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We make comprehensive analysis of morphological tracings and positional measurements of Hα images, white-light sunspot photographs and chromosphere velocity field, obtained at Yunnan Observatory, and hard X-ray images obtained by the Hinotori satellite, of the loop prominence of 1981 April 27. It seems likely that the observed loop is the projection of a post-flare loop system, and the associated flare occurred on the rear side of the solar disk. A two-ribbon flare such as in the Kopp-Pneuman model can satisfactorily explain all the observed features. The occurrence of such a flare seems likely from the evidence given by the data.  相似文献   

Using the Hα observational data from Yunnan Observatory, we have made position measurements on the eruptive loop prominence of 27 April 1981, and have compared the results with the positions of X-ray sources obtained by the hard X-ray telescope (SXT) on board the HINOTORI satellite. From the results of measurement and comparison, it is suggested that 1) The two mounds A and C at 0830 UT are extensions of two ribbons in the flare near the limb, which started before 0758 UT. 2) The central positions of two X-ray sources at 0756 UT are just situated at the top of the mound A and the mound C, respectively. The Hα footpoint corresponding to the main source of X-rays was behind the solar limb. The second source of X-rays corresponds to C1 and C2. 3) The X-ray sources were probably located near the footpoints of loops.  相似文献   

B. Vršnak 《Solar physics》1984,94(2):289-297
Oscillatory motions of a loop prominence observed on July 17, 1981 are analysed. The oscillations were mainly horizontal, with a period of 8 min. Restoring force was a result of magnetic tension, and assuming a simplified magnetic field configuration the expression for frequencies of oscillations is derived and compared with the observations. Taking the observed period, the strength of the magnetic field permeating the prominence is estimated as 45 G. Finally, the stability of the prominence is discussed.  相似文献   

We propose a closed loop model of turbulent stochastic acceleration for the gradual phase of the radio burst of 1981 April 27. It can explain the various observed features in the spectrum, the rather long time of rise, the absence of X-ray bursts below 56 keV and of any detectable proton events.  相似文献   

Engvold  O.  Jensen  E.  Andersen  B. N. 《Solar physics》1979,62(2):331-341
The kinematics of a loop system has been studied from high resolution Ca ii K line spectra and H filtergrams recorded at Oslo Solar Observatory.Emission features are seen to fall at supersonic velocities from the top of the arches towards the chromosphere. Our data are in agreement with the assumption of matter falling freely along a dipole type magnetic field of maximum height 100–150 thousand km. There is a slight asymmetry between positive and negative line shifts which can be accounted for as a tilt of the individual loops relative to the plane of the sky of 5–10°. The planes of the loops are also inclined by a small angle of approximately 15°. It appears that matter starts from rest at the top of the loops. An observed tilt of some emission features in the K line spectra may be explained by a gradient in the line-of-sight velocity with height caused by the curvature of the dipole type loops.  相似文献   

M. R. Kundu 《Solar physics》1986,104(1):223-226
Radio observations offer an important means for providing estimates of magnetic fields in post-flare loops.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985.  相似文献   

Flare-associated mass ejections have been observed at the solar limb on June 29, 1980 in the H line, with the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass spectrograph of the Meudon solar tower. Radial velocities were measured as a function of time in a two dimensional field, and kinematics investigated in one selected fine structure. A simple model of locally dipole-type magnetic field increasing with time can be fitted to the data. It can be checked from extrapolation that the model is consistent with an ejection starting roughly from the same point at the same time. Height of the loops ( 135 000 km) is consistent with other determinations. Magnetic field is found to be increasing locally by a factor 1.14 within 10 min.
Résumé Des éjections de matière associées à une éruption ont été observées au bord solaire le 29 Juin 1980, dans la raie H, avec le spectrographe à Double Passage Soustractif Multicanaux de la Tour Solaire de Meudon. Les vitesses radiales ont été mesurées au cours du temps sur un champ bidimensionnel, et la cinématique a été analysée pour une structure fine particulière. Un modèle simple de champ magnétique, localement dipolaire et croissant au cours du temps, peut être ajusté aux données. Par extrapolation, on peut vérifier que le modèle est compatible avec une éjection déclenchée sensiblement au même point et au même instant. La hauteur des boucles ( 135 000 km) est en accord avec d'autres déterminations. On trouve que le champ magnétique croît localement d'un facteur 1.14 en 10 min.

Motions of loop prominence knots have been studied on H-line filtergrams. By making use of contours of equal photographic density for entire cinegram it has been possible to significantly decrease the error in determining the locations of the knots. The method of mean velocities has been developed, which has permitted for the first time accurate determination of the laws of knot motion with sufficient accuracy. Two types of falling knots are distinguished: (1) those with a constant acceleration that is always below the gravitational acceleration, and (2) those with a constant velocity. The initial velocity of the falling knots is always different from zero. The gasdynamic theory has been developed to explain the deceleration of the two types of knots due to: the work done against the pressure force; pileup plasma raking; and shock-wave generation. The shock mechanism imparts a constant velocity to the motion. The temperature along the knot trajectories has been estimated. The ratio of the densities in the knots to the surrounding medium has been found.The aim of the present work is to gain new insight into the known observations of the motions in active prominences, in particular in the loop prominences, and to understand the reasons for the observed motions.A number of studies of prominence knot motions have been made using filter photographs (cinefilms). It seems to us, however, that the velocities (and especially acceleration) of individual knots have been determined within insufficient accuracy. It will be noted first of all that values of V(t) have been determined with a low accuracy by some authors even for high velocities (V 100 km s–1). In fact, to achieve at least 10% accuracy in determining V by comparing two photographs obtained with a 30 s interval, it is necessary to measure the location of knots to 0.5 accuracy. The problem is the more complicated as the size of the knots can often reach 5 × 10. This is why the temporal dependence of the velocity of prominence knot motion is represented with a complicated curve.  相似文献   

Using simultaneous high spatial (1.3 arcsec) and temporal (5 and 10 s) resolution Hα observations from the 15 cm Solar Tower Telescope at Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), we study the oscillations in the relative intensity to explore the possibility of sausage oscillations in the chromospheric cool post-flare loop. We use the standard wavelet tool, and find the oscillation period of ≈587 s near the loop apex, and ≈349 s near the footpoint. We suggest that the oscillations represent the fundamental and the first harmonics of the fast-sausage waves in the cool post-flare loop. Based on the period ratio   P 1/ P 2∼1.68  , we estimate the density scaleheight in the loop as ∼17 Mm. This value is much higher than the equilibrium scaleheight corresponding to Hα temperature, which probably indicates that the cool post-flare loop is not in hydrostatic equilibrium. Seismologically estimated Alfvén speed outside the loop is  ∼300–330  km s−1  . The observation of multiple oscillations may play a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of lower solar atmosphere, complementing such oscillations already reported in the upper solar atmosphere (e.g. hot flaring loops).  相似文献   

A flare-loop prominence appeared over a complex sunspot group in McMath region No. 11895, on May 24,1972. The evolution of the loop prominence and its relation to a flare were observed using H and Ca K filters. Soft X-ray emission between 0.5–20 Å was found to be emitted from the flare-loop prominence system.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(5):427-437
The 2D Hβ spectral data of the post-flare loop system (PFLs) of August 17, 1989 are obtained and analyzed quantitatively for three different times. Three physical quantities (i.e., the column number density of hydrogen atoms at the second level along the line-of-sight direction N2, the excitation temperature Tex and micro-turbulence velocity Vt) and their 2D fields are derived during the three times. The time variations of the 2D field are given for the three quantities more than 1 h after the maximum of the Hα flare. Our analyses show that the average values of N2 and Vt decrease with time, while Tex is nearly unchanged except for the top part of the PFLs where it is increasing slightly with time. A new evolution property is found in which the regions with the maxima of Tex and N2 move from the middle of the southern leg towards the top part of the PFLs, while the position of Vt maximum shifts from the top part towards the northern leg of the system. This scenario may be a result of successive formation of new loops at higher heights while under continuous cooling. The emission measure (EM), electron density ne and pressure Pe in the PFLs are also estimated.  相似文献   

Observations of a limb flare and an associated loop prominence were obtained in H with the 512 channel magnetograph of the Kitt Peak National Observatory. Simultaneous radial and torsional oscillations with a period near 75 s, wavelength of 37 000 km, and amplitude of 1–2 km s–1 were detected in the loop approximately 90 min before the onset of the flare. We interpret these coupled oscillations in terms of a kink instability of a current carrying flux tube. The magnitude of the steady-state component of current is estimated to be 6 × 1010 ampères.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, operated by Aura, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Visiting Student, Kitt Peak National Observatory.  相似文献   

Tyan Yeh  S. T. Wu 《Solar physics》1991,132(2):335-351
Model calculations are presented for the rising motion of the top section of a prominence loop, which is represented by a straight flux rope immersed in a coronal medium permeated with a bipolar magnetic field. Initially the prominence is at rest, in equilibrium with the surrounding coronal medium. When the magnetic monopoles that account for the source current for the bipolar field strengthen, the upward hydromagnetic buoyancy force overcomes the downward gravitational force so that the prominence is initiated into rising motion. The illustrative examples show that prominences can move away from the solar surface by the action of the hydromagnetic buoyancy force, which is preponderant with the diamagnetic force due to the current carried by the prominence interacting with the coronal magnetic field produced by the photospheric currents, if the changes in the photospheric magnetic field are sufficiently large.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection in the corona and the loop prominence phenomenon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many classes of transient solar phenomena, such as flares, flare sprays, and eruptive prominences, cause major disruptions in the magnetic geometry of the overlying corona. Typically, the results from Skylab indicate that pre-existing closed magnetic loops in the corona are torn open by the force of the disruption. We examine here some of the theoretical consequences to be expected during the extended relaxation phase which must follow such events. This phase is characterized by a gradual reconnection of the outward-distended field lines. In particular, the enhanced coronal expansion which occurs on open field lines just before they reconnect appears adequate to supply the large downward mass fluxes observed in Ha loop prominence systems that form during the post-transient relaxation. In addition, this enhanced flow may produce nonrecurrent high speed streams in the solar wind after such events. Calculations of the relaxation phase for representative field geometries and the resulting flow configurations are described.New address: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M. 87545, U.S.A.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Using the solar tower telescope of Nanjing University, we observed the two large loop prominence groups of 1982 Dec. 20 and 1983 Feb. 9. photographs and spectra around the and H and K lines were obtained simultaneously. From these data, we derived a line of sight velocity distribution, which agrees perfectly with the distribution for matter falling freely without viscosity. From the widths of the and the K lines, we found the loop material to have a uniform kinetic temperature and a turbulent velocity that increases with height. From the central intensities of the lines we derived a density of n(H) ? 1.3 ? 2.6 × 1010cm?3. A possible mechanism of the formation of loop prominence groups and their relation with flares are discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the spatial distribution of XUV emission in the 14 August, 1973 loop prominence observed with the NRL spectroheliograph on Skylab. The loop prominence consists of two large loops and is observed in lines from ions with temperatures ranging from 5 × 104 K to 3 × 106 K. The loops seen in low temperature (106K) lines such as from He ii, Ne vii, Mg vii, Mg viii, and Si viii are systematically displaced from loops seen in higher temperature lines such as from Si xii, Fe xv, and Fe xvi. The cross section of the loop, particularly in cooler lines is nearly constant along the loop. For hotter loops in Si xii, Fe xv, and Fe xvi, however, emission at the top of the loop is more intense and extended than that near the footpoints, which makes the loops appear wider at the top.There is no evidence that the 14 August loop prominence consists of a cooler core surrounded by a hot sheath as in some active region and sunspot loops reported by Foukal (1975, 1976). Rather, the observed spatial displacement between cooler and hotter loops suggest that the 14 August loop prominence is composed of many magnetic flux tubes, each with its own temperature.Ball Corporation. Now with NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.  相似文献   

Here we present a preliminary analysis of a helical eruptive prominence at the east limb of the Sun on 21 April 2001. Unusually this eruption is associated with a double CME. We have tried to study the morphology of the event, energy budget of the prominence and associated CMEs. Our analysis shows that the prominence and first CME started simultaneously from the limb and prominence carries sufficient energy to feed both the CMEs. Moreover, it is also concluded that CMEs are magnetically driven and internally powered.  相似文献   

J.-René Roy 《Solar physics》1972,26(2):418-430
Computed current-free magnetic fields are compared to the loop prominence associated with the west limb proton flare of 18 November 1968. Successive sets of fitting fieldlines closely resemble the loop prominence system throughout its growth and lifetime. The successive position bases of the fieldlines reproduce the drift rate of spreading two-ribbon flares.  相似文献   

R. R. Fisher 《Solar physics》1974,35(2):401-408
Observations of a loop prominence formed after the flare of 11 August 1972 are discussed. Estimates of electron density are obtained from (a) the line ratio of the Ca xv forbidden lines and (b) a Thompson scattering model. Both methods give an approximate value of n e = 1011 cm-3. This density was high enough to render the loop structures visible as continuum features, corresponding to the Ca xv structures as seen in the plane of the sky. By a double exposure technique, it was found that the loop structures seen in H and Fe xiv differ significantly.  相似文献   

A study is presented of the formation of a loop prominence system (LPS) on May 13, 1971. The development of the phenomenon is found to be consistent with the model of Jefferies and Orrall, and was associated with small radio bursts and several kind of SID. From the spectral analysis a temperature of 13200 K has been deduced and a density of hydrogen atoms n(H) 1010cm-3 estimated. The existence of inclined emissions probably produced by rotatory motions is discussed. From the radio data analysis it was inferred that an impulsive and a thermal component were present; the length of the emitting plasma cloud was found to be about 56000 km. The LPS appeared, in accordance with previous results, in a region producing proton flares.  相似文献   

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