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Larval fishes were collected from the surf zone of Horn Island, Mississippi between March 1978 and April 1979. A standardized total of 39 435 larvae were taken from 222 collections in the inner and outer surf zone regions, representing fish in 69 taxa. Overall, considerably more larvae were collected in the outer surf zone (78·3%) than in the inner surf zone (21·7%). Engraulids, Chloroscombrus chrysurus and Symphurus spp. were the most abundant larvae taken from the outer surf zone while engraulids, Leiostomus xanthurus, Brevoortia patronus and Trinectes maculatus were the numerically dominant larvae in the inner surf zone. Seasonal peaks in abundance occurred at the outer surf zone stations during May and June and at the inner surf zone stations during December. Larval densities were significantly greater in night collections than in day collections.The occurrence of early larvae, late larvae and juveniles suggests that the surf zone habitat is important to several species of coastal marine fishes. Menticirrhus littoralis, Harengula jaguana and Trachinotus carolinus appear to most readily utilize the surf zone as a nursery area.  相似文献   

Vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of larval and juvenile fishes were described from five offshore petroleum platforms in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Light traps and passively-fished plankton nets were used nocturnally between 1995–2000 to collect fishes in surface and deep (15–23 m depth) waters within the platform structure, and light traps were also used in surface waters directly down-current of the platforms. Light traps fished at the surface, as opposed to at-depth, collected greater CPUEs and greater diversity of larval and juvenile fishes. Of the dominant taxa collected by light traps, clupeids, engraulids, synodontids, and presettlement blenniids were most common in surface waters within the platform, while postflexion scombrids and settlement-size blenniids and pomacentrids were most common in surface waters down-current of the platforms. Deep plankton nets collected greater densities of non-clupeiform larval fishes, although surface plankton nets collected greater numbers of taxa. The vertical distribution patterns described for dominant larval fish collected by plankton nets were generally consistent with those from other studies, i.e. clupeid, carangid, sciaenid and scombrid larvae more abundant in surface waters at platforms, and synodontid, bregmacerotid, gobiid and bothid larvae more abundant in deeper waters. Oil and gas platforms likely impact larval and juvenile fish populations, particularly considering their proliferation in the Gulf (i.e., over 4000 platforms). The results from this study provide valuable baseline information for future research investigating how platforms impact the life history stages of fish populations.  相似文献   

海洋养殖鱼类仔稚鱼摄食和营养研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
海洋鱼类人工育苗常出现仔稚鱼死亡率高的情况,它涉及到亲鱼培育、卵子质量、仔稚鱼营养需求、生物饵料供应和配合饲料取代等问题.本文就海洋鱼类仔稚鱼培育的饵料系列、亲鱼和早期发育中的脂类代谢和氨基酸作用、生物饵料的营养强化以及微粒、微囊饲料等研究进展作了概述.  相似文献   

Sloshing is an interfacial-flow phenomenon which brings two challenges on how to locate the position of the interface and avoid the unphysical motion of the interface. In order to locate the the position of the interface, a new geometric Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method called isoAdvector is adopted to pursue a sharp interface. Aiming to make the isoAdvector method compatible with the dynamic mesh adopted to handle the tank motion, the motion-flux correction is introduced, and a moving-velocity correction for face-interface intersection line (FIIL) is proposed. An approximation formula is adopted to effectively reconstruct the moving-velocity field of the meshes at each cell center based on the motion fluxes on each cell face. In order to avoid the unphysical motion of the interface due to the excessive turbulence level in the transition region at the interface, the buoyancy-modified kω SST model is adopted. The numerical results of wave elevations and forces are compared with the experiments. The comparisons suggest that (i) the moving-velocity correction for FIIL is important to update the volume fraction; (ii) the modified isoAdvector method can capture the the position of the interface more accurately than the algebraic VOF method; (iii) the unphysical motion of the interface can be avoided by using the buoyancy-modified kω SST model in long-time simulations. In addition, a new post-processing approach is proposed to evaluate the interface thickness. The decrease of interface thickness improves the accuracies of wave elevations by using the modified isoAdvector method. The adoption of both the modified isoAdvector method and the buoyancy-modified kω SST model improves the computational accuracies of wave elevations and hydrodynamic loads in long-time simulations.  相似文献   

盐度对斜带髭鲷仔鱼活力及摄食率的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用不同盐度梯度海水对斜带髭鲷(HapalogenysnitensRichardson)仔鱼进行饲育实验。结果表明,盐度对斜带髭鲷仔鱼的活力、摄食及存活率有明显影响。盐度为24,29,34的3个实验组仔鱼不投饵存活系数分别为9.77, 9.83和8.62,而盐度为14,39,44的3个实验组仔鱼的存活系数则分别为4.19, 3.50和1.65,方差分析显示,前3个实验组与后3个实验组的组间存在显著差异(P<0.05) 3个实验组的摄食率明显高于后3个实验组;仔鱼孵出后至第8 ;前天,前 3个实验组的成活率为65% ̄85%,高于后 3个实验组的0 ̄20%。  相似文献   

基于紊流随机理论的航槽三维流动数学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据窦国仁的紊流随机理论,建立了一种模拟河口海岸水域中航槽三维流动的数学模型。采用控制体积法导出三维偏微分方程的离散格式;将水压力分解为动水压力和静水压力,用Patankar和Spalding提出的压力校正法求解动水压力,通过求解水位控制方程来得到自由表面;紊流模型采用安国仁提出的紊流随机理论,克服了k—ε模型中采用各向同性紊动粘滞系数的不足,而k—ε模型可作为紊流随机理论的一个特例。该模型计算了各种不同挖深比,各种航槽与水流交角的航槽流速分布,利用该模型计算得到的挖槽中的流速分布与水槽及水池试验资料相吻合。利用该模型可为开敞水域中开挖航槽的选择提供依据。  相似文献   

光照对真鲷仔、稚、幼鱼摄食的影响   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
光照对真鲷(Pagrosomusmojor)仔、稚、幼鱼的摄食有重要影响。摄食的适宜光照度范围为100~102lx,最适光照度范围为101~102lx。103lx强光对仔鱼摄食的影响大于稚、幼鱼;100lx弱光对9d以前的仔鱼和稚、幼鱼的摄食影响较小,对9d以后的仔鱼影响较大。此结果和鱼的感觉器官发育及鱼所摄食的饵料种类有关。  相似文献   

Data collected in 1953 and 1954 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were statistically analyzed to ascertain where and when fish eggs and larvae are most abundant on the southeastern U.S. continental shelf. The results are related to some oceanographic processes that might affect the survival of larval fish. Along-shelf differences in numbers of eggs and larvae are minimal compared with differences that occur across the shelf. Highest numbers of fish larvae are found on the outer shelf during fall, winter and spring, but larvae are evenly distributed across the shelf in summer.Upwelling strongly influences the dynamics of plankton production on the outer shelf, and thus during most seasons of the year upwelling may be the most important process controlling the amount of food available to larval fish. During winter and spring, mean winds do not favor shoreward transport of larval fish from the outer shelf if the larvae are located in near-surface waters. Thus, during these seasons variability of winds on the ‘event’ time scale may be more important to onshore and offshore transport of larval fish than the mean strength and direction of monthly or seasonally averaged winds.  相似文献   

光照对凡纳滨对虾幼体变态发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解光照对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)幼体发育和存活率的影响,作者在研究中设定了4种单色光(红、黄、蓝、绿光)及不同光照强度(0、1 500、5 500、12 000 lx)进行实验并就光照对幼体产生的影响进行分析。实验表明:4种单色光对幼体发育变态时间和成活率都有较大影响。幼体从ZⅠ变态发育至仔虾P1,蓝光的幼体发育时间最长,为262.83 h,比对照组多28 h;黄光存活率最低,只有14.49%,比对照组低25.00%,差异显著(P0.05)。同时,凡纳滨对虾幼体在不同的发育阶段对不同光色的敏感度不同,红光和黄光只对溞状幼体变态有较明显的抑制作用,但对糠虾幼体的发育却有促进作用;蓝光和绿光对整个发育阶段都有影响。光照强度对幼体的存活和变态影响差异显著(P0.05)。幼体从ZⅠ发育至P1,12 000 lx光照下幼体变态发育耗时最长(257.33 h),存活率最低(1.63%)。在溞状幼体期,光照大于1 500 lx时,幼体的变态时间增加,存活率下降。糠虾幼体期可适应光照在5 500 lx以下的环境,而仔虾期则可适应120 000 lx的光照。建议根据不同发育阶段调整光照强度,当幼体在ZⅠ时,光强应控制在1 500 lx以下,之后可逐渐增强。本实验结果可为凡纳滨对虾育苗期间的光照管理提供基础数据和理论依据。  相似文献   

为了确定条纹锯(Centropristis striata)仔鱼的不可逆点(PNR),作者在温度(22.9±0.8)℃、盐度30~32、DO≥5.0mg/L、pH7.8~8.2,光照强度40~100 Lx条件下,对人工孵化的条纹锯仔鱼开展饥饿胁迫对其存活、摄食、生长的变化规律的试验研究及影响。结果显示,仔鱼在孵化后2 d开口摄食,仔鱼体长开始下降,从内源营养期转入混合营养期,持续1 d;3 d时卵黄囊、油球消失,仔鱼体长增加,进入外源营养期,初次摄食率可达到68.25%。3.5 d时初次摄食率最高达到88.24%,之后初次摄食率逐渐下降,5 d时初次摄食率下降为37.5%,可知条纹锯PNR=5 d。6.5 d时试验组仔鱼全部死亡。结果表明,内源营养期对照组与试验组无显著差异,对卵黄囊与油球的利用率相似。混合营养期,仔鱼体长出现负增长,且试验组负增长速率明显高于对照组。外源营养期,试验组仔鱼体长持续下降,至PNR时体长负增长速率加快死亡率增加,直至全部死亡;对照组仔鱼体长开始增长,死亡率逐渐下降并趋于稳定。条纹锯仔鱼孵出后2~5 d为摄食的关键时期。  相似文献   

This paper derives the explicit expressions for the average intensity, beam width and angular spread of Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beams with edge dislocation propagating through atmospheric turbulence along a slant path. The propagation of GSM beams with edge dislocation through horizontal atmospheric turbulence can be treated as a special case through a slant one. The propagation properties of GSM beams with edge dislocation through slant atmospheric turbulence are studied, where the influence of edge dislocation parameters including the slope p and off-axis distance d on the spreading of GSM beams with edge dislocation in atmospheric turbulence is stressed. It shows that the spreading of the intensity profile of GSM beams with edge dislocation along a slant path is smaller than that along a horizontal path in the long-distance atmospheric propagation. The larger the slope vert pvert and the smaller the off-axis distance vert dvert are, the less the beam-width spreading and angular spread of GSM beams with edge dislocation are affected by turbulence. The GSM beams with edge dislocation is less affected by turbulence than that of GSM beams without edge dislocation. The results are illustrated numerically and their validity is interpreted physically.  相似文献   

The surf zone ichthyoplankton of Swartvlei Bay was studied between February 1986 and June 1987, with particular emphasis on its potential role as a nursery area for estuarine associated marine fish species. Larvae and/or postlarvae of 16 families were identified from the surf zone, with the Gobiidae, Soleidae, Sparidae and Mugilidae comprising 85·7% of all teleosts sampled. The postlarvae of several taxa (including the six most common species), which utilize the Swartvlei estuary as a juvenile nursery area, were abundant in the surf zone. Conversely, species which are common in nearshore marine waters as juveniles and adults, but seldom enter estuaries, totalled less than 8% of the surf zone ichthyoplankton assemblage.Larval and postlarval densities peaked during summer when water temperatures exceeded 19°C and the estuary mouth was open. Concentrations of ichthyoplankton were highest at those sampling stations closest to the estuary mouth during the summer period. Diel changes in total catches revealed no significant difference between day and night densities; but of the four major taxa, the Mugilidae and Sparidae tended to be more abundant during the day, the Gobiidae at night and the Soleidae showed no distinct pattern. Results from a 24 h sampling session indicated that tidal phase may also be important in governing ichthyoplankton abundance in the surf zone.  相似文献   

在波浪水槽中采用格栅振动的方式产生湍流,研究振动格栅产生湍流的特征。本文开展了4类实验,调节测量点到格栅平均位置的距离、格栅振动频率、振动冲程,采用ADV测量水体中单点的脉动速度。实验结果显示,湍流强度在一定范围内随离格栅距离的增大而逐渐减小,随着振动频率的增大而呈幂指数增大,随着振动冲程的增大而呈幂指数增大。同时还比较了两个不同格栅产生湍流的不同。结果显示,在波浪水槽中,振动格栅产生湍流的强度还与格栅的长度尺寸有关,这与在水箱中振动格栅产生湍流的特征不同。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSubmarine pipelines are important ocean engi-neeringequipm ents, especiallyfortheoiland gasin-dustries. M anyresearchershavebeendedicatedtotheproblem of local scour around the submarinepipelines, butmostoftheirwork arelaboratory testsand foc…  相似文献   

杨山  王艳  刘涛  胡先成  陈炜 《海洋科学》2016,40(3):17-22
为揭示鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)稚、幼鱼在淡化过程中氨基酸的组成及含量的变化规律,本实验在15.00、7.50及0.00共3个盐度梯度下,用氨基酸全自动分析仪对鲈鱼稚、幼鱼氨基酸的组成及含量进行了测定和分析。结果表明,实验中,3个盐度组的总氨基酸含量均逐渐增加,且它们之间没有显著性差异;实验中15.00盐度的必需氨基酸总量略呈下降趋势,而7.50盐度组和0.00盐度组均呈上升趋势,3个盐度之间存在显著性差异(P0.05);除脯氨酸外,3个盐度组中其他的非必需氨基酸含量及总的非必需氨基酸含量也均无显著差异。  相似文献   

深层叶绿素最大值(deep chlorophyll maximum,DCM)现象是海洋与湖泊中普遍存在的生态现象。对其进行数值模拟时,参数不确定性是导致模拟结果出现误差的重要原因。基于一个经典海洋生态模式(nutrients-phytoplankton model,NP),本文通过最优参数敏感性分析(optimization parameter sensitivity analysis,OPSA)方法探讨了模式参数不确定性对DCM模拟的影响。研究表明,背景场浑浊度、垂向湍流扩散系数、浮游植物营养盐含量和硝酸盐再循环系数为模式中的敏感参数,它们的扰动将导致DCM模拟发生显著改变。进一步,设计观测系统模拟试验评估了消除敏感参数误差DCM模拟的改进程度。结果显示,去除4个敏感参数误差DCM模拟平均改进了56.83%,约是去除不敏感参数误差平均改进程度(4.51%)的13倍。而且,去除敏感参数误差模拟改进的稳定性更好,变异系数仅为9.44%,去除不敏感参数误差模拟改进的变异系数达到了14.76%,稳定性较差。据此,可优先发展与敏感参数直接相关的动力过程参数化方案,或在有限的观测资源下优先对敏感参数展开目标观测,进而为提高DCM模拟与预测提供科学指导。  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of copecod nauplii and water properties were sampled at well-mixed and stratified sites on Georges Bank using a pumping system, CTD and in vivo fluorometer during a four day period in late May 1992. At each stratified station at least one sample was taken within the thermocline and the fluorescence maximum, which usually co-occurred. Well-mixed sites had low average concentrations of nauplii, ca 41−1, and showed little variation of abundance with depth. Stratified sites had from 4 to 16 times the integrated (0–50 m) abundance of nauplii compared to well-mixed sites and showed strong vertical patterns of distribution. Maximum concentrations of nauplii, up to 1601−1, were associated with the thermocline at 7 of the 9 stratified stations. At the two remaining stratified sites the naupliar maximum was in the upper mixed layer, sampled at 5 m depth. The encounter rate between early feeding cod (Gadus morhua) larvae and their naupliar prey was calculated with and without turbulence. Turbulence was estimated from two sources: wind stress in the upper layer (calculated from wind observations during our cruise) and tidal shear in the lower layer (estimated initially from a tidal mixing equation). We ultimately replaced the lower layer estimates with turbulence data from a series of measurements made in 1995. The latter are more robust and had the advantage of providing dissipation rates for the pycnocline as well as the lower layer. Theory predicts an increase in encounters between a predator and its prey with the addition of turbulence parameters into standard models of encounter. We combined turbulence profiles with the vertical distribution of nauplii to examine the potential contribution of turbulent kinetic energy to predator-prey encounter rates at various depths in stratified and mixed water columns. Our calculations suggest the following increases due to turbulence at stratified sites on Georges Bank during our cruise: from 34 to 219% in the upper mixed layer, depending on wind speed and depth; approximately 8% in the pycnocline; and approximately 110% below the pycnocline. Mixed sites experience increases of at least 110% (tide only), but greater increases (118–192% in this study) occur when the wind blows because of the combined (spatially overlapped) effects of wind and tidal mixing at these sites. The absolute values for encounter rates and their modification by turbulence are sensitive to a number of assumptions in the models. We used a series of stated assumptions to generate estimates that range from 0.6 to 26.5 prey h−1, depending on geographical location, physical forcing and depth.  相似文献   

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