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Sara F. Martin 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):215-238
Mass motions are a principal means by which components of solar flares can be distinguished. Typical patterns of mass motions in H are described for chromospheric flare ribbons, remote chromospheric flare patches, flare loops, flaring arches, surges, erupting filaments and some expanding coronal features. Interrelationships between these phenomena are discussed and illustrations of each are presented.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the polar auroras in the dark part of the auroral oval during the solar flares has been examined. For the analysis 29 solar flares during spring and autumn periods when a part of the polar cap was sunlit were selected. It has been found that a sharp decreasing of the auroral arc luminosity occurred just after the solar flare onsets. Auroral arcs broke up into patches and in most cases disappeared in 2–3 min. Bright discrete auroras appeared again as a rule close to the maximum phase of the solar flares. The duration of polar aurora effects was typically from 4 to 13 min with median value of about 8 min. These effects have been observed inside the interval 18.00-04.00 M.L.T. during periods both of magnetic quiet and disturbance.For the large set of data magnetic field variations in the sunlit polar cap after the solar flare onset have been investigated. A simple model of the auroral processes for the qualitative explanation of the observed phenomenon has been suggested.  相似文献   

F. Nagai 《Solar physics》1980,68(2):351-379
A dynamical model is proposed for the formation of soft X-ray emitting hot loops in solar flares. It is examined by numerical simulations how a solar model atmosphere in a magnetic loop changes its state and forms a hot loop when the flare energy is released in the form of heat liberation either at the top part or around the transition region in the loop.When the heat liberation takes place at the top part of the loop which arches in the corona, the plasma temperature around the loop apex rises rapidly and, as the result, the downward thermal conductive flux is increased along the magnetic tube of force. Soon after the thermal conduction front rushes into the upper chromosphere, a local peak of pressure is produced near the conduction front and the chromospheric material begins to expand into the corona to form a high-temperature (107 K-3 × 107 K at the loop apex) and high-density (1010 cm–3-1011 cm–3 at the loop apex) loop. The velocity of the expanding material can reach a few hundred kilometres per second in the coronal part. The thermal conduction front also plays a role of piston pushing the chromospheric material downward and gives birth to a shock wave which propagates through the minimum temperature region into the photosphere. If, on the other hand, the heat source is placed around the transition region in the loop, the expansion of the material into the corona occurs from the beginning of the flare and the formation process of the hot loop differs somewhat from the case with the heat source at the top part of the loop.Thermal components of radiations emitted from flare regions, ranging from soft X-rays to radio wavelengths, are interpreted in a unified way by using physical quantities obtained as functions of time and position in our flare loop model as will be discussed in detail in a following paper.  相似文献   

We present measurements of electric fields in quiescent prominences and in a small flare surge, obtained with the CRI electrograph at the NSO/SP 40 cm coronagraph, in 1993 and 1994. Our results on the 9 brightest quiescent prominences enable us to place r.m.s. upper limits ofE t < 2 – 5 V cm–1 on the component ofE transverse to the line of sight. We show that these upper limits may be difficult to reconcile with non-ideal MHD models of quiescent prominences formed in extended neutral sheets, whether or not the tearing mode instability is present. They do, however, seem consistent with ideal MHD models of prominence support. We point out also that these upper limits are within a factor 4 of the minimum value of anistropic electric field that exists due to motional Stark effect in any thermal plasma permeated by a directed magnetic field.Our data on the flare surge suggest an electric field of intensityE 35 V cm–1, oriented approximately parallel to the inferred magnetic field. This detection ofE needs to be verified in other flares. But we note that a detectableE would not be expected in the current interruption flare mechanism, if only a single double layer is present. We show further that the observed relatively narrow, approximately-Gaussian, and only slightly Doppler-shifted Paschen lines, seem inconsistent with the multiple double layers invoked in other models based on the current interruption mechanism. Our detection ofE does seem consistent with reconnection (including tearing-mode) models of flares, provided the field-aligned electrical conductivity is anomalous over substantial volumes of the plasma circuit joining the reconnecting domain to the photosphere.  相似文献   

On the assumption that solar flares are due to instabilities which occur in current sheets in the Sun's atmosphere, one may classify magnetic-field configurations associated with flares into two types. One is characterized by closed current sheets, magnetic-field lines adjacent to these sheets beginning and ending at the Sun's surface. The other is characterized by open current sheets, magnetic-field lines adjacent to these sheets beginning at the Sun's surface but extending out into interplanetary space. Flares associated with open current sheets can produce Type III radio bursts and high-energy-particle events, but flares associated with closed current sheets cannot. The flare of July 6, 1966 apparently consisted of one flare of each type.  相似文献   

Homologous characteristics of radio bursts at 3000 MHz and associated optical flares are studied. It is found that flares associated with homologous radio bursts are also homologous optically.Published with the permission of the Director-General of Observatories, New Delhi.  相似文献   

Zhixing Mei  Jun Lin   《New Astronomy》2008,13(7):526-540
The flare-related, persistent and abrupt changes in the photospheric magnetic field have been reported by many authors during recent years. These bewildering observational results pose a challenge to the current flare theories in which the photospheric magnetic field usually remains unchanged in the eruption. In this paper, changes in the photosphere magnetic field during the solar eruption are investigated based on the catastrophe model. The results indicate that the projection effect is an important source that yields the change in the observed photospheric magnetic field in the line-of-sight. Furthermore one may observe the change in the normal component of magnetic field if the spectrum line used to measure the photospheric magnetic field does not exactly come from the photospheric surface. Our results also show that the significance of selecting the correct spectral lines to study the photospheric field becomes more apparent for the magnetic configurations with complex boundary condition (or background field).  相似文献   

The active region associated with Mt. Wilson sunspot group 18 935 (McMath, 11 976) which had a central meridian passage on August 4 and 5, 1972 produced a number of flares during transit. These included two importance 3B flares on August 4 and 7 as well as several of importance 1 and 2. Calculations of the total magnetic flux in this region were made during the period July 31 through August 9 using data from six observatories. For the 3B flare on August 4, the total flux changed from about 7.2 × 1022 Mx just before onset to about 5.6 × 1022 Mx two hours after onset. For the 3B flare on August 7, the flux was about 6.4 × 1022 Mx three hours before onset and about 5.2 × 1022 Mx three hours after onset. An importance 2B flare on August 2 had no measurable effect on the flux nor did any of several 1N or 1B flares which also occurred in this region during the period. The flux changes measured for the 3B flares occurred in the umbral and penumbral fields and no significant changes were observed in facular fields.The Aerospace Corporation, P.O. Box 92957, Los Angeles, Calif. 90009, U.S.A.  相似文献   

C. S. Li  Q. J. Fu  H. W. Li 《Solar physics》1991,131(2):337-350
Recent observations show that the rapid fluctuations in radio, hard X-ray, and H emissions are closely associated with type III and microwave (or decimetric) bursts during the impulsive and/or preimpulsive phases of solar flares.In order to clarify the physical processes of these observed phenomena, this paper proposes a tentative model of two acceleration regions A (source of type III bursts) and B (source of microwave or decimetric bursts) formed in the neutral sheet and at the top of a flaring loop, respectively; and also suggests that the electron beams streaming from region A and/or region B downward to the chromosphere are responsible for the rapid fluctuations in the different emissions mentioned above during the impulsive and/or pre-impulsive phases of solar flares.  相似文献   

The energy source of a flare is the magnetic field in the corona. A topological model of the magnetic field is used here for interpreting the recently discovered drastic changes in magnetic field associated with solar flares. The following observational results are self‐consistently explained: (1) the transverse field strength decreases at outer part of active regions and increases significantly in their centers; (2) the center‐of‐mass positions of opposite magnetic polarities converge towards the magnetic neutral line just after flares onset; (3) the magnetic flux of active regions decreases steadily during the course of flares. For X‐class flares, almost 50% events show such changes. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the association of solar energetic particle (SEP) events with halo coronal mass ejections (CME) and with their associated solar flares during the period 1997–2014 (solar cycle 23 and 24). We have found that halo CMEs are more effective in producing SEP events. The occurrence probability and peak fluxes of SEPs strongly depend on the halo CMEs speed (V) as follows. The highest associations, 56% for occurrence probability and 90% for average peak fluxes, are found for the halo CMEs with V> 1400 km s−1 but the lowest associations, 20% for occurrence probability and 5% for average peak fluxes, are found for halo CMEs with speed range 600 ≤ V ≤ 1000 km s−1. We have also examined the relationship between SEP events and halo CME associated solar flares and found that 73% of events are associated with western solar flares while only 27% are with eastern solar flares. For longitudinal study, 0–20° belt is found to be more dominant for the SEP events. The association of SEP events with latitudinal solar flares is also examined in the study. 51% of events are associated with those halo CMEs associated solar flares which occur in the southern hemisphere of the Sun while 49% are with those solar flares that occur in the northern hemisphere of the Sun. Also, 10–20° latitudinal belt is found to be likely associated with the SEP events. Further, 45% of SEP events are associated with M-class solar flares while 44% and 11% are with X and C-class respectively. Maximum number of SEP events are found for the fast halo CME associated X- class solar flares (68%) than M and C- class solar flares.  相似文献   

S. Bravo 《Solar physics》1995,161(1):57-65
The observation of non-corotating shock fronts in interplanetary space is always associated with the previous occurrence of a coronal mass ejection (CME), which is frequently accompanied by a flare or a prominence eruption. When looking at the solar region of origin of these events, a coronal hole is always found. Here we propose a scenario at the Sun where all these related events can find a place.  相似文献   

We examined solar energetic proton (SEP) events associated with intense H flares. We located these flares on the solar disk and obtained their distribution in heliographic longitude as well as their angular distance distribution with respect to the neutral lines corresponding to the heliospheric current sheet at 2.5R. We found that the SEP-associated H flares tend to occur in active regions at the feet of those helmet streamers which form the heliomagnetic equator and are related to coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and CME shocks. We discuss the possible role of flares, CMEs and CME shocks in generating SEPs.  相似文献   

E. Schatzman 《Solar physics》1967,1(3-4):411-419
Some ideas are developed concerning solar flares which have been presented earlier by the author (Schatzman, 1966a). Emphasis is laid on the problem of energy transport; from the energy supply to the region of the optical flare, on the storage of low energy cosmic ray particles in a magnetic bottle before the beginning of the optical flare, and the mechanism which triggers both the optical flare, and the production of high-energy cosmic rays. The relation between solar and stellar flares is considered.Lecture given at Goddard Space Flight Center, November 4, 1966.  相似文献   

With an extensive analysis,we study the temporal evolution of magnetic flux during three successive M-class flares in two adjacent active regions:NOAA 10039 and 10044.The primary data are full disk longitudinal magnetograms observed by SOHO/MDI.All three flares are observed to be accompanied by magnetic flux changes.The changes occurred immediately or within 1 ~ 10 minutes after the starting time of the flares,indicating that the changes are obvious consequences of the solar flares.Although changes in many ...  相似文献   

The generation of energetic electrons is always associated with the solar flares which occur within the sunspot groups that are highly active in emitting type I noise storms. The number of the solar flares which are associated with the distinct electron events observed at the earth tends to increase in association with the westward movement of these active groups. This tendency is not contradictory to the close association between electron producing solar flares and type I active regions if we take into account the limited directivity of type I noise storms associated with these sunspot groups.The acceleration of the energetic electrons associated with solar flares seems to be closely related to the type I active regions where the enormous numbers of suprathermal electrons exist and play a role in generating these radio noise storms.NAS-NRC Associate with NASA.  相似文献   

Flare-associated large-scale (>1010 cm) X-ray brightenings, the so-called giant arches in the nomenclature of vestka and co-workers, were discovered in images obtained by the SMM Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer hours after the onset of two-ribbon flares. The apparent correlation between both phenomena suggested that they could be interpreted in the framework of the same model.In this paper we show that large-scale loop brightenings, of sizes similar to the giant arches, occur also in association with confined flares in complex active regions. In these cases, the relation between the large-scale structure and the underlying flare is clearly given by the magnetic field topology. We also show that energization of these structures can be partially due to the injection of suprathermal particles that are accelerated at the separator region.We discuss the implications of these results within the framework of the interacting loops picture of flares and of the giant arch phenomenology.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Científico, CONICET, Argentina.  相似文献   

A theory of two-ribbon solar flares is presented which identifies the primary energy release site with the tops of the flare loops. The flare loops are formed by magnetic reconnection of a locally opened field configuration produced by the eruption of a pre-flare filament. Such eruptions are commonly observed about 15 min prior to the flare itself. It is proposed that the flare loops represent the primary energy release site even during the earliest phase of the flare, i.e., the flare loops are in fact the flare itself.Based upon the supposition that the energy release at the loop tops is in the form of Joulean dissipation of magnetic energy at the rising reconnection site, a quantitative model of the energy release process is developed based upon an analytic reconnecting magnetic field geometry believed to represent the basic process. Predicted curves of energy density vs time are compared with X-ray observations taken aboard Skylab for the events of 29 July, 13 August, and 21 August in 1973. Considering the crudity of the model, the comparisons appear reasonable. The predicted field strengths necessary to produce the observed energy density curves are also reasonable, being in the range 100–1000 G.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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