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Surface mass redistribution within the Earth system, especially in the atmosphere, oceans, continents and ice sheets, causes the position of the centre of mass to vary in a reference frame attached to the solid Earth. Space techniques are now precise enough to measure the centre of mass motion. Here we present a determination of the centre of mass coordinates at regular monthly intervals using DORIS data on SPOT‐2, SPOT‐3 and Topex–Poseidon (1993–1997) and laser data on Lageos‐1 and Lageos‐2 (1993–1996). The amplitude and phase of the space‐geodesy‐derived annual cycle for each coordinate are further compared to estimates based on surface mass redistribution at the Earth surface derived from various climatic data sources: surface pressure, soil moisture, snow depth and ocean mass variations.  相似文献   

A tomographic inversion technique that inverts traveltimes to obtain a model of the subsurface in terms of velocities and interfaces is presented. It uses a combination of refraction, wide-angle reflection and normal-incidence data, it simultaneously inverts for velocities and interface depths, and it is able to quantify the errors and trade-offs in the final model. The technique uses an iterative linearized approach to the non-linear traveltime inversion problem. The subsurface is represented as a set of layers separated by interfaces, across which the velocity may be discontinuous. Within each layer the velocity varies in two dimensions and has a continuous first derivative. Rays are traced in this medium using a technique based on ray perturbation theory, and two-point ray tracing is avoided by interpolating the traveltimes to the receivers from a roughly equidistant fan of rays. The calculated traveltimes are inverted by simultaneously minimizing the misfit between the data and calculated traveltimes, and the roughness of the model. This 'smoothing regularization' stabilizes the solution of the inverse problem. In practice, the first iterations are performed with a high level of smoothing. As the inversion proceeds, the level of smoothing is gradually reduced until the traveltime residual is at the estimated level of noise in the data. At this point, a minimum-feature solution is obtained, which should contain only those features discernible over the noise.
The technique is tested on a synthetic data set, demonstrating its accuracy and stability and also illustrating the desirability of including a large number of different ray types in an inversion.  相似文献   

We present a regional surface waveform tomography of the Pacific upper mantle, obtained using an automated multimode surface waveform inversion technique on fundamental and higher mode Rayleigh waves, to constrain the   VSV   structure down to ∼400 km depth. We have improved on previous implementations of this technique by robustly accounting for the effects of uncertainties in earthquake source parameters in the tomographic inversion. We have furthermore improved path coverage in the South Pacific region by including Rayleigh wave observations from the French Polynesian Pacific Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Experiment deployment. This improvement has led to imaging of vertical low-velocity structures associated with hotspots within the South Pacific Super-Swell region. We have produced an age-dependent average cross-section for the Pacific Ocean lithosphere and found that the increase in   VSV   with age is broadly compatible with a half-space cooling model of oceanic lithosphere formation. We cannot confirm evidence for a Pacific-wide reheating event. Our synthetic tests show that detailed interpretation of average   VSV   trends across the Pacific Ocean may be misleading unless lateral resolution and amplitude recovery are uniform across the region, a condition that is difficult to achieve in such a large oceanic basin with current seismic stations.  相似文献   

Seismic traveltimes and amplitudes in reflection-seismic data show different dependences on the geometry of reflection interfaces, and on the variation of interval velocities. These dependences are revealed by eigenanalysis of the Hessian matrix, defined in terms of the Fréchet matrix and its adjoint associated with different norms chosen in the model space. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Hessian clearly show that for reflection tomographic inversion, traveltime and amplitude data contain complementary information. Both for reflector-geometry and for interval-velocity variations, the traveltimes are sensitive to the model components with small wavenumbers, whereas the amplitudes are more sensitive to the components with high wavenumbers. The model resolution matrices, after the rejection of eigenvectors corresponding to small eigenvalues, give us some insight into how the addition of amplitude information could potentially contribute to the recovery of physical parameters.
In order to cooperatively invert seismic traveltimes and amplitudes simultaneously, we propose an empirical definition of the data covariance matrix which balances the relative sensitivities of different types of data. We investigate the cooperative use of both data types for, separately, interface-geometry and 2-D interval-velocity variations. In both cases we find that cooperative inversions can provide better solutions than those using traveltimes alone. The potential benefit of including amplitude-data constraints in seismic-reflection traveltime tomography is therefore that it may be possible to resolve the known ambiguity between the reflector-depth uncertainty and the interval-velocity uncertainty better.  相似文献   

We investigate large-amplitude phases arriving in the P -wave coda of broad-band seismograms from teleseisms recorded by the Gräfenberg array, the German Regional Seismic Network and the Global Seismic Network. The data set consists of all events m b≤ 5.6 from the Aleutian arc between 1977 and 1992. Earthquakes with large-amplitude coda waves correlate with the presence of oceanic crust in the source region. The amplitudes sometimes approach those of the P wave, much larger than predicted by theory. Modelling indicates that phases in the P -wave coda cannot be P -wave multiples beneath the source and receiver, or underside reflections, which precede PP , from upper-mantle discontinuities. Among the events, seismograms are very similar, where the arrival times of the unusual phases agree approximately with the predicted times of S -to- P conversions from the upper-mantle discontinuities under the source. Because the large-amplitude phases in the P -wave coda have little, if any, dependence on event depth and have predominantly an SV -wave radiation pattern towards the receiver, we suggest that they originate as SV and/or Rayleigh waves and are enhanced by lateral heterogeneity and multipathing from the subducting Aleutian slab.  相似文献   

The coupled plate interface of subduction zones—commonly called the seismogenic zone—has been recognized as the origin of fatal earthquakes. A subset of the after-shock series of the great Antofagasta thrust-type event (1995 July 30; M w = 8.0) has been used to study the extent of the seismogenic zone in northern Chile. To achieve reliable and precise hypocentre locations we applied the concept of the minimum 1-D model, which incorporates iterative simultaneous inversion of velocity and hypocentre parameters. The minimum 1-D model is complemented by station corrections which are influenced by near-surface velocity heterogeneity and by the individual station elevations. By relocating mine blasts, which were not included in the inversion, we obtain absolute location errors of 1  km in epicentre and 2  km in focal depth. A study of the resolution parameters ALE and DSPR documents the importance of offshore stations on location accuracy for offshore events. Based on precisely determined hypo-centres we calculate a depth of 46  km for the lower limit of the seismogenic zone, which is in good agreement with previous studies for this area. For the upper limit we found a depth of 20  km. Our results of an aseismic zone between the upper limit of the seismogenic zone and the surface correlates with a detachment zone proposed by other studies; the results are also in agreement with thermal studies for the Antofagasta forearc region.  相似文献   

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