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Thermal H+ distributions have been measured as the European Space Agency GEOS-1 satellite passed through the late morning equatorial magnetosphere, plasmapause and plasmasphere. The unique capabilities of the on-board Supralhermal Plasma Analysers (SPA) have been used to overcome the retarding floating potential of the satellite and measure the velocity distribution of the cold protons. In the magnetosphere an enhanced source cone of such ions with a temperature of ~ 0.5 eV is a signature of the filling process occurring outside the plasmapause where flux tubes are relatively empty. In the plasmasphere the thermal H+ is essentially isotropic with a temperature less than 0.5 eV but the motion of the satellite introduces apparent drift.These measurements of cold proton velocity distribution now permit a reappraisal of the definition of the “plasmapause”. It becomes inappropriate to use an arbitrary empirical density, e.g. the conventional 10 cm ?3, in order to establish a boundary. It is now possible to identify a plasmapause interaction region where the two cold proton populations co-exist. This region generally lies Earthward of the 10 cm ?3 density level, has a width which is strongly dependent on magnetic activity and the temperature is typically between 0.5 and 1.5 eV. The change from “filled” to “unfilled” flux tubes relates to the physical processes which are occurring and the controlling electric field configuration; in particular, the last closed equipotential. Throughout this region, in going from the plasmasphere to the magnetosphere, the plasma drift motion is expected to change from corotation to a convection which is controlled by E ×B, and is predominantly Sunward due to the dawn-dusk electric field. Crossing the plasmapause on the morning side, little change in drift direction should occur but subtle variations in the ionic velocity distribution do reflect the change in the degree of flux tube density equilibrium.Our first direct measurement of the magnetospheric E × B drift has been reported previously but here measurements from a selected six day period show how the plasma in the plasmapause region responds to changing magnetospheric activity. The drift velocities cannot he derived with high accuracy but the analysis shows that the technique can provide a valid mapping of the magnelospheric electric field. In addition, since the magnetospheric cold plasma distribution is observed after it has come from the ionosphere, a distance of many Earth radii, the scattering and accelerating mechanisms along the flux tube can be studied. For this particular data-set taken in the late morning, the maximum potential drops along the flux tubes were less than a volt. The ionospheric proton source cone is observed to be broad, pitch angle scattering persists up to 40 or even 70°.Although these results throw new light on the plasmaspheric filling process one must recognise that, however the plasmapause is defined, it is not a simple matter to map this boundary from the equatorial plane down to low altitudes and the mid-latitude trough.  相似文献   

Intense (? 10 mVm?1) electrostatic plasma waves near the upper hybrid frequency have been observed between ± 50° magnetic latitude during spacecraft plasmapause crossings. We present wave growth rate and three-dimensional convective amplification calculations which suggest how intense upper hybrid (IUH) events can occur over such a wide range of latitudes. The effects of wave refraction are shown to be crucial to the proper calculation of convective amplification.We first calculate upper hybrid wave growth for an IUH event at 10° MLAT during which a complete electron distribution function with a loss cone feature was measured simultaneously with the waves. We show that a parallel density gradient may be necessary to account for the observed amplification. Without such a density gradient, the dipole magnetic field gradient would quickly refract the wave vector component parallel to the local field lines out of the unstable region in wave vector space. Upon mapping the distribution function observed at 10° MLAT to other latitudes by conserving the electrons' magnetic moments, we then find that the mapped distribution could produce large amplification at higher latitudes only if there is an appropriate parallel density gradient. At the equator, the long magnetic field gradient scale length enables large amplitudes to be attained without a density gradient.The results of our UH ray tracing analysis are related to theories and observations of magnetospheric continuum radiation.  相似文献   

Polarization properties of Pc3 magnetic pulsations at very low latitudes cannot be explained by existing theories which are based on the field line resonance model, because magnetic field lines at ¦Φ¦ < 22° are almost entirely in the ionosphere. In order to interpret Pc3 polarization characteristics observed at very low latitudes (¦Φ¦ < 20°), I would like to propose a possible, new qualitative model in which two superimposed ionospheric eddy currents, oscillating with slight differences in frequency in the Pc3 range and in azimuthal wave number, move azimuthally at very low latitudes. The equatorial ionospheric Pedersen eddy currents are believed to be predominantly caused by inductive electric fields of compressional Pc3 source waves which may possibly arrive in the equatorial ionosphere from the outer magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The plasmapause position is determined by the innermost equipotential surface which is tangent to the ‘Roche-Limit’ surface of the ionospheric plasma filling the magnetosphere. When the thermal particles corotate with the Earth's angular velocity, the ‘Roche-Limit’ equatorial distance is Lc=5.78 [RE]. When the angular convection velocity is evaluated from the quiet time electric field distribution E3 of McIIwain (1972), Lc depends on the local time. Its minimum value is then LC=4.5Near 2400 LT, and the plasmapause shape and position satisfactorily fit the observations. The diffusive equilibrium dnesity distribution appropriated inside the plasmasphere, becomes convectively unstable beyond L = Lc, where the collisions type of model satisfactorily represents the observations. In the intermediate region between the plasmapause and the last closed magnetic field line, contimues ionization fluxes are expected to flow out of the midlatitude ionosphere  相似文献   

During August 1972, Explorer 45 orbiting near the equatorial plane with an apogee of ~5.2 Re traversed magnetic field lines in close proximity to those simultaneously traversed by the topside ionospheric satellite ISIS 2 near dusk in the L range 2.0–5.4. The locations of the Explorer 45 plasmapause crossings (determined by the saturation of the d.c. electric field double probe) during this month were compared to the latitudinal decreases of the H+ density observed on ISIS 2 (by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer) near the same magnetic field lines. The equatorially determined plasmapause field lines typically passed through or poleward of the minimum of the ionospheric light ion trough, with coincident satellite passes occurring for which the L separation between the plasmapause and trough field lines was between 1 and 2. Hence, the abruptly decreasing H+ density on the low latitude side of the ionospheric trough is not a near earth signature of the equatorial plasmapause. Vertical flows of the H+ ions in the light ion trough as detected by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer on ISIS were directed upward with velocities between 1 and 2 km s?1 near dusk on these passes. These velocities decreased to lower values on the low latitude side of the H+ trough but did not show any noticeable change across the field lines corresponding to the magnetospheric plasmapause. The existence of upward accelerated H+ flows to possibly supersonic speeds during the refilling of magnetic flux tubes in the outer plasmasphere could produce an equatorial plasmapause whose field lines map into the ionosphere at latitudes which are poleward of the H+ density decrease.  相似文献   

The magnetospheric plasma convection is studied, taking into account the finite conductivity along magnetic field lines. Field-aligned currents flowing at the inner boundary of the magnetospheric plasma sheet give rise to parallel electric fields which insignificantly affect the convection on the ionospheric level but change drastically the convection system in the magnetosphere. Intense azimuthal convective streams arise along both sides of the plasma sheet boundary. A part of convection lines appears to be completely closed in the inner magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Explorer 45 traversed the plasmapause (determined approximately via the saturation of the d.c. electric field experiment) at near-equatorial latitudes on field lines which were crossed by Ariel 4 (~600km altitude) near dusk in May 1972 and on field lines which were crossed by Isis II (~1400km altitude) near midnight in December 1971 and January 1972. Many examples were found in which the field line through the near-equatorial plasmapause was traversed by Explorer 45 within one hour local time and one hour universal time of Ariel and Isis crossings of the same L coordinate. For the coincident passes near dusk, the RF electron density probe on Ariel detected electron density depletions near the plasmapause L coordinates when Ariel was in darkness. When the Ariel passes were in sunlight, however, electron depletions were not discernable near the plasmapause field line. On the selected near-midnight passes of Isis II, electron density depressions were typically detected (via the topside sounder) near the plasmapause L coordinate. The dusk Ariel electron density profiles are observed to reflect O+ density variations. Even at the high altitude of Isis near midnight, O+ is found to be the dominant ion in the trough region whereas H+ is dominant at lower latitudes as is evident from the measured electron density scale heights. In neither local time sector was it possible to single out a distinctive topside ionosphere feature as an indicator of the plasmapause field line as identified near the equator. At both local times the equator-determined plasmapause L coordinate showed a tendency to lay equatorward of the trough minimum.  相似文献   

Equivalent ionospheric current systems representing IMF sector effects on the geomagnetic field in high latitudes are examined for each of the twelve calendar months by spherical harmonic analyses of geomagnetic hourly data at 13 northern polar stations for seven years. The main feature of obtained equivalent current systems includes circular currents at about 80° invariant latitude mostly in the daytime in summer and reversed circular currents at about 70° invariant latitude mainly at night in winter. Field-aligned current distributions responsible for equivalent currents, as well as vector distributions of electric fields and ionospheric currents, are approximated numerically from current functions of equivalent current systems by taking assumed distributions of the ionospheric conductivity. Two sets of upward and downward field-aligned current pairs in the auroral region, and also a field-aligned current region near the pole show seasonal variations. Also, ionospheric electric-field propagation along geomagnetic field lines from the summer hemisphere to the winter hemisphere with auroral Hall-conductivity effects may provide an explanation for the winter reversal of sector effects.  相似文献   

Numerical calculations for the electric current in the polar ionosphere have been made by assuming some realistic distributions of the electric field and conductivity. Two dynamo actions are taken into account; one of which is induced by ionospheric winds and the other by the solar wind. For the solar wind dynamo action, it is found that the secondary polarization field caused by non-uniform distribution of ionospheric conductivity is much larger than the primary field induced by the solar wind, suggesting its important effect on charged particles in the magnetosphere, and that the irrotational current having a source and sink is of the same order of magnitude as the solenoidal current closing its circuit in the ionosphere. It is also found that the solar wind is, in general, more effective than the ionospheric winds in producing polar current systems such as DP 1 and 2, but in some cases the ionospheric winds have a significant effect on the current distribution.  相似文献   

Recent analytical and numerical modelling has demonstrated the possibility that impulsively-stimulated compressional hydromagnetic cavity resonances can drive local field-line resonances in the magnetosphere. This paper extends the modelling to include axisymmetric plasmapause structures with realistic radial variation in the magnetospheric cavity. The results show that: (a) the plasmapause plays an important rôle in determining which cavity resonances are dominant; (b) when the wave fields are significantly non-axisymmetric, additional cavity resonances are evident which are at least partly trapped within the plasmasphere; (c) the position of the plasmapause determines where (and whether) cavity resonances couple significantly to field-line resonances; (d) for the small “azimuthal” wavenumber chosen, there is no evidence of a compressional surface wave on the plasmapause.  相似文献   

Based on the observational data obtained at eleven stations along a geomagnetic meridian (Φm = 45–63°), the characteristics of pc 3, 4 pulsations are investigated. It has been shown that pc 3, 4 pulsations possess two amplitude maxima: one in the high latitudes and the other in middle latitudes. Consequently, the amplitude minimum between the two maxima is observed in subauroral latitudes (Φm ≈ 60°). Examining the peculiarities of the polarization behaviour of pc 3, 4 pulsations along the meridian array, two different regions, where the pulsations are generated, are noticed. One is situated in the middle latitudes of about 55–60°, and the other in the auroral area of about 65–70° in geomagnetic latitude. The former region corresponds to a projection of an area inside the plasmapause and the latter of an area of the outer radiation belt in the magnetosphere. The dependence of the pc 3, 4 periods on the position of the plasmapause is clarified. It is also shown that both the position of the pc 3 amplitude maximum in the middle latitudes and the position of pc 4 minimum in the subauroral area shift according to the variation in the magnetic activity and the position of plasmapause.The dynamic spectra of the simultaneous wave-packets of Pc-pulsations are investigated along the meridional profile. The maximum time delay of the Pc-signals is found at a latitude of about 57°, corresponding to the region of low values of Alfvén velocity inside the plasmasphere. On the other hand, a sharp decrease in the time delay is observed at a latitude of about 60°, the region of the rapid increase of Alfvén velocity at the plasmaspheric boundary in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In order to envisage the circulation pattern of the magnetospheric plasma produced by the dynamo action in the ionosphere, the distribution of the dynamo-induced electrostatic field resulting from basic ionospheric wind systems is studied. It is then shown by use of Maeda's field distribution that there exists a remarkable large-scale circulation of the magnetospheric plasma, inward (earthward) on the evening side of the magnetosphere and outward on the morning side. This motion is comparable to the motion produced by the Earth's rotation and by zonal winds in the ionosphere. It is shown also that the electrostatic field can cause a considerable radial motion of some of the energetic particles in the radiation belt.  相似文献   

A conservative convection electric field model developed by Volland (1973) to describe the solar wind induced plasma flow within the inner magnetosphere is modified to include a noisy spatial component. Under steady state conditions such a random component will result in spatial irregularities in the thermal plasma density distribution in the vicinity of the plasmapause—particularly near dusk. Spatial irregularities in the convection can produce longitudinally restricted perturbations near the plasmapause some of which are detached from the main body of the plasmasphere. Temporal variations in the midnight to noon flow intensity are shown to produce elongated extensions of the plasmasphere known as plasmatails but even short period variations of the overall magnitude of the convection cannot produce longitudinally localized perturbations in the thermal plasma distribution. Convection models based on the 3 hr magnetic index Kp yield plasmasphere structures which are qualitatively similar to those based on shorter period variations, but the exact location at any given time of the plasmapause is dependent upon the characteristic time scale employed.  相似文献   

HEOS-2 low energy electron data (10 eV–3.7 keV) from the LPS Frascati plasma experiment have been used to identify three different magnetospheric electron populations. Magnetosheathlike electron energy spectra (35–50 eV) are characteristic of the plasma mantle, entry layer and cusps from the magnetopause down to 2–3 RE Plasma sheet electrons (energy > 1 keV) are found at all local times, with strong intensities in the early morning quadrant and weaker intensities in the afternoon quadrant. The plasma sheet shows a well defined inner edge at all local times and latitudes, the inner edge coinciding probably with the plasmapause. The plasma sheet does not reach the magnetopause, but it is separated from it by a boundary layer electron population that is very distinct from the other two electron populations, most electrons having energies 100–300 eV.We map these three electron populations from the magnetopause down to the high latitude near earth regions, by making use of the HEOS-2 low latitude inbound passes and the high latitude outbound passes (in Solar Magnetic (SM) coordinates). The boundary layer extends along the magnetopause up to 5–7 RE above the equator; at higher latitudes it follows the magnetic lines of force and it is found closer and closer to the earth, so that it has the same invariant latitudes of the system 1 currents observed by Iijima and Potemra (1976) in their region 1. The plasma sheet can be mapped into their region 2 and the cusp-entry layer-plasma mantle can be mapped into their cusp currents region. The boundary layer is observed for any Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) direction. We speculate that magnetosheath particles penetrate into the magnetosphere everywhere along the magnetopause. The electron energization, however, is observed only in the boundary layer, on both dawn and dusk side and could be due to the polarization electric field at magnetopause generated by the magnetosheath plasma bulk motion in the region where such motion is roughly perpendicular to the magnetospheric magnetic field. The electron energization is absent in the regions (entry layer and plasma mantle) where the sheath plasma motion is roughly parallel or antiparallel to the magnetospheric magnetic field.  相似文献   

On the basis of the experimental data on the ionospheric conductivities and field-aligned currents the electric fields and currents in the ionosphere generated by the field-aligned currents were computated for various magnetic activity conditions. The model of the ionospheric conductivities by Vanyan and Osipova (1975) was used taking into account the influence of the universal time seasons and magnetic activity. The field-aligned current patterns and their change with magnetic activity was set on the basis of the TRIAD data. It is shown that the calculated patterns of the ionospheric electric fields and currents are in agreement with the measured electric fields and the equivalent current systems of the magnetic disturbances in high latitudes. The conclusion is made that the magnetospheric field-aligned currents are the main sources of the presently known polar magnetic disturbances.  相似文献   

The current state of the theory of Jupiter's outer atmosphere is briefly reviewed. The similarities and dissimilarities between the terrestrial and Jovian upper atmospheres are discussed, including the interaction of the solar wind with the planetary magnetic fields. Estimates of Jovian parameters are given, including magnetosphere and auroral zone sizes, ionospheric conductivity, energy inputs, and solar wind parameters at Jupiter. The influence of the large centrifugal force on the cold plasma distribution is considered. The Jovian Van Alien belt is attributed to solar wind particles diffused in towards the planet by dynamo electric fields from ionospheric neutral winds and consequences of this theory are given.  相似文献   

In recent spacecraft observations, coherent microscale structures such as electrostatic solitary waves are observed in various regions of the magnetosphere. The Geotail spacecraft observation has shown that these solitary waves are associated with high energy non-thermal electrons flowing along the magnetic field. The solitary structures are generated as a result of a long time evolution of coherent nonlinear trapping of electrons as found in bump-on-tail, bi-stream and Buneman instabilities. It is noted that these solitary waves can be generated at distant regions far away from the spacecraft locations, because these trapped electrons, or electron holes, are drifting much faster than the local thermal plasmas. Some of the solitary waves are accompanied by perpendicular electric fields indicating that two-or three-dimensional potential structures are passing by the spacecraft. Depending on the local plasma parameters, these multi-dimensional solitary structures couple with perpendicular modes such as electrostatic whistler modes and lower-hybrid modes. In a long time evolution, these perpendicular modes are dissipated via self-organization of small solitary potentials, leading to formation of one-dimensional potential troughs as observed in the deep magnetotail. The above dissipative small-scale processes are reproduced in particle simulations, and they can be used for diagnostics of electron dynamics from spacecraft observation of multi-dimensional solitary waves in various regions of the magnetosphere. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Latitudinal distributions of narrow-band 5 kHz hisses have been statistically obtained by using VLF electric field data received from the ISIS-1 and -2 at Syowa station, Antartica and Kashima station, Japan, in order to study an origin of the narrow-band 5 kHz hisses which are often observed on the ground in mid- and low-latitudes. The result shows that the narrow-band 5 kHz hiss occurs most frequently at geomagnetically invariant latitudes from 55° to 63°, that are roughly the plasmapause latitudes at various geomagnetic activities, both in the northern and southern hemispheres.The narrow-band 5 kHz hiss seems to be generated by the cyclotron instabilities of several keV to a few ten keV electrons for the most feasible electron density of 10 cm?3?103 cm?3 in the vicinity of the equatorial plasmapause since the hotter electrons with energy of 10–100 keV are dominant just outside the plasmapause. This will be the origin of the narrow-band 5 kHz hiss observed frequently in mid- and low-latitudes.  相似文献   

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