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新疆数字地震台网地方性震级量规函数的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于2009~2014年新疆测震台网数字地震记录资料,运用震级残差统计方法,选择16269个2.0≤ML≤5.4地震事件,共计获得了179561个单台记录;利用最大地动位移衰减特性方法,选用3.6≤ML≤4.5的746个地震事件作为研究对象,对新疆数字台网地方性震级量规函数进行了研究。将得出的量规函数值进行对比后认为,现阶段使用的量规函数值在0~200km的震中距范围内偏小,导致此范围内台站测定的震级偏小;在200~800km的范围内,测算的震级值较稳定,偏差范围在±0.1的范围内;在400~800km震中距范围内,由最大地动位移衰减特性方法得出的量规函数偏小。由于目前各地震台站使用的地震计仪器响应不准确,造成量规函数偏小的原因有待用计量更加准确的台站仪器响应参数进行验证,以便得到更加精确的新疆台网地方性震级量规函数。  相似文献   

To calculate the deviations between single station magnitudes and average ones by the magnitude residual statistical method, the paper selects 13086 seismic events recorded by the Gansu broadband digital seismic network from January 2009 to December 2012. The frequency distribution and quantitative statistics of the deviations of earthquake magnitude are analyzed. The M L calibration function is modified and a uniform local magnitude system characteristic of the Gansu region, is obtained.  相似文献   

On the basis of the local magnitude scale for earthquakes in China and using the data observed by main regional networks in China from 1985 to 1986,the regional calibration functions RLE(△)(suitable for Eastern China)and RLW(△)(suitable for Western China)are established through the statistic analysis of magnitude residuals and study of the average attenuation shape of the maximal phase of near shocks,and the regions in which they apply are defined.For Eastern China,For Western China,  相似文献   

江西数字地震台网近震震级偏差与量规函数关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用江西数字地震台网数字地震记录资料,选取自2007年10月正式运行至2009年12月所记录的138次ML≥1.5的地震事件,计算了各台站单台震级与台网平均震级的偏差、平均偏差和标准偏差,从震级偏差频次分布、量规函数、平均周期等因素对单台震级的影响上作了定量统计和分析。结果表明:①除九江、赣州、石城、都昌、高安5个台的震级与台网的平均震级偏差比较大外,其余台站均比较小;②目前所用量规函数在震中距小于40 km时偏小,大于330 km时偏大,给出了量规函数校正值,③平均周期小于0.17 s时,变得极不稳定,离散程度明显增大,这种情况应该是由于单台震中距超过300 km的样本数太少所导致的。  相似文献   

The author carefully selected earthquakes with M_L=4.0~5.0, 215 occurring in the crust in the Taiwan region. The attenuation characteristics of maximum displacement recorded by the Fujian digital network have been obtained by multi-analysis as follows:logA=2.07 231.1/Δ (150km≤Δ≤650km) And the corresponding expression of calibration function is, R(Δ)=3.45-231.1(1/Δ-0.01) (150km≤Δ≤650km) Then, the author determined the magnitude and its error with the data from the Fujian network using the calibration function brought forward in 1997 and the above formula for 790 earthquakes occurring in the crust in the Taiwan region from September 1997 ~ August 2005. The result indicates that the average error of the network is 0.20 with the former and 0.18 with the latter. The average error is 0.13 with the latter with station correction. Compared with the magnitude determined by Taiwan seismologists, the magnitude value with the former is lower by 0.50 on average and that with the latter is higher by 0.08 on average.  相似文献   

We have derived, evaluated, and compared two empirical methods for computing duration magnitude M D from 25 short-period vertical component stations of the Northern Morocco Seismic Network (NMSN). M D has been scaled to IGN (Insituto Geograpfico National, Spain) body-wave magnitude (mb IGN ), using a set of 479 shallow (less than 30 km) earthquakes recorded from March 1992 to February 2001, with 2.5 ≤ mb IGN ≤ 5.4. In the first approach: Individual Network Calibration, we determined an individual M D formula for each station. In the second approach: Global Network Calibration, we used a single relationship to compute M Dij (from the jth observation for the i-th earthquake) magnitudes at 25 selected stations as: M Dij = − 0.14 +1.63 log10 ij )+0.031(Δij)+cSta j . Residuals (M Dij − mb IGN ) for both techniques were thereafter deduced. Comparison between the two approaches provided the principal results: (1) The mean correlation between estimated magnitude; M Dij and reference magnitude; mb IGN is about 89.9% for the individual calibration method, and near 95% for global calibration method in which station corrections cSta j were introduced, (2) Residuals (M Dij − mb IGN ) are relatively large, and are ranging between − 0.60 and 0.60 magnitude units, for the individual calibration method, whereas they vary in the range − 0.38 to 0.40, for the global calibration method with corrections; cSta j . (3) A random distribution of residuals (M Dij − mb IGN ) is observed for each station in the case of the individual approach. Thus, the resulting average of these residuals is almost equal to zero. Using a global calibration without corrections results in negative residuals for a group stations and positive residuals for another an group indicating respectively that sites corresponding to these groups have a tendency to underestimate, or overestimate observed magnitude values.  相似文献   

江西地区地方性震级的量规函数与台基校正值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用《江西测震台网地震观测报告》,选取2007年10月~2015年12月所记录的499次M_L≥1.5地震事件,对各子台测定震级与台网平均震级偏差进行定量的统计分析,从震级偏差频次分布、量规函数、台基、方位角等方面分析产生震级偏差的原因。在对量规函数和台基进行校正后,震级偏差绝对值在0.2以内的样本数达到了68.6%,并给出了适合江西地区的量规函数和台基校正值。  相似文献   

More than 1000 aftershocks were recorded within a month after the occurrence of the ML 5.5, 5 August 2014 Orkney earthquake. The events were relocated using the double difference method as part of an effort to identify the fault which might be the source of the events. A north–south trend of seismicity was revealed by the relocated events, with a diffuse cluster to the north of the main event. A depth profile shows these two clusters: one at a depth of about 2 km to the north of the main event and the other at depth between 3 and 6 km south of the main event. Focal mechanism solutions of 18 aftershocks were determined using first motion polarities from seismic stations of the Council for Geoscience cluster networks. Stress inversion analysis results from the focal mechanism solutions show a dominant extensional stress field in the region; the main event had a strike-slip fault plane solution. This is consistent with the regional stress field which is predominantly related to the East African rift system. It is possible that the occurrence of the main event triggered seismicity on shallower faults within the mining horizons oriented in a different direction to the fault on which the main event occurred. The area has a complex heterogeneous faulting structure as indicated by the observed low p values and complex focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   

Using 116 earthquakes over M_L3.8 in the Inner Mongolia region from 2008 to 2015, the local earthquake magnitude M_L and surface wave magnitude M_S are remeasured. Based on norm linear regression(SR1 and SR2) and norm(OR) orthogonal regression method, we established the conversion relationship between M_L and M_S. The results were tested with Gaussian disturbance. The result shows that the orthogonal regression method(OR) result has the best fitting curve, and the conversion relation is M_S=0.96 M_L-0.10. The difference between our result and Guo Lücan's(M_S=1.13 M_L-1.08) may be caused by regional tectonic characteristics. M_(S Inner Mongolia) value is significantly higher than the M_(S empirical) value, with an average difference of 0.23, the difference distribution of empirical relation and the rectified relation is in the range of 0.2-0.3.  相似文献   

基于2009~2018年江苏及相邻数字地震台网记录的2602次地震事件观测资料,通过震级残差统计方法得到了72个台站的单台震级与台网平均震级的偏差、平均偏差和标准偏差,分析了震级偏差频次分布和定量统计结果,进而修正了江苏及邻区的地方性震级量规函数。实际地方性震级测定结果表明,使用校正后的量规函数比新震级国家标准(GB17740—2017)中量规函数所测定的震级的标准差更小,且单台震级残差相对更集中于0,这说明该量规函数有助于提高江苏及邻区地方性震级测定精度。  相似文献   

闽台地区近震震级ML量规函数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林仙坎 《中国地震》2006,22(3):287-293
作者精心地挑选了发生在台湾地区的ML=4.0~5.0壳内地震215个,用福建台网记录到的这些地震的最大地动位移资料,利用多元回归分析方法,拟合出最大地动位移的衰减特征为logA=2.07 231.1/Δ(150km≤Δ≤650km)与之相应的量规函数的表达式为R(Δ)=3.45-231.1(1/Δ-0.01)(150km≤Δ≤650km)对于1999年9月~2005年8月发生在台湾地区地壳内的790个地震,分别利用相关部门在1997年制定的量规函数和上式所示量规函数,求出福建台网测定的平均震级及均方差。结果表明,据前者所得的平均均方差为0.20,而后者为0.18。如果在测定震级时,考虑到台基修正值,则后者为0.13;把测定的结果与台湾相关部门的测定结果进行比较,前者平均低了0.50左右,而后者高了0.08左右。  相似文献   

We use 576 earthquakes of magnitude, M w, 3.3 to 6.8 that occurred within the region 33° N–42.5° N, 19° E–30° E in the time period 1969 to 2007 to investigate the stability of the relation between moment magnitude, M w, and local magnitude, M L, for earthquakes in Greece and the surrounding regions. We compare M w to M L as reported in the monthly bulletins of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and to M L as reported in the bulletins of the Seismological Station of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. All earthquakes have been analyzed through regional or teleseismic waveform inversion, to obtain M w, and have measured maximum trace amplitudes on the Wood–Anderson seismograph in Athens, which has been in operation since 1964. We show that the Athens Wood–Anderson seismograph performance has changed through time, affecting the computed by NOA M L by at least 0.1 magnitude units. Specifically, since the beginning of 1996, its east–west component has been recording systematically much larger amplitudes compared to the north–south component. From the comparison between M w and M L reported by Thessaloniki, we also show that the performance of the sensors has changed several times through time, affecting the calculated M L’s. We propose scaling relations to convert the M L values reported from the two centers to M w. The procedures followed here can be applied to other regions as well to examine the stability of magnitude calculations through time.  相似文献   

Based on the earthquake catalog reported by the Chinese digital seismic network in recent years, we select the earthquakes with both surface wave magnitude and local magnitude and fit them into a relationship between the two magnitudes. The systematic difference is found from the formula which has been used for 30 years. Because of a large dynamic range and wide frequency range of the current digital observation system, in addition to a larger number of stations and earthquakes being used compared to before, the relation obtained in this paper seems more reliable. Our calculation shows that there is no significant difference before and after magnitude conversion so we suggest the abandonment of magnitude conversion. The site response of a station consists of amplification at different frequencies. The amplification is equal to about 1 and changes little with frequency at stations located on basement rock, and it is greater than 1 at low frequency ranges and less than 1 at high frequency ranges at stations located on sediment layers. The difference between magnitudes from single station located on sediment layer and the average magnitude from the whole network increases from negative to positive with period. It seems that there is no fixed station correction factor and the station correction method does not work to improve the accuracy and magnitude estimates.  相似文献   

Delineation of the top sedimentary structure and its Qs vs. Qp relationship using the travel-time difference of direct S and converted Sp phase is key to understanding the seismic hazard of any sedimentary basin area. We constructed filtered displacement waveforms from local ETNA Episensor acceleration recordings as well as local velocity recordings of aftershocks of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake recorded by the Kachchh seismological network of the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, India during 2001–2004. Stations are within 15–70km of epicenters, and the resulting displacement waveforms are generally simple, displaying prominent P, Sp, and S wave pulses. Particle motion of P and S waves suggest near-vertical raypaths consistent with preliminary depth estimates. The direct S wave on the horizontal component is characterized by lower frequency content than the converted Sp phase on the vertical component. This difference in frequency content between S and Sp phases can be explained in terms of different attenuation effects for P and S waves in the unconsolidated sediments. The Sp phase is generated by S-to-P phase conversion at the base of Mesozoic sediments of the Kachchh basin. Travel-time inversion (VELEST) of 2565 P and 2380 S arrivals from 658 well located aftershocks recorded at 8–14 three-component local seismic stations led to 1 D velocity models indicated very slow sediments in the upper 0–2 km depth range (Vp: 2.92 km/s and Vs: 0.90 km/s) and an increasing trend of velocities with depth at 2–40 km depth. The estimated sediment thicknesses beneath 12 accelerograph and 6 seismograph sites from the estimated velocity model and the travel-time difference between S and converted Sp phases reaches a maximum of (1.534 ± 0.117) km beneath Bandri (near the location of 2001 Bhuj mainshock) and attains a minimum sediment thickness of (0.858 ± 0.104) km beneath Ramvav and Burudia. The spectral ratios between Sp and S from 159 three-component accelerograms have been used to study seismic wave attenuation in the Kachchh rift basin. The estimated Qs vs. Qp relations for 12 accelerograph sites vary from Qs = 0.184 Qp (at Chobari) to Qs = 0.505 Qp (at Dudhai). For stations Chobari, Chopdwa, Jahawarnagar, Vondh and Tapar, the spectral ratio slopes and hence the calculated Qs vs. Qp relations are effectively the same, and the correlation coefficients are quite high (0.91–0.93). Stations Adhoi, Manfara, New Dudhai, Dudhai and Sikara have similar Qs vs. Qp relationships to each other and also have high correlation coefficients (0.78–0.87). The spectral ratios for stations Anjar and Ramvav are small and poorly constrained, resulting in less reliable Qs vs. Qp relations. This could be due to noisy data, fewer available waveforms, or scattering due to velocity heterogeneities and/or interface irregularities.  相似文献   

We have selected 171 near-field records from 391 aftershock records of the Lulong, Hebei Province, earthquake in October 1982 and relocated the hypocenter of 45 aftershocks using the program Hypoinverse. The distribution of aftershocks reveals a set of earthquake faults: a WNW stretching fault truncates two NNE stretching faults. The two branches of faults show the conjugate structure which is often seen in brittle fracture. The NNE stretching faults are connected together. The Luanhe river valley near Lulong developed to a rudiment rift basin surrounded by a series of faults. The fault of Lulong earthquake is a strike-slip fault with tension component. This fault type matches with the activity of Zhangjiakou-Bohai seismic belt (Zhang-Bo belt) and also shows the action of Zhang-Bo belt as a boundary of two secondary active blocks that truncates the NNE fault.  相似文献   

Using the records of 3,069 regional earthquake events from the Fujian Digital Seismic Network from October 2008 to December 2015,in which the magnitude of each of the events was measured by at least six stations,statistics are taken on the deviation between the magnitude of a single station and the average magnitude of the network. It is found that the magnitudes average deviation of each station is-0. 31-0. 68. Statistics are also taken for the period corresponding to the maximum amplitude of the record measured in each station for calculating the magnitude,and the dominant period gained is 0. 06s-0. 38s; site response of each seismic station is inverted using the Moya method,and it is found that the site response of 98 stations is in the bands of 1-20 Hz,suggesting that the site has an amplifying or suppressing effect on the signals in certain frequency bands;Considering the site response corresponding to the inherent 0. 8s period of the WoodAnderson pendulum seismograph,and comparing the magnitude deviation caused by the site response corresponding to the dominant period time of each station with the average magnitude deviation, we obtain that there is a good linear relationship between the magnitude deviation from the dominant period site response and the average deviation of the magnitude of each station,indicating that the magnitude deviation of a single station has a close relationship with the site response of the period corresponding to the maximum amplitude measured for calculating the magnitude.  相似文献   

The source mechanism of the ML 4.0 25 April 2016 Lacq earthquake (Aquitaine Basin, South-West France) is analyzed from the available public data and discussed with respect to the geometry of the nearby Lacq gas field. It is one of the biggest earthquakes in the area in the past few decades of gas extraction and the biggest after the end of gas exploitation in 2013. The routinely obtained location shows its hypocenter position inside the gas reservoir. We first analyze its focal mechanism through regional broad-band seismograms recorded in a radius of about 50 km epicentral distances and obtain EW running normal faulting above the reservoir. While the solution is stable using regional data only, we observe a large discrepancy between the recorded data on nearby station URDF and the forward modeling up to 1 Hz. We then look for the best epicenter position through performing wave propagation simulations and constraining the potential source area by the peak ground velocity (PGV). The resulting epicentral position is a few to several km away to the north or south direction with respect to station URDF such that the simulated particle motions are consistent with the observation. The initial motion of the seismograms shows that the epicenter position in the north from URDF is preferable, indicating the north-east of the Lacq reservoir. This study is an application of full waveform simulations and characterization of near-field ground motion in terms of an engineering factor such as PGV. The finally obtained solution gives a moment magnitude of Mw 3.9 and the best focal depth of 4 km, which corresponds to the crust above the reservoir rather than its interior. This position is consistent with the tendency of Coulomb stress change due to a compaction at 5 km depth in the crust. Therefore, this earthquake can be interpreted as a relaxation of the shallow crust due to a deeper gas reservoir compaction so that the occurrence of similar events cannot be excluded in the near future. It would be necessary to continue monitoring such local induced seismicity in order to better understand the reservoir/overburden behavior and better assess the local seismic hazard even after the end of gas exploitation.  相似文献   

利用云南地震台网记录的云南及其周边地区2000~2017年的宽频带数字地震资料,按照新的震级国家标准《地震震级的规定》(GB17740-2017)的测定方法,使用同一套软件,对地方性震级M_L、面波震级M_S、宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)、短周期体波震级m_b、宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)和矩震级M_W重新进行人工测量。并分别用一般线性回归和正交回归方法,对不同震级之间的关系进行对比,给出它们之间的经验关系式。研究结果表明:(1)当M4.5时,各种震级之间相差不大,使用地方性震级M_L可以较好地表示地震的大小,也能够更加充分地反映区域特性;当4.5≤M8.0时,宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)和矩震级MW均能较好地表示地震的大小,但矩震级M_W的测定需要一定时间,因此在速报工作和大震应急中,可以使用M_S(BB)表示地震的大小; M_S(BB)的测定方法与国际接轨,消除0.2的震级偏差。(2)对于面波震级MS和宽频带面波震级M_S(BB),由于面波测量的位置、计算公式和量归函数不同,M_S比M_S(BB)系统偏高0.2左右;短周期体波震级mb较宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)整体偏小0.2左右,主要区别在于仿真模式。(3)宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)和宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)均在垂直向原始宽频带记录上直接测定,取消波形仿真环节,另外,相比测定m_B(BB)震中距要求大于5度,许多台站被限制,M_S(BB)更利于区域台网测定。(4)当3.5≤ML≤6.5时,M_L较M_W整体偏大; M_S≥3.5时,M_S也较M_W整体偏大,且均随着震级增加,偏差值呈上升趋势。(5)当M≥8.0时,面波震级出现饱和现象,使用矩震级M_W表示M≥8.0地震的大小。  相似文献   

During the last six years, the National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad has established a semi-permanent seismological network of 5 broadband seismographs and 10 accelerographs in the Kachchh seismic zone, Gujarat, with the prime objective to monitor the continued aftershock activity of the 2001 Mw7.7 Bhuj mainshock. The reliable and accurate broadband data for the Mw 7.6 (8 Oct., 2005) Kashmir earthquake and its aftershocks from this network, as well as from the Hyderabad Geoscope station, enabled us to estimate the group velocity dispersion characteristics and the one-dimensional regional shear-velocity structure of peninsular India. Firstly, we measure Rayleigh- and Love-wave group velocity dispersion curves in the range of 8 to 35 sec and invert these curves to estimate the crustal and upper mantle structure below the western part of peninsular India. Our best model suggests a two-layered crust: The upper crust is 13.8-km thick with a shear velocity (Vs) of 3.2 km/s; the corresponding values for the lower crust are 24.9 km and 3.7 km/sec. The shear velocity for the upper mantle is found to be 4.65 km/sec. Based on this structure, we perform a moment tensor (MT) inversion of the bandpass (0.05–0.02 Hz) filtered seismograms of the Kashmir earthquake. The best fit is obtained for a source located at a depth of 30 km, with a seismic moment, Mo, of 1.6 × 1027 dyne-cm, and a focal mechanism with strike 19.5°, dip 42°, and rake 167°. The long-period magnitude (MA ~ Mw) of this earthquake is estimated to be 7.31. An analysis of well-developed sPn and sSn regional crustal phases from the bandpassed (0.02–0.25 Hz) seismograms of this earthquake at four stations in Kachchh suggests a focal depth of 30.8 km.  相似文献   

According to the rupture dynamics of earthquakes, variations of the apparent stress and the difference between the static stress drop and the dynamic stress drop during the rupture of earthquakes are analyzed for the July 20, 1995 M L=4.1 Shacheng, Hebei, China, earthquake sequence. Results obtained show that the apparent stress for main-shock is about 5 MPa, and the average apparent stress for aftershocks 0.047 MPa. During the rupture of the main-shock, the dynamic stress drop is approximately 1.6 times greater than the static stress drop with the difference of nearly 2.7 MPa. The dynamic stress drop is less than the static stress drop for all aftershocks with the average difference of ?0.75 MPa. Therefore, when the mainshock occurs the final stress on the focal fault is higher than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault is abruptly locked. When the aftershocks occur the final stress on the focal fault is lower than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault overshoots. It can be seen from the above results that there could be some differences in the physic processes between the mainshock and the aftershocks.  相似文献   

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