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Although variation of air temperature with respect to terrain altitude is widely understood, less is known about the altitudinal behaviour of precipitation. The eastern slope of Mexico is the most contrasting physiographic province of the country due to its relief. This area is also one of the most important regions of Mexico and of the intertropical region of America because of its biodiversity. Due to the vital and ecosystemic value of precipitation, this work seeks to analyse the altitudinal distribution of precipitation as a function of the relief. Our main methodology consisted of analysing the climatological normal of 86 weather stations to determine accumulated precipitation during rainy, dry and annual periods. Precipitation was correlated with the altitude of the relief, which allowed the study area to be divided into groups relative to the degree of accumulated rainfall throughout the year, as well as by the gradient of variation according to the elevation of the terrain. The results indicated that during the year, precipitation was favoured by the humidity of the Gulf of Mexico and decreased at a rate of -3.7 mm/m in coastal areas. Subsequently, precipitation increased with the altitude of the relief at a rate of 0.7 mm/m, between ~700 and ~ 1500 masl, which is where the greatest accumulation of rainfall was concentrated. Thereafter, it decreased by -0.9 mm/m until it reached the highest volcanic watershed. Crossing this watershed, the foehn effect caused rainfall rates to be much lower than on the windward slope, where the central plateau of the country begins.  相似文献   

El Nino and La Nina are the events concerned internationally. The correspondingrelationship between El Nino events, temperature, precipitation and runoff in the Qilian mountain areaare analyzed according to the date from the weather and the hydrometric stations in the area, theresults show that effects of El Nino events to temperature, precipitation and runoff are different in thedifferent time and zones. When El Nino occurs, temperature rises, but precipitation and runoff decreasein the whole Qilian mountain area, especially in the east and middle parts of the area. Temperaturerises, precipitation and runoff still decrease in the eastern Qilian mountain area in the next year ElNino occurring, but decrease extent is fewer. There are not obvious relationship between temperature,precipitation and runoff with El Nino events in the western Qilian mountain area.  相似文献   

El Nino and La Nina are the events concerned internationally. The corresponding relationship between E1 Nino events, temperature, precipitation and runoff in the Qilian mountain area are analyzed according to the date fi‘om the weather and the hydrometric stations in the area, the results show that effects of E1 Nino events to temperature, precipitation and runoff are different in the different time and zones. When E1 Nino occurs, temperature rises, but precipitation and runoff decrease in the whole Qilian mountain area, especially in the east and middle parts of the area. Temperature rises, precipitation and runoff still decrease in the eastern Qilian mountain area in the next year El Nino occurring, but decrease extent is fewer. There are not obvious relationship between temperature,precipitation and runoff with El Nino events in the western Qilian mountain area.  相似文献   

El Nino and La Nina are the events concerned internationally. The corresponding relationship between El Nino events, temperature, precipitation and runoff in the Qilian mountain area are analyzed according to the date from the weather and the hydrometric stations in the area, the results show that effects of El Nino events to temperature, precipitation and runoff are different in the different time and zones. When El Nino occurs, temperature rises, but precipitation and runoff decrease in the whole Qilian mountain area, especially in the east and middle parts of the area. Temperature rises, precipitation and runoff still decrease in the eastern Qilian mountain area in the next year El Nino occurring, but decrease extent is fewer. There are not obvious relationship between temperature, precipitation and runoff with El Nino events in the western Qilian mountain area.  相似文献   

李跃军 《地理研究》2011,30(11):2052-2058
流域降雨引起水土流失,影响观光河道水体质量,探讨水体观光影响性降雨特性,对于旅游地水土保持建设和景观资源有效利用具有一定的现实意义。本文以浙江省天台山风景区石梁景区为研究区,通过野外观测,获取流域降雨特性与观光水体浊度数据,借助水体视觉美感和侵蚀性降雨分析,探讨观光影响性降雨的临界值、降雨特性、时空差异及其水色变化规律...  相似文献   

卫星遥感观测技术的不断发展,为全球降水准确定量观测提供新的手段,应用卫星降水产品的前提是进行地区的适用性评价.为了解卫星降水产品评价的研究现状和热点,以Web of Sci-ence数据库核心合集中1998—2020年752篇文献作为研究对象,利用文献计量和网络分析的方法剖析卫星降水产品评价研究的演变趋势、合作关系和研...  相似文献   

菅艺伟  付瑾  周丰 《地理科学进展》2021,40(10):1746-1760
极端降水在全球范围内呈现广泛增强的趋势,对农业生态系统的影响不容忽视。水稻作为重要的粮食作物,其产量的年际波动受到极端降水的影响,然而其响应机理和时空敏感性尚未厘清。论文总结了极端降水在水稻主产区的时空格局及对产量的影响程度,梳理了极端降水对水稻产量的生理、化学和物理过程的影响机制,对比分析了多个主流方法(统计模型和作物过程模型)的输入数据和应用上的优缺点。结果表明,极端降水增加1%导致水稻减产0.02%~0.5%,主要通过增加养分流失和造成淹水胁迫等途径。然而当前研究仍难以明确水稻产量如何响应于极端降水的不同特征值(强度、频次、持续时间等)及其敏感性的时空差异,尚未完善极端降水对水稻各产量组成的影响机理,同时缺乏作物模型与统计模型等相结合的研究方法,造成水稻产量预测的不确定性。建议未来相关研究应加强田间观测、控制性实验与模型改进,定量解析极端降水对产量的影响机理,促进模型—数据融合,提高数据精度以更好地模拟极端降水事件下的水稻产量,为优化当前稻作系统和建立气候智能型农业奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,台湾地区对中国大陆的农业投资快速增长,两岸不同制度背景下台资农业在大陆发展的时空过程值得关注。基于演化经济地理学的路径依赖理论和共同演化理论,借鉴制度经济地理学与关系经济地理学的相关理论,构建“企业-网络-制度-政府”共同演化的分析框架,以漳平国家级台湾农民创业园永福高山茶产业为例,通过实地调研和深度访谈,分析台湾农业在大陆不同制度背景下的集聚与演化过程。研究发现:台湾高山茶产业在永福镇的集聚与演化过程可看作是路径依赖的结果,整个过程可以划分为路径创造(1996—2003年)、路径发展(2003—2012年)和路径锁定与解锁(2012年至今)三个阶段;在永福高山茶产业发展的不同阶段,企业、网络、制度和政府相互适应,共同演化,不断推动产业优化升级。  相似文献   

生态脆弱区社会—生态景观恢复力时空演变及情景模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张行  梁小英  刘迪  史琴琴  陈海 《地理学报》2019,74(7):1450-1466
从最具操作性的景观尺度探究社会—生态系统恢复力的时空分异及其演变,对于揭示人类活动变化对生态环境及其景观服务的影响机制,促进区域可持续发展意义重大。以黄土丘陵沟壑区米脂县作为典型案例地,从生态、社会、生产3个系统维度构建社会—生态景观恢复力评价指标体系,分析研究区各子系统和整体社会—生态景观恢复力时空演变及其相互关系。结果显示:① 研究区2000-2015年社会—生态景观3子系统恢复力空间分异显著且都有增强。其中,“退耕还林”第1阶段(2000-2009年)增强突出,生态、社会、生产三系统恢复力指数分别上升0.134、0.048、0.028;第2阶段(2009-2015年)增强相对减缓,生态、社会、生产三系统恢复力指数分别上升0.038、0.017、0.021。② 总体社会—生态景观恢复力空间分异同样显著,其恢复力指数上升11.60%,呈现中间高东西低的空间格局。③ 子系统与整体景观系统恢复力变化之间有主导性正向关系,且3个子系统恢复力变化协同关系显著,两个或三个系统协同率达到90%以上。最后,运用有序加权平均法,基于干扰指标与适应能力指标的不同权重设置情景偏好,绘制出“不可持续导向型”“维持现状型”和“可持续导向型”3种情景下的社会—生态景观恢复力模拟图,为区域景观适应性管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

All rivers in the Hexi inland region of Gansu Province, China, originate from the northern slope of the Qilian Mountains. They are located in the southern portion of the region and respectively belong to the three large river systems from east to west, the Shiyang, Heihe and Shule river basins. These rivers are supplied by precipitation, snowmelt and ice-melt runoff from the Qilian Mountain area. Therefore, changes of precipitation and temperature in the upstream watersheds of these rivers have an important effect on changes of mountainous runoff and reasonable utilization of water resources in this region. For this reason, the Qilian Mountain area, upstream watersheds and runoff forming areas of these rivers are chosen as the study area. The change characteristics and variation trend of temperature and precipitation in this area under the backdrop of global warming are analyzed based on observational data of relational weather and hydrologic stations in the area. Results show that temperatures in the upriver mountain areas of these three large river basins have been increasing, although the increasing degree is differentially affected by global warming. The rising extent of annual and seasonal temperatures in the upstream mountain area of the Shule river basin located in the western Qilian Mountains, were all largest over the past 50 years. Precipitation in the upstream mountain areas of Hexi region’ three river basins located respectively in the western, middle and eastern Qilian Mountains have been presenting an increasing trend to varying degrees as a whole for more than 50 years. This means that climate in the upstream mountain areas of Hexi region’ three river basins are becoming increasingly warmer and moister over the past 50 years, which will be very good for the ecological environment and agricultural production in the region.  相似文献   

近30年冀鲁豫农业村落民宅景观演化过程与机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在冀鲁豫三省选择3个不同特征的村落作详细案例,结合对其他村落的实地踏查,采用照片对比、平面示意图分析、访谈、问卷调查和统计分析等研究方法,比较分析了近30年来该区域农业村落民宅景观的演化过程和机理。研究发现:30年来冀鲁豫农业村落的民宅景观经历了4个阶段的演化过程。民宅外观形态、样式、建筑材料与技术逐步现代化、去地方化,与泥土和自然的关系逐渐疏离。民宅内部格局的农业生产空间在经历了恢复和重组后逐渐弱化,生活空间的地位则持续提升,并逐步实现按代际、活动和性别的专门化和分隔化。家庭人口学特征是民宅演变代类差异产生的重要动力,家庭经济收入与民宅演变代类之间具有一定的相关性,人口流动对民宅演变代类差异的产生具有较明显作用。  相似文献   

Stefano Branca   《Geomorphology》2003,53(3-4):247-261
In this paper, the interrelationships between volcanic activity and fluvial events in the Alcantara Valley are investigated. Based on the correlation between the stratigraphy of the NE flank of Mt Etna and subsurface data, the geological and geomorphological evolutions of the valley are reconstructed. New 1:10 000 scale geological mapping shows that the bulk of this sector of the volcano is made up of the Ellittico volcano lava flows, though they are widely covered by the products of the eruptive activity of the last 15 ka. The present-day morphological setting of the Alcantara Valley is the result of two main evolutionary phases initiated during the activity of the Ellittico volcano. Only one lava flow invasion of the valley floor occurred in the first phase. This phenomenon was followed by a long period of erosional processes leading to the entrenchment of the drainage pattern and the erosion of the Ellittico lava flow. About 20–25 ka ago, an important change in the frequency of the lava flow invasions into the valley occurred associated with the final stage of the Ellittico volcano activity marking the beginning of the second phase. During this phase, volcanic processes became predominant with respect to other morphogenetic processes in the Alcantara Valley. Lava flows coming from the NE flank of the Ellittico volcano caused a radical modification of the morphological setting of this area, even though only one lava flow emitted by an eruptive fissure located within the valley partially filled the riverbed. During the eruptive activity of the last 15 ka, the complete filling of the Alcantara Valley floor occurred. In particular, between 15 and 7 ka, a lava flow originated from the Mt Moio scoria cone filled the valley floor for a distance of about 9 km. Following a short period of erosion, an eruptive fissure located within the valley generated a 20–21-km-long lava flow that was channelled along the full extent of the Alcantara Valley and stretches for about 3 km offshore in the Ionian sea. In the last 7 ka, lava flows originating from the NE-Rift zone produced only temporary damming of the riverbed without any important contribution to the filling of the Alcantara Valley.  相似文献   

The spatial relationship between topography and rock uplift patterns in asymmetric mountain ranges was investigated using a stream erosion model in which the asymmetric rock uplift was given and erosion rates were proportional to the m-th power of the drainage area and the n-th power of the channel gradient. The model conditions were simple, and thus the effects of horizontal rock movement, diffusional processes, and erosion thresholds were neglected, and spatially uniform precipitation, lithology, and vegetation were assumed. In asymmetric mountain ranges, under realistic exponent conditions (m < n) and the above assumptions, the surface erosion rate is faster on the steeper side and slower on the gentler side. The topographic axis migrates away from the rock uplift axis toward the center of the mountain range owing to the contrast in erosion rates. This migration continues until the erosion is balanced with rock uplift. In a dynamic steady state, the topographic pattern is independent of the rock uplift rate as indicated by an analytical solution, and is prescribed by the rock uplift pattern and the exponents m and n. As the asymmetry of the rock uplift pattern increases, the topographic axis migrates a greater distance. The location of the topographic axis is related to the location of the rock uplift axis by a simple logarithmic function, for a wide range of m and n. The fit of the numerical results and the logarithmic function is particularly good when m = 0.5 and n = 1.0. If the rock uplift pattern in asymmetric mountain ranges is known, the value of n − 5m/4 can be constrained based on the logarithmic relation, assuming a dynamic steady state. On the other hand, if the value of n − 5m/4 is known in an asymmetric mountain range, the rock uplift pattern can be estimated directly from the topography. This relation was applied to the Suzuka Range in central Japan, and the value of n − 5m/4 was estimated for an assumed reverse fault motion.  相似文献   

利用银川市国家基准气象站及受人类活动影响较少的麻黄山气象站1961—2015年气温、降水及相对湿度资料,对比分析了城市化及湖泊湿地修复对银川市城市气候演变的影响。结果表明:随着银川市城市化规模的不断扩大,整个城市的暖干化程度日趋严重,城市周边湖泊湿地的修复和重建对银川市大范围气候的调节作用明显弱于城市化的影响。具体表现为:自1961年以来,银川站年平均气温上升速率为0.46 ℃·(10 a) -1,比麻黄山站快0.16 ℃·(10 a)-1,银川市城市化使城市内年平均气温较对比站麻黄山站升高1.1 ℃,特别是2001—2015年上升了0.8 ℃,2011—2015年上升了0.5 ℃,其中冬季上升快,夏季相对稳定,气温年较差减小;从1975年以来,银川市年平均空气相对湿度下降了11.2 %。  相似文献   

Yun Tao  Chuan Tang 《寒旱区科学》2013,5(6):0715-0721
After defining landslide and debris flow, human activity, and precipitation indices, using with landslide and debris flow disaster data in low-latitude plateau of China, reflecting human activity and precipitation data, the influence of human activity and precipitation on mid-long term evolution of landslide and debris flow was studied with the wavelet technique. Results indicate that mid-long evolution of landslide and debris flow disaster trends to increase 0.9 unit every year, and presents obvious stage feature. The abrupt point from rare to frequent periods took place in 1993. There is significant in-phase resonance oscillation between human activity and landslide and debris flow frequency on a scale of 11-16 years, in which the variation of human activity occurs about 0.2-2.8 years before landslide and debris flow variation. Thus, the increase of landslide and debris flow frequency in low latitude plateau of China may be mainly caused by geo-environmental degradation induced by human activity. After the impact of human activity is removed, there is sig- nificant in-phase resonance oscillation between landslide and debris flow frequency and summer rainfall in low-latitude plateau of China in quasi-three-year and quasi-six-year scales, in which the variation of summer precipitation occurs about 0.0-0.8 years before landslide and debris flow variation. Summer precipitation is one of important external causes which impacts landslide and debris flow frequency in low-latitude plateau of China. The mid-long term evolution predicting model of landslide and debris flow disasters frequency in low-latitude plateau region with better fitting and predicting ability was built by considering human activity and summer rainfall.  相似文献   

地形具有高度的空间异质性,同一区域不同地形对该区的气候变化有着显著的影响,分析研究地形异质性对气候的影响具有十分重要的意义。基于天山山区DEM栅格图像资料和61个气象站点1961-2014年的气温和降水资料,运用空间分析、反距离权重插值法、偏最小二乘法和统计分析等方法,对该区域的地形异质性及其对气候的影响进行了相关研究。结果表明:(1)天山山区整体坡度大,其中中部与西南部的地形异质性指标值较高,其它地区的地形异质性值偏低。(2)从气候的空间分布来看,天山中部的气温较低,降水量丰富,其他区域的气温较高,降水量较少。(3)在地形异质性对气候影响方面,坡度对研究区气候的影响贡献最大,而地表粗糙度对研究区气候的影响最弱。  相似文献   

新疆焉耆盆地绿洲景观的空间格局及其变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张俊  周成虎  李建新 《地理研究》2006,25(2):350-358
通过GIS技术的叠加和提取功能建立了焉耆盆地两个时间段的景观类型转移矩阵。在此基础上,分析了焉耆盆地内部绿洲景观类型的动态演化过程和空间分布特征。结果表明:焉耆盆地经过近40年的土地开垦后,人工绿洲呈现出上升的趋势,农田向自然绿洲和荒漠的扩张在整个研究阶段均可见;农田开垦的对象表现为从草地(含部分沼泽地)→多汁木本盐柴类荒漠→超旱生灌木半灌木荒漠迁移,体现了农田绿洲开垦从易到难,自然绿洲不断缩小,人工绿洲不断扩大的过程;对土地和水资源的不合理利用,导致盆地内湖泊水体、湖泊周边及农田绿洲出现明显的生态退化。焉耆盆地今后的规划和发展必须高度重视人工绿洲生态系统和自然生态之间的平衡,盆地环境治理很大程度决定于水资源的合理利用和合理调节。  相似文献   

站点密度对泥石流当日雨量和前期有效雨量计算的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张国平  晁瑗  许凤雯  赵琳娜 《地理研究》2011,30(7):1237-1243
研究气象站点密度在当日雨量和前期有效雨量因子内插中的影响程度,对提高对这2个因子的内插精度有重要的意义。本文针对我国东南地区87个泥石流灾害点和207个站点的降水资料,建立站点密度在5%~100%间变化的空间采样方案,采用反距离加权法(IDW)计算不同站点密度下泥石流灾害点的当日雨量和前期有效雨量。利用分位数方法对站点密度与当日雨量和前期有效雨量的关系进行分析,结果表明:诱发泥石流灾害的当日雨量和前期有效雨量的内插值,均随着气象站点密度的降低呈减少趋势;前期有效雨量的内插值相对于当日雨量的内插要稳定一些。在站点密度大于5%的情况下内插的前期有效雨量可以保持60%以上的雨量值,而当日雨量只大于30%。  相似文献   

李艳忠  庄稼成  白鹏  曾燕  星寅聪  杨泽龙 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3335-3351
遥感降水产品种类繁多,单一遥感降水产品难以满足所有气候区的降水估算。多源遥感降水融合方法可弥补这一缺陷,进而提高降水估算精度。本研究选择四种全球典型遥感降水产品(CHIRPS v2.0、CMORPH v1.0、PERSIANN-CDR、TRMM 3B42V7),利用集成模型输出统计(EMOS)进行数据融合,并与均值(MME)对比分析,阐明遥感降水产品和EMOS,在不同气候区的基本统计性能(BIAS、RMSE、r和KGE)、等级性能(POD)和水文性能(NSE)。结果发现:① 四种遥感降水产品均能捕获多年降水的空间分布格局,但EMOS改进了遥感降水产品整体低估现象。相对于MME,EMOS显著地(P<0.05)减小了4个气候区的BIAS,减小全国降水BIAS和RMSE分别为36.9%和10.2%。全国尺度而言,EMOS提高r和KGE分别为18.2%和71.4%。② PERSIANN-CDR中寒旱区微量降雨的POD高于其他三种产品,但是对大雨的POD低于其他产品。EMOS对微量降雨POD的提高出现在干旱区和青藏高原,对中雨POD则在过渡区和湿润区,而对小雨则适用于全国各气候区。③ TRMM 3B42V7的径流模拟能力优于其他三种遥感降水产品,表现最差的为CHIRPS v2.0产品。相对MME而言,除过渡区外,EMOS均提高了其他气候区的水文模拟性能,且在青藏高原、干旱区和湿润区的NSE分别提高26.3%、8.5%和2.2%。研究结果不仅为遥感降水产品在不同气候区数据源的选择提供参考依据,而且为多源遥感降水数据的融合和应用开拓了新思路。  相似文献   

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