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《Basin Research》2018,30(4):671-687
The Mesozoic shelf margin in the Mahajanga Basin, northwest Madagascar, provides an example where inherited palaeobathymetry, coupled with sea‐level changes, high sediment supply and fluctuations in accommodation influenced the stacking patterns and geometry of clinoforms that accreted onto a passive rifted margin. Two‐dimensional (2D) seismic profiles are integrated with existing field data and geological maps to study the evolution of the margin. The basin contains complete records of transgression, highstand, regression and lowstand phases that took place from Jurassic to Cretaceous. Of particular interest is the Cretaceous, Albian to Turonian (ca. 113‐93 Ma), siliciclastic shelf margin that prograded above a drowned Middle Jurassic carbonate platform. The siliciclastic phase of the shelf margin advanced ca. 70 km within ca. 20 My, and contains 10 distinct clinoforms mapped along a 2D seismic reflection data set. The clinoforms show a progressive decrease in height and slope length, and a fairly constant slope gradient through time. The successive shelf edges begin with a persistent flat to slightly downward‐directed shelf‐edge trajectory that changes to an ascending trajectory at the end of clinoform progradation. The progressive decrease in clinoform height and slope length is attributed to a decrease in accommodation. The prograding margin is interpreted to have formed when siliciclastic input increased as eastern Madagascar was uplifted. This work highlights the importance of sediment supply and inherited palaeobathymetry as controls on the evolution of shelf margins and it provides a new understanding of the evolution of the Mahajanga Basin during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Neogene collision between Australia and the Banda Arc modified two adjacent depocentres within Australia's North‐West Shelf, the Browse and Bonaparte Basins. We identify two components of this modification: (1) continuous long‐wavelength amplification of Permo‐Carboniferous basement topography, and (2) flexure and normal faulting of Triassic–Recent sedimentary cover. Although this deformation was continuous across the Browse and Bonaparte Basins, the degree of basement architectural control, mechanisms of fault linkage and distribution of syntectonic accommodation space varied significantly between the two basins. These variations reflect fundamental differences in the structural relief, amplitude and depth of rifted basement on either side of a rupture‐barrier‐style accommodation zone, the Browse/Bonaparte Transition. This long‐lived architectural divide, of which there is no discrete structural expression, was amplified by Neogene collision. We examine tectonic rejuvenation of the Browse/Bonaparte Transition and describe a mechanism for actively sustaining long‐lived segmentation of the continental shelf.  相似文献   

Sediment supply rate and accommodation regime represent primary controls on the depositional architecture of basin margin successions, but their interaction is commonly inferred from 2D dip profiles and/or with limited constraints on sedimentary facies. In this study, three parallel (>40 km long) 2D depositional oblique‐dip profiles from outcrops of the lower Waterford Formation (Karoo Basin, South Africa) have been correlated. This data set provides a rare opportunity to assess the lateral variability in the sedimentary process record of the shelf‐to‐slope transition for eight successive clinothems over a 900 km2 area. The three profiles show similar shelf‐edge rollover trajectories, but this belies significant along‐margin variability in sedimentary processes and down‐dip sediment supply. The depositional architecture of three successive clinothems (WfC 3, 4 and 5) also show along‐shelf physiographic differences. The reconstructed shelf‐edge rollover position is not straight, and a westward curve to the north coincides with an area of greater sand supply to the slope beyond a shelf dominated by wave and storm processes. All the clinothems thicken northwards, indicating an along‐margin long‐term increase in accommodation that was maintained through multiple shoreline transits across the shelf. The origin of the differential subsidence cannot be discriminated confidently between tectonic or compaction processes. The interplay of basin margin physiography, differential subsidence rate and process regime resulted in significant across‐strike variability in the style and timing of sediment dispersal patterns beyond the shelf‐edge rollover. This study highlights the challenge for accurate prediction of the sediment partitioning across the shelf‐edge rollover in subsurface studies.  相似文献   

Late‐middle Miocene to Pliocene siliciclastics in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia, are interpreted as having been deposited by deltas. Some delta lobes deposited sediments near and at the shelf break (shelf‐edge deltas), whereas other lobes did not reach the coeval shelf break before retreating landward or being abandoned. Shelf‐margin mapview morphology changes from linear to convex‐outward in the northern part of the study area where shelf‐edge deltas were focused. Location and character of shelf‐edge deltas also had significant impact on along‐strike variability of margin progradation and shelf‐edge trajectory. Total late‐middle and late Miocene margin progradation is ca. 13 km in the south, where there were no shelf‐edge deltas, vs. ca. 34 km in the north where shelf‐edge deltas were concentrated. In the central area, the deltas were arrested and accumulated a few kilometres landward of the shelf break, resulting in an aggradational shelf‐edge trajectory, in contrast to the more progradational trajectory farther north. This illustrates a potential limitation of shelf‐edge trajectory analysis: only where shelf‐edge deltas occur, there is sufficient sediment available for the shelf‐edge trajectory to record relative sea‐level fluctuations reliably. Small‐scale (ca. 400 m wide) incisions were already conspicuous on the coeval slope even before deltas reached the shelf break. However, slope gullies immediately downdip from active shelf‐edge deltas display greater erosion of underlying strata and are wider and deeper (>1 km wide, ca. 100 m deep) than coeval incisions that are laterally offset from the deltaic depocenter (ca. 0.7 km wide, ca. 25 m deep). We interpret this change in slope‐gully dimensions as the result of greater erosion by sediment gravity flows sourced from the immediately adjacent shelf‐edge deltas. Similarly, gullies also incised further (up to 6 km) into the outer shelf in the region of active shelf‐edge deltas.  相似文献   

Fluvio‐deltaic stratigraphy develops under continuous morphodynamic interactions of allogenic and autogenic processes, but the role and relative contribution of these processes to the stratigraphic record are poorly understood. We analysed synthetic fluvio‐deltaic deposits of several accommodation‐to‐supply cycles (sequences) with the aim to relate stratigraphic variability to autogenic and allogenic controls. The synthetic stratigraphy was produced in a series of long time‐scale (105 years) numerical experiments with an aggregated process‐based model using a typical passive‐margin topography with constant rates of liquid and solid river discharge subjected to sinusoidal sea‐level fluctuation. Post‐processing of synthetic stratigraphy allowed us to quantify stratigraphic variability by means of local and regional net sediment accumulation over equally spaced time intervals (1–10 kyr). The regional signal was subjected to different methods of time‐series analysis. In addition, major avulsion sites (>5 km from the coastline) were extracted from the synthetic stratigraphy to confirm the interpretations of our analyses. Regional stratigraphic variability as defined in this study is modulated by a long‐term allogenic signal, which reflects the rate of sea‐level fluctuation, and it preserves two autogenic frequency bands: the intermediate and high‐frequency components. The intermediate autogenic component corresponds to major avulsions with a median inter‐avulsion period of ca. 3 kyr. This component peaks during time intervals in which aggradation occurs on the delta plain, because super‐elevation of channel belts is a prerequisite for large‐scale avulsions. Major avulsions occur occasionally during early stages of relative sea‐level fall, but they are fully absent once the coast line reaches the shelf edge and incision takes place. These results are consistent with a number of field studies of falling‐stage deposition in fluvial systems. The high‐frequency autogenic component (decadal to centennial time scales) represents mouthbar‐induced bifurcations occurring at the terminal parts of the system, and to a lesser extent, partial or small‐scale avulsions (<5 km from the coastline). Bifurcation intensity correlates strongly with the rate of progradation, and thus reaches its maximum during forced regression. However, its contribution to overall stratigraphic variability is much less than that of the large‐scale avulsions, which affect the entire area downstream of avulsion nodes. The results of this study provide guidelines for predicting fluvio‐deltaic stratigraphy in the context of co‐existing autogenic and allogenic processes and underscore the fact that the relative importance and the type of autogenic processes occurring in fluvio‐deltaic systems are governed by allogenic forcing.  相似文献   

The understanding of how clinoforms develop is approached based on shape and dimensions, correlation between geometric parameters, and internal characteristics of clinothems bounded by clinoform surfaces in high‐resolution 2D seismic data from the Giant Foresets Formation, Taranaki Basin, offshore New Zealand. The study subdivides the observed clinothems to identify nine types: 1. Oblique 2. Tangential oblique 3. Tangential oblique chaotic 4. Sigmoidal symmetrical 5. Sigmoidal divergent 6. Sigmoidal chaotic 7. Asymmetrical top‐heavy 8. Asymmetrical bottom‐heavy 9. Complex. Accommodation is a dominant control on the type of clinothem that develops, whereby limited accommodation promotes clinothems with significant shelf‐edge advance and low trajectory angles, while increasing accommodation promotes higher trajectory angles and increased deposition on the shelf. Further variations in shape, slope and deposition are influenced by many factors of which sediment influx appears be a fundamental driver. Sigmoidal clinothems tend to show a strong relationship between their maximum thickness and average thickness, their overall slope and maximum foreset angle, along with a high correlation between average thickness and toe advance. This suggests that they distribute sediment in a manner that may be possible to predict and quantify. The increasing steepness of the foreset slope from bottom‐heavy to symmetrical to top‐heavy clinothems, respectively, is dominantly the result of decreasing sediment influx. The clinothems with the steepest slopes, along with chaotic clinothems, are associated with comparatively large toe advance suggesting a strong link between over‐steepened slopes and/or collapse, and processes promoting sediment deposition along the basin floor. Apart from toe advance, the two types of chaotic clinothems develop differently from each other, and from their assumed parent‐clinothem. Tangential oblique chaotic forms steepen, and shelf‐edge advance is limited, suggesting upper slope collapse. Sigmoidal chaotic clinothems have comparatively higher shelf‐edge advance, lower shelf‐edge trajectories and gentler slopes and profiles, suggesting different processes are responsible for their development and resulting shape.  相似文献   

Shelf-margin clinoforms and prediction of deepwater sands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Early Eocene successions from Spitsbergen and offshore Ireland, showing well‐developed shelf‐margin clinoforms and a variety of deepwater sands, are used to develop models to predict the presence or absence of turbidite sands in clinoform strata without significant slope disturbance/ponding by salt or mud diapers. The studied clinoforms formed in front of narrow to moderate width (10–60 km) shelves and have slopes, 2–4°, that are typical of accreting shelf margins. The clinoforms are evaluated in terms of both shelf‐transiting sediment‐delivery systems and the resultant partitioning of the sand and mud budget along their different segments. Although this sediment‐budget partitioning is controlled by sediment type and flux, shelf width and gradient, process regime on the shelf and relative sea‐level behaviour, the most tell‐tale or predictive signs in the stratigraphic record appear to be (1) sediment‐delivery system type, (2) degree of shelf‐edge channelling and (3) character of shelf‐edge trajectory through time. The clinoform data sets from the Porcupine Basin (wells and 3‐D seismic) and from the Central Basin on Spitsbergen (outcrops) suggest that river‐dominated deltas are the most efficient delivery systems for dispersing sand into deep water beyond the shelf‐slope break. In addition, low‐angle or flat, channelled shelf‐edge trajectories associate with co‐eval deepwater slope and basin‐floor sands, whereas rising trajectories tend to associate with muddy slopes and basin floors. Characteristic features of the shelf‐edge, slope and basin‐floor segments of clinoforms for these trajectory types are documented. Seismic lines along the slope to basin‐floor transects tend to show apparent up‐dip sandstone pinchouts, but most of these are likely to be simply sidelap features. Dip lines aligned along the axes of sandy fairways show that stratigraphic traps are unlikely, unless slope channels become mud‐filled or are structurally partitioned. Another feature that is prominent in the data sets examined is the lack of slope onlap. During the relative rise of sea level back up to the shelf, the clinoform slopes are generally mud‐prone and they are characteristically aggradational.  相似文献   

Analysis of shelf‐edge trajectories in prograding successions from offshore Norway, Brazil, Venezuela and West Africa reveals systematic changes in facies associations along the depositional dip. These changes occur in conjunction with the relative sea‐level change, sediment supply, inclination of the substratum and the relief of the margin. Flat and ascending trajectories generally result in an accumulation of fluvial and shallow marine sediments in the topset segment. Descending trajectories will generally result in erosion and bypass of the topset segment and deposition of basin floor fans. An investigation of incised valley fills reveals multiple stages of filling that can be linked to distinct phases of deepwater fan deposition and to the overall evolution of the margin. In the case of high sediment supply, like the Neogene Niger and Orinoco deltas, basin floor fans may develop systematically even under ascending trajectory styles. In traditional sequence stratigraphic thinking, this would imply the deposition of basin floor fans during a period of relative sea‐level highstand. Facies associations and sequence development also vary along the depositional strike. The width and gradient of the shelf and slope show considerable variations from south to north along the Brazilian continental margin during the Cenozoic. During the same time interval, the continental shelf may display high or low accommodation conditions, and the resulting stacking patterns and facies associations may be utilized to reconstruct palaeogeography and for prediction of lithology. Application of the trajectory concept thus reveals nuances in the rock record that would be lost by the application of traditional sequence stratigraphic work procedures. At the same time, the methodology simplifies the interpretation in that less importance is placed on interpretation and labelling of surface boundaries and systems tracts.  相似文献   

The Miocene sedimentary succession of the southern Browse Basin records the response of a tropical reef system to long‐term, strong subsidence on a passive continental margin. Geological interpretation of a comprehensive two‐dimensional (2D) seismic reflectivity data set documents for the first time the development of a continuous Miocene barrier reef on the Australian North West Shelf. With a length of over 250 km, this barrier reef is among the Earth's largest in the Neogene record. A sequence stratigraphic analysis tied to well data shows that the main controls for the evolution, growth and demise of the reef system were subsidence, third‐order global‐scale eustatic variations and antecedent topography. The generally very high Miocene subsidence rates estimated for the study area cannot be explained by typical passive‐margin subsidence controlled by lithospheric cooling and sedimentary loading alone. Additional dynamic subsidence induced by mantle convection, though documented as unusually large on the northern margin of Australia during the Neogene, can be also regarded as being of only minor importance. Therefore, accelerated tectonic subsidence related to the collision of the Australian and Eurasian Plates 250–500 km north of the study area seems to exert an important influence on reef development and demise, complicated by local tectonic inversion. The Miocene tectonic reactivation and inversion of an older structural grain is interpreted to have controlled the reef development considerably by providing localized topographic highs along transpressional anticlines above basement‐rooted faults that served as preferential sites for reef growth and retreat during times of rapidly rising sea level. This exemplarily shows that the far‐field effects of collision‐induced tectonic subsidence can significantly influence carbonate systems on passive margins.  相似文献   

Middle Miocene to Pliocene siliciclastics of the Bare Formation represent a long‐lived (ca. 11 Myr) break in the otherwise carbonate‐dominated shelf of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia. The quartz‐sandstone interval is correlated with the appearance of spectacular clinoform sets mapped on 3D and dense 2D seismic data. Twenty‐seven clinoform sets are interpreted as delta lobes primarily based on their plan‐view morphology (strike‐elongate to lobate features) and their 40–100‐m‐high clinoform amplitudes. The delta lobes were deposited on outer‐shelf to shelf‐edge positions, and the older deltas show evidence of a higher degree wave reworking than the younger deltas. Measurements of the along‐strike (migration) and down‐dip (progradation) movement of these deltas are compared with relative sea‐level behaviour inferred from shelf‐edge trajectory analysis. Delta lobes exhibit greater lateral shifting during relative sea‐level rise, whereas delta lobes are more restricted to dip‐oriented fairways during sea‐level fall, although no major incised valleys have been identified. Long‐term (cumulative) progradation of this delta system and subsequent backstepping correlates with long‐term sea‐level fall and rise during the late middle and late Miocene. In addition, a long‐term northeastward migration trend for these delta lobes was likely a result of localized uplift of an inversion anticline in the Rosemary–Legendre Trend; the growth of this anticline probably steered the fluvial source for the delta system towards the northeast. The Bare Formation siliciclastic influx correlates with other middle Miocene increases in siliciclastic sediment supply worldwide. Global cooling and a shift to more arid conditions, negatively influencing vegetation cover, may have combined with more seasonally variable rainfall to generate the high sediment supply that built the deltas. Retreat of the siliciclastics could correlate with ice‐sheet growth in the Northern Hemisphere and/or increase in the Indonesian Throughflow and Leeuwin Current (ca. 1.6 Ma), which might have modified climate regionally.  相似文献   

The non‐unique variability highlighted by Burgess & Prince (Basin Res. 2015, 27 , 351) (i.e. the origin and timing of maximum flooding surfaces, maximum regressive surfaces and subaerial unconformities; the process of topset aggradation in relation with the various types of shoreline trajectory; and the multiple controls that may affect the progradation and retrogradation of a shoreline) is irrelevant to the workflow of sequence stratigraphy. What is relevant is the observation of the unique stratal geometries that are diagnostic to the definition of all units and surfaces of sequence stratigraphy. In downstream‐controlled settings, these unique stratal stacking patterns relate to the forced regressive, normal regressive and transgressive shoreline trajectories. Multiple controls interplay during the formation of each type of stacking pattern, including accommodation, sediment supply and the energy of the sediment‐transport agents. This interplay explains the non‐unique variability, but does not change the unique criteria that afford a consistent application of sequence stratigraphy. Failure to rationalize the non‐unique variability within the context of unique stratal geometries is counterproductive, and obscures the simple workflow of sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   

Solander Basin is characterized by subduction initiation at the Pacific‐Australia plate boundary, where high biological productivity is found at the northern edge of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Sedimentary architecture results from tectonic influences on accommodation space, sediment supply and ocean currents (via physiography); and climate influence on ocean currents and biological productivity. We present the first seismic‐stratigraphic analysis of Solander Basin based on high‐fold seismic‐reflection data (voyage MGL1803, SISIE). Solander Trough physiography formed by Eocene rifting, but basinal strata are mostly younger than ca. 17 Ma, when we infer Puysegur Ridge formed and sheltered Solander Basin from bottom currents, and mountain growth onshore increased sediment supply. Initial inversion on the Tauru Fault started at ca. 15 Ma, but reverse faulting from 12 to ca. 8 Ma on both the Tauru and Parara Faults was likely associated with reorganization and formation of the subduction thrust. The new seabed topography forced sediment pathways to become channelized at low points or antecedent gorges. Since 5 Ma, southern Puysegur Ridge and Fiordland mountains spread out towards the east and Solander Anticline grew in response to ongoing subduction and growth of a slab. Solander Basin had high sedimentation rates because (1) it is sheltered from bottom currents by Puysegur Ridge; and (2) it has a mountainous land area that supplies sediment to its northern end. Sedimentary architecture is asymmetric due to the Subtropical Front, which moves pelagic and hemi‐pelagic sediment, including dilute parts of gravity flows, eastward and accretes contourites to the shelf south of Stewart Island. Levees, scours, drifts and ridges of folded sediment characterize western Solander Basin, whereas hemi‐pelagic drape and secondary gravity flows are found east of the meandering axial Solander Channel. The high‐resolution record of climate and tectonics that Solander Basin contains may yield excellent sites for future scientific ocean drilling.  相似文献   

Although the trajectory and geometry of clinoforms in different types of basins have been described in many studies, few studies discuss the influence of halokinesis on clinoforms in salt-related basins. In this study, we analyse the Lower Cretaceous clinoforms in the Tiddlybanken Basin, Norwegian Barents Sea to evaluate the impact of salt mobilization on the geometry and trajectory of clinoforms as well as its implications on sediment partitioning. To accomplish this objective, we use a multidisciplinary approach consisting of seismic and well-interpretation, 3D structural restoration, and forward stratigraphic modelling. The results show that salt mobilization affects prograding clinoforms by: (a) causing lateral variations in progradation rates, resulting in complex palaeogeography, (b) increasing slope angles, which affect the equilibrium of the clinoform profile and can trigger slope-readjustment processes and (c) producing lateral and temporal variations in accommodation space, leading to different clinoform trajectories, stacking patterns and reservoir distribution along the basin. Forward stratigraphic modelling shows that in salt-related basins and other tectonically active basins, the isolated use of conventional methods for clinoform analysis might lead to potential interpretation pitfalls such as misinterpretation of trajectories and overestimation of foreset angles, which can have negative consequences for exploration models.  相似文献   

Late Miocene lacustrine clinoforms of up to 400 m high are mapped using a 1700 km2 3‐D seismic data set in the Dacian foreland basin, Romania. Eight Meotian clinoforms, constructed by sediment from the South Carpathians, prograded around 25 km towards southwest. The individual clinothems show thin (10–60 m thick), if any, topsets, disrupted foresets and highly aggradational bottomsets. Basin‐margin accretion occurred in three stages with changing of clinoform heights and foreset gradients. The deltaic system prograded into an early‐stage deep depocenter and contributed to high gradient clinoforms whose foresets were dominated by closely (100–200 m) spaced 1.5–2 km wide V‐shaped sub‐lacustrine canyons. During intermediate‐stage growth, 2–4 km wide canyons were dominant on the clinoform foresets. From the early to intermediate stages, the lacustrine shelf edges were consistently indented. The late‐stage outbuilding was characterised by smaller clinoforms with smoother foresets and less indentation along the shelf edge. Truncated and thin topsets persisted through all three stages of clinoform evolution. Nevertheless, the resulting long‐term flat trajectory shows alternating segments of forced and low‐amplitude normal regressions. The relatively flat trajectory implies a constant base level over time and was due to the presence of the Dacian–Black Sea barrier that limited water level rise by spilling to the Black Sea. Besides the characteristic shelf‐edge incision of the thin clinoform topsets and the resultant sediment bypass at the shelf edge, the prolonged regressions of the shelf margin promoted steady sediment supply to the basin. The high sediment supply at the shelf edges generated long‐lived slope sediment conduits that provided sustained sediment transport to the basin floor. Clinothem isochore maps show that large volumes of sediment were partitioned into the clinoform foresets, and especially the bottomsets. Sediment predominantly derived from frequent hyperpycnal flows contributed to very thick, ca. 300–400 m in total, bottomsets. Decreasing subsidence over time from the foredeep resulted in diminishing accommodation and clinoform height, reduced slope channelization and smoother slope morphology.  相似文献   

The upper Bashkirian-Moscovian Kapp KIre Formation is well-exposed in coastal cliff sections along the west coast of Bjørnøya, Svalbard. It is composed of stacked cycles of nixed siliciclastics and carbonates in the lower Bogevika Member and of cyclic shelf carbonates in the overlying Efuglvika Member. The uppermost Kobbebukta Member consists of shelf carbonates and syntectonic conglomerates and sandy turbidites. The shift in cycle types reflects an overall transgression of the region during the Moscovian combined with renewed tectonic activity and uplift of eastern Bjørnøya during the late Moscovian. Twelve carbonate facies and 6 siliciclastic facies are distinguished. The carbonate facies range from intertidal dolomitic mudstones with pseudomorphs after gypsum to subwavebase, intensely bioturbated wackestones. Most carbonates are deeper subtidal facies and shallow marine carbonate facies are only common in the transgressive part of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate cycles of the Bogevika Member. Incorporating the effects of high amplitude, high frequency glacioeustacy and active extensional tectonism, a dynamic model is developed to explain the spatial variability of facies observed within the Kapp Kke Formation. Observations from Bjørnøya are placed within the context of the regional structural and stratigraphic framework so that significance of the study to ongoing exploration efforts in the Barents Sea can be evaluated. Most important, our observations suggest that dolomitized, porous carbonate buildups are most likely to be found in the upper Moscovian succession in areas where accommodation space increased temporarily due to local tectonism.  相似文献   

Present sea-floor bathymetry indicates that the continental-shelf and shelf-break morphology have some unique and predictable characteristics in areas with and without high sediment supply. Using a global bathymetry dataset in open shelf areas in front of rivers that discharge over 25 × 106 tons of sediment per year, five distinct accretionary types of shelf-break are distinguished based on along-shelf gradient variability and inferred shelf-break trajectory. Morphological characteristics of river-mouth shelves (compared with adjacent areas lateral to the immediate fairway of the river) are: (1) an overall lower gradient and greater width, and (2) a relatively high slope gradient/shelf gradient ratio. The exceptions are shelves with active shelf-edge deltas; these are narrower, steeper and have an attenuated shelf break in front of rivers. These observations are at seismic scale and have direct implications for the recognition and positioning of principal cross-shelf, supply fairways on ancient shelves or shelf margins, and therefore the potential by-pass routes for deepwater sands. Higher slope/shelf gradient ratios in areas of actively accreting margins, where the shelf-break is more prominent and easier to recognize on seismic data compared with adjacent areas, predict areas with high sediment supply. Along-strike morphological changes on supply-dominated shelves suggest that identification of the sediment-feed route and depocenter relative to the shelf break during a relative sea level cycle are critical for understanding/predicting the 3-D architecture of the shelf-slope-basin floor clinoform.  相似文献   


Regionalization attempts to group units into a few subsets to partition the entire area. The results represent the underlying spatial structure and facilitate decision-making. Massive amounts of trajectories produced in the urban space provide a new opportunity for regionalization from human mobility. This paper proposes and applies a novel regionalization method to cluster similar areal units and visualize the spatial structure by considering all trajectories in an area into a word embedding model. In this model, nodes in a trajectory are regarded as words in a sentence, and nodes can be clustered in the feature space. The result depicts the underlying socio-economic structure at multiple spatial scales. To our knowledge, this is the first regionalization method from trajectories with natural language processing technology. A case study of mobile phone trajectory data in Beijing is used to validate our method, and then we evaluate its performance by predicting the next location of an individual’s trajectory. The case study indicates that the method is fast, flexible and scalable to large trajectory datasets, and moreover, represents the structure of trajectory more effectively.  相似文献   

The Austral Basin (or Magallanes Basin) in southern Argentina is situated in a highly active tectonic zone. The openings of the South Atlantic and the Drake Passage to the east and south, active subduction in the west, and the related rise of the Andes have massively influenced the evolution of this area. To better understand the impacts of these tectonic events on basin formation to its present‐day structure we analysed 2D seismic reflection data covering about 95 000 km² on‐ and 115 000 km² offshore (Austral ‘Marina’ and Malvinas Basin). A total of 10 seismic horizons, representing nine syn‐ and post‐ rift sequences, were mapped and tied to well data to analyse the evolution of sedimentary supply and depocenter migration through time. 1D well backstripping across the study area confirms three main tectonic stages, containing (i) the break‐up phase forming basement graben systems and the evolution of the Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous ancient backarc Austral/Rocas Verdes Basin (RVB), (ii) the inversion of the backarc marginal basin and the development of the foreland Austral Basin and (iii) the recent foreland Austral Basin. Synrift sedimentation did not exceed the creation of accommodation space, leading to a deepening of the basin. During the Early Cretaceous a first impulse of compression due to Andes uplift caused rise also of parts of the basin. Controlling factors for the subsequent tectonic development are subduction, balanced phases of sedimentation, accumulation and erosion as well as enhanced sediment supply from the rising Andes. Further phases of rock uplift might be triggered by cancelling deflection of the plate and slab window subduction, coupled with volcanic activity. Calculations of sediment accumulation rates reflect the different regional tectonic stages, and also show that the Malvinas Basin acted as a sediment catchment after the filling of the Austral Basin since the Late Miocene. However, although the Austral and Malvinas Basin are neighbouring basin systems that are sedimentary coupled in younger times, their earlier sedimentary and tectonic development was decoupled by the Rio Chico basement high. Thereby, the Austral Basin was affected by tectonic impacts of the Andes orogenesis, while the Malvinas Basin was rather affected by the opening of the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

A synthesis has been undertaken based on regionally compiled data from the post early Eocene foreland basin succession of Svalbard. The aim has been to generate an updated depositional model and link this to controlling factors. The more than kilometer thick progradational succession includes the offshore shales of the Gilsonryggen Member of the Frysjaodden Formation, the shallow marine sandstones of the Battfjellet Formation and the predominantly heterolithic Aspelintoppen Formation, together recording the progressive eastwards infill of the foredeep flanking the West Spitsbergen fold‐and‐thrust belt. Here we present a summary of the paleo‐environmental depositional systems across the basin, their facies and regional distribution and link these together in an updated depositional model. The basin‐margin system prograded with an ascending shelf‐edge trajectory in the order of 1°. The basin fill was bipartite, with offset stacked shelf and shelf‐edge deltas, slope clinothems and basin floor fans in the western and deepest part and a simpler architecture of stacked shelf‐deltas in the shallower eastern part. We suggest a foredeep setting governed by flexural loading, likely influenced by buckling, and potentially developing into a wedge top basin in the mature stage of basin filling. High‐subsidence rates probably counteracted eustatic falls with the result that relative sea‐level falls were uncommon. Distance to the source terrain was small and sedimentation rates was temporarily high. Time‐equivalent deposits can be found outbound of Stappen High in the Vestbakken Volcanic Province and the Sørvestsnaget Basin 300 km further south on the Barents Shelf margin. We cannot see any direct evidence of coupling between these more southerly systems and the studied one; southerly diversion of the sediment‐routing, if any, may have taken place beyond the limit of the preserved deposits.  相似文献   

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