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Guo  Liying  Di  Liping  Tian  Qing 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(5):702-718
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Rapid peri-urbanization has become a new challenge for sustainable urban-rural development worldwide. To clarify how unprecedented urban sprawl at the...  相似文献   

Developed here is an integrated framework for identifying production–living–ecological space(PLES) quantitatively at grid scale from the perspective of multifunction land use, and 25 compound space types are classified to highlight the multiple functions of PLES. As a typical mountainous city in northern Hebei province, Zhangjiakou is used as a case study, and the results show that more than 80% of the land space in Zhangjiakou has remarkable triple functionality. The living-dominated space and ...  相似文献   

The Hexi Inland River Basin in an arid region of northwestern China was chosen as the study area for this research. The authors define the vulnerability of an oasis social-ecological system to glacier change; select 16 indicators from natural and socioeconomic systems according to exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity; and construct a vulnerability-assessment indicator system aimed at an inland river basin in the arid region of Northwestern China. Vulnerability of the oasis socialecological system affected by glacier change in the study area is evaluated by Spatial Principal Component Analysis(SPCA) under the circumstance of glacier change. The key factors affecting the vulnerability are analyzed. The vulnerability of the oasis social-ecological system in the Hexi Inland River Basin affected by glacier change is of more than medium grade, accounting for about 48.0% of the total number of counties in the study area. In terms of the spatial pattern of the vulnerability, the oasis economic belt is the most vulnerable. With the rapid development of the area's society and economy, the exposure of the system to glacial changes is significantly increased; and an increase in glacial meltwater is not enough to overcome the impact of increased exposure, which is the main reason for the high vulnerability. Based on the result of the vulnerability analysis and combined with the present industrial structure in the Hexi Inland River Basin, near-,medium-, and long-term adaptation initiatives are put forward in the article.  相似文献   

To understand the changing rainfall–runoff relationship, this study examined climate and streamflow data in the Milwaukee River Basin in southeastern Wisconsin, of which four catchments with different degrees of urbanization were selected for analysis. This study analyzed temperature, precipitation, and streamflow data with a range of statistical methods, including the Mann–Kendall test, double-mass technique, and quantile regression. Runoff ratios and extreme flow indexes were higher in more urbanized catchments. Catchments with long-term data (>forty years) showed significantly increasing runoff ratios and slopes in double-mass curves. Overall, there are signs of changes in the rainfall–runoff relationship, but how much they can be attributed to land use changes is uncertain.  相似文献   

An understanding of an area in four dimensions is an important factor in utilizing our natural resources. The additional aspect of change through time, particularly the tectonic processes that have shaped the architecture of an area, can influence the interpretation of the origin and characterization of a resource. An example is provided of the influence that the patterns created during the formation of the continent in central North America demonstrates the continued influence of the original tectonic features and how they have persisted through time. It is this persistence and rejuvenation, that has controlled the occurrence of many of the natural resources on which we depend. Other references are provided to specific examples of the relationships between tectonics, particularly within the crystalline basement rocks, and our natural resource system.  相似文献   

A post–World War II Japanese business model has changed the cultural production of capitalism globally. Instead of a drive for uniformity, difference is a resource for the supply chains that have come to dominate Asia—and the world. This article offers a pocket history of the model's emergence and explores its implications for the (non)management of labor and natural resources. Heterogeneity and ruin intertwine in the making of supply chain pockets of political economy. Supply chains link precarity and prosperity, as well as varied cosmologies and ways of life, creating difference-in-connection. What we know as Asia reemerges within the linked niches and nodes of supply chains in which all kinds of difference matter and in which, indeed, global connection flourishes through structures for making and maintaining difference.  相似文献   

孙松  王荣 《极地研究》1996,7(2):87-93
孙松,王荣StudyontherelationshipbetweenthediameterofthecompoundeyeandthegrowthoftheAntarctickrill¥SunSongandWangRongInstituteofOce...  相似文献   

以历史文献、图件及1951~2009年长系水沙等资料为依据,对比分析洞庭湖形态与水沙过程的互动响应,结果表明:由于湖泊形态与水沙过程存在着相互作用的关系,近60年间,水沙过程以多种形式改变湖泊形态特征值,如湖盆结构破碎、解体,水深变浅以及湖面﹑湖容依次减少1840km2及130×108 m3;同时湖泊形态特征值改变也引起水沙特性变异,在1951~2002年间湖盆蓄水量呈明显的增减波动,但同流量下汛期水位普遍抬高1.2~1.90m,西﹑南﹑东洞庭湖水位变幅依次增大1.61m、1.39m和1.35m,各主要水文站前5位最高洪水位排序的年份均出现在湖面积(容积)历史最低值,泥沙淤积率为70%以上;2003年6月三峡水库蓄水及"退田还湖"后,高、中水位下湖盆调蓄量有所减少,城陵矶丰、枯水位分别降低1.12m及0.35m,西湖区与东南湖区的泥沙输出比均呈增大趋势,泥沙淤积率减至35.9%。其互动响应机制,可概化为泥沙淤积循环→湖盆结构破碎、解体,湖面湖容缩小→水沙特性异变→改变湖泊形态→水沙特性变异的互动响应动态演进模式。  相似文献   

The theory on the cyclic adaptation between society and ecosystems sheds new light on the evolution and internal structure of human–environment systems. This paper introduces the risk index(RI) and adaptation capacity index(ACI) to evaluate the rural human–environment system. An evaluation index system for the adaptability of rural human–environment systems is configured in the context of climate change and policy implementation. On this basis, the stages, features, dominant control factors, and evolution mechanism were examined vis-à-vis the adaptability of the rural human–environment system in Darhan Muminggan Joint Banner from 1952 to 2017. The main results are as follows:(1) The evolution of the rural human–environment system can be divided into three stages, namely, the reorganization and rapid development stage(1952–2002) with population, cultivated land, livestock and degraded grassland increasing by 260%, 13%, 134% and 16.33%, respectively. The rapid to stable development stage(2003–2010) with population increasing by 2.8%; cultivated land, livestock and degraded grassland decreasing by 2.3%, 13.6% and 10.7%, respectively. The stable to release stage(2011–2017) with population, cultivated land, livestock and degraded grassland decreasing by 2.6%, 0.2%, 10.6% and 3.8%, respectively.(2) With the passage of time, the ACI of the rural human–environment system first increased slightly(–0.016–0.031), followed by a slight decline(0.031–0.003), and culminating in a rapid increase(0.003–0.088). In terms of spatial patterns, adaptability is high in the middle, moderate in the north, and low in the south.(3) The evolution of adaptability in the rural human–environment system was mainly controlled by the per capita effective irrigation area(22.31%) and the per capita number of livestock(23.47%) from 1990 to 2000, the desertified area(25.06%) and the land use intensity(21.27%) from 2000 to 2005, and the per capita income of farmers and herdsmen(20.08%) and the per capita number of livestock(18.52%) from 2010 to 2007.(4) Under the effects of climate change and policy interventions, the cyclic adaptation of the rural human–environment system was propelled by the interactions between two kinds of subjects: farmers and herdsmen on the one hand and rural communities on the other hand. The interaction affects the adaptive behavior of the two kinds of subjects, which in turn drives the cyclic evolution of the system. As a result, the system structure and functions developed alternatively between coordinated and uncoordinated states. Small-scale adaptive behaviors of farmers and herdsmen have a profound impact on the evolution of the rural human–environment system.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most important factors that affect vegetation distribution in North China. Among all climatic factors, drought is considered to have the most significant effect on the environment. Based on previous studies, the climate drought index can be used to assess the evolutionary trend of the ecological environment under various arid climatic conditions. It is necessary for us to further explore the relationship between vegetation coverage (index) and climate drought conditions. Therefore, in this study, based on MODIS-NDVI products and meteorological observation data, the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and vegetation coverage in North China were first calculated. Then, the interannual variations of PDSI and vegetation coverage during 2001–2013 were analyzed using a Theil-Sen slope estimator. Finally, an ecoregion perspective of the correlation between them was discussed. The experimental results demonstrated that the PDSI index and vegetation coverage value varied over different ecoregions. During the period 2001–2013, vegetation coverage increased in the southern and northern mountains of North China, while it showed a decreasing trend in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan City Circle area and suburban agricultural zone located in Hebei Province and Henan Province). Over 13 years, the climate of the northeastern part of North China became more humid, while in the southern part of North China, it tended to be dry. According to the correlation analysis results, 73.37% of North China showed a positive correlation between the vegetation coverage and climate drought index. A negative correlation was observed mainly in urban and suburban areas of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei Province, and Henan Province. In most parts of North China, drought conditions in summer and autumn had a strong influence on vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

Identification of the spatial mismatch between land use functions(LUFs) and land use efficiencies(LUEs) is essential to regional land use policies. However, previous studies about LUF-LUE mismatch and its driving factors have been insufficient. In this study, we explored the spatiotemporal mismatch of LUFs and LUEs and their influencing factors from 2000 to 2018 in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River(MRYR). Specifically, we used Spearman correlation analysis to reveal the trade-off relations...  相似文献   

A regional climate model (RegCM3), coupled with an online dust module, is used to simulate the spatio-temporal distribution and emission flux of dust aerosol (smaller than 20 μm in diameter) over East Asia in the period from 2000 to 2009. The model performance is firstly evaluated against available observations. Simulation results show that the model can capture the characteristics of spatio-temporal distribution of dust aerosol very well over East Asia. There always exist two extremes of dust aerosol optical depth (AOD) and column burden (CB), one is in the Taklimakan Desert of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, and the other is in the Badain Jaran Desert of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, China. The maximum value of CB appears in spring, secondary maximum in winter and minimum in autumn. To the east of 110°E, dust is transported eastward from a maximum center at a height of 700 hPa over the East Asian continent. Dust emission sources are mainly located in the Taklimakan Desert, Badain Jaran Desert, North Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Southwest Mongolia. There is also an obvious seasonal variation of dust emission flux (EF). Annual mean dust EF is 1,015.34 mg/(m 2 ·d), of which 62.4% and 2.3% are re-deposited onto the East Asian continent through a dry and wet deposition process, respectively, and the remaining 35.3% is injected into the atmosphere or subject to long-range transport.  相似文献   

This article examines household-level characteristics that predict water insecurity in low-income rural and periurban communities on the Texas–Mexico border. We employ two logistic regression models (binary and ordered) to identify household characteristics that are more likely to result in water insecurity. Our analyses yielded unexpected findings: Whereas socioeconomic factors are weak predictors, immigration status of household members is a significant variable that contributes to household water insecurity. Policymakers need to pay more attention to marginalized communities as “universal” water access still leaves populations without adequate, reliable, and affordable water in the Global North.  相似文献   

In this paper, the relationships between paleo-precipitation and the regional influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in South America are assessed from a high-resolution calendar varve-thickness record. Two short laminated sediment cores (53 and 61 cm length) from Lago Puyehue (40° S) are analysed by continuous varve measurements through the last 600 years. The calendar varve years are determined by the occurrence of graded planktonic-rich layers. The annual sediment accumulation rates are reconstructed by using the standard varve-counting methods on thin sections. The 1980–2000 varve-thickness record is interpreted in terms of climate through correlation with limnological and local monthly instrumental climate databases. The comparison between the standardized varve thickness with the instrumental records reveals a strong correlation (r = 0.75, р = 0.07) between the total varve thickness and the austral autumn/winter precipitation. We argue that strong austral winter winds and precipitation are the forcing factors for the seasonal turn-over and phytoplankton increase in the lake sediments. During strong El Nino events the precipitation and the winds decrease abnormally, hence reducing the thickness of the biogenic sediments deposited after the winter turn-over. Our results show one significant regional maximum peak of winter precipitation (>900 mm) in the mid 20th century and a significant period with lower winter precipitation (<400 mm) before the 15th century, i.e., the late Medieval Warm Period. The first peak in the mid 20th century is confirmed by the regional precipitation database. The influence of ENSO cycles over the last 600 years is assessed by spectral analysis in Fagel et al. (2007). The possible influence of the regional volcanism and/or the seismic activity on the local climate record is also discussed. This is the sixth in a series of eight papers published in this special issue dedicated to the 17,900 year multi-proxy lacustrine record of Lago Puyehue, Chilean Lake District. The papers in this special issue were collected by M. De Batist, N. Fagel, M. -F. Loutre and E. Chapron.  相似文献   

Land cover type is a crucial parameter that is required for various land surface models that simulate water and carbon cycles, ecosystem dynamics, and climate change. Many land use/land cover maps used in recent years have been derived from field investigations and remote-sensing observations. However, no land cover map that is derived from a single source (such as satellite observation) properly meets the needs of land surface simulation in China. This article presents a decision-fuse method to produce a higher-accuracy land cover map by combining multi-source local data based on the Dempster–Shafer (D–S) evidence theory. A practical evidence generation scheme was used to integrate multi-source land cover classification information. The basic probability values of the input data were obtained from literature reviews and expert knowledge. A Multi-source Integrated Chinese Land Cover (MICLCover) map was generated by combining multi-source land cover/land use classification maps including a 1:1,000,000 vegetation map, a 1:100,000 land use map for the year 2000, a 1:1,000,000 swamp-wetland map, a glacier map, and a Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer land cover map for China in 2001 (MODIS2001). The merit of this new map is that it uses a common classification system (the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) land cover classification system), and it has a unified 1 km resolution. The accuracy of the new map was validated by a hybrid procedure. The validation results show great improvement in accuracy for the MICLCover map. The local-scale visual comparison validations for three regions show that the MICLCover map provides more spatial details on land cover at the local scale compared with other popular land cover products. The improvement in accuracy is true for all classes but particularly for cropland, urban, glacier, wetland, and water body classes. Validation by comparison with the China Forestry Scientific Data Center (CFSDC)–Forest Inventory Data (FID) data shows that overall forest accuracies in five provinces increased to between 42.19% and 88.65% for our MICLCover map, while those of the MODIS2001 map increased between 27.77% and 77.89%. The validation all over China shows that the overall accuracy of the MICLCover map is 71%, which is higher than the accuracies of other land cover maps. This map therefore can be used as an important input for land surface models of China. It has the potential to improve the modeling accuracy of land surface processes as well as to support other aspects of scientific land surface investigations in China.  相似文献   

He  Chunyang  Zhang  Jinxi  Liu  Zhifeng  Huang  Qingxu 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(3):537-559
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Land use/cover change (LUCC) is the foundation and frontier for integrating multiple land surface processes. This paper aims to systematically review LUCC...  相似文献   

For inherently vague and granular phenomena such as ecoregions, ecosystems, biomes, and biotopes, the interplay of granularity and vagueness leads to a trade-off in the classification and delineation of such phenomena: the goal of preciseness (lack of vagueness) of the delineation contradicts the goal of building a sophisticated classification system using the Aristotelian method of classification. This trade-off is based on the reliance on local qualities for a precise delineation of particular regions and the reliance on nonlocal qualities that serve as differentia in the Aristotelian classification. An ontological analysis of the logical interrelations between vagueness, granularity, and scale is critical for developing logically rigorous, nonlocal, and nonarbitrary classification and delineation systems for inherently vague and granular geographic phenomena.  相似文献   

The dynamics of land use in Russkii Island is considered for the period from 2007 to 2014, and some issues of its future development are analyzed. The areas of lands of different categories and the maps of land use on the Sapernyi Peninsula are provided for different time spans. It is established that the implementation of the program of the preparation of Vladivostok for APEC Summit 2012 led to a substantial change in the land use pattern in Russkii Island: the area not involved in the economic turnover decreased by 5.09%, the zone of production, engineering and transport infrastructure increased by a factor of 21.5, and the share of lands for recreational purposes increased more than twice. It is shown that recreational activities implying a decrease in the share of lands not drawn into the economic turnover by more than a factor of 5 must become the dominant kind of land use (according to the program of development of Vladivostok). Attention is focused on the issue related to the creation of the territory of priority socioeconomic development in Russkii Island through the use of private-state partnership mechanisms. It is pointed out that the implementation of the development plans for the island is delayed, in spite of the legislative and financial support from federal and regional authorities. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop the program of comprehensive substantiation, modeling and forecasting of the development of Russkii Island in the interests of the sustainable functioning of the natural-economic system.  相似文献   

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