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利用1948~2008年共61年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料对全球的大气热源(汇)统计处理,采用经验正交函数分解方法、气候态平均分析方法,分析了东亚地区的大气热源、热汇的基本气候特征,对61年来东亚地区大气热源热汇各月,各季节的气候态分析,并从全球的大气热源、热汇剖面分析中了解了其变化规律。揭示了全球大范围的大气热源区主要分布在南亚—热带印度洋—热带太平洋的中部和西部两侧、南美洲的赤道及其南侧地区一带,并得出其变化的平均趋势;0~60°N,每10个纬度带内热源、热汇的年变化不仅与全球纬向平均的热源、热汇年变化有非常大的差异,而且亚洲,青藏高原、东亚大陆、西太平洋地区6个平均纬度带之间的差异也非常明显。  相似文献   

用2001年和2003年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,计算了亚洲季风区两年逐日的大气热源汇〈Q1〉,再用谐波分析方法对〈Q1〉作带通滤波, 得到了准30~70 d的〈Q1〉低频分量,并分析了两年夏季大气热源汇和其低频振荡变化特征的差异,然后研究了一些“关键”区〈Q1〉低频分量的变化与我国降水的关系。结果表明:在2001年和2003年夏季的亚洲季风区,一方面应该有这样一种过程,大气热源汇低频分量经向和纬向传播的差异→江淮流域旱涝期东亚地区大气热源汇低频分量南北配置的差异→东亚地区大气热源汇本身的南北分布不同。另一方面,夏季的5~8月期间,高原中南侧有较强的低频热源 (热汇) 时,可导致其后期江淮流域降水偏多 (少);中国南海的作用则正好相反,南海有较强的低频热源 (热汇) 时,不仅可导致其后期江淮流域降水偏少 (多),还可导致其后期青藏高原东部降水偏少 (多)。因此,夏季亚洲季风区热源、热汇季节内变化特征的不同可导致我国江淮流域异常的旱涝发生。  相似文献   

1994年8月亚洲季风区水汽的源汇分布和输送   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
讨论了水汽气候源汇分布的分析方法,认为只有用季节平均的整层大气水汽通量散度才能准确反映水汽源汇的地理分布。分析了亚洲季风区1994年8月水汽源汇分布和输送情况,发现西太平洋120-133°E和孟加拉湾地区是水汽气候源区,其中菲律宾东侧、苏绿湾、黄海海域、安达曼海及布拉马普特拉河谷是最主要的5个水汽强源域。南海不是水汽源而是水汽汇。华北降水主要受亚洲两大季风风系和黄海、布拉马普特拉河谷水汽源的影响。  相似文献   

吕雅琼  巩远发 《高原气象》2006,25(2):195-202
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,计算了2001及2003年青藏高原及其附近地区的大气热源(汇),再用CEOF方法分析了它俩的异同。结果表明:(1)该两年冬夏季节转换前的4月份,热源(汇)分布相似,强度不同;季节转换后的6月份,热源(汇)分布明显不同,强度也有很大差异;(2)该两年分别在青藏高原南侧到孟加拉湾北部和阿拉伯海东部到印度半岛西侧各有一个高值中心,但强度明显不同:表现为2001年夏季孟加拉湾地区的热源强度明显比阿拉伯海地区强,2003年夏季则相反;(3)两年季节转换期间的5月到6月下旬期间,高原及其南侧的热源变化趋势也是不同的。2003年6月下旬达最强值;2001年则是5月中下旬到6月初已达到较强,到6月下旬又突然减弱;(4)该两年第一特征向量的空间位相上也是不同的。在2001年,印度半岛中部是晚位相中心,其四周的位相都相对较早,位相差近180°,因此印度半岛大部与其周围的大气热源(汇)有近似相反的变化趋势;而在2003年情况则有所不同,印度半岛与其两侧的阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾北部仅是一个相对高晚位相区,其西北部和南端是晚位相中心,高原南部和赤道附近的洋面上是早位相区。因此,在2003年的大气热源(汇)变化趋势与2001年有明显的不同。2001及2003年夏季青藏高原及其附近地区大气热源(汇)的这些差异可能正是影响我国江淮地区严重干旱/洪涝的原因之一。  相似文献   

用ECMWF1980-1983年资料讨论了亚洲季风区大气热源的季节内变化特点。分析表明,季节内变化显著区主要限于季风活跃区及其附近地区,并且存在季节、年际差异。EOF分析的主要空间型反映了印度到中南半岛一带、中国东部、西太平洋地区的振荡存在一定的关系。相应时间系数功率谱分析表明大气热源主要存在30-50天振荡,但1980年夏半年的1982-1983年ENSO事件期间(尤其是冬半年)这一振荡不显著。  相似文献   

近30年青藏高原大气热源气候特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP CFSR再分析资料,用"倒算法"计算了1981~2010年青藏高原大气热源汇,并分析了其气候特征。结果表明:(1)青藏高原大气热源汇具有明显的季节差异。高原大部分地区在春季和夏季为热源,冬季和秋季为冷源。2~4月热源从高原西北部、东北部及西南边坡开始逐渐向中部扩展,强度不断增强。5~7月高原东南端热源显著增强并向西向北扩展,使7月高原热源达到最强,并在高原南部喜马拉雅山脉沿线及其以南邻近地区形成一个强大的热源带。8月开始,高原热源迅速减弱,高原中部至四周边坡大部分地区大气先后变为冷源。到11月和12月整个高原大气几乎为冷源。(2)高原各区逐年平均大气热源强度有明显不同的变化特征。高原全区有显著的2~3年和6~8年周期,而高原东部仅存在6~8年周期,高原西部仅有2~3年周期。(3)近30年高原全区和东部大气热源具有明显增强趋势,而高原西部却为减弱趋势。  相似文献   

利用1998年5-8月“南海季风试验”期间观测站的探空及地面资料,计算并分析了高原及邻近地区大尺度大气热源和水汽汇的日变化特征及其与高原环流的关系。初步结果表明:中南半岛-高原东部的大气热源在早上弱,傍晚较强;南海北部-华南-华中的热源在早上强,傍晚弱。水汽汇的日变化与热源基本相似。傍晚高原东部上升运动明显增强,高原及其南侧的局地经向季风环流增强;高原东部下游地区傍晚的上升运动减弱或变为下沉,形成一个西升东降的局地日变热力纬向环流。1998年夏季长江中偏上游的致洪暴雨和华南的降水主要集中在夜间至午后。  相似文献   

北半球夏季风区大气视热源和视水汽汇的低频振荡   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用1986年5-9月ECMWF/WMO资料计算非洲季风区、印度季风区、南海季风区和副热季风区的视热源和视水汽汇。结果表明非洲季风区和印度季风区Q1、Q2的准40天周期显著;南海季风区准双周振荡明显;副热带季风区盛行8天左右的周期;准40天周期振荡也是南海季风区和副热带季风区的重要信号,印度季风区Q1,Q2的准40天周期振荡比其他季风区的更为显著;非洲季风区Q1振荡位相超前于Q2振荡位相,其他季风  相似文献   

夏半年青藏高原东部大气热源时间变化特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
罗会邦  陈蓉 《气象科学》1995,15(4):84-93
本文利用1983-1992年夏半年逐日控空资料,计算了青藏高原东部大气热源和水汽汇,讨论了高原东部热源平均值的日变化,季节内变化,季节变化和年际变化。结果表明,热源和水汽汇铅直廓线存在明显的日变化,夏半年平均热源日变化振幅为1-2℃/Day,水汽汇为1-1.5℃/Day,热源铅直积分显示准双周振动特征,各半夏半年热源滤波曲线表明,7,8月份准双周振动较弱,5,6和9月份较强。  相似文献   

本文讨论分析了1994年盛夏东亚季风区垂直积分的平均水汽通量及水汽通量散度场,揭示出该时期东亚季风区存在四个强水汽泊;西太平洋、东涨、苏禄海、安达曼海和三个水汽汇:华北、长江中游南岸、南海南部。山西位于华北汇区中,盛夏降水的水汽是由安达曼海和莎经取西南气流,东南气流输送而来。  相似文献   

利用TRAJ3D模拟亚洲夏季风区空气的边界层来源。30天后向轨迹的统计结果显示,150hPa上,源于边界层的空气主要集中在亚洲夏季风反气旋南侧的深对流区及其下风向,而不是反气旋中心;将边界层源分为海洋(20°N以南的中国南海和西太平洋)和陆地(10–30°N之间的孟加拉湾、印度、环阿拉伯海地区)分别进行考察,携带高浓度污染物的陆地边界层空气在150hPa上的集中位置与卫星观测到的CO高值中心相对应,洁净的海洋边界层空气对反气旋东南侧的高浓度污染物起到稀释作用。  相似文献   

The atmospheric heat budget in summer over Asia monsoon area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For better understanding the mechanism of monsoon formation and designing the numerical simulation of the general atmospheric circulation, a new approach of calculating atmospheric radiation is proposed to investigate the distribution of the atmospheric heat source, and the budget of heat component is recalculated. The results show that there is a tremendous atmospheric heat source region over central India, northeast of the Bay of Bengal, east of the South China Sea and about 10 °N at the west Pacific, among which the heating center with a maximum heating rate of 8 ℃/day is located over the Bay of Bengal and the average rate in the Plateau is about 1 ℃/day.  相似文献   

东亚季风区的季风类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从地面流场正、斜压分量的冬夏季节转换的特征 ,对东亚至西太平洋季风区季风的性质进行了分析研究。结果表明 :这一地区的季风可分为 3种类型 :南海、华南沿海和低纬西太平洋主要为斜压流型季风区 ;华北北部、东北地区沿海主要为正压流型季风区 ;我国东部沿海和长江流域以及 2 7°N附近的西太平洋地区为正斜压流型共同形成的混合型季风区。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify and delineate large signals of climatic variation in the Asian monsoon region and try to understand the nature of transformation from one climate regime to another.It is found that the summer monsoon over the Indian and western Pacific oceans stows distinct climatic regimes with changes occurring in the years around 1875, 1900, 1940 and 1960. The change of about 1900 is the largest one, which occurs in step with the variation of global oceanic climate pointed out by Fletcher, et al. (1982).The main characteristics of the transformation from one regime to another is an alternation of meridio-nality of monsoon current. The transformation occurs most strongly in the western Pacific convergence zone, where monsoon has strong interaction with the trade wind systems.The variability of monsoon rainfall over India and East China also exhibits some large signals which are synchronous with those of wind field over the ocean: the monsoon rainfall increases (decreases) during the “meridional monsoon period” (zonal monsoon period) over the ocean.It should be noted that the apparent decreasing of plum rains in East China since 1958 which is well known in China would be linked mainly with the sudden increasing of U-component of SW monsoon over the South China Sea.Finally a kind of seesaw between Indian monsoon and East China monsoon with somewhat time-lag is discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims at (1) exploring dominant atmospheric dynamical processes which are responsible for climate model-simulated land-use impacts on Asian monsoon; and (2) assessing uncertainty in such model simulations due to their skills in simulating detailed monsoon circulations in the region. Firstly, results from a series of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) global model simulations of land-use vegetation changes (LUC) in China are analysed. The model showed consistent signals of changes in atmospheric low-level vertical profile and regional circulations responding to LUC. In northern winter, the model-simulated rainfall reduction and surface cooling are associated with an enhanced southward penetration of dry and cold air mass, which impedes warm and humid air reaching the region for generating cold-front rainfall. In its summer, an enhanced cyclonic circulation responding to LUC further blocks the northeast penetration of southwestly summer monsoon flow into the region and results in rainfall decreases and a surface warming. Secondly, we have explored uncertainties in the proposed mechanism operating in the global model. By comparing its results with a set of high-resolution regional model simulations using the same vegetation datasets, it reveals similar changes in winter rainfall but opposite features in summer rainfall responses. In the global model, there is a cyclonic low-level circulation pattern over the South China Sea and adjacent region, an unsatisfactory feature commonly seen in other global climate models. With the reduction in surface roughness following LUC, such a deficiency becomes more prominent which further results in a weakened south/southwestly summer monsoon flow and rainfall reduction. In contrast, in the regional model, its southwestly summer monsoon flow is further enhanced due to the same process as reduced surface roughness. The enhanced monsoon flow further pushes the East Asian monsoon rainfall belt more northward and increases summer rainfall in the Yangtze River region. This study highlights the need for better monsoon simulations in climate models to produce reliable climate change projections in the region.  相似文献   

Summary Surface weather observations are analyzed to investigate the temporal and spatial distributions of dust loading associated with the southwest Indian summer monsoon region. The 1979 annual distribution of dust days for the region 10°N-37°N and 35°E-90°E are presented. Five year composites of dust loading for the months May, June and July are derived. Results are analyzed with respect to preferred wind direction and wind speed associated with dust loading, potential source regions and regions of deposition. A case study of the meteorological conditions of a dust outbreak that occurred over the Arabian Peninsula in June of 1979 is given. Rawinsonde temperature observations are analyzed to locate the top of the dust layer over the Rub al Khali desert. The top of the dust layer was found to vary from 400 mb during the summer to 600 mb in the late spring and early fall.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

利用观测资料分析了亚洲季风区夏季海陆热力差异的变化特征。在此基础上,采用国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(Coupled Model Intercomparison Program 5,CMIP5)20个模式的输出结果,对其进行了模拟评估。结果表明,亚洲季风区夏季陆地上空温度呈下降趋势,海洋上空呈升高趋势,海陆热力差呈减弱趋势。虽然模式模拟的海陆热力差也呈减弱趋势,但陆地和海洋上空温度均呈上升趋势。模式对陆地上空温度趋势模拟较差的原因是对青藏高原上空的温度模拟偏低。进一步分析表明,对海陆热力差异模拟相对较好的模式对亚洲季风系统模拟较好,而较差的模式对亚洲季风系统模拟也较差。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the sensitivity of radiation budget quantities to different cloud types over the Asian monsoon region using the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project. Multiple regression was used to estimate the radiative effects of individual cloud type. It was observed that the regression performed better when the solution was constrained with clear sky fluxes, which is evident by an improvement in R 2 statistics. The sensitivity coefficients calculated for the Asian monsoon region reveal that, while the LWCRCF and SWCRF will be most vulnerable to changes in cloud cover of deep convective clouds, NETCRF will be susceptible to changes in the nimbostratus clouds. Although the cloud radiative forcing of individual cloud types are found to be similar in sign to previous global findings, their magnitudes are found to vary. It is seen that cirrus clouds play an important role in governing the radiative behavior of this region.  相似文献   

The propagation and underlying mechanisms of the boreal summer quasi-biweekly oscillation (QBWO) over the entire Asian monsoon region are investigated, based on ECMWF Interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim) data, GPCP precipitation data, and an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). Statistical analyses indicate that the QBWO over the Asian monsoon region derives its main origin from the equatorial western Pacific and moves northwestward to the Bay of Bengal and northern India, and then northward to the Tibetan Plateau (TP) area, with a baroclinic vertical structure. Northward propagation of the QBWO is promoted by three main mechanisms: barotropic vorticity, boundary moisture advection, and surface sensible heating (SSH). It is dominated by the barotropic vorticity effect when the QBWO signals are situated to the south of 20°N. During the propagation taking place farther north toward the TP, the boundary moisture advection and SSH are the leading mechanisms. We use an AGCM to verify the importance of SSH on the northward propagation of the QBWO. Numerical simulations confirm the diagnostic conclusion that the equatorial western Pacific is the source of the QBWO. Importantly, the model can accurately simulate the propagation pathway of the QBWO signals over the Asian monsoon region. Simultaneously, sensitivity experiments demonstrate that the SSH over northern India and the southern slope of the TP greatly contributes to the northward propagation of the QBWO as far as the TP area.  相似文献   

利用16 a的TRMM卫星观测资料,分析了亚洲季风区准圆状、线状和拉长状中尺度对流系统(MCSs)的空间分布、对流属性及其区域变化特征。结果表明:拉长状MCSs的数量最多,准圆状的其次而线状的最少。自西向东,准圆状(线状)MCSs数量占各区域MCSs总数的比例逐渐减小(增加),线状MCSs在副热带和洋面地区的产生几率相比更大。MCSs的发生频次呈现以暖季(5—9月)为峰值的单峰分布,准圆状和拉长状MCSs的暖季峰值比线状MCSs的大。MCSs主要发生在下午—傍晚时段,但线状MCSs在午夜—凌晨出现的概率比其它两种大。3种类型MCSs的整体强度基本表现为副热带地区弱于近热带地区,但不同类型MCSs的强度差异在各区域不尽相同,如中国中东部地区和西北太平洋地区的准圆状MCSs强度最强,但东海及其以东洋面的线状MCSs强度最强。  相似文献   

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