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Data from an East-West line of magnetometer stations stretching approximately along 67° geomagnetic latitude from western Alberta (290° geomagnetic longitude) to western Quebec (350° geomagnetic longitude) in Canada have been used to study the longitudinal characteristics of Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations. This paper concerns the analysis of 3 days' data of relatively intense pulsational activity which occurred around the middle of October in 1976. The intensity variations of Pc5 activity on longitude and time clearly show that the activity is localized in longitude in the morning sector and confused in the afternoon sector. Pulsational activity in the morning sector for two of the events studied appears to be markedly enhanced across the dawn terminator and midway through the pre-noon quadrant. A study of the longitudinal phase variation indicates that the eastern stations lead in phase before noon and lag in phase after noon. This implies that the signals propagate away from noon toward the dawn-dusk meridian. A systematic reversal in the sense of polarization in the horizontal plane was observed when the line of stations rotated across noon. The polarization characteristics in the vertical planes of the events recorded by stations in eastern Canada between 318° and 350° geomagnetic longitude appear to be stationary with respect to time suggesting that the polarization characteristics of pulsations are influenced by geoelectric structures. The implications of these morphological features will be discussed.  相似文献   

The characteristics of long period Pc5 pulsations (frequency 3·33-1·67 mHz; period 300–600 sec) for stations in the subauroral, auroral and polar zones are studied for 1967. These pulsations occur mainly in the auroral and polar zones with one morning and one evening peak; in the cusp region they occur most frequently near local noon. The evening peak gets stronger and appears farther away from noon with increasing geomagnetic activity. Periods are shorter and amplitudes larger in the morning compared to the evening hours. Only in a small latitudinal belt (60–70°) do the periods tend to increase with latitude. Amplitudes are almost always maximum near the central line of the auroral zone and drop much more sharply towards lower latitudes than towards higher latitudes. Considerable diurnal variations and also variations with magnetic activity are found to exist in the occurrence-latitude and amplitudelatitude profiles. In all the three regions the occurrence and the amplitude of these pulsations increase with magnetic activity to a certain level after which results become uncertain. Periods either do not change very much or at some stations decrease as activity increases.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic data for the year 1967 from seven Canadian observatories, spanning the subauroral, auroral and polar zones, have been analysed to investigate the characteristic variation of Pc5 period with several geophysical variables. Pulsations in the whole spectrum of Pc5 (period range 150–600 s) were found to occur at all of the observatories. Those with smaller periods occurred more frequently at lower latitudes while those with longer periods occurred more frequently at higher latitudes. Daily variation of the periods of Pc5 showed little change with seasons or with magnetic activity. Periods, in general, had two daily maxima which appeared at different local times in different zones. A predominant morning peak was noted at all stations except Baker Lake, where a mid-day maximum of the period was found. The Pc5 periods tended to increase with geomagnetic activity at lower latitude stations, and to decrease with activity at stations in the polar cap for low to moderateKp levels. At high activity levels these trends appeared to reverse, though results are less certain. In different seasons and for the whole year the periods increased almost linearly with latitude. However when similar analysis was done for individual hours of the day and for different magnetic activity groups, this linear relationship between period and geomagnetic latitude was not evident. Efforts to detect a 27-day recurrence tendency of Pc5 periods did not succeed.Contributions from the Earth Physics Branch No. 495.  相似文献   

Polarization properties of Pc3 magnetic pulsations at very low latitudes cannot be explained by existing theories which are based on the field line resonance model, because magnetic field lines at ¦Φ¦ < 22° are almost entirely in the ionosphere. In order to interpret Pc3 polarization characteristics observed at very low latitudes (¦Φ¦ < 20°), I would like to propose a possible, new qualitative model in which two superimposed ionospheric eddy currents, oscillating with slight differences in frequency in the Pc3 range and in azimuthal wave number, move azimuthally at very low latitudes. The equatorial ionospheric Pedersen eddy currents are believed to be predominantly caused by inductive electric fields of compressional Pc3 source waves which may possibly arrive in the equatorial ionosphere from the outer magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The morphological features of Pc5 pulsations during a solar cycle are studied using Fort Churchill data for the years 1962–1972. Some of the characteristics noted are as follows: (1) Increasing sunspot numbers show little influence on the diurnal variation of the occurrence, amplitude and the period except perhaps some noticeable change in the absolute magnitude of these parameters during different hours of the day. (2) The morning occurrence peak dominates during all phases of the solar cycle. (3) As noted earlier (Gupta 1973a), with increasing magnetic activity the day side region(s) of generation of Pc5 is found to shift closer to the subsolar point and in the midnight sector, the occurrence region (presumably the region of open and closed field lines) seemed to shift towards earlier hours with increasing magnetic activity and towards later hours with increasing sunspot numbers. (4) Despite the smaller number of data points for high magnetic activity levels the analysis indicates that the amplitude of Pc5 pulsations is directly related to all the levels of magnetic activity. (5) The periods of Pc5 pulsations show strong correlation with increasing sunspot numbers and the amplitude and occurrences are found to vary in accordance with the magnetic activity all through the cycle. (6) The annual and semi-annual variations of Pc5 parameters have been demonstrated especially for the pulsations occurring in the morning close to 8 ± 1 h LT and for those occurring near the midnight hours. (7) A suspected 27-day recurrence tendency has been clearly noticed for the occurrence, amplitude and period of Pc5 pulsations.  相似文献   

A model is developed to represent a toroidal mode of Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations. It is shown that this model is consistent in its predictions, such as the latitude profiles of amplitude and phase and their dependence on the height integrated Pedersen conductivity, Σp, with those of Walker's (1980) theory. It is also shown that this theory is relatively easily capable of accommodating (i) a variety of field line plasma mass density distributions, (ii) a variety of external excitation schemes, (iii) unequal Σp's at each end of the field lines and (iv) non-dipolar geomagnetic fields. The theory yields the transient as well as the steady state response, an important feature permitting application to short-lived events or to those for which the generator is amplitude modulated. It is shown, for instance, that the amplitude-latitude profile varies during the transient. It is also shown that the steady state latitude profiles of amplitude and phase are the dual of those observed as a function of frequency when the excitation frequency is scanned through a resonance. A more realistic steady state energy flow from a generator along the field lines to the ionosphere is inherent in this theory compared with that from the mode to the ionosphere which is inherent in Walker's theory.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations on the horizontal propagation of Pc 1 pulsations in directions out of the geomagnetic meridian have been carried out using data recorded over a three-year period at four widely-separated middle and low latitude stations. The results obtained show that Pc 1 signals propagate in off-meridian directions, and that horizontal propagation characteristics in the early morning hours have small directional changes.  相似文献   

The propagation properties of the various elements of the plane-wave angular spectrum of a Pc1 pulsation signal in the ionosphere are determined by a full-wave numerical analysis. A spectral component is characterized by the wave-vector azimuthal direction, and the Snell constant S. The isotropic R-mode transmission coefficient to ground is fairly flat for S ? 400, but thereafter (S > 500) drops rapidly with increasing S. Coupling of energy from the field-guided L-mode to the R-mode occurs along the entire length of the L-mode trajectory within the ionospheric duct in which the R-mode can propagate. Within the duct, the R-mode attenuation is determined largely by R to L-mode coupling, which is larger for E-W than for N-S azimuths, especially for steep angles of incidence (S < 100). This should lead to enhanced injection of energy into E-W high altitude, high velocity paths, but to higher E-W attenuation at oblique angles. For oblique propagation (S ? 200) horizontal group velocities are slightly higher than the Alfvén phase velocity at the F-layer peak, but about twice as high for steep angles (S ≈ 100).  相似文献   

Detailed properties of a Pc5 pulsation with large azimuthal wavenumber observed using the STARE radar have recently been reported. A further four examples of this type of pulsation are presented, and it is shown that their properties are generally similar to those of the first example. However, there are some differences, the most important being that the variation of azimuthal phase velocity with latitude is significantly different for different time intervals during individual events, so that a mean phase velocity for a given latitude cannot be defined.When mapped to the equatorial plane in a dipole geomagnetic field, the variation of azimuthal phase velocity with L resembles the gradient-curvature drift of energetic protons in only a few time intervals within the events. The results are interpreted in terms of current theories of drift and bounce resonance of energetic particles with hydromagnetic waves. It is found that no single theory explains all aspects of the observations.  相似文献   

Daytime Pc 3–4 pulsation activities observed at globally coordinated low-latitude stations [SGC (L = 1.8,λ = 118.0°W), EWA(1.15,158.1°W), ONW(1.3,141.5°E)] are evidently controlled by the cone angle θXB of the IMF observed at ISEE 3. Moreover, the Pc 3–4 frequencies (?) at the low latitudes and high latitude (COL; L = 5.6 and λ = 147.9°W) on the ground and that of compressional waves at geosynchronous orbit (GOES 2; L = 6.67 and λ = 106.7°W) are also correlated with the IMFmagnitude(BIMF).The correlation of ? of the compressional Pc 3–4 waves at GOES 2 against BIMF is higher than those of the Pc 3–4 pulsations at the globally coordinated ground stations, i.e., γ = 0.70 at GOES 2, and (0.36,0.60,0.66,0.54) at (COL, SGC, EWA, ONW), respectively. The standard deviation (σn = ± Δ? mHz) of the observed frequencies from the form ? (mHz) = 6.0 × BIMF (nT) is larger at the ground stations than at GOES 2, i.e., Δ? = ± 6.6 mHz atGOES 2, and ±(13.9, 9.1, 10.7, 12.1) mHz at (COL, SGC, EWA, ONW), respectively. The correlations between the IMF magnitude BIMF and Pc 3–4 frequencies at the low latitudes are higher than that at the high latitude on the ground, which can be interpreted by a “filtering action” of the magnetosphere for daytime Pc 3–4 magnetic pulsations. The scatter plots of pulsation frequency ? against the IMF magnitude BIMF for the compressional Pc 3–4 waves at GOES 2 are restricted within the forms ? = 4.5 × BIMFand ? = 7.5 × BIMF. The frequency distribution is in excellent agreement with the speculation (scΩi = 0.3 ~ 0.5) of the spacecraft frame frequency of the magnetosonic right-hand waves excited by the anomalous ion cyclotron resonance with reflected ion beams with V6 = 650 ~ 1150 km s?1 in the solar wind frame observed by the ISEE satellite in the Earth's foreshock. These observational results suggest that the magnetosonic right-handed waves excited by the reflected ion beams in the Earth's foreshock are convected through the magnetosheath to the magnetopause, transmitted into the magnetosphere without significant changes in spectra, and then couple with various HM waves in the Pc 3–4 frequency range at various locations in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The polarization method of source location has been used on data from two low latitude stations (L = 1.9) to determine the exit region of structured Pc1 emissions from the magnetosphere into the ionosphere. Propagation directions in the ionospheric F2 duct can be inferred from measurements of polarization parameters made at the low latitude recording station. Measurements on six events indicated an average source L value of 3.2, which represented the sources being on the average 1.0 ± 0.5 Re inside the corresponding statistical plasmapause position.  相似文献   

Comparison is made between the measured monthly occurrences of pc 1-active days in California during the interval 1970–1976 and predictions of these occurrences by Soviet and U.S. researchers. It is shown that successful long-term predictions of the monthly occurrences can be made for up to 3 yr ahead and probably also for longer intervals depending on the need. These predictions could have application in cooperative programs of observation, in magnetotelluric studies, and in communications.  相似文献   

The records of the pulsations of Ez(air) and magnetic components during a pc 1 event are discussed.  相似文献   

Structured Pc 1 signals propagate in the ionospheric F2 region duct from their secondary sources at high latitudes to lower latitudes. Propagation directions to low latitude stations can be inferred from measurements of polarization parameters. The analysis of five events recorded at two low latitude stations (L = 1.9) are presented. Direction of arrival measurements are used to investigate the spatial and temporal structure of Pc 1 sources. Results show a close relationship between the structure of events identified in the frequency-time representation and direction of arrival measurement patterns. Multiple sources are sometimes indicated.  相似文献   

In order to investigate Pc3-4 geomagnetic pulsations at very low and equatorial latitudes, L=1.0 to 1.2, we analyzed simultaneous geomagnetic data from Brazilian stations for 26 days during October-November 1994. The multitaper spectral method based on Fourier transform and singular value decomposition was used to obtain pulsation power spectra, polarization parameters and phase. Eighty-one (81) simultaneous highly polarized Pc3-4 events occurring mainly during daytime were selected for the study. The diurnal events showed enhancement in the polarized power density of about 3.2 times for pulsations observed at stations close to the magnetic equator in comparison to the more distant ones. The phase of pulsation observed at stations near the magnetic equator showed a delay of 48-62° in relation to the most distant one. The peculiarities shown by these Pc3-4 pulsations close to the dip equator are attributed to the increase of the ionospheric conductivity and the intensification of the equatorial electrojet during daytime that regulates the propagation of compressional waves generated in the foreshock region and transmitted to the magnetosphere and ionosphere at low latitudes. The source mechanism of these compressional Pc3-4 modes may be the compressional global mode or the trapped fast mode in the plasmasphere driving forced field line oscillations at very low and equatorial latitudes.  相似文献   

It is assumed that the generation mechanism of Pc5's is somehow related to oscillations of a current system whose ionospheric path is the westward (or the eastward) electrojet. The Earth induction effects on the vertical polarization of Pc5 pulsations recorded in auroral regions are then modelled as the response of a flat layered Earth to an overhead uniform band of current whose intensity oscillates in time with periods ranging from 2 to 10 min. It is shown that polarization ellipses are opened in the H-Z planes by induction alone with a maximum ellipticity of the order of 0.15 at distances from the centre of the electrojet comparable to its width.  相似文献   

Propagation characteristics of hydromagnetic waves in a cold plasma mixed with a hot plasma under a uniform static magnetic field are investigated. The existence of cold plasma seriously affects the polarization properties of the waves. The results are applied to the interpretation of Pcl and Pc5 with righthand polarizations guided along the geomagnetic field line.  相似文献   

Long-period hydromagnetic waves can be excited by the velocity shear instability in the magnetospheric boundary layers, where the penetrated bulk flow of the solar wind comprises a fairly strong velocity shear. Model spaces of the boundary layers are considered to estimate amplification rates on the HM waves in the low-latitude flank-side and in the dayside high-latitude and mantle-side boundary layers, where the ambient magnetic field is assumed to be perpendicular and parallel to the bulk flow of the solar wind, respectively. Wave characteristics of the HM waves are also investigated for the k-vector almost normal to the magnetopause.The localized HM waves in the Pc 3–4, Pc 4–5 and Pc 6 frequency ranges, of which group velocities are mostly parallel to the plane in the ambient magnetic field and the bulk flow directions, i.e., parallel to the magnetopause, are sufficiently amplified in the dayside low- and high-latitude, in the low-latitude flank-side, and in the mantle-side boundary layers, respectively. A left-handed toroidal (transverse) and a right-handed poloidal (compressional) mode of long-period (T ? 120 sA-wave are generated in the dawn- and the duskflank boundary layers, respectively, where the k-vector of Alfvénic signals was assumed to be almost in the Archemedean spiral direction. The localized compressional HM waves in the Pc 3–4 range indicate both lefthanded and right-handed polarizations in the dayside boundary layer, which are functions of the k-vector of the waves and the sense of the velocity shear. The variance directions of perturbation fields of the HM waves in the magnetospheric boundary layers tend to be nearly parallel to the magnetopause. These localized HM waves can propagate into the high-latitude ionosphere. We conclude that the localized HM waves driven by the velocity shear instability in the magnetospheric boundary layers are the most probable source of the daytime Pc 3–5 magnetic pulsations in the outer magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic resonance theory is used to model the structure of the magnetospheric and ionospheric electric and magnetic fields associated with Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations. In this paper the variation of the fields across the invariant latitude of the resonance are computed. The results are combined with calculations of the variation along a field line to map the fields down to the ionosphere. In one case the results are compared with measurements obtained by the STARE auroral radar and show good agreement. The relationship between the width of the resonance region and ionospheric height-integrated Pedersen conductivity is computed and it is shown how auroral radar measurements of Pc5 oscillations could be used to determine ionospheric height-integrated Pedersen conductivity. It is pointed out that from these calculations it would be possible to identify the field line on which a satellite was located by comparing a Pc5 pulsation observed by the satellite, and the same pulsation observed by STARE.  相似文献   

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