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利用时域反射仪测定的土壤水分估算农田蒸散量   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了时域反射仪(TDR)测定土壤含水量的原理和方法,根据TDR实测的土壤水分和农田水量平衡原理,估算了冬小麦生育期内不同供水条件下的农田蒸散量,探讨了TDR探针不同埋设方式对测定土体贮水量以及对估算的农田蒸散量的影响,根据充分供水区测定的最大可能蒸散量、非充分供水区的实际蒸散量,以及用气象资料计算的参考作物蒸散量,分别计算了冬小麦生育期内的作物系物Kc和土壤水分胁迫系数Ks。  相似文献   

Drylands are among those regions most sensitive to climate and environmental changes and human-induced perturbations.The most widely accepted definition of the term dryland is a ratio,called the Surface Wetness Index(SWI),of annual precipitation to potential evapotranspiration(PET)being below 0.65.PET is commonly estimated using the Thornthwaite(PET Th)and Penman–Monteith equations(PET PM).The present study compared spatiotemporal characteristics of global drylands based on the SWI with PET Th and PET PM.Results showed vast differences between PET Th and PET PM;however,the SWI derived from the two kinds of PET showed broadly similar characteristics in the interdecadal variability of global and continental drylands,except in North America,with high correlation coefficients ranging from 0.58 to 0.89.It was found that,during 1901–2014,global hyper-arid and semi-arid regions expanded,arid and dry sub-humid regions contracted,and drylands underwent interdecadal fluctuation.This was because precipitation variations made major contributions,whereas PET changes contributed to a much lesser degree.However,distinct differences in the interdecadal variability of semi-arid and dry sub-humid regions were found.This indicated that the influence of PET changes was comparable to that of precipitation variations in the global dry–wet transition zone.Additionally,the contribution of PET changes to the variations in global and continental drylands gradually enhanced with global warming,and the Thornthwaite method was found to be increasingly less applicable under climate change.  相似文献   

草原群落蒸发蒸腾的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}   {{if article.graphicalAbstractinfoCn && article.graphicalAbstractinfoCn != ""}}{{@ article.graphicalAbstractinfoCn}}{{/if}}  相似文献   

参考作物蒸散量是表征气候干湿程度、植被耗水量、生产潜力及水资源供需平衡的重要指标之一。以海口和敦煌两个气候相差较大的站点为例,利用Irmark-Allen、Hargreaves、Jensen-Haise 3种基于温度的ET 0计算方法,计算了 2013 2015 年两个站点的参考作物蒸散量,以FAO98 Penman-Monteith方法计算所得结果为标准,依据相关系数(R)及其显著性(P)、均方根误差(RMSE)和平均偏差(MBE)等量化指标,分别对3种方法计算结果在两个站点月和日序列的适用性进行评价,并对这3种方法进行本地化修正优化和检验。结果表明:本地化前,Irmark-Allen方法在海口的计算与Penman-Monteith的偏差最小且相关性好( R =0.97, P <0.01,RMSE=0.38 mm/d,MBE=-0.01 mm/d),其他两种方法均高估。3种基于温度的ET 0方法在敦煌都有很大的误差,其中Irmark-Allen方法在夏季偏低,在冬季偏高;Hargreaves方法整体偏高;Jensen-Haise方法在冬季不适用,出现无效负值,而在其他时段偏高。本地化后,3种基于温度的ET 0方法在两个地区都得到明显改善,其中Jensen-Haise方法在海口效果最好( R =0.96, P< 0.01,RMSE=0.61 mm/d,MBE=0.003 mm/d),在敦煌效果也是最好的( R =0.96, P <0.01,RMSE=0.69 mm/d, MBE=-0.02 mm/d)。  相似文献   

宁夏南部区域蒸发(散)量遥感估算方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在利用LANDSAT-7 ETM 卫星遥感资料求取地表特征参数的基础上,将地表分成6类,结合常规气象观测资料,分类别计算,最后综合得出宁夏南部区域蒸发(散)量,并对结果进行分析验证。  相似文献   

针对我国西北地区干旱和半干旱的气候特征,以及相对简单的地表覆盖特点,论证了互补相关模型计算西北地区蒸发量的可行性。通过中国科学院山东禹城试验站农田观测资料,分析了植被多样性分布对互补相关模型的影响。得出植被的多样性以及植被物候变化的非同步变化是造成互补相关模型中关键参数——大尺度平流参数季节变化的重要原因。并利用遥感反演参数和气象台站观测数据计算了覆盖类型相对单一的西北地区蒸发。结果表明,蒸发与地表覆盖类型的空间分布一致,与气象台站20 cm蒸发皿观测数据呈现空间互补特征,其季节变化与区域降水、温度和植被物候变化相吻合。    相似文献   

湖北省潜在蒸散估算模型对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用湖北省74个气象站1961~2011年逐日气象资料,通过与FAO56-Penman-Monteith(FAO-PM)模型潜在蒸散估算结果对比,从月、季、年际变化及不同干湿状况条件比较了PriestleyTaylor、Hargreaves及Thornthwaite 3种简化的经验模型在湖北省的适用性。结果表明:3种简化模型与FAO-PM模型计算的逐月潜在蒸散均存在一定偏差,Thornthwaite模型偏差最大且冬夏季偏差反位相,Priestley-Taylor模型偏差最小,Hargreaves模型各月间的偏差最为稳定。3种简化模型与FAOPM模型估算结果具有良好的线性关系,且在各区域间相对稳定,但不同季节和干湿状况下各有差异,其中Hargreaves模型各季节间和不同干湿状况下与FAO-PM模型的关系均最为稳定。在年际变化上,Priestley-Taylor和Hargreaves模型与FAO-PM模型计算结果年际波动基本一致,Thornthwaite模型与FAO-PM模型计算结果尽管在量值上较为接近,但年际波动偏小;Priestley-Taylor和FAOPM模型年潜在蒸散趋势变化基本一致,Hargreaves模型年潜在蒸散趋势变化微弱,而Thornthwaite模型年潜在蒸散趋势变化与FAO-PM模型相反。建议在湖北省气象资料匮乏或不便应用的情况下,作物模拟模型及气候变化等研究中采用Priestley-Taylor估算模型,日常干旱监测及水资源规划中采用Hargreaves模型,干湿气候区划等工作中可采用Thornthwaite模型。同时,使用中应基于FAO-PM模型对经验模型进行适当订正,模型订正应建立在季节或月尺度。  相似文献   

The imbalance of land-surface water budget was discovered in past studies, but there have been few further investigations on the relevant causes. To probe into the problem, annual variations of precipitation and land-surface evapotranspiration were analyzed by using the historical observation data from a comprehensive land-surface observation base of LOPEX (Loess Plateau Experiment). A remarkable imbalance in the land-surface water budget was found, and the total annual imbalance reached 20.6%. Then, the impact factors related to additional water budget components and observational methods were studied. The total annual imbalance could be reduced to 3.8% by using a combination of compensated land-surface water budget components and the surface evapotranspiration values obtained from the large-scale weighing lysimeter rather than from the eddy correlation method.  相似文献   

我国参考作物蒸散的空间分布和时间趋势   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
根据我国616个地面气象台站1975-2004年的观测资料,利用联合国粮农组织推荐的Penman-Monteith公式计算各年逐日、逐月参考作物蒸散值(ET0)和年总量.结果表明,我国参考作物蒸散多年平均值大多界于800~1 100 mm之间,西北地区高,东北地区低.1978年出现最大值,1993年出现最低值,青藏高原以东地区波动小,西北地区波动大.参考作物蒸散变化率在-30~30 mm·(10 a)-1之间,西部和长江流域地区显著下降,东部沿海、黄河中上游和东北显著上升.造成我国参考作物蒸散出现先降后增趋势的主要因素是日照时数(净辐射)和饱和差.  相似文献   

利用1986-2001年探空资料, 分析了我国5个不同地区的水汽垂直分布规律, 建立了大气边界层以上比湿随气压为幂函数分布, 边界层内比湿随气压线性分布的模型, 并用2004年11月-2005年10月的探空资料、 NCEP再分析资料作了对比检验和误差分析, 最后将模型应用于微波辐射计反演水汽总量的垂直分解.结果表明, 模型分解产生的误差越接近地面则越大, 对于1 mm总量的水汽, 分解得到的比湿最大误差为0.1 g·kg-1.  相似文献   

Most large-scale evapotranspiration(ET) estimation methods require detailed information of land use, land cover,and/or soil type on top of various atmospheric measurements. The complementary relationship of evaporation(CR) takes advantage of the inherent dynamic feedback mechanisms found in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface for its estimation of ET rates without the need of such biogeophysical data. ET estimates over the conterminous United States by a new, globally calibrated, static sca...  相似文献   

应用FY-2地表蒸散产品监测西南特大干旱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张元元 《气象》2011,37(8):999-1005
基于能量平衡原理的卫星遥感地表蒸散产品具有清晰明确的物理含义,广泛地应用于遥感干旱监测领域。本研究以中国能量与水平衡监测系统(CEWBMS)和近11年的静止卫星遥感数据集为基础,利用FY-2/VISSR数据生成相对蒸散距平百分率(Percentage of Relative Evapotranspiration Anomaly,PRETA)产品,应用于全国范围的旱情连续监测。与极轨卫星同类产品相比,基于FY-2的PRETA产品在监测范围和频次上都具有明显的优势。由于距平百分率的引入,PRETA干旱指数等级划分不再与季节和地域气候类型等因素相关。针对2009年秋季至2010年春季西南大旱的监测结果进行了对比分析和统计,结果表明PRETA干旱指数真实客观地反映了旱情时空变化,面平均的PRETA和降水距平百分率时间序列变化趋势显示出良好的一致性,PRETA与10 cm土壤相对湿度有较高的相关性。本研究为实时、大范围、高分辨率、定量和动态卫星遥感监测干旱提供了切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates convective boundary layer (CBL) budget methods as a tool for estimating regionally averaged sensible and latent heat fluxes for the study region used in OASIS (Observations at Several Interacting Scales). This is an agricultural region of mixed cropping and grazing extending about 100 km west of the town of Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia.The analysis proceeds in three stages: first, a simpleone-dimensional model of the well-mixed layer (the CBL slab model), forced with measurements of the surface heat and evaporation fluxes, is evaluated by comparing measured and modelled CBL temperature, humidity and depths. A comparison of several entrainment schemes shows that a simple model, where the entrainment kinetic energy is parameterised as a fraction (3) of the surface sensible heat flux, works well if is set to 0.5. Second, the slab model is coupled to a Penman–Monteith model of surface evaporation to predict regional scale evaporation and thence heat fluxes. Finally, the integral CBL budget approach, which is an inverse method using theone-dimensional slab model, is used to infer regional heat and evaporation fluxes from measured time series of CBL temperature and humidity.We find that the simple CBL slab model works reasonably well for predicting CBL depth and very well for CBL temperature, especially if approximate estimates of subsidence velocity and warming due to advection are included. Regional sensible heat fluxes estimated from the integral CBL method match those measured, although the method is very sensitive to measurement errors. Measurement-model differences were larger for short integration times, because the well-mixed assumptions are violated at particular times of the day. The corollary is that `whole-day' (0530–1530 h) estimates are in reasonable agreement with measured values. Integral methods could not be used to infer the regional evaporation flux directly because CBL humidity profiles were complex and often not well mixed until mid-afternoon. We recommend that regional evaporation fluxes be predicted either from a coupled Penman–Monteith – CBL slab model, or inferred as a residual term from estimates of the regionally averaged available energy and sensible heat flux. Furthermore, we show that inferring fluxes via integral methods will always be difficult when the scalar concentrations have either a large surface source and free atmosphere sink (in the case of water vapour and methane), or a large surface sink and upper level source (in the case of CO2).  相似文献   

全球变暖背景下青藏高原夏季大气中水汽含量的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国气象局提供的0. 5°×0. 5°降水和温度的日值资料,联合ERA-Interim、MERRA2(second M odern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications)和JRA-55(Japanese 55-year Reanalysis)再分析资料以及全球陆面数据同化系统(Global Land surface Data Asimilation System,GLDAS-2. 0)资料,研究了全球变暖背景下青藏高原夏季地表气温及降水的变化特征,以及该地区大气中水汽含量及水汽输送特征。结果表明,1979—1998年期间,高原的地表气温呈增加趋势,降水呈减少趋势;而在全球增温减缓期间(1999—2010年),地表气温及降水较1979—1998年期间呈现更为显著的增加趋势。在青藏高原上空,大气中水汽含量在1979—2010年间整体呈增加趋势;然而,进一步分析表明,在此期间由外界向高原输送的水汽逐年降低,尤其在1998年后,由于西南季风强度的大幅减弱,使得外界向高原的净水汽输送量减少得更为显著;青藏高原地表蒸散量的分析表明,自1998年后,高原地表的蒸散量显著增加,成为高原地区大气中水汽增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

北疆棉区棉花膜下滴灌蒸散规律研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对膜下灌溉技术下蒸散观测数据的分析,初步确定了棉花在整个生育期的蒸散量为500-600mm。在此基础上,分析了膜下灌溉技术对棉花产质量的影响。  相似文献   

The impact of the interannual variability (IAV) of vegetation on the IAV of evapotranspiration is investigated with the Community Land Model (CLM3.0) and modified Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM). Two sets of 50-year off-line simulations are used in this study. The simulations begin with the same initial surface-water and heat states and are driven by the same atmospheric forcing data. The vegetation exhibits interannual variability in one simulation but not in the other simulation. However, the climatological means for the vegetation are the same. The IAV of the 50-year annual total evapotranspiration and its three partitions (ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration) are analyzed. The global distribution of the evapotranspiration IAV and the statistics of evapotranspiration and its components in different ecosystems show that the IAV of ground evaporation is generally large in areas dominated by grass and deciduous trees, whereas the IAV of canopy evaporation and transpiration is large in areas dominated by bare soil and shrubs. For ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration, the changes in IAV are larger than the mean state over most grasslands and shrublands. The study of two sites with the same IAV in the leaf area index (LAI) shows that the component with the smaller contribution to the total evapotranspiration is more sensitive to the IAV of vegetation. The IAV of the three components of evapotranspiration increases with the IAV of the fractional coverage (FC) and the LAI. The ground evaporation IAV shows the greatest increase, whereas the canopy evaporation shows the smallest increase.  相似文献   

利用2001—2014年MOD16数据和气象站点资料,分析呼伦贝尔市ET、PET的时空变化特征。研究表明,呼伦贝尔市的年平均ET为310.0 mm,呈林区农区牧区分布,年平均倾向率为15.3 mm/10 a。年平均PET为1 096.0 mm,呈农区、牧区两侧向林区递减分布,年平均倾向率为-20.7 mm/10 a。牧区西部ET显著增加(P0.05)、PET显著减小(P0.05),其他地区ET、PET变化不显著。ET与PET之差在5—6月最高,该时段为呼伦贝尔市缺水最为严重的月份。结合气象因子分析,全年的PET均会受到气温的影响,而只有冬季的ET会受到气温影响,植被生长季里ET和PET都会受到相对湿度和降水的影响,生长季的日照长度也会对PET产生影响,但10 m风速与ET和PET的相关性较差。  相似文献   

青海高原近43年夏季水汽分布及演变特征   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
通过对青海高原近43年夏季空中水汽分布及演变的研究,结果表明:(1)夏季来自孟加拉湾的暖湿水汽在东亚夏季风的驱动下向东北方向输送,与沿中纬度的西风环流输送的水汽在青海高原会合,但受高原大地形阻挡,到达该区的水汽含量较源区大大减小;(2)青海高原水汽通量场自西界向东界增加,水汽通量高值区基本分布在青海东部的边坡地带;(3)近43年青海高原净水汽通量收支有正有负,但整体上却呈增加趋势;(4)旱年青海高原水汽通量比平均状况偏少10~40 kg.m-1.s-1;涝年偏多10~20 kg.m-1.s-1;无论旱涝年,青海高原空中净水汽通量均呈正值,但旱年比平均状况偏少21.88%,涝年偏多53.99%。  相似文献   

滕州市近50年气候干湿变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张美玲  张慧 《气象科技》2007,35(4):495-499
利用滕州市1956~2005年降水量、平均气温资料,用Holdridge干燥度指数来分析近50年气候干湿变化趋势和特征。滕州市近50年来在年生物温度、年可能蒸散量极显著上升背景下,年降水量不显著的减小趋势,造成年水分盈亏量显著亏损及年干燥度指数显著增大,总体呈现暖干化趋势。年干燥度指数变化有明显的阶段性,干湿期交替变化,大体经历了3个湿期和2个干期。1976年年干燥度指数发生由偏湿向偏干的突变,突变后气候类型分布发生显著变化。通过对近50年年干燥度指数滑动平均值和标准差分析发现:随着干燥度指数平均值的增大,异常湿事件明显减少,而异常干事件明显增多,同时,随着标准差的增大,异常干湿事件频率明显增大。  相似文献   

利用吉林通榆半干旱区农田站和退化草地站2008年的外场试验观测资料,对比分析了不同土地利用方式对蒸散和地表水分收支的影响。结果表明:从全年来看,尽管两个站点相距仅5 km,但农田站的全年总蒸散量比代表自然土地覆盖状况的退化草地站高28.2 mm;且生长季两种下垫面的蒸散量较为接近,差异主要发生在非生长季。同时,农田站的年水分收支总量为51.1 mm,比退化草地站低35.6%。具体来说,生长季,两个站点的水分收支均有盈余;但在非生长季,退化草地站的水分收支仍有盈余,而农田站则处于水分亏损状态。这说明在半干旱区,代表人为土地利用状况的农田站面临着更大的水分供给压力,人类活动导致的土地利用会加剧该地区的干旱化趋势。
  进一步的分析表明,水分盈余并不代表地表的水分状况良好。从 Priestley-Taylor 系数来看,两个站点的Priestley-Taylor系数均远小于1.0,说明在半干旱区,由于表层土壤水分条件的限制,实际蒸散量远未达到平衡蒸散量,土壤面临着水分供给的压力。其可能的原因是,对半干旱区而言,尽管水分收支有盈余,但是由于土壤沙化严重,土壤孔隙度大,大气降水很容易下渗,并以地下水的形式存储起来,使得表层土壤水分供应反而不足。  相似文献   

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