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Riassunto Dopo aver indicato un nuovo artificio per rendere più rapida la formazione di combinazioni selettive nella analisi periodale, si illustra un modello di analizzatore armonico che traduce con mezzi fotoelettrici gli schemi diLabrouste e diVercelli. Infine, si propone una variante costruttiva dell'analizzatore elettrico progettato dalLovera.
Summary After having showed a new way by which the process for making the selective combinations used for periodical analysis is hastened, an harmonic analysing device which traducts with photoelectric means the schemes ofLabrouste andVercelli is illustrated. Further, a change in the construction ofLovera's electric analyser is proposed.

Summary First an introduction into the dynamo problem and the core paradox is given. A novel theory of the volume dependence of Grüneisen's parameter is used for calculating the adiabatic temperatures on the assumption that the melting temperature of the material is reached at the boundary between the inner and outer cores of the Earth (IOB). On this condition, thermal convectionthroughout the outer core is impossible according to the melting-point curves ofKennedy andHiggins (1973) andLiu (1975), whereas it is permitted by that ofLeppaluoto (1972),Boschi (1975), andStacey (1977). Various possibilities of solving the core paradox are described.Mitt. d. ZIPE Nr. 682.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Widerspruch zwischen den Strahlungsgesetzen der Physik und der Definition der Strahlung durchPouillet, die allen bisherigen Strahlungs-Messungen zu Grunde liegt, wird am Modell des schwarzstrahlenden Hohlraums vonKirchhoff gezeigt. Auch die Bestimmungen der Solarkonstante (Kalitins's Liste) sind verloren.
Summary The contradiction ofPouillet's radiation and the physical laws of radiation sinceKirchhoff, Boltzmann-Stefan, Wien, Lummer andKurlbaum is by the model of the black radiating body ofKirchhoff demonstrated. The measurements of radiation have followed til now to the antiquated idea ofPouillet. The determination of the solar constant as inKalitin's list represented also is lost.

Applying genetic algorithm to inversion of seismic moment tensor solution and using the data of P waveform from digital network and initial motion directions of P waves of Taiwan network stations, we studied the moment tensor solutions and focal parameters of the earthquake of M=7.3 on 16 September of 1994 in Taiwan Strait and other four quakes of M L≥5.8 in the near region (21°–26°N, 115°–120°E). Among the five earthquakes, the quake of M=7.3 on September 16, 1994 in Taiwan Strait is the strongest one in the southeastern coast area since Nan’ao earthquake of M=7.3 in 1918. The results show that moment tensor solution of M=7.3 earthquake is mainly double-couple component, and is normal fault whose fault plane is near NW. The strike of the fault plane resembles that of the distributive bands of earthquakes before the main event and fracture pattern shown by aftershocks. The tension stress axis of focal mechanism is about horizontal, near in NE strike, the compressive stress axis is approximately vertical, near in NWW strike. It seems that this quake is controlled by the force of Philippine plate’s pressing Eurasian plate in NW direction. But from the viewpoint of P axis of near vertical and T axis of near horizontal, it is a normal fault of strong tensibility. There are relatively big difference between focal mechanism solution of this quake and those of the four other strong quakes. The complexity of source mechanism solution of these quakes represents the complexity of the process of the strait earthquake sequences. Contribution No. 98A01001, Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau, China. The subject is supported and helped by Academician Yun-Tai CHEN, Profs. Qing-Yao HONG, Zhen-Xing YAO, Tian-Yu ZHENG, Yao-Lin SHI, Ji-An XU, Bo-Shou HUANG and colleague Mei-Jian AN, Xue-Reng DING, Rui-Feng LIU. De-Chong ZHANG and Ming Li provided the digital data warm-heartedly. Lin-Ying WANG offered us the catalogue of earthquakes in southeastern coastal area in China. Xi-Li WANG and Tong-Xia BAI provided us the issued annual reports data. The authors would like to express their gratitude to all of these people. This paper is sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Scientific and Technological Commission of Shantou, Guangdong Province.  相似文献   

Summary The value of three different methods for deducing aerosol size distribution from diffusional decay measurements — the exhaustion method proposed byPollak andMetnieks, the method byFuchs et al. and the method byNolan andScott — is investigated with numerical examples of known distributions and also by applying them to laboratory experiments. It was found that the exhaustion method and the method proposed byFuchs et al. are satisfactory for deducing the mean particle size and that none of the three methods is quite satisfactory for deducing dispersion of the distributions with higher accuracy.  相似文献   

In considering the seismic spectrum, one of the methods to incorporate irregularity of fault motion statistically is to introduce the concept of coherency of fracture. In a classic paper,Aki (1967) investigated the scaling law of seismic spectrum on the basis of a statistical model in which an exponentially decaying function is fitted to the autocorrelation function of the dislocation velocity. It is found, however, thatAki's model does not necessarily express irregular fault motion, but corresponds to a smooth dislocation. We show that an analytical function of dislocation velocity gives the same autocorrelation function and the same seismic spectrum as those ofAki's model. In actual fault motion, there is considerable evidence which indicates that the dislocation is not continuous and smooth over the whole fault plane, but is often segmented in several parts. In order to take into consideration this feature we introduce a generalized autocorrelation function of the dislocation velocity in which many coherent fractures smaller than the size of the fault dimension are included. It is shown that the more small-scale coherent fractures, the larger the seismic wave energy in the high frequency range.Kanamori andAllen (1986) showed that a large ratio of seismic wave energy relative to the seismic moment means a large effective stress drop. On the other hand, it is well known that when a fault plane is segmented in several parts, stress drop becomes large (e.g.,Madariaga, 1979;Rudnicki andKanamori, 1981). These two results are fused in our model, because we find that large seismic wave energy is obtained when the fault motion includes small-scale fractures.Kanamori andAllen (1986) also showed that there is a tendency for earthquakes with long repeat times to have a large effective stress drop. Our model implies that a fracture corresponding to earthquakes with long recurrence intervals is more complex, and the strength is large, as also suggested byCao andAki (1986) using a numerical simulation. It should be noted that to the zeroth order, an approximate scaling relation is observed among earthquakes, which means that a large earthquake consists of a relatively large-scale coherent fracture. This fact seems to suggest that the condition of occurrence of a large earthquake is related to the maturing of a source region in which a large coherent fracture becomes feasible.  相似文献   

Summary As a preliminary calculation of the Equilibrium Theory of Tides, a fictitious Earth-Moon configuration is analyzed byThomson andTait [1]2), in which non-sphericity of oceans is attributed to the attraction exerted by a stationary Moon. A rise of level is found at the which Earth-Moon orbital motion is accounted. This feature, which is utterly contradictory to fact according toG. H. Darwin [2] prompted him to remark that the equilibrium theory is nearly as much wrong as possible, in respect to the time of high water. An elementary analysis is given which, in demonstrating an exactly opposite finding, suggests a manner of removing one of the long-standing obscurities of the Laplace theory, remarked upon byHough andAiry, and in recent times byC. Eckart [3].  相似文献   

Summary Regional variations have been indicated in the slope of theP travel-time curve in the shadow zone of the earth's core. Further study is needed since the uncertainties of the slope are large, especially for the observations from North American stations. There is no significant difference between themean slope of theP travel-time curve in the 95°102.9 range and those obtained byJeffreys, andJeffreys andBullen. However, there is a significant difference between themean slope in the 103° to 135° range as obtained in this study, and those obtained byJeffreys andBullen, and in a later revision byJeffreys. Themean travel-time curve ofP in the shadow zone of the earth's core should be lowered. A trial travel-time table is given with amean slope of 4.41 sec/deg. This table is in close agreement with the times obtained byGutenberg andRichter, and with the trial travel-times ofLehmann. Under the assumption of diffraction the longitudinal wave velocity has been determined to be 13.7 km/sec at the core-mantle boundary.This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America Reno, Nevada, 1966.  相似文献   

Summary Computations of solar heating and infrared cooling for clear sky conditions in the area of the Central American Seas are presented, as based on conventional radiosondes in 1960. Results are discussed with regard to latitude mean data available in the literature.Both solar heating and infrared cooling display the most pronounced latitudinal variation in winter, while the distribution is rather uniform in summer. Large heating rates are found in the lower layers over the Caribbean Sea. The infrared cooling shows maxima around 700 mb and below the 950 mb level, in both summer and winter. This contrasts withLondon's result, but agrees with a more recent study byDavis. Infrared cooling rates computed for clear sky conditions up to 500 mb are somewhat larger than the results form radiometer soundings in fall 1960 as reported byRiehl. Discrepancies betweenRiehl's data andLondon's latitude mean values appear to result essentially from different cloud conditions. The pattern of net cooling is in general consistent withLondon's latitude mean cross-sections for average cloudiness.Effective outgoing radiation in winter displays a decrease from the Caribbean Sea towards the cold interior of the North American Continent, while latitudinal contrasts vanish during the summer season. Computations compare well withBudyko's table andRiehl's estimate for fall 1960, while they are substantially lower thanLondon's data and estimates fromSverdrup's graph.
Zusammenfassung Absorption von Sonnenstrahlung und langwellige Ausstrahlung für wolkenfreien Himmel wurden für den Bereich des Amerikanischen Mittelmeers berechnet, auf Grund herkömmlicher Radiosondenaufstiege im Jahre 1960. Die Ergebnisse werden mit Hinblick auf die in der Literatur verfügbaren Breitenkreismittelwerte diskutiert.Absorption von Sonnenstrahlung und langwellige Ausstrahlung ändern sich mit der geographischen Breite besonders stark im Winter, wogegen horizontale Unterschiede im Sommer weniger ausgeprägt sind. Eine relativ starke Absorption von Sonnenstrahlung scheint in den unteren Schichten über der Karibischen See stattzufinden. Die langwellige Ausstrahlung ist besonders stark um 700 mb und unterhalb des 950 mb-Niveaus, und zwar sowohl im Sommer wie im Winter. Das steht im Gegensatz zu den Ergebnissen vonLondon, stimmt aber mit einer neueren Studie vonDavis überein. Die für wolkenfreien Himmel berechnete langwellige Ausstrahlung bis hinauf zum 500 mb-Niveau ist etwas grösser als die aus Aufstiegen von Radiometersonden im Herbst 1960 gewonnenen Werte vonRiehl. Unterschiede zwischen den Daten vonRiehl und den Breitenkreismittelwerten vonLondon scheinen im wesentlichen aus unterschiedlichen Bewölkungsverhältnissen herzurühren. Die aus Absorption und langwelliger Ausstrahlung resultierenden Abkühlungsbeträge entsprechen im allgemeinen den vonLondon für mittlere Bewölkungsverhältnisse mitgeteilten mittleren Vertikalschnitten.Die effektive Ausstrahlung der Erdoberfläche zeigt im Winter eine Abnahme von der Karibischen See auf den dann kalten Nordamerikanischen Kontinent hin; Unterschiede mit der geographischen Breite verschwinden hingegen im Sommer. Die Berechnungen entsprechen den Tabellenwerten vonBudyko und den Abschätzungen vonRiehl für den Herbst 1960;London's Daten sowie Abschätzungen nach dem Nomogramm vonSverdrup hingegen sind deutlich höher.

Summary The radiation tables byElsasser andCulbertson [1]2) are based upon an integrated form of the radiative transfer equation. Unfortunately, a term dealing with the temperature dependency of the transmission function is left out. This leads to an inconsistency of their analysis. It is the aim of this paper to correct and to modifyElsasser's graphical-numerical procedure such as to make his treatment internally consistent.  相似文献   

Summary The importance ofStefan's flow by collection of insoluble aerosol particles on the surface of the evaporating droplets by condensation has recently been emphasized mainly in connection with the possible wash-out mechanism in the atmosphere. A simple theory is deduced for the collection efficiency of insoluble particles on droplets under theStefan's force and a comparision is made with the binding of aerosol particles byBrown's motion and microturbulence of air flow. In general we must take in account the influence ofStefan's flow by calculating the wash-out efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary A review is given of the investigations on variations in the general circulation in middle latitudes made byWillett andPetterssen. According toWillett a «high-index» type of circulation pattern with a strong zonal flow has probably caused the recent climatic improvement in the northern latitudes while the «low-index» type with meridional flow would create a cooling off in the same areas. According toPetterssen an other type of «low-index» pattern with a weak zonal flow and strong meridional exchange of air has been the essential cause of the warming up of the northern latitudes in Europe. This implies that the definition of the «low-index» type is not clear and gives rise to misunderstanding. Making use of our experience on glacier retreat in northern Scandinavia it is concluded that thePetterssen type of circulation more probably than the «high-index» type has caused the warming-up in the North Atlantic area from which the retreat of the glaciers has followed.  相似文献   

Riassunto Viene discussa l'obiezione fondamentale fatta daSimpson contro l'ipotesi diKöhler sulla prevalenza dei nuclei salini di origine marina. Si richiama l'attenzione sul numero molto grande di nuclei che si formano nel gorgoglìo di aria in acqua di mare e si ricordano i numeri ottenuti sperimentalmente dagli AA. in altra epoca. L'efficacia del fenomeno di spruzamento in atto nelle burrasche viene pure illustrata.
Summary The fundamental objection, opposed bySimpson against the hypothesis ofKöhler concerning the prevalency of oceanic saline condensation nuclei is discussed. Attention is attracted upon experiments proving that the bubbling, also limited, in sea water produce great number of nuclei. The efficacy of water spraying is likewise discussed.

Zusammenfassung Es wird die elektrische Aufladung einzelner, in ionisierter Luft frei fallender Wassertropfen experimentell untersucht, und zwar bei elektrischen Feldstärken zwischen 0 und 120 Volt/cm. Der Radius der untersuchten Wassertropfen beträgt 1.30 mm. Die elektrische Ladung wird durch Influenzring und hochohmige Röhrenvoltmeter in Verbindung mit Kathodenstrahloszillograph und Schleifenoszillograph gemessen. Es zeigt sich, dass der zeitliche Verlauf der Aufladung und die erreichte Grenzlandung mit der Theorie vonWhipple undChalmers in Einklang stehen. Auch zu der vonFrenkel angegebenen Theorie der Gewitterlektrizität durch Ionenabsorption wird eine experimentelle Aussage möglich.
Summary The collecting of electrical charge by single waterdrops is experimentally examined. The drops fall freely through ionized air in the presence of electrical fields between 0 and 120 V/cm. Only drops with a radius of 1.30 mm are used. The electrical charge is measured by induction-ring and electronic amplifier previously described in connection with Cathode-Ray Oszillograph and recording Bifilar-Oszillograph. It is shown, that the rate of collecting of charge as well as the final charge gained are in accordance with the theory ofWhipple andChalmers. An experimental examination of the theorie of thunderstorm-electricity by ion absorption given byFrenkel becomes possible.

Zusammenfassung Fussend auf theoretischen Ergebnissen vonR. M. Foster undS. S. Stefanescu wird ein neuartiges Verfahren zur elektrischen Tiefensondierung bei horizontaler Schichtung vorgeschlagen. Dieses Verfahren arbeitet im Gegensatz zum bekanntenWenner-Verfahren und zum «Zentralinduktions-Verfahren» nachKoenigsberger nicht mit der Veränderung eines Längenparameters (Elektrodenabstand, Schleifenradius), sondern mit veränderlicher Frequenz bei unveränderter Position der Elektroden und Sonden. Einige Vorzüge werden genannt, die diese Methode in praktischer Hinsicht haben dürfte.
Summary Taking reference of theoretical results ofR. M. Foster andS. S. Stefanescu, a new method of electrical depth-sounding refering to horizontal strata is proposed. This new way works contrary to the wellknown princip ofWenner and also to the «Zentral-Induktions-Verfahren» afterKoenigsberger not with a change of a length-parameter (electrode-distance and coilradius), but with changeable frequency at unchanged position of electrodes and sondes. A few advantages are described, which this method may have in practice.

Summary The A. points out that the confirmation of the theory ofNeumann's significative waves, which differ from those ofSverdrup andMunk, would require observations of an accuracy not yet available. The existence of these waves would not change, anyhow,Sverdrup andMunk's conclusions out of the wind area.  相似文献   

Fault gouges have been observed in the surface outcrops, in shallow excavations, and in deep (300 meters below the surface) tunnels and mines in fault zones. The 2-microns fractions in these fault gouges may compose a few percent to more than fifty percent of the total mass in the outcrops, and the mineralogy of the 2-microns fractions consists of a variety of clays (the common ones are montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite and mixed-layer clays) and some quartz, feldspars, etc.Although we cannot yet conclude directly from the studies of gouges that similar gouges exist at depths where many large shallow earthquakes are generated, there is a strong possibility that they do, based on (1) available equilibrium data on various clays — for example, kaolinite has been found to exist at 4 kb and 375°C (±15°C) (Thompson, 1970) and montmorillonite + kaolite has been found to exist at 450°C and 4 kb (Velde, 1969); (2) the compatibility of laboratory velocity data in gouge (Wang et al., 1977) with those in a model for central California (Healy andPeake, 1975); (3) the capability of clays to undergo sudden earthquake-like displacements (Summers andByerlee, 1977); (4) the petrology of intrafault cataclastic rocks in old fault zones (Kasza, 1977); and (5) the compatibility of gouge mineralogy with the mineralogy of hydrothermal clay deposits.If clay gouges are indeed significant components of the fault zone at depth, then the mechanical properties of clays under confining pressures up to 4 kb are important in the behavior of faults. Very few experiments have been performed under such high pressures. But from the physical makeup of clays, we can infer that (1) the range of possible behavior includes stable sliding with vermiculite and montmorillonite (asByerlee andSummers, 1977, have proven) to stick-slip-like behavior with kaolinite, chlorite, etc.; (2) the absence or presence of water will greatly affect the strengths of gouges — it is possible that water may reduce the strength of gouge to a fairly small value.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the dispersion curve of Rayleigh waves of an Earthquake of Haiti as observed in Budapest agrees well with those obtained byEwing &Press, as well as byBerckhemer for Atlantic route, though the latter related to purely oceanic routes, while with the curves observed at Budapest 80% of the route refer to an oceanic, 20% to continental path.  相似文献   

Summary This article comments on the statistical aspects of the calculations inBowen’s article on the influence of meteoritic dust on rainfall.Bowen seems to have neglected the phenomenon of self correlation in the series of rainfalls on successive days. This neglect made his conclusions rather significant, but when the self correlation is considered in the right way many of his results become insignificant and the question whether the meteoritic dust has the influence mentioned above remains unanswered. We applied the range and the so called constellation test. Especially stress is laid on the necessity of developing a coincidence test, which furnishes the probability of coinciding of peaks (one peak in one series, one peak in another one) even if the peaks are statistically unreal and of course the persistence ought to be considered. Three types of such a test were proposed. We also introduced a new way of tackling the problem stated byBowen. — SinceHannan published the numerical values of the serial correlation coefficients for Sydney (the rainstation used byBowen) we were able to give a more numerical basis to our critical remarks. Dr.C. Levert, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute,De Bilt (Holland).  相似文献   

Using over 2200 ozonesonde ascents, published byHering andBorden [1]–[5] and byDütsch et al. [6], [7], the average vertical distribution of the ozone mixing ratio is found for different latitudes and for different seasons up to a height of 30 km. The method by which the ozone formed at great heights in low latitudes becomes concentrated in the lower stratosphere of high latitudes is discussed, and the meridional circulation theory is strongly suggested.Oxford, May 1972.  相似文献   

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