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The 620 M.y.-old in Hihaou (In Zize) magmatic complex located at the north-western boundary of the Archaean In Ouzzal block (western Ahaggar), is composed of massive alkaline rhyo-ignimbrites and rhyolitic domes, which are intruded by a granophyric and granitic body. The whole is preserved in a cauldron structure. Extrusive rocks are strongly 18O-depleted, with -values as low as –1.5/SMOW, while granophyres are less depleted (minimum -18O value=+2.0/SMOW. The granite has values around + 6/SMOW. D/H compositions are rather low, with D–90 to –110/SMOW. Isotopic zoning of quartz phenocrysts, 18O/16O fractionation among coexisting phases, and heterogeneity of the whole-rock -18O values, suggest that the volcanic rocks have interacted with meteoric water after the eruption. Several mechanisms of isotopic alteration are discussed. The hydrothermal alteration does not seem to have been controlled by the granitic intrusion, but rather seems to have followed the deposition of thick pyroclastic deposits on permeable arkosic sandstones and fluvio-glacial conglomerates. Pervasive circulation of water through the cooling volcanic deposits could have produced the observed 18O depletion.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the auriferous quartz veins of the Val-dOr vein field, Abitibi, Quebec, Canada, demonstrates that the C, O, S isotope composition of silicate, carbonate, borate, oxide, tungstate and sulphide minerals have a range in composition comparable to that previously determined for the whole Superior Province. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz from early quartz–carbonate auriferous veins ranges from 9.4 to 14.4 whereas later quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have 18Oquartz values ranging from 9.2 to 13.8 . Quartz-carbonate veins have carbonate (18O: 6.9–12.5 ; 13C: –6.2– –1.9 ) and pyrite (34S: 1.2 and 1.9 ) isotope compositions comparable to those of quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins (18O: 7.9–11.7 ; 13C: –8.0 – –2.4 ; 34S: 0.6–6.0 ). 18Oquartz values in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have a variance comparable to analytical uncertainty at the scale of one locality, irrespective of the type of structure, the texture of the quartz or its position along strike, across strike or down-dip a vein. In contrast, the oxygen isotope composition of quartz in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins displays a regional distribution with higher 18O values in the south-central part of the vein field near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone, and which 18O values decrease regularly towards the north. Another zone of high 18O values in the northeast corner of the region and along the trace of the Senneville Fault is separated by a valley of lower 18O values from the higher values near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone. Oxygen isotope isopleths cut across lithological contacts and tectonic structures. This regional pattern in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins is interpreted to be a product of reaction with country rocks and mixing between (1) a deep-seated hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin with minimum 18O=8.5 , 13C=0.6 and 34S=–0.4 , and (2) a supracrustal fluid, most likely Archean seawater with a long history of water-rock exchange and with maximum 18O=3.9 , 13 C=–5.6 and 34S=5.0 .  相似文献   

Stable isotope data have been determined for 13 Mesozoic and Tertiary plutons in eastern Nevada and nearby Utah. In the southern Snake Range of eastern Nevada, where relations are best exposed and have been most intensively studied, D, 18O, and apparent K-Ar ages depend on proximity to the Snake Range decollement. Where stresses resulting from late movement on the decollement have caused cataclasis of Oligocene (37 Ma) granitoid rock, 18O, D, and K-Ar age values as low as –2.5, –155, and 18 Ma, respectively, have been determined. Where there has been no cataclasis, 18O values of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Oligocene granitoid rocks are apparently unaffected, but both D values and K-Ar ages have been modified for distances of tens of meters below the decollement.Results similar to those in the southern Snake Range have been observed in other eastern Nevada granitoid rocks spatially related to regional thrust faults, as in the Kern Mountains, the Toana Range, and the northern Egan Range. In each of these areas cataclasis or deformation of granitoid rocks has resulted in lowered 18O, D, and K-Ar age values. Where there has been no cataclasis or deformation, 18O values are unaffected, but both D and K-Ar age values have been lowered by stresses resulting from postcrystallization movement along overlying thrust faults.Many of the plutons discussed have not been deeply eroded, and spatially related thrust faults crop out. Where thrust faults are not in evidence and the granitoid rocks give D values lower than about –130 along with spuriously low K-Ar age results, modification of the D and K-Ar age values may have been caused by stresses related to late movement along an overlying (now eroded) thrust fault.  相似文献   

The volcanic rocks of the Warrumbungle Shield volcano in central western New South Wales, Australia show two distinct differentiation trends. One trend of differentiation extends from alkali basalts to phonolitic trachytes becoming increasingly undersaturated with silica and a second differentiation trend extends from trachybasalts to quartzbearing trachyte that becomes progressively more oversaturated. The differentiation trends are the product of low pressure fractional crystallisation of an alkali basalt in a high level magma chamber.Differentiated rocks of the Nandewar Volcano in New South Wales differs from that of the Warrumbungle Volcano in several significant respects. In the Nandewar Volcano, for example, the parental magma is an olivine basalt, the differentiation trend is towards silica rich trachytes and very siliceous alkali rhyolites.The differentiated alkaline rocks from the large shield volcanoes of the Pacific display many affinities to the differentiated alkaline rocks from the shield volcanoes of the Australian continent. On Tahiti a moderately undersaturated alkaline magma has produced contrasting differentiates, silica saturated trachytes; and phonolites. In Hawaii the alkaline volcanic rocks have differentiated to produce oversaturated trachytes. By contrast, in the Galápagos Islands where the parental magma is a tholeiitic basalt the differentiation trend is towards very siliceous trachytes and quartz syentites.The divergent trends of differentiation in the Warrumbungle Shield can be traced via the intermediate lineage members to compositional differences between the basic lineage members. The temperature, pressure and fugacity of oxygen and water have controlled the path and extent of differentiation in high level magma chambers at 8–9 kb or less. Differing degrees of saturation of the basic lineage members are attributed to differing degrees of pyroxene or eclogite fractionation at high pressures. Progressively more undersaturated rocks have been derived at increasing depths or origin.
Zusammenfassung Die Vulkangesteine des Warrumbungle-Vulkans im mittelwestlichen Neusüdwales, Australien, zeigen zwei verschiedene Differentiationstendenzen. Die eine erstreckt sich von alkalischen Basalten bis zu phonolitischen Trachyten, die immer stärker kieselsäure-untersättigt werden. Die andere erstreckt sich von Trachytbasalten bis quarzhaltigem Trachyt, der immer stärker übersättigt wird. Die Differentiationstendenzen ergeben sich aus der fraktionierten Kristallisation bei niederem Druck von einem alkalischen Basalt in einer nahe der Oberfläche liegenden Magmakammer.Differenziertes Gestein des Nandewar-Vulkans in Neusüdwales unterscheidet sich in einigen wesentlichen Punkten von dem des Warrumbungle-Vulkans. In dem Nandewar-Vulkan ist z. B. das Stammagma ein olivinhaltiger Basalt. Dazu tendiert es zu siliziumhaltigen Trachyten und sehr siliziumhaltigen alkalischen Rhyoliten.Das differenzierte alkalische Gestein von den großen Vulkanen des Pazifiks zeigt viele Ähnlichkeiten mit dem differenzierten alkalischen Gestein von den Vulkanen auf dem australischen Festland. Auf Tahiti hat ein mäßig untersättigtes alkalisches Magma kontrastierende Varianten, Phonolite und siliziumgesättigte Trachyte hervorgebracht. Auf Hawaii hat sich das alkalische Vulkangestein differenziert, wobei übersättigte Trachyte entstanden sind. Dagegen tendiert es auf den Galapagos-Inseln, wo das Stammagma ein tholeiitischer Basalt ist, zu sehr siliziumhaltigen Trachyten und Quarzsyeniten.Die divergierenden Differationstendenzen in dem Warrumbungle-Vulkan lassen sich durch die intermediären Stammglieder auf Zusammensetzungsunterschiede zwischen den früheren Stammgliedern zurückführen. Die Temperatur, der Druck und die Flüchtigkeit des Sauerstoffs und des Wassers haben den Vorgang und das Maß der Differentiation in nahe der Oberfläche begrabenen Magmakammern bei 8–9 kb. oder weniger kontrolliert. Verschiedene Sättigungsgrade der früheren Stammglieder werden verschiedenen Graden von Pyroxenoder Eklogit-Fraktionierung bei hohem Druck zugeschrieben. Zunehmend stärker untersättigtes Gestein ist bei wachsender Entstehungstiefe hervorgebracht worden.

Résumé Les roches volcaniques du Volcan Warrumbungle, dans la partie centrale de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud (Australie), montrent deux tendances distinctes de différenciation. L'une de ces tendances s'étend des basaltes alcalins aux trachytes phonolitiques qui deviennent de plus en plus sous-saturés en silice. L'autre tendance de différenciation s'étend des trachy-basaltes aux trachytes quartzifères, qui deviencent de plus en plus sursaturés. Ces tendances de différenciation sont le résultat de la cristallisation fractionnée, sous faible pression, d'un basalte alcalin dans une chambre magmatique proche de la surface.Les roches différenciées du volcan Nandewar en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud différent sous plusieurs aspects importants de celles du volcan Warrumbungle. Dans le volcan Nandewar, par exemple, le magma originel est un basalte à olivine; la différenciation tend vers des trachytes contenant de la silice et des rhyolites alcalines très siliceuses.La roche alcaline différenciée des grands volcans du Pacifique montre beaucoup d'affinités avec celle des volcans du continent australien. A Tahiti un magma alcalin moyennement sous-saturé a produit des roches différenciées très diverses: des trachytes saturés en silice et des phonolites. A Hawaii les roches volcaniques alcalines se sont différenciées pour produire enfin des trachytes sursaturés. Par contre aux Iles Galapagos, où le magma originel est un basalte tholéiitique, la tendance de la différenciation va vers des trachytes très siliceux et des syénites quartzifères.Les tendances divergentes de la différenciation dans le Warrumbungle remontent par des termes intermédiaires à des différences de composition entre les premiers membres dérivés du magma originel.La température, la pression et la fugacité de l'oxygène et de l'eau ont réglé le processus et l'étendue de la différenciation dans les chambres magmatiques enfouies à proximité de la surface, sous une pression de 8–9 kb ou moins. C'est à différents degrés de saturation des premiers membres du magma originel que sont attribués les différents degrés de fractionnement du pyroxène ou de l'éclogite à haute pression. C'est toujours une roche de plus en plus sous-saturée qui est engendrée par augmentation de sa profondeur d'origine.

Warrumbungle Neusüdwales, , . , . , . , . Nandewar, Neusudwales Warrumbungle. ., . , . . . , . , . ., , . Warrumbungle , / . , , , 8 – 9 . . .

Seven sediment cores were investigated from areas in the western Coral Sea where a thin sediment cover above acoustic basement, or above marked unconformities, was visible in reflection seismic records, implying low accumulation rates. Consequently in five of the cores Pliocene strata were reached in less than 4 meters depth subbottom. The remaining cores reached Pleistocene strata at similar shallow depths.Cores from the Queensland Plateau and the Coral Sea Abyssal Plain are composed of mainly calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal oozes, indicating a calcareous biological primary production in the western Coral Sea at least since the Pliocene. The younger Quaternary sections of two cores from the northeastern slope of the Queensland Plateau show a high abundance of siliceous microfossils resulting from the influence of silica-rich seawater of the eastern Coral Sea.Sediments cored in the Moresby Canyon are terrigenous muds. The carbonate content of the Quaternary sediments depends strongly on the waterdepth and on the input of terrigenous material. The Quaternary calcium carbonate compensation depth of the western Coral Sea was estimated to be at 4600 m, which is close to that of the equatorial Pacific Ocean.The sediments from the Moresby Canyon, the Coral Sea Abyssal Plain, and the northeastern slope of the Queensland Plateau have received their terrigenous components, mainly quartz, feldspar, chlorite and muscovite-illite from mainland New Guinea.The western slope of the Queensland Plateau and the western Coral Sea Abyssal Plain very likely have received terrigenous components also from mainland Australia as indicated by admixed kaolinite.The frequent fine-grained volcanic glass in the sediments probably was provided by drift-pumice rafts, which derived from volcanic eruptions in the southwestern Pacific region.
Zusammenfassung Sieben Sedimentkerne wurden von Gebieten in der westlichen Korallensee untersucht, in denen in reflexionsseismischen Aufzeichnungen eine geringmächtige Sedimentauflage über dem akustischen Grundgebirge (Basement) oder über deutlichen Diskordanzen sichtbar waren, was auf niedrige Akkumulationsraten hinweist. Konsequenterweise wurden in fünf Kernen pliozäne Schichten in weniger als 4 m Tiefe unter dem Meeresboden erreicht. Die übrigen Kerne erreichten pleistozäne Schichten in ähnlich geringer Tiefe.Kerne vom Queensland-Plateau und von der Korallensee-Tiefsee-Ebene bestehen überwiegend aus kalkigen Nannofossil- und Foraminiferenschlämmen und zeigen eine kalkige biologische Primärproduktion in der westlichen Korallensee mindestens seit dem Pliozän an. Die jüngeren quartären Sektionen von zwei Kernen vom nordöstlichen Hang des Queensland-Plateaus zeigen eine hohe Häufigkeit von kieseligen Mikrofossilien, die von einem Einfluß kieselsäurehaltigen Meerwassers in der östlichen Korallensee zeugen.Sedimente, die im Moresby-Cañon gekernt wurden, bestehen aus terrigenem Schlamm. Der Kalzium-Karbonatgehalt der quartären Sedimente hängt stark von den Wassertiefen und dem Anteil an terrigenem Material ab. Die quartäre Kalziumkarbonatkompensationstiefe der westlichen Korallensee wird auf 4600 m geschätzt und entspricht damit der für den äquatorialen Pazifischen Ozean.Die Sedimente vom Moresby-Cañon, der Korallensee-Tiefsee-Ebene und vom nordöstlichen Hang des Queensland-Plateaus haben ihre terrigenen Komponenten, in der Hauptsache Quarz, Feldspat, Chlorit und Muskovit-Illit, von Neu-Guinea erhalten.Der westliche Hang des Queensland-Plateaus und die westliche Korallensee-Tiefsee-Ebene haben sehr wahrscheinlich auch von Australien terrigene Komponenten erhalten, wie aus beigemischtem Kaolinit erkennbar ist.Das häufig auftretende feinkörnige vulkanische Glas in den Sedimentenkernen ist wahrscheinlich aus »Bimsstein-Flößen« hervorgegangen, welche von vulkanischen Eruptionen in der Südwestpazifik-Region stammen.

Résumé Sept carottes de sédiments ont été étudiées, qui proviennent de divers endroits de la Mer de Corail occidentale; dans cette mer la sismique-réflexion montre qu'une mince couche de sédiments recouvre un socle «acoustique» ou une discordance, ce qui implique un taux d'accumulation réduit. En conséquence, dans cinq forages les couches pliocènes furent atteintes à moins de 4m sous le fond de la mer; les deux autres forages ont atteint les couches pléistocènes à une profondeur aussi faible.Les carottes du Plateau du Queensland et de la plaine abyssale de la Mer de Corail sont constituées principalement de boues à nannofossiles calcaires et à foraminifères, ce qui indique une production primaire de calcaire biologique dans la Mer de Corail occidentale, au moins depuis le Pliocène. Les sections quaternaires, plus jeunes, de deux carottes prélevées sur le versant nord-est du Plateau du Queensland montrent une grande quantité de microfossiles siliceux, qui témoignent de l'influence d'eaux de mer riches en silice dans la Mer de Corail orientale.Les sédiments carottés dans le Cañon de Moresby sont des boues terrigènes. Le contenu en carbonate des sédiments quaternaires dépend étroitement de la profondeur de la mer et de l'apport terrigène. La profondeur de compensation des carbonates au Quaternaire dans la Mer de Corail occidentale a été estimée à 4.600m, valeur proche de celle de l'Océan Pacifique.Les sédiments du Cañon de Moresby, de la plaine abyssale de la Mer de Corail et du versant nord-est du Plateau du Queensland ont reçu leurs composants terrigènes (principalement: quartz, feldspath, chlorite et muscovite-illite) de Nouvelle Guinée).Le versant ouest du Plateau du Queensland et la partie occidentale de la plaine abyssale de la Mer de Corail ont très probablement reçu aussi des composants terrigènes venant d'Australie, comme l'indique la présence de de kaolinite.Les petits fragments de verre volcanique, fréquents dans les sédiments, ont probablement été amenés par la dérive de «radeaux de ponces» provenant d'éruptions volcaniques dans le Pacifique sud-occidental.

7 , , , . 5 4 . . Queensland ; , - , . - Queensland , , , . Moresby ; . 4600 , . Moresby, Queensland , , . Queensland , , , . , , «» , - .

Dalradian metamorphic rocks, Lower Ordovician meta-igneous rocks (MGS) and Caledonian granites of the Connemara complex in SW Connemara all show intense retrograde alteration. Alteration primarily involves sericitization and saussuritization of plagioclase, the alteration of biotite and hornblende to chlorite and the formation of secondary epidote. The alteration is associated with sealed microcracks in all rocks and planes of secondary fluid inclusions in quartz where it occurs, and was the result of a phase of fluid influx into these rocks. In hand specimen K-feldspar becomes progressively reddened with increasing alteration. Mineralogical alteration in the MGS and Caledonian granites took place at temperatures 275±15°C and in the MGS Pfluid is estimated to be 1.5 kbar during alteration. The °D values of alteration phases are:-18 to-29 (fluid inclusions),-47 to-61 (chlorites) and-11 to-31 (epidotes). Chlorite 18O values are +0.2 to +4.3, while 18O values for quartz-K-feldspar pairs show both positively sloped (MGS) and highly unusual negatively sloped (Caledonian granites) arrays, diverging from the normal magmatic field on a - plot. The stable isotope data show that the fluid that caused retrogression continued to be present in most rocks until temperatures fell to 200–140°C. The retrograde fluid had D -20 to-30 in all lithologies, but the fluid 18O varied both spatially and temporally within the range-4 to +7. The fO2 of the fluid that deposited the epidotes in the MGS varied with its 18O value, with the most 18O-depleted fluid being the most oxidizing. The D values, together with low (<0) 18O values for the retrograde fluid in some lithologies indicate that this fluid was of meteoric origin. This meteoric fluid was probably responsible for the alteration in all lithologies during a single phase of fluid infiltration. The variation in retrograde fluid 18O values is attributed to the effects of variable oxygen isotope shifting of this meteoric fluid by fluid-rock interaction. Infiltration of meteoric fluid into this area was most likely accomplished by convection of pore fluids around the heat anomaly of the Galway granite soon after intrusion at 400 Ma. However convective circulation of meteoric water and mineralogical alteration could possible have occurred considerably later.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity structure of the crust and upper mantle of the Atlas Mountain System was studied using magnetotelluric and geomagnetic deep soundings. Field experiments were done in eastern Morocco along a traverse from the Anti Atlas to the Rides Rifaines in two campaigns in 1983 and 1988.Zones of very low electrical resistivity could be identified in the various structural settings at different depth ranges, most likely connected directly to the tectonic evolution of the mountain belts. A mid-crustal low resistivity layer with total conductance (thickness-resistivity ratio) of about 2000 Siemens stretches from the southern border of the High Atlas towards the Middle Atlas. This layer seems to characterize the base of crustal detachment, e.g., the plane for large horizontal overthrusting, and supports the idea of thick- and thin-skinned tectonics involved in Atlasic mountain building. In the western Middle Atlas an upper-crustal low resistivity layer (at depth < 10 km) was found in the area where volcanic activity was present, pointing towards a direct relation between low electrical resistivity and volcanic or postvolcanic events. North of the Middle Atlas resistivity structures change totally: The Pre and parts of the Sub-Rif have a highly conductive cover, presumably connected to the molasse basin. Total conductance was calculated to reach 6000 Siemens. No further conductive structures, like, e.g., the ones found beneath the High and Middle Atlas, are seen within the resistive crust, but at much greater depth within the upper mantle.
Zusammenfassung Im marokkanischen Atlas-System wurde der elektrische Widerstand der Kruste und des oberen Mantels mit magnetotellurischen und erdmagnetischen Tiefen-Sondierungen erkundet. Die Feldmessungen wurden in den Jahren 1983 und 1988 im östlichen Marokko entlang einer Traverse vom Anti Atlas bis in das Rif durchgeführt.In den einzelnen strukturellen Einheiten wurden in unterschiedlichen Krustentiefen Schichten sehr kleiner elektrischer Widerstände entdeckt, die direkt mit der tektonischen Entwicklung des Atlasgebirges verknüpft zu sein scheinen. Zwischen dem Südrand des Hohen Atlas und dem Mittleren Atlas im Norden erstreckt sich eine Zone sehr kleiner Widerstände (integrierte Leitfähigkeit etwa 2000 Siemens) in mittleren Krustentiefen. Diese Schicht scheint einen Bereich krustaler Ablösung zu kennzeichnen und kann als Basis einer weitspannigen Überschiebung angenommen werden. Diese Form der »thick- & thin-skinned« Tektonik scheint wesentlich am Prozess der Gebirgsbildung im Atlas beteiligt zu sein. Im westlichen Mittleren Atlas, im Bereich des jungen Vulkanismus, wurde eine gutleitende Zone in der oberen Kruste (Tiefe < 10 km) gefunden. Diese Beobachtung legt einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen erhöhter elektrischer Leitfähigkeit und vulkanischen bzw. postvulkanischen Ereignissen nahe. Nördlich des Mittleren Atlas ändern sich die Widerstandsstrukturen sehr stark: Im Prä- und teilweise auch noch im Sub-Rif liegt eine sehr gut leitende Deckschicht (integrierte Leitfähigkeit etwa 6000 Siemens) über einem hochohmigen Basement. In der Kruste des Rif werden keine weiteren, tieferliegenden Schichten erhöhter Leitfähigkeit gefunden, wie sie z.B. unter dem Hohen Atlas vorliegen. Dagegen gibt es Hinweise auf Zonen hoher Leitfähigkeit im oberen Mantel.

Résumé Dans l'Atlas marocain la résistivité électrique de la croûte et du manteau supérieur a été étudiée à l'aide des sondages magnétotelluriques et géomagnétiques. Ces travaux ont été effectués le long d'une traverse menant de l'Anti-Atlas jusqu'au Rif durant les années 1983 et 1988.Dans différentes profondeurs de la croûte terrestre des zones de résistances électriques très basses ont pu être découvertes ce qui peut être attribué à l'évolution tectonique de l'Atlas. Une couche de résistances très basses (conductance vers 2000 Siemens) s'étend entre le bord au sud du Haut Atlas et l'Atlas Moyen au nord. Cette couche peut être le signe d'un détachement de l'écorce et d'une poussée très vaste. Cette forme tectonique »thick- & thin-skinned« semble être essentiellement responsable du processus de la formation orogénique de l'Atlas. Une zone de bonne conductance se trouve dans la croûte terrestre supérieure (profondeur < 10 km) dans l'ouest de l'Atlas Moyen aux environs de l'activité volcanique caractérisant une relation directe entre une haute conductance électrique et des événements volcaniques et post-volcaniques. Vers le nord de l'Atlas Moyen les structures de résistance subissent un changement total: Au Pré- et partiellement aussi au Subrif se trouve une bonne couche guide (conductance vers 6000 Siemens). Aucune autre couche de conductance supérieure — comme au-dessous du Haut Atlas — n'a été découverte dans la croûte du Rif. On en décèle, par contre, dans le manteau supérieur.

1983 1988 - . , , , . ( 2000 Si). , , . , »thick- & -thin-skinned«, , . , ( 10 ) . , - . : - , , - , : 6000 Si. . .

18O/16O ratios have been measured for whole rock samples and mineral separates of granulitic rocks in the very old precambrian shield of In Ouzzal (Sahara). Isotopic fractionations are low and indicate temperatures higher or similar to those found by numerous workers on granitic rocks.The 18O of whole rock samples are low and homogeneous (5,5<<7.8). As the rocks are clearly of detrital origin, this homogeneity can be explained either by isotopic equilibration with upper mantle material by means of CO2 rich fluids (Touret, 1971), or by isotopic inertia of minerals during the mainly detrital processes that gave rise to the series. The latter explanation more or less implies that the parent material of the detrital series originated by magmatic differenciation.  相似文献   

The pre-Cenozoic geology at Candelaria, Nevada comprises four main lithologic units: the basement consists of Ordovician cherts of the Palmetto complex; this is overlain unconformably by Permo-Triassic marine clastic sediments (Diablo and Candelaria Formations); these are structurally overlain by a serpentinitehosted tectonic mélange (Pickhandle/Golconda allochthon); all these units are cut by three Mesozoic felsic dike systems. Bulk-mineable silver-base metal ores occur as stratabound sheets of vein stockwork/disseminated sulphide mineralisation within structurally favourable zones along the base of the Pickhandle allochthon (i.e. Pickhandle thrust and overlying ultramafics/mafics) and within the fissile, calcareous and phosphatic black shales at the base of the Candelaria Formation (lower Candelaria shear). The most prominent felsic dike system — a suite of Early Jurassic granodiorite porphyries — exhibits close spatial, alteration and geochemical associations with the silver mineralisation. Disseminated pyrites from the bulk-mineable ores exhibit a 34S range from — 0.3 to + 12.1 (mean 34S = +6.4 ± 3.5, 1, n = 17) and two sphalerites have 34S of + 5.9 and + 8.7 These data support a felsic magmatic source for sulphur in the ores, consistent with their proximal position in relation to the porphyries. However, a minor contribution of sulphur from diagenetic pyrite in the host Candelaria sediments (mean 34S = — 14.0) cannot be ruled out. Sulphur in late, localised barite veins ( 34S = + 17.3 and + 17.7) probably originated from a sedimentary/seawater source, in the form of bedded barite within the Palmetto basement ( 34S = + 18.9). Quartz veins from the ores have mean 18O = + 15.9 ± 0.8 (1, n = 10), which is consistent, over the best estimate temperature range of the mineralisation (360°–460°C), with deposition from 18O-enriched magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (calculated 18O fluid = + 9.4 to + 13.9). Such enrichment probably occurred through isotopic exchange with the basement cherts during fluid ascent from a source pluton. Whole rock data for a propylitised porphyry ( 18O = + 14.2, D = — 65) support a magmatic fluid source. However, D results for fluid inclusions from several vein samples (mean = — 108 ± 14, 1, n = 6) and for other dike and sediment whole rocks (mean = — 110 ± 13, 1, n = 5) reveal the influence of meteoric waters. The timing of meteoric fluid incursion is unresolved, but possibilities include late-mineralisation groundwater flooding during cooling of the Early Jurassic progenitor porphyry system and/or meteoric fluid circulation driven by Late Cretaceous plutonism.  相似文献   

Study of young tectonic movements began at the end of XIXth century and is connected with the names of scientists from various countries. A valuable contribution to development of this branch of science was made by Russian school beginning with works by M. V.Lomonosov in the XVIII century. In XIX century this trend was successfully developed by A. P.Karpinsky, A. P.Pavlov, at the beginning of XXth century - V. A.Obruchev, N. I.Andrusov, A. D.Arkhangelsky, A. L.Reingard. Study of neotectonics in the USSR spread especially widely in the Soviet period (20–40ies) owing to industrial development of the country. Works by V. A.Obruchev, G. F.Mirchink and other Soviet scientists of that period contributed much to formation of a new branch of science — neotectonics.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen jungtektonischer Bewegungen begannen am Ende des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts und sind verbunden mit den Namen von Wissenschaftlern aus verschiedenen Ländern. Ein wertvoller Beitrag zur Entwicklung dieser Seite der Wissenschaft wurde von der russischen Schule — beginnend mit den Arbeiten von M. V.Lomonosov im XVIII. Jahrhundert — geleistet. Im neunzehnten Jahrhundert wurde diese Richtung erfolgreich durch A. P.Karpinsky und A. P.Pavlov weitergeführt; Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts dann von V. A.Obruchev, N. I.Andrusov, A. D.Arkhangelsky, Reingard. Neotektonische Studien entwickelten sich besonders während der sovietischen Ära. Dies geschah in Verbindung mit der industriellen Entwicklung des Landes.Die Arbeiten von V. A.Obruchev, G. F.Mirchink und anderen Wissenschaftlern dieser Periode leisteten einen großen Beitrag zur Entstehung des neuen Wissenschaftszweiges — Neotektonik.

Résumé L'étude des mouvements néotectoniques, qui a débuté à la fin du XIXe siècle, est liée aux noms de savants de pays différents. L'école russe, avec les travaux de M. V. Lomonosov (XVIIIe siècle), a apporté une importante contribution au développement de cette branche des connaissances. Au XIXe siècle, cette direction de recherches s'est développée avec A. P. Karpinsky, A. P. Pavlov et au début du XXe siècle - avec V. A. Obruchev, N. I. Andrusov, A. D. Arkhangelsky et A. L. Reingard. L'étude de la néotectonique en URSS s'est spécialement répandue au cours des années 20–40 gràce au rapide développement industriel du pays. Les travaux de V. A. Obruchev, G. F. Mirchink et d'autres savants soviétiques de cette période ont beaucoup contribué à la formation d'une nouvelle branche de la science-la néotectonique.

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The Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-Cu deposit occurs in the Uppermost Allochthon in the Caledonides of northern Norway. The orebody is enclosed in amphibolite-facies schists and gneisses, underlain by amphibolites, and it has been classified as a sediment-hosted massive sulphide (SEDEX) deposit. The stratiform ore is dominantly pyritic, with a basal layer of pyrrhotitic ore. Sulphide veins occur in the footwall. The orebody generally has a limited range of 34S, from 0.3 to 4.5% (x = 2.4 ± 1.2, 1 , n = 26). The lowest 34S values (0.3–2.3) were found in sulphide veins in the footwall and vent proximal stratiform ore. More distal pyritic Zn-Pb ore has heavier average 34S values (up to 4.5). The ore sulphides were deposited from a hydrothermal solution with 34S about 2 perhaps with the incorporation of a minor portion of sulphide from the ambient seawater. The hydrothermal solution probably acquired most of its sulphide from the underlying mixed lithology; notably basaltic rocks. Sulphide produced by thermochemical reduction of seawater in the deep conduit system may also have been incorporated. Bacteriogenic sulphide is not likely as a major source of ore sulphur in the massive ore. Sulphide incorporated in distal pyrite, which have 34S from -12 to-10, could have formed either by oxidation of the hydrothermal sulphide, or by bacterial reduction of seawater sulphate in the depositional environment. Exchange of sulphur isotopes probably took place only on a localized scale during Caledonian metamorphism, the bulk sulphur isotopic composition of the ore being preserved in a hand specimen scale.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition of veins, pressure shadows, mylonites and fault breccias in allochthonous Mesozoic carbonate cover units of the Helvetic zone show evidence for concurrent closed and open system of fluid advection at different scales in the tectonic development of the Swiss Alps. Marine carbonates are isotopically uniform, independent of metamorphic grade, where 13C=1.5±1.5 (1 ) and 18O=25.4±2.2 (1 ). Total variations of up to 2 in 13C and 1.5 in 18O occur over a cm scale. Calcite in pre- (Type I) and syntectonic (Type II) vein arrays and pressure shadows are mostly in close isotopic compliance with the matrix calcite, to within ±0.5, signifying isotopic buffering of pore fluids by host rocks during deformation, and closed system redistribution of carbonate over a cm to m scale. This is consistent with microstructural evidence for pressure solution — precipitation deformation.Type III post-tectonic veins occur throughout 5 km of structural section, extend several km to the basement, and accommodate up to 15% extension. Whereas the main population of Type III veins is isotopically undistinguishable from matrix carbonates, calcite in the largest of these veins is depleted in 18O by up to 23 but acquired comparable 13C values. This generation of veins involved geopressurized hydrothermal fluids at 200 to 350° C where 18O H2O=–8 to +20, representing variable mixtures of 18O enriched pore and metamorphic fluids, with 18O depleted meteoric water. Calc-mylonites ( 18O=25 to 11) at the base of the Helvetic units, and syntectonic veins from the frontal Pennine thrust are characterized by a trend of 18O depletion relative to carbonate protoliths, due to exchange with an isotopically variable reservoir ( 18O H2O=20 to 4). The upper limiting value corresponds to carbonate-buffered pore fluid, whereas the lower value is interpreted as 18O-depleted formation brines tectonically expelled at lithostatic pressure from the crystalline basement. Carbonate breccias in one of the large scale late normal faults exchanged with infiltrating 18O-depleted meteoric surface waters ( 18O=–8 to –10).During the main ductile Alpine deformation, individual lithological units and associated tectonic vein arrays behaved as closed systems, whereas mylonites along thrust faults acted as conduits for tectonically expelled lithostatically pressured reservoirs driven over tens of km. At the latest stages, marked by 5 to 15 km uplift and brittle deformation, low 18O meteoric surface waters penetrated to depths of several km under hydrostatic gradients.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird eine neue paläogeographische Rekonstruktion der Verbreitung der oberpermischen Ablagerungen in den Ostalpen zur Diskussion gestellt, die beruht auf der Annahme einer großen Seitenverschiebung entlang der Periadriatischen Linie. Aus paläomagnetischen Daten müßte man schließen, daß möglicherweise eine postherzynische Verschiebung Nord-Italiens in bezug auf Europa über einen Abstand von etwa 4000 km stattgefunden hat. Es gibt jedoch einige indirekte Einwände gegen die Deutung der bisherigen paläomagnetischen Daten Nord-Italiens mittels Kontinentwanderung. Der Periadriatische Bruch könnte eine der Seitenverschiebungen in einer Scherzone zwischen Europa und Nord-Italien (Afrika) sein.
Summary A new reconstruction of the paleogeography of the upper permian deposits in the eastern Alps is proposed. For it a horizontal movement along the periadriatic fault (Alpine-dinaric boundary) is assumed. Such a movement is in accordance with the continental drift of northern Italy with respect to Europe over a distance of 4000 km, required to explain the aberrative paleomagnetic data found in northern Italy. Some objections against this interpretation are mentioned too.

Résumé Une nouvelle reconstruction de la paléogéographie des sédiments permiens dans les Alpes orientales est proposée. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de supposer un mouvement horizontal le long de la faille périadriatique (décrochement). Un tel mouvement s'accorde avec la dérive des continents d'Italie septentrionale sur une distance de 4000 km, qui est nécessaire pour expliquer les données paléomagnétiques anormales, mesurées en Italie septentrionale. On mentionne aussi quelques objections contre cette hypothèse.

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Buckling of an isolated elastic-plastic layer embedded in a Newtonian viscous matrix has been studied and the generation of ptygmatic folding leading ultimately to clod and fragmentation at the crests as well as along the limbs has been discussed. The cause of formation of some of the uncommon ptygmatic structures has also been evaluated along with a review of the different postulates.
Zusammenfassung Im Experiment wird die Aufwölbung einer isolierten, elastisch-plastisch Lage in einer viscosen Newton'schen Matrix simuliert. Es entstehen hierbei ptygmatische Falten, die im Endstadium sowohl in den Scheiteln als auch auf den Flanken zerscheren und zerbrechen. Es kann dabei auch die Entstehung ungewöhnlicher ptygmatischer Strukturen studiert werden.

Résumé Le gondolement d'une couche de plastique élastique enrobée dans une matrice visqueuse newtonienne montre que la formation de plis ptygmatiques conduit finalement à des loupes et des cassures dans les charnières comme aussi le long des flancs. La cause de la formation de certaines structures ptygmatiques a été également considérée sur la base des différents postulats.

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Garnet-pyroxene skarns were formed 90 m.y. B.P. in the Osgood Mountains at or near contacts of grandiorite with calcareous rocks of the Cambrian Preble Formation. The metasomatic replacement followed contact metamorphic recrystallization of the Preble. The sources, temperature, and variation in H2O/CO2 ratios of the metasomatic fluid are interpreted from 269 analyses of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur isotopes in whole rocks, minerals and inclusion fluids.Skarns formed in three mineralogical stages. Oxygen isotope data indicate that temperatures during the crystallization of garnet, pyroxene and wollastonite (Stage I) were least 550 ° C, and that the metasomatic fluid had an 0.035 in the massive skarns, and 0.12 in vein skarns up to 3 cm thick. Pore fluids in isotopic equilibrium with garnet in calc-silicate metamorphic rocks, on the other hand, had 0.15.The metasomatic fluids of Stage I were derived primarily from the crystallizing magma. The isotopic composition of magmatic water was 18O =+9.0, D= –30 to –45. Oxygen isotope temperatures of greater than 620 ° C were determined for the granodiorite. Isotopic and chemical equilibria between mineral surfaces and the metasomatic fluid were approached simultaneously in parts of the skarn several meters or more apart, while isotopic and chemical disequilibria (i.e. zoning) have been preserved between 20 to 40 m-thick zones in grandite garnet. More Fe-, or andradite-rich garnet crystallized in more H2O-rich C-O-H fluids ( 0.01) than present with grossularite-rich garnet ( 0.035).Stage II was marked by the replacement of garnet and pyroxene by quartz, amphibole, plagioclase, epidote, magnetite, and calcite. Many of the replacement reactions took place over a relatively narrow range in temperature (480–550 ° C), as indicated by 18O fractionations between quartz and amphibole. Meteoric water comprised 20 to 50% of the metasomatic fluid during Stage II.Calcite was formed along with pyrite, minor pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite during Stage III, although the crystallization of pyrite and calcite had begun earlier, during Stages I and II, respectively. Carbon and sulfur isotope compositions of calcite and pyrite indicate a magmatic source for most of the C and S in the metasomatic fluids of Stage III. By the end of Stage III, meteoric water constituted as much as 100% of the metasomatic fluid. Minerals from grandiorite and skarn do not show large depletions in 18O because the oxygen isotope composition of the metasomatic fluid was buffered by the calcareous wall rocks and the grandiorite.Meteoric water in the vicinity of the Osgood Mountains during the Late Crectaceous (18Ocale. –14.0, D = – 107) was slightly enriched in 18O and D relative to present-day meteoric water (18O = 15.9, D = – 117)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Zuge der lithologischen Bearbeitung eines Sandhorizontes im Pannon C der Oststeiermark (Österreich) wurden statistische Auswertungen mit Hilfe einer elektronischen Rechenanlage durchgeführt. Trendflächenanalysen lassen zum Teil Zusammenhänge zwischen der aus Schrägschichtungsmessungen festgestellten Sedimentationsrichtung (NW-SE) einerseits und den Korngrößenparametern der Sande sowie der Schwermineralführung andererseits vermuten.
In the course of lithological researches on sands occurring in Pannonian C in the east of the Province of Styria, Austria, statistical evaluations were made by means of a computer. Trend-surface analyses partly seem to indicate the existence of correlations between the paleocurrents (NW-SE), found as a result of measurements of cross-bedding on the one hand and the size-parameters of the sands as well as the heavy mineral composition on the other hand.

Résumé L'exploitation statistique de recherches lithologiques d'un horizon sableux au pannonien C à l'est de la Styrie (Autriche) fut réalisée à l'aide d'une calculatrice électronique. En analysant des surfaces d'équation polynomiale nous supposons des corrélations entre la direction de transport (constatée par des mesures de la stratification entrecroisée: NW-SE) et les paramètres granulométriques des sables ainsi que la contenance en minéraux lourds.

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The S-isotopic compositions of sulfide deposits from Steinmann, granitoid and felsic volcanic associations have been examined. Ores of Steinmann association have 34S values close to zero per mil (34S=+0.3±3.1) it appears they are of mantle origin. Isotopically, ores of granitoid association regularly show a variable enrichment in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–2.7±3.3). The composition is in accord with an upper mantle/lower crustal source. Two stratiform accumulations of felsic volcanic association show a narrow spread of 34S values (+0.2 to 2.4); a mantle origin for the sulfur in these deposits is favored. In contrast, vein, stockwork and cement ores are moderately enriched in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–4.0±6.4). These ores are polygenetic; sulfur and metals appear to have been leached from local country rocks where volcanogenic and biogenic sulfur predominate.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions were determined for quartz, sericite and bulk rock samples surrounding the Uwamuki no. 4 Kuroko ore body, Kosaka, Japan. 18O values of quartz from Siliceous Ore (S.O.), main body of Black Ore B.O.) and the upper layer of B.O. are fairly uniform, +8.7 to +10.5. Formation temperatures calculated from fractionation of 18O between sericite and quartz from B.O. and upper S.O. are 250° to 300° C. The ore-forming fluids had 18O values of +1 and D values of –10, from isotope compositions of quartz and sericite.Tertiary volcanic rocks surrounding the ore deposits at Kosaka have uniform 18O values, +8.1±1.0 (n=50), although their bulk chemical compositions are widely varied because of different degrees of alteration. White Rhyolite, which is an intensely altered rhyolite occurring in close association with the Kuroko ore bodies, has also uniform 18O values, +7.9±0.9 (n=19). Temperatures of alteration are estimated to be around 300° C from the oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz and sericite. Paleozoic basement rocks phyllite and chert, have high 18O values, +18 and +19. The Sasahata formation of unknown age, which lies between Tertiary and Paleozoic formations, has highly variable 18O, +8 to +16 (n=4). High 18O values of the basement rocks and the sharp difference in 18O at their boundary suggest that the hydrothermal system causing Kuroko mineralization was mainly confined within permeable Tertiary rocks. D values of altered Tertiary volcanic rocks are highly variable ranging from –34 to –64% (n=12). The variation of D does not correlate with change of chemical composition, 18O values, nor distance from the ore deposits. The relatively high D values of the altered rocks indicate that the major constituent of the hydrothermal fluid was sea water. However, another fluid having lower D must have also participated. The fluid could be evolved sea water modified by interaction with rocks and the admixture of magmatic fluid. The variation in D may suggest that sea water mixed dispersively with the fluid.  相似文献   

Geophysical, geochemical and biological data are integrated to unravel the origin and evolution of an unusual rift lake. The northern basin of Lake Kivu contains about 0.5 km of sediments which overlie a basement believed to be crystalline rocks of Precambrian age. Volcanic rocks at the northern end of the lake have created large magnetic anomalies of up to 300. Heat flow varies from 0.4 to 4 hfu. The extreme variability may be due in part to sedimentation or recent changes in the temperature of the bottom water. Sharp boundaries in the vertical temperature and salinity structure of the water across the lake can best be explained as separate convecting layers. Such convecting cells are the result of the increase in both temperature and salinity with depth.Concentrations of the major dissolved gases in the deep water, CO2 and CH4, approach saturation but do not exceed it at any depth. The salts are supplied mainly by hydrothermal discharges at the bottom of the lake which we calculate to have a salinity of 4 which is about 60% higher than the salinity of the bottom water. The annual discharge at the present time is about 0.5 km3. Zinc anomalies in the water are explained by the accumulation of sphalerite-containing globules at certain depths.Stratigraphic correlation of sediments is possible across the entire lake, based on physical, geochemical and paleontological criteria. Sedimentation rates are of the order of 30 cm/1000 years implying a Pliocene age for the deepest part of the lake. Periods of hydrothermal activities and heightened volcanism, as recorded in the sediments, appear to have coincided with pluvial times.Enrichment of the surface waters of Lake Kivu by nutrients has led to explosive speciation in the diatom genusNitzschia. Several new types of methane oxidizing and-producing bacteria were isolated. Bacterial degradation of recent plankton appears insufficient to explain the amount of methane in the lake, and some of it is derived diagenetically.
Zusammenfassung Geophysikalische, geochemische und biologische Daten werden vorgelegt und miteinander in Beziehung gebracht, um einen besseren Einblick in Entstehung und Evolution eines ungewöhnlichen Sees zu gewinnen. Das nördliche Becken des Kivu-Sees enthält Sedimente von etwa 0,5 km Mächtigkeit, die dem präkambrischen kristallinen Grundgebirge überlagert sind. Die im Norden des Sees vorliegenden vulkanischen Gesteine erklären die hohen magnetischen Anomalien, die bis zu 300 betragen. Der Wärmefluß schwankt zwischen 0,4 und 4 cal/cm2/sec. Diese Schwankungsbreite erklärt sich zum Teil aus den Sedimentationsverhältnissen oder den lokalen Temperaturveränderungen im Tiefenwasser. Scharfe Grenzflächen in der vertikalen Temperatur- und Salinitätsstruktur des Wassers über den Gesamtsee sind das Ergebnis von Konvektion, die zu übereinanderliegenden Konvektionszellen führt, in denen jeweils Temperatur und Salinität konstant sind. Die Bildung, Anzahl und Stabilität solcher Zellen hängt von dem Verhältnis der durch Temperatur und Salzgehalt hervorgerufenen Dichteveränderungen ab.Die Konzentrationen der im Tiefenwasser gelösten Gase, d. h. von Kohlendioxyd und Methan, liegen für alle Tiefen unterhalb der Löslichkeit. Die vorliegenden Salze entstammen weitgehend hydrothermalen Lösungen, die dem Seeboden entweichen und deren Salinität etwa 4 beträgt; der Vergleichswert für das Tiefenwasser beträgt 2,5 Diese hydrothermalen Ausschüttungen haben eine Größe von etwa 0,5 km3 pro Jahr, was etwa ein Tausendstel des Gesamtseevolumens ausmacht. Zinkanomalien im Wasser sind ebenfalls hydrothermal bedingt.Physikalische, geochemische und paläontologische Indikatoren erlauben eine stratigraphische Korrelation aller Sedimentkerne. Die Sedimentationsraten liegen bei 30 cm/ 1000 Jahren, und ein pliozänes Alter errechnet sich daraus für das tiefe nördliche Becken. Perioden hydrothermaler Aktivitäten und verstärkter vulkanischer Tätigkeit, die sich in den Sedimenten nachweisen lassen, scheinen mit Pluvialzeiten zu koinzidieren.Die Anreicherung der Oberflächenwässer vom Kivusee durch Mineralstoffe führte zu einer explosionsartigen Spezisierung in der GattungNitzschia. Verschiedene neue Arten von Methan-oxidierenden und -produzierenden Bakterien wurden isoliert. Das Auftreten von Methan ist zum Teil bakteriell und zum Teil diagenetisch bedingt.

Résumé Des données géophysiques, géochimiques et biologiques sont présentées et collationnées pour donner une vue meilleure sur l'origine et l'évolution d'un lac particulier de la «Rift valley». La baie septentrionale du lac Kivu contient environ 500 mètres de sédiments qui recouvrent le socle cristallin d'âge précambrien. Des épanchements volcaniques au Nord du lac expliquent les fortes anomalies magnétiques qui atteignent 300. Les valeurs du flux thermique varient entre 0.4 et 4 cal/cm2/sec. Cette importante variation s'explique en partie par la sédimentation ou par des changements locaux de la température de l'eau de fond. Des surfaces-limites brusques dans la structure verticale de la répartition de la température et de la salinité de l'eau dans l'étendue du lac sont dûs à la convection; celle-ci conduit à la superposition de cellules de convection dans lesquelles la température et la salinité sont constantes. La formation, le nombre et la stabilité de telles cellules dépendent du rapport des variations de densité dues à la température et à la teneur en sels.Les concentrations des gaz dissouts dans l'eau profonde, en l'occurrence CO2 et CH4, sont, à toute profondeur, inférieures à la saturation. Les sels minéraux proviennent surtout de solutions hydrothermales qui émanent du fond du lac, et dont la salinité est voisine de 4; la valeur comparative pour l'eau profonde est de 2,5. L'apport annuel de ces sources est de l'ordre de 0,5 km3, soit 1/1000 du volume total du lac. Les teneurs anormales en Zn sont dues également à ce caractère hydrothermal.Des données physiques, géochemiques et paléontologiques permettent la corrélation stratigraphique des sédiments. Les vitesses de sédimentation sont de l'ordre de 30 cm/1000 ans, donnant ainsi un âge pliocène pour la partie profonde de la baie septentrionale. Les périodes d'activité hydrothermale et de renforcement de la vulcanicité qui se manifestent dans les sédiments, semblent coïncider avec les périodes pluviales.L'enrichissement des eaux de surface du lac Kivu en substances minérales a entraîné un développement explosif des diatomées, en particulier du genreNitzchia. Différentes espèces nouvelles de bactéries oxydant et produisant CH4 ont été isolées. La présence de méthane est due en partie à la destruction du plancton par les bactéries et en partie à une transformation diagénétique.

, , . Kivu 0,5 , . , 300 . 0,4 4 (2) . , . . , , , . , . . 2 4 . , 4%. 2,5%. 0,5 3, , 1/1000 . ., . 30 /1000 , . . . , , , . Kivu Nitzschia. , . , — .

The Loon Lake pluton in the Grenville province of Southeastern Ontario consists of a quartz monzonite rim surrounding a monzonite core containing inclusions of gneiss, gabbro and diorite. The pluton was emplaced in amphibolite facies Apsley gneiss, amphibolite and marble. Abnormally high 18O values are observed in all igneous rock types: quartz monzonite (8.9–13.9), monzonite (8.9–9.7), diorite-gabbro (8.0–9.3). High 18O contents are attributable to interaction between pluton and country rocks, through either isotopic exchange or direct mixing of mobilizate anatectically produced in the contact aureole of the pluton.The Apsley gneiss displays a 18O range from 8.3 to 16.9. There is no difference in 18O distribution between rocks inside and outside the contact aureole, although intermineral isotopic fractionations in the aureole are smaller than those outside. A chemical composition discriminant function that distinguishes rocks of igneous origin (DF>0) from sedimentary (DF<0) is inversely correlated with 18O of the gneisses, indicating that low 18O values are inherited from a silicic volcanic protolith. Al2O3/Na2O, an index of maturity of sediments, increases with 18O for the DF<0 group but is almost constant for the DF>0 group over a 18O range from 8.3 to 13.4. The DF<0 group is inferred to have formed from a series of clastic sediments of varying degree of weathering or maturity; the DF>0 group formed either from tuffs partially altered to zeolites, or from hydrated volcanic flows or ignimbrites.  相似文献   

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