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Operational Wave, Current, and Wind Measurements With the Pisces HF Radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents results of a trial of a Pisces HF radar system aimed at assessing its use as a component of a wave-monitoring network being installed around the coasts of England and Wales. The radar system has been operating since December 2003 and the trial continued to June 2005. The data have been processed in near-real time and displayed on a website. Radar measurements of the directional spectrum and derived parameters are compared with those measured with a directional waverider and with products from the Met Office, United Kingdom, operational wave model. Radar measurements of currents and winds are also compared with Met Office model products and, in the case of winds, with the QuikSCAT scatterometer. Statistics on data availability and accuracy are presented. The results demonstrate that useful availability and accuracy in wave and wind parameters are obtained above a waveheight threshold of 2 m and at ranges up to 120 km at the radar operating frequencies (7-10 MHz) used. Waveheight measurements above about 1 m can be made with reasonable accuracy (e.g., mean difference of 2.5% during January-February 2004). Period and direction parameters in low seas are often contaminated by noise in the radar signal. The comparisons provide some evidence of wave model limitations in offshore wind and swell conditions  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess the capability of a high-frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR) to detect a small fast boat moving behind a ship, the dimensions of which are comparable to the wavelength. We show that, in the HF-band, the scattered field in the shadow region of the large ship is significant enough to induce strong coupling between the two vessels. This results in fluctuations in the radar cross section (RCS) values of the small boat of about 12 dB at 10 MHz, for instance. We also introduce a complete simulation tool to account for the environment and, thus, to be able to simulate real scenes. We have validated these results through anechoic chamber measurements, with two different masking vessels and three different masked ships. The measurements have shown both the low-attenuation results and the RCS fluctuations  相似文献   

A new method for the extraction of swell-wave parameters from high-frequency (HF) radar spectra is presented. The method of extraction of the parameters, period, direction, and height, relies on a frequency-modulation approach that describes the hydrodynamic interaction of the swell waves with the resonant, shorter, Bragg waves. The analysis process minimizes the electromagnetic second-order interaction and a simulation model was used to validate the approach. This simplified method provides a fast means of examining swell conditions over large areas of the ocean surface. Data are acquired using a pair of coastal ocean surface radar (COSRAD) systems deployed at Tweed Heads, Qld., Australia. The radar covers a sweep (approximately 60deg) every 30 min with spatial resolution of the order of 3 km. A sample set of data from this deployment is used in a case study to show the extraction of swell direction and amplitude using these methods. The results support the use of the COSRAD HF radar for mapping swell in the near-shore zone  相似文献   

Since 1984 the OSCR HF Radar system has been used in over 50 deployments to measure near-shore surface currents for both scientific and engineering applications. The enhanced scope, resolution and accuracy of these measurements have yielded new insights into the tidal, wind and density driven dynamics of the near-shore zone.Tidal current ellipses obtained from these radar measurements have been shown to be in good aggrement with values calculated by numerical models both for the predominant constituents and also for higher harmonics. Coherent patterns of wind-forced currents ahve been determined with strong evidence of a “slab-like” surface response. In one deployment, with offshore winds blowing over relatively deep water, this “slab” rotated clockwise at near-inertial frequency. Strong (up to 20cm s−1), persistent surface residual currents are commonly observed, these are almost certainly generated by (small) horizontal density gradients. These observed surface residuals provide ideal data for rigorous testing of 3-D numerical models.With a threatened rise in sea level, HF Radar is well-suited for observing the expected changes in the dynamics of near-shore regions. Continuing development of these radar systems offers exciting prospects of remote sensing of both surface waves and currents. Future applications may extend beyond the near-shore region to measurements along the shelf-edge, in oceanic gyres and for “beach-processes”.  相似文献   

高频雷达探测海洋表面流与常规海流计测量海流是两种不同的测量方式。本文根据 2种观测方法所获取资料的不同特点 ,对引起 2种测量方法流速测量差异的主要误差进行了分析 ,并采用合适的方法对这些主要误差进行了量化估计。研究发现 ,2种测量方法取样的空间差异、时间差异以及仪器的观测误差等是构成高频雷达与常规海流计测量结果差异的主要因素。充分考虑这些因素对流速测量的影响能较大的提高高频雷达流速对比验证的精度  相似文献   

A network of high-frequency (HF) radars is deployed along the New Jersey coast providing synoptic current maps across the entire shelf. These data serve a variety of user groups from scientific research to Coast Guard search and rescue. In addition, model forecasts have been shown to improve with surface current assimilation. In all applications, there is a need for better definitions and assessment of the measurement uncertainty. During a summer coastal predictive skill experiment in 2001, an array of in situ current profilers was deployed near two HF radar sites, one long-range and one standard-range system. Comparison statistics were calculated between different vertical bins on the same current profiler, between different current profilers, and between the current profilers and the different HF radars. The velocity difference in the vertical and horizontal directions were then characterized using the observed root-mean-square (rms) differences. We further focused on two cases, one with relatively high vertical variability, and the second with relatively low vertical variability. Observed differences between the top bin of the current profiler and the HF radar were influenced by both system accuracy and the environment. Using the in situ current profilers, the environmental variability over scales based on the HF radar sampling was quantified. HF radar comparisons with the current profilers were on the same order as the observed environmental difference over the same scales, indicating that the environment has a significant influence on the observed differences. Velocity variability in the vertical and horizontal directions both contribute to these differences. When the potential effects of the vertical variability could be minimized, the remaining difference between the current profiler and the HF radar was similar to the measured horizontal velocity difference (~2.5 cm/s) and below the resolution of the raw radial data at the time of the deployment  相似文献   

This paper develops an adaptive course controller for time-varying parametric uncertain nonlinear ships with completely unknown time-varying bounded control coefficient. The proposed design method does not require any a priori knowledge of the sign of the unknown time-varying control coefficient. The designed adaptive autopilot can guarantee the regulation of the ship course to any prescribed accuracy and the global uniform ultimate boundedness of all signals in the closed-loop system. The effectiveness of the presented autopilot has been demonstrated in a simulation involving a ship of 45 m in length.  相似文献   

基于高频地波雷达长周期适用性比测试验数据,主要从以下3个方面系统分析国产阵列式高频地波雷达矢量流控测效果:(1)时间有效采样率和覆盖率的空间分布;(2)与反演的流速匹配的现场观测深度;(3)不同区域的探测精度.长周期的海流验证表明,雷达海流可以有效地反映有效探测区内表层海流及其时空变化,高精度区流速流向的均方根误差(RMS)分别为7.5~19.3cm/s和15.5°~33.7°,尤其是高精度区核心区域的RMS仅为7.5~10.1 cm/s和15.5°~28.5°.边缘区流速流向的RMS为16.1~25.8 cm/s和39.5°~40.7°,与国内外达到业务化运行要求的同类产品实际观测精度相当.  相似文献   

运用高频地波雷达测量表层海流矢量,一般均采用双站测量方案,因而,需要大量的人力和昂贵的设备投入。该项研究在分析双站测量原理的基础上,结合海洋学原理和合理的假设,推导并给出了利用单站地波雷达测量表层海流的原理和公式,从而使单站测量表层海流成为可能。可预期该方案虽然在一定程度上,适当降低了空间分辨率,但却可以大幅度降低观测成本,减少人力物力的投入,并显著提高现场观测效率。  相似文献   

利用福建省海洋预报台业务化运行的OSMAR071G高频地波雷达海洋表面观测系统,对2016年9月14日-15日"莫兰蒂"台风穿越台湾海峡并登陆厦门岛的全过程进行了实时观测。根据地波雷达观测的风场数据,计算了海洋表面风场涡流特征,通过涡场结构确定了涡旋的中心,以此确定为台风海面风眼实时位置,通过连续观测,从而得到了台风海面风眼的轨迹。该风眼轨迹与国家卫星气象中心的发布的台风路径基本一致。本次观测表明了OSMAR071G高频地波雷达系统能够准确实时地对台风进行遥感探测。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a high-frequency (HF) radar capable of multifrequency operation over the HF band for dual-use application to ship classification and mapping ocean current shear and vector winds. The radar is based on a digital transceiver peripheral component interconnect (PCI) card family that supports antenna arrays of four to 32 elements with a single computer, with larger arrays possible using multiple computers and receiver cards. The radar makes use of broadband loop antennas for receive elements, and a number of different possibilities for transmit antennas, depending on the operating bandwidth desired. An option exists in the choice of monostatic or multistatic operation, the latter providing the ability to use several transmit sites, with all radar echo signal reception and processing conducted at a single master receiver site. As applications for such a multifrequency radar capability, we show measurement and modeling examples of multiple frequency HF radar cross section (RCS) of ships as an approach to ship target classification. Results of using 32 radar frequencies to measure the fine structure in ocean current vertical shear are also shown, providing evidence of one edge of a 1-3-m deep uniform flow masked at the surface by wind-driven current shear in a different direction. Other applications of current-shear measurements, such as vector wind mapping and volumetric current estimation in coastal waters, are also discussed  相似文献   

为掌握OSMAR-S型高频地波雷达在南海北部遥测海表面流的误差分布情况,首先分析该型雷达测流的空间分布情况,发现在雷达连线中间区域存在盲区。将雷达测流数据与ADCP测流数据进行比对,中间区域流速误差小于其他区域。为得到更为全面的分析,对雷达测流数据进行潮流调和分析,计算得到潮流和余流,并分别与预报系统的潮流数据、气象站风场数据进行比对,在计算中采用快速Fourier变换进行数据滤波处理。结果显示在雷达电磁波覆盖的向外海一侧中间区域,特别是在与两雷达站夹角接近90°的区域,测流精度高于其他区域,并基于以上结论给出了雷达使用中的建议。  相似文献   

高架索海上补给装置在小型船舶补给上的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对现有高架索补给系统,在补给方式、波浪补偿装置、吊钩和接受端方面进行改进,提出适合小型船舶补给作业的补给系统;并在此基础之上对补给中关键参数进行计算,计算结果表明,此系统可以保证补给过程顺利实施,适合小型船舶补给需求。  相似文献   

基于大亚湾附近海域高频地波雷达的长期海流观测资料,利用T_tide工具包进行调和分析得到该海域余流季节变化特征.分析结果显示:大亚湾附近海域余流的变化特征主要呈冬、夏两种形态,其变化过程与季风的变化同步.其中,冬季形态从10月到次年3月,流向为SW向,流速可达30 cm/s以上;夏季形态仅在5—8月间出现,流向为NE向...  相似文献   

The Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) has been developing high-frequency ocean surface radars (HFOSRs). The CRL dual-site HFOSR system can clarify the distribution of surface currents with a nominal range of 50 km. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of the measurement error of the current vector obtained by the CRL HFOSR system, using a comparison of instantaneous current vectors acquired by the HFOSR system and current meters moored at a depth of 2 m, taking account of the vertical current shear. The theoretical analysis shows that the probability distribution of the measurement error of the current vector forms concentric ellipses at a spatial scale that depends on the RMS measurement error of radial current velocity and with an aspect ratio that depends only on the azimuthal difference of the radar beams. When the azimuthal difference is a right angle, the measurement error of the current vector is at a minimum. A comparison between instantaneous current vectors measured by the CRL HFOSR system and moored current meters shows that the distribution of the difference vector between the radar current and the meter current agrees well with the theoretical measurement error of the current vector and that the RMS of difference vector length is about 10 cm s–1 while the azimuthal difference between two radar beams is between 45 and 135 degrees. The accuracy of current measurement by the dual-site HFOSR system is therefore considered to be less than 10 cm s–1 in this range of azimuthal difference. The theoretical analysis will be applicable for a wider range of the azimuthal difference of the radar beams.  相似文献   

珠江口水文信息系统的水文观测站都是无人站, 采用的均是浮子式水位计, 且数量逐年增多, 发生故障后, 修复时间长, 造成数据缺测。为了解决这个问题, 本文提出使用浮子水位、雷达水位双备份观测方式, 数据中心可以通过人工干预或系统自动智能诊断方式分时间段分别从浮子水位、雷达水位中挑选数据作为该站点的实际连续观测数据。本文阐述浮子水位和雷达水位双备份观测的实时数据传输系统组成及工作原理, 并通过对浮子水位、雷达水位观测数据的对比分析, 验证数据中心通过这种分时间段组合挑选的数据具有连续性、有效性, 可作为观测站的实际观测数据, 浮子水位、雷达水位双备份观测系统可以应用在珠江口水文信息系统或类似观测领域。  相似文献   

Nemopilema nomurai, an endemic and blooming jellyfish species in the waters of Korea, China and Japan, were monitored from June to October, 2017, in the Bohai and northwestern Yellow Seas, using the ship sighting method, as a preliminary study to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of medusae. Monitoring revealed that the mass appearance of young medusae was observed in Liaodong Bay in summer. In late summer they disappeared and a high density zone shifted to the mid- and northern Bohai Strait. In early fall, healthy adults with relatively high density were observed in the area around the border of the South and North Yellow Seas. These results suggest that medusae of N. nomurai originated from the Bohai Sea and were advected into the Yellow Sea through the Bohai Strait.  相似文献   

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