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Summer sea ice characteristics of the Chukchi Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
During August 1999, we investigated sea ice characteristics; its distribution, surface feature, thickness, ice floe movement, and the temperature field around inter-borders of air/ice/seawater in the Chukchi Sea. Thirteen ice cores were drilled at 11 floe stations in the area of 72°24′ 77°18′N, 153°34′ 163°28′W and the ice core structure was observed. From field observation, three melting processes of ice were observed; surface layer melting, surface and bottom layers melting, and all of ice melting. The observation of temperature fields around sea ice floes showed that the bottom melting under the ice floes were important process. As ice floes and open water areas were alternately distributed in summer Arctic Ocean; the water under ice was colder than the open water by 0.4 2.8℃. The sun radiation heated seawater in open sea areas so that the warmer water went to the bottom when the ice floes move to those areas. This causes ice melting to start at the bottom of the ice floes. This process can balance effectively the temperature fluctuating in the sea in summer. From the crystalline structure of sea ice observed from the cores, it was concluded that the ice was composed of ice crystals and brine-ice films. During the sea ice melting, the brine-ice films between ice crystals melted firstly; then the ice crystals were encircled by brine films; the sea ice became the mixture of ice and liquid brine. At the end of melting, the ice crystals would be separated each other, the bond between ice crystals weakens and this leads to the collapse of the ice sheet.  相似文献   

楚科奇海和白令海通过白令海峡相连,是气候变化研究的关键区域。利用210Pb过剩法开展两个海域沉积过程和生源物质的埋藏通量研究。研究发现,白令海陆架区沉积柱样(NB22)受到生物扰动影响,楚科奇海沉积物柱样(R17)所受生物扰动很小。通过建立模型,获得楚科奇海陆架区的沉积速率为0.6±0.1 mm·a~(-1),白令海陆架区的沉积速率为2.1±0.7 mm·a~(-1)。忽略沉积过程,白令海陆架区由生物扰动引起的混合因子为1.38±0.92 cm2·a~(-1);考虑沉积过程,则混合因子为0.65±0.95 cm2·a~(-1)。白令海的有机碳、生源硅、Ca CO3的埋藏通量分别为:6.85 mmol C·m-2·d-1、37.7 mmol Si·m-2·d-1、3.15 mmol C·m-2·d-1;楚科奇海的有机碳、生源硅、Ca CO3的埋藏通量分别为:5.71 mmol C·m-2·d-1、9.78 mmol Si·m-2·d-1、3.08 mmol C·m-2·d-1。楚科奇海陆架区具有高效的垂直输运的海洋生物泵,白令海陆架区海洋生物泵可能存在较强的水平输运过程。海洋沉积物中210Pb信号不仅可以定量沉积速率和埋藏通量,也在一定程度上反映海洋底栖生物的扰动强度。  相似文献   

Pacific water exits the Chukchi Sea shelf through Barrow Canyon in the east and Herald Canyon in the west,forming an eastward-directed shelfbreak boundary current that flows into the Beaufort Sea.Here we summarize the transformation that the Pacific water undergoes in the two canyons,and describe the characteristics and variability of the resulting sbelfbreak jet,using recently collected summertime hydrographic data and a year-long mooring data set.In both canyons the northward-flowing Pacific winter water switches from the western to the eastern flank of the canyon,interacting with the northward-flowing summer water.In Barrow canyon the vorticity structure of the current is altered,while in Herald canyon a new water mass mode is created.In both instances hydraulic effects are believed to be partly responsible for the observed changes.The shelfbreak jet that forms from the canyon outflows has distinct seasonal configurations,from a bottom-intensified flow carrying cold,dense Pacific water in spring,to a surface-intensified current advecting warm,buoyant water in summer.The current also varies significantly on short timescales,from less than a day to a week.In fall and winter much of this mesoscale variability is driven by storm events,whose easterly winds reverse the current and cause upwelling.Different types of eddies are spawned from the current,which are characterized here using hydrographic and satellite data.  相似文献   

周立波  刘宇  邹捍 《极地研究》2002,13(1):75-82
In 1999 summer, Chinese Arctic Research Expedition operated the Chukchi Sea. On Chinese icebreaker Xuelong, we made many high resolution ozonesonds measurements. During the period from August 18 to 24, a synoptic scale observation was taken at 75°N, 160°W. Using the above data, together with TOMS total ozone and NCEP circulation data, we showed that atmospheric ozone amount experienced a high low high variation, with low high low tropopause altitude. Correlation analysis showed a close relation between the total ozone and ozone below 13 km, while the variation of the maximum concentration at about 20 km didn't show any relation to the column ozone. In 500 hPa height maps, there was also the weak strong weak southwesterly pattern. Therefore we suggested that the synoptic system might be responsible to a low ozone advection during this ozone variation.  相似文献   

南极中山站吹雪雪暴天气分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
许淙  万军  吕非 《极地研究》2004,15(1):39-45
本文利用 2 0 0 3年 1月至 2 0 0 3年 1 2月在中国南极中山站考察期间的天气观测记录和气象传真图 ,对东南极中山站地区的吹雪和雪暴天气进行了统计和天气学分析研究。着重分析了吹雪雪暴天气的时间分布和风场 ,温湿场的特点以及相应的天气形势 ,指出了中山站地区预报吹雪雪暴天气的特点  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS仪)测定北极亚北极海区的白令海、楚科奇海、加拿大海盆海区沉积物中8种重金属元素的浓度,并对8种重金属元素的地球化学特征、空间分布特征、可能来源进行了研究。研究发现,Cr、Zn、Co、Ni、Cu、Pb、Bi有很强的相关性,说明其具有相似的来源,且空间分布的特征相似,均为沉积物底质中的浓度在研究区内呈现出在白令海和楚科奇海较低,在加拿大海较高的特征;而Cd与其他重金属空间分布差异明显。应用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法与内梅罗综合污染指数法对各重金属的潜在风险进行了评价,其中,用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法求得北极整体生态风险性指数值达到43.01,处于轻微生态风险状态,Co重金属元素风险最大。研究结果表明,两种评价结果得出类似规律,白令海生态安全性最高,楚科奇海大部分地区生态安全性较高,加拿大海盆的生态安全性最差。在研究区内整体上呈现出由高纬度向低纬度生态安全逐渐增高,西部生态风险性大于东部的趋势。  相似文献   

北极新奥尔松地区现代污染源及其指示植物研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
分析了采自北极新奥尔松(Ny-lesund)(78°55′N,11°56′E)煤矿开采区水平剖面12个点位上的三种苔原植物Dicranumangustum(苔藓类植物)、Puccinelliaphryganodes(穗状植物)和Salixpolaris(管状植物)及土壤中10种重金属(Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Ni、Fe、Mn、As、Se)及S、TOC的含量。结果显示采矿过程中煤层的暴露是本地区的Hg、Cd、S污染的主要来源。三种分布最广泛、数量最多的苔原植物中苔藓植物Dicranumangustum对重金属元素具有最大的富集能力,位于矿区的Dicranumangustu体内污染元素含量显著高于非矿区部分,这也说明该水平剖面上的元素污染是由当地煤矿开采导致的。同时发现,Dicranumangustum体内元素积累和土壤中元素浓度之间沿水平剖面的变化趋势较一致,能较好地反映本地区的污染状况,可以作为污染监测和指示植物。从全球区域对比来看,北极新奥尔松苔藓体内污染水平显著低于邻近的北欧等工业区,但却是北极地区Hg、Cd和S污染最严重地区,同时也比南极地区高。  相似文献   

In this paper, the 18 O distribution of surface water from the central sea areas of the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea was studied. The δ 18 O value of surface water from the Bering Sea is averagely -0.5‰; the δ 18 O contents of the Chukchi Sea are distributionally lower in northeast and higher in southwest; the δ 18 O value at the margin of Canadian Basin is -2.8‰, and averagely -0.8‰ in the southern area of the Chukchi Sea. The δ 18 O vertical distribution in some deep water stations from the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea is also studied. In the southern margin of Canadian Basin, the δ 18 O value is -2‰ -3‰ for surface layer and rises to 0 at 100 m depth layer. In the Bering Sea, the δ 18 O is about -0.5‰ for surface layer and increases to 0 at the depth of 300 m. The NO tracer can reflect obviously three water masses vertically distributed in the central Bering Sea: the upper Bering water mass, the middle Bering water mass and the deep Pacific water mass. The distributive ranges of NO and temperature for the various water masses are T<7℃, NO>780 μmol/dm 3 and T≥7℃, NO>650 μmol/dm 3 for upper Bering water mass, T<4℃, 550相似文献   

联合基于GRACE重力卫星观测资料恢复的重力场模型(EIGEN-GL04S1)和卫星测高推求的平均海面高模型(KMSS04)来构造南极绕极流区域的平均海面动力地形,并利用小波滤波方法去掉短波及噪声信号,进而推算大、中尺度的绕极流。与非卫星重力场模型、同化资料及海洋水文资料确定相应结果的验证分析表明:基于新的卫星重力场模型推算的南极绕极流区域的海面动力地形、PF、SAF和表层流场等都与海洋学结果相吻合,且局部特征更加清晰。表明卫-卫跟踪重力卫星计划确定的地球重力场模型较之以前存在的重力场模型在中长波部分精度有较大提高,从大地测量(从空间)角度来探测南极绕极流已达到较高的精度。  相似文献   

高爱国  陈皓文 《极地研究》2007,18(2):147-154
This paper determined the abundance of General Aerobic heterotrophic Bacteria(GAB) in surficial sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the Canadian basin by using MPN and discussed their geographical distribution.The result shows that the determination percentages of the GAB were high,even till 100 percentage.The abundance range and averages of GAB for 4℃and 25℃ were from 4.00×102 to 2.40×106,1.71×106 ind.·g-1(wet sample) and from 2.40×105 to 2.40×107,1.10×107 ind.·g-1(wet sample) respectively.Not only the abundance range but also the averages of GAB in 25℃ were higher than that in 4℃.The abundance of GAB in sediments show a tendency that it is roughly greater in the lower latitudinal area than in the higher latitudinal area.The abundance of GAB increased from east to west as for the longitudinal distribution.With the water depth increasing,the abundance of GAB at 4℃ decreased,but GBA at 25℃ is not changed obviously with water depth.It seems that warmer circumstantial temperature is more suitable for some GAB.  相似文献   

Limited research attention has focussed on turf exfoliation as a denudation process in mountain environments. This paper examines some characteristics of turf exfoliation forms identified within particular valley zones in the Drakensberg alpine belt. Morphological and sedimentological data are presented for turf exfoliated sites investigated in the Mashai Valley of eastern Lesotho. It is found that a variety of processes, including needle ice action, biological activity, fluvial processes and deflation, operating synergistically, are responsible for contemporary turf exfoliation in the high Drakensberg. It is apparent that the strong seasonality from mild, wet summers to cold, dry winters has helped induce the annual cycle of dominating processes.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of iceberg distribution in the Barents Sea have been studied on the basis of Russian observations for the period 1933-1990. The maximum southern distribution is observed in January and the minimum in September and October. A significant correlation coefficient of 0.5 is calculated for the relationship between the latitude of the southern ice cover expansion and the corresponding expansion of iceberg distribution. There is a general temporal trend of increased southern locations of iceberg observations during the period considered. Some analyses of iceberg dimensions in the western part of the Barents Sea are based on observations obtained in 1988–1990 under the Ice Data Acquisition Programme (IDAP) and under the Soviet-Norwegian Occanographic Programme (SNOP).  相似文献   

张金标  林茂 《极地研究》2001,12(2):133-144
The present paper is based on materials collected in Chukchi Sea and adjacent southern edge waters of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean during the period from July to August 1999 on the icebreaker, the R/V "Xuelong", by the Chinese First Arctic Scientific Expedition. Totally, 8 species of pelagic Hydromedusae were identified, of which 4 species belonged to Anthomedusae, 2 species to Leptomedusae, 1 species to Trachymedusae and 1 species to Narcomedusae, the Neoturris breviconis is recorded for the first time in Chukchi Sea. Their principal morphological characteristics are described and illustrated. The 8 species of Hydromedusae occurring in the Chukchi Sea were all cold water species, of which 6 species belong to neritic species and 2 species to ocean species. According to the geographic distribution of species, they may be divided into three groups: Arctic species, Arctic-boreal species and Boreal-temperate species. From the view-point of zoogeography, species from these waters belong to the Arctic fauna.The abundance of Hydromedusae in Chukchi Sea was generally low, with a mean value of 108 ind.·10 -2·m -3. Rathkea octopunctata and Aglantha digitale were dominant species. From the view-point of vertical distribution Aglantha digitale is inhabiting in the depth of 0 300 m and with the maximum in the depth of 50 m to 100 m.  相似文献   

Cellular automata (CA) models have been widely employed to simulate urban growth and land use change. In order to represent urban space more realistically, new approaches to CA models have explored the use of vector data instead of traditional regular grids. However, the use of irregular CA-based models brings new challenges as well as opportunities. The most strongly affected factor when using an irregular space is neighbourhood. Although neighbourhood definition in an irregular environment has been reported in the literature, the question of how to model the neighbourhood effect remains largely unexplored. In order to shed light on this question, this paper proposed the use of spatial metrics to characterise and measure the neighbourhood effect in irregular CA-based models. These metrics, originally developed for raster environments, namely the enrichment factor and the neighbourhood index, were adapted and applied in the irregular space employed by the model. Using the results of these metrics, distance-decay functions were calculated to reproduce the push-and-pull effect between the simulated land uses. The outcomes of a total of 55 simulations (5 sets of different distance functions and 11 different neighbourhood definition distances) were compared with observed changes in the study area during the calibration period. Our results demonstrate that the proposed methodology improves the outcomes of the urban growth simulation model tested and could be applied to other irregular CA-based models.  相似文献   

对南海南部陆坡86GC柱状样的有孔虫进行了统计与分析,并采用古生态转换函数FP-12E估算了古海水表层温度。分析结果表明,该柱状样所处区域自MIS3晚期以来一直处于溶跃面之上,碳酸盐溶解作用很弱,仅在大约8 000 a BP以来具有部分溶解作用;不同生态特征浮游有孔虫丰度的变化,指示约30 ka BP以来,南海南部表层海水温度(SST)逐步增高,盐度呈降低趋势,反映了末次冰期以来气候变暖、海平面上升、钻孔所在区域水深加大、碳酸盐溶解作用增强、海水盐度降低的过程。转换函数计算得到冬季SST为(22.8~27.4)℃,夏季为(28.1~29.5)℃,季节温差为(2.1~5.3)℃,与前人在附近区域的计算结果基本一致。末次冰期晚期与冰后期的夏季SST值差别不大,最大变幅仅1.4℃;冬季SST变化则较大,最大变幅达4.6℃。由于转换函数法本身存在误差等原因可能导致上述数值并不确切,但其反映的温度变化总趋势应该是可信的。  相似文献   

蒋伟  李永化  魏东岚  沈俊杰  李爽 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1391-1396
以辽南地区石槽剖面与城山头剖面的红色风化壳为研究对象,利用X射线荧光光谱仪,对风化壳剖面样品进行分析。结果表明:剖面中各采样点样品的主要化学元素含量自剖面底部到顶部无规律性变化,显示了主要化学元素在风化过程中的地球化学行为较为一致,符合风化壳沉积类型特征;剖面的主要化学成分为SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3,结合各采样点样品的主要化学元素含量及SiO2/Al2O3及SiO2/R2O3系数,可以认为这套红色风化壳应是在高温高湿的环境条件下风化作用的产物。通过与山东庙岛群岛风化壳的对比及风化壳厚度的计算,可以认为该套风化壳的形成时代应在上新世或更早。依据风化壳在滨海地区的残存高度可以推断,自第三纪晚期以来辽南地区最高海平面高度未超过今天的海平面高度。  相似文献   

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