e.g. pHstatic tests at pH 4).  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird im ersten Teil ein weiteres einfaches Verfahren zur ebenen Bestimmung der Epizentren von nahen Erdbeben angegeben [Gleichungen (6)–(7)]. Für Entfernungen, oder Genauigkeiten, bei denen die Erdkrümmung schon zu berücksichtigen ist, werden im zweiten und dritten Teil Korrektionsglieder entwickelt: Gleichung (6a). Bei noch grösseren Entfernungen, bzw. Genauigkeitsforderungen geht man vorteilhaft aus sphärischen Beziehungen aus [Vierter Teil: Gleichungen (lc)], aus deren Reihenentwicklung noch weitere Glieder berücksichtigt werden können. Für die Ausgleichung wird es aber meist vorteilhafter sein, die geographischen Koordinaten des Epizentrums zu berechnen [Fünfter Teil: Gleichungen (18–24)].
Summary In the first part a further simple method is given for the determination of the epicentre of near earthquake. [Equ. (6)–(7)]. For distances or accuracies, by which the earth curvature is already to take in calculation, correction members are given in part 2 and 3. [Equ. (6a)]. For larger distances, resp. greater accuracies we can favourably apply spherical relations [part 4, Equ. (1c)], of which we can gain by series development further members. It will be often advantageous for adjustment to calculate the geographical coordinates of the epicentre [part 5: Equ. (18)–(24)].

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