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Several attempts have been made to predict the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) from the frequency of Pc 3, 4 pulsations measured on the ground. The predictive capability of the ground pulsations depends on the relationship which exists between their frequency and the IMF magnitude. It has been suggested that the relationship improves considerably when coincident frequencies between two stations are used.In this paper we show the correlation between the IMF magnitude and the frequency of coincident pulsation events in a network of five stations in the IGS magnetometer array. We do find that the frequency-field strength relationship is very good for the coincident events at the stations with large longitudinal separation ( > 3 h). We also confirm that the frequency taken from a network of ground stations is a better predictor of IMF magnitude than that from a single station.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic pulsations recorded on the ground are the signatures of the integrated signals from the magnetosphere. Pc3 geomagnetic pulsations are quasi-sinusoidal variations in the earth’s magnetic field in the period range 10–45 seconds. The magnitude of these pulsations ranges from fraction of a nT (nano Tesla) to several nT. These pulsations can be observed in a number of ways. However, the application of ground-based magnetometer arrays has proven to be one of the most successful methods of studying the spatial structure of hydromagnetic waves in the earth’s magnetosphere. The solar wind provides the energy for the earth’s magnetospheric processes. Pc3–5 geomagnetic pulsations can be generated either externally or internally with respect to the magnetosphere. The Pc3 studies undertaken in the past have been confined to middle and high latitudes. The spatial and temporal variations observed in Pc3 occurrence are of vital importance because they provide evidence which can be directly related to wave generation mechanisms both inside and external to the magnetosphere. At low latitudes (L < 3) wave energy predominates in the Pc3 band and the spatial characteristics of these pulsations have received little attention in the past. An array of four low latitude induction coil magnetometers were established in south-east Australia over a longitudinal range of 17 degrees at L = 1.8 to 2.7 for carrying out the study of the effect of the solar wind velocity on these pulsations. Digital dynamic spectra showing Pc3 pulsation activity over a period of about six months have been used to evaluate Pc3 pulsation occurrence. Pc3 occurrence probability at low latitudes has been found to be dominant for the solar wind velocity in the range 400–700 km/s. The results suggest that solar wind controls Pc3 occurrence through a mechanism in which Pc3 wave energy is convected through the magnetosheath and coupled to the standing oscillations of magnetospheric field lines.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the Kelvin-Helmholtz magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instability near the low-latitude boundary layer. It is argued that the instability may be responsible both for viscous interaction of solar wind with the magnetosphere and for generation of surface waves over the range of geomagnetic pulsation frequencies. The influence of the inclination angle of the IMF vector with respect to the Earth-Sun line upon the instability growth-rate value is studied numerically. On the basis of the results the morning maximum of surface waves and of geomagnetic pulsations as well as the dependence of the latter on IMF orientation are discussed.  相似文献   

The generation of low-frequency waves in the solar wind by the flux of protons accelerated in the magnetosheath is considered. It is shown that pulsations are produced in two partly overlapping frequency ranges. The growth rate of waves is maximal when the angle θ between the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field and the front of the bow shock is not equal π2. The dependence of the increment of perturbation on the solar wind velocity is analysed. A satisfactory agreement between theory and experimental results on the connection of Pc3–4 properties and parameters of the solar wind is obtained.  相似文献   

The wave characteristics of Pc5 magnetic pulsations are analyzed with data of OGO-5, ISEE-1 and -2 satellites. The toroidal modes (δBD >δBH) of Pc5 pulsations are observed at a higher magnetic latitude in the dawnside outer magnetosphere. The compressional and poloidal modes (δBz.dfnc;δBH >δBD) of Pc5 pulsations are mostly observed near the magnetic equator in the duskside outer magnetosphere. This L.T. asymmetry in the occurrence of dominant modes of Pc5's in space can be explained by the velocity shear instability (Yumoto and Saito, 1980) in the magnetospheric boundary layer, where Alfvénic signals in the IMF medium are assumed to penetrate into the magnetospheric boundary layer along the Archimedean spiral. The asymmetrical behaviour of Pc5 pulsation activity on the ground across the noon meridian can be also explained by the ionospheric screening effect on the compressional Pc5 magnetic pulsations. The compressional modes with a large horizontal wave number in the duskside magnetosphere are expected to be suppressed on the ground throughout the ionosphere and atmosphere.  相似文献   

Daytime Pc 3–4 pulsation activities observed at globally coordinated low-latitude stations [SGC (L = 1.8,λ = 118.0°W), EWA(1.15,158.1°W), ONW(1.3,141.5°E)] are evidently controlled by the cone angle θXB of the IMF observed at ISEE 3. Moreover, the Pc 3–4 frequencies (?) at the low latitudes and high latitude (COL; L = 5.6 and λ = 147.9°W) on the ground and that of compressional waves at geosynchronous orbit (GOES 2; L = 6.67 and λ = 106.7°W) are also correlated with the IMFmagnitude(BIMF).The correlation of ? of the compressional Pc 3–4 waves at GOES 2 against BIMF is higher than those of the Pc 3–4 pulsations at the globally coordinated ground stations, i.e., γ = 0.70 at GOES 2, and (0.36,0.60,0.66,0.54) at (COL, SGC, EWA, ONW), respectively. The standard deviation (σn = ± Δ? mHz) of the observed frequencies from the form ? (mHz) = 6.0 × BIMF (nT) is larger at the ground stations than at GOES 2, i.e., Δ? = ± 6.6 mHz atGOES 2, and ±(13.9, 9.1, 10.7, 12.1) mHz at (COL, SGC, EWA, ONW), respectively. The correlations between the IMF magnitude BIMF and Pc 3–4 frequencies at the low latitudes are higher than that at the high latitude on the ground, which can be interpreted by a “filtering action” of the magnetosphere for daytime Pc 3–4 magnetic pulsations. The scatter plots of pulsation frequency ? against the IMF magnitude BIMF for the compressional Pc 3–4 waves at GOES 2 are restricted within the forms ? = 4.5 × BIMFand ? = 7.5 × BIMF. The frequency distribution is in excellent agreement with the speculation (scΩi = 0.3 ~ 0.5) of the spacecraft frame frequency of the magnetosonic right-hand waves excited by the anomalous ion cyclotron resonance with reflected ion beams with V6 = 650 ~ 1150 km s?1 in the solar wind frame observed by the ISEE satellite in the Earth's foreshock. These observational results suggest that the magnetosonic right-handed waves excited by the reflected ion beams in the Earth's foreshock are convected through the magnetosheath to the magnetopause, transmitted into the magnetosphere without significant changes in spectra, and then couple with various HM waves in the Pc 3–4 frequency range at various locations in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

For many years it has been known the that most intense and continuous Pc5 micropulsation activity occurs in the local time quadrant between dawn and noon. Recently, Lam and Rostoker (1978) have shown that Pc5 pulsations occur in the latitudinal regime occupied by the westward auroral electrojet and have suggested that part of the oscillating current system responsible for the pulsations involves upward field-aligned current at the boundary between the sunlit and dark ionosphere at local dawn. In this paper, we show that power in the Pc5 micropulsation range is markedly enhanced as one moves across the dawn terminator at 100 km from the nightside to the dayside. It is further shown that there is a significant increase in pulsation strength at ~0730 L.T.. The increase in Pc5 pulsation strength across the dawn terminator favors the concept that Pc5 micropulsations can be viewed as oscillations of a three-dimensional current loop involving downward current in the pre-noon sector diverging to flow in the ionosphere as part of the westward auroral electrojet and returning to the magnetosphere along field lines penetrating the ionosphere across the region separating the dark and sunlit ionosphere. We further suggest that the region of enhanced high energy electron precipitation shown by Hartz and Brice (1967) to maximize in the pre-noon quadrant is associated with the marked enhancement of Pc5 activity near 0730 L.T.  相似文献   

The Pc5 pulsation model of Rostoker and Lam (1978), which was constructed on the assumption of a non-axisymmetric magnetosphere-ionosphere, is extended to account for the consequence of the ionosphere Hall current. The purpose of the extension is to determine if the more difficult equivalent extension of the hydromagnetic wave theory would be profitable by obtaining some insight into the probable results of such an extension. The new model predicts that the natural resonant frequency is altered by the ionosphere conductivities. This alteration is examined in detail. Another prediction is that the east-west current flow in the ionosphere differs in phase from the north-south current. This phase difference contributes to the polarization properties of the ground-observed pulsations. These results are consequences of the behaviour of the resonant circuit and not that of the signal source. The relationship of this work to that using the traditional approach is discussed.  相似文献   

Because of their known tendency to occur in the interval 2–7 days after the start of a geomagnetic storm, Pc 1 pulsations (0.2–5 Hz) are particularly well suited for a method of occurrence prediction based on the comparison of running means of a geomagnetic activity index. By comparing the running mean of a short interval (~ 2 days) of activity data with the mean of a longer interval (~ 5 days), it is possible to isolate the intervals of declining activity that contain a large proportion (if 66%) of Pc 1 pulsation occurrences. Assuming the real time availability of a daily activity index, predictions can be made for 3–10 days ahead of the probability of Pc 1 occurrences. The method of prediction generalizes the previous observations on the relation between Pc 1 pulsations and geomagnetic storms, and one of its important features is its ability to divide Pc 1 pulsation occurrences into a unified system of categories. It is probable that this system can be exploited to provide new information about the pulsations.  相似文献   

The morphological features of Pc5 pulsations during a solar cycle are studied using Fort Churchill data for the years 1962–1972. Some of the characteristics noted are as follows: (1) Increasing sunspot numbers show little influence on the diurnal variation of the occurrence, amplitude and the period except perhaps some noticeable change in the absolute magnitude of these parameters during different hours of the day. (2) The morning occurrence peak dominates during all phases of the solar cycle. (3) As noted earlier (Gupta 1973a), with increasing magnetic activity the day side region(s) of generation of Pc5 is found to shift closer to the subsolar point and in the midnight sector, the occurrence region (presumably the region of open and closed field lines) seemed to shift towards earlier hours with increasing magnetic activity and towards later hours with increasing sunspot numbers. (4) Despite the smaller number of data points for high magnetic activity levels the analysis indicates that the amplitude of Pc5 pulsations is directly related to all the levels of magnetic activity. (5) The periods of Pc5 pulsations show strong correlation with increasing sunspot numbers and the amplitude and occurrences are found to vary in accordance with the magnetic activity all through the cycle. (6) The annual and semi-annual variations of Pc5 parameters have been demonstrated especially for the pulsations occurring in the morning close to 8 ± 1 h LT and for those occurring near the midnight hours. (7) A suspected 27-day recurrence tendency has been clearly noticed for the occurrence, amplitude and period of Pc5 pulsations.  相似文献   

The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability on the magnetopause has frequently been invoked as a mechanism for driving geomagnetic pulsations in the Pc3–Pc5 range, as well as to explain the occurrence of surface waves on the magnetopause observed by satellites. Most theories of the instability represent the magnetopause by a sharp boundary with velocity shear. In this paper a linear theory is developed which takes into account the finite thickness of the low-latitude boundary layer on the magnetopause. The theory is in a form suitable for numerical computation and can take into account the effect of gradients in the plasma pressure, magnetic field magnitude and direction, and density. Computations show that the instability is suppressed at wavelengths short compared with the scale width of the boundary. There is thus a wavelength for which the growth rate is maximum. Extensive computations have been carried out and they show that growth can take place for a very wide range of conditions. The computations confirm earlier results snowing that maximum growth occurs for a wave vector which is perpendicular to the magnetic field. For typical solar wind conditions the theory predicts wavelengths on the magnetopause of the order of 10 times the thickness of the low-latitude boundary layer and periods in the Pc3–Pc5 range. The possible non-linear development of the instability is discussed qualitatively. The predicted results are consistent with satellite observations of pulsations.  相似文献   

The measurements of the amplitudes envelope of Pc 3–4 geomagnetic micropulsations obtained at the Borok Geophysical Observatory were analysed by the cosinor method to search for magnetospheric pulsations with a period of about 160 m. 216 days of observations in 1974–1978 were used. It was found that Pc 3–4 amplitudes are modulated by the period 160.010 m with a stable phase. The maximum of the Pc 3–4 amplitudes follows approximately 20 m after the maximum of the solar expansion velocity (for the center of the disk) in the optical observations of Severny et al. This modulation of the Pc 3–4 amplitudes could be caused by the presence of an oscillating component in solar UV radiation over the wavelength range 100–900 Å. The amplitude of the UV flux variation may be as large as 2–4%.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic resonance theory is used to model the structure of the magnetospheric and ionospheric electric and magnetic fields associated with Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations. In this paper the variation of the fields across the invariant latitude of the resonance are computed. The results are combined with calculations of the variation along a field line to map the fields down to the ionosphere. In one case the results are compared with measurements obtained by the STARE auroral radar and show good agreement. The relationship between the width of the resonance region and ionospheric height-integrated Pedersen conductivity is computed and it is shown how auroral radar measurements of Pc5 oscillations could be used to determine ionospheric height-integrated Pedersen conductivity. It is pointed out that from these calculations it would be possible to identify the field line on which a satellite was located by comparing a Pc5 pulsation observed by the satellite, and the same pulsation observed by STARE.  相似文献   

An analysis of micropulsation data, recorded at Borok during upstream wave events observed by the HEOS satellite in the solar wind, clearly demonstrates that pulsation activity was present at Borok only when the solar wind velocity was sufficiently large compared with the sunward component of the Alfvén velocity along the interplanetary magnetic field. We show that the form of this relationship is consistent with the generation of the Borok pulsations by the Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism at the magnetopause. The experimentally determined threshold for this wave excitation agrees best with theory when the latter represents a magnetosheath flow of finite thickness and nonlinear effects of the interaction are included. The modified theoretical treatment is given in the appendix.  相似文献   

In order to investigate Pc3-4 geomagnetic pulsations at very low and equatorial latitudes, L=1.0 to 1.2, we analyzed simultaneous geomagnetic data from Brazilian stations for 26 days during October-November 1994. The multitaper spectral method based on Fourier transform and singular value decomposition was used to obtain pulsation power spectra, polarization parameters and phase. Eighty-one (81) simultaneous highly polarized Pc3-4 events occurring mainly during daytime were selected for the study. The diurnal events showed enhancement in the polarized power density of about 3.2 times for pulsations observed at stations close to the magnetic equator in comparison to the more distant ones. The phase of pulsation observed at stations near the magnetic equator showed a delay of 48-62° in relation to the most distant one. The peculiarities shown by these Pc3-4 pulsations close to the dip equator are attributed to the increase of the ionospheric conductivity and the intensification of the equatorial electrojet during daytime that regulates the propagation of compressional waves generated in the foreshock region and transmitted to the magnetosphere and ionosphere at low latitudes. The source mechanism of these compressional Pc3-4 modes may be the compressional global mode or the trapped fast mode in the plasmasphere driving forced field line oscillations at very low and equatorial latitudes.  相似文献   

A family of related Pc1-2 (0.2–10 s) discrete daytime geomagnetic pulsations is presented using pulsation data obtained at Davis, Antarctica, a typical polar-cap station. The morphological properties of IPRP and Pclb pulsation regimes, which maximize in amplitude and frequency of occurrence under the projection of the polar cusp, are examined. Furthermore, two other variations of discrete pulsation bursts yet to be named are also presented, viz IPFP (Intervals of Pulsations with Falling Period) and IPAP (Intervals of Pulsations with Alternating Period) which are observed on rare occasions. It is also suggested that the Pc1b (0.2–5 s) should be extended to incorporate Pc2b (5–10 s) which from the results in this paper are physically the same phenomenon and could be collectively classified as IPCP (Intervals of Pulsations with Constant Period).  相似文献   

Measurements of the pulsation activity recorded by the HEOS-1 satellite in the solar wind upstream from the Earth's bow shock are compared with records of Pc 3–4 activity at the Soviet Borok Observatory. Selecting only events in the 0300–1000 U.T. range most suitable for observing at Borok, we obtained eight events with closely similar periods at the satellite and at Borok, while another event showed similar onset times but had rather different dominant periodicities at the two locations.The time delay between the start of the event at HEOS and at Borok depends on the distance between the satellite and the bow shock in a way which suggests that the pulsation activity at the satellite is produced by protons which are counter-streaming along the interplanetary field lines as a result of reflection or energisation at the shock. When the interplanetary field is directed away from the Sun, the period of the disturbance at Borok is most closely similar to the period at HEOS and both are inversely proportional to the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field. This coincident dominant periodicity at HEOS and Borok did not seem to exist during periods of Sunward directed interplanetary field.These results are discussed in terms of the possible generating mechanisms for Pc 3–4 activity.  相似文献   

In the course of the magnetic storm of 4 September 1984, after an inverse sudden impulse (SI), geomagnetic pulsations in the Pc5-frequency range were observed at magnetometer stations in the local evening sector. They occurred at L-values of 6, and lasted for several hours, their period increasing from about 320 to 550 s. In this study, two events of enhanced activity are discussed in some detail. During the 16:00 U.T. event, a favourable position of the AMPTE/IRM spacecraft allows conjugate observations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and in the magnetosphere. This constellation permits a precise determination of the wave mode. During a later intensification around 18:00 U.T., the AMPTE/CCE spacecraft near local noon monitored poloidal waves, obviously driving the pulsations on the ground. Generally, the observations are consistent with the theory of field line resonance. They are interpreted as being excited by pressure variations in the solar wind. The hydromagnetic cavity mode is assumed to link the magnetopause surface motions to the field line resonances.  相似文献   

The first observations are presented from Halley, Antarctica, of quasi-periodic (QP)_VLF intensity variations modulated at the frequency of concurrent Pc3 magnetic pulsations. Seen on broadband frequency-time plots, the QP emissions are of both the dispersive and non-dispersive types. From the frequency and phase variation with time of the QP emissions and magnetic pulsations, estimates are obtained of the travel times of the ULF waves from the interaction region to the ground. The observations appear consistent with the idea of modulation of a pre-existing VLF hiss source in the magnetosphere by the compressional components of ULF waves. A significant change in the travel time during one event is consistent with a crossing of the plasmapause by the Halley fieldline.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate the association of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) with various solar wind parameters (i.e. solar wind speed V, plasma proton temperature, plasma proton density), interplanetary magnetic field (IMF B), geomagnetic storms (GSs), averaged planetary A-index (Ap index) and sun spot number (SSN) for the period 2009–2016 (solar cycle 24) by using their daily mean average. To find the association of CRI with various solar wind parameters, GSs, IMF B, Ap index and SSN, we incorporate the analysis technique by superposed-epoch method. We have observed that CRI decreases with the increase in IMF B. Moreover the time-lag analysis has been performed by the method of correlation coefficient and observed a time lag of 0 to 2 day between the decrease in CRI and increase in IMF B. In addition, we show that the CRI is found to decrease in a similar pattern to disturbance storm time (Dst index) for most of the period of solar cycle 24. The high and positive correlation is found between CRI and Dst index. The CRI and Ap index are better anti-correlated to each other than CRI and IMF. CRI and SSN are positively correlated with each other. Solar wind parameters such as solar wind speed V is a CR-effective parameter while plasma proton temperature and plasma proton density are not CR-effective parameters. The indicated parameters such as Dst index, Ap index, IMF B and solar wind parameters such as solar wind speed V, plasma proton temperature, plasma proton density shows a kind of irregular variations for solar cycle 23 and 24 while CRI and SSN shows distinct behaviour for the two cycle.  相似文献   

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