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Quantitative mineral resource assessments used by the United States Geological Survey are based on deposit models. These assessments consist of three parts: (1) selecting appropriate deposit models and delineating on maps areas permissive for each type of deposit; (2) constructing a grade-tonnage model for each deposit model; and (3) estimating the number of undiscovered deposits of each type. In this article, I focus on the estimation of undiscovered deposits using two methods: the deposit density method and the target counting method.In the deposit density method, estimates are made by analogy with well-explored areas that are geologically similar to the study area and that contain a known density of deposits per unit area. The deposit density method is useful for regions where there is little or no data. This method was used to estimate undiscovered low-sulfide gold-quartz vein deposits in Venezuela.Estimates can also be made by counting targets such as mineral occurrences, geophysical or geochemical anomalies, or exploration plays and by assigning to each target a probability that it represents an undiscovered deposit that is a member of the grade-tonnage distribution. This method is useful in areas where detailed geological, geophysical, geochemical, and mineral occurrence data exist. Using this method, porphyry copper-gold deposits were estimated in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

The karst landforms distributed on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau can be genetically classed with the Tertiary underground karst, which were gradually exhumed to the surface with the uplift of the plateau during Quaternary period. The relative deposits of the Tertiary palaeokarst processes, such as the residuum and speleothem, were discovered recently in the southern and southeastern fringe areas of the plateau, where has geological-currently been disintegrated by the headward erosion processes of the modern river systems. The major chemical components of the clay portion of the residuum consist mainly of SiO2, A12O3 and Fe2O3. The clay minerals composition of the clay portion belongs to illite-kaolinite pattern for most of the residuum samples, and kaoliniteillite pattern for a few of the samples. It can be judged from the silicic acid index and the clay minerals composition that the formation of the residuum of the Plateau was in its initial phase. However, such a lower chemical weathering index only reflected the weathering degree in the bottom or lower parts of the lateritic weathering crust. The relatively intensive chemical weathering processes of the surface layers of the lateritic weathering crust could be logically speculated. The surface feature textures of quartz grains in the residuum were formed mainly by the chemical erosion, which revealed a long-term humid-tropical environment when the residuum and the palaeokarst formed.  相似文献   

The karst landforms distributed on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau can be genetically classed with the Tertiary underground karst, which were gradually exhumed to the surface with the uplift of the plateau during Quaternary period. The relative deposits of the Tertiary palaeokarst processes, such as the residuum and speleothem, were discovered recently in the southern and southeastern fringe areas of the plateau, where has geological-currently been disintegrated by the headward erosion processes of the modern river systems. The major chemical components of the clay portion of the residuum consist mainly of SiO2C, Al2CO3 and Fe2O3. The clay minerals composition of the clay portion belongs to illite-kaolinite pattern for most of the residuum samples, and kaolinite-illite pattern for a few of the samples. It can be judged from the silicic acid index and the clay minerals composition that the formation of the residuum of the Plateau was in its initial phase. However, such a lower chemical weathering index only reflected the weathering degree in the bottom or lower parts of the lateritic weathering crust. The relatively intensive chemical weathering processes of the surface layers of the lateritic weathering crust could be logically speculated. The surface feature textures of quartz grains in the residuum were formed mainly by the chemical erosion, which revealed a long-term humid-tropical environment when the residuum and the palaeokarst formed.  相似文献   

Geochemical anomalies and stable isotope ratios (18O, 13C) in authigenic carbonates and organic matter (13C) from a 660-year sediment core from Lake Chenghai, southern China, provide a continuous history of recent lake eutrophication. The multi-proxy geochemical and isotopic record can be divided into a three-part history of contrasting limnological development, including: (1) a clear-water, oligotrophic open lake system (1340 and 1690 AD); (2) an environmentally unstable, hydrologically closed, oligotrophic lake system (1690–1940 AD); and (3) an increasingly eutrophic, closed lake system marked by higher organic matter, nitrogen, CaCO3, and pigment concentrations, and lower 18O and 13C values in authigenic calcite (1940–1999 AD). The unanticipated lowering of 18O and 13C of authigenic calcite during eutrophication is thought to be the result of disequilibrium water–carbonate fractionation of oxygen and carbon isotopes during periods of elevated primary production, pH, and [CO3 2–] activities in the water column. The recent eutrophication of Lake Chenghai indicated by these geochemical proxies is essentially simultaneous with large-scale human migration and the application of agricultural fertilizers in the catchment area during the 20th century.  相似文献   

Weathering and erosion processes are investigated using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) imaging and the quantification of geomorphic patterns at the edges of a lateritic plateau overlying ultramafic rocks in the north western region of the main island of New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific). The obtained ERT images document the structure and long-term evolution of the regolith, while source area parameters such as area (A) local slope above channel head (tanθ) and longitudinal river profiles allow the characterization of contrasting geomorphic patterns around the plateau. The geo-electrical profiles show a succession of hard rock protrusions and weathering troughs, whose depth varies greatly. The area–slope relationship allows the distinction between saprolite- and ferricrete-mantled source areas. The former could result from a regolith erosion process by shallow landslides; the latter from a secondary ferruginization process of reworked lateritic debris. The deepest troughs underlie saprolite-mantled source areas above channel heads, which are characterized by a low permeability saprolite, relatively high slope gradient, and lower area/slope ratios. Such source areas generate fairly high runoff, sustaining rivers and creeks with relatively high erosion power. The ferricrete-mantled source areas are characterized by higher permeability and area/slope ratios, leading to lower runoff and less erosion but further chemical rock weathering. The ferricrete of those source areas acts as a protective hardcover against mechanical erosion of the underlying regolith. This ferricrete reworks, at least partly, allochtonous lateritic materials inherited from a previous disaggregated ferricrete that suggests past erosion processes driven by hydro-climatic condition changes.  相似文献   

Favorability methods produce a unique measure for mineral potential mapping and quantitative estimation of mineral resources. Indicator favorability theory is developed in this study to account for spatial (auto and cross) correlations of regionalized geological, geochemical, and geophysical fields based on the indicator concept. Target and explanatory indicators are introduced to describe, respectively, direct and indirect evidence of the mineralization of interest. Mineralization is represented by a combination () of a set of target indicators. Indicator favorability theory estimates a regionalized favorability function in two stages: (1) estimate a linear combination of target indicators by maximizing var() and (2) estimate favorability functionF by minimizing estimation variance var[F–]. The model is established on the basis of a conceptual model of target. The favorability estimates can be justified by correlation analysis and cross validation in control areas. The indicator favorability theory is demonstrated on a case study for gold-silver mineral potential mapping based on geophysical, structural, and geochemical fields.  相似文献   

Optical and geochemical techniques were applied to sedimentary organic matter from the profundal area of the Eocene Lake Prinz von Hessen, which formed in a pull-apart basin on the Sprendlinger Horst, near Darmstadt, Germany. Variations in total sulphur content (S tot) and total organic carbon content (TOC), hydrogen index (HI), oxygen index (OI) and 13C values of the organic matter were used to reconstruct the lakes filling history. Following an initial rapid deepening phase, open lake conditions developed with HI reaching more than 500 mg HC/g TOC and TOC values up to 40%. The productivity of the lake was probably high and organic matter preservation was enhanced by a stratified water column. As the lake began to fill with sediment and became shallower, TOC and HI values declined, as the lake water was better oxygenated and preservation conditions declined. 13C values between –31 and –27 are controlled by the mixing of aquatic (algae and microbial mats) and terrigenous organic matter (wood, spores, pollen and cuticles). Following a rapid drop in lake level, shallow lake conditions alternated with swamp deposits (lignites) in the basin center. The organic matter preserved during this stage is strictly terrigenous in nature and experienced oxic degradation (HI 100 mg HC/g TOC). 13C values between –26 and –24 are typical for Eocene terrigenous matter. The inferred lake level fluctuations are interpreted to have been controlled by tectonic as well as climatic processes.  相似文献   

Tropical laterite-type bauxite deposits often pose a unique challenge for resource modelling and mine planning due to the extreme lateral variability at the base of the bauxite ore unit within the regolith profile. An economically viable drilling grid is often rather sparse for traditional prediction techniques to precisely account for the lateral variability in the lower contact of a bauxite ore unit. However, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) offers an inexpensive and rapid method for delineating laterite profiles by acquiring fine-scale data from the ground. These numerous data (secondary variable) can be merged with sparsely spaced borehole data (primary variable) through various statistical and geostatistical techniques, provided that there is a linear relation between the primary and secondary variables. Four prediction techniques, including standard linear regression, simple kriging with varying local means, co-located cokriging and kriging with an external drift, were used in this study to incorporate exhaustive GPR data in predictive estimation the base of a bauxite ore unit within a lateritic bauxite deposit in Australia. Cross-validation was used to assess the performance of each technique. The most robust estimates are produced using ordinary co-located cokriging in accordance with the cross-validation analysis. Comparison of the estimates against the actual mine floor indicates that the inclusion of ancillary GPR data substantially improves the quality of the estimates representing the bauxite base surface.  相似文献   

Zipfs Law originally was proposed as a guide to a statistical distribution in social studies. The law describes a relationship between size and rank of discrete phenomena. It is a variant of Paretos 1927 Law known as the 80/20 rule and is similar to Bodes Law in concept. The relationship described by Zipfs Law is a succession of order data with the largest followed by half the size for the next largest, which in turn, the next is half that size, and so on. In geology, it has been used with moderate success in resource assessment of mining and petroleum. In essence, it predicts how many entities of a certain size may be left in a sequence of decreasing size assuming the largest has been ascertained. Examples of applications would be plotting the rank and size of ore deposits or oil fields to determine how many deposits remained undiscovered and their size. After a flurry of papers in the 1970s and 1980s, application of the law apparently either was successful and thus not reported in way the literature or was determined to be ineffectual and its use discontinued, but either way the law lapsed into obscurity. Examples of oil- and gas-field size in Kansas, the occurrence of historic earthquakes that affected the state, and size of anticlines (plains-type folds) are presented to illustrate application and limits of Zipfs Law.  相似文献   

A portion of a sedimentary basin is subdivided conceptually into hexagons of equal area. The area of each hexagon is equal to the minimum area an oil field should have to be commercial. Hexagons can be full of oil or empty. A field size 1 consists of a cell with oil surrounded by six empty cells; a field size 2 consists of two adjacent cells with oil surrounded by eight empty cells, etc. Principles of Percolation Theory are used to determine the probability distribution of the areas of the oil fields existing in this portion of the basin. The only piece of information necessary to determine this probability distribution is the Success Ratio (number of successful exploration wells/total number of exploration wells drilled in this portion of the basin). This approach has several practical applications.A probabilistic model is introduced to predict to which extent potential oil traps are filled with oil. The model assumes that the probability that an oil unit will end up in a particular trap, is proportional to the surface area of the trap. The model predicts that independently of the distribution of the trap volumes, there will be a critical trap volume. All the traps having a volume less than this critical volume, will be filled to spill point. An equation is deduced to predict, for all traps having a volume greater than the critical, the volume of oil that can be encountered in the trap, provided the volume of the trap is known.  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper, a portion of a sedimentary basin is subdivided conceptually into hexagons of equal area. The area of each hexagon is equal to the minimum area an oil field should have to be commercial. Hexagons can be full of oil, or empty. A field size 1 consists of a cell with oil surrounded by six empty cells; a field size 2 consists of two adjacent cells with oil surrounded by eight empty cells, etc. Principles of Percolation Theory are used to determine the probabilility distribution of the areas of the oil fields existing in this portion of the basin. The only piece of information necessary to determine this probability distribution is the Success Ratio (number of successful exploration wells/total number of exploration wells drilled in this portion of the basin). This approach has several practical applications.In the second part of this paper, a probabilistic model is introduced to predict to which extent potential oil traps are filled with oil. The model assumes that the probability that an oil unit will end up in a particular trap, is proportional to the surface area of the trap. The model predicts that independently of the distribution of the trap volumes, there will be a critical trap volume. All the traps having a volume less than this critical volume, will be filled to spill point. An equation is deduced to predict, for all traps having a volume greater than the critical, the volume of oil that can be encountered in the trap, provided the volume of the trap is known.  相似文献   

Conventional high resolution studies of varved sediments are able to identify clastic and biogenic laminae, but are often unable to resolve the nature of fine-scale lamination contained therein. This intra-annual signal provides us with the highest potential resolution from the sedimentary record and can be resolved using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Six case studies from lacustrine and marine settings are presented to illustrate the combination of clastic and biogenic fabric types typically found in laminated sediments. Clastic laminae fabrics include those which originate through grain settling and those which are event deposits. The correct identification of event deposits is essential if varves are to be used chronologically. SEM-based biogenic laminae fabric studies have identified seasonal faunal successions where individual laminae may be less than 100 thick and most recently, deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM) summer diatom floras, providing an insight into seasonal scale processes. High resolution lamina fabric studies can provide a basis for generating records of seasonal and inter-annual variability, thus contributing to our understanding of lacustrine and marine processes and palaeoenvironmental interpretation.  相似文献   

Argentine literature from different disciplines dealing with lake sediments is presented in chronological order and briefly discussed. Quaternary and pre-Quaternary deposits are considered. Papers reveal five periods of production and three major regions of paleolimnological research.This is the first in a series of papers published in this issue on Paleolimnology in Southern South America. Dr C. A. Fernández served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Lake Neuchåtel is a medium sized, hard-water lake, lacking varved sediments, situated in the western Swiss Lowlands at the foot of the Jura Mountains. Stable isotope data (18O and 13C) from both bulk carbonate and ostracode calcite in an 81 cm long, radiocarbon-dated sediment core represent the last 1500 years of Lake Neuchåtel's environmental history. Comparison between this isotopic and other palaeolimnologic data (mineralogical, geochemical, palynological, etc.) helps to differentiate between anthropogenic and natural factors most recently affecting the lake. An increase in lacustrine productivity (450–650AD ca), inferred from the positive trend in 13C values of bulk carbonate, is related to medieval forest clearances and the associated nutrient budget changes. A negative trend in both the bulk carbonate and ostracode calcite 18O values between approximately 1300 and 1500AD, is tentatively interpreted as due to a cooling in mean air temperature at the transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age. Negative trends in bulk carbonate 18O and 13C values through the uppermost sediments, which have no equivalent in ostracode calcite isotopic values, are concomitant with the recent onset of eutrophication in the lake. Isotopic disequilibrium during calcite precipitation, probably due to kinetic factors in periods of high productivity is postulated as the mechanism to explain the associated negative isotopic trends, although the effect of a shift of the calcite precipitation towards the warmer months cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

As part of English Natures Lakes Flagship Project to address adverse environmental impacts on selected, important lakes, a proposal has been made to dredge Aqualate Mere. The site has experienced rapid, recent sedimentation thought to be derived from a nearby canal. The aim of this study has been to determine the recent sedimentation history of the site in order to assess the possibility of the disposal to land of its sediments and the efficacy of this form of lake restoration. A predominantly clayey silt layer was found across the lake beneath which darker, organic-rich sediments were noted. This transition may represent the input of canal-derived sediments, although it may reflect other environmental changes at this time. The radiometric dating technique employed was unable to date this sediment boundary. A further change in the characteristics of the upper part of the clayey silt layer may represent an additional influence of the canal. Heavy metal levels were modest, whereas nutrient levels were relatively high and some pesticides were detected. Topsoil erosion supplying nutrients and other compounds associated with agriculture have been an important source of the lower layers of the clayey silt sediments in particular. The highest levels of most pollutants were found in the finer sediments in the uppermost (post-1950s) part of the sediment profile. These sediments appear to reflect a change in the characteristics of the sediments of the canal, which was associated with a change in the nature of its water supply. The key geochemical properties of the sediments should not preclude the land-based disposal of dredged materials under current UK regulations for waste management. Accurate estimation of sediment quantities was limited, as the interface between the recent and underlying sediments was not positively identified at all sample points.  相似文献   

Changes in microfossils (diatoms, chrysophytes, chironomids and cladocera remains), geochemistry and deposition of atmospheric pollutants have been investigated in the sediment records of the alpine lake Gossenköllesee (Tyrol, Austria) spanning the last two centuries. The sediment records were compared with seasonal and annual air temperature trends calculated for the elevation (2417 m a.s.l.) and the geographical position (47° 1346N, 11° 0051E) of the lake, and with precipitation records available since 1866 from Innsbruck. Temperature trends followed a 20–30 year oscillation between cold and warm periods. Regarding long-term changes, temperature trends showed a U-shaped trend between 1780 and 1950, followed by a steep increase since 1975.Physical, geochemical, and organic parameters were not controlled by air temperature. Among the biological records only diatoms and chrysophytes reacted to air temperature changes: the relative abundance of planktonic diatoms increased during warm periods and changes in mean annual alpine air temperature explained 36.5% of their variation. The relation between abundance of seasonal stomatocyst types and air temperature varied on two different time scales: while summer stomatocysts were influenced by short term temperature fluctuations, the autumn stomatocysts were affected only by the long term changes. Other biological parameters exhibited a constant species composition (chironomids, pigments) or changes were small and independent of temperature (cladocera). Spheroidal carbonaceous fly-ash particles, and trends in Pb and Cr indicated increasing deposition of atmospheric pollutants but had no detectable effects on the biological parameters either. In respect to temperature variations over the last 200 years, this alpine lake is much less sensitive than expected and has thus to be regarded as a well buffered site. However, temperature alone is not sufficient to understand changes in species composition and other biogeochemical processes with unknown historical patterns might have affected species composition more strongly.  相似文献   

Our sedimentological study of Lobos Lake sediments has shown that, below modern deposits, there is a clastic and biological record of three different paleoenvironments: two aquatic (freshwater and mixohaline respectively) and one subaereal. This record documents the climatic and geomorphologic changes that affected the basin during its evolution up to its present water level, from the upper Pleistocene to the Holocene.This is the seventh in a series of papers published in this issue on Paleolimnology in Southern South America. Dr. C. A. Fernández served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Saline lake deposits are arguably the best source of mid- to low-latitude terrestrial paleoclimate data. Alternating clastic sediments and evaporites of different chemical composition have long been recognized as sensitive records of changes in inflow and aridity related to a variety of climate parameters. Several sources of paleotemperature information from a halite-bearing saline lake deposit are described here – pseudomorphs of a cold-temperature evaporite mineral, homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in halite, and stable-isotope compositions of fluid inclusions in halite. Examples of these paleoclimate data come from analysis of the lower half of a 185-m core drilled in Pleistocene saline lake deposits at Death Valley, California. Daily and seasonal temperature variations in saline lake waters create conditions for the appearance and disappearance of temperature-dependent mineral phases. In the Death Valley core, hexagonal-shaped halite crystals, probable pseudomorphs of the cold-temperature hydrous mineral, hydrohalite (NaCl2H2O), provide evidence of brine temperatures below about 0 °C. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in primary halite offer an actual (not proxy) record of surface-brine temperatures. Samples with primary fluid-inclusion textures are carefully selected and handled, and data are collected from single-phase aqueous-brine inclusions chilled to nucleate vapor bubbles. Temperature variations are observable at scales of individual halite crystals (hours to days), single halite beds (weeks to months or years), and multiples of beds to entire facies (hundreds to tens of thousands of years). A 18O/D stable isotope record from the minute quantities of brines in fluid inclusions in halite is accessible using a method recently developed at the University of Calgary. The stable isotope record from the Death Valley core, a complex response to climate variables including temperature, humidity, storm patterns or seasons, and inflow sources, compliments and expands the interpretation emerging from the stratigraphy and homogenization temperatures.  相似文献   

The sediment trap technique was used to study the sedimentation processes in two parts of Lake Goci, central Poland, the deep of the main basin and the shallow bay area. From field and lab data was noted that seasonal and annual deposition of pollen grains on the lake bottom was disturbed in the main basin by an increase in water mass dynamics and by resuspension and focusing. Greater concordance between pollen sedimentation and the flowering periods of plants was found in the bay area, where sediment resuspension took place sporadically and with less intensity, compared to the main basin. Futhermore, it is suggested that resuspension of pollen can occur even if laminated sediments are formed, a process which therby diminishes the chronostratigraphic value of sediments and pollen analyses.  相似文献   

The deposit size frequency (DSF) method has been developed as a generalization of the method that was used in the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) program to estimate the uranium endowment of the United States. The DSF method overcomes difficulties encountered during the NURE program when geologists were asked to provide subjective estimates of (1) the endowed fraction of an area judged favorable (factorF) for the occurrence of undiscovered uranium deposits and (2) the tons of endowed rock per unit area (factorT) within the endowed fraction of the favorable area. Because the magnitudes of factorsF andT were unfamiliar to nearly all of the geologists, most geologists responded by estimating the number of undiscovered deposits likely to occur within the favorable area and the average size of these deposits. The DSF method combines factorsF andT into a single factor (F·T) that represents the tons of endowed rock per unit area of the undiscovered deposits within the favorable area. FactorF·T, provided by the geologist, is the estimated number of undiscovered deposits per unit area in each of a number of specified deposit-size classes. The number of deposit-size classes and the size interval of each class are based on the data collected from the deposits in known (control) areas. The DSF method affords greater latitude in making subjective estimates than the NURE method and emphasizes more of the everyday experience of exploration geologists. Using the DSF method, new assessments have been made for the young, organic-rich surficial uranium deposits in Washington and idaho and for the solution-collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits in the Grand Canyon region in Arizona and adjacent Utah.  相似文献   

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