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黄河下游河床纵剖面形态及其地文学意义   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文通过河床比降和凹度两个指标,研究黄河下游河床纵剖面形态的自动调整作用,结果发现比降和下凹度多年平均值分别为1.28和1.35,偏离均值为1~2%,变化很小,说明黄河下游河床纵剖面以近于平行抬升的形态调整,标志着河道已进入了老年期发育阶段。对于研究河道发育史和老年期河道的特点,以及在治河上均有重要的理论和现实意义  相似文献   

黄河下游河流纵剖面平行抬升的统计检验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
贾绍凤 《地理研究》1994,13(2):1-10
河流纵剖面变化可视为随机过程,它既包括趋势成分,又包括周期成分和随机成分。以前用一时段内的纵剖面升降分布来判断是否具有趋势性平行抬升的方法存在问题。因为这种时段纵剖面升降分布所包含的随机成分很大,不能用以直接判断纵剖面的趋势变化特征。对黄河下游纵剖面的趋势变化比随机变化低两个数量级的情况,更是如此。获得纵剖面趋势变化特征信息的好方法是滑动平均。另外,还可以用统计学方法进行检验。如果纵剖面确为平行抬升;则应有下列结论成立:1)各断面多年平均水位升高值(或河床升高值)相等;2)任意两断面间的高程差都为常数。本文对此进行了统计检验,并得出了在一定的精度要求内,黄河下游河流纵剖面确有平行抬升的趋势的结论。  相似文献   

黄河下游游荡段河床调整对于水沙组合的复杂响应   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
许炯心  张欧阳 《地理学报》2000,55(3):274-280
以黄河资料为基础,提示地包括非高含沙水流和高含沙水流在内的河道挟不流的复杂冲淤行为。由于这种复杂冲淤行为的作用和高含沙水流特殊能耗特征的影响,使得河床横断面形态及平面形态对于水沙组合的响应出现非线性特征,这可视为流水地貌系统复杂响应的又一表现形式。这种复杂响应不能用Schumm的河床调整来解释,因而需要对这一理论作必要的修正。  相似文献   

陆中臣 《地理研究》1984,3(2):35-44
本文采用黄河下游的实测资料,分析了三门峡水库下洩清水阶段,河床的调整及其对基准面的反应。认为在来水来沙条件变化的情况下,河床纵剖面以近于平行的方式调整;横断面形态向窄深式发展;河型的转化主要取决于地貌临界值和粉沙—粘土含量。从长时间看,下游的淤积特性不会发生根本性的变化。  相似文献   

黄河下游河床演变与河口淤积延伸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱起茂 《地理研究》1982,1(4):17-25
黄河挟带大量泥沙,经华北大平原入海,河口迅速延伸使河道不断地淤积抬高以至决口改道.本文初步分析了历史黄河和现行黄河下游河床演变与河口淤积延伸的关系.  相似文献   

黄河下游河床萎缩典型地表现为平滩水位下河床断面面积的趋势性减小,本文根据黄河下游实测断面和水沙资料采用相关分析方法研究了游荡段河床萎缩的主要影响因素。1960~1997年游荡段河床平滩水位下断面面积经历了1960~1964年和1974~1985年的扩张时期及1965~1973年和1986~1997年的萎缩时期,这种变化是多种因素共同作用的结果。在来水来沙中,年径流量是主要因素,洪峰流量和年平均含沙量是较次要的因素;本文所讨论的其它4个因素中,花园口以上引水量影响最大,降雨量影响次之,兰州以上水库的调节作用对河床断面面积的变化也有较明显的影响;三门峡水库三种不同的使用方式对下游河床有不同的影响,采取"蓄清排浊"方式后对下游河床的影响较小。  相似文献   

Evolution of the river channel downstream of reservoirs is a complex process that is closely related to the operational mode of the reservoirs and the channel boundary conditions. Numerous studies have been carried out on the fluvial processes of downstream reservoirs. However, only a few of them have focused on the relationship between runoff-sediment conditions and channel pattern indicators. Also, the impacts of river training works on fluvial processes are seldom dealt with. In this paper, the evolutionary processes of three sections in the Lower Yellow River, including Tiexie-Yiluo River mouth reach, Huayuankou-Heigangkou reach and Jiahetan-Gaocun reach, were analyzed for variations in the channel boundary line and the mainstream between 1960 and 2015. Channel pattern indicators such as sinuosity, mainstream wandering range and width/depth ratio were analyzed based on field measurements obtained by the Hydrological Department of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission. The effects of river training works on the channel evolution are then described. Since 1960, numerous medium- and large-sized reservoirs have been built on the Yellow River, including Longyangxia Reservoir, Liujiaxia Reservoir and Xiaolangdi Reservoir. These reservoirs impound the runoff from upstream and retain the sediment, which changes the runoff and sediment conditions in the downstream reach. As a consequence, annual runoff and the frequency and peak of flooding have all decreased. As a result, the flow dynamics and their action on the river channel are also reduced, which changes the dynamic state of the river course. The discrimination results obtained using the single parameter discrimination rule and the discrimination equation show that the degree of wandering is weakened in the reaches studied. The variations in the channel pattern indicators show that the sinuosity increases and the wandering range decreases with a reduction in the total annual volume of water. However, the degree of wandering has little relationship to the sediment concentration. In addition, river training works play an important role in controlling the river course. Due to improvements in the river training works, the river course has become more stable under the same runoff and sediment conditions. A new discrimination rule that takes into account the impacts of the river training works is proposed. The discrimination results were found to fit well with the actual river pattern, which shows that the discrimination rule is applicable to the Lower Yellow River. The results show that the runoff and sediment conditions are the most important factors in the evolution of the river course. The river training works have at the same time limited the wandering range of the mainstream and played an important role in the fluvial processes. Both factors combined lead to the stabilization of the river.  相似文献   

黄河游荡河段河床形态调整对洪水过程的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以黄河流域1950~1985年200余场洪水资料为基础,并增加了最近的实验资料,分析了黄河下游游荡河段不同含沙量沙水过程中河床形态的调整过程,结果表明,由洪水过程所导致的河床形态变化是相当剧烈的。且与含沙量密切相关,表现出非线性的变化规律,当含沙量较小时,随含沙量的增大,洪水后河床宽深比增大,当含沙量增大到一定程度后再增大时,宽深比随含沙量的增大而减小,这一结果为修正Schumm关于河床形态变化的定性预测关系提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

汉江丹江口水库下游河床演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚国元 《地理研究》1982,1(1):69-78
丹江口水库建库20多年来,下游河道由堆积性河道变成了冲刷性的河道,河床物质沿程粗化,比降得以调平。水深增加幅度大于河宽,流速并不随着水深增加而加快。深槽、浅滩分布明显化,宽深比不断在减少。整个库下游变化可分为三段:1)近库段,游荡河道向单一限制性曲流转化;2)大支流影响段,河道仍保持着游荡特性;3)下游段,游荡段游荡特性减弱,弯曲段则深蚀作用加强。  相似文献   

黄河下游河槽横断面调整规律及治理方式探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对影响河槽挟沙能力诸因素的分析,作者认为目前黄河下游只有河槽形态是一个人为可调节的控制河道淤积的要素。分析黄河下游河道横剖面形态的特征及其调整规律,考虑来沙组成变化、河槽综合阻力变化,计算得到黄河下游典型断面的实际挟沙能力及平均水沙条件下河槽平衡输沙横剖面,经与实际断面形态对比,得出必须以多级河槽方式缩窄7000m3/s流量以下即中、小水期的河槽,方能显着减少黄河下游河槽中的淤积的结论。这样才能真正实现潘季驯的“束水攻沙”的治黄方略。  相似文献   

The changing pattern of the Lower Yellow River (LYR) obtained from the traditional studies, which mainly did literal analysis based on historical documents related to the LYR are too macroscopic and absent of intuitiveness. This paper integrates all the records in historical documents related to course shift, flood and overflow of the last 3000 years and stores them in a GIS database. Then, all the data will be visualized in the form of map, which is helpful to show and understand the rules those events conform more intuitively and accurately. Taking these data as foundation, this study summarizes characteristics of the LYR’s courses and influence scope, and classifies them both into three types; divides the flow directions of the LYR’s courses into two periods, and proposes its changing pattern; concludes the characteristic of diversion points of courses shift events; calculates the velocity of courses shifts, gradient and sinuosity, and analyzes their changing patterns. Finally, this study classifies factors that may influence the occurrence of a course shift into two types: the internal factors, such as sediment rate, gradient and sinuosity of the river, and the external factors, such as precipitation and human activities.  相似文献   

It is of necessity to investigate the adjustment of flood discharge capacity in the Lower Yellow River(LYR) because of its profound importance in sediment transport and flood control decision-making, and additionally its magnitude is influenced by the channel and upstream boundary conditions, which have significantly varied with the ongoing implementation of soil and water conservation measures in the Loess Plateau and the operation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. The braided reach between two hydrometric stations of Huayuankou and Gaocun in the LYR was selected as the study area. Different parameters in the study reach during the period 1986–2015 were calculated, covering bankfull discharge(the indicator of flood discharge capacity), the pre-flood geomorphic coefficient(the indicator of channel boundary condition), and the previous five-year average fluvial erosion intensity during flood seasons(the indicator of incoming flow and sediment regime). Functional linkages at scales of section and reach were then developed respectively to quantitatively demonstrate the integrated effects of channel and upstream boundary conditions on the flood discharge capacity.Results show that:(1) the reach-scale bankfull discharge in the pre-dam stage(1986–1999)decreased rapidly by 50%, accompanied with severe channel aggradation and main-channel shrinkage. It recovered gradually as the geometry of main channel became narrower and deeper in the post-dam stage, with the geomorphic coefficient continuously reducing to less than 15 m-1/2.(2) The response of bankfull discharge to the channel and upstream boundary conditions varied at scales of section and reach, and consequently the determination coefficients differed for the comprehensive equations, with a smallest value at the Jiahetan station and a highest value(0.91) at reach scale. Generally, the verified results calculated using the comprehensive equations agreed well with the corresponding measured values in 2014–2015.(3) The effect of channel boundary condition was more prominent than that of upstream boundary condition on the adjustment of bankfull discharge at the Jiahetan station and the braided reach, which was proved by a larger improvement in determination coefficients for the comprehensive equations and a better performance of geomorphic coefficient on the increase of bankfull discharge.  相似文献   

黄河下游生态需水量及其估算   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:44  
石伟  王光谦 《地理学报》2002,57(5):595-602
通过分析黄河下游1958-2000年实测生态可用水,探讨生态需水量内涵,根据黄河特殊性及黄河生态需水量的研究现状,将维持和保护河流功能的黄河下游生态水量分为污期输运水量和非汛期生态基流量,在平滩流量输运能力最强的前提下,估算黄河下游汛期输运水量为80-120亿m^3,根据实测资料估算作为黄河下游水量控制断面花园口水文站和作为河口地区水量控制断面利津水文站的非汛期生态基分别为80-100亿m^3和50-60亿m^3,同时指出对黄河下游水沙调控和黄河流域水资源“准市场”的形成,是黄河下游生态需水量实现的保证。  相似文献   

Concavity in the long profile of rivers has traditionally been explained through the concept of grade, in which the slope declines downstream as a response to changing discharge, bed material size and sediment transport. Applying this concept to particular river systems has, however, proved problematic. The long profile reflects spatially-distributed form–process feedbacks between all aspects of channel morphology operating at a range of poorly defined time- and space-scales, and in the presence of natural controls. In many river systems, process–form dynamics are further complicated by engineering interventions which add additional extrinsic controls and constrain the range of intrinsic dynamics. In this paper, the 1974–75 long profile of the Lower Mississippi River is examined at three scales: the regional; the reach; and the sub-reach (pool–crossing) scales. A combination of curve-fitting, zonation algorithms, and empirical classification techniques are used to show that, although the long profile of the Lower Mississippi River is concave at the largest scale, the profile is characterised by discontinuities, shorter trends and zonal variations in the amplitude and wavelength of pool–crossing morphology. These characteristics are a response to morphological and bed material changes relating to a range of physical (geological, tectonic, tributary input) and engineering controls. Despite its apparent simplicity and correspondence to a ‘graded’ condition, the long profile of the Lower Mississippi River is actually a complex and scale-dependent morphological property. At best, the concave river profile is, therefore, a property which emerges from several scales of process–form interaction; at worst, it is no more than an artefact arising from the application of over-simplified curve-fitting techniques. Disclosure of the nature of the long profile thus requires the application of a variety of analytical techniques, as well as geomorphological explanations which are themselves scale-dependent and which consider the interaction of natural processes and the history of engineering intervention.  相似文献   

黄河中下游地区降水变化的周期分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据利用清代雨雪档案重建的黄河中下游及其4 个子区域1736~2000 年的逐年降水序列, 采用小波变换方法, 分析了该区降水变化的周期特征, 探讨了影响降水周期变化的可能 驱动因子。结果表明: 黄河中下游地区的降水, 具有2~4 年、准22 年及70~80 年等年际与年代际的振荡周期。其中, 2~4 年周期与El Nino 事件关联, 在El Nino事件发生的当年或第二年, 黄河中下游地区的降水比常年偏少; 而准22 年及70~80 年的周期, 与wolf 太阳黑子相对数的周期变化及太平洋年代际振荡(PDO) 信号有关。但在70~80 年的周期尺度上, 太阳活动与降水变化的对应关系在1830 年以前表现为太阳活动偏强(弱) 时, 降水偏少(多); 1830 年以后, 太阳活动的周期演变为80~100 年的更长周期, 因这一阶段可能受到由于人类活动加 强而致的温室气体浓度升高等因素的干扰, 太阳活动与降水之间的关系明显减弱; 而PDO 与降水的对应关系则表现在全时域上, 且在近100 多年, PDO 与降水之间的相关关系逐渐加强, 特别是在1940s 以后达到最大。  相似文献   

黄河下游沿岸地市CO2排放的时空分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金萍  秦耀辰  张丽君  路超君 《地理研究》2012,31(12):2229-2239
地市级尺度的碳排放结构演变与区域差异分析对通过技术学习与知识流动短期内抑制 碳排放的快速增长具有重要意义。以地市级行政区作为基本空间单元, 对黄河下游沿岸区、 两大子区及21地市化石能源与水泥工业生产过程排放的CO2 进行科学核算, 发现CO2 排放量 变化于2000年的364.12~4426.95万t至2009年的1238.98~10411.91万t,呈现出典型的 “S型”增长特征, 但不同尺度区域排放结构的时空差异显着。2006年以来, 工业化进程较快 的区域水泥排碳比例有显着增长, 产业结构优化策略促使少数地市水泥排碳比例有所下降。 CO2 排放强度与人均排放量的变动符合碳排放EKC曲线关系, 但时空分异特征并不一致。排 放强度的全区总体差异较为合理, 而人均排放量的区域差异偏大, 从而为涓滴效应的加速作 用创造了空间。地区内差异分别为两指标全区总体差异变动的主导因素, 整体上, 中原区内 地市间差异对两指标全区差异变动的贡献更大。  相似文献   

黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系研究中的问题分析   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
师长兴 《地理科学》2005,25(2):183-189
阐明了黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系问题的实质,指出了黄河河口延伸与下游淤积关系对时间尺度的依赖性,进而深入探讨了以前研究这一问题所用论据的合理性题。分析结果揭示,那种认为黄河下游淤积由河口延伸控制和河口延伸作用局限于近口河段的说法都缺乏令人信服的证据。  相似文献   

黄河下游游荡段河道平面形态与河热变化趋势预测   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
陆中臣  陈劭锋 《地理学报》2000,55(6):729-736
黄河下游可道平面形态与河势演变,从20世纪60年代起,地貌界就用地图法和航片资料作过不同程度的研究。随着资料的不断积累,该项研究得到逐步的深化。“八五”期间,水利界又对主流线作了深入分析,结果表明:各家所得结论不同,需要作进一步的分析讨论。我们认为:从长远的角度来看,小浪底水库清水下泄期间,黄河下游游荡性可段不对称的河谷形态不会改变;在继承性新构造运动造成的地壳向南掀沉、科氏力和人类活动的综合影响  相似文献   

黄河下游游荡段河道平面形态与河势变化趋势预测   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
黄河下游河道平面形态与河势演变,从20世纪60年代起,地貌界就用地图法和航片资料作过不同程度的研究.随着资料的不断积累,该项研究得到逐步的深化."八五"期间,水利界又对主流线作了深入分析,结果表明:各家所得结论不同,需要作进一步的分析讨论.我们认为:从长远的角度来看,小浪底水库清水下泄期间,黄河下游游荡性河段不对称的河谷形态不会改变;在继承性新构造运动造成的地壳向南掀沉、科氏力和人类活动的综合影响下,主流线总体上仍呈南摆趋势;清水冲刷不会导致河型彻底转化;河道整治工程虽然能够限制主流的摆动幅度和弱化河道的游荡强度,对河势的影响较大,但是根本不可能改变上述河道平面形态的长期演变趋势.  相似文献   

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