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We report and discuss the results of a 22-cm radio survey carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) covering the A3528 complex, a chain formed by the merging ACO clusters A3528–A3530–A3532 , located in the central region of the Shapley Concentration. Simultaneous 13-cm observations are also presented. Our final catalogue includes a total of 106 radio sources above the flux density limit of 0.8 mJy. By cross-correlation with optical and spectroscopic catalogues we found 32 optical counterparts, nine of them belonging to the A3528 complex.
We explored the effects of cluster mergers on the radio emission properties of radio galaxies by means of the radio luminosity function (RLF) and radio source counts. We found that the radio source counts are consistent with the background counts, as already found for the A3558 complex. The RLF for this complex is consistent, in both shape and normalization, with the general cluster luminosity function for early-type galaxies derived by Ledlow & Owen. This result is different from the one we obtained for the A3558 merging complex, the RLF of which is significantly lower than that derived by Ledlow & Owen.
We propose that the different stage of the merger is responsible for the different RLFs in the two cluster complexes in the core of the Shapley Concentration. The early stage of merger for the A3528 complex, proposed by many authors, may not yet have affected the radio properties of cluster galaxies, while in the more much advanced merger in the A3558 region we actually see the effects of this process on the radio emission.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the nature of dwarf low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies we have undertaken a deep B - and I -band CCD survey of a 14-deg2 strip in the Virgo Cluster and applied a Fourier convolution technique to explore its dwarf galaxy population down to a central surface brightness of ∼26 B mag arcsec−2 and a total absolute B mag of  ∼−10  . In this paper we carry out an analysis of their morphology, ( B − I ) colours and atomic hydrogen content. We compare these properties with those of dwarf galaxies in other environments to try and assess how the cluster environment has influenced their evolution. Field dwarfs are generally of a more irregular morphology, are bluer and contain relatively more gas. We assess the importance that various physical processes have on the evolution of cluster dwarf galaxies (ram-pressure stripping, tidal interactions, supernova-driven gas loss). We suggest that enhanced star formation triggered by tidal interactions is the major reason for the very different general properties of cluster dwarfs: they have undergone accelerated evolution.  相似文献   

We present 21-cm observations of four Galactic globular clusters, as part of the on-going Galactic Arecibo L-band Feed Array (GALFA) H  i survey at Arecibo. We discovered a peculiar H  i cloud in the vicinity of the distant (109 kpc) cluster Pal 4, and discuss its properties and likelihood of association with the cluster. We conclude that an association of the H  i cloud and Pal 4 is possible, but that a chance coincidence between Pal 4 and a nearby compact high-velocity cloud cannot be ruled out altogether. New, more stringent upper limits were derived for the other three clusters: M 3, NGC 5466, and Pal 13. We briefly discuss the fate of globular cluster gas and the interaction of compact clouds with the Galactic halo gas.  相似文献   

The spatial orientations of the galactic planes for galaxies in the Coma/A1367 supercluster have been determined. Owing to the ambiguity in the determination of the inclination angle, two possible orientations of the normal to the galaxy plane were found. Two angles, the polar angle δ D and the azimuthal angle η , describe the orientation of normals. The distribution of both angles has been checked for isotropy. It is shown that the distribution is not isotropic. The same alignment is observed for samples containing elliptical and lenticular galaxies and for samples containing only spirals, as well as for samples containing galaxies located in different parts of the supercluster. In the case of spiral galaxies, the anisotropy shows that galaxy rotation axes strongly favour alignment with the main plane of the supercluster. The projection of the rotation axes on to the main plane of the supercluster has a preferential direction pointing towards the supercluster, but this effect is weak. A comparison with theory is also presented.  相似文献   

Gas deficiency in cluster spirals is well known and ram-pressure stripping is considered the main gas removal mechanism. In some compact groups too gas deficiency is reported. However, gas deficiency in loose groups is not yet well established. Lower dispersion of the member velocities and the lower density of the intragroup medium in small loose groups favour tidal stripping as the main gas removal process in them. Recent releases of data from the H  i Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) and catalogues of nearby loose groups with associated diffuse X-ray emission have allowed us to test this notion. In this paper, we address the following questions: (i) do galaxies in groups with diffuse X-ray emission statistically have lower gas content compared to the ones in groups without diffuse X-ray emission? (ii) does H  i deficiency vary with the X-ray luminosity, L X, of the loose group in a systematic way? We find that (i) galaxies in groups with diffuse X-ray emission, on average, are H  i deficient, and have lost more gas compared to those in groups without X-ray emission; the latter are found not to have significant H  i deficiency; (ii) no systematic dependence of the H  i deficiency with L X is found. Ram-pressure-assisted tidal stripping and evaporation by thermal conduction are the two possible mechanisms to account for this excess gas loss.  相似文献   

We present a deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) search for H  i 21-cm emission from three dwarf galaxies, viz. POX 186, SC 24 and KKR 25. Based, in part, on previous single-dish H  i observations, these galaxies have been classified as a blue compact dwarf (BCD), a dwarf irregular and a transition galaxy, respectively. However, in conflict with previous single-dish detections, we do not detect H  i in SC 24 or KKR 25. We suggest that the previous single-dish measurements were probably confused with the local Galactic emission. In the case of POX 186, we confirm the previous non-detection of H  i but with substantially improved limits on its H  i mass. Our derived upper limits on the H  i mass of SC 24 and KKR 25 are similar to the typical H  i mass limit for dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies, whereas in the case of POX 186, we find that its gas content is somewhat smaller than is typical of BCD galaxies.  相似文献   

Environment plays an important role in the evolution of the gas contents of galaxies. Gas deficiency of cluster spirals and the role of the hot intracluster medium in stripping gas from these galaxies is a well-studied subject. Loose groups with diffuse X-ray emission from the intragroup medium (IGM) offer an intermediate environment between clusters and groups without a hot IGM. These X-ray bright groups have smaller velocity dispersion and lower temperature than clusters, but higher IGM density than loose groups without diffuse X-ray emission. A single-dish comparative study of loose groups with and without diffuse X-ray emission from the IGM, showed that the galaxies in X-ray bright groups have lost more gas on average than the galaxies in non X-ray bright groups. In this paper we present GMRT H  i observations of 13 galaxies from four X-ray bright groups: NGC 5044, 720, 1550 and IC1459. The aim of this work is to study the morphology of H  i in these galaxies and to see if the hot IGM has in any way affected their H  i content or distribution. In addition to disturbed H  i morphology, we find that most galaxies have shrunken H  i discs compared to the field spirals. This indicates that IGM-assisted stripping processes like ram pressure may have stripped gas from the outer edges of the galaxies.  相似文献   

NGC 3783 is a nearby SBa, type 1 Seyfert galaxy. We present H  i and radio continuum images of the galaxy made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We find that NGC 3783 has an H  i mass of 8.4×109 M, an H  i diameter of 1.9 D 0 ( D 0=37 kpc for h =0.5), and a nuclear depression in the H  i surface density. The H  i rotation curve is dominated by differential rotation, with little evidence of warping. The rotation curve suggests a mass-to-light ratio M L B =7.2 and a bar-pattern speed of 19±7 km s−1 kpc−1. The total mass of gas in the inner 50 arcsec is ≳10 per cent of the dynamical mass, and consistent with models that require significant gas content to fuel the Seyfert nucleus. There is no evidence that the nuclear activity in NGC 3783 is being stimulated by an interaction or merger: it may be a self-generated, perhaps bar-driven, process.  相似文献   

We present observations of H i in the nearby interacting galaxies NGC 4490 and 4485 made with the VLA in both C and D arrays. The galaxies are embedded in an extensive envelope of neutral hydrogen which is elongated in a direction approximately perpendicular to the plane of NGC 4490, with an extent of about 56 kpc. We argue that this distribution of neutral hydrogen can best be explained by a galactic-scale bipolar outflow of H  i driven by supernovae in NGC 4490. The flow from the disc appears to be reasonably well collimated and has probably persisted for approximately 6 × 108 yr. The implications for galaxy evolution when such mass loss occurs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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