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Fabien Gibert Juan Cuesta Jun-Ichi Yano Nicolas Arnault Pierre H. Flamant 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2007,125(3):553-573
We question the correlation between vertical velocity (w) on the one hand and the occurrence of convective plumes in lidar reflectivity (i.e. range corrected backscatter signal Pz
2) and depolarization ratio (Δ) on the other hand in the convective boundary layer (CBL). Thermal vertical motion is directly
investigated using vertical velocities measured by a ground-based Doppler lidar operating at 2 μm. This lidar provides also
simultaneous measurements of lidar reflectivity. In addition, a second lidar 200 m away provides reflectivities at 0.53 and
1 μm and depolarization ratio at 0.53 μm. The time series from the two lidars are analyzed in terms of linear correlation
coefficient (ρ). The main result is that the plume-like structures provided by lidar reflectivity within the CBL as well as the CBL height
are not a clear signature of updrafts. It is shown that the lidar reflectivity within the CBL is frequently anti-correlated
(ρ (w, Pz
2 )) with the vertical velocity. On the contrary, the correlation coefficient between the depolarization ratio and the vertical
velocity ρ (w, Δ ) is always positive, showing that the depolarization ratio is a fair tracer of updrafts. The importance of relative humidity
on the correlation coefficient is discussed.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Topographically Forced Rossby Wave Instability and the Development of Blocking in the Atmosphere 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

In this paper, the linear stability of disturbance superimposed on basic state Rossby wave forced by topography is investigated, and pointed out that when a certain criterion is satisfied by the basic flow and the height of topography for the subresonance, the small disturbance may be unstable. Furthermore, we also compare the evolution of the instability disturbance with the development of blocking in the Pacific, and we suggested that the topographically forced Rossby wave instability may provide a possible mechanism for the development of blocking in the Pacific. 相似文献
文章回顾了大气对地表性质的敏感性研究,以及陆气相互作用对中尺度天气过程的影响,说明了地表性质与积云对流及对流降水之间的联系。地表性质的改变对行星边界层的热通量、水汽通量、对流有效位能产生影响,并通过湍流的垂直输送,进而影响到其上大气的性质。陆气之间存在着复杂的、非线性的相互作用。性质不均匀的下垫面造成地表向大气感热通量和潜热通量的差异,从而在近地层大气中形成温度和气压梯度,产生局地环流,在条件适合的情况下可以形成对流,并产生降水,而降水的不均匀分布,又维持了下垫面的不均匀性。土壤湿度对对流的影响受到多个因素的制约,其中天气尺度过程的影响是很显著的;由非均匀的下垫面所产生的局地环流能够触发积云对流。 相似文献
Predictability of the Atmosphere 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper makes a review on the predictability of the atmosphere. The essential problems of predictability theory, i.e., how a deterministic system changes to an undeterministic system (chaos) and how is the opposite (order within chaos), are discussed. Some applications of predictability theory are given. 相似文献
湿斜压大气中暴雨中尺度系统发展的一种可能机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据暴雨中尺度系统发生时的大气运动特征,在绝热、无摩擦条件下,从湿斜压原始方程出发,考虑大气运动的涡度及散度演化不仅受动力场的制约,而且还受到热力场的约束,采用不同于传统研究涡度及散度方程的分析方法,导出了新形式的涡度及散度方程。在此基础上,分析了湿斜压大气中对流层中低层气流旋转与辐合持续增长的动力特征,初步揭示了湿斜压大气中暴雨中尺度系统发展的动力机制。 相似文献
本文讨论无限深上层流体和有限深下层流体的两层流体系统,该系统是大气的一种近似模型。采用拉格朗日坐标系,从无粘不可压流体力学方程式出发,利用摄动方法获得了所讨论系统中界面孤立波迎撞的摄动解。结果表明,在迎撞前后每个波独立地由Benjamin-Ono方程所描述,即波的形状不发生变化,迎撞的效应由相移来体现。 相似文献
棉田SPAS水热传输的多层模式 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据能量平衡方程和土壤水热耦合方程,建立土壤-植物-大气系统的多层模式,再综合考虑作物冠层和土壤内部的水热变化,对地表与作物之间的水热传输过程进行了描述,并用棉田的实测资料进行了模拟。 相似文献
辐射报表预审中常见问题及解决办法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文简要介绍了全球定位系统的基本原理,给出了国内外在气象应用领域的最新研究进展。GPS信号在通过大气层进行传输时会引起传输路径变化和引入附加时延,这些在定位系统中的干扰信号被气象学家作为一种新型探测手段而使用。通过精确测定GPS卫星信号,从中提取出附加延迟量,再通过一套反演理论处理,从而得到大气中的温度、压力、湿度等大气物理参数的过程,被称为GPS气象学。 相似文献
Measurements of atmospheric aerosols and trace gases using the Laser radar (lidar) techniques, have been in pro-gress since 1985 at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune (18o32’N, 73o51’E, 559 m AMSL), India. These observations carried out during nighttime in the lower atmosphere (up to 5.5 km AGL), employing an Argon ion / Helium-Neon lidar provided information on the nature, size, concentration and other characteristics of the constituents present in the tropical atmosphere. The time-height variations in aerosol concentration and associated layer structure exhibit marked differences between the post-sunset and pre-sunrise periods besides their seasonal va-riation with maximum concentration during pre-monsoon / winter and minimum concentration during monsoon months. These observations also revealed the influence of the terrain of the experimental site and some selected me-teorological parameters on the aerosol vertical distributions. The special observations of aerosol vertical profiles ob-tained in the nighttime atmospheric boundary layer during October 1986 through September 1989 showed that the most probable occurrence of mixing depth lies between 450 and 550 m, and the multiple stably stratified aerosol lay-ers present above the mixing depth with maximum frequency of occurrence at around 750 m. This information on nighttime mixing depth / stable layer derived from lidar aerosol observations showed good agreement with the height of the ground-based shear layer / elevated layer observed by the simultaneously operated sodar at the lidar site. 相似文献
Jiang Guorong 《大气科学进展》1996,13(1):115-123
In terms of a baroclinic quasi-geostrophic wave-filtering technique in connection with a dimensionless paramet-er, η(z), of condensation-released latent heat that indicates the CISK mechanism, a model is established for des-cribing tropical atmosphere CISK-Rossby waves alongside its analytical solution. Theoretical study shows that there exists pronounced difference between Rossby waves, CISK-involving and classic, and the former can be used to in-terpret some aspects of the low-frequency oscillation in the tropical atmosphere 相似文献
The linear Rossby wave frequency expression is expanded at higher accuracy based on the scale difference char?acteristics of atmospheric long waves in the and directions. That the nature of the waves represented by the expan?sion is identical to that of the original ones is demonstrated both in phase velocity and wave energy dispersion speed , followed by the derivation of the nonlinear expression describing atmospheric long wave behaviors with the associated approximate analytic solution obtained. Then, for the first time atmospheric’ oscillatory Rossby solitary wave’ with its dispersion relation is obtained by numerical calculation with the aid of physical parameters of the real atmosphere. The solitary wave is found to be very close to such longwave systems as blocking highs and cut-off de?pressions in the actual atmosphere. 相似文献
土壤-植被-大气系统水分散失机理的数值模拟 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
以Eeardorff(1978)提出的陆面参数化方案和Noilhan等人(1989)土壤水分参数化方案为基础,对陆面物理过程参数化方案进行了改进,在模式中较详细地考虑了植被和地面的各种物理参量如地面和叶面的反射率和发射率,净叶面面积指数,植被的物理阻抗等,并与大气边界层模式耦合。应用该模式模拟了沙漠及绿洲地区不同植被覆盖率情况下的蒸散量、土壤含水量和表面温度的日变化和连续变化特征;对不同植被覆盖率的热量平衡特征进行了比较。结果表明该模式较好地反映了地表蒸散3阶段的变化趋势特征,揭示出下垫面热量平衡分量间的相互转换过程。该模式可以用于中尺度的气象和区域气候模式,模拟和预测不同植被覆盖情况下近地层的热量输送和水分散失情况。 相似文献
S. A. Thorpe 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》1999,90(3):521-528
This short review compares what is known of the stable atmospheric boundary layer with that of the stable boundary layers occurring in the ocean. 相似文献
2013年1月大气环流和天气分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
2013年1月大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈偶极型,极涡范围及强度较常年偏弱,中高纬环流呈三波型,欧亚大陆槽位于西西伯利亚,位置偏北,引导多股冷空气影响我国北方,月内中高纬环流形势调整较大,上旬以经向型环流为主,中下旬则转为纬向型环流;西太平洋副热带高压接近常年同期,东亚大槽位于西北太平洋西岸,较常年偏强,南支槽位于90°E附近,较常年略偏弱.2013年1月,全国平均气温为-5.2℃,略低于常年同期(-5.0℃).月内气温阶段性调整明显,上旬,较同期偏低3℃,下旬,较同期偏高1.7℃.全国平均降水量为6.5 mm,较常年同期(13.2 mm)偏少50.8%.月内出现一次强冷空气过程,雾霾天气频繁,共出现3次较大范围雾霾过程.南方部分地区遭受低温雨雪冰冻灾害,北方局地遭受雪灾,云南大部、贵州西部及四川南部等地气象干旱持续. 相似文献
2014年6月大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈双极型,较常年略偏强;西太平洋副热带高压强度较常年同期偏强,南海季风爆发较常年偏晚3候。2014年6月,全国平均气温为20.5℃,较常年同期(20.0℃)偏高0.5℃,与常年相比全国大部地区气温接近常年同期或偏高。南方地区人梅开始晚,降雨量偏少,江淮地区出现空梅。江淮、黄淮、长江中下游降水偏少20%以上。全国平均降水量为100.7 mm,较常年同期(99.3 mm)略偏多1.4%。月内出现4次主要的降水过程。南方强降水天气较多,多地遭受洪涝灾害,云南干旱有所缓解,东北、华北等地多阵性降水;全国22个省(区、市)遭受风雹灾害。全国101个站发生极端高温事件。今年第7号台风海贝思在广东登陆,是今年第一个登陆我国的台风。 相似文献
2013年4月大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈绕极分布,强度接近常年;中高纬度呈4波型,东亚大槽较常年明显偏强;中低纬度地区南支槽和副热带高压强度都稍偏弱,不利于西南地区旱情的缓解。4月全国平均气温为11.0℃,与常年同期持平,东北地区气温异常偏低。全国平均降水量为43.2 mm,较常年同期偏少1.5 mm。月内我国共出现了2次冷空气过程,并伴有扬沙、浮尘甚至沙尘暴天气;南方地区共有3次大到暴雨过程,以4月29-30日过程强降雨范围最广、强度最强,其中江南、华南地区还伴随有明显的强对流活动。 相似文献
2015年6月大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈双极型,较常年略偏强;西太平洋副热带高压强度接近常年同期。2015年6月,全国平均气温为20.3℃,较常年同期(20.0℃)偏高0.3℃,北方(南方)地区气温总体较常年同期偏低(高)。全国平均降水量为104.8 mm,较常年同期(99.3 mm)略偏多5.5%。月内出现8次主要的降水过程。江淮、江南北部等地强降水天气较多,多地遭受洪涝灾害,云南西部干旱发展,海南干旱有所缓解,东北地区等地多阵性降水;全国21个省(区、市)遭受风雹灾害。全国64个站发生极端高温事件。今年第8号台风鲸鱼在广东登陆,是今年第一个登陆我国的台风。 相似文献