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The staged high-pressure annealing of natural cubic diamonds with numerous melt microinclusions from the Internatsional’naya kimberlite pipe was studied experimentally. The results mainly show that the carbonate phases, the daughter phases in partially crystallized microinclusions in diamonds, may undergo phase transformations under the mantle PT conditions. Most likely, partial melting and further dissolution of dolomite in the carbonate–silicate melt (homogenization of inclusions) occur in inclusions. The experimental data on the staged high-pressure annealing of diamonds with melt microinclusions allow us to estimate the temperature of their homogenization as 1400–1500°C. Thus, cubic diamonds from the Internatsional’naya pipe could have been formed under quite high temperatures corresponding to the lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary. However, it should be noted that the effect of selective capture of inclusions with partial loss of volatiles in relation to the composition of the crystallization medium is not excluded during the growth. This may increase the temperature of their homogenization significantly between 1400 and 1500°C.  相似文献   

The volcano–clastic sequence of Trompia Valley, which caps the Tre Valli Bresciane Variscan basement (TVB), comprises the Dosso dei Galli Conglomerate (DGC), the oldest deposit containing up to metre-sized metamorphic pebbles. This Lower Permian formation of the Trompia Basin was fed by the erosion products of the Variscan chain. We used microstructural and mineral chemical data on metamorphic pebbles of the DGC to infer a quantitative tectono-thermal evolution of the eroded pre-Permian basement and to compare them with those of TVB and the surrounding Southalpine basement units (tectono-metamorphic units = TMUs). Metapelitic and metaintrusive pebbles record a polyphase metamorphism with two metamorphic re-equilibrations: the first under epidote amphibolite facies (M1, ) and the second under greenschist facies (M2) conditions. Rock types and metamorphic data largely match those of TVB basement unit. The structural and metamorphic records in the pebbles are pre-Permian, and the conglomerate matrix is non-metamorphic. The DGC deposition age (283 ± 1–280.5 ± 2 Ma) constrains the minimal exhumation age of its basement source. The lack of staurolite bearing assemblages in metamorphic pebbles suggests that the DGC basement source was already exhumed to shallow structural levels (greenschist facies conditions) before the thermal equilibration consequent upon continental crust thickening induced by the Variscan collision.  相似文献   

The paper presents the first results of a comparative study of the composition and distribution of organic matter (OM) (Corg, n-alkanes, Pr, Phy) in samples of the ferromanganese nodule–sediment–pore water system taken at a single site in the Clarion–Clipperton Fracture Zone, Pacific Ocean. Samples were taken during Cruise 120 of R/V James Cook in 2015. The results of the comparison of organogeochemical parameters in the lipid fraction of OM in ferromanganese nodules of different size and morphology with the underlying sediment (0–1 cm) and pore water revealed both principle genetic affinity of OM therein and significant discrepancies between the processes of diagenesis during the formation and growth of each individual ore sample.  相似文献   

The thermoelastic parameters of the CAS phase (CaAl4Si2O11) were examined by in situ high-pressure (up to 23.7 GPa) and high-temperature (up to 2,100 K) synchrotron X-ray diffraction, using a Kawai-type multi-anvil press. PV data at room temperature fitted to a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM EOS) yielded: V 0,300 = 324.2 ± 0.2 Å3 and K 0,300 = 164 ± 6 GPa for K′ 0,300 = 6.2 ± 0.8. With K′ 0,300 fixed to 4.0, we obtained: V 0,300 = 324.0 ± 0.1 Å3 and K 0,300 = 180 ± 1 GPa. Fitting our PVT data with a modified high-temperature BM EOS, we obtained: V 0,300 = 324.2 ± 0.1 Å3, K 0,300 = 171 ± 5 GPa, K′ 0,300 = 5.1 ± 0.6 (?K 0,T /?T) P  = ?0.023 ± 0.006 GPa K?1, and α0,T  = 3.09 ± 0.25 × 10?5 K?1. Using the equation of state parameters of the CAS phase determined in the present study, we calculated a density profile of a hypothetical continental crust that would contain ~10 vol% of CaAl4Si2O11. Because of the higher density compared with the coexisting minerals, the CAS phase is expected to be a plunging agent for continental crust subducted in the transition zone. On the other hand, because of the lower density compared with lower mantle minerals, the CAS phase is expected to remain buoyant in the lowermost part of the transition zone.  相似文献   

Garnet-bearing metapelites and amphibolites are exposed in the south and middle parts of the Zanhuang complex, which is located in the central segment of the nearly NS-striking Trans-North China Orogen. These rocks preserve three metamorphic mineral assemblages forming at the prograde, peak and post-peak decompression stages. The prograde metamorphic stage (M1) is represented by mineral inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts, the peak metamorphic stage (M2) is represented by garnet rims and matrix minerals, whereas the retrograde stage (M3) is represented by amphibole + plagioclase symplectite rimming garnet porphyroblasts in the amphibolites and biotite + plagioclase symplectite rimming garnet porphyroblasts in the metapelites. All garnet porphyroblasts in the metapelites preserve prograde chemical zoning except for the ubiquitous, quite narrow zones from the underwent post-peak decompression. It has been determined through thermobarometric computation that the metamorphic conditions are 650–710°C at 8.2−9.2 kbar for the M1 (inclusion) assemblages, >810°C at >12.5 kbar for the metamorphic peak M2 (matrix) assemblages, and 660–680°C at 4.4–4.5 kbar for the retrograde M3 (symplectite) assemblages. These rocks are thus determined to have undergone metamorphism with clockwise PT paths involving nearly isothermal decompression (ITD) segments, which is inferred to be related to the amalgamation of the Eastern and Western Blocks to form the coherent basement of the North China Craton along the Trans-North China Orogen in the late Paleoproterozoic (1.88–1.85 Ga).  相似文献   

The presence of underground voids has an adverse influence on the performance of shallow foundations. In this study, the bearing capacity and failure mechanism of footings placed on cohesive-frictional soils with voids are evaluated using discontinuity layout optimization. By introducing a reduction coefficient, a set of design charts that can be directly applied to the classical bearing capacity formulation is presented. The results indicate that the undrained bearing capacity with voids is sensitive to soil weight and cohesion, as both the bearing capacity and stability issues exist in the problem. The failure mechanism is directly related to a variety of soil properties, the locations of single voids, and the horizontal distance between two voids. The presence of voids has a more dominant effect on cφ soils compared to that on undrained soil. An interpretation of the critical and adverse locations for single-void and dual-void cases with various soil strengths is presented.  相似文献   

The low-angle dip schistosity zones of the Belomorian mobile belt of northern Karelia are zones of plastic flow of thrust origin. They were formed from 1.85 to 1.90 Ga: 1879 ± 21 Ma according to 40Ar/39Ar for amphibole from amphibolites and 1857 ± 13 Ma according to the Sm–Nd isochron in amphibolites. The PT parameters of rock metamorphism in low-angle dip schistosity zones correspond to the boundary of amphibolite and granulite facies of metamorphism: T = 640–765°C, rarely rising to 826°C; P = 8.0–11.7 kbar. The hypothesis of the two-stage Paleoproterozoic metamorphism of rocks of the Belomorian mobile belt was introduced.  相似文献   

Joint burial places of mollusks and Pleuromeia plants allow specification of a period of stratigraphic occurrence of this genus in the west of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Gorny Mangyshlak. Two places of occurrences of pleuromeias were found in marine Triassic rocks: one in the Karadzhatyk Formation of the northern slope of the Karatauchik Range close to the Dolnapa well, where the fossils of Pleuromeia sternbergii (Münster) Corda plants are associated with ammonoid shells, and the other one in the Karaduan Formation of the southern slope of Mt. Karashek, where this plant was found along with bivalves and gastropods. The mollusk fauna from both occurrences indicates that the Mangyshlak pleuromeias occurred from the late Olenekian Substage to Anisian Stage.  相似文献   

The Belomorian Mobile Belt (BMB) in northern Karelia mostly consists of gently sloping shear zones, whose gneisses and migmatized amphibolites and blastomylonites are typically thinly banded, with their banding consistently dipping north- and northeastward. These gently sloping shear zones were not affected by folding after they were produced and are not cut by Paleoproterozoic metabasite dikes. Intrusive metabasites in the gently sloping shear zones make up relatively small (usually <5 m) equant or elongate bodies and occur as fragments of larger bodies. These fragments are often concentrated in stripes. Metabasites in the gently sloping shear zone are sometimes also found as lenses and tabular bodies of relatively small thickness, which are conformable with the foliation of the host rocks. The gently sloping shear zones cut across older domains of more complicated structure, which suggests that these zones are gently sloping ductile shear zones. Along these zones, the nappes were thrust south- and southwestward, and this process was the last in the origin of major structural features of BMB when the Paleoproterozoic Lapland–Kola orogen was formed. Practically identical age values were obtained for the gently sloping shear zone in the two widely separated Engonozero and Chupa segments of BMB: 1879 ± 21 Ma (40Ar/39Ar amphibole age of amphibolite whose protolith was mafic rock) and 1857 ± 13 Ma (Sm–Nd mineral isochron age of garnet amphibolites after gabbronorite). The PT metamorphic parameters in these gently sloping shear zones are remarkably different from the metamorphic parameters outside these zones: the pressure is 3–4 kbar lower and the temperature is 60–100°C lower. Thrusting-related decompression triggered the transition from the older high-pressure episode of Paleoproterozoic metamorphism to a younger syn-thrusting higher temperature metamorphic episode. The peak metamorphic parameters corresponding to the boundary between the amphibolite and granulite facies were reached only in the central portions of the shear zones: T= 680–760°C, P = 8.0–11.9 kbar. In areas of the most intense migmatization, temperature estimates in the central portions of the shear are as high as 810–830°C. The marginal portions of the shear zones were formed at lower temperatures of 610–630°C. The temperature heterogeneous and rock heating in the gently sloping shear zones may have resulted from flows of high-temperature metamorphic fluid that were focused to the central portions of the zones.  相似文献   

News media influence local to global interactions between people, societies, and governments by producing place images. Representations of Africa in Western news media are heavily imbued with colonialist notions of cultural geography. In particular, Western news media have represented conflicts in Africa as ‘tribal’, a trope that erases geographic and historical context, and discourages actions that could prevent or reduce violent conflict. To determine if ‘tribalism’ remains important in coverage of African conflict, we use framing analysis to evaluate news on Sudan’s Darfur region in The New York Times and The Washington Post during 2003–2009. We find that these newspapers predictably relied on stereotypes related to tribalism to simplify Darfur’s geography and make the conflict meaningful to intended readers. Tribal portrayal of African war is inherently political, and, problematically, neither newspaper recognized that their use of the tribal narrative was parallel to the views of both the Sudanese government and external observers that challenged the actions of the Sudanese government. However, we also found that stereotypical representations became less prominent over time, apparently because reporters found that the initial, simplistic framing of the conflict did not match their encounters with geographic reality. We emphasize the decline in stereotypical tropes, because this suggests behind-the-scenes negotiation about representations in these news organizations. Recognizing voices that challenge stereotypical portrayals is necessary to developing place images that are geographically more accurate.  相似文献   

New results of UBV JHKLM photometry of the symbiotic Mira V407 Cyg performed in 1998–2002 are reported. In 2002, these observations were supplemented with RI observations and a search for rapid variability in the V band. The hot component of V407 Cyg experienced a strong flare in 1998, which was the second in the history of photometric observations of this star; this flare is still continuing. During the flare, the spectral energy distribution of the hot component can be approximated by blackbody radiation with a temperature of ~7200 K. At the maximum brightness, the bolometric flux from the hot component did not exceed 3% of the Mira's mean bolometric flux, while its bolometric luminosity was ~400L. Appreciable variations of the star's BV brightness \((\tilde0\mathop m\limits_. 7)\) on a timescale of several days have been observed. These variations are not correlated with variations of B-V. Flickering on a timescale of several minutes with an amplitude of \(\tilde0\mathop m\limits_. 2\) has been detected in the V band. The observations suggest that the hot component can be in three qualitatively different states. In a model with a rapidly rotating white dwarf, these states can be associated with (i) the quiescent state of the white dwarf (with a very low accretion rate), (ii) an ejection state, and (iii) an accretion state. The Mira pulsation period P is \( \approx 762\mathop d\limits_. 9\), with its infrared maximum occurring ~0.15P after the visual maximum. A “step” is observed on the ascending branch of the Mira infrared light curves. In 1998, the gradual increase of the mean K brightness of the Mira that had been observed since 1984 was interrupted by an unusually deep minimum, after which the mean level of the K brightness considerably decreased.  相似文献   

We have carried out BVRIHα CCD surface photometry of the spiral galaxy with active star formation NGC 3184 using the 1-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. B and Hα data from the ING Archive (La Palma Observatory) were also used. We consider the structure and radial brightness distribution of the galaxy. Stellar populations in different regions of the galaxy are analyzed using two-color diagrams. We have identified and studied star-forming regions in NGC 3184 and estimated their ages based on evolutionary modeling.  相似文献   

We have mapped the mineralogy onto the H2O-undersaturated liquidus surface of basaltic andesite from North Sister Volcano to constrain the crystalline assemblage with which, and PT–H2O conditions at which, the melt last equilibrated before erupting. Combining our high pressure experimental results with examples of tectonically exposed lower arc crust, geophysical constraints, trace element geochemistry, and melt inclusion volatile contents, we conclude that an anhydrous, augite-rich gabbro at ∼12 kbar and ∼1,175°C is the most probable lithology with which North Sister basaltic andesite with ∼3.5 wt% H2O last equilibrated before erupting. We speculate that reaction between this gabbro and primitive mantle-derived precursor melts buffered the compositions of magmas erupted from this volcano resulting in their remarkably limited compositional range.  相似文献   

Absorption of the synchrotron emission of the quasar 3C 345 in the continuum and H(93–95)α and H(78–79)α radio recombination lines is studied. The upper limit for absorption in the H(93–95)α lines is Tal/Tac < 0.7%; absorption in the H(78–79)α lines with antenna temperature Tal = 25 mK, linewidth Δf = 5.3 ± 0.08 MHz, and Tal/Tac ≥ 0.3% has been detected. A correction to the redshift Δz = 0.00135 ± 0.00008 (z = 0.59365) has been determined.  相似文献   

The dengue infectious disease remnants a human health problem in tropical and subtropical countries. In an Auto Regressive model to assess the role of climatic parameter El Niño Southern Oscillation and land surface mean monthly temperture on dengue outbreaks of the Karachi region over the monthly time interval January 2001 to December 2016, subsequent to stabilization of variance, we are able to apply and predict an Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average Exogenous-Transfer Function model by using the order selection criteria namely Final Prediction Error and Akaike’s information. The results confirmed that ARIMAX (2,1,2) has fitted model, although an Auto Regressive model predicts a smaller decline in dengue data series than the auto Poisson Regression model. Additionally, we developed an alternative model for the Poisson Autoregressive Exogenous model in order (p) and Negative Binomial Auto Regressive Exogenous model, deliver the best fit as compared to the Poisson Auto Regressive Exogenous model whereas indicated by the deviances. The Pearson test showed a strong positive association between temperature and dengue, while ENSO inverse indication. High dengue outbreaks are detected in the months of September, October, and November. This comparative study exposed a significant relationship among monthly dengue and climatic variation by Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average Exogenous (ARIMAX), Poisson and Negative-Binomial Autoregressive Exogenous (PARX-NBARX) models, while smallest values of AIC (3.89), Negative Binomial Auto Regressive Exogenous, are preferred more accurate model for the next 12 months forecasting. This study has provided useful information for the development of dengue predictions and future warning systems.  相似文献   

Biological impacts of oil on sandy shore ecosystems remain incompletely understood, especially following smaller spills on subtropical beaches. Here we quantified changes to benthic assemblages on a sandy beach following the 270-t spill of heavy fuel oil from the Pacific Adventurer that occurred in March 2009 off Moreton Island in Eastern Australia. Assessments of ecological impacts are based on spatial contrasts between multiple reference and impact sites sampled 1 week and 3 months after the spill. Benthic invertebrate assemblages exposed to oil had significantly fewer individuals of fewer species 1 week after the spill, markedly changing their ecological structure. Biological differences consistent with oil-related mortality were significant on the lower shore and in the swash and remained so 3 months after the spill. This signals a lack of recovery of these communities in the short term, despite the fairly rapid removal of oil. Results show that, despite the relatively small size of the spill, heavy fuel oil contamination can cause substantial impacts on sandy beach ecosystems, and that recovery may be prolonged.  相似文献   

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