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This paper presents a static equivalent approach to estimate the maximum kinematic interaction effects on piles subjected to lateral seismic excitation. Closed-form expressions are reported for the evaluation of the maximum free-field soil movements and for the computation of maximum pile shear force and bending moments. Firstly, modal analysis, combined with a suitable damped response spectrum, is used to evaluate the maximum free-field response. Secondly, the pile is schematised as a Winkler's beam subjected to equivalent static forces defined according to soil vibration modal shapes and amplitude. The method may be applied by using response spectra suggested by National Standards or those obtained with accelerograms. The procedure proposed may be conveniently implemented in simple spreadsheets or in commercial finite element programs and easily used by practicing engineers. Method accuracy is demonstrated by comparing the results with those obtained with a more rigorous model. Good results may be achieved by considering only the first soil vibration mode making the procedure straightforward for practical design purposes. 相似文献
我国农村民居的抗震能力具有显著的地域特点。本文基于现场调研结果总结了青海东南部黄河流域农村民居的结构特点,并对其抗震能力进行了评估。庄廓院是调研区内的典型农村民居,本文对调研区内庄廓院的木构架房屋进行研究,提出庄廓土墙围护木构架房屋的震害等级分类标准,根据实际震害资料和类比的方法确定了当地土墙围护木构架结构的震害矩阵和震害指数与峰值加速度的关系曲线。与云南鲁甸农村的土木结构房屋比较,青海庄廓院民居具有更高的抗震能力;与未设防的砖混结构比较,这种土墙围护的木构架结构在高烈度区造成人员伤亡的风险更低。 相似文献
利用振动台模型试验和有限元数值模拟的方法对土质地基-群桩-钢框架结构体系动力相互作用的规律和特征进行研究,并讨论了基桩长径比对于体系动力相互作用特征的影响。试验地基土体模型为均匀粉质黏土,剪切波速约为213 m/s;群桩基础由9根长2.0 m、直径0.1 m的基桩3×3对称布置;上部结构模型简化为三层钢框架结构。本文研究结果表明:土-桩-钢框架结构体系的阻尼比相较固定基础情形有所增加,输入相同地震动时其地震反应小于固定基础情形;动力相互作用体系中运动相互作用的贡献与惯性相互作用相当,不应忽略;随着基桩长径比的增大,运动相互作用增大,钢框架结构的加速度反应增大。 相似文献
XieLili 《中国地震研究(英文版)》2002,16(3):275-282
This paper describes briefly the recent advances and acievements of the research projects conducted by the Institute of Engineering Mechanics(IEM) in the period of the Ninth Five-Year Plan(1995-2000) with the support of the China Seismological Bureau(CSB),These projects are related with key problems in the field of earthquake engineering.They are:development of the methods for determining earthquake resistant design load level,study on mechanisms of earthquake damage to buildings.development of new technology of base isolation,and study on earthquake damage prediction and seismic losss assessment methods.Through these studies,quite a number of problems have een solved and some of them have een applied in earthquake engineering design and practice. 相似文献
采用多因子综合概率法估计了乌鲁木齐市区及矿区的地震危险性。根据地震地质、地球物理场,地震活动性的研究,划分了潜在震源区,确定了震源区的地震活动性参数。应用以结构可靠度理论为基础的震损概率法,预测了乌鲁木齐的地震灾害。提出了减灾对策。 相似文献
考虑地基土液化影响的桩基高层建筑体系地震反应分析 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
本文建立了土体-结构体系地震反应分析的混合有限元法,并研究了地基土液化对地震反应的影响。本方法把土体-结构体系简化为一个完整的体系,该体系由梁(柱)单元、剪切杆单元、刚体单元、平面四边形等参单元与三角形单元、界面单元的任意组合来模拟。桩与上部结构材料视为线弹性体,土介质视为非线性材料。土的静应力-应变关系之间的非线性用邓肯一张模型来描述;土的动应力-应变关系之间的非线性和振动孔隙水压力对土的软化效 相似文献
B. K. Maheshwari K. Z. Truman M. H. El Naggar P. L. Gould 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2004,24(4):343-356
A three-dimensional method of analysis is presented for the seismic response of structures constructed on pile foundations. An analysis is formulated in the time domain and the effects of material nonlinearity of soil on the seismic response are investigated. A subsystem model consisting of a structure subsystem and a pile-foundation subsystem is used. Seismic response of the system is found using a successive-coupling incremental solution scheme. Both subsystems are assumed to be coupled at each time step. Material nonlinearity is accounted for by incorporating an advanced plasticity-based soil model, HiSS, in the finite element formulation. Both single piles and pile groups are considered and the effects of kinematic and inertial interaction on seismic response are investigated while considering harmonic and transient excitations. It is seen that nonlinearity significantly affects seismic response of pile foundations as well as that of structures. Effects of nonlinearity on response are dependent on the frequency of excitation with nonlinearity causing an increase in response at low frequencies of excitation. 相似文献
打桩振动效应观测及振动安全指标探讨 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在城市建筑密集区内打桩产生的振动可能引起周边建筑物损坏,由此引起的纠纷屡见不鲜。本在海口一个打桩施工项目实测振动数据的基础上,确定了此类场地和建筑物适用的速度衰减关系及振动安全指标;结果显示一些住宅的表层装修损坏,安全指标相当低,振动标准应根据实际建筑物的情况慎重选取。 相似文献
1998年5月29日皮山县发生6.2级地震,震中距皮山县城约39km,震源深度为32km,烈度分布区为北西-南东走向的椭圆形,极震区烈度为Ⅶ度,个别点为Ⅷ度,地震使皮山县县城,9个乡,2个镇,2个农场,墨玉县部分地区遭到不同程度的损失。共计受伤人数为26人,其中重伤为2人,无家可归者人数为5566人,1392户,牲畜死亡4454头。地震造成的直接经济损失达5486.75万元。 相似文献
In this paper the kinematic seismic interaction of single piles embedded in soil deposits is evaluated by focusing the attention on the bending moments induced by the transient motion. The analysis is performed by modeling the pile like an Euler–Bernoulli beam embedded in a layered Winkler-type medium. The excitation motion is obtained by means of a one-D propagation analysis. A comprehensive parametric analysis is carried out by varying the main parameters governing the dynamic response of piles like the soil properties, the bedrock location, the diameter and embedment in the bedrock of piles. On the basis of the parametric analysis, a new design formula for predicting the kinematic bending moments for both the cross-sections at the deposit–bedrock interface and at the pile head is proposed. 相似文献
桩基础的抗震性能可从承载力和变形两方面来评价.承载力可考虑地震时作用于结构上的荷载组合,多采用拟静力法进行分析,不同因素变异的影响可用概率分析或可靠度方法予以考虑.变形分析多为按承载力设计之后的校核,其中地震力和土体参数以及地质条件等因素影响可分别加以评估.本文着重阐明基于一维波动方程和概率分析的桩基抗震性能实用分析方法,并以桥梁桩基础为例进行讨论,其中考虑的关键因素为设计地震加速度、测站记录、基桩尺寸及其配筋率.研究表明,当土层液化可忽略时最大弯矩会发生在桩顶,故增加桩顶延性可有效提升桩基础的抗震性能. 相似文献
1997年9月三水4.4级地震影响场与构造背景 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
1997年9月26日广东三水ML4.4级地震以震级小、烈度高、破坏性大为其显著特征;震中位于北东、北西和东西向三组断裂的交汇处附近。对这次地震进行了现场宏观烈度和震害调查,结果表明,极震区呈近东西走向,震中烈度达Ⅵ度。这次地震是东西向断裂活动的结果。 相似文献
四川长宁6.0级地震发生后,作者第一时间前往地震现场,获得第一手震害资料。基于“散、脆、偏、单”评估法,对当地建筑物震害特点和成灾机理进行深入剖析,并提出整治措施。实际震害显示,当前我国城乡建筑亟待解决的问题是“散”和“脆”;学校建筑和底商结构在此次地震中仍表现出诸多抗震不利问题,集中体现在因填充墙布置不合理导致的“偏”;高层建筑主体结构虽在地震后保存完好,但填充墙破坏较重,修缮费用较高。震害调查结果警醒行业人员需围绕实际震害特点精准发力,优化结构概念设计,全面提升抗震能力,推动韧性城乡建设。 相似文献
通过对汶川地震、通海地震、唐山地震和澜沧-耿马地震中水利工程破坏情况的统计分析,本文以统计表的形式直观地反映了水利工程震害的特点及破坏形式.根据水利工程的震害特点,探讨分析了水利工程震害的主要影响因素,结果表明地震烈度、结构设计、施工质量、地基及场地条件是水利工程震害的主要影响因素.基于水利工程震害的特点及主要影响因素... 相似文献