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我国北方春季沙尘暴与气候因子之关系   总被引:5,自引:17,他引:5  
利用我国北方1954—2005年470个站点的春季沙尘暴资料和相应的气候资料,在合理区划沙尘暴易发地区的基础上,采用气象统计分析中的相关分析方法,对沙尘暴与气温、降水量、相对湿度、地温、风速、风蚀指数等气候因子间的相关性进行了统计分析,研究各个区域沙尘暴发生的气候特征,并提出了春季沙尘暴多发的简单气候概念模型。结果表明:①气候要素与我国北方春季沙尘暴的发生有一定的耦合关系,南疆的沙尘暴与气候要素的相关性最好,而北疆的最差。与沙尘暴相关性最好的气候因子是风速,其次是风蚀指数。②我国北方春季沙尘暴多发的简单的气候概念模型:前期(前冬),北、南疆地区较常年多干冷的西北气流;青藏东南地区和柴达木地区多暖湿的西南气流;河西地区、河套地区和东北地区为冷湿的偏西气流偏多。同期(春季),北、南疆地区较往年干燥且多大风;青藏东南地区和柴达木地区暖干;河西地区、河套地区和东北地区冷且多大风。  相似文献   

李红军  杨兴华  赵勇  王敏仲  霍文 《中国沙漠》2012,32(4):1077-1081
使用1961-2009年春季NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和塔里木盆地37个气象站沙尘暴频次资料,分析了塔里木盆地春季沙尘暴频次与大气环流的关系。结果表明:①近40 a,在500 hPa高度场上,两者在巴黎盆地和蒙古国中西部存在显著负相关,在乌拉尔河附近存在正相关,蒙古国中西部500 hPa高度场在升高,而乌拉尔地区的在降低,两地间经向环流的减小引起盆地沙尘暴减少。②塔里木盆地春季沙尘暴频次突变与显著负相关区蒙古国西部500 hPa高度场突变相联系,两者的变化趋势基本是相反的,盆地沙尘暴频次突变出现在1985年,500 hPa位势高度突变提前于沙尘暴频次突变,出现在1980年和1984年。③在年际、年代际尺度上,春季500 hPa位势高度场上蒙古国西部气旋和东欧平原反气旋增强的环流形势配置是塔里木盆地沙尘暴多值年的典型背景。  相似文献   

西北特殊地形与沙尘暴发生的关系探讨   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
郭铌  张杰  韩涛  郭慧 《中国沙漠》2004,24(5):576-581
应用西北地区沙尘暴多发区中心站和毗邻站1961-1999年沙尘暴日数、大风日数和降水资料, 参考相应地区的地形和地表覆盖资料, 结合卫星资料监测事实, 分析了沙尘暴中心站沙尘暴高发以及毗邻站沙尘暴发生较少的原因, 探讨了地形与沙尘暴发生的关系。结果表明: ①沙尘暴中心站沙尘暴高发是地表状况、大风和地形共同作用的结果, 而沙尘暴毗邻站沙尘暴较少的主要原因为沙源与大风不匹配; ②地形对沙尘暴发生有重要作用, 干燥的下垫面产生的热力不稳定和特殊地形产生的气流加速和抬升作用, 对局地沙尘暴的形成和强沙尘暴的触发有重要作用; ③大风和降水的配置对沙尘暴发生有一定影响, 大风日数多且降水较少的时段为沙尘暴的高发期, 随着雨季的到来, 沙尘暴日数明显下降; ④下垫面与沙尘暴发生关系密切, 戈壁地表不利于沙尘暴的发生, 植被覆盖度的增加对沙尘暴有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

内蒙古中西部地面感热通量影响沙尘暴的观测分析   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  
利用内蒙古中西部不同地表类型的16个测站2005—2006年3—5月逐小时地面观测资料和逐日沙尘暴资料,计算了地面感热通量、地面位温并分析它们与沙尘暴的关系,结果发现:在内蒙古中西部春季地面感热通量表现为净加热,且沙尘暴发生次数多的年份净地面感热加热强度反而较小。在沙尘暴发生前,沙漠区和高平原区地面感热通量达到最大,而丘陵和平原地区反而开始降低。对于沙尘暴发生前12 h累积的地面感热加热强度及导致的地面位温上升幅度,高平原和丘陵平原区要强于沙漠区。但相对而言,沙漠和高平原地区地面感热加热影响沙尘暴的“效率”更高。  相似文献   

利用内蒙古中西部50个气象观测站1961—2000年春季沙尘暴日数资料,国家气候中心提供的北半球月平均500 hPa高度场网格尺度为10°(经度)×5°(纬度)的网格点资料、北半球500 hPa月平均环流特征量资料、东亚季风资料分析研究冬春季中高纬度大气环流的年代际尺度的演变特征及其对内蒙古中西部沙尘暴的影响,进一步揭示内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴年代际变化的原因。结果表明:青藏高原位势高度、贝加尔湖地区位势高度、乌拉尔山地区位势高度、东亚冬季风、亚州经向环流、印缅槽、西太平洋副热带高压强度都对内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴年代际振荡产生不同的影响。为内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴的短期气候预测提供年代际尺度上的基本环流背景。  相似文献   

生态退化状况下的宁夏沙尘暴发生发展规律特征   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
赵光平  陈楠 《中国沙漠》2005,25(1):45-49
利用近10 a宁夏8大类土地详查资料和沙尘暴实况及风速资料,结合亚洲环流指数和NCEP(1990-2002年)全球再分析资料,对宁夏沙尘暴多发区生态环境年际变迁与沙尘暴演变规律特征进行了综合对比分析。结果表明:近10 a来,宁夏生态环境状况整体呈逐年退化趋势,尤其是中部干旱带地区,由于牧草地和耕地面积明显减少,草场品质及载畜量下降,恶化趋势更为严重;在同等气象条件下,多发区沙尘暴发生前后的风速为逐渐减小趋势,这与宁夏地区生态特征量有显著的相关关系,且近10 a沙尘暴多发的4月,其发生次数在20世纪90年代后期有所增多。即生态环境的退化,导致宁夏中部干旱带地区沙尘暴起暴阈值明显下降,发生机率在显著提高。  相似文献   

钟海铃  李栋梁  魏丽 《中国沙漠》2004,24(3):323-329
选用中国178个常规气象观测站建站~2000年历年春季沙尘暴日数资料,分析了近50a来中国北方春季沙尘暴的气候特征。在此基础上进一步揭示了我国北方沙尘暴的形成、发展以及造成的危害。结果表明:我国北方春季沙尘暴存在东西反位相差异,近50a来,春季沙尘暴日数总体趋势在减少,但20世纪末又有明显的回升趋势。这不仅与影响我国北方的冷空气路径有关,还与青藏高原冬季地面感热的异常密切相关。  相似文献   

宁夏春季沙尘暴频次异常与北太平洋海温异常的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用宁夏沙尘暴频次资料、500 hPa环流特征量资料、NCEP再分析资料、北太平洋海温场格点资料,采用相关分析、合成分析、小波变换、SVD分析,对宁夏沙尘暴频次与北太平洋海温场的关系进行了研究,探讨了北太平洋海温场通过影响大气环流异常再影响沙尘暴异常的途径。结果表明:宁夏春季沙尘暴频次与前一年10月到当年5月加利福尼亚海温有显著的负相关关系,关键区海温冷、暖异常与宁夏春季沙尘暴日数多、少有较好的时频对应关系;另外发生在北太平洋的厄尔尼诺事件对宁夏春季沙尘暴有重要影响,当北太平洋海温场呈厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)型分布时,宁夏各地沙尘暴日数以偏少(多)为主。加利福尼亚海温通过影响大气环流,进而影响宁夏沙尘暴的发生,冷水年春季(3—5月),欧亚大陆高空系统较强,环流经向度加大,蒙古气旋加深,有利于极地冷空气南下;从风场形势看,冷水年河套至甘肃、内蒙西部及蒙古国中西部一带高层盛行西北风,而低层多为东南风,这种不稳定形势,也为西北沙尘暴的发生发展创造了有利气候条件。另外,冷水年冬春季东亚大槽位置以偏西为主,极涡强度偏强的年份占优势,西风环流指数负距平的年份偏多,经向环流偏强,冷锋活动频繁,大部分冬季平均气温偏低,表明冬季风偏强的年份为主;而暖水年基本相反。  相似文献   

陕西春季沙尘暴预测方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了陕西春季沙尘暴的变化趋势、突变和突变的可能原因以及影响陕西春季沙尘暴的环流特征量和其他要素;提出了预报思路,建立了预测概念模型和回归统计模型及其相应的业务流程,在春季沙尘暴趋势预测业务中应用,连续3 a预测结论正确。  相似文献   

春季天气变率对华北沙尘暴频次的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
利用欧洲中期数值天气预报中心再分析资料及地面台站观测资料,分析华北春季沙尘暴日数与500 hPa月平均环流及与近地面环流天气变率长期变化的关系,分析时段为1962~2000年。研究发现华北地区春季沙尘暴频次与东亚地区中高纬度500 hPa高度场有显著的负相关,相关中心区在蒙古国及西伯利亚一带,这可能说明高空环流场在这种形势下易于造成高纬度冷空气南下,因此使得华北沙尘暴频次增加。天气过程是形成沙尘暴的直接原因,东亚地区天气变率存在明显的年际和长期变化,研究发现天气变率与沙尘暴频次之间有非常显著的关系:当天气尺度变率增大 (减少) 时,沙尘暴频次也增加 (减少)。其中具体分析了850 hPa低压和地面冷高压活动与沙尘暴的关系,发现东北低压及自蒙古和西伯利亚南下的冷空气活动都对华北沙尘暴频次有明显的影响。近40年来东亚天气变率有显著的减弱趋势,这也在很大程度上解释了沙尘暴频数的显著减少。另外,北极涛动对东亚天气变率和华北沙尘暴频次的年际变化也有一定的影响,北极涛动强的年份华北沙尘暴次数偏少。  相似文献   

基于Harlan模型和Darcy定律,综合考虑环境气候因素和水热特征参数对湿热迁移影响,建立了环境气候条件下季节性冻土区土壤冻融过程中湿热耦合作用模型.根据地表能量交换平衡原理推导出边界条件.依据实测数据回归分析出土壤湿热特征参数表达式.采用全隐式有限差分格式和TDMA迭代法对内蒙古锡林浩特地区冻结期间土壤湿热迁移规律进行了数值模拟.温度计算值和实测值比较一致,最大误差不超过2.5℃,说明该模型具有较高的准确性.利用该模型仅通过气象资料和湿热特征参数就可预测季冻区土壤冻胀和田间湿热分布状况并能够用来指导农田工程建设和农业生产.  相似文献   

Study of polluted soil remediation based on freezing and thawing cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally known that soil pollution poses a terrible hazard to the environment, but the present techniques of contaminated soil remediation cannot control this growing threat. This paper compares the pollutant extraction efficiency of traditional pumping and treating, which is a typical washing technology for the remediation of contaminated soils, with methods that utilize freeze-thaw cycles. In the soil freezing process, water shifts from unfrozen soils to the freezing front, and the permeability of soil will be enhanced under certain temperature gradients and water conditions. Therefore, this paper discusses the purification of contaminated soil through freeze-thaw action. We conducted a cleansing experiment on clay and silica sand infused with NaCl(simulation of heavy metals) and found that the efficiency of purification was enhanced remarkably in the latter by the freeze-thaw action. To assess the effective extraction of DNAPLs in soil, we conducted an experiment on suction by freezing, predicated on the different freezing points of moisture and pollutants. We found that the permeability coefficient was significantly increased by the freezing-thawing action, enabling the DNAPL contaminants to be extracted selectively and effectively.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of freezing and thawing processes on wet aggregate stability (WAS) of black soil. Wet aggregate stability was determined by different aggregate size groups, different water contents, various freeze-thaw cycles, and various freezing temperatures. The results showed that, when at suitable water content, aggregate stability was enhanced, aggregate sta-bility will be disrupted when moisture content is too high or too low, especially higher water content. Temperature also had a significant ef-fect, but moisture content determined the suitable freezing temperatures for a given soil. Water-stable aggregate (WSA〉0.5), the total aggre-gate content, and mean weight diameter decreasing with the freeze-thaw cycles increase, reached to 5 percent significance level. The reason for crumbing aggregates is the water and air conflict, thus raising the hypothesis that water content affects the aggregate stability in the process of freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

袁国波 《干旱区地理》2017,40(3):549-554
根据21 世纪15 a 来出现在内蒙古的沙尘暴个例,归纳形成沙尘暴的高空环流背景和地面天气系统,提炼预报指标。结果显示:沙尘暴是强冷空气爆发南下的过程,具有冷空气强、锋区强、高空急流强的特征;造成内蒙古沙尘暴的高空环流背景可分为高脊移动型、冷槽下滑型、横槽型和低涡旋转型等四个类型;强烈发展的蒙古气旋和冷锋是造成沙尘暴的主要地面天气系统。沙尘暴预报应主要着眼于高空急流轴的位置、乌拉尔山高压脊、高空锋区、蒙古气旋及冷锋、地面变压中心、高空正涡度平流中心与地面气旋相叠置的区域等方面。  相似文献   

A series of tests were conducted to analyze temperature field distribution and thawing settlement of a thawing soil under static and dynamic loading at various cooling and thawing temperatures. The res...  相似文献   

The paper presents some methods of numerical modeling and a study of moisture changing in frozen clay soils considering rates of freezing in the base of construction.An impact assessment of moisture changes in clay soils affecting strength characteristics during thawing was carried out in stability tests.  相似文献   

Freezing and thawing during the winter season change soil properties such as density. The density change in the particulate media influences soil stiffness. In addition, freezing of partially or fully saturated soils changes the soil matrix from a particulate media to a continuum. The goal of this study is to investigate the cyclic freezing and thawing effects on elastic waves. Sand-silt mixtures with 10% silt fraction in weight and 40% saturation are prepared. The sand-silt mixtures are placed in a nylon cell, onto which a pair of bender elements and a pair of piezoelectric disk elements are installed for the measurement of shear and compressional waves, respectively. The temperature of the mixtures decreases from 20°C to 10°C to freezing. The frozen sample is gradually thawed at room temperature (20°C). These freezing-thawing processes are repeated three times. The test result shows that the shear and compressional wave velocities significantly increase when the specimen is frozen. When the temperature is greater than 0°C, the elastic wave velocities are lower during thawing than during freezing due to soil structure change. This study demonstrates that soil structure change during the winter season may be effectively estimated from elastic waves.  相似文献   

A coupled water and heat transport mode is established based on the Richards equation to study water flow and heat transport in soil during freezing process. Both the finite difference and finite element method are used in the discretization, respectively. Two different computer programs are written and used to simulate an indoor unidirectional frozen test. The freezing depth, freezing rate and temperature variation are compared among lab tests, finite difference calculation simulation and finite element calculation simulation. Result shows that: the finite difference method has a better performance in freezing depth simulation while the finite element method has a better performance in numerical stability in one-dimensional freezing simulation.  相似文献   

冻融作用与土壤理化效应的关系研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
冻融使土壤经历一系列物理、化学和生物变化过程,冻融作用对土壤的影响主要表现为:改变土壤结构、含水量分布和水热运动,影响微生物活性和以微生物为媒介的有机质矿化作用,改变土壤元素的生物地球化学循环过程,从而对土壤生态系统结构和功能产生影响。冻融作用对土壤理化性质的作用主要受冻融速率、温度、冻融交替次数和土壤含水量、pH值、有机质、土壤质地状况等因素的影响。通过冻融作用改善土壤结构,提高土壤微生物活性和养分的有效性,有利于耕作和促进植物生长,但也可通过含水量的重新分布和径流淋失而导致土壤养分损失。  相似文献   

In seasonally frozen regions, the frost-heave properties of soil play a significant role in its upper-structure performance and durability. To investigate the frost-heave behaviors of saturated, compacted silty clay soil widely used as subgrade material, a series of one-side freezing tests was carried out; and the freezing depth and frozen front effected by the compactness, temperature, overburden pressure, and water-supply condition were analyzed and discussed. The results show that the moving speed of the frozen front and growth rate of the frozen depth are positively correlated. The frost heave is maximum in the frost-heave stability condition. The frost ratio of saturated soil is proportional to the water supply and cooling temperature under a one-side freezing condition. The frost ratio of saturated soil is inversely proportional to the initial compactness of the soil specimen and the overburden pressure.  相似文献   

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