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Variations in extreme wind speed over the European part of the Arctic are studied from the data of meteorological observations, reanalysis, and modeling based on the INM CM4 climate model. It is demonstrated that the extremes determined from the observational data are a mixture of two datasets well simulated by the Weibull distribution. According to the special metaphoric terminology, they are called “black swans” and “dragons.” The analysis of extreme wind speeds based on the reanalysis and INM CM4 data demonstrated that they consist of “black swans” only. This important fact indicates that the models (at least those with medium horizontal resolution) are not able to simulate some essential circulation mechanisms causing the formation of significant anomalies of wind speed. Hence, the problem of direct identification of wind speed extremes based on the atmospheric modeling remains open.  相似文献   

Based on gridded meteorological data for the period 1981–2100 from the RegCM3 regional model, the changing trends of climatic resources in Northeast China are analyzed, and the distributions of maize varieties are accordingly adjusted. In order to explore the effects of different adaptation countermeasures on climatic productivity and meteorological suitability in the future, maize cultivars with resistance to high temperatures and/or drought are selected. The results show that, in the future, there is likely to be a significant increase in thermal resources, and potential atmospheric evaporation will increase correspondingly.Meanwhile, radiation is predicted to increase significantly during 2041–2070 in the growing season. However, changes in precipitation are unlikely to be sufficient enough to offset the intensification in atmospheric evaporation caused by the temperature increase. Water resources and high temperatures are found to be the two major factors constraining grain yield. The results also show that the warming climate will be favorable for maize production where thermal resources are already limited, such as in central and northern Heilongjiang Province and eastern Jilin Province; while in areas that are already relatively warm, such as Liaoning Province, climatic productivity will be reduced. The climatic productivity and the meteorological suitability of maize are found to improve when the planting of resistant varieties is modeled. The utilization of agricultural climatic resources through the adaptation countermeasures of maize varieties is to increase obviously with time. Specifically, maize with drought-resistant properties will have a marked influence on meteorological suitability during 2011–2070, with suitable areas expanding. During 2071–2100, those maize varieties with their upper limit of optimum temperature and maximum temperature increased by 2℃, or water requirement reduced to 94%, or upper limit of optimum temperature and maximum temperature increased by 1℃ and water requirement reduced to 98%, all exhibit significant differences in climatic potential productivity, compared to the present-day varieties. The meteorological suitability of maize is predicted to increase in some parts of Heilongjiang Provine, with the eastern boundary of the "unavailable" area shifting westward.  相似文献   

水稻气候生产力的数值模拟及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在水稻气候生产力数值模拟的基础上,利用杂交水稻种植区18省165站30年逐旬光温整编资料,模拟并分析了早、中、晚稻气候生产力的空间分布规律及其气象原因;利用模糊聚类分析,进一步对我国水稻种植区域作了气候生态类型区划,结果早季稻划分为七个类型区,中季稻和晚季稻可划分为六个类型区。  相似文献   

臧海佳  吴增祥 《气象科技》2007,35(3):442-444
着重介绍中外气象台站历史沿革数据文件的内容和格式,并将我国研究制定的《气象台站历史沿革数据文件格式》标准的基本内容与全球气候观测系统(GCOS)和美国国家气候资料中心(NCDC)的台站沿革项目内容进行了比较和分析。我国的气象台站历史沿革数据文件格式和内容的选择充分参考了国外相关文件,既具有国际通用性,能够满足国际资料交换所需要的台站沿革信息,又具有业务实用性,能够满足气象数据分析和应用业务需求。  相似文献   

基于公众气象服务需求调查数据,从马斯洛需求层次理论和行为经济学信息易得性原理的角度出发,分析了公众气象服务用户需求差异问题。结果发现:1)用户的气象服务需求程度满足一定的"规律性",社会公众对气象信息的需求首先是受到生理需要的驱动,其次是受到保障内在安全的需要驱动,最后才是更高层次的需求。2)用户需求又存在"特殊性",在特定的背景下,用户需求与基本的需求规律有差异,也与气象部门认为的"理想需求"存在不一致的方面。详细地了解用户需求差异的"规律性"和"特殊性",能更好地开展公众气象服务需求调查和改进气象服务质量。  相似文献   


This study evaluates the 1981–2010 spatiotemporal differences in six available climate datasets (daily total precipitation and mean air temperature) over the Lower Nelson River Basin (LNRB) in ten of its sub-watersheds at seasonal and annual time scales. We find that the Australian National University spline interpolation (ANUSPLIN), and inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolated observations from 14 Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) meteorological stations show dry biases, whereas reanalysis products tend to overestimate precipitation across most of the basin. All datasets exhibit prominent disagreement in precipitation trends whereby the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim) and European Union Water and Global Change (WATCH) Forcing Data ERA-Interim (WFDEI) show exceptional wetting trends, while the IDW and ANUSPLIN data manifest drying trends. Mean air temperature trends generally agree across most of the datasets; however, the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) and IDW show stronger warming relative to other datasets. Overall, analyses of the different climate datasets and their ensemble reveal that the choice of input dataset plays a crucial role in the accurate estimation of historical climatic conditions, particularly when assessing trends, for the LNRB. Using the ensemble has the distinct advantage of preserving the unique strengths of all datasets and affords the opportunity to estimate the uncertainty for hydrologic modelling and climate change impact studies.  相似文献   

The history of instrumental meteorological observations in Labrador/Nunatsiavut, Canada, began in August 1771 when the Unitas Fratrum, also known as the “Moravian Brethren”, established a mission among the Inuit on the Labrador coast. The Brethren named this place “Nain” after a city mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible. The missionaries included learned men, trained in the natural sciences, and in October of that same year they began to undertake instrumental meteorological observations. These observations have been continued, in one form or another, to the present day. As will be shown in this paper, the year 1771 thus marks the beginning of a long time series of meteorological observations from Labrador. The authors of this paper are currently researching the climatic history of the Labrador/Nunatsiavut region by tracing the meteorological observations of the Moravian missionaries to be found in scientific publications of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As will be demonstrated, the records of these observations in Labrador go through several stages; from being almost completely forgotten, to being published and republished in the main international meteorological journals. In this latter context, it may be said that the channels for the distribution of this knowledge are still being charted; this process involves tracking contacts between the Moravian Church and their sympathisers, as well as between the Church and contemporary scientists. This paper seeks to elucidate knowledge of these old records by placing them in the context of the research field of historical climatology and, at the same time, to honour the Moravian missionary observers for their valuable contribution to knowledge of past variations in climate.  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下基层气象部门为农服务对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就当前新型城镇化进程中,基层气象部门如何做好为农服务进行分析和讨论,并着重从加强气象为农服务的组织体系建设,提升气象为农服务的特色、能力和水平,进一步增强农村气象灾害的防御能力,促进气象为农服务的保障机制建设等方面进行论述,提出了相应的对策及建议.将气象为农服务“两个体系”建设和“均等化”、“一体化”的公共气象服务与新型城镇化有机结合、共同推进,是基层气象部门当前及今后为农服务的重要任务.  相似文献   

气候直接影响“沁州黄”小米的产量和品质,本文以降水、温度、光照、湿度、风等要素为主,分析“沁州黄”小米各生育期对气象条件的需求特点,并提出在栽培中充分利用沁县的气候规律,趋利避害,达到增产增收的目的。  相似文献   

Total Cloud Cover (TCC) over China determined from four climate datasets including the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), the 40-year Re-Analysis Project of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA-40), Climate Research Unit Time Series 3.0 (CRU3), and ground station datasets are used to show spatial and temporal variation of TCC and their differences. It is demonstrated that the four datasets show similar spatial pattern and seasonal variation. The maximum value is derived from ISCCP. TCC value in North China derived from ERA-40 is 50% larger than that from the station dataset; however, the value is 50% less than that in South China. The annual TCC of ISCCP, ERA-40, and ground station datasets shows a decreasing trend during 1984-2002; however, an increasing trend is derived from CRU3. The results of this study imply remarkable differences of TCC derived from surface and satellite observations as well as model simulations. The potential effects of these differences on cloud climatology and associated climatic issues should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

Presented are the recommendations for the content of the national segment of the Global Framework for Climate Services based on the long-term interaction with the users of climatological information. The “Research Studies” section includes the method assessing the risk of credibility to the climatic fore casting. Discussed are the methods of disaster risk computation, risk management, and adaptation to the climate change. It is asserted that normative parameters are mainly taken into account by operational services of technical sectors. Analyzed are the normative documents of the Russian Federation that are up dated and agreed with Eurocodes and worked out in partnership with Roshydromet. To build up the capacity of climate ser vices, it is recommended to use up-to-date training facilities for graduate students and further education courses. Considered are the ways of interaction between users and climatologists.  相似文献   


The authors propose a modified complementary method to estimate regional evapotranspiration (ET) under different climatic and physical conditions using only meteorological data. The purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of the modified complementary method for estimating global ET distribution and corresponding water balance. Gridded data from the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, with 30 min spatial resolution and monthly time steps are used. Using the Thornthwaite water budget, monthly maps of global water surplus (precipitation minus ET) are produced. The results show good agreement with many previous studies. The average annual precipitation, ET, and water surplus are 690, 434, and 256?mm, respectively. The results show that the modified model can predict regional ET using meteorological data and can be used to assess global water resources. Consequently, the proposed method has strong potential for projecting water resource balance under future climate change.  相似文献   

张洁  董敏  吴统文  辛晓歌 《大气科学》2021,45(1):181-194
基于NCEP/NCAR、日本气象厅的JRA55以及欧洲中期预报中心(ECMWF)最新发布的ERA5三套逐日再分析资料数据,考察国家气候中心中等分辨率(约110 km)的气候系统模式BCC-CSM2-MR和单独大气模式BCC-AGCM3-MR对北半球中高纬度阻塞高压(阻高)的模拟能力。再分析数据分析结果表明:“北大西洋—欧洲地区”以及“北太平洋中部地区”分别为北半球阻高发生的最高频及次高频区域;冬春季为阻高高发季节,夏秋季阻高频率减少至冬春季的一半左右;ERA5再分析资料中各个季节的阻高频率均高于另两套资料结果,尤其在北太平洋地区。模拟评估结果显示,单独大气模式BCC-AGCM3-MR对北半球中高纬度阻高发生频率、空间分布和季节变化特征均有较好的模拟能力,其主要偏差表现为冬春欧亚大陆特别是乌拉尔山地区阻高频率偏高,而北大西洋地区阻高频率偏低;春季北太平洋阻高频率偏低。这与模式北半球高纬度地区500 hPa位势高度场气候态偏差有关。BCC-CSM2-MR耦合模式的阻高模拟偏差总体与大气模式类似。但耦合模式中冬季欧亚大陆特别是乌拉尔山地区阻高频率减小、北太平洋春季阻高频率增大,模拟偏差减小。同时,耦合模式能够再现夏季北太平洋东西阻高频率双峰值特征。因此,海气耦合过程有助于改善对欧亚及北太平洋地区阻高频率模拟。阻高频率年际变率受到气候系统内部变率不确定性的较大影响,这也是制约阻高预测水平的重要因素。  相似文献   

Long-term emissions scenarios have served as the primary basis for assessing future climate change and response strategies. Therefore, it is important to regularly reassess the relevance of emissions scenarios in light of changing global circumstances and compare them with long-term developments to determine if they are still plausible, considering the newest insights. Four scenario series, SA90, IS92, SRES, and RCP/SSP, were central in the scenario-based literature informing the five Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the sixth assessment cycle. Here we analyze the historical trends of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion and industry and emissions drivers between 1960 and 2017. We then compare the emission scenario series with historical trends for the period 1990–2017/2018. The results show that historical trends are quite consistent with medium scenarios in each series. As a result, they can be regarded as valid inputs for past and future analyses of climate change and impacts. Global CO2 emissions 1960–2018 (and 1990–2018) comprised six (and three) overall subperiods of emissions growth significantly higher and lower than average. Historically, CO2 emissions (in absolute numbers and growth rate) are tightly coupled with primary energy and indirectly with GDP. Global emissions generally followed a medium-high pathway, captured by “middle-of-the-road” scenario narratives in the earlier series, and by combinations of “global-sustainability” and “middle-of-the-road” narratives in the most recent series (SRES and SSP-baselines). Historical non-OECD trends were best captured by “rapid-growth” and “regional-competition” scenarios, while OECD trends were close to regional-sustainability and global-sustainability scenarios. Areas where the emissions scenarios captured the historical trends less well, are renewable and nuclear primary energy supply. The fact that the actual historical development is consistent with rapid-growth narratives in the non-OECD regions might have important implications for future greenhouse gas emissions and associated climatic change.  相似文献   

以多元化大数据分析展示技术创新港口气象预警和决策服务平台,以数据驱动场景变化,呈现出气象变化中“运行中”的港区,融合基于“多早预警”为先导的海事、气象、港调三方合作联动机制和为港区量身定制的港区气象风险指数、动态船舶气象风险等级预报等融合服务产品,打造气象、海事、港口三方数据共享与决策联动的平台。  相似文献   

Climatic characteristics are affected by various systematic and occasional impacts: besides the changes in the observing system (locations of the stations of the meteorological network, instruments, observing procedures), the possible local-scale and global natural and antropogenic impacts on climatic conditions should be taken into account. Apart from the predictability problems, the phenomenological analysis of the climatic variability and the determination of past persistent climatic anomalies are significant problems, among other aspects, as evidence of the possible anomalous behavior of climate or for climate impact studies. In this paper, a special technique for the identification of such shifts in the observational series is presented. The existence of these significant shorter or longer term changes in the mean characteristics for the properly selected adjoining periods of time is the necessary condition for the formation of any more or less unidirectional climatic trends. Actually, the window technique is based on a complete set of orthogonal functions. The sensitivity of the proposed model on its main parameters is also investigated. This method is applied for hemispheric and Hungarian data series of the mean annual surface temperature.Contribution to Clima Locarno — Past and Present Climate Dynamics; Conference September 1990, Swiss Academy of Sciences — National Climate Program  相似文献   

应用赤峰市松山区境内的赤峰和岗子两个气象观测站1961—2009年的气候资料和松山区玉米单产资料,分析玉米生长季的水热条件对玉米气象产量的影响,定量评估灾害损失。结果表明,采用5a滑动平均法和线性拟合相结合的方法计算的玉米气象产量更具有客观性,贴近实际情况。有利的气候条件使得玉米平均增产890.3Kg/hm2;不利的气候条件使得玉米减产634.5Kg/hm2。玉米气象产量与生长季降水量关系密切,干旱是玉米大幅度减产的主要气候灾害,占总减产量的76.6%;其次是阶段性低温冷害。气候变暖趋势总体上是有利于玉米生产的,但玉米气象产量的变幅呈增大趋势。  相似文献   

运用1988~2017年贵州省玉舍滑雪场附近30年气候资料和2015~2016年冬季滑雪场客流量资料,分析贵州高海拔地区滑雪运动与气象条件的关系,进而进行滑雪气象指数等级研究。结果表明:(1)玉舍滑雪场冬季具有少雨、低风、温度适宜的气候特点,可以开展滑雪运动。(2)玉舍的滑雪人数与气象因子风速、气温、相对湿度、降水量呈显著反相关。(3)根据玉舍滑雪场气候背景特征,分别对降水量、相对湿度、舒适度指数三个气象要素进行分级,通过实际滑雪人数分级与滑雪气象指数等级预报进行的检验表明:实际滑雪气象指数等级与指数预报等级相同(即绝对值之差为0)的准确率达26.4%,实际滑雪气象指数等级与指数预报等级绝对值之差为1的准确率达66.7%,即预报滑雪气象指数等级与实际滑雪气象指数等级之差≥1的准确率达93%。  相似文献   

通过对台湾大青枣的生物特性及其气象条件进行分析,并指出影响其果品品质的主要气象因素及应对措施。  相似文献   

Observations indicate that solar radiation incident at the Earth surface underwent substantial decadal variations in the second half of the twentieth century, with a tendency towards reduction from the 1950s to the 1980s (“global dimming”) and a partial recovery thereafter (“brightening”) at widespread locations. The most reliable observational records from the Global Energy Balance Archive (GEBA) are used to evaluate the ability of the climate models participating in CMIP3/IPCC-AR4 as well as the ERA40 reanalysis to reproduce these decadal variations. The results from 23 models and reanalysis are analyzed in five different climatic regions where strong decadal variations in surface solar radiation (SSR) have been observed. Only about half of the models are capable of reproducing the observed decadal variations in a qualitative way, and all models show much smaller amplitudes in these variations than seen in the observations. Largely differing tendencies between the models are not only found under all-sky conditions, but also in cloud-free conditions and in the representation of cloud effects. The ERA40 reanalysis neither reproduces the major decadal variations in SSR, despite strong observational constraints on the temporal evolution of the state of the atmosphere, since time varying aerosol loadings are missing. Climate models and reanalyses are therefore not yet at a stage to provide regionally consistent estimates of decadal changes in SSR. Reproduction of these changes would be essential for an adequate representation of regional scale climate variations and impacts, and short-term (decadal) climate projections.  相似文献   

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