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廊坊地区框架建筑的隔震设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
廊坊市的地震基本烈度为8度,同时受中远场和近场地震影响。具有背景地震烈度较高而高烈度地震发震概率较小的特点。本文研究了根据廊坊市地震动加速度参数特点进行的框架结构隔震建筑的设计方法与实例。 相似文献
简要概括了国内外叠层橡胶垫基础隔震技术的应用发展状况,介绍了隔震结构的各种反应分析模型,对隔震结构设计分析方法进行了讨论,提出了有益的建议,并指出了在(GB50011-2001)关于隔震结构的简化计算方法中存在的诸多不足.结合我国的隔震技术应用现状,引入了两阶段设计法的概念.此方法将有利于提高设计质量,减少设计周期. 相似文献
橡胶垫隔震框架结构试验研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
橡胶垫隔震是房屋结构减震的一种有效新途径。本文通过橡胶垫力学性能试验结果的分析,说明了橡胶垫适合多层房屋基础隔震的要求。计算机分析结果表明,橡胶垫隔震框架房屋的地震反应比固定基础房屋的反应大大减小。 相似文献
高层隔震结构非线性地震响应分析及设计方法研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
高层隔震结构的分析理论和设计方法是目前隔震技术向高层建筑推广的2个关键理论问题。本文以高烈度区宿迁市已经竣工的高层隔震建筑阳光大厦为工程实例,对高层隔震结构的非线性地震响应分析方法进行了研究,包括隔震支座竖向不同拉压刚度的模拟、各种类型的隔震支座水平力学特性的准确模拟,以及不同地震动输入方式和输入角度对隔震支座受拉情况的影响分析等;在此基础上,对隔震层的设计方法进行了分析,提出了隔震层设计的基本原则,进而给出了控制隔震层设计的基本指标,包括隔震支座的长期面压、极值面压、隔震层偏心率等;最后,对高层隔震结构的相关构造要求进行了必要的说明。 相似文献
对框架与剪力墙基础隔震结构的高宽比限值与上部结构动力响应规律进行仿真分析,采用PKPM进行框架和剪力墙结构的结构设计,并通过ETABS软件对两种结构进行隔震分析.为了更好地表征结构隔震效果,引入层剪力比、层弯矩比、层位移角比和周期比的概念,对不同高宽比结构隔震前后的动力响应进行对比.分析结果表明:高宽比为4的框架结构隔... 相似文献
高层隔震建筑设计中隔震支座受拉问题分析 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
高层建筑由于高宽比相对较大,倾覆效应明显,当采用隔震技术时,有可能使隔震支座出现拉应力,而通常使用的叠层橡胶隔震支座抗拉能力不强.因此,隔震支座受拉问题成为隔震技术在高层建筑中推广应用的主要障碍之一.本文提出了避免隔震支座受拉的上部结构布置原则及隔震层优化设计方法,并对目前隔震支座拉应力计算方法提出了改进建议.本文的研究工作可为工程设计提供借鉴,为隔震设计相关规范的修订提供依据. 相似文献
新型单自由度基础隔震体系简化计算方法研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
本文建立了一种新型的单自由度体系基础隔震结构实用设计方法.该方法考虑了上部结构的变形,简便、合理、可靠,与传统抗震设计方法概念比较接近、便于在工程应用中推广. 相似文献
Seismic performance analysis and design suggestion for frame buildings with cast-in-place staircases
Many staircases in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures suffered severe damage during the Wenchuan earthquake. Elastic analyses for 18 RC structure models with and without staircases are conducted and compared to study the influence of the staircase on the stiffness, displacements and internal forces of the structures. To capture the yielding development and damage mechanism of frame structures, elasto-plastic analysis is carried out for one of the 18 models. Based on the features observed in the analyses, a new type of staircase design i.e., isolating them from the master structure to eliminate the effect of K-type struts, is proposed and discussed. It is concluded that the proposed method of staircase isolation is effective and feasible for engineering design, and does not significantly increase the construction cost. 相似文献
Estimation of peak inelastic deformation demands is a key component of any displacement-based procedure for earthquake-resistant design of new structures or for seismic evaluation of existing structures. On the basis of the results of over a thousand non-linear dynamic analyses, rules are developed for the estimation of mean and upper-characteristic peak inelastic interstorey drifts and member chord rotations in multistorey RC frame buildings, either bare or infilled in all storeys but the first. For bare frame structures, mean inelastic deformation demands can be estimated from a linear, equivalent static, or preferably multimodal response spectrum analysis with 5 per cent damping and with the RC members considered with their secant stiffness at yielding. 95 per cent characteristic values can be estimated as multiples of the mean deformations. For open-first-storey buildings, the linear analysis can be equivalent static, with the infills modelled as rigid bidiagonal struts and all RC members considered with their secant stiffness to yielding. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
钢筋混凝土框架中震可修标准及简化抗震设计方法 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
本文对国际上主要建筑抗震设计规范中钢筋混凝土框架可修水准的层间位移角限值进行了比较,讨论了国内的一些相关研究结果,结合中国抗震规范确定钢筋混凝土框架中震可修层间位移角限值和屋顶侧移率限值分别为1/150和1/200。采用安全系数的抗震设计表达、论述了对应于结构层间位移角基于承载力的简化抗震设计方法。最后用实例按反应谱分析和弹性时程分析验证了钢筋混凝土框架中震可修层间位移角限值的有效控制作用,初步确定了简化抗震设计方法中梁柱构件的抗震安全系数并分析了提高目前结构抗震安全度的措施。 相似文献
A multi‐objective optimization procedure is presented for designing steel moment resisting frame buildings within a performance‐based seismic design framework. Life cycle costs are considered by treating the initial material costs and lifetime seismic damage costs as two separate objectives. Practical design/construction complexity, important but difficult to be included in initial cost analysis, is taken into due account by a proposed diversity index as another objective. Structural members are selected from a database of commercially available wide flange steel sections. Current seismic design criteria (AISC‐LRFD seismic provisions and 1997 NEHRP provisions) are used to check the validity of any design alternative. Seismic performance, in terms of the maximum inter‐storey drift ratio, of a code‐verified design is evaluated using an equivalent single‐degree‐of‐freedom system obtained through a static pushover analysis of the original multi‐degree‐of‐freedom frame building. A simple genetic algorithm code is used to find a Pareto optimal design set. A numerical example of designing a five‐storey perimeter steel frame building is provided using the proposed procedure. It is found that a wide range of valid design alternatives exists, from which a decision maker selects the one that balances different objectives in the most preferred way. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Unreinforced Masonry(URM) is the most common partitioning material in framed buildings in India and many other countries.Although it is well-known that under lateral loading the behavior and modes of failure of the frame buildings change significantly due to infill-frame interaction,the general design practice is to treat infills as nonstructural elements and their stiffness,strength and interaction with the frame is often ignored,primarily because of difficulties in simulation and lack of modeling guidelines in design codes.The Indian Standard,like many other national codes,does not provide explicit insight into the anticipated performance and associated vulnerability of infilled frames.This paper presents an analytical study on the seismic performance and fragility analysis of Indian code-designed RC frame buildings with and without URM infills.Infills are modeled as diagonal struts as per ASCE 41 guidelines and various modes of failure are considered.HAZUS methodology along with nonlinear static analysis is used to compare the seismic vulnerability of bare and infilled frames.The comparative study suggests that URM infills result in a significant increase in the seismic vulnerability of RC frames and their effect needs to be properly incorporated in design codes. 相似文献
A new steel framing system for seismic protection of timber platform frame buildings. Implementation with hysteretic energy dissipators 下载免费PDF全文
This paper describes a new seismic protection system for timber platform frame buildings, either for new construction or retrofit. The system consists in connecting the timber frame to a steel structure that includes hysteretic energy dissipators designed to absorb most of the seismic input energy thus protecting the timber frame and the other steel members; alternatively, the system might use other types of dissipative devices. The steel structure consists of four steel stacks (located at each of the four façades) and steel collectors embracing each slab; the stacks and the collectors are connected, at each floor level, through the energy dissipators. The steel structure is self‐supporting, that is, the timber frame is not affected by horizontal actions and can be designed without accounting for any seismic provision; in turn, the steel members do not participate in the main load‐carrying system. The timber‐steel interface is designed to avoid any stress concentration in the transfer of horizontal forces and to guarantee that the yielding of the dissipators occurs prior to any timber failure. The energy dissipation capacity of the suggested system is discussed, and an application example on a six‐story timber building is presented; this case corresponds to highly demanding conditions because of the relatively large building height and weight, the high local seismicity, and the soft soil condition. This research belongs to a wider project aiming to promote the structural use of timber by improving the seismic capacity of wooden buildings; this research includes experiments and advanced numerical simulation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Determination of column size for displacement‐based design of reinforced concrete frame buildings 下载免费PDF全文
This article reports a method to determine the storey‐wise column size for displacement‐based design of reinforced concrete frame buildings with a wide range of storey drift and building plan. The method uses a computer program based algorithm. The basic relation used in the algorithm is formulated by considering the various possible deformation components involved in the overall frame deformation. As a necessity to represent the deformation component due to plastic rotation of beam members, a relation between the beam plastic rotation and the target‐drift is adopted. To control the dynamic amplification of interstorey drift, a target‐drift dependant design‐drift reduction factor is used. The dynamic amplification of column moment is accounted with the help of an approximate conversion of fundamental period of the building from the effective period of the equivalent SDOF system. To avoid the formation of plastic hinge in column members, a design‐drift dependant column–beam moment capacity ratio is used. The method successfully determines the storey‐wise column size for buildings of four plans of different varieties, heights up to 12 storeys and target‐drift up to 3%. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献